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Food in dreams represents the type and qualities of experience or energy you take in your life. How certain situations are effecting you. Each food has a unique experience or energy associated with it based of your opinions, feelings, or memories of the specific food.

Certain food symbols tend to be more universal (e.g. apples or oatmeal), while others (e.g. processed food or junk food) take on a much more personal meaning based on your personal feelings about those foods.  You need to ask yourself what stands out the most about a certain type of food and see how those qualities apply to your current life situation.

Aero Chocolate Bars

To dream of an Aero chocolate bar represents treating yourself to something with a limit (or that's lighter than other choices) that doesn't embarrass or ruin you by having to go too far.


To dream of almonds represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to afford to think about something interesting happening by having to pay attention to deserving quality, substance, or richness.

To dream of a chocolate covered almond represents treating yourself to enjoying deserving quality, substance, or richness without thinking about it too much.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone having an almond surgically placed in their brain. In waking life, she was doing a thesis for University. In this case, the almond being surgically placed in the brain may have reflected her feelings about herself getting serious about starting writing her thesis with a quality interesting topic or theory that wasn't difficult to start writing about.


To dream of red apple represents enjoying respecting a healthy influence. A choice that feels good that noticing that nothing is wrong with it. Feeling good being a perfect example person to others in some way that is positive. Feeling good never being in trouble because you listened. Feeling good staying away from anything negative at all by listening to a healthy influence. Feeling good correcting something. Feeling good not needing to ask to make a positive or healthy change.

An apple may be a sign that you that you wish to improve yourself or listen to a healthy influence. A wish to encourage positive change. Something isn't right and you want to correct it. Apples in dreams are common to people who are very devouted to God trying to be the best person that that possible can be for God . Feeling good not needing anything except to work full time for the Lord and give spiritual advice.

Negatively, a red apple may reflect feeling good about choices that make you feel better than other people because you are perfect example. Risking embarrassing yourself by arrogantly thinking you are better than other people by being a perfect example. Excessive or dishonest concern with being to be a perfect example. Excessive concern with a healthy influence that's empty. Excessive need to be a perfect example for others that keeps you unhappy or because you don't think of anything special in your life. Feeling good giving good advice being a perfect person thinking you are too positive in appearances to ever be a negative person. Excessively feeling good not needing anything except to work full time for the Lord and give spiritual advice while others areas of your life are empty.

To dream of green apples or granny smith apples represents good judgment, smart choices, or enjoying smart decisions that work in your favor. Enjoying non-arrogant choices. Enjoying being good at something that others wouldn't want to work as hard to achieve as you would. Feeling good avoiding something dangerous.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Eve take the forbidden apple from the tree of life, eat it, and then saw the world become violent. In waking life he had given his arrogant father advice about not abusing his executor power with other family members after his mother died. He witnessed his father choosing to ignore this advice and it resulted in very long legal battles, lots of money being wasted, and members of the family growing to hate each other. The apple in this case may have reflected his feelings about his father preferring to show off as a perfect example of a rich family person than listen to sound advice.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing people passing down apples from a tree to others. In waking life she was preparing for "The Atonement" of God. The apples in this case may have reflected her need to feel good being a perfect example to others with advice spiritually while waiting for the atonement to happen.


To dream of an apricot represents feelings of enjoying a situation that isn't perfect. Enjoying feeling that something isn't easy. Feeling good working for something important to you. Enjoying earning what you have. Liking difficulty.

Negatively, an apricot represents occasional enjoyable indulgence becoming boring. Losing interest in something once it becomes permanent. A enjoyable challenge that has become annoying. Trading true happiness to be live as a secure winner. Feeling that you are settling for happiness that isn't as perfect as you like it to be.

Example: A woman dreamed of her nose being itchy, picking her nose, and then seeing a giant apricot seed landing in her hand. In waking life she had been living with 2 men in an unusual three-way sexual relationship and had decided to break up with one man to marry the other. She still continued to live in the same house with both men even though she was engaged to one. The giant apricot seed may have her reflect feelings about enjoying the prospect of living a more respectable life preparing to get married while also not liking the idea of having to give up one of her sexual partners permanently finding monogamy to be a difficult thing to accept long-term.


To dream of an avocado represents feeling indulgence without consequences. Feeling no risk of going overboard. The ability to do a lot of something without it ever becoming a problem. Feeling that it's impossible to be embarrassed by something. Feelings about the "gravy train" never endings. Behavior that is noticeably not jealous.

Positively, an avocado may represent feelings about an excessive use of something that never runs out. Feeling secure that you can never go broke. Endless favors or supportive people that always have your back no matter what. Feeling that it's impossible to be jealous because you can always do something else. Feeling good getting back at your enemy while feeling there is no risk of retribution. Feeling good with safety that nothing you do is risky.

Negatively, an avocado may reflect abuse of supportive friendships or relationships. Empty or pointless spending because you are too rich to care. Enemies, angry family members, or angry friends who choose to temporarily put jealousy aside for something special. Naively believing that your enemies will be understanding. Too much cooperative behavior when you are in the middle of a fight. Conceding defeat because it feels better than fighting. Jealousy that your enemies feel good never being jealous at all. Getting back at someone in a way that feels good being impossible to get back at you with.

Example: A man dreamed of an avocado that was also a dinosaur egg. In waking life he was getting ready to scare his jealous friend that his new business was doing so well that he could spend all the money he wanted without any financial problems whatsoever.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing rotting avocados being spilled on to the floor. In waking life she was enjoying herself not having to take psychiatric medications until her psychiatrist requested a blood test to measure the medication levels in her blood to test how effective her drugs were. The rotting avocados may have reflected her ruined feelings about enjoying having no consequences for not taking her psychiatric medication.

Babybel Cheese

To dream of Babybel cheese represents feelings about being better off than you normally are that's personal about something new happening that doesn't happen all the time and will ruin it if you think about it too much.

Negatively, dreaming of Babybel cheese might represent feelings of anxiety or pressure regarding a rare and positive opportunity. The dreamer may feel the risk of spoiling a delicate situation if handled improperly or overthought. This could symbolize a fear of overstepping boundaries, being overly assertive, or inadvertently causing a reversal in a favorable situation.

Example: A man dreamed of eating Babybel cheese. In waking life, he was thrilled that his stubborn father would finally listen to his advice about taking natural vitamins after his father ran into serious health problems from neglecting his health for so long. He felt good being able to use his personal experience with natural herbs to heal his stubborn father because he had no choice but to listen to him now. In this case, the babybel cheese may have reflected his feelings of being in a unique and advantageous position to positively influence his father, enjoying a rare moment of receptivity from him. The Babybel cheese symbolized a fleeting opportunity to impart personal wisdom and experience, with an underlying notion that pushing his father too hard might spoil this rare moment of connection and influence.

*Please See Cheese.


To dream of bacon represents feelings about an experience of self-gratification that's simple about something "happening" without it being difficult. Deserving simple self-gratification that doesn't cause an argument or feel like a mistake. Liking why something is happening for yourself which doesn't happen all the time. Self-gratification where thinking of yourself first is normal or acceptable. A fast, easy, and simple experience of self-gratification that feels like you're allowed to put yourself completely. Feelings about easy money. Anticipating sexual pleasure or feelings of deserving to enjoy sex after a long period of time going without it. Self-gratification that isn't uncomfortable.

Negatively, dreaming about bacon may represent feelings about overdoing self-gratification without thinking it's a problem. Self-gratification that is immoral or selfish about ignoring why other people might have a problem with it.

Example: A woman dreamed of cooking bacon in a kitchen for her boyfriend. In waking life, she was pregnant and had not had sex in a long time. In this case, the bacon being cooked may have reflected her thoughts of self-gratification for preparing to have sex with her boyfriend.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of preparing to eat bacon. In waking life, she was unhappy with her life in work and love. She decided to seduce her boyfriend into getting her pregnant so she could easily enjoy herself never having to work. In this case, the bacon may have reflected her feelings of self-gratification of enjoying sex with her boyfriend as a quick and easy way to achieve her goal of getting out of her responsibilities and dissatisfaction with her life through pregnancy.

*Please See Canadian Bacon.


To dream of a bagel represents feelings of simplicity, comfort, and ease of being completely listened to as a person which makes a situation easy to get through while liking what's happening. The simplicity of good listening which brings you satisfaction, contentment, or fulfillment that helps you get through a difficult situation. Simplicity or comfort felt in your social interactions.

Consider the ingredients on the bagel for additional meaning.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman with a half-eaten bagel who said to her "I think there is something in this that I'm allergic to." In waking life, she had met a man that she liked at first, but then stopped liking him because he was too needy. In this case, the half-eaten bagel that causes allergies may have reflected her feelings about the man initially making her feel that it was simple to be completely listened to as a person while trying to enjoy starting the relationship with him, but then finding his neediness unappealing and incompatible with her own personality.

Example 2: A person dreamed of people throwing bagels at them for no reason followed by cars and buses that tried to kill them. They had no clue why they were being hated by people. In waking life, they were currently experiencing strange social dynamics in their personal life when that was unusual. In this case, bagels being thrown at the dreamer may have reflected their feelings about the simplicity, comfort, and good listening they initially felt in their social interactions, which had turned sour or hostile for reasons they couldn't understand.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of the bacon, egg, and cheese on her bagel getting cold after she put it down to talk to her boyfriend. In waking life, she wanted to break up with her boyfriend quickly over the phone but decided to talk to him for 3 hours after he began to get upset. In this case, the bagel allowed to become cold may have reflected her feelings about sacrificing the comfort and simplicity of being personally listened to by her boyfriend about wanting to break up the relationship in order to enjoy moving on with her life to her boyfriend's desperate pleas to stay together instead.


To dream of baking represents preparation for something special in your life. Plans and ideas all coming together for a special event or something that's important to you.  Something you give special care to.

To dream of having problems while baking may represent delays, setbacks, or problems that have arisen while you were planning for something special.

If you mix ingredients that you normally would not combine then it suggests that you are trying something new.

Example: Baking sometimes shows up in the dreams of pregnant women. The baking reflects the special care they are giving to their babies and to their homes in preparation for the birth.


To dream of a banana often represents feelings about enjoying satisfying an urge that isn't a problem. Experiencing a sense of ease and simplicity associated with indulging in these desires, without any jealousy or guilt. A repressed urge or desire that is easily attainable or satisfies a simple need. It may symbolize repressed sexual urges or desires.

Negatively, dreaming about bananas represents repressed sexual desires or other pleasurable experiences that you have been denying yourself. Feelings of sexual frustration, longing or temptation that they are currently repressing in their waking life.

To dream of unpeeling a banana often represents feelings about indulging in a urge like it isn't a problem, such sexual activity. Feelings about undressing yourself or others for sex. Sexual arousal.

Example: A man dreamed of throwing a rotting banana into an aquarium. In waking life he was noticing himself losing sexual attraction for a woman he liked.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a bag of pears and bananas. In waking life she was getting married in 3 months and was also trying to conceive a child. In this case the bananas may have reflected her feelings of satisfaction and ease in fulfilling her sexual desires with her partner as they were trying to conceive a child. The bananas in the dream may have symbolized the simple and attainable nature of their sexual relationship, without any guilt or jealousy.


To dream of beans represents a situation in waking life that doesn't feel good having to be involved with it all the time. A lack of variety or feeling forced to do something too much. Too much of a good thing. Beans in a dream may be a sign that you desire more excitement or interesting options.

Negatively, beans may reflect intense boredom or frustration with having to wait longer than you want to.

To dream of kidney beans represents an overwhelming feeling of forced boredom or lack of alternative choices. Agonizing feeling that a situation is so boring that you are forced to do it all the time. Putting up with something boring while hoping anything else will happen.

Alternatively, kidney beans may reflect a boring situation that you hope to get over with as soon as possible or want as little involvement with as you can get.

Example: A man dreamed of getting a can of beans that he didn't like. In waking life a relative died and he didn't like having to wait a year to sell the property.

Example 2: A very young boy dreamed of seeing a bean grow so long it crossed the room. In waking life the boy was too young to understand the purpose of his erections. The bean may have reflected his feelings of not liking looking at his penis on a regular basis.


To dream of beef represents feelings about sustenance, strength, or the foundational aspects of life that are both filling and sustaining. Desires or concerns relating to meeting basic needs, fulfilling responsibilities, or confronting situations that require strength and stamina. A substantial solution, fulfilling, or 'meaty' action to improve a situation. A proactive approach to seek out the resources or means to address your problems effectively.

Positively, dreaming about beef may symbolize feelings of capability, strength, or sustenance. It may indicate that you are fulfilling your responsibilities successfully, feeling competent, or 'filled up' by your achievements. The dream might also signify your ability to confront challenges head-on, and that you have the 'meat,' or the substance, to handle what life throws at you.

Negatively, dreaming of beef could symbolize problems or difficulties related to the foundational aspects of your life. Issues with providing for yourself or others, struggling with responsibilities, or lacking the strength to confront challenges. Feelings of being 'beefed up' against or engaged in conflicts that you find draining or overwhelming.

Beef dreams appear common to people struggling to pay their rent and maintain a stable home life.

Example: A woman dreamed of raw beef that was ready to cook being put in the refrigerator for later. The family requested that the meat be cooked. She changed her mind and didn't want to cook the meat because she didn't have mushrooms to make the sauce so that everyone could enjoy the beef. In waking life, she was unemployed while fearing being evicted and losing all her possessions. In this case, the beef may have reflected her feelings about the potential for sustenance and stability with paying her rent (the beef ready to be cooked) that she felt she couldn't fully capitalize on (not cooking it) due to missing components (the mushrooms for the sauce). The meat in the fridge could symbolize the untapped resources or opportunities she had to sustain her home life with basic needs, which she felt unable to utilize to her advantage due to her circumstances.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of going to the market to buy beef. In waking life, she was trying to find a way to overcome a negative situation with her life and marriage. In this case, the beef may have reflected her feelings about the need for a substantial solution or 'meaty' action to improve her life and relationship.

*Please See Steak.


To dream of beer represents relaxed attitude that feels good not needing to care about about issue. Psychological relaxation on an issue such as taking a break from a serious issue or telling someone a secret you've been keeping. Choosing to reduce the seriousness of a situation. Being laid back about an issue. You or someone else may be very comfortable with the way things are. Choosing to not work very hard. Laziness or taking time off. Insensitively believing you deserve to relax. An attitude that says "thank goodness I don't have to care about someone else's feelings making me stressed out anymore" while you relax on an issue. Feeling that you deserve to relax because you are already confident about winning. Gestures made to calm to relax issues that improve socializing. A prelude to positive or negative social change. A relaxing influence.

Negatively, dreaming about beer represents a relaxed attitude that feels good not needing to care about anyone else's feelings. Insensitively taking time off an issue. Not wasting any time relaxing that is insensitive to others. Leisurely taking time off that is dangerous or reckless. Leisurely attitude about a non-serious sexual relationship. Being overconfident about deserving to relax. Opening up about secrets or guilty issues.

To get drunk off beer represents excessive pleasure, or enjoyment. You may be "overdoing it" in some area of your life. You are so interested in something that it clouds your judgment or ability to focus on other issues.

To dream of attacking someone with an empty beer bottle represents not feeling good believing that time was wasted on thinking nothing was serious.

To dream of a light or lite beer may reflect feelings about respecting yourself not being too serious about taking time off or relaxing on an issue.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing the daughter of a man at her workplace she was interested in dating drinking a beer and smoking. In waking life she was disappointed by the guy she wanted to date when she found out he was only interested in dating her because a girl he was more interested in dating at her workplace was dating someone else. The beer in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the man she was interested in dating having an insensitive attitude about leisure romantic time spent with her while he waited for the woman he actually wanted to date to become single.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of holding a beer that she didn't drink. In waking life she was preparing to tell a friend a secret that might hurt the friend's feelings. The beer in this case may have reflected her feelings about needing to be insensitive about herself emotionally relaxing about the secret needing to be told to her friend.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of not wanting a light beer in a can and preferring it in a glass. In waking life she didn't like drifting apart from several relationships she had. In this case the light beer can that she didn't want while preferring a glass may have reflected her attitude about relaxing about accepting the loss of a relationship. She may not have wanted to feel empty about respectfully distancing herself from someone (can) and preferring to let the relationship go more respectfully (glass).

*Please See Beer Mug.
*Please See Wine.
*Please See Budweiser.
*Please See Corona.

Beer Mug

To dream of a beer mug represents breaks or vacations that are free from complications.  It may represent feelings of being totally care free, or careful thought or planning about how you will relax.  You may avoid problems or mistakes that could ruin a good time or spoil a break.


To dream of beets represents feeling about experiences of feeling good that you don't have to like yourself in order to do something. A situation that is wonderful about why you have to do every single thing on your own without knowing what is going to happen next. Nothing exceptional is happening while needing to do everything yourself. A situation where nothing exceptional is happening while only feeling that it could be dangerous. Feeling that it's unusual that you'd have to safely do something dangerous looking. Feeling that an experience could be dangerous about needing to do everything yourself, but never is. Feeling good that nothing is fake, but you have to do everything yourself. A situation that feels good working or functioning because you have to do everything yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about beets may represent feeling good about self-defense that never needs to be violent. An healthy experience that notices no violence, while thinking about it. Jealousy of always needing to do things yourself in order to have a good time or feel safe. Nothing exceptional about why you have to do every single thing yourself in order to get something to work at all. Disliking being a professional when you don't want to be. Feeling exhausted in order to make a situation feel good working. Not wanting to lose something so you simply just keep on going.

Birthday Cake

To dream of a birthday cake represents a situation in your waking life that makes you feel lucky or special. Something good has happened that is just for you. You may be getting exactly what you wanted.  A wish may have been realized.

If you see a birthday cake with blood on it may reflect a negative situation that overshadows your good luck.  It may also represent guilt you have with something negative you did to achieve your good fortune.

A pink birthday cake may reflect good fortune that you are obsessed with.  Something good has happened and you want to experience it all the time.  It may also reflect sexual favor during a special event.  Someone may be flirting with during a special moment.

*Please See Cakes.

*Please See Frosting.


To dream of blackberries represents positive feelings about a dangerous situation. Liking knowing the worst is upon you or feeling good facing a problem.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating a lot of blackberries. In real life she was pregnant and was enjoying herself getting ready to give birth knowing it may be difficult and painful.


To dream of blueberries represents feeling good about something that you realize isn't perfect. Enjoyment of something that you have a sobering opinion of. Enjoyment of something you are accustomed to. Enjoying something you feel could be better.

Often a dream symbol appearing to parents or expecting parents to reflect their feelings about the joys of parenthood being filled with constant headaches or hard work. Blueberries may also reflect the enjoyment of sex for the purpose of conceiving where enjoying the sex isn't a priority.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a blueberry tree covered in blueberries that hadn't fallen yet. In waking life she was trying to conceive and hadn't yet. The blueberry tree may have reflected her feelings about constant sex with her husband that wasn't perfectly enjoyable because she didn't care about anything except having children.

Bottled Water

To dream of bottled water represents a convenient and readily available emotional resource that helps you navigate challenging situations without experiencing jealousy or desperation. It symbolizes your ability to endure difficulties and maintain emotional well-being because you have access to something that sustains and supports you. This dream reflects your sense of security and preparedness in handling various life challenges. An emotional resource that helps you endure, feel sustained, avoid jealousy, or gets you through a situation as though it isn't difficult. Not worrying about experiencing or enduring a difficult, jealous, or desperate situation because you have something to keep you going. A resource or opportunity that you can utilize at your convenience to restore or maintain your well-being. The essential emotional resources you need to sustain yourself while you navigate challenges. Emotional backup to feel supported while never being jealous. Emotional and social support that never lets you feel jealous or desperate.

Positively, dreaming about bottled water signifies your ability to manage your emotional needs effectively. You may have established a reliable source of emotional support or coping mechanisms that provide you with comfort and reassurance. It represents your balanced approach to self-care, ensuring that you always have the resources needed to maintain your well-being. Comfortably and conveniently avoiding difficulty, jealousy, or desperation. Comfort, reassurance, or a sense of security provided by having easy access to resources or support. A conscious choice to maintain a source of renewal that you can turn to in times of need. A balanced approach to self-care, where you keep resources at hand to ensure your well-being.

Negatively, bottled water in a dream may represent an excessive focus on appearing composed and free from desperation to others. You may be overly concerned with not revealing your vulnerable emotions or showing signs of jealousy, even to your own detriment. This dream suggests that you might be making efforts to hide your true feelings and maintain a facade of emotional stability, possibly as a means of social survival. A desire for emotional resources in response to difficult or jealous circumstances. Not worrying about experiencing or enduring the worst thing ever because you have something to keep you going. Too much concern with needing to appear comfortable, paced, and without desperation to other people. Preparations you are making to fake that you are not jealous or desperate to someone else. Feelings about never saying anything about yourself jealous as a means to socially survive. Coping with uncomfortable emotions while maintaining her social facade. Controlling of emotions during new social interaction.

To dream of sparkling or carbonated bottled water implies that your source of emotional replenishment or support is more lively, exciting, or interesting than usual. A coping mechanism or resource that not only helps you endure challenges but also adds some level of excitement or vigor to the situation. A more lively or refreshing approach to handling difficulties or refreshing yourself emotionally.

Negatively, carbonated bottled water in a dream may represent a desire for more stimulating or exciting coping strategies or support systems, even if they are not necessarily beneficial in the long run. Your current means of emotional or psychological sustenance might feel dull, leading to a craving for something more exciting, even if it's not the most helpful or beneficial approach.

Example: A man dreamed of holding some bottled water. In waking life, he was having a problem meeting women and a friend told him he knew someone that would be perfect for him. In this case, the bottled water represented his feelings about preparing to behave in a way that appeared comfortable, paced, and never desperate while on a date with the woman he was being set up with.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of having pizza with her high school crush (male) and her best friend (also male). After collecting the pizza, she turned around to see her crush and best friend making out. She pretended she didn't see it and ditched them for other people. She never told anyone about her crush or her best friend, but at every mention of them, she felt like jumping off a cliff. The next day, she went to the vending machine and it only had sparkling water, which she hated. In waking life, she was angry at her best friend for embarrassing her in front of her crush. In this case, carbonated bottled water may have reflected feeling about needing to find new and more exciting ways (possibly lying or talking about liking someone else) to cope with her emotional discomfort and jealousy to endure the social embarrassment of having been embarrassed in front of her high school crush, yet being dissatisfied with the available options.

Example 3: A man dreamed of girls with bottled water chasing him inside a McDonald's restaurant. He avoided them, but they squirted the water bottle into the face of a stranger who walked by. In waking life, he didn't want to talk to his mother ever again because she gossiped or said negative things behind his back. In this case, the bottled water may have reflected his feelings about people who heard his mother's gossip having the emotional resources needed to keep laughing at him or making fun of him.

Brazil Nuts

To dream of Brazil Nuts represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to think about something interesting happening by never talking about yourself being important.


To dream of bread represents feelings of deserving to get through a situation while thinking about yourself being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met. The fulfillment of basic needs, sustenance, and the essentials of life. Feelings about the fundamental aspects of your existence such as health, shelter, emotional well-being, or a simple income that's enough to pay bills. A sense of security in knowing that your needs are being taken care of. Bread may be a sign that you are trying to "survive" a situation with basic necessities. Basic provisions. The dreamer's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and make the most of available resources.

Negatively, dreaming about bread could represent feelings of scarcity, lack, deprivation, or unmet needs. It may also point to your emotions during a financial difficulty. Experiencing hardship, feeling that your basic necessities are not being provided for, or that you are struggling to provide for yourself or others. Learning about or addressing the root of a problem. A fear of poverty or destitution, or concerns about your ability to sustain yourself and your loved ones. Feelings of anxiety or insecurity regarding financial matters. A need to pay attention to your basic needs and take steps to ensure they are adequately met.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a loaf of bread. In waking life, she sought the help of a psychiatrist about problems with her love life. In this case, the loaf of bread may have reflected her feelings about the psychiatrist's advice allowing her to feel she deserved to get through her relationship problems by understanding her relationship in a more simple, basic, or fundamental way.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his mother giving him a loaf of bread. In waking life, he was having serious financial difficulties and had to do whatever he could to save money. In this case, the bread may have reflected his feelings about deserving to get through his financial problems by focusing on fundamental financial needs as he tried to save money with a more simple and basic lifestyle.

Example 3: A man dreamed of trying to sell bread to a shop, but he kept forgetting the prices. In waking life, he was trying to sell his art and art skills on the internet but kept forgetting to put up his prices or take his website seriously. In this case, the bread that he was trying to sell may have reflected his feelings about himself being a simple "starving artist" who made little money with his art in order to survive his life with basics or pay his bills.

*Please See Toast.

*Please See Brioche Bread.


To dream of broccoli represents feelings about something that is unpleasantly in your best interest. Benefiting from choices or behavior that don't feel good at all. Choosing safety or honesty as a last option because it spares you trouble. Disliking having to be honest.

Positively, broccoli may reflect unpleasant choices to improve yourself. Difficult honesty. Telling on people that are misbehaving or risking telling on a dangerous person who is misbehaving.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a bowl of yellow soup that was solidified with chunks of broccoli. In waking life she had rented a room at a doctor's office for an extended period of time due to her ongoing need for medical care. The chunks of broccoli may have reflected her unpleasant feelings about having to stay at the doctor's office because it was in her best interest for her health.


To dream of brownies represents pleasant feelings of deserving something nice. Feeling that you or someone else deserves to enjoy something nice. Negatively, brownies may reflect excessive indulgence in luxury or spending money shopping.

Example: A young woman dreamed of brownies she tried to hide. In waking life he was caught talking to another guy when she had a boyfriend. The brownies reflected how pleasant it felt to sneak talking to a good-looking guy behind her boyfriend's back.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating brownies out of the refrigerator and feeling that it would make his fungal infection worse if he ate them because the sugar in brownies would worsen his fungal infection. In waking life he was considering enjoying buying surprise gifts for his mother knowing that it may make his financial struggles worse. He felt his mother deserved something nice so he didn't care.


To dream of bubblegum represents feelings about To dream of bubble gum represents feelings of amusement about being carefree and problemless while not caring about what other people think while enjoying repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until it the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest.

Negatively, bubblegum may represent feelings about overdoing expressing your amusement with being carefree and problemless while not caring about what other people think. Gloating, conceit, or enjoying feeling more carefree than other people. Jealousy of someone else enjoying having a carefree and problemless attitude. Feeling forced to go along with other people's carefree and problemless attitude to maintain appearances or avoid confrontation. A superficial attitude that doesn't think other people matter.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-husband's new girlfriend turning into a piece of bubblegum which she tried to mix dirt into. In waking life, she viewed herself as a perfect Christian and was very jealous that her ex-husband could cheat on her and be happy with a new girlfriend while enjoying an easier life. She felt stuck having to start her life over from nothing on her own. She was jealous that God was not punishing her ex-husband for his wickedness while he enjoyed a much easier life. In this case, the ex-husband's new girlfriend turning into a piece of bubble gum may have reflected her feelings about not liking her ex-husband repeatedly enjoying talking about his new life without her being effortless and carefree with a new relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mouth being filled with bubblegum and being unable to spit it out because there was too much bubblegum. In waking life, she had problems admitting that her boyfriend had upset her because it was scary to say something. In this case, the bubble gum may have reflected her discomfort with having to maintain appearances of being amused, carefree, or problemless while not caring about what other people think while being able to tell her boyfriend he was actually scaring her.

*Please See Chewing Gum.


To dream of a burrito represents feelings about an experience or option where you feel good believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you are without thinking other people matter. Believing in yourself accepting yourself as being right and not feeling the need to change it for anyone else. Not thinking that you are better than anyone else while being tough staying the way you are without other people changing you. Self-acceptance, authenticity, and the potential for conflict or stubbornness in the face of external pressures. Feelings about social belonging. Quickness and convenience about needing to accept yourself exactly the way you are with other people in situations where you feel the need to matter or be included as well.

Negatively, dreaming about a burrito may represent feelings of overdoing believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you are without thinking other people matter that doesn't mind being a jerk about it. Believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you without thinking other people matter when you don't want to because it might cause a fight. Believing in yourself accepting yourself as not being a fake that might irritate someone else.

Example: A man dreamed of Taco Bell offering a new Presidential Burrito that had a red and blue dyed tortilla. Donald Trump and Joe Biden were advertising the new food product. He thought the presidential candidates were Artificially Intelligent (AI) fakes. In waking life, the dream occurred towards of the end of 2023 as the candidates got closer to a serious election. In this case, the Presidential Buritto may have reflected his feelings about being encouraged to believe in himself accepting himself picking a political side in a conversation about the election when he thought it was pointless because both sides were perfectly fake.


To dream of butter represents a factor or situation that makes things better than without it. Something is not as good if you don't have it. An improvement, enhancement, or easement. It may also represent something make a situation run smoother.

Negatively, butter may reflect a bribe.

Butterfinger Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Butterfinger Chocolate Bar represents feelings about treating yourself to being in love with never having to stop getting what you want easily without thinking about it being a risk.

Butter Tarts

To dream of butter tarts represents feelings about indulging in an experience or choice of liking something all to yourself because you don't like thinking of someone taking it from you. Indulging in enjoying something all to yourself because other people aren't supportive of you. Liking something all to yourself because time's running out and other people will embarrass you with nothing left if you don't. Enjoying something at the "last second" to get away with it. Enjoying deserving to not think about what someone else thinks because you might not enjoy yourself.


To dream of cabbage represents feelings that it's beneficial to be more honest than you usually are. Success that requires higher standards of honesty.

Negatively, cabbage may reflect feelings about honesty that is too honest for your comfort level. Feeling that telling the truth may make you look stupid or cost you in manner that is too much to lose. Anxiety about not trying your hardest to look perfectly honest. Honesty that is risky or dangerous. Fear of not being perfectly honest when you are successful. Taking time off immoral or criminal activity. Honesty that embarrasses you. Situations with low trust and a high demand for responsibility.

To dream of driving through a field of cabbage may reflect reckless or selfish decision-making that is intentionally disregarding the need to have higher than normal standards of honesty because it's not normal for you to be that honest. Selfishly believing you don't need to respect others wishes for you to have higher than normal standards of honesty.

Example: A woman dreamed of cabbage in a salad. In waking life she felt it was good idea to take some time off from her boyfriend so he could spend time with his wife. In this case the cabbage may have reflected her feelings about taking time off her extra-marital affair making her feel more honest than she usually is.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing cabbage on a table. In waking life she felt her job was too demanding with proving she was honest at all times. Low trust with high responsibility required to keep her job and it didn't feel good anymore.

Cadbury Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Cadbury Milk Chocolate bar represents treating yourself to liking something as much as possible being allowed without anyone else deserving to have it.

To dream of a Cadbury Caramel Chocolate bar represents treating yourself to liking planning something nice (or wonderful) for yourself as much as possible without deserving to talk to anyone about it.

Cadbury Creme Eggs

To dream of a Cadbury Creme Egg represents feelings about treating yourself to being more important than other people by liking trying something you always wanted without having to share. Feeling that not sharing with other people is important because it's the only way you will get to enjoy doing something you always wanted.


To dream of a cake represents thoughts or feelings during a special occasion. Something amazing or wonderful is happening that rarely occurs. It may reflect feelings of being made to feel very welcome or special by someone else.

Negatively, cake may reflect enjoying short-term indulgences at the cost of your long-term goals. Choosing to spend money instead of saving it, losing your virginity instead of waiting, or taking a vacation during a crisis.

To dream of refusing to eat cake may reflect your strong will power or strong focus on long term goals over short-term pleasure. Alternatively, it may reflect difficulty getting away from your work. Problems relaxing.

Consider the flavor of the cake to give you an idea of what is happening during this special time. Chocolate cake may reflect self-reward on some kind.

Example: A man dreamed of being served chocolate cake. In waking life he was planning a vacation for himself.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating a cake. In waking life he was being made to feel very welcome at a friend's home.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing someone eating cakes all day. In waking life they had a very obese friend whom they felt could not stop eating fattening foods.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of having difficulty resisting eating cake. In waking life she was having an affair with a married man and having difficulty resisting her sexual attraction for him.

Example 5: A woman had recurring dreams of cooking cakes. In waking life she had regular feelings of caring too much about other people and treating them too special without getting the same treatment.

Canadian Bacon

To dream of Canadian bacon represents excessive total self-gratification.  It may also reflect a casual attitude to having something exactly the way you want it all the time.

Canadian bacon may be a sign that you are becoming bored, spoiled by , used to, or over-stimulated with pleasure.


To dream of candy represents something that feels good to think about.  Enjoyment or self-indulgence.  You may be feeling joy or experiencing a special treat.  A pleasurable experience you are having.

Candy may also reflect you enjoying yourself thinking of plans you have for the future.

Example:  A girl dreamed of eating candy. In waking life she was enjoying herself getting closer to a boy she liked.  The candy reflected how good she felt talking to the boy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of people with emotionless faces carrying sweets. In waking life she was waiting to get a divorce to leave a forced marriage. The carried candy may have reflected her feelings about enjoyable plans she was preparing to feel good with when the divorce was finished.

*Please See Lollipop.


To dream of cannoli represents feelings about an experience of being mature enough to be allowed to indulge or enjoy fulfilling a desire all on your own with nobody considering it a problem. Feelings about nobody being angry about why you personally felt good about indulging in something. Feeling that you are supposed to be allowed to like something without someone else thinking it's a problem. Being mature enough to enjoy a personal pleasure without others judging or disapproving.

Negatively, dreaming about cannoli could represent feelings of being mature enough to let yourself be overly indulgent, excessive, or failing to exercise self-restraint because nobody considers it a problem yet.

Example: A woman dreamed of her favorite hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers, winning a game and wanting to order cannolis from a bakery, but when they were pulled out, they looked frozen and very hard. In waking life, she was rooting for the Philadelphia Flyers in the Stanley Cup finals, with one game left to win the championship. In this case, the frozen cannolis may have reflected her feelings about believing that she was mature enough to purchase something to anticipate celebrating a potential Stanley Cup victory without upsetting her partner while facing the reality of potential disappointment or challenges of not being able to justify the purchase because the last game hadn't won yet.


To dream of a cantaloupe represents feelings of familiarity that feels good safe being accustomed to it. Familiarity of feeling safe that doesn't have to speak about it. Feeling accepted by what you are familiar of. Familiarity of feeling grownup that doesn't have to speak about it. Familiarity that's good for you to be accepting of it. Familiarity that feels good not being at war with anything because you're grown up. Enjoying a situation where nothing feels wrong because someone or something "knows you." Familiarity that feels good that it's always safe, always there, and already thinks of you as family. The dream may also be about feeling good respecting yourself and avoiding anything fake. It could indicate the comfort and security of a stable marriage or relationship. Feeling good respecting yourself never needing to do anything fake. Feeling good that your marriage or relationship has no surprises for why it's always there for you. Feeling good being adult about not having to say anything about an issue. Feeling that listening to you is something that a person you're close to will always do. Familiar feelings of happiness and safety 2 people feel in each other's company. Comfort and security felt in a relationship after resolving a problem without conflict.

Negatively, dreaming of a cantaloupe may reflect overdoing the avoidance of discussing anything wrong with a situation or someone's behavior because you are close to that person. Feelings of disliking a situation that is too comfortable or familiar with the way things are. Overindulging in the familiar which could lead to complacency or a lack of growth within the relationship or situation. Fear of confronting difficult issues or the unwillingness to change, despite knowing that it may be necessary for personal growth or the improvement of a relationship. Feelings of familiarity and comfort without needing explaining you have with an ex-partner that bothers you can't get over them because nobody feels the same.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a cantaloupe place in the center of a table by a kidnapper of a child. In waking life, the man was experiencing ransom demands being made for someone else's child. In this case, the cantaloupe may have reflected the hostage taker's attempt to offer a sense of familiarity and family-like comfort that would feel good and be accepted once the demands were met, ultimately leading to the return of the child.


To dream of caramel total satisfaction or perfection. A person or situation in your life that totally pleases you, handles all your problems, or is the perfect solution. Something wonderful or that fails to disappoint you in any way. It may also reflect person or situation that does everything for you.

Example: A man dreamed of a caramel colored dog. In real life he was experiencing overwhelmed financial problems and a hobby of his offered him a reliable opportunity to escape them. The carmel color of the dog reflected how the hobby felt like a perfect solution to all his problems. The dog reflected the protection he felt from the hobby from financial loss.

Caramel Corn

To dream of Caramel Corn represents feelings about an experience or choice that's crazy (or stupid) about liking you watching something that's happening for entertainment. Liking being told to enjoy something happening for entertainment.


To dream of a carrot represents situation or habits that give you confidence that you aren't doing anything wrong. "Knowing" you're being positive. Confidence that you are being proper or that you're in the right. Intentionally doing nothing dishonest on purpose.

Negatively, a carrot may reflect feelings about having to be honest whether you like it or not in a way that is perfect certain. Feeling that staying out of trouble is being imposed by parents or authorities. Unpleasant feeling of having to be an honest person for the rest of your life because it's necessary.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone holding a carrot. In waking life he was planning to get revenge on someone whom he observed trying extra hard to behave honestly to avoid his revenge. The carrot in this case may have reflected his feelings about the enemy he wanted to get revenge on giving him difficulty doing so because of honest appearance the dreamer couldn't do anything about.


To dream of cashews represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to think about something interesting happening by liking yourself being safer than usual about something peculiar, unconventional, or outside of the norm.

Example: A person dreamed of a cashew tree and plucking and packing as much as possible. In waking life, they were worried that someone wanted to hurt them. In this case, the cashew tree may have reflected their feelings about finding safety or security through careful and deliberate actions in response to a peculiar or unconventional situation.


To dream of cassava (yuca) represents feelings about difficult situations where you have perfectly remove every thing dishonest in order to do something easier with it. A tough, dangerous, difficult situation that can be repurposed to something easy if you are perfectly careful. Something too dishonest or dangerous to keep it the way it is that makes you clean it up. Something wonderful that you have to clean up to keep it because everyone else is too dishonest or lazy to clean it up first. Feelings about something that is not a snob, but requires you to do everything else yourself.

Example: A young man dreamed of eating cooked fried cassava which eventually revealed pieces of hair in it. In waking he left home to live with a girlfriend believing she could afford to house him until he got a job. Then his girlfriend started to have money problems forcing him to dislike living with his girlfriend and making him think about moving back home. The cook fried cassava in this case may have reflected his feelings about his girlfriend making moving to her home easy because she was paying all the bills. The hair in the cassava that revealed itself after he began eating may have reflected his dislike for how unpleasant or stupid he felt accepting his girlfriend's original plan to pay his bills to let him move away with her.

Cat Food

To dream of cat food represents thoughts that feed self-deception or illusions you have. Cat food may reflect new ways of fantasizing about something that is impossible. It may also self-defeating beliefs that encourage irrational opinions of yourself.

The symbolism is based on cats reflecting false illusions we have or our need to feel good about things that are unrealistic.

Example: A man dreamed of feeding a cat with cat food. In waking life he believed that he could never be with a woman again. Feeding the cat reflected how he was coming up with new negative ideas about himself that encouraged the false illusion that he wasn't good enough to be with a woman.


To dream of cauliflower represents situations that make you feel like you're making straight forward intelligent decisions. Feelings about not needing to think hard about why a decision is "just good for you." Not risking anything to choose anything unintelligent. A direct decision that is good idea. Acting your age about something needs to be a specific way. A intelligent direct decision where nobody else is going enjoy it because the purpose is not to feel good. Feeling stronger than other people for making an intelligent decision.

To dream of a lack of cauliflower or having no cauliflower when you want some may reflect feelings of jealousy that you can't make any intelligent or straight forward decisions to solve a problem.

Dreams of cauliflower are commonly accompanied with broccoli and cabbage.

Example: A young woman dreamed of having no cauliflower left on a table, but other carrots or cabbage left. In waking life she was trying to be supportive of the boyfriend's fraternity losing an election. The lack of cauliflower in this case may have reflected her feelings about there being no straight forward intelligent way to reverse an election loss.


To dream of caviar represents feelings about something exceptional that you can afford that most people can't. Feeling that it isn't dangerous to enjoy something expensive. Feeling good having more money than every single person you know. Feeling good noticing you can afford to waste in ways that would look ridiculous or pretentious to others. Feelings about being a fabulous winner that deserves to show off with something expensive noticing you are. A situation that makes you notice yourself having more than others with ease. Feeling that sometimes it's important to enjoy the finer things in life than to worry about costs.

Negatively, dreaming about caviar represents arrogance or pretentiousness. Feelings about something expensive being a ridiculously pretentious. Feeling that it's fantastic that you are so successful that you can easily show off in ways that others can't afford. Embarrassing others that you don't care about costs or wasting resources in order to enjoy yourself. Feelings of wondering why someone would want to waste so much on enjoying something expensive.


To dream of celery represents an open-minded attitude. Being open to new ideas or trying new things.

Example: A young man dreamed of a celery on a counter. In waking ife he was slowly trying convince his very religious parents about converting his religion to Judaism. The celery reflected the openmindness he wish to sell his parents on about changing religions.


To dream of breakfast cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is better than other options about ease, convenience, and being quicker. Beginning a situation with minimal effort. You may feel the need for something familiar and uncomplicated to help you get started with a goal, responsibility, or task.

Negatively, dreaming of eating breakfast cereal may represent feelings about an excessive need to start a new situation that is better than other options about ease, convenience, and being quicker. A lack of sophistication in starting a new situation. Excepting starting a new situation with ease, convenience, and being quicker when you don't really when you don't like it.

Consider the type of cereal and how it feels for additional meaning.

A children's cereal may reflect feelings about childishness, time spent with children, or liking thinking about yourself being younger than other people.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the actor Hunter Parrish eating Cap'n Crunch cereal at his Grandmother's kitchen table. In waking life, he was trying to start a new business after going bankrupt while money was tight. A family member who was controlling and cheap with him suddenly changed their mind and began to pay off all the dreamer's bills without any arguments. In this case, the Cap'n Crunch cereal may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of readiness to start a new business like it was easier, more convenient, and being quicker to accept it under the family member's control paying all his bill than other options (like moving away).

Example 2: A woman dreamed that it was about to rain hard, but then it began to rain breakfast cereal. In waking life, she had a small argument with her boss the day before, but they were fine the next day. In this case, the raining cereal may have reflected her feelings of how disappointment (rain) with needing to listen to her angry boss correct her with needing to start working (cereal) on the resolution of the argument which may have felt easier, more convenient, and quicker than arguing with her boss any further.

*Please See Cheerios Cereal.
*Please See Frosted Flakes.
*Please See Froot Loops Cereal.
*Please See Corn Pops Cereal.
*Please See Lucky Charms Cereal.
*Please See Captain Crunch.
*Please See Special K.

*Please See Honeycomb Cereal.

Cereal Bars

To dream of a breakfast cereal bar represents feelings about an easy approach to starting a situation on your own without wasting anyone else's time.

Example: A person dreamed of a cereal breakfast bar. In waking life, they were on a return flight to their home country from a trip to London and Paris. In this case, the cereal breakfast bar may have reflected their thoughts about finding an easy approach to start dealing with responsibilities they had left behind while on vacation without unnecessary delay to other people waiting for them to be completed.

Cheerios Cereal

To dream of Cheerios Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, and quick about simply believing in yourself being yourself without being guilty to begin with, liking your life working out, and knowing what you are doing. Easily initiating a situation where you feel that being yourself is uncomplicated and straightforward. Beginning a situation where there's no pretense required, and you can comfortably and effortlessly exist in your truth being yourself. Beginning to talk to people who make you feel it's simple to believe in yourself being yourself.

To dream of Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, and quick about not being as serious as usual about simply believing yourself being yourself without being guilty to begin with, liking your life working out, and feeling perfect safety that nothing is stopping you from liking new things.

Example: A woman dreamed of craving Honeynut Cheerios and a male friend she talked to all the time went and got her a bowl. In waking life, she didn't like that her male friend was reducing the frequency of his phone calls from daily to a few times a week. She felt that this male friend was the only real person she could be 100% herself with. She also felt she lacked a personal life while thinking a lot about finding love. In this case, the male friend getting her a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios may have reflected her feelings about the male friend distancing himself encouraging her to begin to find it easier to think of liking the idea of meeting new friends or love interests elsewhere in order to simply believe in herself being herself while liking her life without needing the male friend.


To dream of cheese represents gains or profit. It may reflect situations where you have benefited from something or have more than you did before. Cheese may also represent your interest in making something profitable later on.

Cheese may be a sign that you are experiencing financial gain, good luck, benefiting from an investment.  It may also point to hard work that paid off.


To dream of cheesecake represents feelings about a special occasion for having a good time deserving to feel comfortable and safe with whoever you are with. A situation in your life where you are indulging in deserving to feel good being safe and comfortable with other people.

Example: A man dreamed of not being able to eat a cheesecake. In waking life, he was a captive prisoner who failed his escape from prison. In this case, the cheesecake that eluded him may have reflected his feelings about the relief from prison life that eluded him, symbolizing a yearning to deserve comfort, safety, and freedom with other people outside prison who remained just out of reach because his escape wasn't successful.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of wearing a business suit skirt while sitting at a table with people where small cakes, truffles, cheesecakes, chocolate, and whipped cream were available. She got full from eating them. In waking life, she was very busy at work but had concerns about keeping business contracts with clients. In this case, the cheesecakes may have reflected a sense of deserving comfort and safety with renewed client contracts for another year.


To dream of cherries represents self-indulgence.  Helping yourself to a pleasaurable experience.  Cherries sometimes appear in dreams to reflect the occasional occurance of sex.

Example: A woman dreamed of handing a cake to her boss that had cherries on it.  In waking life she was offering sex to him.  The cherries reflected her wish to offer sex that her boss could help himself to at any time.

Chewing Gum

To dream of chewing gum represents feelings about enjoying repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until it the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest. Enjoying repeatedly thinking about the same idea until it loses its novelty.

Negatively, dreaming about chewing gum may represent feelings about yourself or others overdoing repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest. Repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening without ever seriously doing anything about it. Repeatedly thinking of talking about something you don't have the confidence to carry out for real. Feelings about enemies enjoying thinking about spreading rumors about you until the novelty of attacking you wears off.

To dream of chewing gum being stuck in your hair may represent how terrible it feels to be forced to think about other people enjoying gossiping negatively about you. Difficulty getting a rumor off your mind.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing evil people chewing gum and laughing at her. In waking life, she was experiencing people who hated her enjoying themselves spreading a rumor about her. In this case, the chewing gum may have reflected her feelings about the people who hated her finding it enjoyable to repeatedly spread rumors about her until they were bored with it, reveling in their cruelty without the dreamer being able to ever get back at them for it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having chewing gum in her mouth that she wanted to take out and throw away. When she tried it stuck to her teeth and fingers making it difficult to remove. In waking life, she was a single mom whose ex-boyfriend recently broke up with her. She wanted to change her life for the better, including finding a new relationship. In this case, the chewing gum that gets stuck to her teeth and is difficult to remove may have reflected her feelings about no longer enjoying thinking about a new relationship happening in her life because she felt stuck with the reality of being a single mom.

*Please See Bubblegum.

Chex Mix

To dream of Chex Mix represents feelings about an experience or choice where there's nothing unusual about talking about yourself to other people about why there's nothing unhealthy about why something "mixed up "you're doing may not be traditionally considered "normal."

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating a bag of Chex Mix with a woman she felt drawn to. She was aware of herself being allergic to Chex Mix, but in the dream it didn't seem to matter this time. In waking life, due to religion, she felt it was difficult to embrace being or discussing being bisexual. In this case, the Chex Mix may have reflected her growing comfort with openly discussing her bisexuality with family and friends as though nothing was strange about it despite the challenges with her family's religious beliefs about homosexuality not being normal.

Chicken (Food)

To dream of eating chicken represents a situation in your life that gives you confidence. You may be overcoming a fear or anxiety you had. Overcoming cowardice. Pride in yourself for having stood up to something that scares you.

To dream of fried chicken represents confidence gained in situations that you overcome by perfectly humiliating someone. Confidence that is regained easily. Laughing at problems or bullies after humiliating them. Feeling good being a confident jerk with ease. Standing up to a problem that leaves you feeling confident that the problem is noticeably impossible to become a problem again. Confidence in being able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight.

Negatively, fried chicken in a dream may reflect feelings about enemies or competition in your life gaining advantages over you with stunning ease. Awareness of yourself being confident while being excessively mean to people. Respecting yourself too much. Confidently resting on your laurels or passed accomplishments that may eventually cause a problem. Naively believing you deserve to be overconfident. Too much confidence in being rich being able to solve all your problems. Delusions or misguided beliefs about how easy something is.

To dream of raw chicken feelings of confidence about situations that are dangerous, careless, or unpleasant. Confidence about situations that don't need to look good. Overcoming a fear or bully in a reckless manner. Overcoming cowardice in an ugly or
pleasant manner.

To dream of enemies or evil people eating chicken in a dream may reflect jealousy of your enemies becoming more confident than you. Feelings about losing confidence in being able to overcome problems or challenges. Feeling that other people are becoming confident about never needing to respect you. Certainty in why you deserve to lose confidence. Fear of your enemies or competition becoming better than you.

Alternatively, dreaming of evil people in a dream eating chicken may reflect awareness of yourself becoming confident in a very dishonest, immoral, or arrogant manner. Awareness of yourself being enjoying being a jerk to someone. Confidence that you feel while being mean to people.

To dream of chicken wings represents feelings about enjoying confidence in a situation with a challenge being too easy. Enjoying confidence with something that is easier than you thought. Confidently having a good time.

To dream of hotwings or chicken wings with hotsauce represents feeling of enjoying confidence with a dangerous situation being too easy. Confidently having a good time getting away with something dangerous or risky.

Example: A young girl dreamed of sleeping on a giant piece of friend chicken and then falling off of it and breaking her legs. In waking life she was too confident in being able to eat whatever she wanted without gaining weight and then when she gained weight she didn't like having to go on a diet and exercise regularly.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing her grandfather making fried chicken. In waking life she had done very poorly on a school exam and felt that she had to study perfect from that point on so she could be perfectly confident about her future school performance. The fried chicken in this case may have reflected her confident beliefs about getting perfect grades if she pushed herself harder at school...something she may not have genuinely had the motivation to do.

Example 3: A man dreamed of eating chicken wings with hot sauce. In waking life he was running an illegal pornography business and never got caught. He felt felt good being confident making lots of money without worrying about how dangerously illegal what he was doing was. He was shocked at how easy it was to run his illegal business.

Chicken Sandwich

To dream of a chicken sandwich represents feelings about an experience or choice of confidently getting through a difficult situation without thinking it's serious.

To dream of a breaded chicken sandwich (e.g. McChicken) represents feelings about an experience or choice that likes you being confident about not making any mistakes without having to explain yourself to anyone.

Chinese Food

To dream of chinese food takeout or fast food represents situations that feel good noticing nothing matters. Enjoying letting go or not having to worry about anything. Liking knowing that a problem isn't your concern.  Surprised to know that something you thought was important isn't at all.

To dream of chinese food that is home cooked or true ethnic represents situations in your life that make you feel unbiased, unconcerned, or not interested in feeling good. Controlling yourself or feeling bored by something.

Example: A man dreamed of smelling chinese takeout. In waking life he was terminally ill and knew death was close at hand. He died shortly the next day. The chinese takeout reflected his belief that his impending death would make him feel good thinking his current life didn't matter.


To dream of chocolate represents feelings about self-reward, treating yourself, embracing pleasure, or enjoying taking time off from working hard. This can be anything you do to enjoy yourself from taking a vacation to romantic thoughts in private.

Negatively, dreaming about chocolate may represent feelings about it being inappropriate to self-reward, treat yourself, embrace pleasure, or enjoy taking time off from working hard. Feeling irresponsible about enjoying pleasure.

To dream of white chocolate represents feelings about self-reward, treating yourself, embracing pleasure, or enjoying taking time off from working hard in a manner that thinks about itself as being different than what your used to while deserving to never think anything is wrong with it.

Example: A man dreamed of ordering slices of chocolate cake. In waking life, he was planning a vacation for himself.

*Please See Chocolate Cake.

*Please See Chocolate Bars.

Chocolate Bars

To dream of a chocolate bar represents casual self-reward. A casual mindset about treating yourself. Not minding taking time off work, a light enjoyable escape, enjoying yourself for a short moment. Treating yourself to something that only temporarily satisfies you. Casually treating yourself to something while believing that other people don't mind it.

Negatively, dreaming about a chocolate bar may be a sign that you are not listening to why taking a break or treating yourself might be a problem. A small simple pleasure that may get you off track. Embarrassing yourself that enjoying casually treating yourself wasn't a problem. Commonly a symbol to reflect masturbation in waking life.

Consider the feeling or personality that each brand of chocolate bar gives off for additional meaning.

*Please See Kit Kat Chocolate Bar.
*Please See Mars Chocolate Bar
*Please See Twix Chocolate Bar.
*Please See Toblerone Chocolate Bar.

Chocolate Cake

To dream of chocolate cake represents a self reward and treating yourself during a special event in your life.  Something that might appear when you take a vacation or do something nice for yourself.

Example:  A man dreamed of being served chocolate cake.  In waking life he was planning a vacation for himself.

Chocolate Chips

To dream of chocolate chips in food represents feelings about enjoying treating yourself because sharing is allowed when normally people might not want to.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating a dessert mousse with chocolate chips in it. In waking life, she was living with friends while having trouble contributing to expenses. In this case, the chocolate chips may have reflected her feelings about her friends being comfortable allowing her to enjoy little indulgences or comforts while living with them because sharing wasn't a problem for them.

Chocolate Raisins

To dream of Chocolate Raisins (glosettes) represents feelings treating yourself to liking being safe about what you're doing not being boring while not wasting any time talking to anyone about it being impressive because they'll ruin it if you do.


To dream of cilantro represents feelings about choosing to do something new that's distinctly different than you usually do that benefits you. A willingness to safely experiment with something that deviates from the norm, thus highlighting your individuality. Doing something new that's different that isn't a problem. The combination of individuality and authenticity. A situation where you want to safely explore beyond your usual boundaries or to connect with others on a different level.

Negatively, dreaming about cilantro represents overdoing something new that's different that other people don't think about the same way you do. A situation where some people relish uniqueness and others find it off-putting. Trying something new in your social circle that others might find unusual or not agree with. The dreamer might be wrestling with expectations or peer pressures while needing a nudge to embrace their unique qualities and perspectives. A reminder that we cannot please everyone and that it's essential to remain true to oneself.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being given a ziplock bag full of marijuana, but it didn't look like normal marijuana. It looked like oregano, cilantro, rosemary, and eucalyptus. In waking life, he did get a ziplock bag of normal-looking marijuana, but she and her friend debated about whether the marijuana was viable or going to make them sick. She never smoked the marijuana. In this case, the cilantro may have reflected her feelings about the marijuana she received being from a source that was distinctly different than what she usually buys from her regular dealer, but still safe because it came from someone she works with.


To dream of cinnamon represents feelings about an area of your life that feels extra special about deserving attention. Receiving attention that gives you special treatment. Feeling excited about making an event extra special for someone. Special attention being received in the new relationship. Sensitivity about feeling special. The mood of a situation being enhanced with liking it more due to extra special romantic attention or treatment. A reflection of how you handle flattery or special treatment.

Negatively, cinnamon in a dream may represent receiving too much special attention or being treated too specially that causes a problem. An artificial or forced attempt to receive special treatment. Jealousy or annoyance caused by getting too much special attention. Feeling that you wasted your time giving someone too much special attention.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of a guy she was attracted to picking up an apple tart with brown sugar and cinnamon on the crust and then smearing it on her neck. In waking life, she had an experience at the mall with a guy who was interested in dating her. In this case, the cinnamon may have reflected her feelings of receiving special attention and treatment from the guy she was attracted to, making her feel unique and desired.

Example 2: A man dreamed that his ex-girlfriend turned into cinnamon and then went into the toilet. He then flushed it three times. In waking life, his ex-girlfriend wanted to get back together, but he had no interest. In this case, the cinnamon may have reflected his feelings about his ex-girlfriend trying to give him special attention to rekindle their relationship while he was no longer interested in it.

Cinnamon Rolls

To dream of a cinnamon roll represents feelings about enjoying deserving extra special attention while not wanting to talk about it too many people because it best kept personal. Pleasure of receiving personal attention, while simultaneously feeling that it is best enjoyed quietly or personally.

Example: A young man dreamed of being given 2 cinnamon rolls. In waking life, he visited a doctor who recommended a movie to watch during his diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder. In this case, the cinnamon rolls may have reflected his feelings about wanting to enjoy the extra personal attention his doctor gave him with the movie recommendation while not wanting to talk to too many people about the reason he visited the doctor because he preferred to keep his diagnosis private.


To dream of cocoa powder represents feelings about the possibility of comfort or indulgence that is within reach but not yet fully realized. It could symbolize a stage of preparation or anticipation in relation to feelings of comfort, relaxation, or satisfaction. The dream might reflect your readiness to take action, make an effort, or use your resources to create a sense of warmth, pleasure, or contentment in your life.

To dream of cocoa beans represents feelings about the potential to treat yourself to comfort, warmth, or indulgence, but it requires effort to get it. Fundamental elements needed to create a sense of well-being or contentment. Your thoughts about the opportunities, resources, or ingredients in your life that hold the potential for emotional nourishment or self-care.

To dream of a cocoa pod represents feelings about the potential to treat yourself to comfort, warmth, or indulgence, but it requires you to do everything on your own to make it work. Potential and unrealized possibilities to treat yourself to something you like. Hidden wealth or value in an idea, relationship, or project that requires patience and careful cultivation to be fully realized. Your thoughts about the opportunities and prospects that lie within something you are nurturing or investing your time and energy into. Willingness to invest effort and patience in opportunities that others might overlook.

Example: A man dreamed of being on his dead grandfather's cocoa farm helping to harvest cocoa pods. As he is working to harvest the pods, he sees a snail, steps on it, and moves on excitedly while telling people he is going to prepare a delicious meal. In waking life, he was an estate surveyor and valuer for a private company. In this case, stepping on a snail and taking the cocoa pod home for a delicious meal may have reflected his feelings about using his job as an estate surveyor and valuer to identify an investment opportunity that others may have overlooked due to their slow pace, which he intended to capitalize on independently. The cocoa pod from the dream may reveal his readiness to embrace the challenge of this investment, nurture it diligently, and patiently see it through to fruition. The dream underscores his willingness to invest his time and effort into opportunities that others might neglect."

*Please See Chocolate.

*Please See Hot Chocolate.


To dream of a cocktail drink represents feelings about having a good time relaxing leisurely like a grownup however you like to without inhibitions or needing to ask for permission. Having a good time socially "mixing it up" or experimenting with something different. A desire to escape from daily responsibilities, mix with others in a light-hearted manner, or indulge in experiences that feel carefree and celebratory. Your ability to let go, and live in the moment.

Consider the specific cocktail for additional meaning.

Example: An older woman dreamed of cocktails being made the wrong way. In waking life, she felt that she couldn't keep up with responsibilities while she wished that her life was easier. She felt that all she did in life was work while never having fun. In this case, the cocktails being made wrong may have reflected her feelings of frustration about her inability to achieve a balance between work and leisure, symbolizing her unmet desire for time off, relaxation, and enjoyment due to having to work all the time.


To dream of a coconut represents feelings about not being responsible or obligated. A situation that you feel isn't your problem, or thinking that someone else should have to make all the effort.

Example: A young man dreamed of drinking a cococut. In real life he didn't feel he should be obligated to pay back a school loan to his parents. The coconut relfected the total lack of responsibility he felt for the loan.


To dream of coffee represents situations in your life where you are getting acquainted with something or someone. Something new that you are getting to know, becoming familiar with, or trying to understand better. An introductory process in your life. Awareness of yourself listening to new ideas, but not acting on them yet. Feelings about catching up with old friends or acquaintances. Awareness of yourself listening and understanding a problem without taking any action to resolve them yet.

Negatively, dreaming of coffee represents feelings about behavior that's dishonest or wastes time becoming acquainted with or considering new ideas. Enjoying wasting time thinking about everything that is possible without ever thinking of doing anything serious. Dishonestly acquainting yourself with a situation while only waiting for what benefits you. Getting acquainted with new people you don't like. Reacquainting yourself with people from your past whom you don't like. Acquainting yourself with problems you feel you need to listen to and understand when you don't want to. Other people's offers to discuss ideas, problems, or catching up that you are not interested in. Feelings about people only discussing problems without ever doing anything about them. Dishonestly talking to other people about new things happening while only waiting for hoping to get things for free.

To drink coffee with a person may be a reflection of how you are getting acquainted with that person in your waking life. An aspect of yourself that is beginning to think about something new or reacquaint yourself with something.

To dream of getting coffee in your hair may represent feelings of embarrassment after becoming acquainted with new ideas that didn't work out as planned.

Example: A young man dreamed of holding coffee. In waking life, he was experiencing himself having to learn something he never thought he'd ever have to learn.

Coffee Crisp Chocolate Bar

To dream of a Coffee Crisp chocolate bar represents treating yourself to being old enough to try something new on your own without having to explain yourself (or anyone stopping you).

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Coffee Crisp chocolate bars while grocery shopping for Halloween. In waking life, he and his wife had decided to not allow the children outside this year for Halloween (Covid-19 time) and instead have chocolate at home while they watch scary movies. In this case, the Coffee Crisp chocolate bars may have reflected his feelings about himself being old enough to decide that his family deserved to treat themself on Halloween to a new experience of scary movies privately instead of trick-or-treating without having to explain himself to his children.


To dream of cookies represents feelings about To dream of cookies represents feelings about behavior that's treating itself to getting away with something that's believably innocent. Reward-like behavior that is so safe or innocent that you can't believe that there is anything dangerous about helping yourself to it. Not listening to anyone tell you that you can't help yourself to enjoy something innocent if you want to. Feeling good enjoying getting away with something innocent while believing that it isn't a problem until someone does think it's a problem.

Negatively, dreaming about cookies may represent trouble resisting temptation that feels innocent. Feeling stupid being caught selfishly not resisting temptation while believing that you'd never get caught. Overindulgence, guilt, or issues with self-control. A temptation that is hard to resist because it feels innocent about getting away with it. The lure of something that seems harmless but may carry hidden risks. Feeling childish for enjoying an indulgence without permission. Believing that it's safe to get away with something without permission. The potential to be caught being greedily enjoying yourself too much. Difficulty resisting something enjoyable that feels that it might cause a problem. Embarrassing yourself with guilt or shame about indulging in something that you thought you could get away with. Struggling with balancing indulgence and restraint. Instant gratification in favor of long-term goals. The potential for infidelity with seemingly innocent flirting.

To dream of chocolate chip cookies represents feelings about behavior that's treating itself to getting away with something that's believably innocent because sharing is allowed when normally people might not want to.

To dream of an oatmeal cookie represents feelings of treating yourself to getting away with something that's believably safe that likes being humble, grounded, or down to earth. A small reward or comfort that comes from being humble or down to earth.

Cookie dreams are common to women who have husbands whom they don't trust with sex or flirting. Feelings about indulging in sex with nobody finding out about it.

Consider the type of cookie for additional meaning.

Example: A man dreamed of a giant cookie. In waking life, he was religiously practicing abstinence and having trouble avoiding masturbation. In this case, the large cookie may have reflected his feelings about being childish when couldn't resist sexual temptation anymore after remaining abstinent for long periods of time. He may have felt he could sneak masturbation without guilt before guilt set in.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of making her brother the oatmeal cookies he'd always liked. In waking life, she had separated from her husband and was now planning to return to live with him after her husband made some significant changes to his behavior. In this case, the oatmeal cookies may have reflected her feelings about returning to her sex life with her husband after moving back into with him feeling good forgiving him as long as he stayed down to earth about believing that changes in their relationship were important to maintain.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her husband trying to feed another woman some cookies. In waking life, she was having issues trusting her husband. In this case, the cookies may have reflected her feelings about her husband getting away with indulging in flirtatious behavior or temptations that her husband believed were innocent when she didn't feel the same way.

*Please See Oreo Cookies.


To dream of corn represents abundance or plentifulness. So much of something that you don't care about it anymore or don't believe that it will ever end. No concerns with running out of something. Feelings about financial opportunities.

Negatively, corn may reflect wastefulness or wasting resources you don't appreciate. Naively believing that something good will last forever or never get used up. Wasting money that was easily earned or given to you. A lack of concern about wasting money. Excessive freedom that doesn't respect others. Promises of abundance that you can't keep. Lying about abundant opportunities or large sums of money.

To dream of cooking corn represents preparation for a plentiful or abundant situation. Getting ready to experience a situation in your life where you have so much of something that jealousy is impossible. Making a concerted effort to make sure there is too much of something.

Corns dreams are common to people dealing with money issues, thinking about how to get more money, or who experienced receiving a large sum of money.

Example: A man dreamed of an ear of corn that smelled like coconut inside, but then found out that the corn was not edible. In waking life he believed he can run into an opportunity that would allow him to pay for his retirement, but then was disappointed that the opportunity wasn't possible. The corn in this case may have reflected his feelings about the potential financial opportunity being plentiful or financially abundant.

*Please See Corn Field.


To dream of cornbread represents feelings of satisfaction or comfort derived from an experience that's plentiful about the wholesomeness of everyone accepting you the way you are. Feeling that you're supposed to like yourself the way you are because family lets you. An experience that exceeds your expectations in terms of acceptance, support, or a sense of belonging.

Corona Beer

To dream of Corona brand beer represents a relaxed attitude or taking time off from a situation that demands professionalism, measuring yourself, and being in control of yourself in order to avoid being too serious about overdoing it because you don't want to leave anything to chance. Behavior that likes every person you are talking to not witnessing you as a disaster of overdoing relaxing. Professional attitude about relaxing that enjoys itself never doing anything excessive. A professional and responsible attitude towards taking breaks without going overboard because you set limits for yourself from the beginning. Feeling that unwind without feeling guilty or concerned about overindulgence is what you're supposed to be doing. Feeling comfortable that nothing can be a disaster for why you are relaxing from an issue because you are measuring yourself. Relaxing that is in control of yourself while not embarrassing yourself overdoing it. Enjoying every moment without getting caught up in excess. Controlling yourself by taking time off that isn't dangerous about overdoing it. A mindful and measured attitude towards enjoying life without neglecting responsibilities or overlooking potential consequences. A preference for presenting yourself as composed and not risking appearing excessive while enjoying a relaxed state. The desire to relax and the pressure to maintain a professional demeanor. Small increments and measuring oneself to avoid embarrassing yourself while relaxing.

Negatively, dreaming about Corona brand beer represents feelings about overdoing believing that a professional attitude about measuring yourself and being in control of yourself while relaxing won't eventually result in overdoing it. Concerns about embarrassing oneself by not being able to strike a balance between work and leisure. Choosing to measure yourself while relaxing about an issue by choosing to do it slowly or incrementally to avoid overdoing it that eventually leads to being excessive. Disliking having to measure yourself while being in control of yourself because due to concerns that you'll embarrass yourself if you don't go back to work. Not wanting anyone to think you are an idiot who went overboard while taking time off.

*Please See Beer.

Cotton Candy

To dream of cotton candy represents total preoccupation with how wonderful, fun, or pleasurable something is. Not thinking about anything except how good it feels to feel good. Not wanting to stop noticing yourself feeling good.

Negatively, cotton candy may reflect your sensitivity about losing something that feels good.


To dream of couscous represents feelings about an experience feels nice that it's easy to talk about yourself however you need to without anyone having a problem with it.


To dream of crackers represents feelings about an experience or choice that is safe, simple, and polite about having to make something happen at all when nothing else is happening. A mindset that is cordial, friendly, and approachable about the possibility of something happening when nothing is happening at all. Minimal non-threatening effort put into social interaction about something better happening when nothing is happening.

Negatively, dreaming of crackers may represent overdoing an experience or choice that is safe, simple, and polite about having to make something happen at all when nothing else is happening. Wasting your time thinking a lover who has left you will come back. Wasting your time hoping that being safe, simple, polite, or patient about making something happen at all when nothing is happening will ever work.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend feed crackers to tigers. In waking life, her boyfriend was speaking to employers about a very unique job opportunity, but he wasn't eager to take the job. He was just politely discussing the job opportunity with the employers in a no-pressure social setting. In this case, the crackers may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend socially engaging in a safe, simple, and polite way with the employers about the potential job opportunity without committing to anything serious.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of throwing crackers onto the ocean and seeing birds eat the crackers. In waking life, she was desperately hoping her ex-boyfriend would return home to her after he broke up with her. She hoped that if she was patient and didn't date anyone else he would return. He never did. In this case, the crackers may have reflected her feelings about being socially safe, simple, and polite to men other than her ex-boyfriend about the possibility of dating later on without committing to or pursuing anyone seriously until she was absolutely sure her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was over with.


To dream of cream (desert food) represents feelings about deserving to enjoy the best part of a situation or experience with ease and simplicity that doesn't waste your time. Deserving to enjoy the "cream of the crop" or best there is with ease without feeling burdened by challenges or difficulties. Enjoying "being on top" like it's simple. The benefits or perks of a top position. The desire to attain the highest possible status or results with minimal complications.

Negatively, dreaming about cream could represent feelings of overdoing deserving to enjoy the best part of a situation or experience with ease without having to work for it. Feelings of excess, overindulgence, or entitlement with the best part of a situation or experience. A tendency to overdo the desire for the best parts or to take advantage of pleasurable benefits or perks without considering the need to balance enjoyment with effort. Imbalances in relationships or situations, where people expect to enjoy only the best with ease without reciprocating effort or consideration. A sense of entitlement or arrogance, where you feel you deserve the best in life without having to work for it.

To dream of cream in coffee represents feelings about making getting acquainted with something or someone more enjoyable, comfortable, or easier to accept without having to be excessive. Your attempts to improve an introductory experience of getting to know something or someone new by adding ease, comfort, or indulgence without being excessive. Making social engagements more palatable, or enhancing relationships with a touch of kindness and warmth. Making an introductory situation less intense or intimidating.

Example: A young man dreamed of vomiting up a cream-like substance. In waking life, he was frustrated with his friends who ditched him. He was regretting his relationship with his friends because they always took advantage of him. In this case, the cream-like substance he vomited up may have reflected his feelings about deserving to enjoy having the best fun experience with his friends before realizing that they were fake.

*Please See Skin Cream.
*Please See Whipped Cream.

Crispy Crunch Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Crispy Crunch Chocolate Bar represents feelings about treating yourself to not thinking about anyone else while needing to keep doing what you're doing without anyone ruining it because you deserve to think about yourself first this time.

Crunch Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Crunch Chocolate Bar represents treating yourself to deserving to put yourself first because other people will try to stop you or get ahead of you if you don't. Treating yourself to not listening to anyone else thinking that they're important because you're running out of time.


To dream of cucumbers represents recuperation and recovery. Pampering yourself or self-attentiveness. Feeling good not having to care about something at all. Being catered to.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a person he didn't like buying cucumbers. In waking life he was experiencing a bad choice he made allowing an enemy to slowly recover power that had been lost.


To dream of a cupcake represents feelings of liking yourself the way you are. Feeling encouraged to like yourself. Feeling that people have to like you. Your wish to make other people feel good about themselves. Wanting other people to feel good. Enjoying spending time with family.

Negatively, cupcakes may reflect unusual steps being taken to deceive others or do bad things so people will like you. Making choices you don't like so other people will like you. Wanting other people to feel good about themselves before your own needs.

Example: A young man dreamed of being offered white cupcakes and refusing them. In waking life he had the opportunity to be honest about something he was lying about and make the person he was lying to like him again. He chose to
take the opportunity because he hated the person.

Danish Pastry

To dream of Danish pastry may represent feelings of indulging in an experience that is sophisticated and grown-up, enjoying the feeling of being able to handle such experiences. You may be trusting yourself and indulging in an experience that is not too good to be true. It could symbolize the enjoyment of feeling that you are never challenged for being as sophisticated or grown-up as you say you are. Danish pastry in dreams may represent the satisfaction of indulging in a sophisticated experience that never embarrasses you. Enjoying indulging in an experience where you can handle yourself being as grownup as you say you are.

Negatively, dreaming about Danish pastry may represent overindulging in an experience that feels too good to be true or overly indulgent. You may be hesitant to trust an experience because it seems too indulgent or unreal. Danish pastry could also symbolize a need for balance in your life between indulgence and self-control. The dream may indicate that it may not be safe to enjoy indulging in being as grown-up as you want to be.

To dream of a cheese danish pastry may represent feelings of ease associated with an experience that feels sophisticated, grown-up, while enjoying handling it working out nicely with nothing getting back at you.

Example: A man dreamed of deciding to buy a few cheese danishes and experienced his debit card folding in half. His mother tried to unfold the debit card. In waking life, the man accidentally got double billed for a purchase he made online, and nothing was ever delivered. He had to fix the problem with his bank. In this case, the cheese danish in the dream may have reflected his initial feelings of enjoying the online purchase, feeling sophisticated about being cheaper and faster than going to a store in person, while never talking to his wife about it first.


To dream of dried date fruits represents enjoying feeling sophisticated because something is better being wasted a little bit, but not completely. A mature opportunity because something is slightly wasted.


To dream of a doughnut (donut) represents enjoying taking a break from responsibilities. Enjoying idle time or taking time off. Awareness of the importance between the balance time off and hard work. Enjoying wasting time because you feel you deserve to take a break from a responsibility.

Negatively, dreaming of doughnuts represents taking too long of a break from important responsibilities or neglecting something that's important to remain disciplined with. Overdoing enjoying idle time or taking time off. Enjoying being lazy that doesn't stay on top of responsibilities. Enjoying time off exercise or keeping a healthy diet. Overindulgence, laziness, or procrastination. Losing focus due to distractions or idle behavior. Wasting time. Becoming too accustomed to taking a break from responsibilities. Looking stupid taking too much time off work or responsibilities.

The flavor of the doughnut adds additional symbolism. For example, a chocolate donut may symbolize your feelings about treating yourself to break.

Example: A man dreamed of being criticized for eating too many doughnuts. In waking life, he was self-conscious about gaining too much weight due to an illness. In this case, being criticized for eating too many doughnuts may have reflected his feeling about appearing lazy to other people about enjoying too much time off exercise and proper diet due to his illness.


To dream of an eggplant represents feelings about an experience that's beneficial about needing to be mature about thinking it's important to not view something embarrassing as important. Feelings about it being beneficial to be grown up about not thinking of something embarrassing as interesting. Feeling that it benefits you to be mature about seeing the unimportance of viewing an embarrassing situation as a problem. Feeling that it's beneficial to help someone not embarrass themselves by being mature and thinking of the embarrassment like it wasn't important.

Negatively, an eggplant may reflect feelings of annoyance or frustration that you are being pushed or encouraged to view an issue in a mature or unembellished manner. Feelings of being overlooked or misunderstood, especially when you believe that an embarrassing or complex situation deserves more attention than it's getting. Perhaps you feel that others are downplaying your concerns or making light of something you find serious or challenging.

Example: A woman dreamed of an eggplant. In waking life, she sought advice from a professional but didn't believe the advice addressed the problem because she felt her problem was more interesting or intricate than the advice given to her suggested. In this case, the eggplant may have reflected her feelings about the professional seeing her situation as something that needed a straightforward, mature approach without giving weight to the intricacies she felt were significant.


To dream of fresh or unopened eggs represents the potential for something new to happen. Creative potential. Feelings about a change or new possibility being close to happening. A need to carefully nurture your plans.

To dream of cracked or open eggs represents action being taken or something that is finally happening. Birth. "Hatching" a new idea or plan.

To dream of eating eggs represents feelings of imminence or that a change is pending. Confidence that something is going to happen. A situation or experience that you know is unstoppable. Negatively, it may reflect your need to accept the consequences of your actions. Benefiting from destroying others future plans.

If the eggs are scrambled this may reflect a commitment on a set coarse. A lack of importance being felt for a situation that is starting to happen.

To dream of hard boiled eggs may represents feelings about new situations being started or made easier through intentional aggravation. "Softening" something up with pressure or problems to make it easier to start. Preparation to make a desired beginning easier.

Negatively, hard boiled egg may reflect regret for having used problems or negative situations as a means to pressure something to start happening easier than normal. Intentionally making something easier to occur by pushing it. Making a bad situation too easy. Amplifying problems or negative excuses to make something start happening knowing full well that someone else doesn't want it to happen at all. Making something so easy or aggravated that you force it happen for your own selfish gains. Cheating to insure a desired beginning.

Example: A man dreamed of his Grandmother serving him cooked eggs. In waking life his grandmother forced the man's lazy father to finally start cleaning his backyard. The cooked eggs reflected the imminence of the cleaning that was about to take place.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of cooking eggs and then getting yolk all over the frying pan handle. In waking life she had finally decided to start confronting her husband about potential cheating and felt that it ended up causing more tension than before. The egg yolk on the frying pan handle may have reflected her feelings of embarrassment or carelessness about confronting her husband so directly and quickly.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a hard boiled egg. In waking life he had forced himself to find excuses to easily break up with his girlfriend and now regretted it.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of peeling a boiled egg. In waking life she felt that her ex-boyfriend has purposely gotten into a fight with his current girlfriend to have an excuse to hang out with her and have sex with her.


To dream of falafel represents feelings about an experience of getting through a situation by making it as easy and interesting as you can without being questioned or having anyone attack you for it. An experience that is easy, interesting, and different than usual without being questioned, attacked, or considered strange.

Ferrero Rocher

To dream of Ferrero Rocher represents treating yourself to the best and never deserving to feel anything little about it.


To dream of eating fish represents total confidence that something will never be noticed again. It may also reflect a problem you discovered being solved permanently.


To dream of flaxseed represents your feeling that something "must" be good for you or has to be beneficial. Negatively, flaxseed may be a sign that you are assuming too much about the benefits of something

Feta Cheese

To dream of feta cheese represents feelings of being easily supported deserving the right to enjoy having everyone like you the way you are more than you usually do without having to speak about it. Feelings of being supported deserving to enjoy thinking of yourself the way you are without a problem, easier than you usually do. Enjoying deserving family life supporting you the way you are with ease without having to talk about yourself too much.

Negatively, dreaming about feta cheese may represent feelings about overdoing expecting to be easily supported and deserving to enjoy people liking you the way you are without a discussion. Embarrassing yourself thinking a contract will be easily renewed without renegotiation naively believing people like you and support you without questioning it.

Example: A young woman dreamed of scooping out ruined feta cheese on spinach from a microwave to eat. In waking life, her boss told her that the company was considering not renewing her contract next year. In this case, the feta cheese may have reflected her initial feelings about saying things on her contract renewal request to make her superiors choose to be supportive of her contract being renewed without negotiations with ease. She may have been naive about believing her superiors would support her easily renewing her current contract without needing to talk about it.

Fig Newton Cookies

To dream of Fig Newton cookies represents feelings about behavior that's treating itself to getting away with something that's believably innocent by not being in love with yourself while caring about other people's feelings so that they like you. An experience of not liking your own feelings as the reason someone will allow you to enjoy doing something.

Fish And Chips

To dream of fish and chips represents feelings about an experience or choice where there's nothing strange about liking having a solution to a problem completely figured out for you that lets your life stay the way it is without having to talk about it being important. Wanting someone to fix your problem for you quickly and easily so your life stays the way it is while feeling you'll look stupid for asking them all the time.

Any breaded food symbolism may reflect an experience or choice that wants you to like something more than usual.

Example: A woman dreamed of her deceased husband asking for fish and chips. In this case, the fish and chips may have reflected her feelings about liking getting someone else's help to figure out a problem for her quickly and easily without it being important to talk about too much because she didn't want to seem desperate or inadequate asking for too much help without her husband being alive.


To dream of fondue represents communal sharing or group benefits. You and others are all enjoying the same thing.

Example: A man dreamed of cheese fondue and feeling uncomfortable. In waking life he was back with an ex-girlfriend and felt weird about sleeping with her after other guys had during their break.


To dream of food represents feelings about the type and qualities of an experience you take in during a particular waking life situation. How certain situations are affecting you. Each food has a unique experience or energy associated with it based on your opinions, feelings, or memories of the specific food.

Certain food symbols tend to be more universal (e.g. apples or oatmeal), while others (e.g. processed food or junk food) take on a much more personal meaning based on your personal feelings about those foods. You need to ask yourself what stands out the most about a certain type of food and see how those qualities apply to your current life situation.

Fruit is symbolic of thoughts or behavior that make you feel good while being beneficial (e.g. Pears are feeling good responsible). Vegetables are symbolic of nourishing qualities that don't have to feel good while being beneficial. Meat is symbolic of qualities that are more sustaining.

Frozen foods may imply procrastination or putting something off. You've chosen to ignore certain issues or deal with something later.

Thawing frozen food could represent issues or situations that are being reconsidered. It may also reflect finally having to confront problems that you put off dealing with. Perhaps, you have been saving something special or important for this moment.

To dream of burned food represents experiences that you are having that went overboard or that you were too eager to have. Burned food may also reflect a lack of carefulness in preparing for a certain type of experience to happen. Distractions, a lack of focus, irresponsibility. Alternatively, burned food may reflect disappointment or the feeling that a certain kind of experience won't be good enough.

French Fries

To dream of french fries represents feelings about a choice or experience of not minding wasting time enjoying something happening being frivolous, unimportant, or not serious about needing to be intelligent. Enjoying not needing to learn anything important. Enjoying yourself wasting time being involved in an activity that you know isn't long-lasting or of real value. Indulging in something that is not necessarily beneficial but is enjoyable or satisfying in the moment. Enjoying an experience that has no substantial benefit. Choosing options that offer immediate gratification over long-term benefits.

Negatively, dreaming about french fries may represent feelings of overdoing or wasting time enjoying something happening being frivolous, unimportant, or not serious. Feelings about experiencing the consequences of enjoying something considered frivolous when you are trying to be serious about maintaining a healthy habit. Feelings of not wanting to learn anything important when something important is happening. A frivolous attitude during a serious situation.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating french fries. In waking life, she was enjoying herself taking an educational course to pass the time. She started to feel that the course wasn't worth the effort after realizing that it wouldn't produce a real certificate to help her get a better job. She felt that she was wasting time even though she enjoyed the educational course. In this case, the french fries may have reflected her feelings about the enjoyable but ultimately frivolous or unimportant nature of the course she was taking.

Example 2: A person dreamed of seeing millions of clean white plates topped with chocolate cakes, ice cream, french fries, and fried chicken. While they pigged out on these foods they said to themself "This isn't healthy, I need to stop", but kept eating anyway. In waking life, they were trying to be healthy and become more fit, but found it to be a challenge to stop indulging in fried or salty foods. In this case, the french fries may have reflected the person's awareness of themself enjoying eating junk food to pass the time as though it wasn't risky to skip their diet for a moment as one of the reasons they were having difficulty maintaining their new diet.

All the foods in the dream may have reflected the various problematic thinking styles about junk food that the dreamer had (e.g chocolate cake pointing to treating themself for special occasions, ice cream pointing to comfort food, french fries pointing to frivolous snacking, and fried chicken pointing to eating junk food with other people being quicker without needing explanations) that was hinting at why losing weight wasn't going to be as easy as they thought.

Example 3: A man dreamed of buying french fries and accidentally dropping them on the ground. He picked up the packet with the french fries that never fell out and left fries that fell on the ground. In waking life, he was preparing for a New Year's Eve party. In this case, the french fries that were dropped may have reflected his feelings about the frivolous or unimportant aspects of preparing for the party that could be ignored or left behind.

*Please See Potatoe Wedges.

French Toast

To dream of french toast represents feelings about an experience or choice of never listening to anyone tell you that you shouldn't enjoy something simple like it's special.


To dream of a fruitcake represents feelings about an experience or choice that is safe about believing that something more outrageous, colorful, or interesting than other choices for a special occasion is easily acceptable without a problem. Feeling that it's safe to believe in (or never need to explain) something more outrageous, colorful, or interesting than other choices being acceptable for a special occasion because nothing else is happening.

Negatively, dreaming of a fruitcake represents feelings about an experience or choice that overdoes safety about believing that something more outrageous, colorful, or interesting than other choices for a special occasion is easily acceptable without a problem. Overdoing being colorful and interesting like there is nothing unusual about it when other people don't like it or find it uncomfortable. Feeling obligated to listen to other people's feelings or ideas like they are more outrageous, colorful, or interesting when they don't resonate with your personal beliefs. Behavior that is eccentric, odd, or slightly crazy about saying it's safe to think about it with other people during a special occasion. Overdoing believing in something outrageous when other people don't like it. Behavior that feels safe never explaining being outrageous that makes you or other people uncomfortable.


To dream of fudge represents a situation in your life that feels exceptionally indulgent, pleasurable, or that satisfies an intense craving. Enjoying the best part of something completely. Enjoying something completely that you don't get to enjoy very often. Any circumstance in waking life that provides a heightened sense of enjoyment or is deeply fulfilling. It could also symbolize your desire for luxurious or hedonistic experiences, whether in relation to food, relationships, or other aspects of your life. Devotion to pleasure, enjoyment, or a craving. Rewards or treats that you think you deserve but have been denying yourself. Enjoying oneself in the moment, without worry for the future.

Negatively, dreaming about fudge might indicate an overindulgence or a lack of self-control. Enjoying yourself too much at the expense of your health or long-term goals. A sign that you need to consider moderation or balance in some aspect of your life. Issues with self-control and weight loss goals. A desire for instant gratification and avoiding responsibility.

Dreams of fudge appear common to people who are planning to get married or attending a wedding.

Example: A woman dreamed of chocolate fudge that she kept taking out of her backpack to smell and then putting it back in the backpack. She wanted to taste it badly, but never did. In waking life she had lost 20 pounds and was in a struggle to lose weight with regular visits to the gym. In this case, the fudge may have reflected her intense craving for indulgent foods, which she was trying to resist for the sake of her weight loss goals.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a table with chocolates, fudge, and candy on it at her friend's wedding. In waking life, she was planning to attend a friend's wedding and was concerned about her weight to fit in her dress. In this case, the fudge may have reflected her anxiety about the indulgent food and potential for overeating at the upcoming event.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of eating a fudge ice cream and wanting a strawberry flavor instead, but couldn't get one. In waking life, her boyfriend had just asked her to marry her. In this case, the fudge ice cream cone that isn't as good as the strawberry flavor may have reflected her feelings about enjoying indulging in sex before the wedding, when she really wanted to enjoy everything about being engaged including making wedding plans together with her fiance who didn't want to make plans yet


To dream of garlic represents feelings of confidence that is protective. Confidently believing that you aren't losing if you don't want to. Confidence that you are never desperate. Confidence that you can have an immediate effective impact if you want to. Confidence that isn't listening if it doesn't want to. Confidence that you can control a situation if you need to. Confidence that feels good being powerful enough, but dangerous if it's too powerful. Confidence that surprises you with being protective or too powerful if you get too close to it. Confidence that you can tell people what to do or keep them under control.

Confidence about protection, security, or calling the police. Feeling that money protects you. Feelings of certainty about controlling something powerful, sensitive, or dangerous.

Negatively, garlic may represents feelings of needing to confidently assert yourself with people who are cheating you or being careless with you. Feeling that you never need to call the police or never need to ask for protection. Protective overconfidence that scares you or other people away. Experiencing situations where you don't like needing to repeat asserting or protecting yourself. Insecurity that makes you want or seek an immediate effective impact.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing dead doves and cloves of garlic fall out of a tree that wasn't supposed to. In waking life her husband paid for a servant who had recently robbed her house and left the country. The police were called. The garlic falling from the tree in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her confidence about of never needing to call the police on her servant becoming a problem.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing digging happening in a river where she thought garlic was pulled up, but found out it was actually sweet potatoes. In waking life the woman was experiencing some temporary financial problem. The sweet potatoes that she originally believed was garlic may have reflected her feelings about an option to fix her financial problem not being as confident with an immediate impact as she would have liked.


To dream of ginger represents enthusiasm or a positive feelings about being moderate. Feeling good having a little bit of something. A sign that you just want to try something, help only a little, or are not interested in doing something as much as someone else is. Knowing that doing something a little bit is best because it may annoy or scare someone else.

Example: A man dreamed of man holding a bottle of ginger spice. In waking life he was renewing his faith in God, but felt that he had to be careful taking about it too much to others because it may turn them off.


To dream of gingerbread represents feeling good with something the way it is. People or situations that you feel good liking and don't want to change for anything. Positive feelings about stable friendships or home life. Negatively, gingerbread may be a sign that you are wilfully blind to a problem or a person that you don't want to hate.

To dream of a gingerbread man represents a person or situation that convinces you to enjoy liking it.

Example: A young man dreamed of being attacked by a gingerbread man. In waking life he was in denial about someone he liked that wasn't really his friend. He slowly began to see the truth and found it difficult to hate this person.


To dream of a grapefruit represents a conscious effort to prioritize responsibility and focus on what is best for you. Prioritizing responsibility, even when other distractions are more appealing. A more conservative attitude than others around you, demonstrating that you prioritize future benefits over immediate gratification. Paying attention to what you are doing because it's good for you. Being more responsible than others about paying attention to why you are not reckless or impatient because it's best for a final outcome. Feeling that it's beneficial to be more mature than you usually are.

Negatively, dreaming about a grapefruit may represent a sense of resentment about having to pay extra attention to what you are doing, perhaps because others around you aren't being as attentive or conservative. A tendency to discontinue activities because you believe they're not in your best interest, even if these decisions might not yield the expected results. Not depending on a partner because you have to do what's best for yourself for the future.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of making a baby doll with a grapefruit head and ignoring going to the movies with friends. In waking life, she had a school project that required partnering up with someone else to create a hypothetical baby by combining various genes to see what the baby would look like. In this case, the grapefruit may have reflected her intention to prioritize her academic responsibilities, even when other distractions, such as going out with friends, appeared more appealing.


To dream of grapes represents feelings about enjoying the benefits of plentifulness never having to stop in order to make something happen. Feeling that it benefits you to enjoy plentifulness. Enjoying the benefits of hard work that pays off. Enjoying the benefit of a vacation. Inexhaustible loving support to benefit a relationship. Lots of sex to get pregnant or save a relationship.

Negatively, dreaming about grapes may represent overdoing enjoying the benefits of plentifulness never having to stop in order to make something happen. Enjoying yourself indulging in something without a limit that you think is good for you, but then realizing you've gone overboard. Feeling annoyed by a long vacation. Enjoying sex until you are annoyed by it. Feeling that you were wasting your time enjoying something plentiful.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing 2 clusters of grapes on her belly. In waking life, she finally got pregnant after trying really hard to conceive. In this case, the grapes may have reflected her feelings about enjoying the benefits of plentiful sex in order to make getting pregnant a reality and getting to talk to everyone she knew about it.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating green grapes and getting great pleasure from it. In waking life, he had a lot of time off work and nothing important to do. He enjoyed the time off but felt lazy. In this case, the grapes may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about enjoying the benefits of plentifulness of time off work making him think of other interesting things to do in his life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing frozen grapes. In waking life, she felt her relationship was struggling and that if she was inexhaustibly supportive or loving to her partner it might improve the relationship. In this case, the grapes may have reflected her feelings that it may benefit her to provide plentiful support and sex in order to save the relationship.


To dream of gravy represents pleasant feelings about the essence of easily experiencing a situation your way with a sense of extra with minimal effort. Enjoying abundant benefits or rewards without much effort or difficulty.

Negatively, dreaming about gravy may represent a tendency to be overly comfortable with the essence of easily experiencing a situation your way with a sense of extra with minimal effort. A tendency to take certain aspects of one's life for granted, expecting rewards or benefits to continue flowing without appreciating the effort or circumstances that make them possible. A reminder to not become complacent and to value the sources of one's prosperity or comfort. Overindulgence or excess in some areas of life. Concerns about changing circumstances, such as economic downturns or personal challenges, that threaten one's sense of security and ease. The challenges of adapting to new situations or conditions that are less favorable than what one is used to. Issues with adjusting expectations.

Example: A woman dreamed of having trouble eating mashed potatoes with gravy. In waking life, she was a successful real estate agent who was starting to have serious problems selling a home during the US banking crisis and economic slowdown of 2008. In this case, the mashed potatoes with gravy may have reflected her feelings about the comfort, reliance on familiarity, and simplicity of her previously successful real estate transactions now being complicated by the economic downturn. She may have also begun to feel that the "gravy train" of easy sales and profit was over and was no longer able to easily sell homes for high profit with minimal effort.

*Please See Mashed Potatoes.


To dream of buying groceries represents feelings about choices or provisions that you feel temporarily sustain you. Feelings about the resources or necessities required to maintain your well-being and lifestyle. The basic needs or desires that you are seeking to fulfill in your waking life. Your thoughts about the importance of being about the importance of being well-prepared, ensuring your basic needs are met, and maintaining a sense of security and stability. A casual attitude about never thinking it's a problem to keep yourself comfortable the way you are.

Positively, dreaming about groceries may represent intelligently or honestly sustaining yourself through a difficult situation. Feeling that it's easy to sustain yourself through difficult situations. Feelings of abundance, provision, and the ability to choose what is best for you. Feeling that all your needs are being met, or you have the means to secure your necessities comfortably. It could also be indicative of making healthy choices or taking steps to ensure that you are well-supported in your life.

Negatively, dreaming about buying groceries may reflect feelings of lack, scarcity, worry about not having enough, or anxiety about the responsibilities of provisioning for yourself or your family. Financial concerns, the stress of daily life, or feeling overwhelmed by the need to make ends meet. Wasting your time keeping a dishonest or hopeless situation going. Perhaps you are experiencing uncertainty about your ability to sustain yourself or take care of basic needs. A need for temporary dishonesty to sustain you emotionally or maintain your sense of normalcy. Wasting time on temporary fixes. No focus on long-term solutions. Feeling good barely surviving a problem. Using someone else to sustain yourself. The fear of running out of essential resources. A need to take better care of yourself or address neglected aspects of your life.

To dream of carrying groceries represents feelings about the efforts or responsibilities you are undertaking to maintain or support your current situation. Your ability to handle and manage the provisions or resources needed to sustain yourself. Your capacity to take care of your basic needs independently and efficiently. The load of stress or burdens you are carrying as you attempt to ensure that all of your or someone else's basic needs are being addressed. The hard work you are putting into keeping things running smoothly in your life or the life of someone you care for. Carrying groceries in a dream signifies your self-reliance, preparedness, and the sense of responsibility you have for avoiding being left with nothing.

Example: A girl dreamed of buying groceries. In waking life, she felt the need to temporarily keep lying to her parents about flunking out of university. In this case, the groceries may have reflected her feelings about needing to lie to her parents for a "little bit longer" in order to sustain or maintain the facade and deal with the immediate needs of her situation, despite the underlying problem of her academic failure.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of trying to buy groceries. In waking life, he was respecting himself dealing with an impossible health problem with no apparent cure while the drugs the doctors gave him that didn't work were used up making him worry about needing to get another prescription. In this case, the need for groceries may have reflected his need for a continuous supply of medication to feel safe maintaining his well-being despite the fact the medication never seemed to work.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having to return to a grocery store to get groceries before leaving to see her car stolen. In waking life, she was resourceful about keeping a dishonest situation going before experiencing the person she was being dishonest with cutting her off from communication completely. In this case, the groceries may have reflected her attempts to continue managing and sustaining the dishonest situation by gathering more 'resources' or excuses to keep the facade going.

*Please See Grocery Store.


To dream of Guacamole represents feelings about importance to try something different to feel good about it. Choices that feel both essential and versatile that bring balance and harmony. Not feeling stupid to having to feel good about doing something different. Wanting to try new and diverse experiences to enhance one's well-being. The choice to experiment with something different is perceived as both vital and adaptable. It represents a willingness to embrace change and not being afraid to try something new in order to feel good.

Example: A woman dreamed grocery store bought guacamole. In waking life she had been sick with a fever and the flu. She hadn't eaten much in the last few days. In this case the guacamole may have reflected her desire to shake things up and try something different in order to improve her health and well-being. The her dream reveals her intuition to try new experiences and diversify her food choices to improve her overall mood and sense of well-being.

Gummy Bears Candy

To dream of a gummy bears candy represents an experience or choice that enjoys nothing getting back at you for using your imagination to think about being shared with without a problem like it's completely safe when sharing usually doesn't happen.

Negatively, gummy bears candy in a dream may represent overdoing accepting never confronting any people or situations that are terrible about never sharing with you.

The symbolism is based on bears being a symbol for being aggressive about not sharing.

Example: A girl dreamed of a green gummy bear. In waking life, she met a guy on the internet who lived in another US state. She enjoyed talking to the guy about a potential arranged marriage for the whole day. She didn't want to stop. She was also jealous that her sister would speak to any guy she spoke to steal their attention away from her. In this case, the green gummy bear candy may have reflected her enjoyment and comfort in indulging her imagination regarding a potential arranged marriage with the guy she met online because her sister would usually talk to guys she spoke to steal (not sharing) their attention away.


To dream of ham represents your thoughts and feelings about things that you don't think are important, or don't take too seriously.  You may think something is ridiculous or pointless.

To dream of a ham sandwich represents your frustrations about things you have to do during a situation you may feel is ridiculous, or pointless.

Example:  A young man dreamed of eating a ham.  In waking life he had a teacher that was forcing him to do extra work that other students didn't have to.  The ham reflected his feelings about how ridiculous he felt his teacher was treating him.


To dream of a hamburger represents feelings about an experience or choice of putting yourself first without it being complicated. A straightforward settling of a problem the way you wanted that isn't emotional, complicated, or sophisticated. Simplicity that can handle yourself resolves a problem without needing to be professional. Focus on practical and immediate gratification.

Negatively, dreaming about a hamburger may represent overdoing putting yourself first without it being complicated. Putting yourself first in some way that lacks some intellectual, emotional, physical, or even spiritual component that makes you feel whole. Easy sex without any emotional component.

Example: A man dreamed of eating a hamburger. In waking life, he was told he could marry a really beautiful girl, but because of her personality he was unsatisfied by the offer. In this case, the hamburger may have reflected his feelings about enjoying discussing or thinking about the possibility of indulging in having sex with the beautiful girl with his guy friends in a straightforward manner, but feeling there would never be any intellectual or emotional connection due to personality differences.

Example 2: A 16-year-old boy dreamed of wearing a hamburger suit. In waking life, he was projecting an overconfident attitude about his driving abilities to others before taking his driver's test. In this case, the hamburger suit may have reflected his personality trying to project himself to his friends as a perfect example of a skilled driver by giving them straightforward advice on driving (or passing the test) such as "focusing on yourself first while on the road" or "nothing on the road is a race", or "demanding practice whenever possible as much as possible" so that his friends would be encouraged to copy him.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her friend ordering a hamburger that takes 3 hours to make. In waking life, she disagreed with her friend's choices while her friend seemed to override all discussion and would get irritated if disagreed with. In this case, the hamburger may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about her friend wasting time putting herself first with problem solving.

Example 3: A man dreamed of cooking hamburgers in the oven while noticing that his wife looked like she was on drugs. In waking life, the man had entered the Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous programs. In this case, the hamburgers that were cooking in the oven may have reflected his feelings that it wasn't complicated to put himself first in order to settle his alcohol problem in a straightforward manner.

Hershey's Kisses Chocolates

To dream of Hershey's Kisses chocolate represents feelings about treating yourself to feeling lucky that other people thought about you at all that doesn't need to speak about why it's special. Small gestures of affection, love, or appreciation that are sweet and comforting about thinking about someone at all. Cherishing little moments of connection. Niceties to sustain relationships.

Negatively, dreaming about Hershey's Kisses may represent feelings of superficiality or dissatisfaction with small gestures of affection when deeper emotional needs are not being met. Surface-level niceties to sustain relationships.

Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar represents treating yourself to an experience or choice that is simple about not wasting your time being easier than everything else.

Example: A man dreamed of buying his romantic crush $300 worth of Hershey chocolate bars. In waking life, his romantic crush ended up blocking him on social media for being too "lovey dovey." In this case, the Hershey chocolate bars may have reflected his feelings about treating his romantic crush to overly simple and straightforward displays of affection that felt easy and accessible to him but ended up overwhelming or annoying her.


To dream of honey represents feelings about taking in the quality of an experience or choice that is special about enjoying it being too easy as long as you deserve to not embarrass yourself earning it. An experience that is special about being too easy and kind to you all the time that might get back at you if you aren't careful about deserving it. Kindness that feels special about being too easy, but has risks attached to it. The unquestioned loving support of a romantic partner. The "sweetness" of the personality. Situations in your life with themes of ease, pleasure, risk, and deservingness.

Alternatively, dreaming about honey may reflect feelings about pleasure, sexual experiences, or luxury that have to be deserved properly.

Negatively, dreaming about honey may reflect feelings about a selfish need for pleasure or generous non-stop support. Feelings about something being too easy as the reason you don't want to like it. Enjoying something being too easy that doesn't think of other people's feelings Feeling that people giving you special treatment by being nice to you all that might get back at you if you aren't careful about deserving it. Feeling good being treated special with enjoying something that annoys someone else. Ethical concerns of enjoying yourself with ease.

To dream of honey in a hive represents a risky reward of an experience that feels special about deserving easily enjoying it being kind to you all the time. Taking a chance to feel pleasure that might get back at you if you didn't deserve to. A pleasurable goal or objective that is dangerous to have if you didn't work hard for it.

Example: A girl dreamed of being offered free honey which disgusted her. In waking life, she needed a job badly and was only offered an unpaid internship. In this case, the honey that disgusted her reflected her feelings about being offered the choice of a special opportunity of an unpaid internship to gain job experience that might lead to a much better job if she deserved to not embarrass herself screwing it up. She may have been disgusted by the honey because she felt it was selfish to use her for free labor.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of putting honey on her air. In waking life, she was trying extra hard to be nice to people. In this case, the honey in her hair may have reflected feelings about being aware of choosing to change her thinking style to be easily sweet, pleasant, or agreeable to others, possibly to an excessive or unnatural degree.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of the moon beaming the taste of honey in her mouth and then losing it while being left only the memory of it. In waking life, she was a reborn Christian. In this case, the honey she tasted may have reflected her feelings about people in her church deserving to be extra nice to her when she became a reborn Christian because of her initiation and then experiencing people not having to be extra nice to her afterward because she wasn't a new church member anymore.

Honeycombs Cereal

To dream of Honeycombs Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, quick, and enjoyable about feeling strong about deserving to like yourself with freedom and confidence however you want to because nobody can criticize anything you are doing. Self-empowerment, where you feel that you deserve to enjoy life on your terms. A new situation where you enjoy the feeling of being believable about never having to explain yourself allowing you to do whatever you want without anyone deserving to criticize you. Effortlessly enjoying new beginnings or changes in your life, knowing that you are in control without needing an explanation.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating Honeycomb Cereal on the beach. In waking life, she started a new job. In this case, eating the Honeycombs cereal on the beach may have reflected her thoughts of beginning to feel stronger about freedom and confidence in her life because her new job provides money without feeling restricted or criticized by others after a period of time being broke and/or unemployed.

*Please See Cereal.

Hot Chocolate

To dream of hot chocolate represents feelings of treating yourself to comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal. Homeliness or coziness that feels "safe as can be" that doesn't speak about anything being a problem. Feeling that nothing is tragic because everything will work out. Being the boss or being angry isn't important because you can be comfortable the way you are. Comfort that nothing in your life has a problem. A comforting presence or someone offering reassurance and emotional warmth amidst your anxieties. It may also reflect encouragement or sympathy during a tough time. Reassurance no matter what happens. Thinking about an alternative option to a problem that feels more comfortable, emotionally warmer, or reassuring than the problem.

Negatively, dreaming about hot chocolate may represent feelings of excess or lack of discipline associated with comfort-seeking behaviors. Overdoing feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal to the point of being lazy. Expectations that "everything will work out" without taking proactive measures to ensure stability. Using the idea of comfort and reassurance as a way to avoid confronting a very real fear you have.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of her gym teacher sitting with a blanket and hot chocolate. The teacher said she was going to help. The dreamer felt relieved because she was still alive and wouldn't be losing any friends. In waking life, the dreamer was scared of losing her best friend and that she'd do something to make her best friend not like her anymore. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that her friendship wasn't over because she had a plan she thought would work.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing forests destroyed and then speaking to her grandmother, who gave her a cup of hot chocolate. In waking life, she was frustrated by the government approving cutting down forests in order to allow the construction of buildings for the city. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance she felt about her own life being normal when considering that there was nothing she could do about her frustrations and concerns about the environmental issues except think of eventually moving.

Hot Dog

To dream of a hot dog represents a temporary indulgence in power that isn't serious. Temporarily satisfying a need to prove yourself in an unimportant way. Temporarily relieving yourself of a craving or urge. A satisfying or comforting distraction.

Temporarily satisfying sexual urges. Something positive or enjoyable that can't be sustained forever.A hot dog in a dream may represent "fling" relationships or enjoying yourself while knowing a better option may available later on. Sometimes a hot dog in a dream can reflect temporary sexual indulgences with references to the male penis. Masturbation. A craving for sex when your partner doesn't share the same degree of craving.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone holding a hot dog. In waking this this man was practicing abstinence and having trouble avoiding masturbation.  The hotdog being held reflected his view of masturbation being a temporary pleasure that wasn't good for his long term goals.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of throwing a hotdog at her boyfriend's head. In waking life she was was refusing to have sex with him to punish him during an argument.

Hot Sauce

To dream of hot sauce represents risk that makes your life or a current situation more interesting. Feeling good being wise about making a situation more interesting or lethal than it already is. Feeling good getting away with making something more interesting, risky, or dangerous. Feeling good changing something that makes a situation more interesting, risky, or dangerous. Feeling good making a situation more interesting just to see what it might do. Feeling good being impressive with a change. Not liking putting up with boredom, stagnation, or impatience. Innovation that may feel a little bit risky. Enjoying creativity that is more interesting or risky than you usually do.

Negatively, dreaming of hot sauce may reflect a wish to be impressive with interesting changes that maybe too risky, dangerous, or potentially lethal for other people to be comfortable with. Interesting ideas or changes that other people are not as comfortable with as you are. Feeling good about innovation when it's not appropriate.

Ice Cream

To dream of ice cream represents the act of comforting yourself or adopting habits to lift your spirits amid a negative situation. Cheering up from bad situation. It signifies the need to tend to your emotional well-being during trying times. The dream highlights how you choose to console yourself during disappointments, losses, or moments of feeling down, as well as your efforts to cheer up and heal from these difficult situations.

To dream of vanilla ice cream represents comforting yourself with an option that is plain, simple, and safe as can be.

Favorite flavors may symbolize your preferred emotions during a difficult or unpleasant moment. How you like to feel when you need to cheer up. Consider the flavor for additional meaning.

To dream of red ice cream represents a coping mechanism or comforting oneself that is passionate or dangerous. Comforting oneself by never stopping doing something or doing something a lot more than usual. Negatively, red ice cream may be a sign that you may be choosing risky dangerous behavior to cheer yourself up. Red ice dream may also reflect gambling, sex, drug use, or alcoholism used to cheer up.

See the themes section for other colors.

Example: A woman dreamed of going for ice cream while she was at the beach. In waking life, she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was deciding to spend time with family and friends to help herself get over it. In this case, the ice cream may have reflected the woman's choice to seek comfort and emotional support from her family and friends as a way to cope with the breakup and move forward in her life. The dream highlights her efforts to cheer herself up and heal from the difficult situation.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her ice cream falling off the cone onto the ground. In waking life, she had initially tried to be happy about her mother's new baby but couldn't maintain her enthusiasm because her mother started to ignore her. She was jealous of no longer being the only child in the family. In this case, the ice cream falling off may have reflected the loss of her coping mechanism and her struggle to adapt to the changing family dynamics.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of eating ice cream. In waking life, his brother had recently passed away and he was still grieving. In this case, the ice cream may have reflected his need to feel comforted or cheer up about his dead brother.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a close male friend understanding her craving for vanilla ice cream and getting her some. In waking life, she was experiencing a difficult time with unemployment while enjoying talking to this close male friend. In this case, the vanilla ice cream may have reflected her feelings of comfort, simplicity, and safety found through her interactions with her close male friend during a challenging time.

Ice Cream Bars

To dream of a chocolate ice cream bar (ice cream on a stick) represents feelings about treating yourself to comfortably not having to think other people are important by having something all to yourself during a negative situation.


*Please See Jelly.

Jamaican Beef Patty

To dream of a Jamaican Beef Patty represents feelings about an experience being convenient while being sensitive about safely getting through a difficult situation as strongly as you can without having to explain it to anyone. A convenient option that is sensitive about being strong enough to make a situation work just enough without needing to explain yourself. A convenient option to help feel that temporarily being alone isn't a problem.


To dream of Jello represents feelings about enjoying an experience of deserving something that likes to be easily molded (or perfectly adaptable) to your wishes without being worried that it won't stay the way it is while being aware that time is running out.

To dream of your body feeling "like Jello" represents feelings of vulnerability, lack of strength, or being easily influenced by external forces. A temporary loss of control, confidence, or willpower in a challenging or uncomfortable situation. Your awareness of being in a state where you feel mentally weak or pliable. Feeling that other people believe you are already molded to their wishes and that your willpower won't last long.

Example: A man dreamed of his entire body feeling like Jello and unable to move while inside an apartment filled with cockroaches. In waking life, he had quit smoking marijuana 4 weeks earlier. In this case, his entire body feeling like Jello may have reflected his feelings about himself being easily molded to peer pressure while around undesirable people who still smoked marijuana with time running out on his willpower while talking to them.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of escaping a rapist by moving through a thick jello. In waking life, they felt shamed because they were temporarily living at home with their very religious mother.`In this case, the jello may have reflected her feelings about her home life being adaptable in ways that let her enjoy avoiding her mother while having a feeling about her welcome slowly wearing out.

Jerk Chicken

To dream of jerk chicken represents feelings about an experience or choice that's confident about taking your time liking something interesting that's happening more than you usually do without anyone challenging you about it.


To dream of jerky meat represents confident choices or options that can be utilized at anytime because there is no deadlines or expirations. Confidence in something that will never go bad, spoil, or be unreliable. Feelings about not being stupid or goofy if you want to experience something anytime you want with confidence.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing beef jerky. In waking life he was experiencing someone telling lies about him being obsessed with a girl that he wasn't obsessed with. The person lying was making up stories about him as though he were embarrassing himself making over-confident open-ended relationship offers to a woman that he wasn't at all. The jerky in this case may have symbolized his feelings about the other person lying about him making over-confident open-ended relationship offers.


To dream of jelly or jam on bread represents feelings about an experience that isn't complicated about enjoying yourself safely without being a snob while enduring a difficult situation with nothing to complain about to anyone else.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In waking life, she was coping with the trauma of being sexually abused by her ex-boyfriend and being unable to afford therapy. She was only able to access free online therapy which wasn't the best option. In this case, the jelly on the sandwich may have reflected her feelings about enjoying the simplicity of the free online therapy while temporarily enduring not being able to afford regular therapy and not choosing to complain about the situation to anyone.


To dream of jellybeans represents enjoying how wonderful it feels to never be in trouble for being the way you are. Light-heartedness, positive vibes, and joy associated with not being in trouble. Enjoying feeling that it's wonderful that nobody is being mean to you for being young or childish. Feeling good knowing that there is nothing to worry about or stress out about while being liked the way you are. Feelings about yourself or someone else enjoying the surprise of not being in trouble for being the way you are (or childish) when you might have expected to be.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing Queen Elizabeth II in English on a horse buggy during jubilee while eating jelly beans. In waking life, 20 days later they watched a TV news program of the Queen during Jubilee. They had no idea what Jubilee even was. In this case, the Queen of England eating jelly beans during the Jubilee may have reflected the dreamer's negative feelings about the Queen of England enjoying Jubilee like it's wonderful without anyone attacking her for not deserving to be Monarchy.

Jolly Ranchers Candy

To dream of Jolly Ranchers candy represents feelings about enjoying taking your time listening to why something you'd like to happen will happen eventually without anything stopping it. Anticipation or taking pleasure in the idea that something you'd like to happen will eventually come true.

Jos Louis

To dream of a Jos Louis cake represents feelings about an experience or choice that is sensitive about nobody else bothering you while you deserve to enjoy something all to yourself as quickly as possible.


To dream of drinking juice represents situations or experiences that give you feelings of effortless essence that gives you vitality, nourishment, or rejuvenation. Renewed energy, enthusiasm, and the ability to take in the pure essence of something. The best part or essence of an experience. Not having to work or try very hard to experience the full essence of something. Easy experiencing only the best part of something that's happening. The best or most valuable aspects of a situation, relationship, or experience happening all at once. Something good for you happening at all at once. Feeling a a boost or encouragement in some area of your life.

Negatively, dream about juice may represent overdoing your desire for instant gratification or indulgence, as juice can be perceived as a concentrated form of pleasure or enjoyment. Feeling that the energy or resources have been "squeezed out" of someone else for your benefit.

To dream of spilling juice represents feelings of wasting valuable new resources, renewed energy, or new opportunities in their waking life. Wasting the effortless essence that gives you vitality, nourishment, or rejuvenation.

To dream of offering juice to someone may reflect your wish to share the best aspects of themselves or their experiences with someone in order to deepen your connection.

Example: A woman dreamed of being handed fruit juice by her friend. She woke up crying from the dream. In waking life, the dreamer's friend had died a few years earlier. In this case, the juice may have reflected her feelings about experiencing any social opportunity to think of essence her deceased friend as only positive while grieving.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of wanting to buy her ex-boyfriend pineapple juice, but couldn't. In waking life, she still loved her ex-boyfriend. In this case, the pineapple juice may reflected her feelings about desiring a quick comfortable no-obligations sexual relationship effortlessly.

*Please See Apple Juice.

*Please See Orange Juice.

*Please See Lemonade.

Ju Jubes Candy

To dream of a Ju Jubes candy represents an experience or choice of safely being allowed to enjoy yourself the way you want to without getting into trouble.

Junior Mints

To dream of Junior Mints represents treating yourself to safely getting away with saying something a little bit fresher or "positiver" than you were before with people liking what you are saying while keeping it to yourself about who's helping you.


To dream of ketchup represents feelings of contentment with what you are doing is tolerable because nobody has a problem with it. A small way to make a difficult situation more tolerable or enjoyable. Adding some semblance of normalcy or satisfaction to your life amid difficult situation. Feelings about situation making small changes so people will like it.

Negatively, ketchup in a dream may reflect an oversimplification of problems, or a naive belief that a small change can effectively manage a large, more complex problem. It may also signify an overreliance on others' acceptance or lack of confrontation to justify actions that might be morally, ethically, or personally questionable.

To dream of not liking ketchup may reflect a dislike for easy solutions, a distaste for compromises, or an inability to find contentment in making a difficult circumstances tolerable. It could also suggest regret over a hasty decision or quick fix that has failed to make a situation more tolerable. Feeling stupid having to see a situation make small changes to be tolerable because your standards are higher.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing ketchup on food. In waking life, he was in the middle of spiritual testing which required an eventual abstinence test. He keep putting off the abstinence testing believing it wasn't a serious problem. Eventually, the need for the testing was serious and he had great difficulty passing it. In this case, the ketchup may have reflected his attempt to make the situation seem less serious or more palatable than it actually was by employing habits to change his thinking style that made it more tolerable.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing ketchup packets. In waking life, she had moved homes, changed jobs, and was having a lot of problems paying her bills during this very big transition. She had to steal and lie in harmless ways to help pay the bills. In this case, the ketchup packets in this case may have reflected her feelings of convenience with dishonest methods being a small way to make her difficult situation more tolerable or enjoyable with a semblance of normalcy while nobody had a problem with it.

Kidney Beans

*Please See Beans.

Kinder Surprise Eggs

To dream of a Kinder Surprise Egg represents treating yourself to liking getting a surprise that you get to play with without thinking anything else is important.

Kit Kat Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Kit Kat chocolate bar represents feelings about casually treating yourself to taking a break or pause from something (or a problem) while believing that you can handle it. Enjoying taking a break from behavior your perceive to be hard work.

Negatively, dreaming about a Kit Kat bar may represent awareness of yourself enjoying "breaking" from hard work or a serious situation while believing that you can handle it when you can't. Breaking away from serious work thinking that it's easy to go back to work when it might not be. Enjoying taking a break when it might reverse important gains you've already made. Enjoying an addiction in the middle of detox and not caring about the consequences of it because you think you can handle it.

Example: A man dreamed of eating a Kit Kat chocolate bar. In waking life, he was in the middle of drug detox and couldn't resist taking more drugs. In this case, the Kit Kat chocolate bar may have reflected his awareness of himself enjoying treating himself to taking a break from drug detoxification to do drugs and "breaking" gains already made through being sober.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of eating a piece of a Kit Kat chocolate bar. In waking life, she was experiencing relationship problems believing that she may break up with her boyfriend. In this case, the Kit Kat chocolate bar may reflect the dreamer's feelings about treating herself to time off from her boyfriend while believing that the relationship could handle time off.


To dream of a kiwi represents feelings of novelty, freshness, or exoticness that's open to letting you think about it however you want. An invitation to approach something new or different with an open mind. Kiwis may symbolize a situation or concept that is new, distinct, or intriguingly different from your usual experiences that's open to whatever you thought about it. Your thoughts about trying something new, exploring new ideas, or embracing unique experiences with an open mind without the burden of overthinking.

Positively, dreaming about a kiwi might symbolize the excitement, joy, or stimulation associated with venturing outside your comfort zone. A conscious choice to experiment with new ideas, adapt to new environments, or engage in diverse activities. It could also be indicative of personal growth, open-mindedness, and curiosity. A novel choice that's safe to try and doesn't mind if you don't like it.

Negatively, dreaming about a kiwi could represent feelings of strangeness, discomfort, or uneasiness about something new or different. Feelings of unfamiliarity, fear of change, or resistance to adapt to new or novel situations. Perhaps you feel out of place, challenged, or overwhelmed by a new environment, concept, or experience. Novel circumstances or open ideas that you don't want to last forever.

Kiwi dreams commonly accompany yogurt dreams.


To dream of lasagna represents feelings about an experience of loving yourself the way you are while being unconditionally accepted by other people. Social warmth, comfort, and unconditional acceptance with people who want it with you. Enjoying social situations with friends or family with a long history. Enjoying the warmth of the many "layers" of an old relationship. Feeling people who have a long history and care about each other. Feelings of deserving to lovingly belong to someone.

Negatively, lasagna may reflect feelings about unwanted social warmth and unconditional social acceptance from people who want it with you. Social warmth that annoys you or bothers you. Expecting too much from people because you've known them for a long time.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-lover ask him if he had any lasagna and then staring at her. In waking life, his ex-lover was stalking him on Facebook and he felt that she wanted to reconnect with him on a friendly level after hurting him a lot. In this case, the lasagna may have reflected his uncomfortable feelings about his ex-lover wanting to restore a friendly warm relationship with unconditional acceptance while being unaware that the dreamer didn't like it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of going to a hospital cafeteria to get some lasagna. In waking life, she was 9 months pregnant and about to give birth. In this case, the lasagna may have reflected her feelings about the unconditional love and warmth she expected to receive from her family and friends as she prepared to give birth while liking herself being a mother.


To dream of lemonade represents feelings about making the best out of a difficult or sour situation. Lemonade in a dream could symbolize resilience, optimism, and the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities. Adapting to a difficult or unfair situation with a positive attitude that results in an outcome that makes you feel relaxed, calm, or content. Feeling emotionally uplifted that a situation that could have turned out bad didn't. A feeling of moving on from something difficult or unfair and enjoying the new phase of life because of it. Old-fashioned honesty about making a compromise to resolve a problem. Difficult situations where you"roll with the punches", adapt, or in essence "turn lemons into lemonade."

Positively, dreaming about lemonade might symbolize creative problem-solving, an upbeat attitude, or finding a silver lining in a difficult scenario. It can also represent a conscious choice to remain hopeful or to make something enjoyable out of what was initially a less-than-ideal situation. It may reflect the emotional or psychological refreshment that comes from facing challenges head-on.

Negatively, dreaming about lemonade could indicate a situation where you feel forced to put a positive spin on something unfavorable. Superficial attempts to stay upbeat, or pretending that a bad situation is okay when it's actually not. There may be a fear of acknowledging that things are not going well, thereby forcing yourself to adapt and make do, rather than addressing the core issue.

To dream of pink lemonade may reflect feelings about making the best of a bad situation where you are sensitive about other people thinking of your feelings.

Example: A man dreamed of people showing up with lemonade around a lake. In waking life, he wanted to change courses in school and was happy he did afterward. In this case, the lemonade may have reflected his feelings about making the best of a bad situation by choosing the best possible courses available even though he couldn't pick all the courses he wanted for a perfect class schedule because school had already started with most students having picked their courses early.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of suicidal imagery that was followed by lemonade and chicken wraps being offered. In waking life, she was experiencing a higher than normal amount of suicidal depression. The lemonade and chicken wraps offered at the end of her dream may have reflected her emotional state of recovering from suicidal thoughts by choosing to make the best of a bad situation with confidence in a compromise to her problems instead of allowing herself to be too emotional.

Example 3: A man dreamed of really wanting lemonade, but being unable to find any. In waking life, he was experiencing conflict at work. In this case, the lemonade that can't be found may have reflected a desire to make the best of a bad situation at work by being willing to make an acceptable compromise to feel good getting over the problem. He may have hoped to find a solution to the work problem that felt wonderful, fair, and easy to everyone involved.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being offered the choice of 2 drinks. One was regular pink lemonade and the other was pink lemonade mixed with peach. She chose regular pink lemonade without the peach. In waking life, she had to stay home from work with the flu. In this case, the regular pink lemonade may have reflected her feelings about making the best of a bad situation while being sick at home and hoping people at work deserved to be sensitive about her feelings of not needing to overwork. The choice between regular pink lemonade and the one mixed with peach could symbolize different approaches to self-care during her illness. The overlooked option of the peach version may reflect the option of more pampering at home as though it was lucky to enjoy taking the whole day off without a problem which she thought might anger coworkers.


To dream of lemons represents feelings about situation being noticably "sour." A situation that is obiously unpleasant, obviously difficult, or obviously unfair. Thoughts and emotions that are "sour" about an issue. Awareness of yourself not minding or not caring about a situation being difficult, unpleasant, or unfair.

Negatively, dreaming about a lemon may reflect feelings about getting a bad deal or short side of a angreeement. Feeling ripped off in a purchase or agreement. Thoughts or feeling of disappointment, being unlucky, or feeling screwed over.

To dream of liking a lemon may reflect feelings about enjoying a challenge or difficult problem. Enjoying an unpleasant situation because fixing it may profit you in some way. Enjoying enduring an unpleasant initiation.

Example: A young man dreamed of someone telling him he had to sleep with lemons before he could enter a door. In waking life he was a gang member who had to get beat up to be initiated into his gang.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a lemon tree and holding a nic elooking lemon. In waking life she was happy to get a promotion at work which let her deal with serious problems at the company.

Licorice Candy

To dream of red Twizzler-style licorice candy represents feelings about enjoying taking your time being playful or "toying" with something in a way that's "twisted" or different. Feelings of pleasure you get from toying or experimenting non-stop with something. Passionately or dangerously never having to stop behaving "twisted" with testing something or pushing limits. Feeling good enjoying something repetitive, difficult, or intentionally "twisted."

To dream of red licorice without twisting represents feelings about enjoying taking your time being playful or "toying" with something in a way that's safe.

Example: A girl dreamed of having a jar of red Twizzler-style licorice sitting on a shelf. In waking life, she had just lost her virginity and was feeling good expecting to experiment non-stop with other kinds of sex by seducing her boyfriend. In this case, the red Twizzler-style licorice may have reflected her feelings about the excitement and pleasure she anticipated from playfully experimenting with new sexual experiences in a way that felt "twisted" or adventurous.

Life Saver's Candy

To dream of Life Saver's candy represents an experience or choice of enjoying taking your time savoring something special for as long as possible before it runs out.


To dream of a lime represents thoughts and feelings about having to wait for something, setbacks, and delays
.  It may also symbolize your feelings about not getting what you wanted.

Lucky Charms Cereal

To dream of Lucky Charms Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, quick, and acceptable about being childish about liking believing in yourself with something new happening all the time that feels lucky for why it doesn't have to stop.

Negatively, dreaming of Lucky Charms cereal may represent annoyance with something new happening all the time that claims to be lucky.

To dream of the Lucky Charms Mascot "Lucky" may represent situations where you or someone else in your life is trying to encourage others to like thinking about doing anything new or lucky.

Children's Cereal often represents an experience with children or where parents are controlling children.

Example: A woman dreamed of being the Lucky Charms Mascot "Lucky" who was avoiding creepy menacing kids. In waking life, her 2-year-old child had discovered a Lucky Charms video remix of old advertisements, and the video was replayed all day. In this case, being the Lucky Charms Mascot "Lucky" while trying to avoid creepy kids may have reflected her feelings about herself avoiding angering her child while trying to encourage them to begin enjoying (or feel lucky about) watching new videos of different things on YouTube instead of repeating the same video while speaking in a manner that was acceptable to the child.

*Please See Cereal.

M&M Candy

To dream of M&M Candy represents feelings about treating yourself to having a good time enjoying what you are doing that no one else can do while not minding sharing being possible to make people like doing it with you. Liking what you are doing while sharing with friends is possible.

To dream of the larger M&M Candy peanuts represents treating yourself to having a good time enjoying starting something believable that no one else can do while not minding sharing being possible to make people like doing it with you.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to buy M&M Candy while on a train, but couldn't. In waking life, she had experienced a bitter relationship breakup and didn't like thinking about her ex-fiance with his new wife. In this case, the M&M Candy she couldn't buy may have reflected her attempt to treat herself to cooking something original while hoping a man she liked would join her which didn't work out.


To dream of a macaroni represents something in your life that makes you feel like it's unimportant. A situation that's not worth talking about.

To dream of macaroni and cheese may reflect gains or profiting that you don't feel is important. It may also be a sign that you feel no need to discuss or brag about your gains.


To dream of a mango represents qualities about a choice that feels strong about inviting you to like trying something different for yourself. Confidence that you deserve to enjoy yourself trying something different. Confidence to like something new for the first time if you want to. You are optimistic about how much better something feels than it did before. Feeling good liking something different. Feeling good letting go of problems. Feeling good letting go of issues with the past. Feeling good that someone else is right when you weren't. Feeling good with choices or situation that weren't of your choosing. Feeling good with choices that weren't your first choice. Not having to speak about why something feels enjoyable being better than something else. Not apologizing for enjoying something the best it can be. Enjoying stopping what you are doing to try something the feels good. An alternative choice that feels good that nothing is a disaster. Feelings about acting your age if you want to like trying something new.

Negatively, mangos may reflect situations that overdo inviting you to like trying something different that annoy you. Overdoing feeling good trying something different. Inappropriate sexual invitation or inappropriately changing the nature of a relationship to become sexual. Overindulgence in pleasure-seeking, addiction to trying new things, and a lack of consideration for potential consequences. A tendency to avoid responsibility or difficult decisions by constantly seeking out new and exciting options.

To dream of a mango tree may reflect feelings of looking up to someone more experienced than yourself who continuously invites you to enjoy new experiences if you want to. A sense of never-ending satisfaction with stronger alternative choices to try if you don't like something. A constant source of advice for pleasure or support that allows you try different options that are more likeable than you problems. A mango tree also suggests that someone, such as a boss, parent, or partner, is always there to help you overcome challenges and make life easier for you. Feeling that someone is always supportive of you getting over your troubles with an alternative choice.

To dream of a mango tree being cut down may reflect feelings about losing a strong support system from someone who like you deserving walk away from things you don't like. Supportive parents, spouses, or good friends dying that are no longer around to share experience with you on how to feel good with different options. Not liking waiting for the rest of your life to feel good doing something different. Life may feel harder now with someone no longer around to let you off your troubles with more enjoyable options.

Example: A young man dreamed of being given a mango. In waking life, he had reluctantly given up a beloved pet and a friend had sympathized with him. In this case, the mango reflected the sense of optimism he got from his friend who confidently interested him in appreciating his life differently by getting a new pet or a more interesting animal as a new pet.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a mango tree which in real life had been cut down. In waking life, she was a widow with 2 children who was thinking a lot about how difficult her life had become without her husband alive. In this case, the mango tree may have reflected her longing for the established sense of confidence that her deceased husband gave her about deserving to try new or different things now that she struggled to find new sources of support and stability in her life after his death.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of picking mangoes off a tree and then encountering a rattlesnake within the tree, which necessitated him to kill it. In waking life, he sought advice about relationships from a more experienced friend, but some of the suggestions displeased the girl he was dating, leading him to resolve the issue. In this case, the mango tree might have represented his feelings about his friend, who had a more established background in relationships, consistently offering fresh advice on how to confidently navigate romantic connections.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of wanting to buy mango juice for her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she maintained a close relationship with her ex-boyfriend, speaking to him daily. In this case, the mango juice she wanted to buy might have represented her feelings about confidently intriguing her ex-boyfriend in the idea of transitioning their relationship to a sexual one, with the possibility of initiating it through a single intimate encounter.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing mangoes being held by both her separated husband and the boyfriend she recently left. In waking life, she wanted to go back to her husband. In this case, the mangoes being held by both men may have reflected her feelings about the potential for a more enjoyable and fulfilling relationship with either man, each offering her a different yet inviting experience. The mangoes symbolize her desire to confidently explore the alternative choices in her romantic life, as she contemplates which path would ultimately make her happier.


To dream of marshmallows represents feelings about an aspect of your life that feels like an bonus that's easy to get away with, but isn't important. Frivolousness bonus or extra. An experience that mellows you out with feeling good it's unimportant. Behavior that is simple and straighforward. Situations that feel enjoyable extra and light-hearted. Feeling good being easily liked by friends. Feeling that it's exceptionally easy to enjoy yourself. Feelings of loving or liking yourself with something "fantastically extra." Enjoying "every single little detail" in an easy experience you are having. Enjoyable, yet unnecessary "extras."

Negatively, marshmallows may reflect feelings about overdoing thinking something is a bonus that's easy to get away. Overdoing thinking that something is simple and straighforward. An area of your life that feels fantastic, but isn't relevant to functioning. An enjoyable, but ultimately irrelevant "bonus." Wasting time with extras or bonuses instead of the real problems in your life. Being unintelligent about why other people will not agree with your thinking about something being an simple, smooth, and straightforward. Enjoying believing you'll get away with something because nobody will see it. Naively believing something can't be taken from you because it seems too frivolous.Too much focus on life having to be enjoyed perfectly with bonuses. Dependence on something unimportant that makes everything else in your life feel better. Preferring to feel good with something frivolous than to confront your problems.

Dreams of marshmallows are very commonly accompanied by images of chocolate. This may reflect an excessive need to treat yourself or enjoy your life that that is interfering with more serious aspects of your life.

Example: A young man dreamed of a marshmallow eating him. In waking life he was concerned that his need to have a perfect after school social life with all his friends was causing him to start failing at school. The marshmallows in this case may have reflected his feeling about the extra after hours time he was enjoying with friends that felt really good to experience, but was unnecessary to the proper functioning of his life. Overall the dream reflected feelings about "bonus" social activity that was destroying his school performance. He was being "eaten" or failed by his easy social life.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having chocolate marshmallows in his pocket and experiencing a dog attack him and take the marshmallows away leaving him unharmed. In waking life he was going through a divorce battle. In this case the marshmallows may have reflected his feelings about keeping things a secret from his wife in the divorce like it was easy to do because it was unimportant to bring it up.

Mars Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Mars chocolate bar represents feelings about treating yourself to thinking about yourself first because nobody wants to like you the way you are.

Mashed Potatoes

To dream of mashed potatoes represents feelings of comfort in familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with. Warmth, care, and the fulfillment of basic needs in an uncomplicated manner.

Negatively, dreaming about mashed potatoes could represent feelings of over-reliance on the comfort of familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with during a situation that is more serious than you thought.

To dream of mashed potatoes with gravy represents feelings of comfort in familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with while experiencing a sense of extra due to minimal effort. Feelings about the ease and simplicity of high-stakes real estate sales during good markets.

Example: A woman dreamed of having trouble eating mashed potatoes with gravy. In waking life, she was a successful real estate agent who was starting to have serious problems selling a home during the US banking crisis and economic slowdown of 2008. In this case, the mashed potatoes with gravy may have reflected her feelings about the comfort, reliance on familiarity, and simplicity of her previously successful real estate transactions now being complicated by the economic downturn. She may have also begun to feel that the "gravy train" of easy sales and profit was over and was no longer able to easily sell homes for high profit with minimal effort.

*Please See Potatoes.

*Please See Sweet Potatoes.


To dream of mayonnaise represents feelings of keeping a situation uncomplicated and within your comfort zone. Comfort and satisfaction with the way things are that doesn't require explaining anything. Feeling good accepting a situation the way it is without any need to explain it. Feeling good not having to talk to anyone about why situation doesn't change from the way it is. Not having to do anything outside your comfort zone. Feeling that nothing is special about staying in your comfort zone without explaining it to anyone.

Negatively, dreaming about mayonnaise may represents feelings about overdoing being in your comfort zone that's annoyed that you preferred it. It might symbolize an avoidance of challenges or a resistance to change that could ultimately lead to stagnation or loss of opportunities.

To dream of not wanting mayonnaise on your food represents feeling about not feeling comfortable staying inside your comfort zone. Prefering to explain to people why you want to do something different. Feeling ready to face problems head-on, rather than maintain the status quo.

Example: A woman dreamed of being told to make a sandwich with everything on it, but no mayonnaise. In waking life, she was experiencing a lot of problems in her life and almost no family left. In this case, being told to leave the mayonnaise off the sandwich may have reflected her feelings about trying to get through her troubling situation as best she could on her own, but not wanting to stay inside her comfort zone in order to address the problems.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of working at a Subway restaurant and was making a sandwich for a customer when a boy who said he owned the place as her boss made her nervous. She then screwed up the ingredients for the customer by putting too much much honey mustard instead of mayo. In waking life, she wanted to get a job at a Subway restaurant, but was too afraid to because an attractive boy worked there. In this case, the mayo may have reflected her feeling that it was better to keep things simple, comfortable, and free of complications in her waking life by not taking the job and not talking to the boy she was attracted to.


To dream of cooked meat represents situations or experiences that sustain you with a sense of strength, confidence or power. The strongest option to sustain or stabilize yourself with. Choices that let you feel strength with control, leadership, or having your way. A strong choice that sustains you or lets you feel bigger than others. Feelings about being able to be reckless if you want to.

To dream of raw meat represents a situation in waking life where you have the option to take or seize power. Having the option to prepare to be stronger or powerfully sustained.

To dream of eating raw meat may indicate your rush or haste to seize power. Negatively, it may reflect your wish to fail or embarrass people who want to take your power away by "getting the jump" on them. Not wasting any time preparing or waiting for a situation that gives you strength, control or confidence.

Consider the type of meat for additional meaning.

*Please See Steak.

*Please See Chicken (Food).

*Please See Bologna.

Mentos Candy

To dream of Mentos Candy represents feelings about an experience that's easier to have a good time by never believing that anything difficult can stop you as the reason why everything always works out. Feeling that it's easier to have a good time by never letting problems get to you, staying fresh, and staying cool.

Mexican Food

To dream of Mexican food represents feelings about the quality of an experience, idea, or choice that makes you respect yourself believing in yourself that matters without a problem. Getting through or liking a situation by being as bold, passionate, and interesting as you said. Situations where you may need to confidently speak about yourself believing in yourself without embarrassing yourself being fake and have it accepted. Feelings about taking in a genuine experience of believing in yourself respecting yourself without seeing anyone talking about you like you weren't.

Negatively, dreaming of Mexican food may represent overdoing respecting yourself believing in yourself that matters without a problem. Overdoing getting through or liking a situation by being as bold, passionate, and interesting as you said. Issues with being unable to confidently speak about yourself believing in yourself without embarrassing yourself being fake and having it accepted. Situations where other people may respect themselves believing in themselves with confidence while you don't. Getting negative attention or conflict due to respecting yourself believing in yourself too much with being bold, passionate, or interesting.

Example: A young man dreamed of being at a party and eating Mexican food where he encountered a beautiful woman whose boyfriend tried to have him killed. He was chased away. In waking life, he was experiencing social anxiety. In this case, the Mexican food may have reflected his feelings about needing to confidently navigate social situations confidently respecting himself believing in himself without a problem, but instead finding himself overwhelmed by fear and the intense social pressure of fitting in or asserting himself.


To dream of milk represents choices that you know are good for you and make you stronger. Choosing to self-improve or do the right thing in order to fix a problem. Feeling good experiencing improvement occurring. The choice to fix a problem that has been presented to you in waking life. Balancing or purification of some problematic area of your life.

Positively, dreaming about may reflect decisions that you feel are responsible and adult with long term benefit. Making healthy family choices because they are good for the family. Deciding to change your life for the better or do something responsible because it's good for you.

Negatively, dreaming about milk may reflect difficult or scary experiences that you are having that perfectly fixes some problem area of your life. Too much balance or purification happening too quickly. Alternatively, from a negative perspective milk may reflect showing off with an excessive amount of responsible or adult behavior.

Milk is a sign that changes are occurring in your life that encourage you to give up negative thinking patterns or problems by choice. Pregnant parents may dream of milk to reflect their wish to make very healthy family choices to prepare for the baby.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone with a gun handing him a glass of milk and then shooting him when he drank it. In waking life he had to fix a tax problem and after he did the government came after him for more money. The milk reflected the choice to fix his own tax problem.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a little girl making baby bottles filled with milk dirty and having to re-sterilize the bottles. In waking life she was recovering from a serious injury and was having problems choosing to stick with the doctors recommendations for faster healing. She found sticking to the strict diet and exercise plan difficult and had to keep starting over.

Milk Duds

To dream of Mild Duds represents treating yourself to enjoying taking your time working on something that's important to you.


To dream of a milkshake represents feelings about an experience or choice that's easy to indulge in deserving to feel comfortable with who you are as a person not being a fake. Feeling deserving to be comfortable, confident, and validated. Enjoying memories that make you feel valuable, authentic, or validated as a person. Feeling comfortable talking about yourself as a person who's not a fake based on things you've already achieved. Nostalgia and comfort in recalling the pleasant memories that make you feel good about yourself having been strong about never faking anything. Feeling deservedly content with your past successes or unique qualities.

Negatively, dreaming of a milkshake represents overdoing indulging in memories or experiences that make it too easy to make you comfortable with who you are as a person never being a fake. Feeling so comfortable with yourself about not being fake about past achievements easily being better than other people that you have a problem doing anything new.

A common symbol for our feelings about current lovers or the nostalgia of ex-partners who make you feel confident talking about yourself never being a loser for why you have ever dated them in the past.

Example: A young man dreamed of sipping on a milkshake. In waking life, he had been remembering an ex-girlfriend. In this case, the milkshake may have reflected his feelings about indulging in nostalgia recalling the memories of his ex-girlfriend that made him feel comfortable about who he was as a person not being fake for having dated someone as attractive as her.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of holding a milkshake which he threw in his girlfriend's face. In waking life, he feared that his relationship was turning out to be a disappointment. He felt that he wasn't able to deal with disappointment well. In this case, throwing the milkshake at his girlfriend's face may have reflected his feelings of having initially indulged too much in comfortably believing he wasn't a fake about having a strong relationship with easy before the disappointment set in and made him want to break up with her first.


To dream of millet represents feelings about an experience that's more conservative than usual about not having to think about other people's problems getting in your way because you need to get ahead by thinking of your own problems.


To dream of mint candies represents feeling good knowing you're "positiver" or not doing anything negative at all. Situations that allow to know something is better than it used to be.

*Please See Peppermint.

Mitraillette Sandwich

To dream of a mitraillette sandwich represents feelings about an experience of excessively believing in yourself doing whatever you want being allowed like it's frivolous just to say it happened without thinking it's important. Savoring doing whatever you want and never caring what anyone else thinks.

Mountain Dew Soft Drink

To dream of the Mountain Dew soft drink represents feelings about liking challenging yourself to something new or interesting that you usually don't do without ever thinking there's a problem with it. Confronting no challenges for doing something different than you usually don't do. Liking doing something different that doesn't have to explain it. Stepping out of your usual routines or norms without thinking about it as a problem. Breaking free from monotonous patterns and experimenting with new experiences, all while staying within your comfort zone. The liberty and enthusiasm to do something divergent from the usual, embracing a different style or approach without any sense of constraint or embarrassment.

Negatively, dreaming about Mountain Dew may reflect overindulging in newfound freedom or that there are underlying consequences that you might not have foreseen. A potential for overstepping boundaries, or a warning that what feels liberating now might have repercussions in the long run. Overdoing liking challenging yourself to something new that you usually don't do without ever thinking there's a problem with it to the point of being embarrassing, rude, or mean to other people.

Example: A young man dreamed of drinking Mountain Dew with his mother and then saw the Mountain Dew begin to dangerously bubble with his mother accusing him of poisoning her. In waking life, he was having trouble with a friend that stopped talking to him which caused further problems with other friendships. In this case, the Mountain Dew may have reflected his initial feelings of enjoyment and comfort in challenging himself to approaching his friendships differently after experiencing a complication with his close friend while believing there would be no problem with it. The dangerous bubbling of the Mountain Dew with accusations of poisoning might represent the unforeseen complications and misunderstandings that arose with other friends from his new approach to his friendship (or enjoying himself without believing he needs to apologize to his friend). The dream might highlight his fear of unintended consequences and misunderstandings when stepping out of his usual social routines or norms.


To dream of a muffin represents feelings about an experience or choice that is as safe as can be about caring about you liking something that's happening.

Example: A man dreamed of eating a muffin. In waking life, the man had bad luck with women who used him and was thinking about being with someone who actually cared about him. In this case, the muffin may have reflected his feelings about considering a relationship with a woman who felt emotionally safe and genuinely wanted to like him in return.


To dream of mustard represents feelings of adding intensity, livlierness, or excitement to an experience that needs it just right so it isn't jealous. Feelings about a situation where you are "Upping the ante" without wanting to push it too much. Measuring yourself while raising the stakes of a situation so it's personal about being more interesting. Mustard in a dream may also symbolize the need to provoke or stimulate thought, conversation, or action in waking life. This could reflect the need for intellectual stimulation, challenging assumptions, or adding a different perspective to a situation.

Negatively, mustard in a dream may represent forcing excitement or intensity into situations that do not require it, which could lead to unnecessary complications or misunderstandings. The risk of other people getting jealous that you wanted to make a situation more intense than it needed to be.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of working at a Subway restaurant and was making a sandwich for a customer when a boy who said he owned the place as her boss made her nervous. She then screwed up the ingredients for the customer by putting too much much honey mustard instead of mayo. In waking life, she wanted to get a job at a Subway restaurant, but was too afraid to because an attractive boy worked there. In this case, the putting too much honey mustard on the Subway sandwich instead of mayo may have reflected her feelings of potentially overcompensating or trying too hard to impress the boy she found attractive at her prospective job. She may have had anxiety about increasing romantic tension at the job by being close to the boy backfiring into a situation that might make her wish she left the job opportunity alone.


To dream of a nachos represents situations that make you feel good doing what other people also like. Group harmony or enjoying the same things as others. It may also reflect your attempt to fit in, follow the crowd, or making changes that are easily accepted by others.


To dream of regular nacho tortilla chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that repeatedly indulges in liking having a good time that doesn't need to explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop.

To dream of Doritos cheese-flavored nacho tortilla chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that repeatedly indulges in liking being strong about knowing what a winner is without needing explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop. Liking why you are serious about knowing what a winner is that isn't wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about Doritos cheese-flavored nacho tortilla chips may represent overdoing repeatedly indulging in liking being strong about knowing what a winner is without needing explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop that may annoy people with not liking you.

Nerds Candy

To dream of Nerds Candy represents feelings about an experience that has fun thinking about something difficult happening which nobody else wants to without having to explain yourself. Feelings about enjoying a lighthearted, quirky, or unique approach to life or a situation.


To dream of Nutella represents feelings about an experience or choice that's too easy (or smooth) about being allowed to treat yourself as much as you want to get closer to something you believe might work out without embarrassing yourself going too far. Feeling good that it's easy to never stop trying to get close to something you like as much as you want to. A situation that feels nice that it's easy to keep believing that something you like will happen if you keep trying to get close to it as much as possible. Feelings about how easy and tempting it is to treat yourself to the idea of getting closer to something or someone you like. Awareness of needing to control yourself with easily getting to closer to things or people you like the most.

Negatively, dreaming about Nutella may represent overdoing an experience or choice that's too easy (or smooth) about being allowed to treat yourself as much as you want to get closer to something you believe might work out and embarrassing yourself with going too far. Overdoing risking embarrassing yourself getting too close to (or talking about) a romantic crush believe it will help you get closer to them.

Nutella dreams may be common to people with romantic crushes who make a lot of effort to try to get close to them.

Example: A young woman dreamed of Nutella. In waking life, she had a romantic crush on another female at school. In this case, Nutella may have reflected her feelings about how easy it felt to treat herself to enjoying being allowed to keep trying to get close to her crush as much as she wanted to without embarrassing herself revealing to her straight crush that she was gay.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of buying Nutella and then experienced herself having no pants on while her underwear kept falling down. In waking life, she was getting over romantic heartbreaks with 2 different men. One of the men made her feel manipulated into needing to help them all the time while never allowing her to feel good being good enough for them. In this case, Nutella may have reflected her feelings about how easy and tempting it was to treat herself to the idea of being allowed to get closer to these men whenever she wanted, despite the relationships being unbalanced or manipulative.


To dream of legume nuts represents feelings about an experience or choice to help yourself to deserving to afford to think about something interesting happening without having to be too serious. Enjoying ideas that are "cool" and spontaneous.

Negatively, nuts in a dream may represent wasting time with weird, unusual, or unimportant issues. Focusing too much attention on things that don’t truly matter leading to a sense of distraction or lack of productivity.

Consider the type of nut and how it may feel trying to eat it for additional meaning.

*Please See Peanuts.
*Please See Pecans.
*Please See Walnuts.
*Please See Cashews.
*Please See Pistachios.
*Please See Almonds.


To dream of oatmeal represents feelings about situations where you benefit from being down-to-earth, humble, or well-grounded. Situations where you feel that being down to earth or humble will help you get through them easier. A mindset that doesn't want to talk about itself too much because it's more intelligent to assume someone else might have a better answer. Situations where believing in yourself too much doesn't help you or might get back at you. Behavior that isn't afraid of being down to earth because you're experiencing a situation where you have to be. Feeling good not always believing you're right because that way of thinking might be unintelligent or have consequences. Feeling that your life will be better if you don't talk about yourself being too important to avoid looking stupid. Feeling that nothing scares you as long as you don't think you are better than other people.

Oatmeal may appear in a dream when you feel humbled by something, face embarrassment, or feel a loss of power with someone else mattering more while feeling the need to accept it to avoid looking unintelligent.

Negatively, oatmeal may reflect feelings of embarrassment or humiliation that you have lost power after first having more than other people while learning to lower your ego and accept it. Feeling that your life has been downgraded, but that you don't have to lose anymore as long as you don't embarrass yourself any further. Feeling forced to be nice to people with a lowered ego because it's the right thing to do. Accepting a lower level of status after having a higher level that doesn't scare you as long as you don't think you are better than other people.

To dream of an oatmeal cookie represents feelings about treating yourself to getting away with something that's believably innocent that likes being humble, grounded, or down to earth. A small reward or comfort that comes from being humble or down to earth.

Example: An older woman dreamed of being served oatmeal by a waiter. In waking life, she was experiencing disappointment. In this case, the oatmeal may have reflected her feelings about needing to adopt a humble and grounded attitude to get through her disappointment, finding comfort in simplicity during a difficult time.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of making her brother the oatmeal cookies that he's always liked. In waking life, she had separated from her husband and was now planning to return to live with him after her husband made some significant changes to his behavior. In this case, the oatmeal cookies may have reflected her feelings about returning to her sex life with her husband after moving back into with him feeling good forgiving him as long as he stayed down to earth.

Oh Henry Chocolate Bars

To dream of an Oh Henry chocolate bar represents treating yourself to loving yourself the way you are without caring about what anyone thinks about you because someone supports you.


To dream of Okro (okra, ladyfingers) represents feelings about an experience or option that is beneficial to avoid speaking to someone about something difficult that might make them upset by resolving it yourself because it's easier once you do. Taking a practical approach to challenges that could lead to problems or stress if openly discussed. Taking care of matters independently to prevent misunderstandings or emotional upset, providing a sense of relief or simplicity in handling problems privately. Feeling that it's beneficial to avoid a fight by dealing with everything unusual yourself to resolve a problem. Feeling that it benefits you to avoid doing anything risky looking in front of an authority who you believe to be unintelligent about assuming you're dangerous because privately proving it will vindicate you.

Example: A person dreamed of getting into a bad argument with someone in a store and then going home to make a recipe that cooked a plant similar to Okro. In waking life, they felt unable to follow their creative pursuits while being forced into doing something else. In this case, the plant that was similar to okra may have reflected their feelings about coming up with a beneficial way to privately get around the restrictions on their creative choices by avoiding discussing them with people with authority over them until it was safe from any argument. The dreamer may have been aware of the authority figures in their life being unintelligent about the safety of their creative preferences due to the appearances of risk and needing to do what they wanted while alone without provoking authority to prove it.


To dream of an omelet represents feelings about adaptability and resourcefulness being intelligently applied to a new situation that is not the usual way so that it will work out well without anyone else thinking anything is wrong with it. Simpleness that can work out impressive or successful by adapting using small changes. Small changes to make sure that you never embarrass yourself with getting ahead while starting a new situation. Starting a situation where you are using your resources wisely or making the best out of what you have without anyone else complaining.

Negatively, dreaming about an omelet could represent feelings of overconfidence in your ability to manage and adapt to starting a complex situation while believing you'll never embarrass yourself with it working out well. Adaptability and resourcefulness applied to a new situation with the belief that it will work out well even if other people don't like it. Thinking that it's impressive to start something new without asking other people first. Overestimating your ability to smoothly incorporate small simple changes to start a situation without causing discomfort or estrangement in others. Adaptability and resourcefulness thoughtfully applied to make a new situation work out well which wasted its time thinking it matters when it doesn't.

Example: A young man dreamed of cooking an omelet over a campfire to share with others, but then found out that the omelet was burned. The other people called it a campfire log and said it wasn't an omelet. In waking life, he was finding it difficult to discuss with his girlfriend how his life was changing due to finding God. In this case, the burned omelet on the campfire may have reflected his feelings about facing rejection while attempting to adapt and make the best of a difficult situation with his girlfriend by integrating additional new praying or church involvement after discovering religion himself.

*Please See Eggs.


To dream of onions represents feelings about an experience or choice that's beneficial about being supportive of whatever you're doing being interesting with added complexity as long as you're not excessive about wanting it too much.

Negatively, dreaming about onions may represent feelings about an experience that overdoes complexity that ruins a situation, increases sensitivity, makes you upset, or makes you cry. Believing that added complexity would be beneficial that ends up ruining what you are doing instead. Added complexity that didn't listen to why it's excessive. Trying to make a situation more interesting that ruins everything. Emotional vulnerability, frustration, or discomfort with added complexity.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a cutting board on her lap while her husband's mistress started to cut onions on the board. She threw the cutting board on the ground. In waking life, she was experiencing a marriage separation due to her husband's infidelity. In this case, the onions may have reflected her feelings about believing that accepting her husband's mistress and the complexity it brought to their relationship was in her best interest to remain married and pay her bills. She tosses the cutting board and onions on the floor once the mistress begins to cut the onion to symbolize her rejection of this added immoral relationship complexity as a means to keep her life stable.

Onion Rings

To dream of onion rings represents feelings about an experience or choice being friendly about being supportive of whatever you're doing being more interesting without going overboard or needing to be important. An experience that is friendly about ensuring that mistakes with making a situation more interesting or complex don't happen. Doing something more interesting than before that's friendly about not embarrassing you with going too far. Feeling good that you are not goofy about talking about something happening that's more interesting than before.

Example: A woman dreamed of her and her husband running away from the government with no way to get food or supplies. People fed them onion rings which they ate as though they hadn't eaten in days. In waking life, her husband was receiving monthly government disability checks while she was a waitress. In this case, the onion rings may have reflected their feelings about being allowed to enjoy themselves or have fun doing something interesting without going overboard while avoiding the watchful eye of the government disability office which might shut off their disability payments for looking like they enjoy money too much.

Orange Juice

To dream of orange juice represents feelings of enjoying power easily for the first time. Feeling that it wonderful to see yourself noticing power easily. Experiencing power easily that makes you feel that you should be experiencing it all the time. A fresh perspective that matters or new enthusiasm for something that can't be cancelled. Nothing guilty about experiencing something brand new that's effective. New found freedom or reevaluating your potential.

Negatively, dreaming about orange juice may indicate that you've felt deprived of power or effectiveness for a long time with a sense of getting nowhere.

Example: A man dreamed of a seeing a person pour a glass of orange juice and quickly drink it. In waking life the dreamer was surprised by an employer who was usually controlling with power choosing to make experiencing power enjoyably easy. In this case the orange juice may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about enjoying power easily for the first time because usually it wasn't easy.

Example 2: A man dreamed of someone telling him about orange juice. In waking life he experiencing a new health food product that gave him new enthusiasm to recover his due to it's strength. In this case the orange juice may have reflected his feelings about how powerful the health food product felt improving his health for the first time in a long time.


To dream of oranges represents inconveniencing yourself or going out of your way to have something.  Noticing work is required to get what you want.

Example:  A man dreamed of seeing a crate of oranges.  In waking life he was spending a lot of time thinking about talking to a girl he liked.  The crate of oranges reflected the enormous amount of time he spent wanting to work on getting to know the girl.


To dream of oregano represents feelings about making a situation as interesting as you can make it while being careful about it. Adding something new to a situation that makes it better, but it doesn't have to be extravagant. Improvement and enhancement within the boundaries of what you consider safe or prudent. Thinking about a situation as special about being as interesting as it can get without going overboard to ruin it. The art of moderation and the value of enhancing without overdoing.

Positively, dreaming of oregano can indicate your ability to enhance situations or relationships as much as possible while being careful to not go overboard. A practical approach to making things better without overcomplicating matters. The value of subtlety and not needing to draw too much attention to your efforts to improve things.

Negatively, dreaming of oregano may represent feelings about overdoing enhancing or making a situation as interesting as possible that ruins it. Feelings about enjoying thinking about what you are doing is immoral or illegal while being careful about not overdoing it to avoid being caught. Alternatively, it might hint at concerns of overstepping or adding too much, leading to a situation becoming overwhelming or complicated. Feelings about not being caught having marijuana because you're careful about not talking about it too much.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being given a ziplock bag full of marijuana, but it didn't look like normal marijuana. It looked like oregano, cilantro, rosemary, and eucalyptus. In waking life, he did get a ziplock bag of normal-looking marijuana, but she and her friend debated about whether the marijuana was viable or going to make them sick. She never smoked the marijuana. In this case, the oregano may have reflected her feelings about adjusting herself in order to avoid getting into trouble while talking to someone at work about marijuana as long as she's careful about it.

Oreo Cookies

To dream of Oreo Cookies represents feelings about innocently getting away with enjoying breaking something up or taking something apart if you choose to. Enjoying the feeling of never being in trouble for breaking something up. Enjoying the irresistible choice to break something up or take something apart.

Negatively, dreaming about Oreo cookies represents difficulty in resisting enjoying breaking something or taking something apart. Choosing to enjoy breaking up a relationship in order to benefit. Feeling that you can enjoy breaking something in order to make people do something for you and get away with it.

To dream about Oreo cookies and milk may represent the feeling that there is nothing wrong with doing what is best for you by breaking something or taking something apart.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of Oreo Cookies in a container held by a female classmate whom she knew a male classmate had a crush on. In waking life she was planning on trying to break up the relationship of a girl dating a guy she felt liked her so she could date him. The Oreo cookies in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about nothing being wrong with enjoying herself breaking up or taking apart the relationship of another girl to enjoy herself with the guy. She couldn't resist getting away with breaking up the guy's current relationship to enjoy herself with him.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing an Oreo cookie phone being handed to her by a guy who wasn't her current boyfriend and letting it sit on a window sill. In waking life, this girl had a boyfriend she feared was cheating on her after breaking up with a previous boyfriend who cheated on her. She had broken up with her previous boyfriend for cheating on her. The Oreo cookie phone in this case may have her feelings about the irresistible thought of calling her current boyfriend to threaten breaking up with him over the suspected cheating to enjoy causing a reaction in him.

*Please See Cookies.


To dream of an oyster represents a person or situation in waking life that does everything it can to never let you what you want. Jealous obstruction or someone who is intentionally keeping you away from something once you get too close to it. Being teased with desire or opportunity.

To dream of eating oysters may reflect satisfaction with yourself overcoming a situation that has teased you. Overcoming a challenge that has consistently kept you away from it. Losing your jealousy or desire for good.

Eating oysters may appear in a dream after having sex with someone who denied it for a long time or after a difficult business opportunity is realized.


To dream of pancakes represents situations in To dream of pancakes represents situations in waking life where you or someone else is trying to enjoy feeling safe. Enjoying family safety. Nostalgic experiences. Cheerfulness. Optimism. Enjoying life with no anger, risk, or danger. Making an effort to see only the good in something or keep your mind off situations that are unsafe. Something that encourages you to ignore any negative influences. Intentionally trying to avoid noticing anything dangerous or unpleasant. Advice from other people to focus more on safety, optimism, and family life. Attempting to enjoy life more.

Negatively, pancakes may reflect too much enjoyment of safety to the detriment of your social standing or success. Preferring to enjoy staying at home with family because you don't believe you can compete in the world. Safety of family.

Examples: A man dreamed of being told he needed to have more pancakes. In waking life he was recovering from an abusive upbringing which made him suicidal and a therapist was trying to encourage him focus only on the safe positive things in his life and keep his mind off suicidal thoughts.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being unable to eat pancakes. In waking life she felt it was difficult to spend time with her father helping him fix up his home after it had sustained damage. The pancakes in this case may have reflected her feelings about being unable to enjoy a nostalgic enjoyable experience spending time with her father improving his home.

*Please See Syrup.

*Please See Waffles.

Passion Flakie

To dream of a Passion Flakie represents feelings about an experience or choice that is sensitive about not getting caught enjoying yourself while never caring about other people's feelings as quickly you need to.


To dream of pasta represents comfort and To dream of pasta represents feelings about the qualities of an experience having comfort, familiarity, and flexibility about making it interesting. Making an effort to nurture a familiar comfortable relationship with a flexible attitude to make it work. Making an effort to find comfort and contentment in the familiar aspects of your life. Taking the time to talk about something interesting. You may feel that it's your responsibility to keep a situation interesting, engaging, or enjoyable.

Positively, dreaming about pasta could indicate that you are finding ways to make routine experiences more interesting or exciting. A balance between maintaining a sense of familiarity and pursuing novelty or interest. This could imply a successful effort in keeping relationships or normal circumstances lively, preventing them from becoming monotonous. Conversations with friends or family that are comfortable with the flexibility of not having too many rules.

Negatively, dreaming about pasta may represent a struggle to make repetitive or overly familiar aspects of your life more interesting. Striving to inject some excitement into your daily routines or relationships, and finding it challenging.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of
eating pasta. In waking life, she introduced her friend to her Dad and they were talking about how her Dad seemed like her friend's Dad. In this case, the pasta may have reflected her feelings about talking to her friend about family and other areas of their life that felt comfortable, familiar, and flexible about having an interesting conversation.

*Please Spaghetti.


To dream of a pastry represents enjoying indulging in deserving to feel old enough or accomplished enough that's supposed to feel comfortable with self-control. Experiencing a moment when you enjoy feeling a sense of accomplishment, maturity, and self-control. Feeling professional with self-control about enjoying yourself as an adult indulging that's comfortable never embarrassing yourself. Feeling that it's beautiful to deserve to never say anything little about yourself. Feelings of deserving to control yourself while you like what you are doing.

Negatively, a pastry may represent overdoing thoughts of enjoying feeling more accomplished or adult than you actually are.

To dream of a stolen pastry may reflect cheating or going behind someone's back in order to enjoy indulging in feelings of accomplishment, maturity, and self-control.

Example: A woman dreamed of the Philidelphia Flyers winning a championship game with 1 game left in the series. She then found herself inside an Italian bakery with other people who were stealing pastries out of the pastry case, but she didn't steal any. In waking life, the Philidelphia Flyers did have 1 game left in the series to win and she was excitedly anticipating the next game. In this case, the stolen pastries may have reflected her feelings about other people she knew watching the championship that was overdoing getting ahead of themselves enjoying celebrating and talking about themselves as accomplished home team champions when there was still 1 game left.


To dream of a peach represents feelings about experiencing situations that are exceptionally favorable, simple, delightful, and perfectly aligned to your tastes that benefits you by not fighting it staying the way it is. An experience that feels good for you to think about liking a situation the way it is without once instance of a problem. Sensitivity, respectfulness, and objectivity about liking a situation the way it is with simplicity and ease. Feeling good deserving to accept a favorable situation the way it is without one instance of a problem. Feeling that there are benefits to objectively liking a situation the way it is without a single problem. Situations make you feel blissful, satisfied, or that everything is just "right." This dream could hint at your thoughts about special moments where things feel easier or more in tune with your desires if left exactly the way they are. Feelings of contentment, harmony, simplicity, and benefits with accepting a situation the way it is without noticing other people's problems. It could also hint at moments of appreciation, where you feel things are going particularly well for you. Life or a situation feels "peachy" to you. A situation works out simple the way you like it because someone listened to you.

Negatively, dreaming about peaches could represent feelings about overdoing enjoying a situation that feels exceptionally favorable, delightful, and perfectly aligned to your tastes. Temptations, or a fear of overindulgence. Taking something good for granted or the fear of a perfect situation turning sour.

To dream of peach juice represents feelings of effortless essence that gives you vitality, nourishment, or rejuvenation in a situation that feels favorable, simple, and perfectly aligned with your tastes. Life feels 'peachy' without any hindrance.

Example: A woman dreamed of being offered the choice of 2 drinks. One was pink lemonade and the other was pink lemonade mixed with peach. She chose the pink lemonade without peach. In waking life, she had to stay home from work with the flu. In this case, the pink lemonade may have reflected her feelings about making the best of a bad situation while sensitive about other people at work thinking of her feelings while working from home sick taking the day off. The pink lemonade mixed with peach may have reflected her feelings about making the best of a bad situation that's sensitive about her people at work thinking of her feelings while believing it was lucky and easy to enjoy taking the whole day off without a problem.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of picking up a bowl of peach juice off a table and pretending to pour it over his brother's head, but never did. People then got angry at him. In waking life, his brother had a history of disrespecting his possessions while the dreamer has learned to control his temper. In this case, the peach juice may have reflected the ease with which mutual respect and good feelings could be maintained without a single problem, even in the face of old issues, thereby allowing the two brothers to find it simple and beneficial to 'like the situation the way it is' without succumbing to anger or irritation. Pretending to spill the peach juice over his brother's head may have reflected a momentary temptation to disturb the peace, testing the waters of the newfound mutual respect.

*Please See Peach Color.


To dream of a peanuts represents feelings about an experience being believable without a problem, but isn't important.

Negatively, dreaming about peanuts represents thoughts about something being meager or not worth your time or money. Too much extra effort with something that isn't going to help you long-term or in any significant way. Lots of extra work that isn't going to pay your bills. A peanut may be a sign that you need to try new things, explore new ideas, or find a more effective method to deal with a problem. Feeling that it isn't intelligent to need to repeatedly fix something. Feeling no value in working for someone else. Easiness that doesn't pay well. Feeling that you are wasting your time being unimportant.

Peanut dreams are common to people who feel that they aren't being paid enough or can't see any benefit in doing something little that will never stop.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman putting green peanuts in bowls which annoyed her. In waking life, she was getting annoyed with needing to fend off the sexual advances of a man she depended on to live with while waiting for her own boyfriend to be able to afford an apartment to let her move out. In this case, the green peanuts may have reflected her feelings of jealousy of having to temporarily allow the homeowner's unwanted sexual advances to feel believable about being possible in order to keep living in the home while she was confident it was unimportant to ever need to sleep with him.

Peanut Butter

To dream of peanut butter represents feelings about how quick and easy something is to get away with something believable that's unimportant to talk about. Smooth cooperation. Smooth easy experiences.

Negatively, peanut butter may represent feelings about overdoing trying to quickly and easily get away with something that's unimportant to talk about. Feelings about how easy or smooth something dishonest is to do without being afraid. A smooth easy experience that doesn't scare you with being looked at as unwise.

To dream of a peanut butter sandwich represents feelings about getting through a stressful or difficult situation with an option that is quick, easy, and unimportant to talk about.

To dream of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich represents feelings about getting through a stressful or difficult situation with an option that is quick, easy, and unimportant to talk about while enjoying not complaining about anything being a problem.

To dream of chocolate and peanut butter together would represent treating yourself to enjoying getting away with something quick and easy that's unimportant to talk about.

Example: A man dreamed of a chocolate peanut butter. In waking life, he was trying to have sex with a girl he didn't really care about at all. In this case, the chocolate peanut butter reflected his thoughts about treating himself to easily getting away with having sex with the girl while thinking about it as unimportant to tell anyone what he was doing.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In waking life, she was coping with the trauma of being sexually abused by her ex-boyfriend and being unable to afford therapy. In this case, the peanut butter on the sandwich may have reflected her feelings about finding it easier (or smoother) to get through the stress of her sexual abuse trauma by accepting it believable that it happened while not talking about it as important to report to the police to anyone.

*Please See Jelly.


To dream of a pear represents feeling good being responsible or making responsible choices. Responsibility or responsible ideas that feel good being good for you. Feeling good being a good person or a responsible person. Feeling good that nothing happening is a disaster. Feeling good responsibly giving someone something. Feeling good having to accept responsibility taking care of someone. Choices that aren't sexy, but are good for you.

Example: A man dreamed of a woman he liked handing him a basket of pears. In waking life the man was spending a lot of time thinking about helping this woman with her struggling business.

Example 2: A very child dream of getting a ladder to climb a pear tree and then the ladder fell down. In this the pear symbolism may have reflected the child's wish to try something more mature or responsible then their age could handle.


To dream of peas represents feelings about situations or advice that are good for you, but that you weren't asking for. Parental criticism. Judgement on the quality of something in your life. Expert advice that you didn't ask for. Feelings about getting more than you ask for.

Example: A woman dreamed of swimming in pea soup. In waking life she felt that her mother was very judgmental about her life whenever she would visit her. The pea soup may have reflected her feelings about her mother always being ready to criticism or judge her or continue criticizing her where they last left off from their last conversation.


To dream of pecans represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to think about something interesting happening by deserving to be thoughtful about other people's feelings first in order to care about your own. Caring about yourself by putting other people's feelings first.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a barren pecan tree in the autumn. In waking life, he was leaving a manager job at a restaurant for a corporate job. In this case, the barren pecan tree may have reflected his feelings about losing his old established manager job at the restaurant that required being thoughtful about employees feelings doing their job and customers enjoying their food in order to get feedback to keep his job or get bonuses.


To dream of black pepper (ground, pepper shaker) represents feelings about choice regarding situations or experiences that are spiced up, intensified, or challenged with being different. Adding complexity, excitement, or a dash of difficulty to otherwise straightforward circumstances. Challenges you take on intentionally or surprises that add layers of complexity to your experiences. Added difficulty to a situation that is careful not to go overboard. Being in control and measured about liking not staying the same in a situation by making it a little more complicated. The importance of moderation in making a situation more complicated so that you enjoy it.

Positively, dreaming of pepper might suggest that you appreciate the 'spice of life,' welcoming complexity or challenges that make your experience different or more interesting. It may indicate a sense of adventure, a willingness to face difficulties head-on, or a desire to break monotony. The dream could also signify that you feel invigorated or awakened by new challenges, seeing them as opportunities for growth.

Negatively, dreaming about pepper could symbolize feelings of discomfort, irritation, or being overwhelmed by the complexities or challenges introduced into your life. You might feel that things are becoming too complicated or that obstacles are being thrown your way when you least expect them. The dream might reflect a wish for simpler, more straightforward circumstances, or a sense that you're biting off more than you can chew. Hating yourself for going overboard and choosing something that overcomplicates a situation.

Example: A woman dreamed of World War 2 being over and that dinner was being served. A table had a salt and pepper shaker on it. In waking life, she finished paying off rent she was obligated to in a disaster apartment rental with a friend. It was her last month before moving on. In this case, the pepper may have reflected her feelings about being cautious in this new beginning, wary of making choices that could overcomplicate her life again.

Example 2: A man dreamed of sprinkling strips of dried beef with ground black pepper for a new beefy jerky product he was releasing. In waking life, he was preoccupied with avoiding wasting time and his perception of himself as being too masculine and confident. In this case, the dried beefy jerky with ground black pepper on it may have reflected his feelings about not wasting other people's time overcomplicating a situation when offering advice or support with anything too challenging or different.

*Please See Peppers.

*Please See Salt.


To dream of peppermint flavor represents feelings about an experience or choice that helps you to feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" than you were. It may reflect an awareness that something has improved. Situations that allow to feel that something is better than it used to be. A refreshing change in attitude. Embracing positivity. Gentle encouragement to move forward.

Negatively, dreaming about peppermint could represent feelings about efforts to feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" in a situation being overly simplistic or superficial. Frustration over not addressing problems fundamentally.

To dream of peppermint candy represents feelings about enjoying yourself talking about yourself being "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" than you were. Enjoying a refreshing change in attitude. Pleasant feelings about oneself being "positiver" or that you've improved yourself in some way. Enjoying never talking about anything that's boring, old, not working, or stagnant. Pleasure in talking about progress or appreciation for small victories. Enjoying that you are not scaring other people with what you are saying.

Negatively, dreaming of peppermint candy may represent feelings about temporary efforts to enjoy feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" in a situation being overly simplistic or superficial that won't last. Frustration over not addressing problems fundamentally.

Example: A person dreamed of light green mint candy. In waking life, they discovered a cure for a long-standing health problem. In this case, the mint candy may have reflected his feelings about enjoying talking about his health to other people in a "fresher" more positive outlook.


To dream of vegetable peppers repesents feeling of noticing why it's good for you being more interesting, risky, dangerous, or potentially lethal than before. "Spicing up" a situation or some area of your life. Noticing that behavior is not terrible about why it wants to make life more interesting. Upping the level of interest or risk in a situation or relationship.

To dream of bell peppers represents feelings about something that's good for you being more interesting or risky than usual that cares about you for the rest of your life. Possibly a symbol for feelings of relationship loyalty mixed with an interesting sex life. Loyalty that likes noticing it isn't boring. "Spicy" family life or doing something more interesting than usual with family. Not being boring with your family like it's normal. Not having to speak about something being made more interesting. Accepting yourself the way you are without having to be bored by it.

To dream of a jalopeno pepper represents feelings of noticing why it's good for you being more interesting or risky than usual that doesn't kill you. Interest or risk that you don't mind having a just little bit of. Feelings of something being wonderful about why it carries you through managed risk without having to be lethal.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating pepper soup that later revealed weird pieces of plastic in it. In waking life she was having relationship issues. The pepper in this case may have reflected her attempts to keep her relationship interesting.


To dream of pickles represents qualities of liking something more than you usually do in moderation and not overindulging. Feelings about nothing being unusual about saying to other people that you want a little bit of something once that doesn't have to keep doing it all the time. Feeling good not having to say something is problem because isn't excessive. Valuing moderation and finding joy in small experiences rather than overdoing it. Enjoying something a little bit, but not wanting to enjoy it all the time. Feelings about whether or not you have a healthy relationship with indulgences and prioritize balance in your life.

To dream of a dill pickle represents feelings about not being full of yourself having to have the right amount of something.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing pickles at Christmas time. In waking life she admitted that the dream happened after drinking way too much caffeine. In this case the pickles may symbolize a balance between enjoying coffee in moderation and not overindulging while liking it more than usual.


To dream of pie in a dream represents feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie"). Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people "getting a piece" as well. Enjoying a piece of a shared reward after lots of hard work.

To dream of a pumpkin pie may represent feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie") with a strong sense of closure. Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people "getting a piece" as well where closure is involved. Allowing yourself to deserve to feel good about finally letting go of something after lots of hard work.

To dream of an apple pie may represent feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie") that's a perfect example of maintaining values, family life safety, or never being immoral. Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people as well where maintaining values, family life safety, or never being immoral are involved. Allowing yourself to deserve to feel good about values, safety, or morality after lots of hard work.

Example: A man dreamed of a pie being taken away from him. In waking life, he was in a competition at work for a raise and lost. He felt he deserved the raise more than the other person who got it. In this case, the pie being taken away from him may have reflected his feelings of overconfidence about deserving one of a limited amount of available job promotions to be handed to him like it was simple and easy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing pumpkin pie being eaten. In waking life, she wanted to end her marriage because her husband cheated on her. She was beginning to feel that she deserved a new life and closure in the relationship even though her husband was being difficult about it. In this case, seeing a person eating pumpkin pie may have reflected feelings about experiencing her husband cheating on her making her feel "a taste" of deserving to enjoy experiencing closure in the marriage with an easy simple divorce or "her piece" of the family assets.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of eating apple pie. In waking life, she felt that her life had been through a lot of brave leaps and uncertainty, but she remained resilient due to the support of her family. In this case, the apple pie may have reflected her feelings about being rewarded for her perseverance and maintaining her values alongside her family through challenging times.


To dream of a pineapple represents feeling guarded or defensive about how you handle a situation that allows you to enjoy no obligations. Something that you want to enjoy, but also feel a bit cautious or hesitant about. A situation or opportunity might feel good with no obligations, but requires the confidence to let your guard down or leave certain issues behind. The opportunity to experience no worries, no work left, or no obligations that also makes you feel a bit uneasy or uncertain beginning to experience it. The prickly exterior of the pineapple symbolizes the need to navigate potential obstacles or challenges that may arise as you pursue this no-obligation opportunity. You may feel like you need to be careful in how you approach letting go of obligations in order to avoid any negative consequences. Feeling comfortable, confident, or self-assured about deserving a life without obligations.

Negatively, dreaming about pineapple may be a sign that you are experiencing a situations where you feel guarded or defensive about taking time off or letting go of obligations. Feeling uptight or guarded about a situation feeling too easy with having no obligations. Discomfort about taking a vacation because you think it will cost you money taking time off. Overdoing being comfortable with no obligations when it's dishonest or selfish. Feeling guarded or uptight is difficult to get past to feel relaxed or comfortable wito no obligations.

Example: A college graduate dreamed of eating a pineapple. In waking life, his parents paid for his tuition and he refused to pay them back. In this case, yhe pineapple reflected his dishonest sense of being guarded about never deserving to have any financial obligation to his parents.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of wanting to buy her ex-boyfriend pineapple juice, but couldn't. In waking life she still loved her ex-boyfriend. In this case, the pineapple juice may reflected her feelings about desiring a comfortable no-obligations sexual relationship with her ex while also feeling uptight about bring it up because she felt that he had moved on and might end the friendly as well.


To dream of Pistachio Nuts represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to think about something interesting happening by making an effort to do nothing unusual about what other people expect so you don't make them uncomfortable about liking doing things with you. Feeling that other people trusting you to do nothing ususual is important. Doing nothing unusual because other people like you better that way. Feeling that it's important that other people aren't uncomfortable with being annoyed by you doing anything they don't expect. Doing nothing unusual so that other people like that nothing weird is happening.

Example: A woman dreamed of a Jello pistachio pudding mix. In waking life, it was Christmas time. In this case, the pistachio symbolism may have reflected her feelings about making an effort to do nothing unusual about what other people expect during the holidays so other people will like doing things with her.


To dream of whole pizza in a dream represents situations where you are casually enjoying a satisfying and customizable experience hanging out with other people that meets your expectations effortlessly. Taking time off to casually enjoy nothing being a problem with whatever is happening with a customized experience. Happy light hearted shared experiences. Hanging out with people having fun that turns out exactly as you expected.

Negatively, dreaming about pizza may represent options or situations that are too casual and indulgent about customization like it's simple that neglects the need for being special. Casual enjoyment or hanging out with people is ruining having more serious experience by yourself.

To dream of a single slice of pizza represents feelings of enjoying not being better than other people while you hang out enjoying and share a customized experience that meets your expectations effortlessly.

To dream of pizza that takes too long to be delivered represents feelings of frustration and disappointment when reality does not meet your expectations. It could indicate a situation where you are not getting what you want in a timely or casual manner,despite your demands or requests.

Example: A young woman dreamed of ordering pizza that took forever to be delivered and then sat in her car without gas eating her portion of the pizza while the rest went cold. In waking life, she broke up with her boyfriend because he couldn't sexually please her. In this case, the pizza may have reflected her feelings about wanting a satisfying romantic relationship that caters to her needs without a problem.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of a pizza that grew too big until it became a problem. In waking life, he had visited Las Vegas with friends. In this case, the pizza that grows too big may have reflected his feelings about wasting his time in Las Vegas or finding it too expensive when he expected to have a fun time hanging out with friends.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of eating pizza with her boss. In waking life, she was employed as an Assistant Director of a day camp for kids. In this case, the pizza may have reflected her feelings about her her casual and cooperative working relationship with her boss as they spent the day hanging out planning and customizing the camp experience for the children.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of eating a pizza that she found little and odd. In waking life, she was putting up with the covid pandemic and trying to stay sane. In this case, the pizza that was little and odd may have reflected her feelings about trying to find small moments of normalcy and enjoyment in casually hanging out with friends in an otherwise challenging and uncertain time. They may have enjoyed an unusual customized experience that was more limited than they are used to, symbolized by the small odd pizza.

Example 5: A man dreamed of someone cooking him a black pizza. In waking life, his Dad wanted to move away with him to paradise and he found the idea excessive while not telling his Dad what he really felt. In this case, the black pizza may have reflected his enjoyment of sharing discussion about moving to paradise while simultaneously harboring unease or negative feelings about the idea with his Dad.

Pizza Buns

To dream of a pizza bun represents feelings about an experience or choice that involves choosing to do whatever you want that's fun without having to speak about it to anyone else about if you don't want to.


To dream of plantains represents feelings of about an experience that is not satisfying an urge the way you want it to because it requires work or preparation to fulfill your needs. An experience that is behaves safer or more serious than you think it does and takes work to get something out of it. An experience that is not as enjoyable as you think because it requires putting work into it to get something out of it. An experience that doesn't have to be pleasurable, but requires work to make it worth it. A thinking style that is not crazy about too much pleasure.

Negatively, dreaming about plantains represents feelings about an experience that fools you all the time that satisfying an urge is easy because it takes work to fulfill your needs. Being unsatisfied with an experience that doesn't meet your needs or desires, despite your initial expectations. Disappointment for indulging in something you like without care or proper preparation. An area of your life is always "never ripe enough" to enjoy easily. Feeling stupid for thinking of doing something fun without carefully planning or thinking about it first. A sign that some area of your life that is pleasurable requires some care, forethought, or planning. A problem that is more work than you thought in order to easily move on from it.

To dream of cooked plantains may reflect feelings of enjoying something you took special care for or properly planned for. Responsible safe planned sexual behavior with your husband whenever he asks so you can get pregnant.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating cooked plantains. In waking life she was trying to get pregnant, but found that having lots of sex to have a child required some quality planning to make the effort worth it. In this case the cooked plantains may have reflected dreamer's effort with the process of trying to conceive, and her willingness to plan and prepare for a successful outcome.


To dream of popcorn represents your enjoyment of watching something happening for entertainment. Enjoying being a spectator. A sense of detachment and amusement. Enjoying experiencing people who are helping you or doing things for you all on their own that you've never experienced them doing before. Enjoying an unusual experience of observing people who are helping you or serving your needs all on their own which you find interesting.

To dream of popcorn kernels represents feelings about the potential to enjoy experiencing something for entertainment.

Pop Tarts

To dream of a Pop Tart represents feelings about an experience or choice enjoying yourself doing something as quickly and lightly as possible while putting up with being in a rush to start something so you don't feel that it's unbearable. Trying to enjoy a quick, convenient, and lighthearted approach to a situation while tolerating a sense of urgency or haste.


To dream of pork represents feelings about an option or experience that is confident and simple about being better off or stronger about nothing stopping you. Feelings about the qualities of a situation you are experiencing being straightforward and confident with a sense of being better off or stronger without anything hindering you. Feeling that you can't be stopped by arrogant, greedy, thoughtless, or selfish people deserving to again. No longer putting up with someone in your life selfishly and thoughtlessly holding you back while believing in themselves too much. A sense of empowerment and liberation from people or situations that are in your way. Enjoying something that feels unrestricted. Feeling unapologetically robust.

Negatively, pork may reflect an experience that overdoes being confident and straightforward about excess and indulgence. Taking things for granted. Overspending. Consider the phrase "Pork Barrel Projects" for government spending. Perceptions of wastefulness, corruption, or inefficiency in governmental or corporate structure.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in the kitchen preparing chicken and pork. She kissed her husband with the meat in between their lips. She felt surprised that she enjoyed kissing him. In waking life, she had just recovered from serious depression after being abused by her husband and was having difficulty trying to forgive him. In this case, the pork may have reflected her feelings about how confident, simple, and strong it felt to be better off without her husband abusing her if she left him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating at a restaurant called "Most Of Us Are Pork" where people were magically turned into pigs to be slaughtered to feed people. In waking life, he was enrolled in the military while stationed in Germany, but not deployed. In this case, the restaurant with the word "Pork" in the title may have reflected his feelings about the military environment he was in, where individuals may have felt like expendable dehumanized commodities or where there was a sense of being part of a thoughtless system that wasted people's lives.

Pork Rinds

To dream of Pork Rinds represents feelings about an experience or choice where taking time off is easy because intelligence isn't important for whatever you're doing to stay working since it's already taken care of. Enjoying why someone else already takes care of things and only requires you to show up.


To dream of porridge represents feelings about situations where you benefit from deserving to be simple about not showing off thinking about yourself being better than other people while doing only what's needed in order to get through a situation. Not showing off talking about yourself too much or overdoing anything in order to get through a situation. Feelings of ease with humbleness where talking about yourself isn't important. Enduring whatever you need to do by not believing in yourself too much.

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating porridge that she threw away because it had worms in it. In waking life, she had PTSD and was finding her methods of managing it weren't working anymore. In this case, the porridge may have reflected her feelings about the simple and basic methods she was using to cope with her PTSD on her own without discussing it with other people too much, which she initially thought was sufficient. The presence of worms in the porridge could symbolize her realization that these methods were no longer effective and perhaps undermined by other people in her life ruining her ability to take personal time off to do what she needed to treat her PTSD.

*Please See Oatmeal.

Potato Chips

To dream of potato chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that indulges in liking what's currently happening being easily gratifying without thinking stopping is ever going to be a problem.

Negatively, potato chips may represent a lack of self-control or willpower to stop a repeating or recurring indulgence. An overindulgent behavior or a lack of willpower for something currently happening being easily gratifying that doesn't have to stop. You may be having a problem stopping yourself once you've started indulging in something. Issues with doing something once not being enough to satisfy yourself that may come with a cost that isn't good for you. Cravings, temptations, or unhealthy habits that are difficult to manage. You may need to exercise more self-control over cravings. Telling yourself that you can control your cravings or "easily have one more" when you can't. Maintaining self-control when faced with something that feels irresistible. You may need to exercise more self-control.

Example: A man dreamed of eating potato chips. In waking life, he was trying to overcome sex addiction. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected his inability to stop craving sex once he's had it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing herself eating potato chips. In waking life, she couldn't stop speaking to a professional for advice because the advice was better than anything she had gotten before. She had to keep going back for advice over and over. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected her feelings of easy gratification that came with repeatedly indulging in professional advice that was both difficult to stop enjoying and expensive.


To dream of raw potatoes represents feelings about not yet deserving to be comfortable from complications or hurdles with a sense that it would be beneficial for you to learn from the experience. Feeling that a complication or hurdle that you'll learn from does nothing unless you get involved with it. A problem situation in your life that requires work or brings difficulties, but encourages personal growth because you'll learn to overcome minor complications or hurdles with ease. Your perception of complications being manageable and ultimately leading to a satisfying resolution as you work through them. A learning experience that will make your life easier after having to confront it once.

To dream of cooked potatoes represents feelings of satisfaction, ease, and comfort with the resolution of a complicated situation that you didn't feel you deserved to put up with to begin with. A situation that may have started out complicated or challenging, has now been resolved or made simpler. The appreciation for the work done to make things smoother or more manageable. The rewards of patience and effort.

To dream of raw sweet potatoes represents feelings of not yet feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.

To dream of cooked sweet potatoes represents feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.

To dream of a baked potato represents feelings about special attention given to prepare to be comfortable from a complicated situation that you feel you didn't deserve to begin with while not wanting to say anything to anyone else about it because you want it all to yourself. Feeling that someone specially prepared a complicated situation and made it easy for you and not wanting to complain about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a lot of large potatoes. In waking life, she had a lot of work to do to prepare to organize and prepare to move with her boyfriend to another country on the opposite side of the world. In this case, the potatoes may have reflected her feelings about the numerous tasks and complexities she faced as beneficial for her personal growth, relationship, and future while living in another country comfortably without problems.

Example 2: An older woman dreamed of finding a sweet potato plant in a ditch. In waking life, she was upset with her church and wanted to leave for a new church. In this case, the sweet potato plants may have reflected her feeling of personal growth from overcoming the hurdles associated with leaving her current church with a sense of feeling good not deserving to have ever dealt with the church's problems to begin with as she anticipated embracing a new spiritual community that felt more comfortably aligned with her needs and desires.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having lunch with her boss and being given a plate of peeled baked potatoes. She felt that the location must have been filthy before it was recently cleaned. She asked for an appetizer, but her boss said they were passed that time. In waking life, she didn't like her boss and felt that her ethics and integrity had slipped over the years. She was looking for a new job. In this case, being offered baked potatoes while being denied an appetizer may have reflected her feelings about her boss being specially prepared to resolve certain problems with comfortable executive privileges while wanting workers to be quiet about it, but not being willing to teach the workers valuable skills to prevent problems from happening to begin with because it might begin to train them to take her job.

*Please See Mashed Potatoes.
*Please See Potatoe Wedges.

Potatoe Wedges

To dream of potato wedge french fries represents feelings about enjoying being straightforward about deserving to believe in yourself safely mattering without a question, not being mean about not minding wasting time, while experiencing something happening being frivolous, unimportant, fun, or not serious about needing to be intelligent. Being unafraid to believe you matter while something fun, frivolous, or unimportant is happening. Feeling good speaking up for yourself and not being shy while something frivolous or unimportant is happening.

Potato wedges are not a common dream symbol.

*Please See French Fries.


To dream of poutine represents feelings about an experience or choice where you deserve to speak about yourself not a loser without it being important enough for anyone to disagree with you.


To dream of a pretzel represents feelings about an experience or choice of not having to care about anything important happening like it's your job. Relaxing or "taking it easy" doing nothing important while you wait for something more important to happen. Thinking of nothing important happening like it's fun. Being in control of yourself not having to care about anything important happening. Enjoying relaxing while other people don't feel anything happening is important either. Not feeling dumb about not needing to do anything else important about an issue.

Negatively, a pretzel may represent feelings about overdoing not having to care about anything important happening like it's your job.

Example: A young man dreamed of eating pretzels. In waking life, he was waiting for an important change to occur before getting serious about his business. He felt that it was better to relax and allow the change to occur before he bothered getting stressed out with hard work that may end up being unnecessary. In this case, the pretzels may have reflected his professional mindset of casually taking time off like it was a part of his job and treating the lack of immediate responsibility as an opportunity to take it easy and avoid unnecessary stress.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of an army officer handing her a bag of pretzels. In waking life, the father of her son had lost all custody and visitation rights due to abuse. In this case, the army officer handing her a bag of pretzels may have reflected her feelings about enjoying not having to care about anything else important happening legally in regards to taking the father of her son to court.

Protein Bars

To dream of a protein bar represents feelings about supporting yourself keeping strong on your own to get through a situation without having to tell anyone about it.

Protein Shakes

To dream of a protein shake represents feelings about supporting yourself keeping strong on your own that's quick and easy about safely maintaining.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of making and drinking protein shakes. In waking life, he was concerned about his grades in school. In this case, the protein shakes may have reflected his feelings about quickly and efficiently finding ways to support and maintain strong academic performance.


To dream of pudding represents
situations where you are noticing how good something is.
    You may be noticing how good something feels.

Pumpernickel Bread

To dream of pumpernickel bread represents an experience or choice that's emptier than usual about listening better that's good for you in order to get through a situation while thinking about yourself being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met.


To dream of a pumpkin represents feelings about a strong sense of closure or needing to move on that benefits you. The realization that a good time is over and that it's good for you to choose to move on. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation where you feel it is healthy or appropriate to let go and embrace new beginnings. The recognition that it's time to move forward. A pumpkin may show up in a dream when you know a relationship may be nearing its end or you feel that a loved one is close to dying. "Time is up" or feeling it's running out in a waking life situation.

Positively, dreaming about a pumpkin may represent feelings of acceptance, readiness, and optimism about letting go of the past and embracing new opportunities. The relief and clarity that comes with acknowledging that it's time to move forward. An emotional readiness to release old bonds or conditions in favor of new opportunities.

Negatively, dreaming about a pumpkin could represent feelings of sadness, loss, or reluctance over the inevitable endings or transitions in life. Grief associated with saying goodbye or the fear of the unknown as one phase ends and another begins. Perhaps you are struggling with letting go, or you feel rushed into a new phase without proper closure from the past.

To dream of a carved jack-o-lantern pumpkin with a scary face may represent feelings of being confronted with one’s fears or anxieties about it not being safe to experience closure or moving on.

Example: A girl dreamed of pumpkins falling from a tree. In waking life, she was having an affair with a man who told her he didn't think their relationship was going to work. In this case, the pumpkins may have reflected her feelings about both the men she was having romantic relationships with signaling a strong sense of closure about her relationship with them being over.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being given a pumpkin by a friend. In waking life, she started a relationship that she felt could hurt someone else. In this case, the pumpkin may have reflected her recognition of the need to move on from past relationships before fully committing to a new one as being beneficial.

*Please See Pies.


To dream of quinoa represents feelings about an experience that gives you confidence about never needing to explain your decisions to anyone. Confidence that with making decisions for yourself that doesn't need anyone else's help.

Raisin Bran

To dream of raisin bran represents your readiness to start a new situation while enjoying being safe the way you are without bothering anyone else (or causing anymore problems). Starting a new situation while enjoying not needing to risk a single thing in order to safely stay the way you are without causing new problems. Starting a new situation where you feel you have gone far enough and can not enjoy safely staying the way you are without minding it. Breakfast cereals often reflect experiences or choices that feel easy, convenient, or quicker.


To dream of raisins represents feelings about an experience or choice that feels good safely doing something that isn't boring while not thinking about it being too impressive either.

To dream of a bowl of oatmeal and raisins may represent feelings about an experience or choice that's improving a humble or down-to-earth situation by liking safely doing something that isn't boring while not thinking about it being too impressive either.


To dream of raspberries represents thoughts about enjoying that it's good for you to never fear never asking permission about what you're allowed to do about small or sensitive issues. Giving yourself permission to enjoy yourself in small ways that doesn't explicit approval or permission from others. Feelings of small but meaningful pleasures or indulgences, often related to issues you consider sensitive or precarious.

Positively, dreaming about raspberries may reflect a sense of autonomy in handling delicate or sensitive situations. It could indicate that you're capable of making good judgments about what's best for you, especially in areas where you don't feel the need to consult experts or ask for permission. The dream may signify self-trust, balanced living, and the enjoyment of life's smaller but valuable pleasures.

Negatively, dreaming of raspberries might indicate that you're treading on delicate ground, especially if you're dealing with sensitive or precarious situations in waking life. It could signify that while you're allowing yourself some small freedoms, there's an underlying fear or concern that you might be pushing the boundaries too far, risking stability or well-being. This dream could be a signal that you need to be cautious, especially in situations where the stakes are high or when dealing with delicate issues.

Example: A woman dreamed of a pile of raspberries on her bed. In waking life, she was pregnant and had a history of miscarriages. In this case, the raspberries may have reflected her cautious optimism and the delicate balance she felt she had to maintain between allowing herself small joys and being mindful of her pregnancy.


To dream of ravioli represents feelings about an experience of being comfortable believing in yourself about not having to be jealous of keeping what you like a secret while other people don't deserve to get back at you for it.

Red Bull Energy Drink

To dream of Red Bull energy drinks represents feelings about a choice being edgy, competitive, and quicker that's allowed without getting in trouble for it. Feeling that you can be more edgy, competitive, or quicker without being immoral or breaking the law. Feelings of "having backup" with energy or power in case you are behind that's aware of it not being immoral or illegal. Showing off with more energy, edginess, or competitiveness than you normally do.

Positively, dreaming about Red Bull Energy Drinks may represent a sudden surge of energy, confidence, or enthusiasm. A conscious choice to stimulate yourself into action or to find the extra drive necessary to overcome obstacles or complete demanding tasks. A period of high productivity or the ability to tackle challenges with renewed vigor.

Negatively, dreaming about Red Bull Energy Drinks may represent a reliance on external factors to feel competent or to keep up with others. A sense of inadequacy without additional support or a fear of falling behind without a certain edge. Concerns about the sustainability of your current pace or approach. Feelings about a choice being edgy, competitive, and quicker that's permissible, but might cause you to "burn out" if you overdo it.

Example: A young woman dreamed of a contest drinking Red Bull with her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she had been thinking about her ex-boyfriend a lot. In this case, the Red Bull energy drink may have reflected her feelings about being faster at social competitiveness with her ex-boyfriend and dating other people now that they were broken up.

Reese's Buttercups

To dream of Reese's Buttercups represents feelings about treating yourself to easily (smoothly) getting away with enjoying something innocent like it's unimportant. Enjoying getting with being innocent without feeling reckless for believing in it.

Example: A man dreamed of a chocolate peanut butter. In waking life, he was trying to have sex with a girl he didn't really care about. In this case, the chocolate peanut butter (similar to Reese's Chocolate Buttercups) reflected his feelings about treating himself to easily getting away with using the girl for sex like it was unimportant because she liked him and wouldn't tell anyone.

Reese's Pieces Candy

To dream of Reese's Pieces Candy represents feelings of treating yourself to deserving to be believably get away with something one small step at a time that's unimportant to talk about because it's intelligent not to.

Example: (Non-Dream) The movie E.T. uses Reese's Pieces to symbolize the importance of enjoying getting away with believably living with and talking to an alien which is unimportant to talk about and intelligent to hide because they don't want E.T. to get caught because he's their friend.


To dream of relish represents feelings about thoroughly savoring or enjoying the moment more than you usually do because you're allowed to. Feeling that nothing stops you from liking something more than you usually do. Enjoying yourself personalizing something in order to savor it. Enjoying the present moment and appreciating the small details. Wanting to enhance an experience. Feelings of no question about being allowed to savor or enjoying something more than you usually do.

Negatively, dreaming about relish may represents feelings about overdoing thoroughly savoring or enjoying the moment because you were allowed to.


To dream of rice represents feelings about a choice or experience being simple and straightforward the way it is without needing to explain itself. An experience that is simple and straightforward without risking anything more than you want it to.

Negatively, dreaming about rice may represent feelings about a choice or experience that overdoes simplicity or straightforwardness to the point of encouraging boredom, monotony, or the mundane. Feelings about a situation that doesn't get to be more interesting than it already is without choosing it to be. Accepting a situation as simple and straightforward when it may require more complicated involvement in order to prevent losing.

To dream of a large bag of uncooked rice may reflect feelings about lots of potential for simple and straightforward experiences that haven't happened yet because you didn't want them to. Feeling stupid about preparing or waiting for something simple and straightforward to happen. Feelings about lots of simple and straightforward work or waiting being required to reach a goal.

To dream of spoiled rice may represent feelings of disappointment or dissatisfaction with the outcome of a situation that was initially perceived as simple and straightforward. Regret or frustration over a situation that once seemed simple and straightforward but has become complicated or no longer viable. Feelings about letting a simple and straightforward situation become complicated due to neglect or inaction. What seemed uncomplicated and easy may have turned out to be flawed or ruined in some way. The decay or deterioration of the straightforward experience, indicating that things did not go as planned or expected.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to find some cooked rice, but could only find spoiled rice. In waking life, she told a married man that she was having an affair with that they should put the relationship on hold until his wife calmed down after having found the woman's phone number. The dreamer felt unable to stop the relationship. In this case, the spoiled rice may have reflected her initial feelings about the extra-marital affair being simple and straightforward the way it was without needing an explanation before the wife became suspicious about it and ruined it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a large bag of uncooked rice being desperately dragged out of a church door. In waking life, she felt stupid for believing it was an intelligent idea to tell her employers that she wanted to wait to take a job opportunity. In this case, the large bag of uncooked rice being desperately dragged may have reflected how she felt stupid making an effort to protect her initial decision to delay the job opportunity being a simple and straightforward choice without needing further justification.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of rice falling on her making her cry. In waking life, she had issues with weight loss and dieting. In this case, the rice falling on her may have reflected her feelings about the simplicity and straightforwardness of following a diet plan or weight loss strategy being overwhelming or burdensome while not working.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a large bag of uncooked rice. In waking life, she was unemployed and thought it was an intelligent idea to wait patiently by the phone for all her potential employers to call her back when none were. In this case, the large bag of uncooked rice may have reflected her feelings about the simple and straightforward need to be more involved with her job search by calling employers back that she hadn't even thought about starting yet.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of eating rice. In waking life, she wanted to leave her boyfriend because he was already married, but felt it would be a stupid idea because her boyfriend didn't like his wife and she believed he might leave her one day. In this case, eating rice may have reflected her feelings about the decision to stay with her boyfriend being a simple and straightforward choice because his dissatisfaction with his wife was so obvious it didn't need an explanation about why it was only a matter of time before he got divorced.

Rice Crackers

To dream of rice crackers represents feelings about an experience or choice that benefits you to choose simplicity, restraint, or moderation. Feelings about the emptiness of choosing less for yourself because it benefits you. Having to behave yourself, act accordingly, stay out of trouble, or save money. Carefulness to not step outside the boundaries of simplicity, restraint, or moderation because it benefits you.

Negatively, dreaming about rice crackers may represent feelings of restriction, lack of indulgence, or the sense that you are settling for something that doesn’t fully satisfy you.

Example: A man dreamed of burning rice crackers. In waking life, his abusive father was dying in the hospital and he was having thoughts about "pulling the plug" to get his inheritance faster. In this case, the burning rice crackers may have reflected his feelings about giving up on the choice of restraint of waiting for his father to die.

Rice Krispies

To dream of Rice Krispies Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is safe, convenient, and quick for getting something done while being in control of yourself while not thinking of anyone else because you have to think about it all to yourself before time runs out.

To dream of Rice Krispie squares represents feelings about an experience where you feel good believing it's safe to help yourself before time runs out because other people might want the same thing (or take it before you do).

*Please See Cereal.

Ritz Crackers

To dream of Ritz Crackers represents feelings about an experience or choice that's sophisticated (or better than other people) about safely training yourself to do better things when nothing else is happening without fearing it being a mistake.


To dream of a rootbeer soft drink represents a simple convenient choice that feels good noticing you don't need to waste time being jealous while nobody else has a problem with it. Feeling good without complications with what other people think about what you are doing.

Negatively, dreaming about rootbeer may represent a situation where you are overdoing wanting to feel simplicity with nobody having a problem with what you are doing when other people do have a problem with what you are doing.

Example: A man dreamed of offering his ex-wife a rootbeer and she said no. In waking life, he was working a job he didn't like while trying to pay for school and a divorce lawyer. In this case, the ex-wife rejecting his offer for a rootbeer may have reflected his feelings about her rejecting a simple, easy-going, or uncomplicated solution to their divorce situation because had a problem with his divorce settlement offer.

Rolo Chocolate

To dream of Rolo Chocolate represents feelings about treating yourself to not talking to anyone about what you are doing in order to keep get away with liking it all yourself over and over again.


To dream of a roti (Caribbean or West Indies style) represents feelings about an experience or choice that feels comfortable about never having to explain yourself choosing to be different. Having a good time without anyone pressuring you to stop being different while being accepted the way you are.

Negatively, dreaming about a roti may represent feelings about not liking having to explain why you are doing something different to someone when you are accustomed to being comfortable never having to explain being different.


To dream of a salad represents feeling good not going overboard. Having a grown up attitude. Purposely avoiding excess because it's beneficial. An open mind about positive influences. A wish to make positive changes in your life. Doing something to improve yourself or encourage personal growth. Healthy reductions is behavior that you believe may not be good for you long-term.

Negatively, a salad may reflect your wish to reduce dishonest behavior to feel better about yourself without stopping the dishonest behavior completely.

Example: A woman dreamed of talking about salad being easy to make. In waking life she was dating a married man and felt it would be a good idea to see him less.

Salad Dressing

To dream about salad dressing represents your need to add some pizzazz to your life. "Spicing things up." Making a bland change more interesing. Consider the type and color of the salad dressing for additional significance.

Alternatively, salad dressing may reflect your attempt to feel better about a positive change you are making in your life.


To dream of salami represents feelings of confidence about choice that isn't important to say anything else about it. Confidence about choices that aren't robbing you of anything important, but aren't seen as special by other people. A confident choice that "isn't an idiot", but isn't talked about a lot. Confidence that a choice counts, but isn't impressive. The last thing you would ever think is special, but you know it believes in itself.

Negatively, dreaming about salami may reflect confidence that doing something a little bit is the reason you'll get away with it. Not liking why other people are confident about a small detail being unimportant to talk about further when you feel disrespected and think it is important to talk about further.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being fed food with salami in it by friend who knew she was a vegetarian. She pretended it didn't matter at first, but then spat out the food. In waking life she was going on a trip to Japan and the question of whether or not she would eat meat was on her mind. The salami in this case may have been a double symbol that reflected both her dislike of meat and her feelings about other people's casual confidence about meat not being a problem to serve her without needing to explain it, when being a vegetarian was serious to her. She may have frustrated that visiting Japan might mean being served a little bit of meat at all, and didn't like that possibly slipping passed her with a discussion.

Salsa Sauce

To dream of salsa sauce represents feelings about experiences or choices that are safe about helping yourself to having a good time (or making a situation as interesting as you can make it by adding excitement, liveliness, spiciness, or a bold touch) more than you usually do with other people.. Group optimism or enthusiasm.

Negatively, dreaming of salsa sauce may represent feelings of overdoing helping yourself to having a good time (or making a situation as interesting as you can make it by adding excitement, liveliness, spiciness, or a bold touch) more than you usually do with other people not liking going along with it. Disappointment or frustration when shared enthusiasm or group excitement doesn't last, or when others fail to appreciate your efforts to make something enjoyable. Overdoing efforts to make something interesting, leading to discomfort or rejection.

Example: A woman dreamed of flushing salsa sauce down the toilet. In waking life, she was pregnant and got frustrated with plans she had enjoyed preparing for her unborn child once the birth got closer. In this case, the flushed salsa may have reflected her feelings about abandoning the enjoyable and exciting plans she had made for her unborn child as the reality of family and friends not liking it as much as she did set in. The dream highlighted her disappointment in losing the shared excitement she initially felt.


To dream of salt represents being objective or trying to be more realistic. The amount of salt being used may reflect the degree of objectivity.

To dream of having too much salt may reflect feelings about a lack of moderation or objectivity when you feel it's important because something in your life is excessive. Objectivity or moderation that is inconsiderate of people's feelings.

To dream of not having enough salt may reflect feelings about objectivity or moderation being important because some area of your life is lacking it.

To dream of eating something salty represents your feelings about how objective your are thinking or acting. How good or bad it feels noticing your objectivity or level of restraint. Feeling good about not having gone too far with a decision. Experiencing perfectly reasonable, rational, or moderate situations.

To dream of a sandwich represents stress or pressure being placed on you.  Getting through a difficult situation.

Consider the ingredients on the sandwich for additional significance.

To dream of a half slice sandwiches represents a difficult or stressful situation that you want to deal with incrementally.  You don't want to confront something all at once.

To dream of a peanut butter sandwich symbolizes being carefree, or not being concerned with something in order to get through a stressful or difficult situation.  You may be telling yourself that something isn't important in order to cope with a problem.

To dream of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich represents a difficult situation you are experiencing where you are trying to not take things to seriously while remaining hopeful.  Grape jelly reflects accepting a need for patience, and strawberry representing temporary pleasures that comfort you.

To dream of a ham sandwich represents your frustrations about things you have to do during a situation you may feel is ridiculous or pointless.

Example:  A man dreamed of being given a sandwich.  In waking life his business had just failed and he was doing his best to survice financially.


To dream of sauce represents something that To dream of sauce represents feelings about enhancing, enriching, or adding an extra layer of significance or flavor to a situation, relationship, or experience. Your desire to bring more zest or excitement into a situation.

Positively, dreaming about sauce might symbolize your willingness or effort to make life more interesting, meaningful, or enjoyable. Your creative approach to solving problems or enhancing experiences. Making a mundane experience more exciting. A conscious choice to spice up a situation or relationships to make them more gratifying.

Negatively, dreaming about sauce could represent feelings of dependence on something external to make things more bearable or interesting. Your desire to mask, cover up, or alter the real taste of an experience, indicating avoidance or denial of reality. You might be using a metaphorical 'sauce' to make an unpalatable truth or situation more bearable.

To dream of a sauce that is too sweet represents feelings of excessive efforts to improve or sweeten a situation that might actually need a more balanced or realistic approach. It could also symbolize an overly optimistic attitude towards a relationship or scenario that may be masking underlying issues or challenges. This could reflect a denial or avoidance of recognizing a bitter truth or a difficult situation in your waking life.

Example: A woman dreamed of being unable to cook mushroom sauce for other people to enjoy their beef. In waking life, she was worried about losing lal her possessions and being evicted due to a job loss. In this case, the mushroom sauce may have reflected her efforts to make her situation seem more palatable or manageable to herself and others, despite the hardships and uncertainties she was experiencing. The inability to cook the mushroom sauce could symbolize her feelings of powerlessness and inability to improve or mask the reality of her difficult situation.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing meat sauce. In waking life, she was having issues improving her relationship with her in-laws. In this case, the meat sauce may have reflected her attempts to enhance or improve her relationship with her in-laws by adding more 'flavor' or 'interest' into their interactions.

*Please See Hot Sauce.

*Please See Spaghetti Sauce.


To dream of a sausage represents feelings about an experience or choice being strong enough to get the job done without being required to be professional. Feeling good knowing that it isn't difficult to confront your problems without being skilled or having professional experience. Feelings about being capable and strong enough to handle tasks or challenges without requiring professionalism, skill, or formal expertise. Feeling that it's easier to confront problems quickly like a regular person or "layman." Thoughts about not needing to involve superiors, the government, or professionals in order to get a job done. Feeling that you can simply talk to someone to quickly and effectively get a job done without needing to be an expert.

Negatively, a sausage may reflect feelings of feeling about overdoing behavior that's strong enough to get a job done without being professional. Quick assertive action that doesn't need to be nice or professional.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a large pile of sausages. In waking life, he was planning on forwarding a very embarrassing email about someone who angered him. In this case, the large pile of sausages may have reflected his feelings about how strong and effective forwarding the embarrassing email to a large group of people would be in order to get back the the person who angered him without needing to be professional about discussing his anger with other employees or job superiors.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her father cooking sausages and then having to stop because it started to rain. In waking life, she broke up with her boyfriend with whom she still needed to work with. In this case, cooking sausages may have reflected her initial feelings about being strong enough to handle her job while dating someone at work even if it wasn't the most professional thing to do.


To dream of a scone represents feeling good deserving to be supported as long as you aren't asking for too much. Feeling good deserving to be supported as long as you aren't in love with yourself being important.


To dream of eating seafood represents situations in your life where you feel you can't lose or fail ever again. Feeling that negativity or uncertainty is banished or gone for good. Noticing all your problems going away on their own permanently. A "feast" of winning or progress.

Shish Kabob

To dream of a shish kabob represents feelings about experiencing a situation that's easily under control no matter what happens while mixing a situation up with different elements. Experiencing yourself having a situation easily under control while doing something "mixed up" that you don't usually do.


To dream of Skittles candy represents a situation that feels fantastic about easily moving passed your problems. Feeling good easily moving passed situations that you don't like. Feeling good skipping passed something without jealousy or envy ever again. Innocence, playfulness, and a carefree attitude about why something isn't a problem anymore. Enjoying news that brightens your day moving passed a problem. Having fun moving on. Feeling good skipping something because you're intelligent about how to. Feeling good talking to someone about easily moving passed a problem.

Negatively, dreaming about Skittles may represent dishonesty that enjoys "walking away laughing" from problems like it's fantastic. Enjoying "skitting" the rules without fear. Enjoying feeling that you're faster than someone else about skipping passed problems.

Example: A man dreamed of a colorful Skittles bridge. In waking life, he enjoyed himself talking to his lawyer about why getting off criminal charges was easy. In this case, the Skittles bridge may have reflected his feelings about easily bypassing serious legal consequences in a way that felt enjoyable and carefree.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of sour Skittles while a mall was closing. In waking life, he was enjoying avoiding writing an essay for school. In this case, the Skittles may have reflected his feelings about enjoying skipping his schoolwork until the absolute last minute.


To dream of Smarties candies represents feeling about treating yourself to cleverly not talking about yourself too much to other people because you want to keep liking what you're getting without anyone stopping you. Cleverly not talking about yourself too much because like being helped getting something you want. Cleverly not talking about yourself too much because it will make people like you better. Enjoying avoiding saying anything negative about yourself because it will help you to keep getting things.

Negatively, dreaming about Smarties candies may represent dishonestly treating to intelligently not talking about yourself too much because it will help get something you want. Enjoying dishonestly avoiding talking about yourself too much because it will make people like you better if you don't reveal the negative truth of who you are.

Children may dream of smarties to reflect cleverly enjoying themselves being clever about not talking about themselves too much in order to get something they want or avoid trouble. Children may be avoiding saying things that are unpopular or that they don't like other kids in order to keep enjoying themselves.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Smarties chocolate while grocery shopping for Halloween. In waking life, he and his wife had decided to not allow the children outside this year for Halloween (Covid-19 time) and instead have chocolate at home while they watch scary movies. In this case, the Smarties chocolates may have reflected his feelings about himself deciding to not talk about his plans to treat his family on Halloween to a new experience of scary movies privately until the last minute to avoid his children being angry or inviting other children.


To dream of making or drinking a smoothie represents beliefs, advice, or situations that interests you giving up your worries. Something that allows you to be more laid back and be free of concerns.  Feeling good not having to care about a problem.

Example:  A young man dreamed of being given a mango smoothie.  In real life he had a troubling dream and received an interpretation that made him feel relieved that it wasn't really a problem after all.


To dream of snacks represents feelings about temporary fulfillment. Temporary delaying something unpleasant that is inevitable. Enjoying a temporary delay. Biding time. Sustaining a situation that can't last forever. Feeling that a fleeting experience is not as important as a more stable experience.

Negatively, dreams about snacks may reflect overindulgence of experience that waste time or have no substance. Enjoying easily defeating or destroying other people. Feeling that it's easy to be get away with being dishonest. Not taking a intuition as seriously as you should.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating a snack near a river. In waking life she was cheating on her distant boyfriend with a new guy and new that eventually she would have to hurt one of the boyfriends. The snack in this case may have reflected her attempts to temporarily keep enjoying her second relationship knowing full well that nothing she did would sustain her love life as it currently was. She felt cheating on her boyfriend was very easy and harmless.

*Please See Potato Chips.
*Please See Chocolate Bars.
*Please See Crackers.

Snickers Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Snickers chocolate bar represents treating yourself to getting away with not caring about what anyone else thinks because you know what you are doing when nobody else does. Enjoying deserving to never listen to anyone else's opinion because you know what you are doing.

Soft Drinks

To dream of a soft drink or soda pop represents feelings about the qualities of an experience or option that's easy to not think about being desperate while deserving to like what's happening in a situation without it being important. A casual non-demanding experience experience that's easy without being jealous of anything wasting time. Not needing to be successful in order to enjoy a situation working quickly. Enjoying easy answers or easy solutions to problems. An easy option available to avoid wasting time being jealous. Feeling good noticing you are not jealous do something you want as quickly as possible.

Negatively, a soft drink may represent feelings about overdoing easy options" or quick fixes that don't have to feel important because they feel better. Overdoing easy options" or quick fixes while ignoring other people's feelings or your own safety. Awareness of easy fixing of your problems that isn't going to do it for long. Being too accustomed to liking easy quick solutions that are unhealthy long-term. Dishonest use of quick and easy options in order to cancel out feeling jealous or desperate.

To dream of Coke or Coca-Cola represents feelings about the qualities of an experience or option that's easy to not be desperate while deserving to like what's happening in a situation without it being important while being original about never thinking anything else matters. Feeling good being original without dishonesty or crime. Enjoying being original or having easy access to something original. Feeling good knowing you never have to compromise or explain yourself. Enjoying a classic option. A choice that feels good never wasting any time while nobody thinks anything is wrong with it.

To dream of Pepsi Cola represents feelings about the qualities of an experience or option that's easy to not think about being desperate while deserving to like what's happening in a situation without it being important while being more hip or "with it" than someone else. Wanting to feel good conveniently subverting something terrible with a new idea. Wanting to quickly fix a problem or relationship with ideas that are hipper or less boring than what is currently being experienced. Enjoying experiencing a situation or choice that is more "hip", progressive, or less restrictive than the status quo. Feeling good about not needing to be original or feeling that being original is boring. Enjoying doing things differently than everyone else. Feeling good being "hipper" than someone older than you.

To dream of Orange Crush Soda represents an experience or choice that feels good deserving to not waste any time embarrassing yourself being powerful like it's easy without caring about what anyone else thinks without seeing it as a problem.

To dream of a soft drink delivery truck represents decision-making that is focused on making life enjoyably easier for other people to deserve to like what's happening without it being important. Decisions that involve doing all the hard work for others so they can simply feel good having an easy time. You or someone else who is enjoying others feeling good having it easy.

To dream of a soda or soft drink advertisement represents an attempt to interest others in choosing an easy option that deserves to like what's happening without ever thinking it's important.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing birds in a cage swimming in a pool of Coca-Cola. In waking life, she was experiencing some very positive changes that she couldn't act on yet. Her original choice in a matter was easily available to her again after first being rejected. In this case, the birds swimming in Coca-Cola may have reflected her feelings about the original opportunity being easy to have again with a sense that no other opportunities mattered but still felt confined or restricted from fully embracing it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of carefully holding a bottle Coca Cola in her hands while it swished around as a car drove hastily in reverse to get onto the highway. In waking life, she was desperately holding on to a lucky opportunity to get her dream job and first choice for a career after first believing it was impossible to have. In this case, Coca-Cola may have reflected her feelings about the easy opportunity to have her dream job, which she felt was so original that nothing else mattered if she got it.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being jealous that her boyfriend was about to drink Orange Crush soda. In waking life, her boyfriend was thinking of breaking up with her after seeking counsel from other people. In this case, the Orange Crush soda may have reflected feelings of jealousy that her boyfriend was about to make a powerful decision to break up with her in a way that was easy and self-serving, without worrying about her feelings.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing Pepsi Cola in her fridge thinking it was her mother's can. In waking life, her boyfriend was thinking of breaking up with her and she was hoping God would carry to her a new way to be happy with her boyfriend so she could keep him. In this case, Pepsi Cola may have reflected her feelings about wanting to quickly fix the relationship with a new idea that was more exciting or "with it" than their current dynamic.

Example 5: A young girl dreamed of having no more Pepsi Cola left and telling people that they could get some later. In waking life, she felt very sad and was living depressed. Having no more Pepsi Cola left may have reflected her feelings about having no more easy, "with it", or "hip" ways left to have fun or be appealing to her friends.


To dream of soup represents your feelings about a situation that you don't want to lose a good feeling about. Concern about keeping the warmth or pleasantness of something alive. Feeling good that a situation that is emotionally warm to you needs to stay that way.

Negatively, dreaming of soup may reflect feelings about being comfortable maintaining a dishonest situation to your benefit by feeling good "warm" only for yourself.

Consider the kind of soup for additional symbolism.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating pepper soup that later revealed weird pieces of plastic in it. In waking life she was having relationship issues. The soup symbolism in this case may have reflected her wish to keep the relationship feeling warm and interesting before noticing it was having odd complications.

*Please See Tomato Soup.

Sour Candy

To dream of sour candy represents feelings about enjoying thinking about something unfair for as long as it lasts because you like yourself the way you are. Enjoying watching yourself not thinking about someone else's feelings being important while you enjoy your own feelings first. Liking not listening to someone else's feelings if you don't want to.

To dream of sour candy keys represents feelings about enjoying thinking about something unfair for as long as it lasts while thinking of what else you can do for yourself. Enjoying watching yourself not thinking about someone else's feelings being important while you enjoy your own feelings first. Enjoying not thinking of someone else's feelings while you think of what else you can do without them.

Example: A transsexual person dreamed of America taking over Europe while eating a cake that tasted like sour candy. In waking life, they thought it was important to support and confront daily life situations where being a transsexual was challenging. In this case, the sour candy taste of the cake may have reflected their feelings about enjoying not caring about other people's feelings who may be uncomfortable about them being open about their sexuality while caring about their own first.


To dream of soya represents feelings about choosing to notice whether an option is safe or not for yourself. Liking thinking something is a personal choice. Personal values or beliefs. Feeling good not being alone in thinking everything balanced happening in a situation (e.g. Pregnancy happening so you don't want to hurt anyone). Feeling good not being alone in wanting a healthier choice. Behavior that communicates that it has nothing dangerous or wrong about it. Feeling substance in the safety of what you are doing. A situation where safety is what you keep listening for. Safety in not embarrassing a relationship as a personal value.

Alternatively, soya may reflect a desire for a healthier life through better choices.

To dream of soy sauce represents feelings of making a situation more interesting by giving it substance, depth, and complexity without seeking permission or validation from others. A desire for a sense of individuality or to stand out from others in some way that doesn't need permission to like it. Objective confident a situation is better because you were objective.

Example: A woman dreamed she found several boxes of soya cream and soya milk at my place. In waking life she was very sick and planned to go to the doctor the next day. In this case the soya symbolism may have reflected her personal belief in her doctor or home remedies as a safe option for her health.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of talking to man about eating yogurt. She said she eats soy yogurt and made a suggestion to him. However he chose peach yogurt as they both continue to walk down the isle. In waking life, the woman met the man online while they were both in separate relationships and lived too far apart. She felt that if they were both single and lived closer, they might have dated. In this case the soy may have reflected her feelings about it being her personal choice to believe that meeting the man was important before enjoying taking a phone long-distance relationship any further while the man might been more open about sex or liking being personal.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of being taught a recipe for someone's "famous soy sauce." In waking life she was proud of herself making big steps towards to help her future. Even her therapist was happy with her. She decided to take a lot of school courses to further her career path apart from other things. She woke from her dream up full of optimism. In this case the soy sauce could represent her desire to add depth, complexity, and individuality to her career path and personal growth. The dream may also reflect her optimism and confidence in her ability to achieve her goals and create a fulfilling future for herself by being objective.


To dream of spaghetti represents feelings about a situation being wonderful about being complicated that's beautiful the way it is. A situation works out nice with why it's complicated. A complex or tangled situation that you find preferable to fixing. A situation that is beautifully a mess that doesn't have to fixed or complained about. Respecting yourself with why a situations is the best for why it isn't the best. Respecting yourself enjoying never wanting to untangle a difficult situation. Confusing or chaotic experiences that are too wonderful or special to draw attention any need to fix them.

Positively, dreaming about spaghetti represents an enjoyment of doing something difficult. Enjoying applying intelligent experience or sophisticated methods of problem solving. Feeling good being "served a mess" clean for money.

Negatively, spaghetti may reflect overdoing thinking a complicated situation is beautiful the way it is. Not complaining about a complicated situation because you prefer it without believing that someone else might not prefer it. Not wanting to piss anyone off that might not think of your situation as complicated as you do. Your anxiety about not being careful about showing your appreciation for something wonderful you fear losing. Fear of losing your job if you aren't careful about respecting complications at your workplace that you are forced to put up with.

Alternatively, spaghetti may be a sign that you find yourself entangled in a messy relationship situation that you prefer not to fix or complain about.

To dream of a toilet filled with spaghetti may reflect a wish to abandon an nice opportunity to avoid more serious complications that you were already carefully avoiding.

Example: A man had recurring dreams about his mouth being completely stuffed with spaghetti. In waking life he was demoted at his job and was scared to tell anyone about his dislike of the demotion because he feared that not showing appreciation to his employer for having a job at all would result in being fired. In this case the spaghetti stuffed in his mouth may have reflected his feelings about being forced to not talk about anything complicated as though he liked it

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being fed a plate of spaghetti. In waking life she was separated from her husband for 4 years with no desire to reconcile. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected her feelings about enjoying her life never speaking to her husband again like life was a beautiful mess (no divorce yet) as long as she carefully avoided him or managed herself.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being served spaghetti. In waking life she was unemployed and occasionally given house cleaning jobs. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected her feelings about liking being "served a mess" to clean because it felt nice paying her bills.

Example 4: A person dreamed of having spaghetti stuff in their mouth. In waking life they were demoted at work and required to move around to new locations every week. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about being forced to think or speak about work complications like there were happy to address them because not appreciating the boss's choice might get them fired.

*Please See Spaghetti Sauce.

*Please See Pasta.

Spaghetti Sauce

To dream of spaghetti sauce represents feelings about sophisticated situations requiring intelligent or sophisticated experience to handle them. A wonderful or "beautiful" thing to experience if it's done right.

Negatively, dreaming about spaghetti sauce represents professional embarrassment. Sophisticated problems that are difficult to change if you make a mistake. Mistakes that become a nagging problem or constant reminder of failure if not addressed properly. Spaghetti sauce may reflect mistakes, regrets, or problems that can't be easily fixed. A negative situation requiring intelligent experience to solve.


To dream of spinach represents feelings of effort for personal growth, nourishment, and self-improvement that you are certain is good for you or makes you stronger. Feelings about an experience that feels certain that it's good for you, while not wanting to think of it too much, but certain too much will only make you stronger. Feeling that you have to act more grown-up than you usually do to solve a problem because it's good for you or safely encourages personal growth to make you stronger as a person. Embracing or challenging yourself to opportunities for personal growth and development.

Negatively, dreaming about spinach could represent feelings of pressure or obligation to improve yourself or your life. Feeling that personal growth or self-improvement that's empty about having to think about it too much.

Example: A man dreamed of hearing the word "spinach." In waking life, he was confronting the US Government in a corruption case and felt that due to the difficulty of the case, he might have to take on additional legal options to protect his right to file documents. In this case, the spinach may have reflected his feelings about believing that the effort of taking on additional legal work would encourage personal growth and self-improvement that would be good for him as an attorney.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of scooping out ruined feta cheese on spinach from a microwave to eat. In waking life, her boss told her that the company was considering not renewing her contract next year. In this case, the ruined microwaved spinach may have reflected her feelings about her failed attempt to get her contract renewed quickly by making an offer that required her to challenge herself to do more work than usual while being comfortable that the increased work was good for her personal growth professionally.


To dream of a spoon represents special treatment.  Areas of your life that you want to protect or be careful with.  Alternatively, it may also represent privileges.  You or someone else is being given special treatment.

Starburst Candy

To dream of Starburst Candy represents feelings about an experience or choice that's enjoying nothing being uncomfortable about why something interesting (vibrant, exciting, or colorful) that's happening can't be stopped until it absolutely has to stop.


To dream of a steak represents situations that allow you to have total control, to make the important decisions, have authority, or feel all powerful. Having things your way. It usually symbolizes decision making that is in your best interest or situations that allow you to dictate terms. The steak is symbolic for whatever is happening in your life that is feeding you this sense of power. Feeling good about making big decisions that turn out to be very beneficial.

Negatively, steak in a dream may reflect a wish to brag about powerful decisions you made. Addiction to power. Enjoying powerful decisions that hurt others.

Example: A man dreamed of eating steak and enjoying it. In waking life he made the decision to quit his job for a much higher paying job and was quite please with his decision.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating steak at a restaurant. In waking life he was lost in the wilderness with a broken ankle and was thinking a lot about how he would have tell all his friends the story about all the powerful life saving decisions he had to make while he was lost if he ever got to safety. Possibly a sign that he was too focused on telling his story and not enough of just surviving.


To dream of strawberries represents thoughts and emotions of sensual desires, pleasure, and temption.  They are often associated with sexual thoughts about someone you are interested in.

To see a rotting strawberry represents losing interest in someone or something that brings you a lot of pleasure to think about.

Example: A man dreamed of rotting strawberries.  In waking life he was beginning to lose interest in a woman he was deeply sexually attracted to.


To dream of stew represents feelings about an experience that was carefully prepared over time in order to enjoy. An experience that requires patience, nurturance, and the gradual development of something meaningful in your life. Patiently preparing something in order to make people like you.

Negatively, dreaming about stew could represent feelings of stagnation, waiting too long for something to happen, or being stuck in a situation that is slow to develop.

Submarine Sandwich

To dream of a sub sandwich represents a situation where you are comfortable knowing you are going to get through a situation exactly the way you want to. A solution to a problem that works because someone did exactly what you told them to do. Nothing scares you that a custom solution to a problem will simply work. Perfectly listened to with a customized solution to an unusual or difficult problem. Feeling good that nothing is impossible if you need to do something on your own. Not scared that you can deal with an original problem on your own if you need to. Feelings of being listened to with quality to deal with an unusual or difficult situation. Feeling that you can order up something unusual or different than you usually do and it will work out fine. Original thinking to get through a unusual situation. Feeling good that someone finally did something exactly the way you wanted. Feelings about situations in waking life "throwing you a curve" and needing a unique solution or perfect listening to "straighten out." Feeling good about the unusual occurrence of someone difficult finally giving you something the way you wanted.

Negatively, dreaming about a submarine sandwich represents feeling good about dishonestly using custom or unusual solutions to problems. A mindset that is so successful you don't listen to anyone else ever and always have a custom solution. Feeling that an unusual or custom solution to your problem will simply work and not else exceptional. Wasting your time with an unusual or customized solution to a problem. Wasting time thinking original. Problems that might be dangerous because you don't want to simply face the problem normally. Dependence on an unusual or customized solution. Possibility of annoying others with customized problem solving, unusual choices, or controlling a situation in a very unconventional way.

Symbolism for subway sandwiches is commonly accompanied by symbolism for handicaps or disabilities. This may reflect the person's need or neediness for a custom solution to a problem.


To dream of sugar represents a wish to feel better or enhance how good a situation feels. Improving acceptability or pleasure. Making a situation or idea more palatable. Improving likability. Relaxation and indulgence.

Dreaming of large amounts of sugar may reflect your preoccupation with needing to feel good at all times. Not caring about anything except feeling good. Too much sugar may represent overindulgence or having too much of a good thing. Stretching your boundaries of what you consider having a good time.


To dream of syrup represents a wish to make everything feel good. Wanting the entirety of a situation to be pleasurable or light-hearted. Wanting every single thing you are doing to be enjoyable or fun. No compromises when it comes to feeling good.

*Please See Pancakes.


To dream of a taco represents feelings about an experience or option that is simple, safe, and flexible about letting you get away with believing in yourself that things are possible with enthusiasm, interest, or excitement without being too important. An experience or option that mixes ideas, people, or activities in your waking life that doesn't risk anything to let you believe in yourself however you want. Feeling that it's safe to have a good time with your friends believing in themselves with you. An experience or option that is inviting and easy to enjoy, offering a sense of versatility and spontaneity with trying something new. The ability to adapt to different situations with ease and enthusiasm. An openness to new opportunities, adventurous spirit, or curiosity about different experiences.

Negatively, dreaming about tacos may representfeelings of overdoing believing in yourself with other people doing something with enthusiasm, interest, or excitement that feels stupid that it isn't important.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being taken to a restaurant to eat tacos by a guy she used to like who was attempting to set her up with a new guy. In waking life, she was craving the feeling of liking and meeting a new guy after a long time of not thinking about guys. In this case, the tacos may have reflected her renewed enthusiasm and interest in allowing herself to believe in the possibility of love again without any embarrassment or fear of judgment from others after emotionally recovering from her previous love interest.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a taco-eating contest. In waking life, he was trying to prove to his girlfriend that he could protect her and care for her. In this case, the taco contest may have reflected his attempt to believe in himself while impressing his girlfriend by showing off that he was tough enough to make her feel that protecting her all the time was simple, safe, flexible, and easy.


To dream of tea represents feelings about intelligently deserving to take your time while never believing patience is a problem. It may also reflect feeling good settling down. A professional or experienced attitude you have regarding waiting for something important. Feeling good not having to take any risks. A confident or positive attitude that is not desperate about taking your time. Knowing exactly what will happen and intelligently not stressing out about it. Consider the saying "Good things come to those who wait." Choosing to not get angry.

Negatively, dreaming about tea may represent feelings about an excessive or unwanted need to intelligently deserve to take your time.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man use a teabag in a swimming pool attempting to turn the pool into tea. In waking life, he was forced to endure 5 months of waiting while his shooting range was shut down for political reasons. In this case, the teabag may have reflected his feelings about trying to create a sense of calm and patience (the teabag) in a situation that tested him with waiting for 5 months.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her sister making tea and recklessly cutting her new love interest's hair off. In waking life, she had met a new love interest online and hadn't yet met her in person. She was a lesbian whose parents didn't accept homosexuality. In this case, the tea may have reflected her feelings about being intelligently patient about waiting to meet her love interest to avoid angering her parents.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her mother in a kitchen holding a cup of tea with a sad and depressed look on her face. In waking life, she was unemployed and looking for work. In this case, her mother holding a cup of tea with a sad and depressed look on her face may have reflected her intuition about future safety (mother) where she felt forced to intelligently remain patient about getting a job in order to pay her bills.

*Please See Teabags.

*Please See Teacups.

*Please See Coffee.


To dream of a teabag represents feelings about making preparations to allow yourself to deserve to take your time while never believing patience will be a problem. Your readiness to settle into a situation that requires you to remain calm, thoughtful, collected, and adaptable to extended timeframes. Creating a situation where calm and patience is acceptable to you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man use a teabag in a swimming pool attempting to turn the pool into tea. In waking life, he was forced to endure 5 months of waiting while his shooting range was shut down for political reasons. In this case, the teabag may have reflected his feelings about trying to create a sense of calm and patience (the teabag) in a situation that tested him with waiting for 5 months.

*Please See Tea.


To dream of TicTacs represents feelings about an experience that is simple about being professional about saying whatever you have to someone without there being an argument.

Consider the flavor of the TicTac for additional meaning.


To dream of toast represents an experience of quick thinking that's simple about immediate basic needs. Easily prepared and straightforward remedies or actions. A quickly prepared simple solution that does the job without thinking about it too much. Feelings of choosing simplicity while not having to deal with anything too serious "right this minute" while you adjust yourself to normal or feeling that nothing with effort is a problem. Avoiding complications and ensuring a smooth, albeit temporary, coping mechanism. Uncomplicated, straightforward, and immediate solutions.

Negatively, toast in a dream may reflect quick excuses that don't embarrass you. Quickly prepared simple lies that don't embarrass you. Preferring to lie about something as being simple to avoid difficult explanations. Feeling that there is no other option other than to "take it easy" while addressing basic immediate needs. The necessity or inevitability of accepting the basics or less sophistication in some area of your life.

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating toast with honey on it. In waking life, she was experiencing her online relationship beginning to fail as her partner showed less interest. In this case, the toast with honey may have reflected her feelings about how simple it was to use her long-distance internet relationship to explain her relationship status to people when they noticed she was single. The toast symbolizes an easily prepared explanation that is unquestioned and doesn't embarrass her about never having to challenge herself to a more complicated real-life relationship.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of toast. In waking life, he was at home sick and resting. In this case, the toast may have reflected his feelings about the simple and quick solutions he had to employ to address his immediate needs while sick.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of hiding and throwing a piece of toast to distract someone who didn't seem to be affected and walked on. In waking life, he was struggling with his sexuality and relationship with God. He felt it was getting worse. In this case, the piece of toast may have reflected his attempt to use a simple, quick, and straightforward excuse to distract others from his struggle with homosexuality.


To dream of toffee represents feelings about deliberately enjoying wanting to take your time or prolonging a enjoying experience because it's allowed. Feeling good prolonging an enjoyable moment. Respecting yourself aware of yourself prolonging an enjoyable or pleasurable experience. Enjoyment requires ongoing effort to maintain. Patience, dedication, and a conscious decision to take time and savor an enjoyable moment. Satisfaction and enjoyment that are savored slowly. The pleasure of stretching out an enjoyable moment.

Negatively, toffee may reflect your impatience with prolonging a pleasurable or enjoyable situation. Not wanting to take your time or prolong an enjoyable experience. An excessive need to savor or prolong an enjoyable experience. Feeling annoyed that you thought of enjoyment or pleasure once and it's difficult to get off your mind. Fear of consequences related to enjoying yourself with overindulgence too quickly.

To dream of toffee being stuck in your mouth and difficult to get out may reflect your feelings about thinking of prolonged pleasure or enjoyment interfering with a more serious or business-like situation. Feeling unable to get away from vacation time for something urgent or a rare opportunity.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of someone else holding a toffee-smelling beer. In waking life, she was enjoying drinking even though she knew she was underage and not supposed to. In this case, the toffee may have reflected her deliberate enjoyment of underage drinking by prolonging and slowly savoring the experience with slow sipping of the alcohol.

Tomato Sauce

*Please See Spaghetti Sauce.


To dream of a tomato represents comfort with having something just the way it is. Being happy with the mundane or normalcy of a situation. Preferring a lack of excitement or specialness. Alternatively, a tomato may reflect domestic happiness. or contentment with day-to-day living. Feeling good experiencing life being normal and stable.

To dream of throwing tomatoes at someone represents resentment, disappointment, or anger that something is boring. Feeling that someone has failed to deliver on incredible or exceptional expectations. Ridicule for not being as amazing as promised.

To dream of sliced tomatoes represents a wish to experience a situation that is slightly toned down or that isn't too exciting. Enjoying or preferring to feel that being perfect isn't important. Alternatively, a tomato slice may reflect feelings that life is more comfortable if you don't pressure yourself to be perfect.

To dream of tomato plants represents feelings about a lot of resistance to change you are intentionally cultivating. You may be very eager to resist someone who wants to change you while trying to maintain yourself the way it is. Growing "normalcy" in your life because someone or something wants change in your life that you don't want. Planning for a future that is very normal in a number of ways when someone want to draw you back into an abnormal life.

Example: A man dreamed of having a rotting tomato in his hand. In waking life he felt he couldn't control his daughter's health problems as she became more ill. The rotting tomato may have reflected his feelings about losing confidence in being able to restore his daughter's health to normal.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of asking someone if they had tomatoes in their fridge. In waking she she was very sensitive about not having to change her diet while visiting family in another state. The tomatoes may have reflected her feelings about wishing to keep her diet normal during a family visit out of state when it was difficult to do so.

Example 3: A man dreamed of growing tomato plants. In waking life he was confronting a lot of jealous competitors trying to destroy his business and control his life. He had to try very hard to carefully stabilize his life and protect his future plans from unwanted influences so his business could remain as it was.

Tootsie Rolls

To dream of a Tootsie Rolls candy represents an experience or choice of enjoying getting away with saying something to someone without someone getting back at you for it. Getting away with starting a conversation without it getting back at you.

Turkey Dinner

To dream of eating turkey represents situations that make you feel vindicated, recaptured lost pride, or realized someone else is foolish.


To dream of turnips represents feelings about situations or experiences that see themselves as unexciting or uninspiring, yet beneficial or necessary. Turnips could symbolize mundane tasks, responsibilities, or aspects of life that may not be particularly enjoyable, but contribute to your well-being, stability, or progress in some way. This dream could reflect your thoughts about the importance of fulfilling obligations, maintaining routines, or adhering to a disciplined lifestyle. Habits that are not particularly thrilling due to the daily repetition, was essential and beneficial. Behavior or habits that are good for you, but that you aren't bragging about.

Positively, dreaming about turnips might symbolize a recognition of the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. It may reflect a conscious choice to engage in tasks or pursue goals that, although they may not be glamorous or thrilling, are essential for your growth, success, or well-being. It could also be indicative of a practical, grounded, or sensible approach to life.

Negatively, dreaming about turnips could represent feelings of being stuck in a rut, bored, or unfulfilled. It might symbolize a discontent with routine, dissatisfaction with a lack of excitement or variety, or a longing for more stimulating or rewarding experiences. Perhaps you feel as if you're only going through the motions or merely surviving, instead of truly living and thriving.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing two turnips growing and was contemplating whether or not he should pull them out of the ground. He decided to leave them. In waking life, he worked as a professional K-12 dog trainer. In this case, the turnips he was contemplating pulling out of the ground may have reflected his thoughts about the adequacy of certain dog training methods. The training, although routine and not particularly thrilling due to the daily repetition, was essential and beneficial for the dogs' development. It ensured that the dogs were well-trained, leading to customer satisfaction. The turnips man also reflect the tendency of customers to want a perfectly trained dog without thinking of the time required to train a dog.

Turtles Chocolate

To dream of Turtles Chocolate represents treating yourself to deserving to do whatever you want because nothing minds it (or is no longer overprotective about stopping you).


To dream of Twinkies represents feelings about an experience that feels good never thinking anything is wrong with accepting yourself temporarily escaping your problems like it wasn't important.

Negatively, dreaming about Twinkies could represent feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction with enjoying temporarily escaping your problems with superficial or fleeting experiences. Your tendencies to escape from reality or to deny the existence of problems by indulging in distractions or short-term comforts. Quick satisfaction or superficial solutions that might not address deeper issues. An experience that is superficially satisfying or enjoyable but lacking in substance or lasting value. Indulging in short-term pleasures to momentarily forget about more significant concerns or responsibilities.

Twix Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Twix chocolate bar represents treating yourself to safely getting away with not listening to what someone else says for as long as you can before you have to.

Negatively, dreaming about a Twix chocolate bar may represent overdoing treating yourself to safely getting away with not listening to what someone else says for as long as you can before you have to. Enjoying as much time off as you can ignoring chores or responsibilities for as long as possible while knowing you will eventually have to take care of them. Enjoying Trying to get away with stalling as long as you can in order to avoid embarrassment, responsibilities, or conflict.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being insulted as a "Twix" by another teenage girl. In waking life, she had recently had an argument with another teenage girl at school who tried to physically fight her, but the dreamer refused to fight. In this case, the Twix bar reference may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the other teenage girl at school seeing her as a "treat" for easy verbal abuse and threats of violence while safely not listening to teachers telling her to ignore the dreamer until she absolutely had to.

Example 2: A teenager dreamed of seeing a Twix wrapper on the ground. In waking life, the teenager was being nagged to mow the front lawn. In this case, the Twix wrapper may have reflected the dreamer's awareness of themself already having overstepped a limit of treating themself to safely getting away with not having to think of mowing the lawn like their mother told them to for as long as possible.


To dream of smelling or tasting vanilla represents an experience of preferring plain and simple that's safe as can be. An experience that is simple and comfortable while never getting back at you for feeling good about it. Experiences that are comfortably ordinary without a problem. Enjoying simple comfortable success without any problems. A welcoming experience or inviting situation that is simple, comfortable, and without a problem at all. Your preference for simple comfortable straightforwardness with the absence of complexity or drama in your life.

Positively, dreaming about vanilla may represent a sense of comfort, reassurance, or stability provided by things that are straightforward or well-known to you. Comfort, familiarity, and contentment with the ordinary or conventional aspects of life. An appreciation of the uncomplicated, an escape from stress or overstimulation, or the value found in ordinary experiences. Your satisfaction with the simple pleasures and everyday routines.

Negatively, dreaming about vanilla could represent feeling about preferring to be too safe with plain and simple. Boredom, blandness, or a lack of excitement and creativity. A fear of risk-taking, choosing the safe or known path rather than exploring more exciting or adventurous options. A sense of something lacking in zest, passion, or interest. A need to add variety and excitement to your life, as an excess of simplicity and predictability may lead to boredom or stagnation. This dream may encourage you to consider spicing things up or seeking new experiences rather than sticking to the same routine.

To dream of vanilla ice cream represents comforting yourself with an option that is plain, simple, and safe as can be.

Example: A man dreamed that the sky was made of vanilla. In waking life, he was experiencing a lot of growth with his business after fearing that it was never going to work. In this case, the vanilla sky may have reflected his feelings about the simplicity, ease, and safety of his new phase of success, a stark contrast to his earlier struggles.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a close male friend understanding her craving for vanilla ice cream and getting her some. In waking life, she was experiencing a difficult time with unemployment while enjoying talking to this close male friend. In this case, the vanilla ice cream may have reflected her feelings of comfort and simplicity found through her interactions with her close male friend during a challenging time.


To dream of vegetables may represent feelings about the quality of an experience or choice being beneficial without having to feel good about it. Feeling that something is beneficial without pleasure or enjoying it too much. Healthy choices without the need for fun. An experience or choice that is more concerned with responsibility and personal growth than enjoyment.

Negatively, vegetables may represent feelings about being forced to do things that are beneficial but don't feel good. Behavior that doesn't want other people to enjoy themselves doing anything that feels emotionally dangerous. Strict behavior that wants responsibility, personal growth, and healthy habits before feeling good is allowed.

To dream of withering vegetables represents a feeling that a natural path or adhering to basic needs is impotent. Ideas that encourage excitement, pleasure, or feeling good are dominating.

Consider specific individual vegetables for additional meaning. See the food themes section for more on vegetable symbolism.

Example: A woman dreamed of repeatedly trying to feed people vegetables. In waking life, she was aware of herself constantly rejecting her children's requests for a new toy being sold in stores. In this case, the vegetables may have reflected her feelings about encouraging responsibility and healthy values in her children by denying them the new toy or encouraging them to save up to purchase the new toy themself.

Example 2: A young man dreamed that he was a vegetable. In waking life, he felt that his jealous friends were enjoying seeing him never feeling good having a girlfriend. He felt that they wanted him to be a boring ugly person that girls didn't like by interfering with his chances to get a girlfriend. In this case, being a vegetable may have reflected his feelings about himself being treated like a boring friend by his friends who wanted his support when things got difficult without wanting to have any fun with him.


To dream of vinegar feelings about preferring or To dream of vinegar feelings about an option or experience of critical thinking about wisely adjusting what is happening so that accepting a situation the way it is will work out properly. Critical thoughts or statements made about something not being as impressive as other people think it is in order to make an adjustment so an experience will work out to your personal tastes. Preferring to downplay or downgrade the importance of something you are experiencing with critical thinking so that a situation with turn out your way. The need to cut through confusion and see things more clearly. Understanding the core issues in your life or the need to focus on what truly matters.

Positively, vinegar may represent efforts to maintain stability in their life or to change aspects of their life in a way that ensures longevity and sustainability. Taking a chance on being successful using critical thinking skills so that it will workout properly. The dreamer's ability to adapt to different situations and find intelligent solutions to problems.

Negatively, dreaming about vinegar may represent behavior that is overdoing believing that you are more intelligent than other people about critical thinking about wisely adjusting what is happening so that accepting a situation the way it is will work out properly. Overdoing explaining critically thought adjustments you are making so that accepting a situation the way it is will work out properly

Example: A woman dreamed of vinegar in a bowl. In waking life, she was ready to resign from her job but was keeping her job to pay off bills after a family member died. In this case, the vinegar in the bowl may have reflected her critical thinking about wisely adjusting her resignation deadline temporarily by enduring an unpleasant work situation in order to responsibly manage her financial obligations.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a bottle filled with vinegar water. In waking life, she confidently changed jobs to build clientele because she felt it offered more potential for her financial future. In this case, the vinegar may have reflected her critical evaluation of her current job situation as less promising compared to the new opportunity, prompting her to adjust her career strategy to better suit her long-term financial and professional goals.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing vinegar. In waking life, she felt the need to leave her job to take a chance on becoming more successful. In this case, the vinegar may have reflected her feelings about critically assessing her current job situation as unsatisfactory or limiting, leading her to consider making a significant change.


To dream of waffles represents feelings about an experience of personal satisfaction that is simple and special about having it all to yourself the way you like it. Feelings about other people not mattering if you don't want them to while enjoying something simple and special all to yourself. Feeling that it's wonderful to experience a situation revolving around you like it's simple. Feeling good experiencing only your own ideas, suggestions, or plans with simplicity. Feeling about nothing being fake about an experience being simple and personal about enjoying what you are doing.

Negatively, waffles may represent feelings of overdoing an experience of personal satisfaction that is simple and special about having it all to yourself the way you like it. Feeling the jealousy of something ruining your ability to have a personal, simple, special experience all to yourself the way you like it. Jealousy of not being able to have a simple, personal, and enjoyable experience for just a moment. Focus on personal enjoyment and simplicity overlooks the complexity or needs of the situation at hand.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of going into her freezer to pull out a box of cinnamon and brown sugar waffles. In waking life, she had recently broke up with her boyfriend. In this case, the cinnamon and brown sugar waffles may have reflected her feelings about how simple it was to start a new personal romantic relationship with a guy she knew already liked her by simply telling him she was single.

Example 2: A man dreamed of someone else's kids eating waffles. In waking life, he was very concerned about the direction his life should take. In this case, the waffles may have reflected his yearning for way to begin a simpler, more personally satisfying life path.

Example 3: A man dreamed of his mother almost eating all his waffles. In waking life, he was about to move into his own apartment. In this case, the waffles being eaten up may have reflected his mixed feelings of enjoying the simplicity about gaining independence and personal control in his own apartment, tempered with apprehension about potential interference in his newfound independence by unexpected expenses.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being at his new job and asking if they had any waffles. He was told that they didn't have any. In waking life, he was starting a new job that required job training. In this case, the waffles that weren't available may have reflected his desire for a simple, personal, and enjoyable experience of beginner job training. Instead, he had to adjust to the complexities of his new work environment without the training.

*Please See Syrup.
*Please See Pancakes.


To dream of walnuts represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to afford to think about something interesting happening by not caring about your own feelings mattering in order to overcome a problem.

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating walnuts. In waking life, she was having difficulty getting a job and discovered that passing a challenging test would give her instant access to a secure job. In this case, the walnuts may have reflected her feelings about deserving to get the job by ignoring her own feelings to study hard to pass the challenging test.


To dream of watermelon represents feelings about an experience or choice that feels good benefiting you by taking time off to deserve to not think about what your problems are. Situations where it benefits you to enjoy sitting around, being lazy, or being laid back. Embracing leisure. Feelings about the benefits of taking time off for leisurely social bonding. Pregnant woman taking time off to spend time with their child after giving birth. Deserving to enjoy taking time off from a negative or stressful situation.

Negatively, a watermelon may represent overdoing taking time off to enjoying sitting around, being lazy, or being laid back. A wish to relax during the most difficult, inappropriate, or worst moment of your life. Feeling annoyed that you have to stop taking time off to deserve to relax from your problems.

Pregnant women or women about to have their periods commonly dream of watermelons to reflect their wish to take time off or relax while being inconvenienced by their bodies.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing watermelons being handed out and she knew that one of them had her baby in it. In waking life, she was heavily pregnant. In this case, the watermelons being handed out may have reflected her feelings about all the pregnant mothers in the hospital being encouraged by hospital staff to enjoy taking time off their long pregnancies to deserve to not think of any problems while spending time with their babies.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone eating watermelon on his front lawn. In waking life, he felt that a serious problem at work was best dealt with by taking time off until it passed on its own. In this case, the watermelon may have reflected his thoughts that it would benefit him to relax or take time off work during the serious work problem.


To dream of wheat represents feelings about an experience of patience, hard work, and dedication, and how these efforts can lead to tangible outcomes. Thoughts about hard work that you are enduring that doesn't need to say anything about it. Thinking about what you are doing all the time in order to keep a situation going. Achievement that is gained through a lot of work without any luck or complaining about it.

Negatively, wheat in a dream may reflect feelings about a lot of hard work involved in a situation you are experiencing that doesn't get to be explained. Feeling that talking to people about hard work won't help you. Feeling that nobody sees how hard you work or will never understand it if you talk about it.

To dream of a wheatfield represents feelings about a situation being vast and demanding while requiring patience, hard work, and dedication without complaining about it, and how these efforts can lead to tangible outcomes. It's a reflection of situations where you might feel that the scope of work or responsibility is expansive, and the rewards of your labor are the result of your own perseverance and commitment.

Example: A man dreamed of walking through a wheatfield. In waking life, he was having a very difficult time keeping himself out of poverty by working all the time on writing a dream dictionary with the full awareness of dreaming being a language with an enormous amount of symbols to translate. In this case, the wheatfield may have reflected his feelings about the immense effort, dedication, and patience required in his endeavor to compile the dream dictionary. The vastness of the wheatfield might symbolize the overwhelming scope of his task and the persistent hard work needed to cultivate and harvest his knowledge into a comprehensive guide.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a beautiful wheatfield. In waking life, she was noticing all her friends and family trying their hardest to help her move on from her rape by never bringing it up and being happy around her. In this case, the beautiful wheatfield may have reflected the love, dedication, and patience of her friends and family, each working in their own way to help her find peace and recovery.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in a wheatfield. In waking life, she felt that she had to try very hard to stay sexually attractive to a man she liked. In this case, being in a wheatfield may have reflected the patience, hard work, and dedication of the continuous nurturing, attention, and effort she felt she had to invest to remain appealing in the eyes of her interest with the hope of a tangible outcome of marriage.

Whipped Cream

To dream of whipped cream represents a situation in waking life that is so wonderfully perfect or has nothing wrong it at all. A perfect solution or perfect answer. A perfect outcome.

Negatively, whipped cream may reflect an excessive or delusional amount of enthusiasm for something you have little experience with at all. Feeling good about perfect outcomes that are unrealistic.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing whipped cream in a bowl with rotting strawberries. In waking life he was losing sexual attraction towards a woman he thought was perfect for him.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her friends getting banana split sundaes with whipped cream on top. In waking life she was watching her friends having a lot of sex and enjoying talking about being perfect.


To dream of wine represents situations where you are celebratory, satisfied with what you have already achieved, or relaxing with a sense of completion.  You feel like there isn't much more to do and are very comfortable with it.  You are experiencing the end result of a process, change, or struggle.

A wine bottle can also be a sign that you are taking a break in the middle of something important.

Negatively, dreaming about wine may reflect an arrogant sense of accomplishment. Feeling good about yourself for having gotten away with dishonest behavior.

Example: A man dreamed of being offered a bottle of wine. In waking life he was taking it easy after finishing a difficult work project.

Example 2: A man dreamed of finishing drinking a glass of wine. In waking life he was feeling proud of himself for having successfully cheated on his wife and then telling her about it without her getting angry.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing broken wine bottles. In waking life she found out that a career advancing opportunity was going to be a lot more difficult to get than she first thought.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being given a bottle of wine by her mother. In waking life she landed a job and felt that she could afford to get her own apartment and win back her ex-boyfriend.

Wunderbar Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Wunderbar Chocolate Bar represents feelings about treating yourself to being strong enough on your own to get away with liking doing what you wanted anyway when nobody else wants to let you. Feelings about being strong enough to not need a friend to like yourself however you wanted.


To dream of yams represents feelings of effort taken to show love or caring. Proving you love someone with your actions instead of words. Doing some difficult because you about someone. Feeling that it's a good idea to make an extra effort to care about someone else's feelings. Taking extra time for problems that you feel are important to fix.

Alternatively, yam may reflect sensitivity about having to except yourself the way you are. Caring about your own needs because nobody else will.

Negatively, yams may reflect feeling of excessive supportiveness, unwanted gestures of love, or feeling that you have to care about people more than you want to. Fear of not being able to make a safe or smooth change. Feeling trapped in a situation where you promised a change would be easy and smooth. Frustrations with how long it takes to solve problems in a peaceful, passive, or safe manner. Awareness of yourself not being happy having to support or take care of other people.

Example: A woman evangelist dreamed of seeing yams being planted and growing. In waking life she was afraid she couldn't easily and smoothly move her ministry to better location without losing or angering her congregation. She told people that everything would be okay, but started to have doubts she could keep that promise. The yams being planted in this case may have reflected her awareness of herself making promises to her congregation that would force her to make a lot more effort in caring about her congregation than she wanted to.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being given a yam. In waking life she was having a lot of frustrations at work and was looking for easier safer solutions. She didn't like all the extra work and special time required of her to fix the problems at work.


To dream of yogurt represents a sense of safety and security. Feeling that there nothing is wrong with doing something that is in your best interest. Feeling good knowing that something is good for you or in your best interest by not noticing it too much. Learning to embrace change, appropriate behavior, or things that are difficult to accept. Behavior that supports you to thrive by experiencing a little bit. Comfort and nourishment. Choosing to remain safe may stem from not having strong feelings of love or passion towards something.

To dream of yogurt with fruit added represents a sense of safety and security with feelings of specialness added by doing something a little bit. A willingness to take risks and pursue new experiences, as long as you stay safe. A desire to safe explore something new while also being mindful of the potential consequences.

Example: A young woman dreamed of talking to man about eating yogurt. She said she eats soy yogurt and made a suggestion to him. However he chose peach yogurt as they both continue to walk down the isle. In waking life, the woman met the man online while they were both in separate relationships and lived too far apart. She felt that if they were both single and lived closer, they might have dated. In this case the yogurt may have both persons feelings about keeping their current relationships safe because it supports their life to thrive.

The choice of 2 yogurt flavors may represent the different attitudes of the two people towards their respective relationships. The woman's preference for soy yogurt could symbolize her desire to maintain a sense of safety and security in her current relationship, as she believes that pursuing a new romance may cause embarrassment or conflict. On the other hand, the man's choice of peach yogurt may reflect his willingness to take risks and pursue new experiences, even if it means potentially jeopardizing his existing relationship. It's possible that the dream reflects the woman's own conflicted feelings about the man and her desire to explore a connection with him while also being mindful of the potential consequences.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed that yogurt was all that was available to eat. In waking life her old boss left work and this left her with a constant jealousy that her old boss wasn't around to comfort her. In her waking life, her old boss had left work, leaving her feeling jealous and unfulfilled without their support. In this context, the yogurt in her dream may symbolize her desire for a sense of comfort and familiarity in her new work environment with a new boss. She may feel the need to play it safe and not overdo anything in order to maintain job security, and the yogurt may reflect her desire for a simple and reliable source of sustenance in her career.


To dream of zucchini represents feelings about an experience or option that offers enthusiasm for new ideas or trying new things without any pressure to go along with it. Enthusiasm for trying new ideas that other people suggested. Choosing to be different for the sake of being different because it helps you. Feeling good that it benefits you to not waste the rest of your life never trying anything new. Being professional about trying something new so you don't embarrass yourself. A beneficial choice that helps you out if it could, but isn't little about leaving the choice up to you. Well-intentioned suggestions.

Negatively, a zucchini represents feelings of overdoing enthusiasm for alternative choices or new ideas for the sake of doing something different that doesn't help you. Not wanting to listen to or be enthusiastic about new ideas that other people have suggested when it would help you avoid being stuck the way you are. Avoiding listening to someone else being professional about trying something new so that you don't embarrass yourself. Not wanting to try new ideas because you like things the way they are.

Example: A woman dreamed of being offered zucchinis she didn't like. In waking life, she was offered advice by a professional, and when it wasn't really applicable to her, the person tried their best to give her a range of other options. In this case, the zucchinis may have reflected the woman's reluctance to embrace alternative suggestions or try different approaches, even when they were enthusiastically offered in a professional and helpful manner.

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