To dream of wine represents situations where you are celebratory, satisfied with what you have already achieved, or relaxing with a sense of completion. You feel like there isn't much more to do and are very comfortable with it. You are experiencing the end result of a process, change, or struggle.
A wine bottle can also be a sign that you are taking a break in the middle of something important.
Negatively, dreaming about wine may reflect an arrogant sense of accomplishment. Feeling good about yourself for having gotten away with dishonest behavior.
Example: A man dreamed of being offered a bottle of wine. In waking life he was taking it easy after finishing a difficult work project.
Example 2: A man dreamed of finishing drinking a glass of wine. In waking life he was feeling proud of himself for having successfully cheated on his wife and then telling her about it without her getting angry.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing broken wine bottles. In waking life she found out that a career advancing opportunity was going to be a lot more difficult to get than she first thought.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being given a bottle of wine by her mother. In waking life she landed a job and felt that she could afford to get her own apartment and win back her ex-boyfriend.