Kit Kat Chocolate Bar
To dream of a Kit Kat chocolate bar represents feelings about casually treating yourself to taking a break or pause from something (or a problem) while believing that you can handle it. Enjoying taking a break from behavior your perceive to be hard work.
Negatively, dreaming about a Kit Kat bar may represent awareness of yourself enjoying "breaking" from hard work or a serious situation while believing that you can handle it when you can't. Breaking away from serious work thinking that it's easy to go back to work when it might not be. Enjoying taking a break when it might reverse important gains you've already made. Enjoying an addiction in the middle of detox and not caring about the consequences of it because you think you can handle it.
Example: A man dreamed of eating a Kit Kat chocolate bar. In waking life, he was in the middle of drug detox and couldn't resist taking more drugs. In this case, the Kit Kat chocolate bar may have reflected his awareness of himself enjoying treating himself to taking a break from drug detoxification to do drugs and "breaking" gains already made through being sober.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of eating a piece of a Kit Kat chocolate bar. In waking life, she was experiencing relationship problems believing that she may break up with her boyfriend. In this case, the Kit Kat chocolate bar may reflect the dreamer's feelings about treating herself to time off from her boyfriend while believing that the relationship could handle time off.