

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
 O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    #

I - I2


The letter I in a dream represents the self, independence, standing alone, or even selfishness.

Ibizan Hound

To dream of a Ibizan Hound represents emotional protection that is preoccupied with never doing anything wrong or never screwing up. Helping yourself or sparing yourself trouble by never upsetting someone else.

Negatively, an Ibizan Hound may be a sign that you are too concerned with keeping others happy to the point where it's effecting the sanctity of other relationships.

Example: A man dreamed of Ibizan Hounds eating another Ibizan Hound. In waking life he broke up with a girlfriend he really liked because he was too concerned with pleasing and being perfect for another girl he was attracted to.


To dream of ice represents an area of your life that is "frozen" or still. It can also represent problems you can't do anything about or that have been left unsolved. Issues or problems that are "frozen." A situation coming to a standstill. Ice may also reflect concerns or fear about "slipping up" in a sensitive or dangerous situation. Sensitivity about aggravating a volatile relationship.

Alternatively, ice in a dream may reflect unconscious memories that are repressed or that you are oblivious to. Deep rooted unconscious influences that you have completely forgotten. A symbol that may appear in dream of people in therapy trying to discover their problems.

Ice may reflect a need to reexamine your past, reflect on childhood influences, and speak to people about your problems so that you might gain insight to possible solutions.

Negatively, ice may reflect a wish to "freeze" a problem instead of confronting it. It may also reflect your enjoyment or preference to not have to confront an unpleasant outcome that currently can't embarrass you. Stupidly telling yourself that as long as a problem isn't serious right now that you can simply ignore it or put it off for later. Alternatively, it may reflect an arrogant attitude about exploiting someone else's hopelessness. Feelings about a situation being bleak or austere.

To dream of ice melting represents the unraveling of problems, or uncertainty in your life. Negative life situations or experiences may be motivating you to fix long standing issues, change beliefs, or face your problems. Finally have to face a problem from your past.

To dream of an icy road may reflect feelings about a progress in your life being "stuck." A common dream for people who are unemployed or who are sensitive about making their lives worse in some way.

Ice often appears in dreams next to body parts when in waking life those body parts are having circulation problems.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing ice melt. In waking life he was experiencing the reemerging of old problems that he thought would never have to deal with again.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a tree with ice covering all the branches. In waking life she had a serious circulation problem in her hand.

Example 3: A man dreamed of walking down an icy road. In waking life he was very concerned with a sensitive back problem that he didn't want to aggravate.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing all of Europe covered in ice. In waking life World War 1 was close at hand.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a waterfall totally frozen. In waking life she was trying very hard to control herself from having to fight with her sister.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing an icy frozen rocky landscape. In waking life he feared that failing a test would ruin his life and make him live a hopeless life.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of walking on thin ice. In waking life she was aware of herself having sensitive financial security during a move. The thin ice in this case may have reflected her feelings about her limited savings (frozen unspent money) giving her a weak sense of security.

Ice Cream

To dream of ice cream represents the act of comforting yourself or adopting habits to lift your spirits amid a negative situation. Cheering up from bad situation. It signifies the need to tend to your emotional well-being during trying times. The dream highlights how you choose to console yourself during disappointments, losses, or moments of feeling down, as well as your efforts to cheer up and heal from these difficult situations.

To dream of vanilla ice cream represents comforting yourself with an option that is plain, simple, and safe as can be.

Favorite flavors may symbolize your preferred emotions during a difficult or unpleasant moment. How you like to feel when you need to cheer up. Consider the flavor for additional meaning.

To dream of red ice cream represents a coping mechanism or comforting oneself that is passionate or dangerous. Comforting oneself by never stopping doing something or doing something a lot more than usual. Negatively, red ice cream may be a sign that you may be choosing risky dangerous behavior to cheer yourself up. Red ice dream may also reflect gambling, sex, drug use, or alcoholism used to cheer up.

See the themes section for other colors.

Example: A woman dreamed of going for ice cream while she was at the beach. In waking life, she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was deciding to spend time with family and friends to help herself get over it. In this case, the ice cream may have reflected the woman's choice to seek comfort and emotional support from her family and friends as a way to cope with the breakup and move forward in her life. The dream highlights her efforts to cheer herself up and heal from the difficult situation.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her ice cream falling off the cone onto the ground. In waking life, she had initially tried to be happy about her mother's new baby but couldn't maintain her enthusiasm because her mother started to ignore her. She was jealous of no longer being the only child in the family. In this case, the ice cream falling off may have reflected the loss of her coping mechanism and her struggle to adapt to the changing family dynamics.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of eating ice cream. In waking life, his brother had recently passed away and he was still grieving. In this case, the ice cream may have reflected his need to feel comforted or cheer up about his dead brother.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a close male friend understanding her craving for vanilla ice cream and getting her some. In waking life, she was experiencing a difficult time with unemployment while enjoying talking to this close male friend. In this case, the vanilla ice cream may have reflected her feelings of comfort, simplicity, and safety found through her interactions with her close male friend during a challenging time.

Ice Cream Bars

To dream of a chocolate ice cream bar (ice cream on a stick) represents feelings about treating yourself to comfortably not having to think other people are important by having something all to yourself during a negative situation.

Ice Cream Sandwich

To dream of a ice cream sandwich represents feelings that being comfortable or taken care of is mandatory. Not caring about anyone else's feelings in order to feel better about yourself. Treating yourself during a bad time or crisis to order to keep feel comforted. Feeling comforted in knowing that you did the best you could with a problem. Insensitive methods of making yourself feel better.

Positively, dreaming of eating an ice cream sandwich may reflect your reluctant choice to totally humiliate of someone arrogant, controlling, or abusive in order to restore comfort to your life. Lying, cheating, or being extremely rude to someone else to maintain your comfortable life when it feels threatened.

Negatively, an ice cream sandwich may reflect wasting money to feel better about yourself after a disaster or disappointment. Hurting or humiliating someone else in order to secure a compromise that makes you feel better about yourself. Behavior that is focused on feeling better about yourself when someone doesn't like you.

Example: A man dreamed of eating an ice cream sandwich. In waking life his father was arrogantly withholding $200,000 from him that was promised after the sale of a house and he had to totally humiliate his father in from of the whole family in order to embarrass his father in to giving him his money and letting him move on with his life. He got some of his money and then had to spend it all rebuilding his life on his own. The ice dream sandwich in this case may have reflected the man's need to be unusually insensitive action towards his father in order to feel good about his own life.

Ice Cream Sundae

To dream of an ice cream sundae represents comfort you feel from know something difficult or dangerous is over with. Feeling good knowing you don't have to take any more risks.

Alternatively, dreaming about an ice cream sundae may represents enjoyment from comforting social gatherings. Enjoying discussing some area of your life with others in a support group. Enjoying be listened to.

Ice Cream Truck

To dream of an ice cream truck represents a person or situation that feels good dropping everything for. Making yourself feel good about negativity or a negative situation a top priority.

Example: A woman dreamed of getting ice cream from an ice cream truck. In waking life she liked discussing her dreams and their psychological or emotional implications whenever she had one.

Ice Cube Rapper

To dream of Ice Cube represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's notorious about feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about never being nervous while believing in yourself no matter how dangerous it gets. Making a stand for what you said and not wanting to be more dangerously involved than that. Behavior that's protective of not listening to why anything needs to be more dangerous than it needs to be. Not wanting to be a fool about making a dangerous situation worse than it already is. Refusing to believe in anything more dangerous than it already is. Showing off louder about not doing anything if you don't have to. Talking back to people about why a dangerous situation doesn't need to be more dangerous than it needs to be. Assertiveness, standing up for oneself, that doesn't feel good being a nice guy if people aren't listening. A serious attitude about not accepting anything else dangerous happening. Confronting challenges with a tough and uncompromising attitude. Feeling good standing up for yourself as tough as you said you are while it's not a question that you don't want anything else dangerous to happen. Adopting a tough persona or talking back to people about accepting yourself the way you are while other people are the problem. Not wanting to be a criminal while putting up with people who are more criminal than yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about Ice Cube the rapper represents feeling compelled to adopt a tough persona to cope with your environment that's protective of nothing else dangerous happening that escalates rather than resolves conflicts because you refuse to simply move on from other dangerous or arrogant people. Wasting your time talking back to people about why you are safe and other people are the problem because people want you to be perfectly safe instead. Being tough about while putting up with people who are more dangerous than you are while not liking it. Feeling good controlling yourself not being angry while saying what you don't like about things. Not liking putting up with other people being criminals. Not liking talking about what everyone else dangerous does is your problem.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing Ice Cube the rapper, purple acid, and a lab experience that had gone wrong. In waking life, they were experiencing a rough patch in their life again and were obsessing about it. In this case, Ice Cube the rapper may have reflected their feelings about talking back to people assertively no matter how "rough" their life got while not tolerating any further dangers.

Ice Cubes

To dream of ice cubes used in drinks represents feelings about reducing stress or increasing comfort levels. Feelings about prolonging comfort or stress reduction. Encouraging less worrying for as long as possible. Behavior or options that makes enjoying not caring about problems easier than normal. Feeling good keeping yourself away from stress. Using people to reduce stress. Accepting or avoiding a problem to reduce stress. Choosing to be laid back about accepting a situation as it is.

To see dream of ice cubes melting represents feelings about options for reducing stress slowly becoming less effective. Options for increasing comfort levels being less effective. Feeling that time is slowly running out on choices made that helped you prolong comfort or worry less.

To dream of being unable to find ice cubes reflects life situations that limit your ability to feel comfortable or reduce stress easily. Feelings about having no options to relax with ease during a negative situation.

To dream of ice shaped liked a cube (not ice cubes from your refrigerator) may represent feelings about difficult unresolved situations that you can't do much about. Feeling that you don't deserve to confront unresolved issues. Uncertainty or negativity that is "frozen" or intentionally unaddressed. Issues left unconfronted or at a standstill.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing ice cubes in the refrigerator. In waking life she got notified that her surgery was cancelled while doctors seemed uninterested in notifying her of a new surgery date no matter how hard she tried. The ice cubes in this case may have reflected her feelings about having the ability to choose reducing stress by not avoiding inquiring about the surgery date.

*Please See Ice

Ice Pick

To dream of an ice pick represents hostility towards people or situations that you feel intentionally choose to never let you even begin to confront them. A wish to "chip away" at a problem. Wanting to face problems that are "frozen" or that never change at all in small increments. A wish to break up a problem into smaller manageable problems. Dealing a blow to a problem or challenge that seems permanently stuck. Eagerness to force progress or aggressively end stagnation.

Negatively, an ice pick may reflect the potential to go overboard taking out your frustrations on a difficult person or problem.

Ice Sculpture

To dream of an ice sculpture represents something beautiful or incredible in your life that scares you that it ever go away. Alternatively, an ice sculpture may reflect anxiety about being unable to stop something good in your life from slowly going away. Not liking to have to notice something good in your life slowly fading back to a negative state.

Consider the design of the ice sculpture for additional meaning.

Ice Skates

To dream of ice skates represents feelings about your approach to a situation that requires maintaining balance, grace, or control while navigating uncertain situations that are "frozen", stuck, or inactive with nobody to stop you.

Example: A woman dreamed of ice skating. In waking life, she was pregnant and enjoying time off work. She was scared to tell anyone at work that she liked time off because she believed she might get fired or have more responsibilities pushed on her by employers. In this case, the ice skates she was wearing may have reflected her feelings about the approach or mindset she relied on to gracefully navigate the 'frozen' or paused state of her professional life during her pregnancy to enjoy time off by avoiding talking to people at work.

*Please See Ice Skating

Ice Skating

To dream of ice skating represents feelings about maintaining balance, grace, or control while navigating uncertain situations that are "frozen", stuck, or inactive with nobody to stop you. Confidence and ease about "frozen "issues that you can temporarily enjoy "sliding by" on. Playing or having enjoyment with the frozen status of a situation.

Negatively, dreaming of ice skating may represent temporary "frozen" issues that make you feel good "sliding by" on responsibilities because you feel good beating the system or don't believe that you can get caught. Playing behind an authority figure's or bully's back when they temporarily can't control you.

To dream of ice skating backwards represents total confidence or security that you don't have to think of being safe or pay attention to your actions while enjoying a temporary situation that's in a "frozen", stuck, or inactive status.

Example: A woman dreamed of ice skating. In waking life, she was pregnant and enjoying time off work. She was scared to tell anyone at work that she liked her time off because she believed she might get fired or have more responsibilities pushed on her by employers. In this case, the ice skating may have reflected her feelings about gracefully navigating and enjoying not having to do any work during the "frozen" or paused state of her professional life without revealing her true feelings to anyone at work.

Example 2: A person dreamed of ice skating with their best friend. In waking life, their best friend stopped being their friend. In this case, the ice skating may have reflected their feelings about trying to maintain balance and composure while navigating the uncertain and emotionally 'frozen' state of their friendship by having fun without them and not speaking negatively behind their friend's back because they believed the problem between them was only temporary.

Ice Skating Rink

To dream of an ice skating rink represents feelings about an uncertain situation or setting that is "frozen", stuck, or inactive which allows you to enjoy yourself with nobody to stop you or be competitive for advantages before the uncertainty resumes. Getting away with enjoying time off work before it has to resume. Enjoying not having to deal with uncertainty yet.

Negatively, an ice skating rink may reflect an uncertain situation or setting that is "frozen", stuck, or inactive that allows you to enjoy neglecting problems, taking time off when you shouldn't be, or be competitive for advantages before the uncertainty resumes. Dishonesty about enjoying taking time off not having to deal with uncertainty yet during a situation that is "frozen", stuck, or inactive.

Example: A woman dreamed of having an ice rink installed inside a log cabin. In waking life, she was enjoying time off work because she was pregnant. She was scared to tell anyone at work that she liked time off because she believed she might get fired or have more responsibilities pushed on her by employers. In this case, the ice rink may have reflected her feelings about enjoying her home life setting which allowed her to get away with time off work during the "frozen" or paused state of her professional life due to her pregnancy until her baby was born.

*Please See Ice Skating

Ice T

To dream of Ice T represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for feeling good arrogantly talking back to people about being a grown man that's the most believable about not being in trouble for doing anything wrong, absolutely seeing yourself not respecting authority if you don't want to, and never thinking it matters no matter what.

Ice Tray

*Please See Tray


To dream of an iceberg represents larger or more significant unconscious issues and unresolved problems. Powerful deep rooted unconscious influences, or uncertainties that you have completely forgotten or ignored. Larger problems you can't do anything about.

Icebergs reflect a need to carefully handle a situation and point to problems that are too big to solve without help or preparation.

To dream of an iceberg that breaks represents larger issues or problems that are losing strength. A big problem may be providing opportunities to deal with it.

*Please See Glaciers


To dream of icicles represents lingering problems, or issues you feel the need to be cautious about. You may feel a sense of danger in some area of your life.

Melting icicles in a dream may represent problems, tough times, or dangerous situations that are becoming less serious.


To dream of icing represents exceptional extra effort to show you care about someone else's feelings. Efforts to make absolutely sure someone else has to like something. Feeling good that something wonderful is happening all the time. Feelings about the best part of an enjoyable special experience. Feelings about yourself or other people taking the time to make something extra special. Full special treatment with finest details. Special treatment sexually. Feelings about the most special event or opportunity of your life.

Negatively, dreaming about icing may represent feelings about believing nobody can stop you from dishonesty enjoying perfect special treatment. Dishonest or immoral enjoyment of special sexual opportunities.

To dream of no icing on a cake represents may reflect feelings about a special occasion without concern for anything special. A dull gesture for a special occasion. No extra effort taken for a special occasion. Feeling that nothing wonderful happens during a special occasion. Feelings about nobody taking extra care or time to make something extra special.

Example: A woman dreamed of delicious icing on a cake that was quickly eaten by others and leaving her only a single slice. In waking life she was enjoying a love triangle with two men. In fact, right before the dreamer went to bed before having the dream she said to herself "I'll have my cake and eat it, too."


To dream of a identification represents a need to prove yourself to someone. Proving your worth, skills, or that you deserve something. Proving you are a perfectly qualified person.

Example: A man dreamed of being told he needed to show ID before getting access to something. In waking life he needed to pass a spiritual exam before being allowed to a higher level of freedom in the church.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being handed her ID with someone else's name on it and then seeing a sticker with her name being stuck over the name. In waking life she was fired from work for misconduct and had to appeal the decision to try to get her job back. The dream may have reflected her attempt to fake being something she wasn't in order to prove herself as honest when in reality she was guilty.


To dream of an identity represents feelings about your sense of self, self-image, and self-concept. Your sense of identity, self-awareness, or understanding of oneself. Your perception of your true self. How you perceive yourself and how you believe others see you. Your thoughts and concerns about who you are and how you fit into various aspects of your life. Issues related to personal or social identity, including questions about one's gender, ethnicity, or cultural background. Your ability to fully embrace who you are. A desire to find one's place in the world or to establish a sense of individuality. A need for clarity or definition in one's life about one's goals, values, and beliefs. A search for authenticity and truth, as well as a willingness to embrace one's unique qualities and characteristics. Recognition of personal characteristics, beliefs, emotions, or roles.

Negatively, dreaming about identity may represent feelings of confusion, insecurity, or doubt about your self-concept. You may be struggling with questions related to your identity, such as your role in a specific situation, your purpose in life, or your true beliefs and values. External influences or societal pressures that challenge your self-identity, making you feel unsure or conflicted about who you are. A lack of clarity about your own identity. A fear of losing one's identity or being misunderstood by others.

To dream of your identity becoming female when you are male in waking life may reflect self-awareness or understanding of yourself as more passive, sensitive, or accepting than usual. Negatively, it may reflect a fear of losing your masculine identity or power, or feeling emasculated in some way.

To dream of your identity becoming male when you are female in waking life may reflect self-awareness or understanding of yourself as more assertive or dominant in certain situations, or a desire to embrace traditionally masculine traits. Alternatively, it may represent a need to assert yourself more in a particular area of your life or to take on a more active or decisive role.

To dream of an identity changing may represent a shift in how you view yourself or how you believe others perceive you. You may be going through a transition in your life that is causing you to re-evaluate your beliefs, values, or the role you play in certain relationships or situations. Feelings of transformation, fluidity, and the adaptability of one's self-perception. A recognition of the fluid nature of identity. Changing identities in the dream may represent different aspects of oneself or different personas that one may present to others in different contexts.

Negatively, dreaming of an identity change may represent feelings of confusion, insecurity, or losing a sense of self while in the process of transformation. A sense of feeling disconnected from one's true self, or undergoing a significant transformation or transition in one's waking life. Feelings of confusion or uncertainty about one's identity or role in a particular situation. Confusion or uncertainty about who you are, or feeling like you're constantly adapting to fit in with different situations or people. A fear of being judged for embracing new aspects of oneself. Feelings of being reshaped or redefined against your will or beyond your control. Being in a state of flux or uncertainty regarding your self-concept and how you present yourself to others. Inner conflicts or external pressures that are causing you to question your sense of self possibly leading to feelings of insecurity or doubt about who you truly are. The dream may be a call to explore and reconnect with one's authentic self.

Example: A man dreamed that his identity changed to an older man with darker leathery prematurely aged skin while not recognizing his face in the mirror. In waking life, he wanted to get a promotion at work or quit to get a new job while having weight and health issues. In this case, the man's changed identity in the mirror may have reflected his feelings of being disconnected from his true self, as he struggled with his health and career.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of murdering a person by drowning them and then seeing the identity of the dead person first change to a woman they didn't know and then to a friend of her dad's who committed suicide. In her waking life, she was fixated on a guy she liked. In this case, The changing identities of the murdered person in the dream may have reflected the young woman's changing feelings about herself and her actions not working as she navigated the complexities of pursuing the guy she liked.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his identity as being a woman. In waking life, he was experiencing a very difficult situation and didn't like feeling how unusual it was that he experiencing himself being more passive or accepting of the difficult situation that he was used to. In this case, the man's identity changing into a woman may have reflected his feelings of discomfort and insecurity about not aligning with his usual self-image or masculine identity during a challenging situation. The dream reflects his attempt to adapt to the situation in a different way than he was accustomed to while feeling unfamiliar or outside of his usual identity.

*Please See Identification


To dream of idol represents believing that something is so important that it must be completely respected without question. Respecting for something without question. Respecting an ideal without question or criticism. Worshiping value or beliefs.

Negatively, dreaming about an idol may reflect naive unquestioned respect. Wasting time believing that complete respect for someone or something will ever respect you back. Respecting something perfectly without enjoying yourself. Worshiping false values or beliefs. Excessive religious study or fearing not being faithful enough.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her sister telling her to go to a Hindu temple to worship an idol of their ancestors. In waking life she was an Indian woman living in India and felt that her sister didn't respect her anymore because she had chosen a love marriage as opposed to an arranged marriage. The idol symbolism in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about her sister's naive belief in arranged marriage being so important it should have been completely respected.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of sleeping in a room filled with idols. In waking life she was worrying a lot about going to hell and doing a lot of religious study.


To dream of an igloo represents a perspective on a situation that is adapting to a terrible situation. You putting up with a big problem or terrible conditions and finding ways to deal with it. It may also reflect survival under the worst situation.


To dream of turning on the ignition represents utilization of power to start something new. Making a decision and wanting to start carrying it out. A new direction in life you are beginning.

To dream that the ignition is stuck or doesn't work may represent a lack of preparation. You might not have the resources or skills needed to start a plan or project. You've made a decision that you aren't quite ready to carry out yet.


To dream of being ignored represents feelings of being overlooked or unimportant. Feeling left out or that someone is not paying enough attention to you or your ideas. Feeling irrelevant. Regretting a change or decision you made that isn't working in your favor. Feelings about friends, family, or partners neglecting your feelings. Feelings about social situations where you're being excluded. Feeling less attractive than someone else. Jealousy of other people getting more attention than you do. Awareness of people showing their true traits of not really liking you or being your friend. Feelings of not being "listened to" or acknowledged. Not being cared about as much as you feel you should be.

Negatively, being ignored in a dream may reflect feelings about relationship or friendship differences that are not being addressed. Differing interests that are obvious, but being "skirted" around. Ignoring your own health problems. Feeling that you aren't valued in a situation.

To dream that you are ignoring someone or something may represent people, ideas, or situations that you don't like. Not wanting to accept something. Choosing to avoid something. Feeling that something or someone is not worth paying attention to.

Negatively, ignoring something may reflect stubbornness or carelessness. Overlooking something important that deserves more attention. Intentionally or arrogantly ignoring authority figures.

Alternatively, ignoring something may reflect an area of your life that you are not paying enough attention to. An idea, hunch, or situation that you keep putting off.

To dream of ignoring a police officer may reflect feelings about ignoring an authority figure or ignoring a need to follow strict discipline. People who are drug addicts or uncomfortable listening to a doctor's advice may dream of ignoring a police officer in a dream.

Example: A woman dreamed of being ignored. In waking life her sister has disappeared and she felt that nobody wanted to help her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her husband ignoring her. In waking life she was frustrated that her husband was not supporting her or helping her.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of being ignored by her boyfriend after a car crash. In waking life she felt that her boyfriend was totally uncaring and unsupportive of her after experiencing a setback in her life.


To dream of an iguana represents your fear of someone who makes you feel that you aren't important. Fear that you have to put someone else's needs before your own or face serious consequences. Fearing having no escape from someone dominating or intimidating. Fearing never being let go.

Alternatively, a pet iguana in a dream may reflect your use of fear to keep someone close to you. Scaring someone that they have no choice but to have you in their life.

*Please See Reptiles


To dream of something being illegal represents feelings about behavior or situations being forbidden, unacceptable, immoral, dangerous, or against the established norms or rules in your life. Feeling guilty about having to cheat, be dishonest, or do something wrong behind someone's back. Breaking the rules in some way. The thrill of doing something that is forbidden. Feeling that you are risking getting into trouble or angering someone. Defying authority, or dealing with the consequences of not adhering to what is considered right or proper. The need to sneak certain behaviors behind other people's backs. Anxiety about engaging in behavior that could lead to negative consequences. Anxiety or oversensitivity about something being wrong with your behavior, even when there isn't. A sign that you are fully aware of your dishonest behavior and have no regard for others' feelings. Inner conflict or shame about actions you feel are wrong, harmful, or socially unacceptable. Feelings about the potential consequences of stepping outside the accepted boundaries.

Positively, dreaming about something being illegal may represent a desire to break free from restrictive rules or expectations that you feel are holding you back.

Example: A young woman dreamed of police telling her that a laptop computer was illegal because of certain pictures that were stored on the computer. In waking life, she felt that she had to sneak off to a concert behind her boyfriend's back because her boyfriend didn't like it. In this case, the illegal photos may have reflected her feelings about forbidden or unacceptable memories gained from the concert due to lying to her boyfriend about attending the concert.


To dream of having an illness represents preoccupation with problems or unpleasant changes. A loss in confidence in yourself. Despair, emotional breakdown, or difficulty coping. An uneasy feeling about a situation. Feeling that a current situation is not worth living or ruining your happiness.

To dream of a disease or terminal illness represents feelings of living on borrowed time or that decay in some area of your life is imminent. Hopelessness, grief, regret, guilt, or self-pity.

Example: A woman dreamed of having an illness. In waking life she was beginning to feel that her work life was taking away all her happiness and suffocate her relationships. Her job was something she felt she couldn't get away from while it drained other areas of her life.

*Please See Cancer

*Please See AIDS

*Please See Patient

*Please See Seasickness


To dream of the Illuminati represents a negative unseen all controlling force in your life. Someone you feel wants you to fail while controlling everything you do. Feelings about an unseen force having total power over you. Manipulative pervasive power. Feeling that you can't stop someone or something from totally controlling your life. Feelings about everything you do being watch and controlled without any ability to stop it. An "unseen hand" of control. Feelings about dishonest social connections that secretly attempt to manipulate and control for dishonest reasons. Feeling that you can't escape a dishonest, criminal, or arrogant controlling force that intentionally hides itself.

Alternatively, dreaming about the Illuminati may reflect feelings about being socially connected in ways other people aren't. Feeling advantages to having your social connections.

Negatively, the Illuminati may reflect paranoia about being manipulated by people behind the scenes. Feelings about yourself being connected to dishonest people or criminals that keep their behavior secret. Lying that you are connected to power people when you aren't. Talking about yourself too much to others about being powerfully socially connected.

Example: A man dreamed of being aware of the Illuminati attempting to control his life. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of coincidental bad luck in his life that felt like God was behind it.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a triangle turn into the symbol of the Illuminati. In this case the conversion of a triangle into an Illuminati symbol may have reflected his feelings about showing off with his abilities being creative with possibility for success which may have felt good being perceived by others as looking very connected to powerfully connected people.


To dream of immigration or immigrating represents a choice to change your mindset on an issue. It may also reflect your belief that changing your attitude or ideas will be more beneficial for you. Feeling that you will have more success or progress if you leave old beliefs, lifestyles, or habits behind.

*Please See Immigration Department

Immigration Department

To dream of the immigration department may reflect feelings about needing permission to make a significant change. It may also reflect feelings of needing to stay out of trouble or prove yourself in order to maintain your increased level of freedom. Feeling that if you don't show enough respect you will lose your status or privileges.

Dreaming of being stopped or questioned by the Immigration Department may represent fear of being cut off from something you have recently started to enjoy. It may also reflect a fear of being forced to return to a less pleasant or lucky life situation.

*Please See Immigration


To dream of being immortal or encountering an immortal being represents feelings about aspects of yourself or situations in your life that seem to endure permanently or without end. Beliefs, attitudes, or situations that appear to be unchanging or enduring in nature. The enduring nature of certain aspects of your life or personality. Behavior that transcends limitations. Feelings about never having to lose or be witnessed losing.

Positively, dreaming about immortality may represent a sense of resilience, continuity, or enduring strength. A conscious acknowledgment of your ability to withstand challenges over time, or it could indicate a part of your personality or a situation that you see as a stable and enduring foundation in your life. This dream could also be indicative of timeless wisdom, enduring values, or long-lasting achievements that continue to influence your life. A strong sense of self-assurance and confidence. A desire for enduring success, relationships, or achievements. Feelings of permanent supremacy over competition or opposition. Situations where you or someone else feels all-powerful. A reputation for winning that can never be outdone. Achievements that seem impossible to outdo.

Negatively, dreaming about immortality may represent feelings of being trapped in an unchanging situation or being unable to escape certain aspects of yourself. Negative behavior from other people which stays the same that you can't do anything about. Behavior or a situation that won't go away when you want it to. It might symbolize stagnation, fear of change, or the perception that a particular problem or situation is inescapable. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the enduring nature of a problem or a persistent aspect of your personality that you find difficult to change. Anxieties about being stuck in a situation or mindset that seems to last forever, with no apparent end in sight. A fear of mortality, aging, or the impermanence of life. A refusal to accept change. An unrealistic belief in one's own invulnerability. Trying to avoid facing the reality of life's limitations. Showing off your supremacy. Feelings about how awful it is to experience an enemy being too powerful or a problem being permanent. Feeling annoyed by someone who never loses.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of immortal people should could never escape. In waking life, she had a problem with drinking on the weekends when she wasn't an alcoholic. In this case, the immortal people she could never escape may have reflected her inability to escape from the persistent influence, temptation, and habit of excessive drinking in her social circle.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her father as King of The Underworld dressed in black as an immortal person. In waking life, she thought her father was passive-aggressive and mentally abusive while fearing flying home to visit him because she felt that he would intentionally miss her flight home and be stuck living with him due to financial reasons. In this case, he father being an immortal evil person may have reflected her perception of her father as someone who wielded enduring negative influence and control over her life. She may have also felt that her father never had to change who he was as a person while never letting go of holding power over her if permitted to have it and she didn't like that about him.


To dream of an imp represents a negative or mischievous aspect of your personality that is helpful. Chaos or disorder that brings insight or solves a problem. Difficulties that draw you towards answers.

Example: A man dreamed of asking an imp to heal his back. In real life he hurt his back and used the opportunity to get closer to his wife with whom he was having intimacy problems. The imp reflected his back injury being a negative situation that give him a solution to the lack of intimacy in his marriage.


To dream of being impaled represents embarrassment or failure that is forced on you. You may be experiencing a situation where you couldn't help getting in someone else's way. Feeling consequences that you weren't prepared for. Feeling limitations you can't do anything about. Being impaled may represent a person or situation that has surprised you with how dangerous it was.

Alternatively, being impaled may reflect repressed emotions like anger that are coming out in full force.


To dream that you or someone else is impeached represents a challenge to authority. You may feel upset with someone else's control over you or don't like being told what to do anymore.


To dream of an implosion represents feelings about some area of your life self-destructing. A situation that is collapsing under the weight of it's own failure or mistakes. Fears of achievements falling apart. Feelings about the culmination of excessive behavior destroying you or someone else. Success that is too much to handle.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a building implode. In waking life she felt that her mother's bad attitude and nasty behavior were causing her to self-destruct her reputation and ability to carry on healthy relationships.


To dream of trying to perform a task that's impossible to complete represents a strong challenge or feeling overwhelmed by new circumstances. You may be responding to a new problem with old skills or inappropriate methods. Working with a paradox or being forced to meet impossible demands at work. The dream is a sign of your frustration. Rethinking your strategy may be in order.


To dream of being impotent or sexually incapable represents thoughts or feelings associated with insecurity and powerlessness in waking life situations. You may feel unable to control events in your life, or respond to problems. You are ineffective in some way.


*Please See Prison

*Please See Prisoner

*Please See Prison Guards

*Please See Warden


To dream of an in-law represents compromise, abiding behavior, or decisions with a stronger interest in avoiding negative situations.

Like all people in dreams they may also symbolize personality traits in you based on your feelings, opinions, or memories of them that stand out the most.

To dream of having sex with an In-Law represents an enjoyable waking life experience you are having with a compromised decision. Liking something that isn't your first choice a lot.

*Please See Father-In-Law

*Please See Mother-In-Law


To dream of being at an inauguration represents your hopes or expectations for the future as you witness significant change happening your life. Feeling the tone or theme of your life changing for the better.

Negatively, watching an inauguration may reflect tension, fear, or jealousy at having to notice a significant change happening your life. Feeling the tone or theme of your life changing for the worse.

To dream of being inaugurated as President represents feelings of significant power being given to you after struggling to get it. Finally feeling your power being respected and acknowledged. Witnessing yourself getting to ready to use your power to produce a significant change. Feeling a rise in status or recognition for your achievements.


To dream of incense represents an intentionally trying to avoid thinking of anything dangerous or crazy. Preferring to be hopeful or look on the bright side while hoping for the best. Setting a positive or hopeful mood more to your liking.

Positively, dreams of incense appear when you have a problem you don't want to think about too much. Intentionally getting your mind off something bad or focusing more positive things while a stressful situation passes.

Negatively, burning incense may reflect you or others that are choosing to ignore problems by focusing on more positive things when something dangerous is happening. Preferring to feel good during a serious problem because you feel everything will work out for the best when there is no guarantee that it will.


Incest in dreams can be a difficult symbol to define. The dreaming mind does not usually discern between what's moral or immoral.

The act of sex itself represents the merging of two personality traits or qualities. So sex with parents, siblings, or other family members is most often just a symbol for different personality traits or qualities merging. The family members are usually like any other dream symbols...personality traits based on your opinions, feelings, or memories of them.

If you not aware of the incest as it occurs in the dream, and feel like there nothing wrong with it , then the incest as a symbol is probably irrelevant. The sex is the most significant symbol. The family member is just an emotionally awkward or uncomfortable symbol.

Sex with parents may reflect a positive experience you've had making a choice.

To be aware of incest in a dream, to overhear talk of it, or feel that it is wrong represents taboo, or a lack of acceptance for something.

Alternatively, you may have personal issues with a family member you need to address.

If you have experienced incest in real life then you may be having problems dealing with that or are reexamining the past.

Example: A man dreamed of his father slowly pushing his penis into his bum. In waking life he was conscious of himself about to make a bad decision that would have consequences. His father trying to have anal sex with him reflected his conscience or ability to make a decision that was about to screw him over.


To dream of being incontinent may represent feelings of embarrassment of being unable to control your problems or how problems are dealt with. Heightened feelings of sensitivity about having to deal with your problems all the time. A constant sense of anxiety about problems embarrassing you without warning. A problem in life that is uncontrollable and embarrassing.

A constant feeling of being embarrassed by your guilt.


To dream of incriminating evidence represents proof of guilt, or blame that can't be avoided. Your feelings about your involvement with a problem.

It may also be a sign that you are too preoccupied with blaming yourself for something bad that happened. Making yourself believe you're guilty.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing men planting incriminating evidence over a room with a dead body in it. In waking life he felt guilty for not doing enough to help a friend before a big problem started. The men planting the incriminating evidence represented how he was dwelling too much on his involvement in his friends problem.


To dream of an incubator represents an issue that requires a focused supportive attitude and persistence to help something flourish. There may be a need for stability, calmness, or patience. Waiting for a final payoff. You don't want to make act prematurely.

Negatively, an incubator may reflect irregular or unnatural methods to help some area of your life flourish. It may also reflect your careful supportive attitude for something with bad intentions. Going beyond normal limits to achieve a sensitive result.

To dream that you are in an incubator represents patience, stability, and calmness that you may feel is being forced on you. You are being prevented from acting prematurely. It may also mean that you have to wait for the right time to shine or display power. You may have concern about losing power if you make a move before it's the right time.


To dream of an incurable illness represents feelings about being stuck with a permanent problem. Feelings about problem behavior in others never changing. Obsessions that can't be stopped. A sense of hopelessness. Feeling that you can never change a person or life situation. Feeling that negatively behavior people are unashamed of their behavior. Frustrations or obsession with trying to change something that never does.


To dream of being in India represents feelings about being immersed in a challenging or surprising situation with a mindset where it's important to think about things functioning properly or it doesn't think what's happening is intelligent. Being surrounded by people who are only concerned with knowing something is honestly working. A situation where you are surrounded by like-minded people who agree with you about natural healing methods because they are better than non-natural methods. Feeling good immersed in a situation with people who like why overlooked alternative natural methods are safer or more intelligent.

Negatively, India may represent a situation you are experiencing with other people who feel it's important to be honest about making a situation function or it's not impressed with what's happening. Multiple situations or people who are insensitive about expecting something to function properly. Being surrounded by people who are only concerned with knowing something is honestly working or they don't care about anything you say. Experiencing a situation where people might get angry or not respect you if you aren't caring about helping a situation function properly. Feelings surrounded by people who are respectable about everything functioning or they don't want to talk to you. Your distaste for non-natural healing. It may also reflect arrogance or resentment you feel from other people if you interrupt the proper functioning of a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of an abstract scene that felt like India 10,000 years in the future. In waking life, he had his first hallucinogenic experience at an ayahuasca retreat and spoke to God. In this case, India may have reflected his feelings about being immersed in a new situation surrounded by like-minded people who intelligently respected themselves with the belief that hallucinogenic substances like ayahuasca safely functioned better spiritually than ever going to church as a means of talking to God.


*Please See Native Americans

*Please See Indian People (India).

Indian People (India)

To dream of Indian people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself thinking it's important to think about things functioning properly or it doesn't think what's happening is intelligent. A thinking style that values accepting things that function, even if they are unconventional or unexpected. Caring that something is working is more important than not working. Preoccupation with whether something in your life functioning properly. Getting along with people as long as the situation is functioning. Feelings about listening being important so that a situation functions properly. Feeling that functioning is what a situation is already supposed to do. Refusing to listen to anything that isn't functioning as useful.

Negatively, dreaming about Indian people may reflect an insensitive attitude to anything that doesn't work. It may also reflect an insensitive attitude to modern advances that aren't as effective as older natural methods. Insensitivity towards someone or something that doesn't work. Insensitivity towards people who don't see what they are doing is stupid about choosing something not functioning. Feelings about people treating you like it's important something is functioning or they don't want to do anything else for you.

Indian people are symbols that commonly appear in dreams when a person wants to solve a problem in a situation where honest functioning is more important than appearances or popularity. Interest in healing naturally without drugs.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing crying Indian children. In waking life, he was becoming frustrated by difficulties at a new job he was hired for. In this case, the Indian children may have reflected his frustration with the job not functioning as well as he had hoped, and his desire for everything to work properly and smoothly.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing an Indian doctor. In waking life, he was taking vitamin supplements to treat an illness through natural methods. He wanted natural healing because he believed that modern medicine didn't work. In this case, the Indian doctor may have reflected his ability to improve his health by using vitamin supplements that worked when standard medicine didn't.

Example 3: A woman had waking visions of people in Indian clothing. In waking life, she was blind and oddly beginning to see hallucinations. In this case, the people in Indian clothing may have reflected her feelings about talking to people about her eyesight functioning with seeing hallucinations after being blind for years.


*Please See Aboriginal People


To dream of the color indigo represents insensitivity and powerlessness. You feel like you are totally at a loss or that you are being totally uncaring towards another person for a good reason. A positive situation or action that doesn't feel good at all.


To dream of being in an industrial setting represents your feelings about non-stop work or some area of life that you are motivated to insure never stops. Doing something all the time. You may be working very hard to achieve a goal or pulling "all nighters." Feeling that some area of your life must keep going no matter what. A situation that is serious all the time.

Negatively, an industrial type setting may reflect excessive work or a total lack of consideration for feelings in order to get something done. Feeling that work is all you are ever doing. Feeling exhausted keeping some area of your life going.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a industrial park. In waking life he was in the middle of very long and tiring drug testing as a patient to help doctors learn about an experimental drug.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in an industrial type setting. In waking life his father had died and he had to deal with serious paperwork and government delays all the time.


*Please See Baby

*Please See Children


To dream of an infection represents a negative influence or some area of your life that has feels dangerously compromised. The potential for bigger problems if you don't act quickly or intelligently to address a problem. Alternatively, an infection may reflect the spreading of bad ideas or influences across groups of people.

Consider where on the body the infection is for additional meaning.

Allowing an infection or get worse or spread in a dream may be a sign that you are allowing a problem to make your life worse. Willfully not addressing a problem until it become serious.

To dream of spreading an infection to others on purpose may reflect your wish to bring others down with you. Spreading feelings of danger, hopelessness, or bad ideas. Powerful jealousy or bitterness at not getting to do something you liked.

To dream of healing an infection represents responsible action taken, taking advice, new ideas, or reaching out for help. Doing what was necessary in order to get rid of a problem situation.


To dream of infertility represents feelings of impotence to achieve a goal. Feelings that you can never do something ever again. It may also reflect a lack of creativity.

Alternatively, infertility in a dream may reflect your struggle to have a baby.


To dream of an infestation of some form represents feeling about a problem or annoyance that you are unable to control. Feeling about a problem or annoyance that you can't get away from because it's affects too seriously. A developing problem that is now constant. A severe problem. A severe problem that you can't control after first believing it wasn't too serious.

Feeling about some area of your life being untidy, out of control, dirty, tarnished, or of low quality. Feeling that some problematic area of your life is excessive. Neglect that has allowed a small problem to become a big problem. A lack of motivation to deal with a problem that has gotten out of control.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a rotting bug infested body. In waking life he was beginning to feel annoyed by his alcohol problem and impossible it felt to attempt to control it. He felt his alcohol addiction had become a severe problem after first believing he could control it.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of his home being infested with rats. In waking life he was embarrassed by how untidy his home was when a friend came to visit.

*Please See Lice


*Please See Cheating


To dream of inflating something represents an increase in confidence, self-esteem, or the state of the ego. How inflated something is reflects how much you belief in yourself or something you are doing.


To dream of an infomercial represents a planned or organized attempt to persuade someone about an idea. You or someone else may be doing everything possible to convince someone about the benefits or trying something or making a change.


To dream of information represents feelings about what's currently important to think about for whether something works or doesn't. Insight, knowledge, or understanding about a situation or person. It may also reflect a need or desire for knowledge, advice, or guidance in waking life. Useful help or unuseful help. Reading people's actions to determine how you should react yourself.

Alternatively, it may symbolize a fear of the unknown or a need for clarity in a situation. Trying to solve a mystery or get to the bottom of a problem. Feelings about nothing is getting back at you for learning new things. The context and type of information in the dream may provide further insight into its specific meaning.

To dream of your personal information being given to something represents feelings about the importance to be thought about for who you are with someone or something getting back to you. Feelings about yourself mattering as a person.

To dream of wrong information may represent feelings of confusion or misunderstanding about a situation or person. It may also reflect a fear of being misled or misinformed by others. Alternatively, it may symbolize a lack of clarity or understanding in a situation, or a need to seek out more accurate information. The context and type of wrong information in the dream may provide further insight into its specific meaning.

To dream of giving someone the wrong information may represent a feelings of being wrong or making a mistake. It may also reflect feelings of guilt or responsibility for misleading someone. Alternatively, it may reflect a need for caution in giving advice or guidance in waking life. The context and recipient of the wrong information in the dream may provide further insight into its specific meaning.

To dream of too much information to read of being overwhelmed or burdened with knowledge or understanding about a situation or person. It may also suggest a need to prioritize and filter important information from trivial or unnecessary details. Additionally, the dream may symbolize a fear of missing out or being left behind due to an inability to keep up with new information or trends. Feeling that you can't handle trying to understand something. Feeling unable to get simple answers.

To dream of not having a enough information may reflect feelings of confusion, uncertainty, or a lack of understanding about a situation or person in waking life. It may also indicate a need for more knowledge, advice, or guidance to make an informed decision. Additionally, this type of dream may represent a fear of missing out on important information or opportunities.

To dream of information that could be submitted to the police may reflect feelings of guilt or concern about something you have done or witnessed being important enough enforce discipline, intervention, and enforcement of behavior. Feeling that it's too dangerous to share anything with anyone else. Jealousy of other people listening to anything you are doing in wrong.

To dream of asking for information may reflect willingness to seek out knowledge by doing things yourself or through experimentation.

Example: A woman dreamed of talking to someone who can jumps worlds who found a place where most people are asexual. She got excited and asked for more information. In waking life the woman actually was asexual her whole life. In this case asking for more information may have reflected her desire to understand more about her own identity and the asexual community because she didn't think having more freedom being accepted was possible.

Example 2: A man dreamed of asking for information from 2 people and getting that information. In waking life he was interested in 2 separate alternative health options enough to experiment with them to see results that changed his life. In this case asking for information may have reflected the dreamer's willingness to seek out knowledge through experimentation and take action towards improving his health on his own.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of entering her personal information into a book reading contest. You find a book and read the most interesting thing inside the book out loud. In waking life she was trying to get out of her comfort zone, meet new friends, and try positive thinking. In this case entering her personal information may have reflected her feelings about herself making the effort to notice she matters as a person for other people to include her in social connection.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of a demon allowing him to live because he had knowledge that was important. In waking life the man had attended a session about ancient Jewish mystical practices found in the Talmud, and part of the session was about demons. There is a custom to never walk away and leave prayerbook open because demons might read it and develop ways to defend themselves against the prayers. In this case, the knowledge that was important may have reflect his superstitious feelings about the ancient Jewish mystical practices being useful to remember to protect himself spiritually.

Example 5: A person dreamed of being in school and unable to find any information about taking a history exam, while also feeling that there was still enough time to take it, but also not feeling the need to take it. In waking life, the dreamer was reconnecting with some friends from their childhood and high school. In this case, the information about taking the history exam may have reflected the dreamer's uncertainty about whether or not it was worth pursuing a rekindled relationship with these friends based on their online interactions, and if it was important to follow through with their plans to meet up.

Example 6: A man dreamed of his first day at work in the office with a co-worker asking him if he had the combination to the safe. He said no and than the coworker would have to tell him that information. He thought it was weird to be given the combination on the first day. In waking life the man got hired for a Federal Government job, but had to keep the job on hold due to the pandemic. In this case the information for the combination may have reflected his feeling about needing to know why it was important enough to borrow money or use savings until his new job started.

Example 7: A man dreamed of filling out paperwork with dates and information. She wrote down zip codes instead of dates. In waking life, he was nearing graduation from college in just two months and was focused on job seeking. In this case, the act of entering information onto the forms may reflect his feelings about the importance of presenting himself in the best light to potential employers. Writing zip codes instead of dates may have reflected his desire to prioritize location in his job search and willingness to relocate if necessary for a job opportunity.


To dream of an inheritance represents feeling of being luckier than other people with an advantage you have been given. Feeling that you have stumbled into success. Benefits you have didn't need to earn. Feelings about having to patiently wait for an advantages or power to be passed on to you. Shock at how easy some area of your life has become. Obligations or responsibilities you are expecting. Work promotions you are expecting when another employee leaves.

Negatively, dreaming about an inheritance could reflect of arrogance that you are better than others without earning it. Feeling that you are more special than others to be given better advantages or opportunities. Awareness of yourself not having to work as hard as others. Having no respect for someone who is occupying or using power that you feel forced to be patient with. Using someone to get yourself something at a later time.

To dream of inheriting real estate or a car may reflect feelings of needing to continue a job or way of living that someone else was managing. Feeling responsible to carry on some area of your life after someone is no longer able to. Feeling stupid if you don't continue on with something that someone else has stopped. Problems with allowing yourself to do something differently. Fear of needing to stay the same.

Alternatively, from a negative perspective dreaming about an inheritance may reflect problems that you feel have been unjustly passed on to you. Feeling that others failures or losses have given you problems you don't want to deal with. Feeling stuck with a problem that you didn't create.

To dream of losing an inheritance represents feelings of embarrassment of serious losses for the rest of your life because you didn't behave perfectly for someone. Feelings of embarrassing losses for having disappointed someone. Expectations of being luckier than others feeling dashed. Feeling like a loser who waste time hoping for something good to happen.

To dream of writing a will to leave someone an inheritance reflects how responsible you are about delegating your advantages or problems on to others when you can no longer handle them yourself.

Alternatively, dreams of inheritances may mirror waking life anxiety about losing an inheritance or being written out of a family members will with last moment changes. Issues with conflict of beneficiaries of a will or jealousy over the value of shares.

Example: A man dreamed of hearing a very beautiful girl talk behind his back that he had been written out of his father's will and lost his inheritance. In waking life he was in a big argument with his dying father and was very self-conscious about how he would look to other people if his father choose to get retribution against him by writing him out of the will at the last moment.


*Please See Syringes


To dream of an injury represents emotional wounding or embarrassment. Someone may have said something that hurt your feelings. Feeling damaged. Alternatively, am injury in a dream may reflect problems that have arisen from your hastiness in a situation. A sign that you need to slow down. It may also symbolize an accident, misfortune, or bad luck you've experienced.

Injuries could also mirror your fear of being emotionally hurt in waking life. A wish for someone or something to go away. Feeling some area of your life coming apart. Possibly a warning sign that you need to slow down or be more cautious.

It's common to dream of an injury around the time of an illness. It's very rare, but dreams of injuries to specific body parts have been reported to coincide with medical problems to those body parts. For example, a woman dreamed of being punched in her ribs and then got a medical checkup days later to discover that one of her ribs had been broken without her knowledge. Another man dreamed of being speared in his throat and then discovered days later that he had thyroid cancer. A woman dreamed of having her stomach attacked by wolves and then discovered days later that she had stomach cancer.

To dream of your mother being injured may represent feelings about your ability to intuitively make the right decisions being hampered. Bad luck or bad choices set you back.

To dream of your father being injured may represent embarrassments that have come to you due to bad decisions.


To dream of ink represents feelings about thoughts or decisions being permanent, irreversible, or serious. Thoughts about the finality of relationships, agreements, plans.

Negatively, dreams about ink may be a sign that you have made your mind up about something being permanent that could be reversed, but you prefer not to reverse it. Believing it's too late to apologize to someone or fix a mistake you made. Too much concern about your choices being final when it may not be polite, fair, or appropriate. An unwillingness to change your idea or opinions. Anxiety or concerns about being embarrassed by a serious choice.

Ink in a dream commonly reflects feelings about the permanence of choices relating to relationship status.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing ink pen strokes on an overdraft notice crossing out the bank fee and writing in a new fee. In waking life she felt it was too late to apologize or reconcile with family members that she had angered. She felt the damage to the relationships was permanent and the personal cost of the lost relationship was something she needed to accept.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a problem finding a ink pen for her husband to use. In waking life she and her husband were having problems finalizing their divorce.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of using an ink pen to stab the devil in the face. In waking life he was having problems recovering from a relationship breakup that she initiated. It was a permanent choice she often regretted.

*Please See Pen


*Please See Hotel

*Please See Motel

Inner Tube

To dream of an inner tube used for swimming represents your wish to relax or feel good doing nothing about a problem. Negativity or uncertainty that you feel better doing nothing about. A sign that you have a problem or issue that may need more attention than you wish to give it.


*Please See Bugs


To dream of being inside something compared to outside represents experiencing doing something or being involved as compared to thinking about it. Living it versus thinking about. Normal vs thinking about normal.
Emotional safety versus emotional coldness. Not jealous vs jealous. Experiencing something first hand versus appearances. Involvement vs observation. Experiencing or living a perspective. Something is for real and not just hearing about it. Protection versus no protection. Experiencing normal versus thinking about what normal is. Internally thinking about what is externally happening or said about you.

To dream of feeling happy inside represents feeling good or contentment some area of your life working out normally. Not feeling the need to express pleasant or positive feelings externally. Feeling good about a secret. Feeling good protected in a normal stable state. Feeling good that you can do something that can't be stopped.

To dream of the moment of penetration of sexual activity where the penis goes inside the woman may represent feelings about being aware of enjoying the start of a new enjoyable situation. Starting to enjoy experiencing something helping you. The beginning of experiencing winning or something enjoyable. Feeling that something good is "finally happening."

Example: A man dreamed of being inside a renovated building. In waking life he had changed jobs to his own business and was adjusting. In this case the symbolism of being inside the building as opposed to outside the building may have reflected his feelings about the experience of actually working at his own company versus just thinking of what it would be like to run his own company.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being inside a castle while someone complained about and criticized him outside the castle. In waking life he was felt exceptionally power and confident while enduring complaining from people he didn't need to talk to ever again if he didn't want to. In this case being inside may have reflected his sense of isolation or protection from the other people complaining.

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