

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
 O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    #

B - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6 - B7 - B8


The letter B in a dream represents feelings about yourself or some area of your life not being easy. Never having things given to you. Having to earn everything you have. No special treatment.

Negatively, the letter B may represent jealousy of other people who always have easier lives or more special treatment than you. Not liking not getting all the attention that you may feel you deserve more. Feeling uglier or second place.


To dream of a baboon represents you or someone else that is intentionally inappropriate. Inconsiderate behavior. It may also reflect people or behavior that does what it wants even after being told not to.


To see a baby in your dream represents new beginnings, new ways of thinking, new ideas, or new life developments. A baby may also symbolize a new project or new potential. Discovering new abilities. Negatively, a baby in a dream may reflect new responsibilities or new problems that require constant care. Babies may also reflect people in your life that you feel the need to look after closely such as the elderly.

Alternatively, dreaming about a baby may reflect feelings about being inexperienced or new to a situation. Memories of yourself starting something. Feeling that you are being "treated like a baby." Feelings about yourself being protected while not having to care about what anyone else is feeling. Remembering what it's like to be a beginner or to be young again.

To dream of a baby boy may represent masculine qualities to an experience or problem such as insensitivity, assertiveness, or social dominance.

To dream of a baby girl may represent feminine qualities to an experience or problems such as sensitivity, sympathy, social subordination.

To dream of a crying baby represents a problem or sensitive situation in waking life that needs attention. A part of you that is deprived.

To dream of a baby drowning represents a sensitive new situation in your life being totally overwhelmed by uncertainty or negative emotions. Failure caused by too much uncertainty or problems with something that was just starting in your life. Negatively, it may reflect problems you are being very careful about being being made impossible to take care of due to excessive uncertainty, problems, or fear.

To dream of dropping a baby represents feelings of anxiety about being irresponsible with some new situation or problem requiring your care. Dreams of dropping babies are common for new born mothers, more due to their fear of being an irresponsible mother than due to actually dropping their babies.

To dream of forgetting your baby represents feelings about something in your life that you have started, but then abandoned. Setting aside something that you love or have worked hard for. Postponing something special. On a positive note forgetting a baby in a dream may be a sign that there is still time to correct something that you have put off.

To dream of a neglected baby may represent feelings about neglecting a future project or responsibility. It may also reflecting a sensitive problem you are not attending to enough.

To dream of a premature baby represents new situations or new problems in your life that are happening faster than you want them to. Having to do something sooner than you planned.

To see a dead baby represents a new development ending, or being overcome by negativity. Something that began, or was in the works was stopped. Positively, a dead baby may reflect feelings of being spared a responsibility or lengthy problem.

To dream of a baby with no legs symbolizes a new development that is stagnant. A new situation with no traction or momentum.

To dream of a deformed baby represents a new responsibility or nagging problem that hasn't turned out as you expected it to. If you are actually expecting a baby it may reflect a fear of something being wrong with the baby.

To dream being frustrated or stressed out while looking after a baby represents your frustrations and difficulties with problem or responsibility.

To dream of a baby that is not of your race represents a new development , new situation, or new responsibility that is influenced by the symbolism of that race. For example, a white person dreaming of a black baby symbolizes a new situation in your life where you hoping or thinking feeling good is a priority. Black people dreaming of white babies symbolizes new situations or responsibilities where you feel that you have an advantage. It may also represent new problems that are too secure for you to do anything about.

Refer to the themes section for race for a more in-depth look at the symbolism of skin color and culture.

Pregnant women tend to dream of their unborn babies sex as male more often than female. This probably reflects their feelings about how insensitive or tough the reality of having a baby is. It may also reflect the control the mother asserting herself as a parent due to the child.

Young women and girls may dream of having babies to reflect their fear of getting pregnant or their desire to get pregnant.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her baby. In waking life she had postponed college for her marriage.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of holding a new baby. In waking life she was beginning a new love affair while cheating on her husband.

Example 3: A older woman dreamed of having to take care of a baby. In waking life her aging husband was very ill.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of accidentally leaving her baby behind in a store. In waking life he was an author who felt that she had neglected a book she was writing for too long.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing lots of babies. In waking life she was dealing with a lot of debts that needed constant servicing. In this case the babies may have reflected her feelings about the debts needing constant care due to complaints or deadline warnings.

*Please See Birth

*Please See Biracial People

*Please See Children

Baby Bottle

To dream of a baby bottle represents thoughts or emotions that are supportive or nurturing of a new development in your life.

To dream of drinking from a baby bottle represents an aspect of your personality or some waking life situation that is nurturing
you as you develop or mature in some manner.

Baby Carriage

To dream of a baby carriage represents a new development or situation in your life that you feel good needing to care about at all times. Responsibilities that you are "carrying around" with you all the time. Feelings about having a "big person" problem.

Negatively, a baby carriage may reflect a problem or burden you brag about having because it's a signal of power to have that kind of problem.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a baby carriage in a subway station. In waking life she was getting back into dating. The baby carriage reflected her wish to be noticed by others having a "big person" problem of finding a decent man.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone pushing a baby carriage. In waking life he was bragging to friend about his plans to beat someone up. The baby carriage reflected the man's wish feel good being noticed thinking the problem of need to beat up this other person was easy. The man was "carrying around" his easy problem like something only big people do.

Baby Clothes

To dream of baby clothes may reflect the personality and how it behaves when involved with a new or developing area of your life. How you choose to project yourself when discussing new achievements.

Negatively, baby clothes may reflect the personality involving sensitive problems that require a lot of attention. How you project yourself to others with sensitive issues you need to take care of.

Alternatively, baby clothes represent former ways of thinking or old habits which you have outgrown. A sign that you have matured or moved past an issue.

The color and style of the baby clothes reflect how your intentions or feelings apply to this situation.

Refer to the themes section for colors and clothing for more insight.

Baby Food

To dream of baby food represents a waking life situation that is being made easier for you to experience. Care or nurturing behavior to make life easier. Simplification of a problem. "Baby stepping" through a problem. Making sure that someone inexperienced can get through something they don't understand. Doing all the work for someone else so it's easy.

Baby High Chair

To dream of a baby high chair represents feelings about needing to
be certain that people have things done for them properly. A developing aspect of your life that is being cared for whether it likes it or not. Certainty that a developing aspect of your life is both controlled and nurtured. Personally insuring help for someone who can't help themselves.

Negatively, a baby high chair may reflect feelings of being patronized or treated little by someone is doing all the work for you. Embarrassment of being unable to stop someone from treating you like you are incompetent or stupid. Believing that you need to take care of people who don't deserve it.

Baby Powder

To dream of baby powder represents your wish to make a problem or obligation feel better to others. Not allowing anyone else to notice anything wrong with your life situation. What you say or do to help yourself not worry so much or feel as embarrassed. Not wanting others to think about your problem or obligation like it's serious or negative at all. Put on a strong face or putting a spin on your story to appear less affected.

Baby powder may be a sign that you don't feel comfortable talking about your problems or having them noticed by other people.

Example: A woman dreamed of putting baby powder on a baby. In waking life she was trying very hard to adjust to her recent break up with her boyfriend.

Baby Shower

To dream of a baby shower represents feelings about being totally supported with all you need with a new beginning or new responsibility.

Alternatively, it may reflect awareness of someone else's new life being perfectly cared about. Noticing yourself "being there" for someone. It may also reflect anxiety about being noticed as helpful enough.

Negatively, a baby shower may reflect feelings about having to go out of your way to be extra supportive of someone else when you feel they don't deserve it. It may also reflect your concern that someone that you think is a loser doesn't "fuck up" a new opportunity.

Babybel Cheese

To dream of Babybel cheese represents feelings about being better off than you normally are that's personal about something new happening that doesn't happen all the time and will ruin it if you think about it too much.

Negatively, dreaming of Babybel cheese might represent feelings of anxiety or pressure regarding a rare and positive opportunity. The dreamer may feel the risk of spoiling a delicate situation if handled improperly or overthought. This could symbolize a fear of overstepping boundaries, being overly assertive, or inadvertently causing a reversal in a favorable situation.

Example: A man dreamed of eating Babybel cheese. In waking life, he was thrilled that his stubborn father would finally listen to his advice about taking natural vitamins after his father ran into serious health problems from neglecting his health for so long. He felt good being able to use his personal experience with natural herbs to heal his stubborn father because he had no choice but to listen to him now. In this case, the babybel cheese may have reflected his feelings of being in a unique and advantageous position to positively influence his father, enjoying a rare moment of receptivity from him. The Babybel cheese symbolized a fleeting opportunity to impart personal wisdom and experience, with an underlying notion that pushing his father too hard might spoil this rare moment of connection and influence.

*Please See Cheese


To dream of a babysitter represents your feelings about looking after someone else's problem. You may feel bored with your life or held back due to someone else's problems. Making sure someone dumber or more arrogant than you doesn't make matters worse. Keeping a close eye on someone you feel is risky.

Negatively, a babysitter may reflect responsibility or problems that you feel has been dumped on to you. Feeling that you have to protect or look after someone that is vulnerable because nobody else will.

Alternatively, a babysitter may reflect your feeling about being overwhelmed by other people's arrogant or childish behavior. Cleaning up or looking after a slob in your life. It may also reflect feelings of being subordinate to someone with undeserved power over you. Being controlled by someone spoiled.

Additionally, babysitting in a dream may reflect your feelings about raising your children in waking life if you have any. Feeling that having to raise children holds you back in some way.

Example: A man dreamed of babysitting a child. In waking life he felt controlled by a lazy spoiled father who arrogantly controlled him after he paid all his bills for him to keep him out of debt. The family member kept recklessly spending require more bills to be paid.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a baby being dropped off for her to babysit that she really didn't want to look after. In waking life she was a teacher who was beginning to feel that teaching wasn't the right job for her. She felt more like a babysitter than a teacher to her students.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having to babysit a child. In waking life her grandmother became very ill and was too old to look after herself.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of babysitting a baby. In waking life she felt responsible for her younger sister during a very difficult time.

Bachelor Party

To dream of a bachelor or bachelorette party represents a last minute indulgence before a permanent situation or commitment occurs. Enjoying a last moment of freedom before having to get serious. Doing something you always wanted to do before losing the opportunity for good.

Negatively, a bachelor party may reflect irresponsible risks before a big change or milestone in your life. Carelessly not thinking of others feelings before a commitment is finalized. Risking everything to have a good time at the last minute. A sign that it may be a good idea to be more mindful of what you say or do before an important moment.


To dream of a back represents issues related to support, responsibility, or burden. Feelings about your capability to carry the weight of responsibilities or expectations in your life. Feelings about not thinking of yourself while providing support. The back, being the part of the body that often carries loads and provides support, could metaphorically reflect your thoughts on the roles you assume in your relationships, job, or other facets of life where you don't think of yourself first while providing support to others or carrying a burden.

Positively, dreaming about your back may represent strength, resilience, and the ability to support others or manage multiple tasks.

Negatively, dreaming about your back could represent feelings of being burdened, weighed down, or overwhelmed by responsibilities or expectations. Pressures or stress you feel to "carry" the weight of a problem situation because it's too serious to ignore. You feel that you have secrets you don't want to divulge to others, painful memories, or responsibilities that have to be paid.

To dream of being stabbed in the back represents feelings of betrayal, deceit, or unexpected emotional injury. Backstabbing, lack of support, or feelings of being betrayed by someone you supported. It may indicate that someone you trusted has violated that trust, leading you to question the loyalty or intentions of people around you. You could be dealing with underhanded tactics, backstabbing, or gossip which you feel is harming your reputation or self-esteem.

Example: A young woman dreamed of having to carry her mother on her back. In waking life, she was living in Nazi Germany and felt that because her mother was fully Jewish (she was half-Jewish) that her mother was going to be a burden to support. In this case, carrying her mother on her back may have reflected her feelings of carrying a burden that had life-or-death implications, thus making her mother's presence feel like a 'weight on her back.

Back Alley

*Please See Back Lane

Back Lane

To dream of a back lane represents feelings about hidden, overlooked, or less-traveled paths in life. Unconventional choices, underhanded dealings, or hidden opportunities that diverge from the main, well-trodden roads. Your thoughts or feelings about secret or illicit activities, hidden agendas, or alternative approaches to problems. No jealousy that you can get away with something as long as you do it quickly because nobody sees you doing it or ever think it mattered.

Positively, dreaming about a back alley might symbolize creativity, originality, or a willingness to explore unconventional solutions. A readiness to take a chance, explore the unknown, or venture into uncharted territory. Your desire to escape the constraints of conventional wisdom, to seek out hidden truths, or to pioneer a unique and personal path.

Negatively, dreaming about a back lane could represent feelings of danger, uncertainty, or ethical compromise. Fears about engaging in dishonest or risky behavior, the temptation to take shortcuts or cheat, or anxieties about venturing into an unfamiliar or potentially threatening situation. Getting away with dangerous, immoral, or criminal behavior without your parents being aware of it. You may be doing something or thinking about something that you know you aren't supposed to be doing. A sign that you are too comfortable getting away with something you know is wrong.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a friend walking towards him in the back lane behind his house and talking about doing drugs. In waking life, the young man was hesitant about trying a new drug, but not sure if he'd get away with it. In this case, the back lane may have reflected his feelings about the unconventional, risky, and hidden nature of taking drugs without getting caught by his parents he was contemplating.


*Please See Spine


To dream of going out a backdoor represents confronting problems that you don't want to think about. You may be facing a negative situation that is unpleasant to notice.

To dream of coming in the back door represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation. You have finally decided to do something about a problem. If you see a criminal or person you have negative feelings about walking in a backdoor it may reflect fear or embarrassment that is becoming common place for you.

To dream of hearing knocking on the backdoor represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation that you don't want to think about. A problem may be forcing you to deal with it.

*Please See Door


*Please See Surroundings


To dream of a backpack represents self-sufficiency and self-reliance keep to yourself until it's important. It reflects an area of your life where you are independently handling things. This may include dealing with problems on your own or pursuing your own goals. The backpack may also symbolize hopes, desires, and secrets that you prefer to keep to yourself until it's important. Taking responsibility for her own enjoyment and fulfillment. Feeling that you are not ripping yourself off for why you would do something yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about a backpack may represent sense of independence and self-sufficiency in pursuing her own interests and desires, despite the disapproval or lack of support from others. Being capable of handling a problem situation on your own without communicating about it to other people which may result in getting caught or future arguments. Feeling that people are too serious about not allowing you to handle situations on your own.

Not feeling exceptional for why you need to be self-sufficient or self-reliant while keeping it yourself.

Example: A woman dreamed of hiding a laptop in her backpack. In real life she was making plans to see a concert that her boyfriend didn't want to see. The backpack in this case reflects the dreamer's sense of independence and self-sufficiency in pursuing her own interests and desires, despite the disapproval or lack of support from others. The backpack serves as a symbol of her ability to carry the things she needs on her own and to take responsibility for her own enjoyment and fulfillment. It may also suggest that she is keeping her plans and desires hidden or secret until the right moment to reveal them, indicating a sense of caution or strategic thinking in pursuing her goals because it may end up in a fight with her boyfriend to openly discuss her plans. The backpack reveals her willingness to "go it alone" and make plans for the concert anyway.

Example 2: A woman had a dream of finding a black backpack at work and then walking home with her husband behind her following her home asking her where she was going. In waking life the woman was very focused on paying bills. In this case the backpack may have reflected her self-reliance and self-sufficiency in managing her finances and the money needed to pay bills. The husband following her home may symbolize external pressures or concerns about her financial situation, but the dreamer's focus on the backpack and the money in it suggests that she is capable of handling it on her own.


*Please See Cars


To dream of doing the backstroke represents a comfortable attitude to navigating an uncertain or negative situation that doesn't think it's serious enough to warrant their full attention or focus. A high degree of confidence navigating uncertain or negative situations on your own. Ease and grace of handling or managing yourself with uncertainty that doesn't think full attention on the directly problem is necessary. A leisurely approach to overcoming a difficulty that doesn't need to look at it because you are listening well enough to handle yourself. Enjoying taking your time getting through a difficulty.

Negatively, the backstroke may being too comfortable with a problem or uncertain situation you are handling yourself with. A sign that you are too confident about your ability to deal with problems or handle difficulties on your own. A tendency to avoid confronting the problem directly or taking it too lightly. It may also reflect a sense that an uncertain situation is too easy to get through. Taking your time or being lazy when serious action is required. Thinking that nothing matter when it actually does. Handling yourself in uncertain situations or arguments with elderly people or people that are too nice to worry about seeing the situation as a problem.

Example: A young man dreamed of swimming the backstroke. In waking life he had experienced conflict with his grandmother of which he felt was mostly resolved. In this case swimming the backstroke may have reflect his feelings of his grandmother being too easy to deal with in an argument to the point focusing on the method" of how to argue rather than the content of the argument itself.


To dream of walking, running, or driving backwards represents awareness of yourself doing something differently that everyone else. A direction in life that may seem odd or to be the opposite of others.

Dreaming of going backwards may also reflect a loss of progress or a reversal of decisions.

To dream of facing or talking to people while standing backwards may reflect sensitive feelings about discussing uncomfortable issues. Talking about your problems briefly without discussing them in much detail. Feeling embarrassed to address certain issues too openly or too enthusiastically. Uncomfortable discussions that are hiding the full story. Intentionally ignoring discussing an embarrassing situation in detail. Noticing what a problem is without wanting to embarrass yourself talking about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of only being comfortable talking to people if they were standing backwards to her. In waking life she was very sensitive about discussing her doctors orders that required her to get a c-section because he pelvis was too small. She felt comfortable talking about the coming baby, but was embarrassed to discuss the c-section because she felt it made her look less of a natural woman.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of driving backwards in a car. In waking life she was intentionally testing her friends to see if they would prefer to never know her again while faking needing their help with her disease. Driving backwards in this case may have reflected her decision-making style preferring lose friends instead of gaining them while she tested them.

*Please See Reverse


To dream of a backyard represents issues or situations that you don't like thinking about. Something you don't like noticing or seeing in yourself. Things you don't want to confront, don't want to deal with, or make you upset when you have to think about them.

Backyards in dreams may also reflect issues you want to keep hidden from people or jealousy of having to deal with an embarrassing issue. Irritation or prolonged trouble.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in his backyard. In waking life he was embarrassed to be witnessed by other people as single person with no girlfriend or wife.


To dream of bacon represents about an option or experience of self-gratification without thinking it's a problem as long as it's simple, quick, and easy. Confidence that helping yourself out isn't a problem as long as it isn't too conservative or serious. A fast, easy, and simple experience of self-gratification that feels like you're allowed to enjoy yourself mattering completely. Feelings about easy money.

Negatively, dreaming about bacon may represent feelings about overdoing self-gratification without thinking it's a problem as long as it's quick and easy because you don't have any other conservative or serious options. Financial problems that drive you to simple, quick, easy options to help yourself pay your bills as fast as you need to.

Bacon in dreams is often a symbol for sexual pleasure. It's also common to dream of bacon after sexually fantasizing about people.

Example: A woman dreamed of cooking bacon in a kitchen for her boyfriend. In waking life, she was pregnant and had not had sex in a long time. In this case, the bacon being cooked may have reflected her preparations to have sex with her boyfriend quickly without wanting to embarrass her pregnant state.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of preparing to eat bacon. In waking life, she was unhappy with all aspects of her life in work and love. She decided to seduce her boyfriend into getting her pregnant so she could easily enjoy herself never having to work. In this case, the bacon may have reflected her feelings about enjoying a quick and easy way out of her responsibilities and dissatisfaction through pregnancy.

*Please See Canadian Bacon


To dream of experiencing something bad represents feelings about encountering negative, undesirable, unfavorable, troubling, or harmful situations in your waking life. The presence of fear, obstacles, guilt, or confrontation with aspects of yourself or your life that are not in alignment with your desires or well-being. Internal struggles, ethical dilemmas, or the challenges you face in pursuing your goals. Feelings of negativity, failure, or inadequacy in waking life. Potential pitfalls or dangers in your waking life. Unresolved conflicts or tensions. Alternatively, it may represent a desire for change or improvement in certain areas of your life, motivating you to take action to rectify or address issues.

To dream of bad people represents aspects of your personality or situations in waking life that you perceive as harmful, immoral, negative, or antagonistic towards your well-being. External forces or individuals that bring about distress, challenge, or conflict into your life. Traits within yourself or others that you find undesirable or harmful, such as jealousy, anger, arrogance, or deceit.

Positively, dreaming of bad people may represent your recognition of negative influences or behaviors in your life that you wish to change or eliminate. Awareness of personal flaws or toxic relationships that you are ready to confront and address.

To dream of having a bad day may represent feelings of frustration, disappointment, or dissatisfaction with how events are unfolding in your waking life. It could indicate a series of unfortunate events or setbacks that disrupt your plans or expectations. A sense of being overwhelmed by stress, responsibilities, or challenges.

Example: A young man dreamed of trying to go on vacation with his family and girlfriend, but the situation turned bad causing arguments with his father. In waking life, he felt that he may have pressured or pushed his girlfriend away. He feared she might leave him. In this case, the vacation turning bad may have reflected his frustration or disappointment that a time of relaxation or enjoyment with his girlfriend turned into a source of conflict and stress.

*Please See Rotten

*Please See Evil

*Please See News

*Please See Taste

Bad Breath

To dream of smelling someone else's bad breath represents an inability to listen to unappealing ideas or views. Experiencing other people's obliviousness to how negative a message or idea expressed feels. Poor, incompetent, or uninteresting delivery of ideas. Ideas that don't feel right to you. Feeling repelled by a person or situation. Feeling repelled by someone's else ignorance.

To dream of having bad breath may reflect a need to be more careful about how you present, articulate, or deliver your ideas. An unappealing or off-putting presentation to others. A sense that you are repelling others. Not thinking before you speak.

Dreaming of having bad breath may also reflect anxiety about your ability to interest other people in your ideas or in liking you. Feelings about yourself being a total loser that nobody wants to listen to. Feelings of having embarrassed yourself with stupid ideas, unappealing suggestions, or ignorant statements.


To dream of a badge represents recognition of superior achievement or authority. Noticing yourself having full respect or social autonomy. Deserving to be listened to more than others. Unquestionable advice or guidance.

To dream of police badge represent moral authority or the authority to force change. An unquestionable voice of reason. Having a police badge flashed at you may reflect a person or situation that you feel you have to change for. Feeling you have to accept advice about morality or doing the right thing.


To see a badger in a dream represents an aspect of your personality that never gives up. Something in your life may feel like it won't go away or will never listen to you no matter what you resist it with. Menacing intimidation. Someone that is giving you a hard time.

Positively, you may be very persistent in pursuing a goal or defeating a rival that you refuse to give up on. Fiercely fighting for a cause. Startling others with your fierce persistence. Determination that is intimidating or dangerous to your enemies.


To dream of badminton represents a challenge that requires quick thinking. A struggle to keep up. Decisions need to be made quickly or opportunities may be lost. A struggle or contest between people with quick thinking or quick acting maneuvers.

A badminton game may reflect the ability to adapt in some kind of confrontation or new opportunity.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a bank sponsor a highschool badminton match. In waking life he was being pressured into getting his girlfriend pregnant in order to get an inheritance. His girlfriend kept trying to exhaust him with sex so he would forget to use a condom and impregnate her and he kept catching on to her schemes.


To dream of a bagel represents feelings of simplicity, comfort, and ease of being completely listened to as a person in order get through a difficult situation with ease without thinking it's a big deal. The simplicity of good listening that brings you satisfaction, contentment, or fulfillment that helps you get through a difficult situation. A laid back attitude about getting through with a problem situation because it's simple that someone helped you. Enjoy talking about your problems because other people don't see it as difficult to listen to anything happening at all to solve them. Solving problems or getting through a difficult situation with an attitude that likes to say it was simple. Feelings about needs are being met with a straightforward approach that listened to you about how it should work out.

Positively, a bagel in a dream may represent a supportive environment or relationship where you feel your thoughts and feelings are easily understood and valued without snobbiness to think of whatever you wanted to get through a difficult situation.

Consider the ingredients on the bagel for additional meaning.

Example: A mother of two daughters dreamed of seeing another woman with a half-eaten bagel who said to her "I think there is something in this that I'm allergic to." In waking life, she had met a man that she liked at first, but then stopped liking him because he was too needy. In this case, the half-eaten bagel that causes allergies may have reflected her feelings about the man being someone who initially made her feel that it was simple to be listened to as a person while helping her get through a minor difficulty in her life while starting the relationship with him. The allergy to the half-eaten bagel may indicate her annoyance with the man's personality being insecure, needy, and too attentive with giving her simple supportive help with respecting her as a person.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of visiting a bagel shop where she used to work to get a bagel for a snack. When she left the store she overheard 2 women gossiping. She asked them, where she needed to go. They said "the bus has left." In waking life, she was considering leaving her job but has experiencing uncertainties due to indecision. In this case, the bagel she bought from a bagel shop where she used to work may have reflected her feelings about seeking the comfort of simple family support during a time of uncertainty and change in her professional life by calling in a favor from people she had previously supported.

Example 3: A person dreamed of people throwing bagels at them for no reason followed by cars and buses that tried to kill them. They had no clue why they were being hated by people. In waking life, they were currently experiencing strange social dynamics in their personal life when that was unusual. In this case, bagels being thrown at the dreamer may have reflected their feelings about the simplicity of good listening and understanding from friends and family who usually respected the dreamer as a person who weren't respecting the dreamer like usual.


*Please See Luggage


To dream of bagpipes represents projecting feelings of enjoying being insensitive or enjoying experiencing something insensitive. Projecting feelings that being insensitive is openly accepted.

Negatively, bagpipes may reflect annoyance from others openly projecting their feelings that being insensitive is appropriate when you don't feel that it is. A casual attitude about celebrating insensitively that others are sensitive about.

Example: A young woman dreamed of hearing bagpipes in the background. In waking life she had just broke up with her first love and her friends were openly celebrating it.


*Please See Plastic Bag

*Please See Paper Bag

*Please See Backpack

*Please See Shopping Bags


To dream of making bail represents temporary relief from restrictions or limitations. It may also reflect a compromise or promise you've made to avoid a punishment or embarrassment. Putting something important on the line in order to avoid full consequences or show someone that you're serious about change. Avoiding the entirety of an inconvenient consequence.

To dream of being denied bail may be a sign that someone else doesn't trust you anymore. You may not be able to make a compromise that is big enough for someone to trust you again. Feeling that the full consequences of your actions have to be faced in their entirety or at your total inconvenience. Feeling that nothing you say or do can get you any temporary relief from a problem.

Negatively, bail may be a sign that you fell that you have impunity to do as you wish or that there are no consequences to your actions. It may also be a sign that you feel that other people are getting off "scot-free."


To dream of bait represents a wish to lure or entice someone into thinking along similar lines as you are. Negatively, you may reflect your attempts to trick or fool someone into embarrassing themselves.


To dream of a going to a bakery represents a feelings of experiencing having something wonderful, beautiful, or enjoyable done for you.

Negatively, a bakery may be a sign that there is a lack of appreciation in a relationship or that someone is too spoiled.

To dream of working at a bakery represents spoiling others all the time. Always giving others all the satisfaction without having to work for it themselves. A sign that you are too nice or not being appreciated. Spoiling others. Helping someone who is lazy or doesn't deserve your help.

Pregnant women often dream of being in underground bakeries. This may reflect their awareness of themselves enjoying spending money behind their husband's back on baby related items or secretly spoiling themselves shopping while pregnant.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to sell bread to stores, but noticing that sometimes the bakery supplier he bought the bread from was shut down. In waking life he was an artist and sometimes his creativity felt completely shut off so he couldn't make art to sell.


To dream of baking represents preparation for something special in your life. Plans and ideas all coming together for a special event or something that's important to you. Something you give special care to.

To dream of having problems while baking may represent delays, setbacks, or problems that have arisen while you were planning for something special.

If you mix ingredients that you normally would not combine then it suggests that you are trying something new.

Example: Baking sometimes shows up in the dreams of pregnant women. The baking reflects the special care they are giving to their babies and to their homes in preparation for the birth.


To dream of having balance represents a sense of stability, control, or equilibrium in your life. Feelings about handling yourself in a situation without a problem which gives you a feeling of confidence or being normal. Successful management of an aspect of your life. Feelings of moderation and avoid extremes.

To dream of losing balance represents feelings of instability, uncertainty, or lack of control in your life. Facing challenges or obstacles that are threatening to disrupt your sense of stability. Feelings of insecurity or chaos in a situation. Challenges you are facing in maintaining a sense of stability, control, or equilibrium in some area of your life leading to stress or anxiety. Fear of failure or the struggle to keep up with life's demands, suggesting a need to reassess and realign your priorities to regain stability. Difficulties with addiction. A warning to address any areas of imbalance or instability before they escalate into larger problems. Feeling unable to handle responsibilities.

Example: A man dreamed of slipping and trying to regain balance. In waking life, he was struggling with alcoholism. In this case, trying to regain balance may have reflected his efforts to overcome his addiction and regain control of his life.

Balance Beam

To dream of a balance beam represents your wish to prove how perfectly flexible and balanced you are. Proving yourself or showing off to others that nothing bothers you. Proving to others that you deserve to be respected as a perfect expert whom nothing bothers. Proving expertise to others with skills in flexibility and balance. Showing off that you are never jealous because you can handle yourself no matter what. Your attempts to show other people how good you are at something. Showing off your expert skills or talents with something risky.

Negatively, a balance beam may reflect too much concern for showing off being perfect. Showing off to others that nothing ever bothers you in a way that is dangerous or isn't important. Showing off impressive that nothing bothers you. Feeling pressured into never making a mistake ever again.


To dream of a balcony represents a mindset that is elevated, intelligent, and safely removed. Noticing every single thing happening in a situation with a broader view and detached view. Feeling safe from your perspective and that other people can't see a situation from your vantage point. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you don't have to discuss it. Being objective about a situation, and having intellectual control. You are aware, see things for what they are, and have a good understanding of what is happening around you. Seeing yourself as a better person from a higher perspective.

Negatively, dreaming about a balcony may reflect a mindset that believes it's better than other people and doesn't have to talk about it. Confidence that you see yourself and in higher standing that's safe about never needing to discuss it. Feeling safe from your perspective that doesn't have to deal with people that worse off than you. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you are safe from having to say why you life isn't working. Awareness that someone is ripping you off while you don't do anything about it.

To dream of a church balcony may be a sign that you see yourself as safely and objectively elevated with God above others. Are you too concerned with believing God protects you more than other people because your life is better than other people at church?

Example: A divorced mother dreamed of sitting on a balcony with her son above a large goat. In waking life the woman was protective of her son after he experienced abuse at his father's home. The son was adamant that the abuse was real and the dreamer believed him. In this case the balcony may have reflected the woman's feelings about a higher perspective about her former husband being a dangerous abuser and keeping her son safely removed him. She may have felt she was a wiser, safer, better parent from experience.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone knocking on her balcony door whispering her name, but then the whispering stopped and she fell asleep. In waking life the woman worked for someone who hadn't paid her in 3 months while she felt completely dependent on them while also living with them. In this case the balcony door being knocked on while a voice whispers may reflect her own inner voice trying to wake her up to seeing a more elevated intelligent safer view of her employer ripping her off for her payments.

Example 3: A middle aged female church minister dreamed of saving a baby and returning it to a woman on the balcony of a house who didn't seem very concerned by it. In waking life she was seeking God's insight as to how to direct her ministry. In this case the balcony may have reflected her feelings about a person in her church who already had an elevated view of themselves as being a wiser, safer, person of faith more than other people.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of standing on a church choir balcony and hiding. The brother of her first love asked her to leave the church. In waking life she was experiencing a divorce. In this case hiding on the church choir balcony may have reflected her feelings of being embarrassed to feel good in church or with her faith. She may have been unable to feel elevated, intelligent, or safe with her faith noticing that people saw it.


To dream of being bald (not shaved head) in a dream represents a thinking style that doesn't have to care about what other people think of how it thinks. A thinking style that is totally unconcerned with appearances, free of distraction, or totally focused on what has to be done. Fully embracing a fearless and determined approach to protect yourself from problems with other people. Fearlessness about a problem you're confronting. Doing what you have to do and never caring what anyone else thought of it.

Negatively, dreaming about being bald may represents a total lack of feeling or remorse for what you are doing to others. This could lead to difficulties in relationships and a possible reputation for insensitivity. Feelings about decisions being made are harder, meaner, not listening, or more unfair than they need to be. Feeling that a person or situation is heartless, lacking empathy, or compassion. Totally unconcerned with consequences or feelings because facts or requirements are more important. Keeping a handle on a very stressful or difficult situation and not caring about what appearances or what anyone else thinks to maintain that control. Not caring about what anyone thinks while making no concessions.

Alternatively, being bald may reflect total change of attitude or beliefs. Not caring about what you used to think or believe at all, which can signify personal growth or the shedding of outdated ideas.

To see a bald black person in a dream represents a thinking style that cares about absolutely nothing except surviving without losing anything else. A thinking style that cares about absolutely nothing except proving itself. Never listening to one thing except the truth because you never want to be yelled at. Having to take care of every last thing and never caring what anyone else thinks about it. Enduring the worst stress of your life to the threat of loss and never caving in once no matter what it looks like. Surviving or proving yourself is the only thing you care about anyone else thinking about you.

To dream of bald evil or bad people represents negative aspects of your personality that that lack empathy, remorse, or compassion. Fears of encountering insensitive situations or people who are unsympathetic to your well-being. You or someone else that is making decisions that seem to care about being harder, meaner, or unsympathetic on purpose. Hurting others with strong decisions. Additionally, bald evil figures in your dreams could represent your own lack of remorse, which may be excessive and potentially harmful to your relationships or personal growth.

Example: A man dreamed of a bald man guiding him around a scary building. In waking life, he was totally focused on dealing with his personal problems and facing fears he had. In this case, the bald man may have reflected the man's fearless and determined approach as he confronted his problems and fears head-on without any concern for external opinions.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an insecure bald black man with his head down. In waking life, he was totally preoccupied with surviving the worst stressful situation of his life like his life and soul were on the line. In this case, the insecure bald black man may have reflected his own thinking style, which was completely focused on survival and proving himself without losing anything else while feeling insecure that the situation was more serious than he liked.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing wig come off to reveal a totally clean bald head. In waking life, the man was pretending he didn't care about protecting himself from a problem with other people, and then suddenly one day became very serious about defending himself. In this case, the bald head may have reflected his thinking style no longer caring about what others thought and focusing solely on self-preservation and defense.

*Please See Hair Loss


*Please See Hair Loss


To dream of a ballerina represents an aspect of your personality that is a perfect example of stability, balance, and grace. Moving through obstacles effortlessly. Perfect example of never being in trouble. Feelings about nothing getting you back or that nothing is losing as long as you don't do anything stupid. Never noticing jealousy while you gracefully accept yourself the way you are. Poise and balance in your life. Structure and discipline that makes you fearless about falling down, failing, or losing. A balanced state of mind gained through experience and confronting challenges with little difficulty. You know what you are doing and are confident in the face of adversity. Feelings about a situation being a little bit stressful, but not something you can't easily handle. Feeling that nobody can do anything about you as long as you remain disciplined. Ask yourself where in your current life situation is your discipline coming from? Feelings about a waking life situation being "a little stressful", but not impossible.

Negatively, dreaming about a ballerina represents concerns with losing balance or stability in your waking life. Keeping yourself away from a problem. Concerns that discipline or structure is not strong enough. Showing off being a perfect example balance to other people. Are you being subjected to disciplinary actions requiring you to stay a balanced individual? Feelings about being unable to obtain or measure up to others ideals. A perfect example of of stability that is both innocent and vulnerable. Feeling that you don't need to be protected while being an expert that never loses. Feeling stressed out or annoyed at needing to be perfectly behaved, safe, or disciplined for other people.

Example: A woman dreamed of dancing like a ballerina. In waking life she felt that her life was "a little stressful" while she managed it well.

*Please See Ballet

*Please See Ballet Shoes


To dream of the ballet represents a situation that requires perfection or not making any mistakes. A strong focus on remaining balanced or away from trouble. You may be confronting an unforgiving problem that requires your total dedication.

*Please See Ballet Shoes

Ballet Shoes

To dream of ballet shoes represents an approach to a situation that requires staying balanced. You don't want to make any mistakes or are trying to be perfect. A sign that you are well aware of the risks involved in making a mistake.

*Please See Ballet


To dream of a balloon represents a situation that gives you a cause to celebrate or rejoice. Uplifting of your spirit or enjoying a lack of restrictions. Acknowledging or noticing that something good has happened. Feeling good about noticing yourself getting what you wanted. Enjoying yourself realizing a goal or getting what you feel you deserve. Liking compliance or co-operation you are getting after not having it.

Alternatively, balloons may represent relief you feel that a problem has gone away.

Negatively, balloons in a dream may reflect happiness at other people's misfortunes or a wish to celebrate bad things happening to other people.

To dream of a helium balloon represents situations that give you a cause to celebrate or rejoice all on their own. Automatic compliance or self-governance that feels good to notice happening. Liking yourself effortlessly getting what you want or feel you deserve. Feeling good noticing a problem going away on its own or failing itself. Enjoying full compliance or co-operation after not having it.

To dream of a balloon popping represents disappointing embarrassment or dashed hopes. Fear of something going wrong during a positive or happy moment. Fear of losing progress. It may also be a sign that your hopes were based on fantasies or illusions.

To dream of letting balloons rise into the sky represents feelings of being overwhelmed by hope and possibility. Being swept up in the moment or letting fate decide something for you. An uplifting situation is taking precedence over your life.

To dream of blowing up balloons represents hope or inspiration that you are giving to a situation or other person. Getting ready to rejoice or celebrate. It may also reflect your attempt to make someone else feel better or deal with someone else's problems so they don't have to anymore.

Example: A woman dreamed of hearing someone tell me to "pull the balloons down." In waking life she had just heard some disappointing news that embarrassed her that something amazing she was expecting wasn't going to happen.


To dream of a ballot represents a decision that needs to be made.

Casting a ballot represents making it clear or obvious to others what your choice is and why you want it. Being "loud and clear" about your choices or opinions. Picking a side on an issue.

To dream of your name being on a ballot reflects your wish for support, approval or acceptance.

Ballroom Dancing

To dream of ballroom dancing or waltzing represents harmonious decision making or perfect co-operation. Applying your professional or sophisticated experience that makes a situation feel easy. Enjoying yourself never making a single mistake. Elegant or sophisticated thinking working out well for you.

Positively, ballroom dancing or waltzing may represent feelings about yourself being a "genius." Enjoying seeing your superior skills or experience being applied to a situation perfectly. An area of your life where things are working well and no mistakes are being made at all. A situation is going off without a hitch.

Negatively, ballroom dancing may reflect a lot of stress or anxiety you feel to apply professional or superior knowledge perfectly. Feeling pressure to look good never making a single mistake. Feeling that your reputation is on the line. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you are enjoying feeling too smart to ever get caught with your dishonesty.


To dream of a sports ball represents feelings about competition or competitive thinking. A situation where you feel the need to keep things "in play" and not let them fall apart. Issues Issues that may involve emotional struggles, conflicts, feelings of inferiority, or standing up for yourself. Awareness of having thoughts that remain competitive, conflicted, or challenged. You may sense that someone might not want the same things as you or that you need to fight competitively to make progress. A challenge for the rest of your life over something that important to you, choices that have both good and bad consequences, or beliefs that result in positive or negative outcomes. Conflicts over issues you want to resolve.

Red balls may represent negative or passionate thoughts. Blue balls may represent positive or insensitive thoughts.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing blue and red colored balls flying upwards into the air while a voice said "Isn't it incredible to see your thoughts coming to life?" In waking life, the man experienced 30 days of the most powerful hallucinations of his entire life where confronting them caused them to fade away. The hallucinations seemed to be reflections of his own personality coming to life. In this case, the blue and red balls may have reflected his feelings about experiencing his own positive or negative thoughts of his own personality like it was a competitive struggle to learn about himself to make the hallucinations go away.

*Please See Orbs

*Please See Energy Ball

*Please See Testicles

*Please See Soccer Ball

*Please See Baseball

*Please See Basketball

*Please See Tennis Ball

*Please See Beach Ball


*Please See Bologna


To dream of bamboo represents sensitivity about noticing yourself being easily "broken down", defeated, outsmarted, talked down to, or subjugated. Feeling that your defenses are too sensitive or cheap. Feeling that other people can just take from you whenever they want or talk down to you whenever they please. Feeling that some area of your life is wonderful, but fundamentally weak.

Example: A young man dreamed of wreaking a garden of bamboo. In waking life he started to train himself to be meaner to people to stop them from using him or talking down to him whenever they pleased.

Banana Splits

To dream of a banana split sundae often represents large amounts of sexual indulgence that is enjoyed being discussed afterwards. Having a lot of sex and talking about it afterwards with your friends.

Negatively, banana splits may reflect peer pressure to have sex and openly discuss it.

Example: A young girl witnessed other people buying banana splits, but decided not to buy one herself. In waking life her friends were having sex, but she decided that she didn't like the boy she was dating enough to have sex with him. The banana split sundae may have reflected the large amount of sexual activity that was being enjoyed being talked about in her social circle.


To dream of a banana often represents feelings about enjoying satisfying an urge that isn't a problem. Experiencing a sense of ease and simplicity associated with indulging in these desires, without any jealousy or guilt. A repressed urge or desire that is easily attainable or satisfies a simple need. It may symbolize repressed sexual urges or desires.

Negatively, dreaming about bananas represents repressed sexual desires or other pleasurable experiences that you have been denying yourself. Feelings of sexual frustration, longing or temptation that they are currently repressing in their waking life.

To dream of unpeeling a banana often represents feelings about indulging in a urge like it isn't a problem, such sexual activity. Feelings about undressing yourself or others for sex. Sexual arousal.

Example: A man dreamed of throwing a rotting banana into an aquarium. In waking life he was noticing himself losing sexual attraction for a woman he liked.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a bag of pears and bananas. In waking life she was getting married in 3 months and was also trying to conceive a child. In this case the bananas may have reflected her feelings of satisfaction and ease in fulfilling her sexual desires with her partner as they were trying to conceive a child. The bananas in the dream may have symbolized the simple and attainable nature of their sexual relationship, without any guilt or jealousy.


To dream of a Band-Aid represents something you're doing to feel better about a problem. Not wanting to notice something negative again. A temporary solution that frees you from caring all the time.

To dream of a Band-Aid falling off represents a temporary solution that didn't work. You may have believed you could stop caring about a problem that has come back.

*Please See Bandages


To dream of a bandage represents a need to heal, growing pains, or learning to cope with a problem. An unpleasant time of change or healing. You may be emotionally wounded and trying to protect yourself.

*Please See Band-Aid


To dream of a bandana represents a mood or mindset that is intentionally misbehaving. Being bad or breaking the rules on purpose. Feelings about being a "bad ass."

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a woman wearing a bandana. In waking life he had told someone he hated how much he enjoyed screwing them over.


To dream of bangles represents noticing yourself liking to have to do something. Enjoying choosing a commitment or obligation. Liking or choosing to make something you're involved with a big deal. Bangles in a dream may reflect your love or pride in choosing to be dedicated to your family or a committed relationship.

Positively, bangles may reflect how good you feel being needed to do something you are dedicated to by choice.

To dream of broken bangles may reflect you or someone else that was not appreciated enough for choosing to be involved. Not wanting to enjoy choosing to be helpful or committed ever again.


To dream of having bangs represents a thinking style that never has to explain itself because it behaves like nothing outrageous happens enough to get into trouble. An attitude or way of thinking that nothing is too outrageous or daring. A thinking style that allows for experimentation without fear of people getting back at you. It may reflect a feeling of protection from criticism or judgement because you aren't doing anything excessive. A thinking style that is acceptable enough to overlook anything unusual about itself because it's not outrageous or lacking control.

Positively, dreaming o a hairstyle with bangs represents a thinking style that is does nothing outrageous as the reason it's look good. Expressing yourself and your ideas, without worrying about being seen as too daring or outrageous. Thinking style being professional about not being seen as too daring or outrageous enough to get into trouble as a new employee. A thinking style or approach to quitting something negative, where one tries to make the process seem less difficult or disruptive to others.

Negatively, dreaming about hairstyle that has bangs represents a thinking style that behaves like nothing is outrageous, in order to avoid getting into trouble or drawing unwanted attention. It may suggest a tendency to downplay or minimize one's own beliefs or opinions in order to avoid conflict or confrontation. A lack of maturity or a refusal to take responsibility for one's actions. A thinking style that doesn't like itself staying safe or doing nothing outrageous. A change in personality or identity that feels is not being explained, while not being outrageous enough to talk about.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a lady with long hair and no bangs. In waking life, she had recently reunited with old friends who had a tendency to engage in excessive and daring behaviors. In this case, the absence of bangs in the dream may represent the dreamer's desire to distance herself from the old thinking style of her friends. The dream may reflect her awareness of the need to adopt a more controlled and reserved approach to avoid getting into trouble or being judged by others.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing his older sister with a tan and a hairstyle with bangs that made him feel she was bizarre. In waking life, he was finding it harder to know and understand his sister. In this case, the bangs hairstyle that contributed to the bizarre new look of his sister may have reflected his perception of his sister going through a change in her personality or identity that he felt didn't explain itself while not being outrageous enough to talk about. The bangs indicate the sister's new behavior is acceptable enough, while still seeming slightly unusual to the dreamer.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her hairstyle having bangs. In waking life, she had recently started a new job. In this case, the hairstyle with bangs may have reflected her thinking style being professional about not being seen as too daring or outrageous enough to get into trouble as a new employee.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a blonde haired woman with bangs. In waking life she was struggling to quit smoking. In this case, the bangs hairstyle may reflect her thinking style or approach to quitting smoking, where she tries to make the process seem less difficult or disruptive to others. Her thinking style never feels outrageous or troublesome with small requests for help to keep herself safe as a non-smoker.


To dream of banishment represents feelings of permanent loss or exclusion. You or someone that feels that they can never return to a old way of life. You may feel regret, guilt, or strong desire for something you can never have again.

*Please See Exile


To dream of a banister represents feelings about how easily a situation is progressing. Feeling carried or supported to the next stage of a situation. Feeling that all you need is readily provided as you need it as you move forward.


To dream of a bank represents your store of resources or power that can be tapped at anytime. Talents, capabilities, financial support, emotional support, or things that give you a sense of security. What you rely on to keep yourself secure or successful.

A bank can also be a reflection of how strong or moral your relationships and interactions with others are. Power, resources, or people you use to achieve your goals. Total control over others that is responsible or conservative.

Negatively, to dream of a bank may reflect feelings about being dependent on something or someone in order to do something. Feeling stupid that someone can control your entire life or put your whole life on hold due to one factor. Feelings about access to power being withheld from you. Feeling that stupid, arrogant, or controlling people can make decisions for you. Feelings about yourself or other people who need to have total control over others.

To dream of robbing a bank represents resources or power you are tapping by not earning it. It may reflect a negative, selfish, or dishonest approach to achieving goals.

To move money between banks represents a transfer of power or resources between certain core values. You may be becoming more positive in some ways or more negative in others. It may also reflect a change in attitude about how you achieve goals or maintain power. Ask yourself how each bank makes you feel and how that may symbolize a waking life situation. Sleazier banks may represent lower standards and poor values. Classier banks may symbolize higher standards and more conservative values.

Negatively, moving money between banks may reflect issues with allowing others to control your life. Going from one "controlling asshole" to another. Feeling that you need someone managing or controlling your life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a group of bankers from a French bank sitting in a cafeteria. In waking life he felt embarrassed that his father was totally controlling his life by not releasing a large sum of money to him that was promised after a home was sold. He felt that his whole life was on hold because he father was too arrogant and controlling to let him enjoy the money. The bank in the dream may have reflected his feelings about his father having an arrogant level of authority over how he decided to enjoy his life.

Bank Accounts

To dream of a bank account represents feelings about a sense of your own personal security, liberty, and power. Potential or talents hidden away. Feelings about whether you can or can't access a store of power or resources. Feelings about whether you can or can't use something all on your own. Feelings about needing to respect other people's power or choices. Feelings about having your own power or resources independent of others. Withholding important information that nobody else has useful to you later. Feeling good that nobody is allowed to use you. Feelings about whether you can or can't afford to do something in live on your own.

Negatively, a bank account may reflect feelings about not liking someone having access to power you believe you deserve to share. Feelings about not deserving to be powerful or not having enough power. Not liking someone accessing your power or resources. Withholding important information that can hurt others. Corrupt feelings about how resourceful you are. Dirty secrets being withheld. Disliking other people being greedy or using you. Dishonest things you feel you are capable of doing on your own.

Alternatively, dreaming about bank accounts may reflect financial concerns. Feelings about how good of a person you are meaning you deserve to be thanked by God.

Example: A woman dreamed of money being taken out of a bank account and not knowing if the bank account is hers. In waking life she was having relationship issues and wasn't getting along with her boyfriend. The bank account is this case may have reflected her feelings about not being personally powerful or resourceful in the relationship because her boyfriend was doing whatever he wanted while she didn't want to discuss the problem.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of getting overdraft notices that deducted money from her bank account by someone she didn't know. In waking life she was recently separated from someone and didn't like the personal costs incurred to her after her second husband separated.

*Please See Bank

*Please See Bank Card

*Please See Bankers

Bank Card

*Please See ATM Card


To dream of a banker represents an aspect of personality that is focused solely on increasing power or resources. Being careful about insuring you're benefiting. Leveraging your accomplishments, skills, talents, or clout to get more for yourself. Careful self-interest.

Positively, a banker may reflect using your clout to force needed change or control risky or irresponsible behavior. Using advantages to improve conditions of a situation or make a beneficial situation happen faster than normal. Intelligent hedging. Conservatively attempting to work with others to increase your standing in a situation. Thoughtful leveraging.

Negatively, a banker represents you or someone else that takes advantage of others to get more power or resources. Self-interest or greed run amok. Feeling that others have too much leverage or can take whatever they want from you. Feeling tricked into a subordinate position. Alternatively, a banker may reflect using your advantages to gain leverage over or exploit others. Jealousy of people with more advantages than you or who have an easier life. Feelings of being out of control, manipulated, or that someone can cut you off at anytime. Being "putty" in someone else's hands.


To dream of bankruptcy represents a total loss of power, control, or capability. Feeling that you can never do something ever again. Feeling powerless to stop a loss. Insecurity. Feeling doubt. A total lack of inspiration or new ideas.


To dream of a banner represents a public declaration of one's goals, beliefs, or intentions. Pride in the belief that something is the best or doesn't lose. The banner can also represent an indication of personal identity or one's allegiance to a particular group or cause. It may also signify the recognition of an achievement or the celebration of an event. An announcement.

Positively, a banner in a dream can represent a feeling of pride or accomplishment for oneself or for others. It can also symbolize the pursuit of a noble cause or a positive change.

Negatively, a banner may represent excessive pride, boasting, propaganda. It can also indicate a tendency to exaggerate one's accomplishments or beliefs. In some cases, a banner may be a warning of propaganda or misleading information.

To dream of a torn or damaged banner could indicate a sense of disappointment or failure in achieving one's goals or conveying a message effectively. It could also represent feeling ignored or unacknowledged by others.

To dream of a banner that reads "Welcome Home" may represent a sense of reassurance and acceptance.

To dream of a banner at a protest march may represent a call for change or standing up for a cause. The power of unity and solidarity. A sense of anger, frustration, or disillusionment with the status quo.

To dream of a banner at a graduation ceremony could represent a sense of accomplishment and success. Culmination of a long-term goal or the completion of a significant milestone

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a University banner being put up on the wall. In waking life, she was planning to attend university and had received numerous brochures from different schools. In this case, the banner may have reflected the dreamer's perception of a particular school's sense of pride in declaring itself as the best school, even though she did not want to attend it because it was a Christian school.


To dream of a banquet represents overwhelming prosperity. Noticing all that you want coming together at the same time. Getting all the spotlight, attention, or sympathy you want. Feelings of deserving all you want. Feel good being noticed deserving respect and recognition. "Feasting" on power or a sense of accomplishment.

To dream of your food missing or already having been eaten at a banquet may reflect a lost opportunity to get attention or sympathy. It may also be a sign that you're putting yourself last or are not trying hard enough to attract attention. Not acknowledging your needs. Allowing other people to enjoy themselves with your accomplishments.

Example: A man dreamed of entering a banquet hall. In waking life his rich jealous abusive father died and left him with all his money. He finally felt like a real man in life who deserved to be treated with respect as an adult.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a banquet that was prepared for her, but noticed that it wasn't for her birthday or wedding party. In waking life she was in love with someone outside of her marriage and was hesitating to enjoy herself having sex with the person she was cheating on. The banquet in this case may have reflected her feelings about her lover waiting for her to have lots of amazing sex.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of walking into a banquet. In waking life she was enjoying herself being a newly wed person.

*Please See Feast


To dream of a baptism represents proper psychological, emotional, or spiritual renewal. Feelings about deeming something renewed or deeming your conscience cleared. Feelings about yourself or some area of your life being deemed accepted as honest. Feeling good that you have "arrived" spiritually due to accepting a change. Feeling good about sins or your negativity from your past being let go of. You may be giving up old beliefs or habits for a new way of thinking. Feeling that you must perfectly accept certain conditions in order to prove your deserve a fresh start. Feeling accepted to have have start or clear conscience.

A baptism may be a sign that you are changing your attitude, or taking a new approach. It may also reflect new influences, making amends with your past, or a new lease on life. Consider the saying "being reborn into something new."

Negatively, baptism may be a sign that care too much about getting someone else's acceptance or forgiveness in order move on with life. Placing to much importance on surrendering your ideas, preferences, or life choices in order to be forgiven.

Example: A woman dreamed of a baptism. In waking life she wanted to finish the construction of her deceased father's grave. In this case the baptism may have reflected her wish to feel deemed of a clear conscience or spiritually redeemed for finishing her father's gravestone because she felt spiritually questionable with the unfinished gravestone.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being baptized and then seeing a white horse as she walked out of a lake. In waking life she had an organ transplant and was on medical leave. The baptism in this case may have reflected her feelings about a renewed sense of life due to her new organ making her feel physically renewed while the white horse represented her ambition to get back to work after the transplant healed.


To dream of being at a bar represents feelings that it's safe or permissible to enjoy yourself without restraint. A wish for a light-heated experience or to give yourself permission to temporarily forget about your problems. A wish for enjoyable social interaction. Feeling that it's safe or permissible to go overboard in some manner. Areas of your life that you consciously obsessed with or passionate about. Going out of your way to enjoy doing something a lot, possibly to the point of excess. It may also reflect topics that you like discussing in great detail or for long periods of time.

Negatively, a bar may reflect issues with needing to appear to be having a good time to other people. Issues with needing to be accepted for who you are with your flaws. Being too involved with activities that you are addicted to. Insecurity that makes you feel you need permission to enjoy yourself. A casual attitude about excessive behavior that you feel doesn't need to be changed. Excessive behavior that you feel you never need to explain. Problems accepting the need to be more serious about a problem or important life situation. Difficulty letting go of leisure time or social activity.

Example: A young man dreamed of wanting to go to a bar. In waking life he was undergoing psychiatric treatment and believed that due to some improvements he had made he wanted to get out of the mental hospital and be more social. The bar in this case may have reflected the dreamer's wish to give themselves permission to socially interact with others as a way to forget about his mental health issues.

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