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Potato Chips

To dream of potato chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that indulges in liking what's currently happening being easily gratifying without thinking stopping is ever going to be a problem.

Negatively, potato chips may represent a lack of self-control or willpower to stop a repeating or recurring indulgence. An overindulgent behavior or a lack of willpower for something currently happening being easily gratifying that doesn't have to stop. You may be having a problem stopping yourself once you've started indulging in something. Issues with doing something once not being enough to satisfy yourself that may come with a cost that isn't good for you. Cravings, temptations, or unhealthy habits that are difficult to manage. You may need to exercise more self-control over cravings. Telling yourself that you can control your cravings or "easily have one more" when you can't. Maintaining self-control when faced with something that feels irresistible. You may need to exercise more self-control.

Example: A man dreamed of eating potato chips. In waking life, he was trying to overcome sex addiction. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected his inability to stop craving sex once he's had it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing herself eating potato chips. In waking life, she couldn't stop speaking to a professional for advice because the advice was better than anything she had gotten before. She had to keep going back for advice over and over. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected her feelings of easy gratification that came with repeatedly indulging in professional advice that was both difficult to stop enjoying and expensive.



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