

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
 O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    #

N - N2


The letter N in a dream represents creating only positivity. Something you're doing or thinking is free from negative influence. The inability to fail. N reflects overcoming problems or having already confronted negative aspects of your life. Being very focused on not doing anything stupid.

The symbolism is N is based on the two vertical lines representing co-creation. The left pointing line representing positivity.

N is the 14th letter of the alphabet and in numerology 14 represents experience or something that doesn't cancel.


To dream of regular nacho tortilla chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that repeatedly indulges in liking having a good time that doesn't need to explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop.

To dream of Doritos cheese-flavored nacho tortilla chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that repeatedly indulges in liking being strong about knowing what a winner is without needing explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop. Liking why you are serious about knowing what a winner is that isn't wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about Doritos cheese-flavored nacho tortilla chips may represent overdoing repeatedly indulging in liking being strong about knowing what a winner is without needing explanation (or have anyone disagreeing with you) that doesn't have to stop that may annoy people with not liking you.

*Please See Nachos


To dream of a nachos represents feeling that it isn't expensive to have a good time as much as possible. Having a good time that nobody can say isn't a good time because it doesn't cost too much. Feelings of it not costing a lot to have a good time. Having a good time because it's easy and nobody can tell you it isn't. Liking yourself no matter what you are doing because it isn't the most expensive thing you've ever done. Respecting yourself having like something with everybody else. Enjoying something simple that notices feeling good isn't a problem for anyone else. Feeling good being nice so people will feel good around you. Feeling good noticing your own feelings first isn't naughty because it doesn't cost much. Feelings of "everyone else is having some too so what does it matter?"

Situations that make you feel good doing what other people also like. Feelings of family life being fantastic because nobody has to pay for it all. Group harmony or enjoying the same things as others. It may also reflect your attempt to fit in, follow the crowd, or making changes that are easily accepted by others. Not liking thinking everyone else is thinking you're not having a good time. Feeling good not paying for anything because someone paid for the bill for everyone already. Feeling good that everything is with your family so you don't have to pay for it.

Negatively, dreaming about nachos may reflect dishonesty that uses family life to have fun because the bill is already paid for everyone. Dishonestly feeling good being believable because everyone else is having a good time too. The potential to annoy someone that you are enjoying yourself too much with something that doesn't matter a lot as much as possible. Evil that doesn't have to do anything except say it's having a good time because other people are paying for it.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a woman he felt was being dishonest towards him in waking life say "I'm having nachos" and reach for some nachos. In waking life he felt that the woman was criminal about enjoying herself never having to leave an event paid for by other people without worrying about it because it wasn't costing a lot of money. In this case the nachos may have reflected the dreamer's thoughts about the dishonest woman feeling good being nice at the event while using him for something simple that didn't anger anyone because it was already paid for by someone other than the dreamer.

Nail Clippers

To dream of nail clippers represents the choice or possibility to improve your standing or keep yourself looking like a respectable person. Nail clippers may reflect management of your physical appearance, self-improvement, polishing your reputation, or actively maintaining responsibilities that have some bearing on how others perceive you. Helping yourself or others to feel that they deserve to be respected.

Negatively, nail clippers may reflect feelings of being forced to be a respectable person. Fear or frustration that you have no choice but to polish your appearance in ways that are scary or unpleasant. Feelings that positive changes required from you go too far. An excessive concern with keeping up appearances.

*Please See Fingernails

*Please See Toenails

Nail Gun

To dream of nail gun or power nailer represents the ability to effortlessly keep a situation staying put. It may also reflect the ability to easily keep multiple people or problems permanently under control.

Negatively, a nail gun may represent a heavy handed approach to preventing a person or situation from getting out of control. Going overboard or the risk of going overboard preventing change.

Example: A man dreamed of firing a nail gun. In waking life he sent a very scathing email to two relatives who were disrespecting him behind his back to get them to stop. The nail gun reflected the ease with which he set his family straight.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing another man shot at him with a nailgun. In waking life the dreamer was involved in litigation demanding a settlement while the person that injured him was quickly trying to control the legal conflict with delays and obstacles to prevent progress with litigation.

Nail Polish

To dream nail polish represents feelings about self-worth being attractive about what you can accomplish. The need or desire to enhance a particular aspect of one's self-image or to present oneself in a more polished and confident manner. A focus on enhancing or beautifying one's self-worth or accomplishments. Feelings about self-worth in connection to having an impressive personal style, identity, or appearance. Enhancing your self-image or emphasizing a particular aspect of your personality. A heightened sense of attention to detail in one's appearance. Feeling more valuable than other people for what you can do.

Negatively, nail polish may reflect vanity or conceit about self-worth. Superficial efforts or tools that are ineffective for the deeper, more serious challenges.

To dream of chipped or peeling nail polish may symbolize feelings of disappointment or dissatisfaction with your self-image, or that you are not living up to your own expectations or those of others. It might also reflect feelings about the loss of your individuality or failing to maintain the image you want others to see.

To dream of removing nail polish suggests that you may be feeling a need to "bare yourself" or be more genuine in your interactions with others. Alternatively, it could indicate you are trying to hide or downplay aspects of your personality that you have previously emphasized. Frustration and dissatisfaction with your self-image when talking about yourself.

Example: A young woman dreamed of hiding and wherever she hid she saw nail polish she wanted to steal. In waking life, she broke up with her ex-boyfriend and was fighting with him while she mentioned the new girl he was with. They met the next day, had sex, and then argued again. In this case, the nail polish may have reflected her attempts to regain her self-worth by telling lies to appear more attractive or desirable to her ex-boyfriend.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of constantly trying to get the nail polish of his hands. In waking life, he was a heavily interested in lucid dream techniques and would constantly look at his hands before he went to sleep as required by his lucid dreaming technique. He notices he never becomes lucid in the dream with this technique. In this case, constantly removing nail polish from his hands may have reflected frustration and dissatisfaction with his self-image when talking about himself as an experienced lucid dreamer.

Nails (Hammering)

To dream of a nail represents holding power or persistence in some area of your life. Something that is binding. You may feel forcefully bound to something. There may be responsibilities or obligations that can't be ignored. You may feel forced to do something.

To hammer nails in your dream represents willpower, tenacity, or persistence. It may also reflect the binding nature of a final or long term decision. You may be forcing something to happen.

To dream of having your hands nailed to objects represents feelings of being forcefully bound to certain situations. You may be unable to do as you please or express yourself in a way that you'd like.

Example: A woman who worked in the corporate world once dreamed of seeing an imprisoned artist with his hands nailed to an object he was holding. The nails reflected her feelings of being forcefully bound to her work responsibilities. The artist in her felt trapped by work obligations and unable to express her creativity.

*Please See Hammer


To dream of being naked represents feelings of being vulnerable or exposed. An aspect your life is totally out in the open or revealed. An unexpected change may be making you feel like your private life is suddenly on display to others. Feeling put on the spot in a way you aren't used to. Feeling that you have no protection. Feeling awkward. A lack of privacy.

Negatively, dreaming of being naked may reflect your dishonesty that is impossible to hide anymore. Feeling embarrassed that you got caught lying. Personal information or private matters may be out in the open. Feeling vulnerable or susceptible to influence. Feeling exposed, humiliated, or powerless because a weakness has been revealed. Feeling shame, inept, or inadequate. Feeling vulnerable to others judgement.

Positively, being naked in a dream may represent feelings of being totally confident. Not caring what other people think about you at all. Enjoying having the truth exposed. Feeling that you have nothing to hide. If you enjoy being naked it may reflect a situation in which you feel free to all restraints. Nothing is holding you back. Feeling unencumbered. Openness and sincerity.

To dream of other people being naked may represent "seeing the naked truth of a situation." All weaknesses are out in the open.

To dream of being naked at school represents waking life situations where you may be experiencing anxiety about problems that you can't do anything to hide. Facing something serious that you can't keep private.

To dream of being naked at work represents feelings about having to be honest all the time. Being unable to disguise or cover up your mistakes. Situations where cheating is impossible or spotted immediately. It may also reflect feelings about honesty being important to prove all the time.

To dream of being naked at the beach may represent feelings about being unable to hide your true intentions or to act dishonest while confronting a negative situation. Facing uncertainty in your life while being unable to lie or hide anything. The beach reflects a confrontational moment in your life while the nakedness points to feelings about your true self being on display to others.

To dream of hiding your naked body represents a fear of having the truth revealed or exposed. Embarrassment of being caught lying. There is something about yourself that you don't want scrutinized. Wishing to conceal a weakness.

To see beautiful sexually attractive people naked may represent desirable experiences that you want to have. It may also reflect your sexual desires or fantasies. Experiencing situations that you really like.

Being naked and ready for sex represents your readiness to enjoy yourself doing something you like. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too eager or allowing the prospect of pleasure to cloud your judgement.

To dream of being naked while people laugh at you represents feelings of embarrassment about some area of your life that is out in the open. Humiliation due to lies or impotence being revealed. If you don't care about the laughter it reflects a high degree of comfort with yourself despite what other people think of you. Feeling no jealousy or not allowing revelations to bother you. Being uninhibited.

Example: A girl had recurring nightmares about walking around a street naked wearing only gloves. In waking life he was in a strict religious convent school requiring a uniform to be worn. She was always losing her gloves. The dream may have reflected her fears about being discovered having lost her gloves and being revealed as inadequate person in a place she found to be too strict.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of being naked. In waking life she was having problems getting pregnant and was concerned that other people were thinking about her as infertile loser.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing naked people. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he would have to move back to his home country due to economic reasons.

*Please See Flasher


To dream of your name may reflect feelings about who you are as a person. Negatively, it may reflect feelings of not being good enough as a person. It may also reflect total arrogance that you are better than other people. Too much focus on yourself being important. Consider how a name makes you feel when you hear it for additional meaning.

To dream of someone calling your name represents some aspect of your personality that desires attention or power. Feelings about being special.

To dream of a name that you've never heard before represents an aspect of your personality based on how that name makes you feel. Ask yourself what thoughts or feelings you have you hear the name.

To dream of people you know with the names of other people represents aspects of your personality that influenced or controlled by other aspects of your personality.

To dream of people whose names you never know represents your feeling that something in your life is unattainable or "unknowable" for you. You may think that a goal can't be secured for good. It may also reflect feelings that you are unable to know what your problem is or why something keeps happening to you.

Example: A man dreamed of being called the name "Chad." In waking life Chad wasn't his real name. He felt that people named Chad were easily liked or always viewed as a winner by others. In waking life around the time of the dream he was experiencing an unusual amount of attention and popularity.


To dream of a nanny represents feelings about your own caretaking instincts, sense of responsibility, and support of others. Feelings about yourself or others having to take care of other people all the time like it's a job that never has to stop. Feelings about not being laughed at for why taking care of other people is what you do all the time.

Negatively, dreaming about a nanny may represents feeling like others expect you to take care of them all the time and not appreciating your efforts. Feeling burdened by the responsibility of taking care of others and not having enough time for yourself. Feeling like taking care of others is a thankless job and that nobody notices or acknowledges your hard work. Feeling like your own needs and desires are always put on hold in order to take care of others. Feeling like your caretaking efforts are not good enough and that you are failing to meet the needs of those you are responsible for.

To dream of a nanny going on vacation represents your own caretaking instincts and sense of responsibility that she had temporarily put on hold. The need for balancing personal time with her duties and responsibilities. Time off for someone who takes care of you. A temporary release from caretaking responsibilities, a desire for personal time or a break from routine caretaking duties. Alternatively, it may reflect the dreamer's perception of temporarily losing the support and guidance in their life or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities that someone usually helps with.

Example: A young woman dreamed of a nanny walking up to her to talk to her about her long vacation. In waking life she had taken 2 weeks off to find a new job while her 2 friends hadn't had their child yet which she planned to help them look after. In this case the nanny returning from vacation may have reflected her feelings of obligation to take care of her friends' child and return to her caretaking role after taking time off for her own personal needs. The dream may suggest a sense of duty towards others and a need to balance her own needs with her responsibilities to others.

*Please See Grandmother

Naomi Watts

To dream of Naomi Watts represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for perfectly deserving to not have an argument about believing in yourself without anyone thinking there's anything wrong with you the way you are. Feeling good working with people while thinking it's fantastic that nobody ever thought anything was wrong with it always working out. Behavior that is never little about anyone deserving to say anything about it being hated. Never deserving to have people think anything is wrong with you because other people are supposed to do that on their own. Not being in love with yourself while deserving to be supported thinking that nothing ruins you. Deserving to not talk about yourself deserving to be ruined by someone else like it's easy while you're used to it.

Negatively, dreaming of Naomi Watts may represent behavior that's overdoing perfectly deserving to not have an argument about believing in yourself without anyone thinking there's anything wrong with you the way you are. Behavior that might get angrier than other people thought about deserving to stay the way it is believing in itself thinking nothing is wrong with it.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing Naomi Watts with Jim Carrey's face. In waking life, they had a mental illness which, according to their therapist, caused them to have a wild and abstract imagination. In this case, Naomi Watts' body with Jim Carrey's face may have reflected their inner struggle with their self-perception, oscillating between moments of confidence and self-assurance that didn't believe they deserved to have an argument about thinking anything was psychologically wrong with them (Naomi Watts) and having a sense of humor about who they were looking insane with their wild and abstract imagination (Jim Carrey).


To dream of a nap represents feelings about temporarily taking a break from active responsibilities or challenges. The need for rest, relaxation, or a break from the demands of daily life. Comfort in accepting a situation exactly the way it is until it's absolutely necessary.

Negatively, dreaming about a nap could represent temporary avoidance, procrastination, or a lack of motivation to deal with important issues. Not having to do anything about a situation yet, when that might become a problem. Feelings of guilt or anxiety about not being productive or about taking time off. Comfort or laziness about accepting a problem situation exactly the way it is until it's absolutely necessary. Neglecting your duties and responsibilities. Potential consequences for putting off unaddressed issues or postponed decisions. Risk of making a situation worse or dangerous due to a lack of addressing issues actively. A need to confront issues rather than avoid them. Issues with not telling anyone that you need a break. Feelings about possible repercussions of seeking temporary relief from responsibilities.

Example: A woman dreamed of lying down to take a nap. She struggled to get to sleep but eventually realized that she was dreaming. In waking life, she had a lot happening in her life with work, her husband recovering from surgery, her mother recently moving to a nursing home, and helping her brothers whenever she could. In this case, the napping may have reflected her internal conflict between needing a break and the pressure to stay active helping people and addressing her obligations.

*Please See Sleeping


To dream of a napkin represents feelings being careful about what you did wrong so it isn't important or remembered. Feelings of being safe not embarrassing yourself being a slob. Effort to not be a slob and feeling nobody minds it. Feeling good not being little with a mistake like it isn't important. Doing something "right this minute" about a mistake so you don't look pathetic. Saving yourself from embarrassment of a mistake without thinking that it's a problem. Feeling that it's not expensive to avoid looking unprofessional with with a mistake. Feeling it's not expensive to avoid looking stupid making a mistake.

Napkin dreams may be common to people with money issues or employment problems.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a messy spot inside her friends home with napkins and spray cleaner beside the messy spot. In waking life she didn't think her friend's home was very clean. The napkins in this case may have reflected her feelings about her friend doing just enough to avoid embarrassing herself with cleaning up without ever being serious about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of fearing using a napkin to pick up a tooth that fell out of her mouth. In waking life she has 2 jobs and was having serious money problems. In this case the napkin she feared using may have reflected her feelings about being careful with a mistake at work that made her feel insecure out of fear of being fired.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of putting a straw in a napkin. In waking life she was unemployed and occasionally did TV and movie extra work. The napkin holding the straw may have reflected her carefulness to not make any mistakes with what she says with people in the entertainment industry so she could easily continue to get TV and movie extra work at a later date.

Napoleon Bonaparte

To dream of Napoleon Bonaparte represents dictating controlling behavior that respects itself with the integrity of never having to explain who it is in order to deserve to go all the way without a reason to stop. Controlling behavior that has integrity for who it is while being assertive, ambitious, with no belief that stopping should ever happen. Bossy control that demands to be admired for who it is never being wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about Napoleon Bonaparte represents feelings about behavior with the integrity of who it is being the boss being overbearing, overly ambitious, or power-hungry. Feelings about power gained through a heightened sense of never having to explain who you are that allows you to deserve to never stop being ambitious about getting your way, while experiencing going far with your goals as the reason your power will turn against you. The power and integrity of knowing you are always right that will eventually make people sick of you. Controlling power of being better than other people at being right all the time that will eventually turn people against you because being a person is important. An inflated sense of self, where one feels entitled to continuously push boundaries without explanation or accountability.

Example: While attending Radcliffe College, Helen Keller dreamed of being Napoleon Bonaparte riding a horse in a battle. The dream may have been a reflection of her feelings about her disabilities causing her to be aggressive about being supported while learning so that she could perform well in school with integrity. It may also have reflected her sense of entitlement due to how impressive she appeared to other people for who she was as a person who overcame her disabilities when most people would have given up in life. She may have felt she deserved special assistance with heightened sensitivity about preventing anyone from stopping her from being involved due to her disabilities.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of being at a wedding getting married. She had to wear a red blanket that felt like she was in the painting where Napolean's wife was crowned. In waking life, she was about to turn 18 years old and thought a lot about it. In this case, the feeling of being Napolean Bonaparte's wife may have reflected her feelings about the personal milestone of turning 18 giving her a sense of importance and control for who she was as a newly transitioned woman eligible for marriage that may make people she knew start asking her about it. The symbolism of Napolean Bonaparte may also reflect the realization that once she got married, the power of who she was being an eligible single woman would be lost to the same people.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of needing to fly to Africa to ask for the help of the Great Ape spirit. The spirit gave him special powder, but instructed him to only take it after Napoleon Bonaparte agreed to the spirit's terms. In waking life, he was struggling with peer pressure to do drugs when it conflicted with his spiritual beliefs. He was becoming open to doing drugs with his friends. In this case, Napoleon Bonaparte may have reflected his feelings about an overbearing friend who would stop at nothing to get him to give up his religious conservatism and do drugs with the awareness of his personal limits with doing drugs that would make him turn on his friend if the drug usage got too high.

Nappy Diaper

*Please See Diapers

Nappy Hair

To dream of nappy hair represents a thinking style that is more concerned with staying safe and surviving as you naturally are, rather than focusing on appearances. A thinking style that is surviving staying safe without being a snob about appearances. Feelings of appearances being unkempt and uncared for. A mindset that doesn't have to look good talking about itself proving itself. A mindset that prioritizes practicality and self-preservation over superficial concerns about how things may look to others. You may feel that you are so preoccupied with ensuring your safety and well-being in your current situation that you are willing to forgo social expectations or judgments related to appearances. A focus on inner resilience and self-preservation, even if it means not conforming to societal norms or aesthetic standards. It may also reflect a sense of confidence and self-assuredness in being authentic and true to yourself, regardless of external judgments or criticisms. Feeling that you are so concerned with socially surviving safely the way you are that you are laughed at for not wanting to concern yourself with appearances more than you currently are.

Positively, dreaming of nappy hair may represent a mindset that prioritizes practicality and self-preservation over superficial concerns about appearances. You are preoccupied with ensuring your safety and well-being in your current situation, and you are willing to forgo social expectations or judgments related to appearances in favor of staying true to yourself.

Negatively, dreaming of nappy hair may represent feelings of insecurity, self-consciousness, or pressure to conform to appearance standards. A struggle to accept one's natural appearance or a feeling of being judged or ridiculed for not conforming to societal norms. Insecurity, uncertainty, struggles with self-acceptance. Feeling different from others, or feeling misunderstood. Insecurities make you feel like you need to change yourself in order to fit in. An experience of being laughed at for your appearances. Conflict between a desire to conform to societal expectations and a desire to embrace your natural identity. Feelings of being different from others, as well as feeling misunderstood. Feelings of not being able to be in love with what you are doing because you need to stay the way you are without needing to look good.

Example: A 14-year-old African American girl dreamed of herself having messy nappy hair. In waking life, she was having issues with insecurity, uncertainty, and struggles with self-acceptance while feeling that she needed to do better in life by changing things about her life. She was also experiencing an existential crisis with wanting to be a guy. In this case, the nappy hair may have reflected her conflict between a desire to conform to societal expectations and a desire to embrace your natural identity.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being kidnapped by a burly white man with nappy long hair. In waking life, she felt trapped in her job and that she was behind held back unfairly. In this case, the nappy hair of the man kidnapping her may have reflected her feelings about her boss forcing to keep her current her position at work without being able to look good as someone who got a promotion or did better things at the company. She may have felt that her professional appearances were unkempt and uncared for due to her boss overlooking her.


*Please See Drugs


To dream of a narrow space represents feelings of being restricted, confined, or limited. A narrow hallway or passage may reflect limited choices as you transition from one phase to another. A narrow room may reflect frustration, pressure, or a fear of being stuck.

To dream about driving down a road that keeps getting more narrow may reflect feelings about a situation closing in on you. Feeling that your ability to stay in control slowly becoming more difficult.

Example: A woman dreamed of walking down a narrow path. In waking life she was pregnant and doctors told her that she had to be very careful as her body was very sensitive and may require a c-section when she gets close to the moment of labor.


Refer to the themes section for the race.

Native American Reservation

To dream of being on a Native American reservation represents a mindset where you actively refuse to change your ways or submit to someone else's wishes. You may be very stubborn or standoffish.

Native Americans

*Please See Aboriginal People

Natural Disasters

To dream of natural disaster represents feelings of uncertainty or chaos during emotionally significant changes that you are powerless to stop. Unexpected problems you couldn't predict or control.

Feelings about poorly behaved people getting into serious trouble you can't stop.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to survive a natural disaster. She didn't know for sure what kind of disaster it was. In waking life her son had gotten into serious trouble with the law and was confronting the possibility of a very long jail sentence. She was uncertain about how bad the legal situation was or how to legally address it. The natural disaster symbolism in this case may have reflected her feelings about her son being a trouble maker causing unpredictable and serious legal problems.

*Please See Earthquakes

*Please See Tidal Waves

*Please See Disaster

*Please See Hurricane


*Please See Forests

*Please See Wilderness


To dream of nausea represents feelings of discomfort, unease, or revulsion in your waking life. An inner emotional response to a situation or thought that your psyche perceives as revolting, upsetting, or out of alignment with your core values. A strong rejection or repulsion regarding decisions, situations, or behaviors that you find morally, ethically, or viscerally unacceptable. Your internal reaction to something that disturbs your moral compass or makes you feel uncomfortable, compromised, or forced into a corner.

Positively, dreaming about nausea may a heightened sense of intuition or sensitivity that allows you to detect issues or situations that are not in your best interest such as toxic influences or negative relationships.

Negatively, a dream involving nausea may indicate that you are experiencing stress, anxiety, or disgust about something in your waking life. Feelings of emotional discomfort due to a real-life situation or relationship. Regret, fear, or intense anxiety about an action you've taken or are contemplating. A situation that deeply conflicts with your principles, desires, or personal identity, causing a sense of emotional turmoil or crisis. Feelings about struggling with a difficult decision or when you're facing consequences that you hadn't anticipated, leading to a sense of moral queasiness or existential discomfort. Your body's response to stressors, fears, or unpleasant experiences, serving as a reminder to address these issues. A need to purge or rid yourself of negative emotions, thoughts, or situations that are making you feel unwell.

Example: A young woman dreamed of contemplating eating soup and trying to control her nausea. In waking life, she was having issues with suppressing her own emotions about doing things she didn't like in order to please other people. In this case, the nausea may have reflected her feelings of intense discomfort and inner conflict regarding compromising her own happiness or boundaries.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of experiencing nausea and calling out for her father. In waking life, she was experiencing members of her community reject her, hurt her, and break her down. Only her father accepted her and believed in her. In this case, the nausea may have reflected her profound emotional distress and sense of repulsion over the treatment she received from her community.


*Please See Belly Button


To dream of the navy represents a rigid stance or belief system that is confrontational. Refusing to stop being someone else's problem. Getting in someone else's face and refusing to back down. Knowing your behavior or intentions are negative while you stubbornly confront someone. Being negative for the sake of a good cause. A stubborn attitude as a last resort.

Negatively, the navy may reflect your arrogant intention to never stop hurting or bothering someone. It may also reflect a person or problem that is so arrogant it cares about you never stopping it when it knows it's wrong.

Navy Blue

*Please See Blue


To dream of a Nazi represents an aspect of yourself that is merciless and can't be reasoned with. You or someone else that stops at nothing to achieve it's goals.

Alternatively, a Nazi may reflect your or someone else that is too concerned with rules.

*Please See Hitler

*Please See Holocaust

*Please See Nazis

*Please See Concentrations Camps

*Please See Swastika


To dream of a neck represents the interface between your thoughts and feelings. What you feel and what you actually choose to do in life about those feelings. The connection between your thoughts and actions. Often a symbol for your total commitment to a relationship or situation.

Negatively, a neck symbolizes issues where you may feel one way, but act in another.

Romantically, a neck may represent how committed you are. How dedicated you are both emotionally and physically to someone.

A pain or problem with your neck represents problems with expressing your true feelings or living by what you really believe in.

To dream of putting a necklace around a neck represents a total commitment to a situation or person. You are committed with both mind and action.

Example: A young girl dreamed having a boil on her neck that got worse. In waking life she was regretting her choice to date her boyfriend and slowly beginning to feel awkward around him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of feeling weird giving a girl he liked a necklace. In waking life he was beginning to feel that this girl that he liked was too old for him.


To dream of a cowboy neckerchief may represent feelings about getting away expressing something without being caught. Liking someone never finding out what you really feel or said. Getting away with insulting someone or embarrassing someone to their face without being recognized for it. Feeling good being dishonester than other people. Feeling good being risky or lethal if you want to be. Feeling good that there is nothing wrong with anything you say or do as long as nobody finds out about it. Feeling good having no problems if you don't want to.

To dream of chef's neckerchief represents feelings about never embarrassing yourself noticing people need you to never make a mistake preparing something for them. Feeling good being a perfect example of how to make or prepare something. Professionalism with other people always getting to like whatever they asked for. Feeling good noticing it's your job to make sure nobody feels stupid getting what they asked for.

Example: A woman dreamed of wearing a neckerchief. In waking life she was very concerned with 9/11 and the endtimes. The red neckerchief in this case may have reflected her feelings with using internet forums to discuss her beliefs about 9/11 and the endtimes without annoying anyone she knew or other people on the forum.


To dream of a necklace represents feelings about total dedication to a decision, idea, situation, or other person being impressive. Feelings about dedication being appreciated or noticed by other people. Dedication with both mind and action that feels impressive. Feeling good being noticed or impressive as totally dedicated to a relationship or career. A wish to be admired for your total dedication. Awareness of someone else's total dedication to you. Spiritual dedication of "mind and body."

Negatively, dreaming about a necklace may reflect feelings of total dedication that is irrational or towards people who don't feel the same way about you as you do about them. Imbalanced feelings of total dedication and love for someone. Difficulty getting over a romantic interest because you are totally in love with the person. Imbalanced religious or spiritual dedication that gives your whole life away to God at the expense of relationships or other areas of your life.

If someone doesn't want to put on a necklace it represents unfulfilled desires, resistance, or rejection you are feeling in life.

To dream of a gold necklace represents feelings about total dedication to a decision, idea, situation, or other person being impressive with a sense of being valuable, precious, or worth being noticed. Feelings about the importance of your dedication or the high value of loyalty.

To dream of a silver necklace represents feelings about total dedication to people or a belief system that feels intuitive, lucky, or coincidental about everything working out with nothing strange happening.

To dream of a necklace with a cross pendant may reflect feelings of total dedication to sacrifice for other people giving all of yourself away to others or to a cause. Dedication to Christianity. Negatively, it may reflect an excessive sacrificial dedication to others or to a cause.

Dedication to a cause or someone else's life that matters more than your own life.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to put a gift necklace around the neck of a woman he fell in love with and watching her think it was weird. In waking life, he had fallen completely in love with this woman and later found out that she wasn't interested in him at all. In this case, the gift necklace may have reflected his feelings of misplaced feeling of total dedication to the woman romantically.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a second necklace being put on her by another woman. In waking life, she was a mother on maternity leave considering a new career. In this case, the second necklace may have reflected her wish to be noticed by others as professionally and completely dedicated to both a new career and motherhood.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a black woman wanting to put a bead necklace around her neck. In waking life, her boyfriend broke up with her to be with another woman and do drugs. She still had unsolved feelings for him. In this case, the necklace symbolism may have reflected her feelings about complete dedication to her cheating drug-using ex-boyfriend.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a golden necklace with a cross locket. In waking life, he had strong beliefs in himself becoming a prophet of God. In this case, the gold necklace may have reflected his imbalanced belief about seeing the value socially in dedicating his mind and body to God in order to become a spiritual prophet.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of having a man she was dating put a silver necklace on her. In waking life, she was having a romantic relationship with an older man. In this case, the silver necklace may have reflected her feelings about being dedicated to a man who made her feel lucky about the relationship working out.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of God giving her a necklace and then seeing her husband take it away from her. In waking life, she was jealous that her husband was closer to God than she was and this embarrassed her with looking less committed to God. In this case, the necklace that was gifted to her by God which was taken away may have reflected feelings of inadequacy and jealousy about her husband's stronger dedication to their faith, making her feel less committed or less impressive in her spiritual devotion.

*Please See Pendants


*Please See Tie


To dream of necrophilia represents feelings about yourself or someone else inappropriately enjoying others failures. Secretly enjoying someone else losing. Enjoying some area of your life that has failed because it's so important or enjoyable to you that you don't care if it's a failure. Eagerness to enjoy someone else being a total loser. Enjoying having the power to never be resisted or argued with by someone who has lose power. Enjoying others insignificance or stupidity.

Enjoying not having to fight for your goals. Excessive enjoyment of a situation that is finished. Excessive need for revenge. Awareness of yourself not caring about others feelings or respecting them. No concern for the quality of an experience because you are happy to experience your desires in even a pathetic manner. Enjoying an experience being too easy.


*Please See Knitting


*Please See Syringes


To dream of neglect feelings of being thoughtless about inattention, ignoring something for too long, being absent, being preoccupied, or underestimated how difficult something is. Carelessly overlooking something that causes damage or trouble. Thoughts about not paying attention to something for a long while and noticing it's not working anymore. Feeling irresponsible because you weren't paying enough attention to something. Feelings about long-term oversight or lack of interest. Distractions that have consequences. Feelings of not caring about something when you're supposed to.

Alternatively, dreaming of neglect may also mirror waking life thoughts about not being careful enough.

Example: A woman dreamed of babies being neglected. In waking life she was having anxiety due to her inexperience related to her new job at a nursery for babies.


*Please See Lingerie


To dream of negotiating represents your hesitance to accept new ideas or situations until conditions are perfect. You may be cautious or worried about embarrassing yourself.

Negatively, negotiating may reflect a fear of being ripped off or making a fool of yourself. It may also reflect nitpicking.

*Please See Salesperson


To dream of a neighbor you actually have represents an aspect of your personality based on your more honest feelings or memories of that person. Ask yourself what one thing stands out the most about that person and try to see how that quality may apply to yourself or to a situation you are experiencing. Aspects of your personality that for good or bad are "living beside you" in waking life.

Additionally, consider the number of the apartment or home the neighbor lives in. The style or size of home may also have meaning.

To dream of a neighbor that you don't recognize in waking life represents something new in your life that you are always noticing or putting up with. Positively, a neighbor may reflect feelings of simply asking for help being easy. Negatively, it may reflect a problem that is always around or that you are persistently putting up with.

Alternatively, dreaming about a neighbor may reflect waking life issues with that neighbor.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his male neighbor wearing a dress in a hallway outside a doorway. In waking life he was waiting for something important to happen while putting up with persistent uncertainty about how dangerous the situation actually was. In waking life he had uncertain feelings about his neighbor possibly getting angry at him.


To dream of a neighborhood you've never been in may reflect feelings about unfamiliar situations you experiencing in waking life. New social situations, new jobs, new friends, new success, or some kind of situation that completely different than what you are used to in your normal life. Feeling anxiety or uneasy about a new situation.

To dream of a poor neighborhood may represent feelings about some area of your life feeling completely pathetic or unluckier than you.

Negatively, a poor neighborhood may reflect feelings about yourself feeling stuck with failure, poor luck, or jealous enemies who keep you down. Feeling that nothing you do helps you. Feeling that everyone you know is a loser. Feeling surrounded by people who are stupider than you. Feeling surrounded by people who are less fortunate than you. A complete lack of love and support in a situation. Feeling emotionally impoverished or neglected. New situations that feel hopeless or empty.

To dream of a rich neighborhood may reflect feelings about your entire life feeling better or stronger than it used to be. Situations or social interaction that feels more sophisticated. Feeling that a new situation is offering more opportunities and power than you are used to. Feeling that a situation is more supportive or loving than usual.

Negatively, a rich neighborhood may reflect feelings of not deserving success or improvements in your life. Jealousy of other people having a completely better life than you. New situations where you feel that you are not good enough.

To dream of an old neighborhood may reflect feelings about having to return to old social situations you have avoided or not been involved with for a long time. Old arguments returning. Old ways of living being repeated. Losing a way of living and having to return to your old way of living. Situations were you are completely immersed in your past or former habits.


To dream of neon represents feelings about a situation being restless about anything except being exciting. Behavior that can never say it's not interesting. Behavior or a situation that needs to be noticed interesting. Needing to be noticed as interesting when nothing else is. Happy to be noticed as much as possible because it's important. Excitement in a relationship. Romantic or sexual offers. Spending lots of money. Having "a night on the town."

Negatively, neon may represent feelings about being bored noticing something as interesting when you don't think it is anymore. Nothing is ugly when it probably won't last very long. Feeling good being in love with someone when it doesn't do much else. Wasting time on excitement that gets old fast. High intensity short term passion. Emptiness of saying something is amazing that gets old fast.

Example: A young man dreamed of a girl he liked appearing as a superhero dressed in neon yellow, orange, and pink. In this case the neon may have reflected his feelings about the new young woman in his life being so exciting that he couldn't get out of his head after breaking up with his girlfriend 3 weeks earlier. He found her hilarious, fun, and beautiful that simply thinking about her made him smile.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a red neon sign outside a building where his ex-girlfriend was standing trying to get his attention and affection before he ignored her. In waking life the man decided to break up with his girlfriend and move on with his life. In this case the red neon sign may have reflected his ex-girlfriend trying to passionately offer intimacy to make the relationship more exciting save the relationship.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of seeing neon blue and green flowers she was asking her ex-boyfriend to buy her. In waking life she was enjoying talking to a new guy she met, but she was still in love with her ex. The neon colors in this case may have reflected her feelings about how restlessly exciting it was to talk to her ex-boyfriend when it wasn't long lasting because he would go months without talking to her.


*Please See Family Members


To dream of Neptune represents your life revolving around the idea of never failing or embarrassing yourself again. An experienced positive mindset. Everything is wonderful now and you don't worry about old problems anymore. Always knowing what negativity is and never wanting to go back to it.


To dream of a nerd represents you or someone else that is perceived to be ineffective at everything except one thing. A sign that you need to open up your horizons or try new things to make yourself more interesting to others.

Negatively, a nerd may be a sign that you feel used for your talents or that you are too serious about something to point where it affects other areas of your life. Problems fitting in.

Nerds Candy

To dream of Nerds Candy represents feelings about an experience that has fun thinking about something difficult happening which nobody else wants to without having to explain yourself. Feelings about enjoying a lighthearted, quirky, or unique approach to life or a situation.

Nerf Gun

To dream of a Nerf gun represents feelings of not having to embarrass anyone for real or liking believing in embarrassing others that is never serious. "Toying around" with embarrassing someone else or making serious decisions. Feeling that it's childish to not need to embarrass someone for real.

Alternatively, dreaming of Nerf guns can reflect your feelings about weapons or military training that isn't serious yet or his enjoyment of firing weapons that never had to worry about actually killing someone.

Example: A young man dreamed of Nerf guns. In waking life he was enlisted in a military academy. The Nerf guns in this case may have reflected his feelings about military gun training not being serious enough.


*Please See Anxiety


To dream of a nest represents awareness of your goals or desires being possible if you are patient enough. Noticing everything you want to happen slowly developing. Comfort, safety, protection, homeliness, or new opportunities.

Alternatively, the nest could also reflect emotional dependency.

To dream of a nest filled with eggs represents a lot potential for things to happen in your life if you are patient.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being inside a nest. In waking life she was making a lot of professional preparations for a job opportunity that was guaranteed to her. The nest reflected her sense of confidence that in time she would have all the qualifications she needed to start her career and new life.


To dream of a net used to catch things represents feelings about needing to temporarily isolate or stop something. Methods used to prevent a person or opportunity from escaping you. Feeling caught or trapped in a complicated situation.

Negatively, a net used for catching things may reflect desperation to keep someone trapped in a situation of your choosing. Intentionally being a controlling jerk who wants to trap others in complicated situations that they don't like. Difficulty letting go of people with a different agenda than you. Feelings about yourself being trapped or intentionally isolated. Feelings about someone intentionally try to use a resource or opportunity to control you for their own purposes. Bitter or jealous enemies in your life that enjoy seeing you unable to make progress. Feelings of hopeless that make you feel like giving up. Arrogant attempts to selfish secure all ideas or opportunities for yourself at once.

Positively, dreaming about a net may reflect ambitious or persistent attempts to secure every opportunity or idea that you can at once. Trying your hardest learn or make available every possible opportunity that you can as quickly as you can. Opening yourself up to a wide spectrum of possibilities. Not wanting to miss any chance at all.

To dream of a safety net represents feelings of security and support while taking risks or doing something dangerous. Backup plans you have prepared. Fear of taking risks. An unwillingness to accept real risk or make permanent mistakes.

Negatively, a safety net may reflect an unwillingness to wholeheartedly embrace honesty or commitment. An unwillingness to take risks for people who take risks on you.

To dream of a mosquito net represents feelings about wishing to avoid being annoyed, interfered with, or taken advantage of. A wish to avoid be bothered. Heightened sensitivity about noticing that nobody is laughing at you. Excessive preoccupation with noticing that you are perfectly respected.

To dream of a fishing net represents a wish to secure ideas, success, or opportunities. Insecurity about losing an idea, insight, or opportunity. Negatively, a fishing net may reflect an attempt to monopolize a situation by "scooping up" all the ideas or opportunities for yourself so nobody else get any. Jealousy of anyone else getting success, insights, or ideas that you won't have first.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a safety net below here to prevent falling and also witnessed a few people falling off this safety net when they fell. In waking life she was worried about her personal and financial security being guaranteed while relocating to a different US State for a new job.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a dolphin trapped in a net and hearing someone telling her to kill the dolphin because it was hopeless. In waking life she was trying to repair broken family relationships, but felt that people intentionally wanted to keep their bitter grudges against her. She felt hopeless trapped in poorly working family relationships with no way to fix them and felt like giving up talking to her family.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a large aquarium with sharks in it and the aquarium had a net wrapped around it. She got her hands stuck in the net and then noticed the sharks coming for her. She got her hands out of the net, but hand to lay down to recover from the intense anxiety. In waking life she was very nervous about getting caught cheating on her boyfriend. The net around the large shark tank may have reflected her feelings about her current relationship trapping her and preventing her from being with someone else.


To dream of the Netherlands represents a mindset that preoccupied with being responsible. You may feel that everyone around you doesn't care about anything except being careful or responsible. Purpose, fairness, or safety always comes before feeling good.

Negatively, dreaming about being in the Netherlands may reflect feelings about situations that feel too responsible for your comfort levels. Responsibility to stifles creativity or enjoyment. Responsible behavior that is being enforced with the intention of making others unhappy.

Alternatively, the Netherlands may reflect situations where you feel embarrassed that you have acted too irresponsible. Feeling that a lot of people in your life are angry at your for irresponsible behavior.

*Please See Dutch People


To dream of a neurosurgeon represents feelings about serious changes being made that will change how you or someone else thinks for the rest of their life. Feeling that proposed changes you are working on are extremely important for other people to have. Feeling that a project you are working on will be influential in a serious way and requires your serious attention to be perfect. Feeling that it's your serious responsibility to perfect something so others will appear more intelligent because of it.

Negatively, a neurosurgeon may reflect a naive or arrogant belief that your serious efforts to help improve something is important at all. Feeling that if you make one mistake on something that other people will become complete failures or live in mediocrity. Naively or arrogantly believing that your expertise is required to change how people think. Anxiety about making a single mistake causing serious long-term problems. Thinking you are smarter than other people and that it's important to prove it. An arrogant belief that you are a genius.

Example: A 15 year-old boy dreamed of being a neurosurgeon that was being paid $800,000. In waking life he naively believed that a video-game company needed his help to make their videogame perfect with a change he was working very hard on to submit to them. He was spending a lot of time on an idea that was most likely going to be ignored because he was so young.


To dream of something being new represents new ideas, perspectives, or experiences. You may also be experiencing new feelings or a new relationship.

Alternatively, newness may reflect new skills, resources, or strengths. You are noticing yourself maturing in some way. A new identity.

To dream of a new house may represent a new perspective on a situation or a new lease of life. Seeing life differently in some way. A maturing view of yourself, your life, or the world.

New Year's Eve

To dream of New Year's Eve represents events or life experiences where you have the opportunity to make a fresh start, and to think differently. A New Year's Eve dream reflects an opportunity to change. An opportunity to forget the past. Spontaneous change or an optimistic attempt to get your life back on track.

Negatively, a dream about New Year's Eve may reflect an excessive amount of planning or expectations for a big change you are planning on making that results in nothing happening at all.

To dream of not enjoying your New Year's Eve may reflect jealousy of other people having much better or easier time making big changes to their lives. Not liking to have ask permission, be patient, or care about other people while wanting to change your life. Feeling that you can't be spontaneous about making a change.

Example: A woman dreamed of New Year's Eve. In waking life she was planning to quit smoking.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of New Year's Eve celebrations. In waking life she had just had an amazing night out dancing after breaking up with her boyfriend.

Example 3: A woman dreamed that New Year's Eve was close at hand. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and about to give birth to her first child. New Year's Eve in this case may have reflected her feelings about getting a new start in life by being a responsible mother.

New York City

To dream of New York represents social interaction with others where you are important enough to think you matter without a problem while not talking back to anyone else about why they don't matter until it's too serious. Social interaction where you like why you're important enough to matter more than someone else with what you're good at. Not having to talk to people who don't believe in what matters more than you. Situations where you notice that you are better than other people for why you're relevant while other people aren't. Social situations that require everything needing to be important enough to matter so other people respect you for what's happening. Feeling tough enough to do things that are important enough to matter to other people. Social interaction with a feeling that leaving people behind who don't matter is important to get ahead or help yourself. Social interaction with other people related to career or financial relevance.

Negatively, New York City may represent social interaction with other people where you are important enough to matter and don't need to respect people who can't prove why they matter. Not wasting your time with people who don't prove they matter. Feeling that people will only respect you for what's important enough to matter. Feeling that you are on your own with needing to be important or tough enough to matter. Feeling that people will not respect you or listen to anything you say unless it's important enough to count. Feeling that someone doesn't have to respect you or like you if you aren't strong enough to be relevant.

Example: A woman dreamed of her mother living in a beautiful penthouse in New York City. In waking life, she was about the leave the country to pursue a Ph.D education. In this case, New York City may have reflected her feelings about social interaction with other people that was focused on not wasting time with any people that got in the way of getting ahead in life with her plans to leave the country to pursue her Ph.D. She may have felt that it was important to exclusively socialize with people who were supportive of a successful future and to cut off social ties to anyone ignorant.

*Please See Manhattan

New Zealand

To dream of New Zealand represents a mindset of family life safety that keeps it the way it is. A thinking style that's focused on simplicity, purity, or a sense of safety and security. A situation where nobody is saying or doing anything more dangerous than other people no matter what. Freedom that notices family life is what you are doing all the time. The dreamer may be seeking a peaceful and stable life, free from stress and chaos, and may be drawn to the idea of a close-knit community or family-oriented environment. Nothing guiltier than other people for the rest of your life.

Negatively, dreaming about New Zealand may reflect overdoing family life safety that keeps it the way it is. Overdoing simplicity, purity, safety, and security because you have difficulty letting go when it might be appropriate to. Overdoing thinking family life or children safety to avoid anymore romantic relationships. Pushing it on yourself to notice family life security all the time. Confidently having an open romantic relationship with a partner that feels stupid once you have to confront it happening for real. Feeling trapped and restricted by a suffocating family life that doesn't allow for growth or change.

Example: An older woman dreamed of not being happy in Australia and wanting to go home to New Zealand. In waking life she was primarily focused on giving her 4 year-old granddaughter stability after finding dating men abusive. In this case New Zealand may reflect the woman's mindset of choosing to focus on maintaining family life safety for her granddaughter instead of dating men ever again.

Example 2: A young woman had recurring dreams of leaving New Zealand to reunite with her boyfriend in Colorado, but each time it ended badly and she regretted leaving New Zealand. In waking life, she was in an open long-distance relationship with her boyfriend while exploring her new life and developing feelings for other guys. The dream suggests that New Zealand represents her sense of security and safety in her friendship attitude about accepting an open relationship with her boyfriend as safe, while Colorado represents her dislike of her and her boyfriend's ability to handle an open relationship safely without each other once she confronts it actually happening.


*Please See Baby


To dream of watching the news on TV represents feelings about choosing to stay informed or updated about current events or developments because it might be important or benefit you. A proactive approach to staying knowledgeable about the world around you and being aware of potential opportunities or challenges.

Negatively, watching the news on TV may represent feelings about overdoing choosing to stay informed or updated about current events or developments when it may be causing anxiety, fear, or a sense of being overwhelmed by problems that you feel powerless to influence or control. Believing everything you hear when it may not help you. A preoccupation with negative events.

To dream of hearing bad news represents feelings of disappointment, sadness, distress, setbacks, or unwelcome changes. It may symbolize fears coming to pass, receiving information that negatively impacts your mood or life situation, or confronting realities you were hoping to avoid. This dream may be a reflection of your anxieties about potential negative outcomes in your waking life.

To dream of hearing good news represents feelings of optimism, relief, or positive developments. It may indicate an end to uncertainty or the arrival of opportunities that you have been waiting for. Good news in a dream can symbolize hope, success, or a turning point in your life where things start to improve.

Example: A young man dreamed of watching a news show telling him that December 21st, 2012 was going to be a special day. In waking life, he was considering killing himself due to an illness and convinced himself that he should try to live until that special day just in case something amazing happened. In this case, the news show may have reflected his decision to stay informed about events related to December 21st, 2012 that might have offered him a reason to keep living despite his struggles.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of a British woman sitting behind a newsdesk delivering the news on TV. In waking life, he was recovering from an exploded appendix in the hospital while awaiting news from the doctors about being healthy enough to go home. In this case, the news may have been intuitive about predicting the future about receiving updates on his health condition and potential discharge from the hospital.

*Please See Newspapers


To dream of reading a newspaper represents a need for information or insight about the most important issues. You may be looking for the best current advice or answers to a serious problem.

To dream of selling newspapers represents an attempt to inform or alert others to some important information. You have a significant announcement to make.

Alternatively, a newspaper may reflect an issue that is "making the headlines" in your life.

A newspaper might also show up in your dreams if you are spending too much time reading negative stories. A sign that you need to take a break from the world at large and focus on something a bit more positive.


To dream of nickels represents making compromises. When you see a nickel in a dream it symbolizes thinking patterns, or life situations that require a compromise, or an alternative choice.

To find a nickel in a dream represents insight, power, or freedom gained mentally or emotionally with a compromise you have made.

The nickel symbolism is based on nickels being used to make change, or ensure a fair transaction.

Nicki Minaj

To dream of Nicki Minaj represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that feels good being more arrogant than someone else about being flamboyant, never in trouble for whatever you are saying, while ignorant seeing yourself as incredible as you say you are that's perfectly never fake that takes it personally. Flamboyant arrogant confidence and boastfulness that gets away with talking about itself however it wants with never having to be a fake for the rest of its life because you're supported by people no matter what. Feeling good bragging or talking back to people like it's "just that simple" that everything in your life is better than other people under control while perfectly never fake without deserving any questioning. Behavior that's never being desperate about believing it's better than other people that doesn't have to say it twice because it's always true.

Negatively, dreaming about Nicki Minaj may represent behavior that's overdoing attention-seeking that's flamboyant, arrogant, safely never in trouble, always in control, and never fake that takes it personally. Behavior that feels good being arrogant about never embarrassing itself with any questions with nothing being strange about talking about itself having sex all the time is family life. Behavior that may be too outspoken or attention-seeking about being in love with yourself thinking that nothing is wrong with you. Behavior that is more arrogant than other people while actually being in control of itself as safe as it gets.

Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A young man dreamed of Nicki Minaj initiating sex with kissing and grabbing him. He had to pull back and tell her that he was in a serious relationship. In waking life, he was in a serious relationship with an active sex life. In this case, rejecting Nicki Minaj may have reflected his awareness of himself being arrogant about showing off enjoying talking about his happy relationship with an active sex life to other people while not deserving anyone to talk back to him about it being fake before realizing that it might be inappropriately disrespecting his girlfriend to continue speaking that way.


To dream of calling someone using a nickname represents feelings of familiarity or having a closer connection to something than other people. Feeling good being an insider.

Positively, a nickname may reflect feelings of being more popular. Feelings about some area of your life being well known or having a sense of family.

Negatively, a nickname may reflect feeling good thinking of others in a demeaning way. Enjoying remembering people for their embarrassments. Alternatively, it may reflect a dislike of others being close to you or liking being close to you. It may also reflect a dislike of how others remember you.


*Please See Family Members


To dream of calling someone a nigger may reflect ignorantly not liking or wanting to understand behavior or a thinking style that is proving itself first. Frustrations or ignorantly not wanting to understand behavior that is surviving feeling good the way it is first. Enjoying ignorance. Ignorantly not believing that behavior is proving itself the right way or doesn't belong. Not liking someone proving themselves at all. Not liking someone staying the way they are at all when they try to. No concern for appearances while not liking something too much. Calling someone a nigger in a dream may suggest that you're so uncomfortable with certain negative behavior that you don't care about what you look like not liking it.

Dreaming of the word nigger may not always refer to real racism, but instead to you or someone else that doesn't feel that behavior that proves itself or survives the way it does should deserve to. It may also reflect ignorantly wanting to hurt someone else feelings whose mindset is to prove themself or survive the way they are while not wanting to understand them at all.

To dream of being called a nigger represents anger you feel from someone else because of jealous spitefulness. Feeling that you are ignorantly being made to feel that you don't belong. Experiencing an situation that ignorantly makes you feel that you don't count or that "you don't belong on the earth so why don't you get out of here." Experiencing a situation that ignorantly makes you experience everything except mattering.

For a black person to dream of being called a nigger may reflect a person or situation that you feel enjoys noticing itself being superior to you or not letting you feel good about yourself.

Negatively, the word nigger in a dream may reflect your own ignorant attitude towards someone that doesn't even want to begin understanding or supporting their attempts to prove themselves or like remaining the way they are. Something is "just stupidly not deserving to be there and that's it" to you without further consideration or concern for your own appearances either. Not liking someone being included, doing what other people do, feeling important, or staying safe when it's not important to think that way.

Alternatively, dreaming of the word nigger may reflect your own sensitivity towards behavior or situations you feel are racist. Feeling that people might be racist, feeling that people are racist while doing nothing about it. Issues with thinking too much that something is racist towards you when it might not be.

If you life has no obvious issues with racism then try to see the symbol more in terms of a dislike or ignorant wish to avoid understanding the mindset that Black people may represent as a non-literal symbol.

To dream of the word "nigga" being used may reflect feeling about noticing it's safe to have a good time being arrogant with nobody stopping you.

*Please See Black People


To dream of experiencing night time represents a sense of being enveloped by a lack of safety, feelings that nobody is listening, or the unknown. A sense that nothing happening in a new situation has to see itself being safe. Feelings of danger, fear, vulnerability, confusion, obstacles, or setbacks. A lack of clarity. There is an issue in your life that you can't figure out, prevents you from moving forward, or that holds you back.

Nighttime dreams may also reflect situations that aren't positive anymore, or that have taken a turn for the worse. Something isn't good as it used to be. Unpleasant feelings about something good in your life coming to an end, and feeling scared that you don't have answers when you need them the most.

Night time dreams where the scene suddenly changes to night may reflect waking life situations that have suddenly taken a turn for the worse and left you experiencing your worst fears. These dreams may be a manifestation of your subconscious mind trying to process and deal with the uncertainty and negativity of your current situation. Feeling that you have been "left in the dark" with a negative situation.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to navigate a field at night. In waking life he was having difficult trying to get to know new people after enrolling in college. In this case, the night time may have reflected his feelings about lacking clarity about how to socially integrate himself, feeling the fear of being alone, or not knowing who to trust.

Example 2: A man dreamed of experiencing night time. In waking life he had become very socially isolated while hiding an illness. In this case, night time may have reflected the man's sense of isolation and loneliness due to his illness. He may also felt that he wasn't safe while being sick and alone.

Example 3: A man dreamed of day turning into night. In waking life he was experiencing an altercation with enemies that wanted to ruin his life. In this case, night may have reflected his feelings of danger, fear, and vulnerability in the face of the threat posed by his enemies. The sudden shift from day to night in the dream may have also symbolized a sudden turn of events in his waking life, where he felt as though things had taken a negative turn and he was left in the dark about what to do next.

*Please See Darkness

Night School

To dream of night school represents feelings about seriousness, caring a lot, or anxiety about needing to learn to do something else when nothing is working. Feelings about you or someone else doing something in their spare time to get ahead or to learn skills when nothing else is supportive enough. Using spare time to improve oneself because currently no person, job, or resource is adequately supportive. Using spare time to improve oneself because "life sucks" and it's better to not waste time not trying to get away from losing or stagnation.

Example: A man dreamed that his girlfriend went to night school and then when he went to the night school himself found out that his girlfriend left him. In waking life he was aware of his girlfriend doing things to support herself on her own without him and then later found out she broke up with him. The night school in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his girlfriend feeling that nothing was working in their relationship and that she needed to learn to find a new ways to live on her own.

Nightcap (Drink)

To dream of a nightcap represents a situation in your life soothes concerns or makes it easier to forget something. Parting gift, condolences, or reparations.
Numbing your pain or concerns away.

Example: A man dreamed that his father offered him a nightcap. In waking life his father died leaving him with a million dollars in property just as the man was about to go bankrupt. The nightcap symbolized the emotional numbing of the money on his bankruptcy.


To dream of a nightclub represent preoccupation with excitement and winning. It may also be a sign that you are very concerned with having a non-stop good time or always being noticed by others as a happy winner.

Negatively, a nightclub may be a sign that you are too concerned with being liked, belonging, or being attractive. Showing off and feeling good come before other people's problems. The dream may also be a sign that you need to slow down your lifestyle or try being a little more serious.


To dream of a nightgown represents a wonderful or charming degree of acceptance. Doing whatever someone else wants or needs while consciously pretending to ignore their problems. Making someone else feel good no matter how their treat you. Intelligently being supportive of others even if their are troubled because you want to keep a relationship happy.

Alternatively, a nightgown may represent you or someone else that thinks it's wonderful to never believe that anything is wrong. It may also symbolize a wonderful or charming person that's supportive or accepting of you while pretending to ignore your problems. It may also reflect an attempt to make others feel good by choosing to ignore their problems.

Negatively, a nightgown may symbolize total compliance while pretending to be stupid. It may even symbolize a wonderful person that never questions or criticizes you no matter what you say or do to them. Subordinate willful blindness. Total supportive behavior that is pretending there isn't an ulterior motive. Being too giving. Liking someone too much to the point of letting them abuse your good nature.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a female friend in a night gown. In real life this female friend did whatever he told her while pretending she wasn't in love with him.

*Please See Pajamas


To dream of a nightingale represents transcending problems by never believing in anything except never answering to anyone say that you were wrong or robbed. Never believing in anyone convince you that you are wrong when you absolutely know that you aren't immoral for what's happening. Expressing oneself clearly and eloquently even in difficult or challenging situations. Hope, resilience, and finding your voice amidst adversity. The ability to maintain your integrity and express yourself articulately, even when faced with adversity or uncertainty. The nightingale in your dream may mirror your unwavering confidence in your convictions and your refusal to allow others to sway your beliefs or make you question your actions.

Positively, dreaming about a nightingale might symbolize an inner strength and determination that allows you to remain hopeful and optimistic, even when circumstances are challenging. This dream could reflect your talent for articulating your thoughts and feelings eloquently, irrespective of the situation. It might also signify a form of resistance against pressures to conform, symbolizing a determination to uphold your principles and stay true to your core values.

Negatively, dreaming about a nightingale represents overdoing never believing in anything except never answering to anyone say that you were robbed when that might not help you because the situation is too dangerous or snobby. You might also feel like your ideas or thoughts are only being expressed or heard in 'dark' or difficult times.


Nightmares are usually a sign that you are having trouble confronting a fear or are experiencing situation that is giving you anxiety. An inability to cope with challenges in waking life Nightmares may also indicate unresolved emotional issues or trauma that you may be repressing. Avoidance issues or feelings about problems being unbearable to put up with. Seeking support from loved ones or a professional can be helpful in understanding and overcoming the underlying issues that are causing these nightmares.

Positively, a nightmare may occur as a signal about the end of problems that you never believed could end. A nightmare such as this may occur when you wake up one day to a surprise or communication that indicates your problem is resolved.

There are a number of common symbols that appear in nightmares that are listed in our nightmares section. Read more about nightmares in our themes section.

Example: A man had a nightmare about velociraptors. In waking life he was experiencing fears about multiple people working together to ruin him.

Example 2: A man had a nightmare about an unbearable problem never ending that finally went quiet. In waking life his life had grown accustom to the problem over years and woke up one day to experience the problem resolved on it's own.

There are a number of common symbols that appear in nightmares that are listed in our nightmares section. Read more about nightmares in our themes section.

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