To dream of pie in a dream represents feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie"). Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people "getting a piece" as well. Enjoying a piece of a shared reward after lots of hard work.
To dream of a pumpkin pie may represent feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie") with a strong sense of closure. Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people "getting a piece" as well where closure is involved. Allowing yourself to deserve to feel good about finally letting go of something after lots of hard work.
To dream of an apple pie may represent feelings deserving to enjoy experiencing yourself thinking that it's simple and easy to be rewarded with having a portion of something ("have a piece of the pie") that's a perfect example of maintaining values, family life safety, or never being immoral. Enjoying deserving to have a part of something with "lots to go around" with other people as well where maintaining values, family life safety, or never being immoral are involved. Allowing yourself to deserve to feel good about values, safety, or morality after lots of hard work.
Example: A man dreamed of a pie being taken away from him. In waking life, he was in a competition at work for a raise and lost. He felt he deserved the raise more than the other person who got it. In this case, the pie being taken away from him may have reflected his feelings of overconfidence about deserving one of a limited amount of available job promotions to be handed to him like it was simple and easy.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing pumpkin pie being eaten. In waking life, she wanted to end her marriage because her husband cheated on her. She was beginning to feel that she deserved a new life and closure in the relationship even though her husband was being difficult about it. In this case, seeing a person eating pumpkin pie may have reflected feelings about experiencing her husband cheating on her making her feel "a taste" of deserving to enjoy experiencing closure in the marriage with an easy simple divorce or "her piece" of the family assets.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of eating apple pie. In waking life, she felt that her life had been through a lot of brave leaps and uncertainty, but she remained resilient due to the support of her family. In this case, the apple pie may have reflected her feelings about being rewarded for her perseverance and maintaining her values alongside her family through challenging times.