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Houses and buildings in dreams are usually symbols for a perspective on a situation.  The type of building is symbolic for how your are thinking about a particular subject or issue..


To dream of an addition represents feelings of improvement, enhancement, or expansion of your perception of normal life. Doing more than you usually do in your normal life. A desire for something new, additional, or extra. Thoughts about the importance of growth, progress, or increasing your opportunities and resources.

Positively, dreaming about an addition may represent your ambition to improve yourself or your current circumstances. The pursuit of knowledge, skills, or experiences that will enrich your life. An addition might also suggest a sense of abundance, prosperity, or increased well-being.

Negatively, an addition in a dream could represent feelings of being overwhelmed, excessive demands, or a sense of being burdened by too much in regard to your normal perspective of a situation. A fear or frustration of change, particularly if you prefer to maintain the status quo. Alternatively, it could indicate that you are taking on too much at once and need to focus on the essentials rather than expanding too rapidly.

*Please See Houses.


To dream of being in a apartment unit represents a perspective on a situations where you feel you don't have full independence or free will to act as you wish. A situation isn't as interesting as you'd like it to be. Having to respect secondary issues or obligations. Stability in a situation where you don't have full control. Minor emotional or financial turmoil. Minor obstacles to overcome while feeling generally secure.

Negatively, being in an apartment unit may reflect feelings of having no choice about putting up with problems or annoyances that you don't want to. Consider the saying "beggars can't be choosers." Feeling annoyed that you can't get time alone or do something privately.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in an apartment unit and feeling sad. In waking life her male friend whom she wanted to date was devastated by a breakup and this prevented her from making a move on the male friend until he got over breakup. The apartment reflected her perspective on the opportunity to date her male friend as being open, but with the ongoing obstacle of his heartbreak preventing her from getting any closer to him. She felt confident that the breakup was permanent, but felt that the emotional pain was a problem she felt forced to live with in the interim.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of living in an apartment with her ex-boyfriend. In waking life she was in the process of getting her life back together after getting a new job and was annoyed that she couldn't move in with her boyfriend yet to fully restart their relationship.

Apartment Building

To dream of an entire apartment building represents a perspective on a situation where you are experiencing a lack of free will or independence. There are obligations, responsibilities, or commitments that you are forced to be mindful of. Other people or other issues must be considered simultaneously with your own concerns. Consideration for others wishes may be a priority. You are not free to do as you please. Forced to live with problems or issues that you have no control over. Thinking of other people's problems while also dealing with your own.

Positively, an entire apartment building may reflect a perspective on a situation where you feel lucky or grateful to have a less than perfect experience. A willingness to put up with problems or share with other people if it means you get to experience winning. Not thinking of yourself having total independence or free will because obligations, problems, or other people require you to be mindful of them.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a strange apartment building. In real life he had a business plan he wanted to release, but couldn't because it required a lot of preparations. The apartment building reflected his perspective on the situation being obligated or tied down to the preparations. He had to be mindful of his problems or obligations while pursuing his goals.

*Please See Apartment.


To dream of being in an insane asylum represents feelings about situations that attempt to managetrauma or irrationality because there is no other intelligent soluation. Situations that feel that you or someone else can never get over a sensitive problem or trauma. Situations that feel psychologically nonsensical that need to be endured or managed the way they are because there is no other rational solution. Attempting to control or manage powerful emotional oversensitivity. Controlling a situation that feels "hopelessly insane" because it's safer to do so. You may feel ostracized, embarrassed, or like people have lost all respect for you because you are not behaving normal. You may also feel left out, excluded, and ignored because people don't believe your behavior is rational. Fear of being told you are irrational or crazy when you are not. Situations where you feel it's important to prove yourself as psychologically sound before being released from someone else's control.

Alternatively, dreaming about an insane asylum may reflect feelings about enduring psychological problems that you or someone else has. Psychological issues that has reduce you or someone else to being incompetent or unimportant. PTSD, anxiety, or trauma that must be managed because it's too difficult to overcome. Awareness of yourself or others losing their minds. Fear that psychological problems can never be fixed. Highly stressful situation in your life that you are attempting to manage.

To dream of being treated by a doctor in an asylum may represent a difficulty changing unhealthy habits or beliefs. Feelings about the difficulty of finding medical assistance that can reverse trauma or psychological problems. Attempts to manage trauma or dangerously non-sensical behavior.

To dream of escaping an asylum may represent feelings about a second chance or a new lease on life by abandoning managing the irrationality of a situation. You may have thought up a way to regain respect or restore your reputation. Abandoning people you think are too "crazy" to put up with anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of being in an American insane asylum. In waking he had PTSD and so did his younger son who has recently survived accidently almost dying at the hands of an older son. The father felt it was impossible to reverse his son's trauma.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a lunatic asylum with her brain needing to be cut into pieces. In waking life she was enduring being separated from her husband and expecting property divisions. She couldn't fix the situation with her husband no matter what she did. The asylum in this case may have reflected her feelings about how irrational her life felt having to live a new life separated from her husband with some people she knew possibly not believing her side of the story about the separation.

Example 3: A man dreamed of going back and forth between an insane asylum and a dungeon. In waking life he was a medical intern trying to pass a medical board certification test by proving himself competent.

*Please See Mental Hospital.


To dream of an attic represents things you think that you don't respect or intentionally neglect. Anything or anyone in the attic symbolizes what it is that you don't respect. An "out of sight otu of mind" attitude about something in your life.

Negatively, an attic may be a sign that you are intentionally neglecting something or someone until it serves you. Taking a risk disregarding something important

To dream of yourself being in an attic may reflect waking life situations were you are intentionally and needlessly isolating yourself from people. Feeling intentionally neglected or that people don't think you are important. Accepting yourself as someone who never needs to matter.

Example: A man dreamed of a man being inside his attic. In waking life he had a demanding boss whom he regularly lied to and spoke ill of behind his back.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in an attic looking at birdhouses. In waking life he was living with his parents to save money while looking for a way to attract people to his skills to get opportunities. In this case the attic may have reflected his feelings about intentionally neglecting to help pay any of this parents bills while he lived with them.


To dream of going out a backdoor represents confronting problems that you don't want to think about. You may be facing a negative situation that is unpleasant to notice.

To dream of coming in the back door represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation. You have finally decided to do something about a problem. If you see a criminal or person you have negative feelings about walking in a backdoor it may reflect fear or embarrassment that is becoming common place for you.

To dream of hearing knocking on the backdoor represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation that you don't want to think about. A problem may be forcing you to deal with it.

*Please See Door.


To dream of a backyard represents issues or situations that you don't like thinking about.  Something you don't like noticing or seeing in yourself.  Things you don't want to confront, don't want to deal with, or make you upset when you have to think about them.

Backyards in dreams may also reflect issues you want to keep hidden from people or jealousy of having to deal with an embarrassing issue. Irritation or prolonged trouble.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in his backyard. In waking life he was embarrassed to be witnessed by other people as single person with no girlfriend or wife.


To dream of a balcony represents a mindset that is elevated, intelligent, and safely removed. Noticing every single thing happening in a situation with a broader view and detached view. Feeling safe from your perspective and that other people can't see a situation from your vantage point. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you don't have to discuss it. Being objective about a situation, and having intellectual control. You are aware, see things for what they are, and have a good understanding of what is happening around you. Seeing yourself as a better person from a higher perspective.

Negatively, dreaming about a balcony may reflect a mindset that believes it's better than other people and doesn't have to talk about it. Confidence that you see yourself and in higher standing that's safe about never needing to discuss it. Feeling safe from your perspective that doesn't have to deal with people that worse off than you. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you are safe from having to say why you life isn't working. Awareness that someone is ripping you off while you don't do anything about it.

To dream of a church balcony may be a sign that you see yourself as safely and objectively elevated with God above others. Are you too concerned with believing God protects you more than other people because your life is better than other people at church?

Example: A divorced mother dreamed of sitting on a balcony with her son above a large goat. In waking life the woman was protective of her son after he experienced abuse at his father's home. The son was adamant that the abuse was real and the dreamer believed him. In this case the balcony may have reflected the woman's feelings about a higher perspective about her former husband being a dangerous abuser and keeping her son safely removed him. She may have felt she was a wiser, safer, better parent from experience.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone knocking on her balcony door whispering her name, but then the whispering stopped and she fell asleep. In waking life the woman worked for someone who hadn't paid her in 3 months while she felt completely dependent on them while also living with them. In this case the balcony door being knocked on while a voice whispers may reflect her own inner voice trying to wake her up to seeing a more elevated intelligent safer view of her employer ripping her off for her payments.

Example 3: A middle aged female church minister dreamed of saving a baby and returning it to a woman on the balcony of a house who didn't seem very concerned by it. In waking life she was seeking God's insight as to how to direct her ministry. In this case the balcony may have reflected her feelings about a person in her church who already had an elevated view of themselves as being a wiser, safer, person of faith more than other people.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of standing on a church choir balcony and hiding. The brother of her first love asked her to leave the church. In waking life she was experiencing a divorce. In this case hiding on the church choir balcony may have reflected her feelings of being embarrassed to feel good in church or with her faith. She may have been unable to feel elevated, intelligent, or safe with her faith noticing that people saw it.


To dream of being at a bar represents areas of your life that you consciously obsessed with or passionate about. You go out of your way to do something a lot, possibly to the point of excess. It may also reflect topics that you like discussing in great detail or for long periods of time.

Positively, it may represent passions and interests. Negatively, it may reflect issues you are too concerned with or activities that you are addicted to.


To dream of a basement represents your deepest darkest thoughts, emotions,and memories.  A basement points to problems that you don't want to deal with or issues that may be very uncomfortable thinking about.  A situation or memory that is so negative that you can't forget it or think about anything else.

Alternatively, a basement may reflect the worsening of a problem or trouble that you are overwhelmed by.

A basement is a sign that you may have unresolved issues, or problems that the ego may not allow you to explore without assistance.

Example:  A man dreamed of seeing his father fall down the basement stairs.  In waking life his father had a health problem that suddenly took a big turn for the worse.

Example 2:  A man dreamed of seeing a girl he liked from highschool in his basement.  In waking life he was thinking about how he embarassed himself with her. Something he had a lot of difficulty forgetting.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing himself going into his father's basement and then coming back up another pair of stairs into a much nicer house.  In waking life he was having serious financial problems with his business and was considering killing himself before being surprised when his business picked up again.


To dream of a bathroom represents a cleansing process.  Confronting issues, negative emotions, or negative life situations.

To dream of dirty bathroom represents difficulties during a cleansing process.  A sign that more effort is needed to confront mental and emotional problems or that a current situation is unsupportive of progress.

To dream of cleaning a bathroom represents your attempt to make facing problems easier for yourself. Getting rid of distractions or difficulties that may get in your way as your try to improve yourself.

To dream of not being able to find the bathroom or make it on time represents distractions, pressures, or postponing your own wishes for too long.  You're unable to get rid of a problem.


To dream of a bed represents an issue you are not interesting in doing anything about. Situations you have chosen to accept, live with, or do nothing about. Making the choice to metaphorically "sleep on it."

Sitting on a bed may be a sign that you are thinking about taking action with a situation you have accepted for too long. It may also reflect hesitance or fear of standing up to a problem.

To dream of an unmade bed may reflect indecision or unfinished progress. A made bed may reflect a final decision or a conclusion to an issue you've done something about. Feeling content that nothing else needs to be done with an issue.

To get out of bed symbolizes an effort to fix a problem, or make a change.

If you are waking up in a different and/or unknown bed it may reflect a new awareness of yourself. It could also reflect motivation to deal with issues in ways you've never thought of before.

If you find yourself sitting in someone else's bed then it represents inaction, or acceptance of an issue through a perspective based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person.

Having sex in a bed symbolizes a positive or enjoyable experience you are having and don't want to change.

To dream of being forced onto a bed or feeling held down on a bed may reflect feelings about wanting to a make a change in your life, but feeling that something stops you.

To dream of two people in bed together without sex symbolizes two aspects of your personality that are inactive or not doing anything about an issue. Ask yourself what qualities or feelings about the people stand out the most and how those qualities may apply to waking life situations where you are comfortable keeping a situation as it is or feel comfortable not doing anything about a proble

To dream of having no bed represents feelings about lacking an ability to keep a situation secure or stable. No way to rest on an issue or permanently be at ease.

Example: A young boy dreamed of pushed down on his bed and being unable to breathe. In waking life he felt forced to experience his father being abusive to his father with no way to stop it. He felt powerless to speak up and forced to accept the abusive situation.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a girl he knew sitting on a bed. In waking life he felt that the girl was unintelligent and could never leave home while the girl's parents never choose to responsibility encourage her to grown up. The bed in this case may have reflected his feelings about how the girl was choosing to waste her life accepting herself living at home.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being afraid as she was stuck to her bed unable to get off her bed. In waking life she was unable to find a new job and feared that she would be stuck living at home for the rest of her life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of sitting in bed with a strange woman sitting between her and her husband. In waking life she was aware of a problem she had accepted as never being confronted and hadn't made enough effort to deal with.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of herself and others in bed and then suddenly being shot to death by someone. In waking life she was very worried about hurricane preparation not being completed by other people while a hurricane was forming.

Example 6: A young woman dreamed of being in a bedroom with two single beds, which seemed strange to her. In waking life, she was experiencing her boyfriend of four years being unusually upset with her, and she suspected he might be considering leaving her. The two single beds may have represented her feelings about both her and her boyfriend feeling separated in their personal and sex lives, and having to accept it that way.

*Please See Mattress.


To dream of a bedroom represents private thoughts, or issues that you don't feel comfortable discussing with other people. It's often pointing to sexual issues, personal problems, or things you find embarrassing. Relationship issues.

To dream of your bedroom door opening may represent a willingness to discuss to deal with private issues. A bedroom door closing may represent you decision to keep certain issues private or no longer discuss something openly.

To dream of looking out your bedroom window represents your perception of the future on personal or private matters. What's coming later in regards to your relationships or secrets.

To dream of cleaning your bedroom may represent your choice to be more conservative or objective about a personal or private matter. Alternatively, it may reflect how you are getting your personal or private matters in order. You may have been overwhelmed by a personal problem.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the ceiling and walls in his bedroom cracking. He feared the ceiling falling on him. In waking life he had recently broke up with a long time partner and feared never being good enough to fall in love like that again. In this case the bedroom may have reflected a private and intimate aspect of the dreamer's life or self. The cracking ceiling and walls may symbolize the dreamer's fear of the instability and uncertainty of his emotional and personal life following the breakup.

Example 2: A young boy dreamed of seeing his cat staring at him like it was evil on the foot of his bed. In waking life he didn't like having to put up with the cat attacking him and felt that the cat was mean . He may have had issues with keeping the cats assaults to himself or privately choosing to not tell his parents about the cat's behavior.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in his bedroom sitting down looking towards the bedroom door. Suddenly, a former friend he didn't like came into the bedroom and he started insulting the former friend until the former friend left uncomfortably. In waking life, the dreamer had privately held negative thoughts about the former friend but had not expressed them until an opportunity arose where he could perfectly express his lack of respect to the former friend without being seen or heard by others. The bedroom in this case represents the dreamer's private thoughts and feelings about the former friend that had not been revealed to others yet.

Example 4: A man dreamed of his parents invading his bedroom. In waking life he had revealed very personal secrets to his family and his parents found out. In this case the bedroom with the parents invading may have reflected a feeling of invasion of privacy and personal space by the dreamer's parents.


To dream of a building represents a perspective on a situation. How you view a situation. Consider the purpose or design of the building for further meaning.

The levels of the floors of the building may use dream numerology to reflect your mental state or intentions. For example, a 5th floor may reflect situations where change is occurring and the 9th floor may reflect an ending of some kind. Higher floors may represent higher levels of understanding and lower floors may reflect lower levels of understanding, stress, or fear.

To dream of jumping off a building represents a choice being made in waking life to never think in a certain way ever again. Purposely abandoning a view or idea.

To dream of falling off a building represents mistakes or accidents that have forced you to change the way you think or look at a situation. Losing control. An unstoppable reduced sense of achievement or consciousness.

To dream of a building that is damaged or in ruins represents an outlook or perspective on a situation that isn't as strong or confident as it used to be. Significant changes may be occurring in your life. Feeling that you can never go back to your old ways. It may also reflect damage to your confidence or self-image. Feelings that change is necessary.

To dream of a building collapsing represents feeling that a situation in your life is coming to an end on it's own. A situation is "falling apart." An unstoppable loss. It may also reflect feelings about the ending of a situation being inevitable. Shocking disappointment.

Example: A man dreamed of being driven up the side of a building. In waking life he was in therapy and was being made to discuss a problematic outlook on life he had.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a building that was collapsing. In waking life she had a terrible altercation with a family member that made her feel like all of her family life was impossibly ruined.

*Please See Apartment Building.

Butcher Shop

To dream of a butcher shop represents an option for coldness, brutality, or insensitivity that isn't personal about a role making tough decisions for other people to help them sustain strength and confidence by cutting out things that are unnecessary or making larger problems smaller. Thoughts or feelings about talking to someone in your life who doesn't have a problem dealing with facing harsh realities, making tough decisions, or cutting away excess and unnecessary elements from your life. The need to make tough decisions for other people (or made for you) that need to be decisive, practical, and unafraid of the consequences of your actions. Feelings about emotional detachment or the need to detach emotionally to make objective decisions. Consideration of the ethical and moral implications of tough impersonal decisions. Feelings about an authority figure (or being one) who makes tough impersonal decisions on behalf of others.

Negatively, dreaming about a butcher shop could represent feelings of being overwhelmed by harsh realities or the brutality of making tough decisions for other people in a manner that isn't personal. Feelings about someone else making tough or impersonal decisions for you when you don't want them to.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a restaurant while involuntarily dating the serial killer Ted Bundy who took women into a back room that looked like a butcher shop to kill them. In waking life, her business only had 1 customer who was making professional cuts to his business expenses to manage his annual budget. In this case, the back of the restaurant feeling like a butcher shop may have reflected the cold, impersonal, calculated nature of the business expense cuts the customer was making to his own business which directly impacted her business.

*Please See Butcher.


To dream of a wood cabin represents a wish to be alone or to do something by yourself. You may need your privacy or don't feel like talking to anybody.

Example: A woman dreamed being inside a cabin. In waking life they were spending a lot of time alone writing a book.

Example 2: A man dreamed of driving out to a cabin and being offered drugs before deciding to leave to avoid doing the drugs. In waking life the man a recovered drug addict in school to be a drug counselor. He was feeling temptation to abandon school and do drugs again, but decided to return to school. The cabin reflected his wish to be alone and do drugs.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in a cabin. In waking life she had taken time off work to be pregnant at home.


To dream of a castle represents a perspective or outlook on a situation being aware of itself as being safe having the most authority, power, influence, control, and special treatment about being listened to. Feeling about yourself or other people believing that they are the most important person in a situation or the center of attention. You can always have your way, people listen to you the most, or you have a lot of control.

Negatively, dreaming of a castle may represent a perspective or outlook on a situation that overdoes being aware of itself as being safe having the most authority, power, influence, control, and special treatment about being listened to. Monopolizing all the power or attention. Demanding "royal treatment." Believing yourself to be too important to listen to other people's concerns or ideas. Scaring other people with total authority, control, influence, or requiring special treatment. Corruption with total power because it doesn't have to listen. Thinking that being better than other people is your job. Being too defensive. Isolating yourself with power. A false or naive perception of yourself as being too powerful or resourceful. Strong interior barriers. Being too introverted while being controlling about anyone being allowed to talk to you. Anxiety about someone else having to be totally respected. A fear of upsetting a customer.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a castle. In waking life, she was recovering in the hospital and felt that all her friends and family were giving her "royal treatment" while she recovered. In this case, the castle may have reflected her feelings about her perspective on her life situation being protected and cared for in a special way, as though she were in a secure, elevated position where her needs were attended to by others.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being inside someone else's castle. In waking life, he was annoyed by family members whom he thought were too controlling and domineering. In this case, the castle may have reflected her perspective on her life situation as perceiving her family members' sense of power, dominance, and control over him, as if they were imposing their "rules" in their own domain.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of being led out of a castle by a friend. In waking life, the dreamer realized that she was too introverted and defensive about it. A friend helped to tone down her defensive nature. In this case, the castle may have reflected her perspective on her life situation being isolated with the controlling authority to remain introverted and never need to speak to people if she didn't want to because she was aware of people fearing her getting angry.

Example 4: A wealthy woman dreamed of being imprisoned inside a castle. Shortly after the dream occurred she contracted the "sleeping sickness" and her entire life was ruined. In this case, the castle may have reflected her feelings about herself being trapped with her illness with perspective on her life situation that felt authority over everyone in the hospital needing to work for her as her illness progressed.

*Please See Fortress.


To dream of a ceiling represents your feelings about a limitation you have in attaining a goal, insight, or achievement. "How high the bar has been set." Higher ceilings may reflect a sense of limitations being distant or that there is a lot that can be done. Lower ceilings may reflect awareness of limitations being clear and present.

Positively, a ceiling may reflect how comfortable you feel experiencing a situation where nothing can stop you or that clear limits have been established.

Negatively, a ceiling may represent feelings that you can't progress any further.

To dream of being on the ceiling and looking down at yourself symbolizes feelings of having reached a limit psychologically or spiritually. You may be aware of yourself being unable to improve yourself in some way.

To dream of a crack in the ceiling represents discomfort that a secure boundary is not as secure as you thought. Positively, it may reflect a new opportunity to make progress that is slowly revealing itself

To dream of a ceiling falling down or caving in represents feelings that an entire situation must change. Inevitable or unstoppable change.

To dream of water dripping from the ceiling represents feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about the future. Feelings that a problem in your life is slowly getting worse and can't be avoided any longer. It may also reflect an unpleasant truth or inevitability slowly surfacing.

To dream of a ceiling getting lower represents feelings about limitations getting worse or being closed off in some manner.

Checkered Floor

To dream of a black and white checkered floor may represent the overall feeling about how you conduct or manage yourself in a situation being under a theme that is dualistic, imbalanced, or requires a persistent professional attitude to avoid embarrassing yourself. You may be experiencing a situation that requires you to maintain professionalism or control yourself while dealing with a situation that feels imbalanced, unpredictable, or chaotic. Feeling that there is always a new situation happening requiring you to manage it. Ongoing business operations that always require solving a new problem. Feeling unable to trust people with the path in life you are taking. Competition or conflict that never seems to stop. Dualistic intentions or conflict in your life.

Example: A young man dreamed of walking on checkered floors down a hallway. In waking life, he was trying to cure a serious health condition that would never go away. The state of his life always felt insecure and his health could get worse at any moment.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking down a checkered hallway. In waking life, he was experiencing a spiritual transformation during a stressful time that required him to make a serious effort to maintain his morality and patience. In this case, the checkered floor may have reflected his feelings about navigating a challenging and unpredictable situation where he needed to balance his actions carefully despite the ongoing imbalance and uncertainty in his life.


To dream of a chimney represents feeling good or enjoying yourself without having to notice problems. A situation where all that you don't like is easily dealt with. Pleasure, entertainment, or enjoying one's self "without a hitch." Not bothering yourself with the hassles of maintainance or upkeep. Comfort knowing that what you like is always working.

A chimney may also reflect enjoying power that is unchallenged or never embarrassed. Never caring about what you don't like at all.

Alternatively, a chimney may reflect you or someone else being viewed by others as comfortable with power. The projection of your dignity and status to others.

Negatively, a chimney may reflect enemies you feel "have it all" or feel good knowing they can't be stopped.

To dream of a blocked chimney represents delays or problems that keep ruining your ability to enjoy yourself. You can't sit back and relax. The inability to effortlessly notice yourself with respect, power, or dignity.


To dream of a closet represents things about yourself that you hide because you don't want anyone else to know about them, or because you are not comfortable accepting them in yourself. Area of your life that you choose to put away. Difficult issues you don't fell comfortable discussing.

Negatively, a closet may reflect problems with honesty or repressing yourself. Putting off revealing the truth because it's too embarrassing.

Alternatively, a closet may reflect problems or fears that you believe are waiting for you.

To dream of putting something in your closet may reflect a wish to hide something about yourself or avoid embarrassment. Intentionally keeping something about yourself a secret.

To clean a closet symbolizes becoming more comfortable with who you are. Being more accepting of your own past or aspects of your own personality that you may not have previously been very comfortable with.

Example: A young boy had recurring nightmares about a lawnmower coming out of his closet to get him. In waking life he had his toes and foot cut off by a lawnmower. The dream may have reflected his fear of the lawnmower waiting to hurt him again if he ever took it out of the garage again.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being inside a closet. In waking life she was pregnant and had anxiety about having to tell anyone about it.


To dream of a condominium represents a professional or experienced attitude about putting up with other people in your everyday life. A professional or experienced attitude about putting up with problems while living your life normal. Feeling pressure to avoid danger, angering others, or respect others while trying to live normally. Excepting that other people deserve to be respected for appearances as much as you do. Feeling pressure to put up with appearances. A responsible attitude about accepting a situation the way it is so that everyone likes it. A noticeably higher about of support and respect between close people to endure a difficult situation with integrity.

Dreams of condos are common to people who feel forced to share living arrangements. Issues related to the stress of living with another person.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a condominium. In waking life her son had moved into her home and she was trying her best to comfortably alter her life to cater to her son needs.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a condo. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of death in her family and felt pressure within her family to respect and support each other more than usual to cope safely.


To dream of a cottage represents your perspective on a situation being centered around escaping problems or responsibilities. You are taking a break from your problems or would prefer to not to deal with them right now. Feeling good or enjoying yourself while avoiding doing something that you know may be serious or important. There may be a need for quiet or simplicity during a difficult moment.

*Please See Cabin.


To dream of a couch represents total comfort with an issue or situation. You are comfortable, bored, or lazy about something. You may feel that nothing is wrong at all with a particular issue. A comfortable or laid back attitude about a situation you are experiencing. It may also reflect a relaxed attitude about accepting a particular situation as it is.

Negatively, a couch in a dream may be a sign that you are too comfortable with certain beliefs, ideas, or situations you are experiencing. A casually attitude about overlooking a serious or potentially dangerous problem A comfortable attitude about accepting a problem the way it is. Risking your integrity because you feel being proactive or taking action in some way is asking too much of you.   So comfortable with an issue or problem that you don't think it's a problem.

To dream of sitting on a couch with another person represents total comfort with some aspect of your personality based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. It's common to dream of sitting on a couch with people that you feel are lazy or sleazy as it reflects your awareness of yourself being too casual or laid back with a problem that needs to be addressed.

To sit on a couch with a crush or romantic interest may symbolize a high degree of comfort with sexually desiring that person. A sign that you need to stop daydreaming about them and do something about initiating a real relationship.

Example: A woman dreamed of sitting on a couch with a man she thought was sleazy. In waking life she had an embarrassing lapse of judgement by too casually overlooking a problem that angered her neighbor.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a person whom he felt was a really lazy person whom annoyed him. In waking life he was being pressured into working an excessive amount of overtime by his boss whom was making him feel like he was lazy if it didn't want to work too much.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her friend keeping her deceased mother on a sofa while not expressing her feelings to the friend. The couch in this case may have reflected her feelings about the friend being so comfortable with discussing her dead mother or being depressed about it as though it wasn't a problem that it was starting to bother the dreamer.

Example 4: Albert Hoffmann, Ph.D (inventor of LSD), experienced a waking vision in which he saw himself dead on a couch. In his waking life, he had accidentally taken LSD for the first time, which overwhelmed him and led him to question whether he had damaged his brain from an overdose. In this case, the couch may have symbolized his comfort in not revealing his accidental overdose at work due to experimenting with drugs. His lifeless body represented his temporary belief that he had died or ruined his life, while simultaneously feeling comfortable with the decision to keep his LSD intoxication a secret by choosing to go home.

*Please See Living Room.


To dream of a deck represents your enjoyment of success.  Freely using power or doing whatever you want.  Feeling good noticing things you want happening easily.

*Please See Balcony.

Dining Room

To dream of being in a dining room represents situations where you feel everything works out normal as long as you aren't embarrassing anyone else. Feelings about everything in a situation is sane as long as you don't make someone else angry or jealous. Feeling that people always need to help you out. People or situations in your life that are doing what they are supposed to be doing. It may reflect a sense of rationality or civility after a period of disorder. A sense that other people are experiencing exactly the same situations or issues that you are.

Negatively, dreaming about a dining room may reflect feelings about being able to use people or get away with dishonesty as long as you don't push limits. Getting away with something as long as you don't embarrass other people. Using people as family life to get something for yourself because they will always help you out. Rationality or civility that you can safely use for dishonesty.

Alternatively, a dining room represents the finality of a situation. Events or experiences that signify an ending of some kind in your life.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a dining room. In waking life he was carrying on multiple sexual relationships. The dining room symbolism may have reflected his feelings about getting away with one particular sexual relationship as a long as he didn't embarrass the second woman by talking to her about it directly. He was also unemployed so the dining room symbolism may have pointed to using one woman for support while unemployed and cheating.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of worrying as she walked in and out of a dining room. In waking life she was having concerns about having the energy to finish school with so much else to do. Worrying as she walked in and out of the dining room may have reflected her concerns about doing well in school with a routine being difficult to maintain with other responsibilities distracting her.

Dinner Table

To dream of a dining table represents situations in waking life that are unencumbered.  An experience that can't be stopped or interrupted.  Noticing yourself being totally confident about something or having total control over a situation.  Not having to do anything you don't like.


To dream of a door represents access, new opportunities, and changes. It may also reflect an available option. A chance to do something different. A door can also symbolize a transition from one stage of your life to another. Consider the colors, numbers, images, and your feelings associated with the door for further meaning. Initiating.

To dream of an open door represents new opportunities or options ready or waiting for you. It may also reflect a new opportunity or change that has already been initiated. Noticing yourself doing something different in your life. Your own receptiveness to new ideas or new situations.

To dream of seeing a door open and then close immediately after may reflect feelings about an opportunity appearing to avail itself and then close off. Negativly, it may reflect your perception of a problem starting and then disappearing on it's own. Excessive sensitibity about a problem getting worse. Noticing a problem potentially getting worse, going away, and then never addressing it while choosing to overlook it instead.

To dream of a closed door may represent opportunities or changes that are no longer available to you. Alternatively, a closed door may reflect a the choice you need to make or initiative you need to take in order start an opportunity. The prospect for change that is up to you to decide.

To dream of a locked door represents opportunities, change, or access to something in your life that you feel cut off from. Feeling denied or that your progress in life is somehow blocked. Alternatively, a locked door may reflect your own unwillingness to open up to others or possible anti-social behavior. Closing yourself off from others or being unwilling to reveal things to others about yourself.

To dream of opening the wrong door represents feelings about having accidentally accessed the options or opportunities that you don't desire. Feeling of having accidentally opened yourself up to problems you don't want to deal with. Opening the wrong door may also reflect feelings about having accidentally initiated social contact with people you don't like. Accidentally letting people you don't like think you like them or need them again.

To dream of a door being slammed in your face represents feelings of being "shut out" or ignored.

To dream of people wanting you to let them in a door or who you welcome in a door represents ideas, habits, or life situations that are pressuring you to do something different. A part of you that wants to be acknowledged or a bad habit that is difficult to resist.

If criminals or people you don't like come to a door it represents negative thinking, bad habits, or fear that is presenting itself in your life. It may also be a sign that you too close to negative influences.

Being locked outside of the door to your house represents negative influences or problems that overcome your ability to feel safe, normal, or stable. You feel you can't be back to normal.

To dream of a door that can't close symbolizes a change that feels irreversible.

To dream of walking out a door you can't go back into represents feelings about situations you've progressed through and can't return to. Access or opportunities you can't revert to.

To dream of smashing through a door represents forcefully overcoming barriers or obstacles that have been preventing you from moving forward. A determination to access new opportunities or to confront challenges head-on. A breakthrough in your personal or professional life, where you are able to move past limitations and achieve your goals.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to open a locked door. In waking life she was having trouble communicating with her daughter.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a door that was permanently unable to shut due to a warp in the door frame. In waking life he had taken an excessive amount of a particular drug and was experiencing a permanent state of hallucination.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a door open and then immediately close. In waking life she had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend and based on her behavior she felt he was close to breaking up with her. This feeling went away the next day. The opening and closing door may have reflected her feelings about her life opening the unwanted opportunity to break up and then feeling it end as the day passed.

Example 4: A man dreamed of walking out a door and then being unable to walk back into the door. In waking life he was confronting legal problems with difficult people with whom he reached a point that he could no longer speak to them rationally to solve the problem.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of walking through a door, closing the door, and then hearing a man banging on the door. In waking life she had decided to divorce her husband and was having complications completing the divorce. In this case the door that is walked through and closed with a man banging on it may reflect the "door of divorce." The woman's annoyance with hearing a man banging on the closed door may have reflected her feelings about the divorce being "closed issue" while not being one to her husband.

*Please See Backdoor.

*Please See Knocking.


To dream of hearing a doorbell represents unexpected news or unexpected waking life situations.  An area of your life that is calling your attention or waiting to be explored.  Issues that you weren't prepared to deal with.  Whoever, or whatever is outside the door is symbolic for this unexpected event, or change.

To dream of ringing a doorbell represents your attempt to draw attention to yourself or some issue.  You may be surprising someone else with something they weren't expecting.

Door Frame

To dream of a door frame represents thoughts about awareness of potential thresholds, transitions, and possibilities. A threshold between one's current situation and a new realm or phase. Feelings about the boundaries you perceive with experiencing accessibility, new opportunity, or change. The boundaries between different states of being or experiences.

Positively, dreaming about a door frame may represent readiness or openness to embrace a new chapter or a change in your life. It can suggest that you're in a transitional phase and are mentally or emotionally prepared for what lies beyond the door. It might indicate a sense of anticipation, standing at the precipice of a new adventure, or new opportunities. A call to embrace change, to trust in the unknown, and to move forward with courage and curiosity, leaving behind any reservations or fears.

Negatively, a door frame without a door might indicate feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or insecurity. It can suggest a barrier or limitation in transitioning to a desired state or experience. Perhaps you feel an opportunity is present but something is missing or preventing full access. Alternatively, it could symbolize hesitation, indicating that while you're close to making a change, you haven't fully committed or taken the step.

To dream of a standalone frame without a solid door may represent an unobstructed passage or an open invitation to new experiences, adventures, or phases of life. A situation that whispers of potential, urging the dreamer to step forward without hesitation and embrace what lies ahead.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing an open door and then suddenly a man was standing against the doorframe. In waking life, she began talking to a man with whom she had a romantic interest and hadn't talked to in a while. In this case, the man standing in the door frame may have reflected the dreamer's awareness of a threshold in her personal life. The open door represented an opportunity for renewed connection and a potential romantic relationship with the man.


To dream of a doormat represents a lack of appreciation.  An aspect of your personality that is used for the benefit of someone else.

Positively, it may point to habits or resources used to rid oneself of problems. Negatively, a doormat may reflect you or someone else that is taking advantage of others. It may be a sign that you feel "walked all over" or that you aren't appreciating what you have.

Consider any words on the door mat for additional meanings.

To dream of a dog poop on a doormat represents a worn out welcome or an abuse of someone else's good nature.  You or someone else may have gone too far using someone else.

Example:  A woman dreamed of seeing dog poop on a doormat.  In waking life she stopped being friends with someone she thought was using her.  The dog poop reflected her feeling that she may have gone too far in telling her friend that she felt used.

Driveway (House)

To dream of a driveway represents you contentment with a choice.  Wanting to keep things the same.  Being secure or at ease with what you are thinking.  Consider the condition or location of the driveway for additional symbolism.


To dream of an elevator represents feelings about how easily it is to control how good or bad a situation experienced will be. Effortless choices. Awareness that a choice will better or worse with ease once you make the choice. Feeling about how easy it is to increase or decrease the seriousness of a situation.

To dream that you are ascending in an elevator represents choices that you know are easily improving a situation. Feeling that improvements being made are easy or that someone is helping you. Feeling lucky or that fate is working in your favor. Feeling good about a decision to be more intelligent, responsible, or moral. It may also reflect choices that lead to increased power or success with ease. If an elevator goes upwards too fast it may represent a lack of preparation or inexperience. It may also reflect power and responsibility that you are not ready to handle. Improvements that are too quickly gained to be processed in a healthy or safe manner.

To dream of descending in an elevator represents easy choices that you know are making a situation worse. It may also reflect simple choices that restore a powerful or exciting situation to normal, especially if you go down in an elevator to the ground floor. Feeling stupid for making a very bad decision so easily. A positive situation getting worse or ending because of a choice you are making. You may be choosing to deal with unpleasant situation or feel that a choice is turning for the worse. It may also reflect a decision to reduce, minimize, or intentionally downgrade a situation.

To dream of an elevator going to the basement symbolizes decisions that are leading to a situation that is dangerous, a crisis, or humiliates you. Choices that lead to confronting some of the most unpleasant situations or negative emotions. You may be aware that something bad is going to happen or intentionally choosing a negative experience. Embarrassment that a making the worst decision of your life could be so easy.

To dream of falling while inside an elevator represents feelings about losing control after believing you were initially making an intelligent or positive decision. Embarrassment from bad decisions gone awry. Feeling that improvements were going to be easy to achieve and then experiencing total disaster that is beyond your ability to control. A disastrous oversight or assumption.

To dream of an elevator moving sideways may reflect feelings about choices you assumed would cause easy changes pulling you into unforeseen distractions or delays. Counter-productivity you weren't expecting.

To dream of broken elevator cables represents feelings of lost security or dependability. Your ability to confidently manage a situation with ease is lost.

Example: A woman dreamed of getting out of an elevator and then seeing another girl fall through the floor of the elevator. In waking life she had just made-up with her ex-boyfriend and starting have sex with him after taking a restraining order off him. The elevator scenery in this case mat have reflecting her feelings about losing her leverage in the relationship after succumbing to lust once the restraining order was taken off. The elevator may have reflected the easy with which the relationship with her ex was restored after taking the restraining order off.

Example 2: A man dreamed of using an elevator and then being shot by his girlfriend. In waking life he was thinking it would be easy to pressure his girlfriend to get a job and then began to fear that she would break up with him. The elevator in this case may have reflected his original hopes about how easy it would be encourage his girlfriend to get a job by simply and easily bringing it in conversation.


To dream of an escalator represents a situation where every single thing is done for you while you wait for it to happen. Someone may be carrying you though situation or taking care of everything you need. Making progress with ease.  Rising or falling confidence.  Little effort on your part as you arrive to another level of conscious, or a new phase of your waking life.

Going up an escalator symbolizes easy progress.  A slow increase in understanding or confidence.

Going down an escalator could symbolize regressing or returning to old habits.  It could also point to problems and setbacks slowly getting out of your control.  Alternatively, going down an escalator reflects a slow return to a normal state.


To dream of the estate of someone deceased represents legacy, stability, and the enduring resources or influence residing with an aspect of your life that has canceled, experienced total failure, or moved on. A sense of connection to something enduring and meaningful.

To dream of the estate of someone living represents feelings about the current influence, resources, personal accomplishments, or stability of someone in your life. Feelings of responsibility for maintaining personal accomplishments or living up to a legacy. Pride in what you or someone else has accomplished. A sense of connection to something enduring and meaningful. Thoughts about preserving or utilizing those resources for future growth. Thoughts or fears about needing to maintain everything you have.

Example: A person dreamed of an old acquaintance being deceased and giving them $80,000 from their estate. In waking life, they had left an old job they hated to return to a former job. They felt saved and happy to return to their old job. In this case, the estate of the deceased acquaintance may have reflected the feelings about the legacy stability, and remaining social resources of still knowing people at their former job that would rehire them after having left it behind.

Exercise Room / Weight Room

To dream of an exercise room, or weight room represents your mindset being focused on improving or strengthening some area of your life.  Trying to be the best you can be.

If you see evil people, people dressed in red, red objects, or red light in a weight room this symbolizes negative habits or thinking patterns that may be getting out of control.  You may be increasing fear, dishonestly, or arrogance in some way.


To dream of a factory represents feelings about non-stop productivity or a productive process that is continuously working. Feelings about routine, work ethic, or the process of working towards goals or producing something in your life. Factories can represent the mind's ability to generate ideas, emotions, or experiences steadily and reliably. Your attitudes towards labor, routine, or the systematic organization of tasks.

Positively, dreaming about a factory might indicate efficiency, productivity, and the successful creation or achievement of goals. Feelings of accomplishment, progress, or fulfillment associated with your work or projects. A well-organized mindset or life situation where everything is working as it should, producing results, or moving towards a clear objective. A sense of purpose, discipline, or dedication to achieving your goals.

Negatively, dreaming about a factory may represent feelings of being trapped in monotony, overwork, or the dehumanization of being a small part of a larger, uncaring system. Negative behavior or bad habits that are repetitive and ongoing. Feeling trapped in routine. Feelings of overwhelm, stress, or pressure related to your workload or responsibilities. Fears of losing individuality, being consumed by work or responsibilities, or feeling like you are in an environment that is too mechanical or impersonal. Fear or jealousy of competition or enemies being highly productive. Feelings about a problem getting out of hand or becoming excessive with creating further problems. You may feel like you are being overworked or exploited in your job, or that your efforts are not being recognized or appreciated.

The type of factory or the conditions of the factory provide further insight into the kind of productivity or your ability to contribute, create, or get ahead in the world.

People who are paid well, but are unsatisfied with their jobs often dream of sweatshop factories filled with moaning and abused workers. This reflects their success restricting them and costing them happiness.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being on a date with her crush that felt like being stuck inside a factory. In waking life, she was talking to her school crush more than usual. In this case, the factory may have reflected her feelings about her interactions with her crush being limited to ongoing school productivity with assignments.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of climbing an old factory silo in order to watch a nuclear explosion detonate. In waking life, his boss called the DEA to come to their restaurant with drug-sniffing dogs. The boss told the employees to get clean off drugs in 45 days or they'd be fired. The dreamer was already clean off drugs, but aware that other people may not keep their jobs due to being unable to get clean off drugs. In this case, the old factory may have reflected the dreamer's perception of themself as previously being involved with non-stop ongoing drug use or communication with drug dealers that was discontinued.


To dream of a fireplace represents feelings of contentment, comfort, warmth, safety, and nurturing.

Look to any people or objects around you while you are near a fireplace for additiona symbolism.


To dream of a floor (walking) represents feeling about how you conduct yourself or manage yourself in a situation. Feelings of "doing whatever you have to do" in order to make your life work without a problem. The condition, color, patterns, or type of floor reflects the overall feeling about the theme or tone of your involvement in a situation.

To dream of hardwood floors may represent the overall feeling about how you conduct or manage yourself in a situation being under a theme that is comfortable about deserving to be without a problem while feeling that life is normal.

To dream of objects on a floor represents feelings about options, capabilities, achievements, problems, obstacles, or situations that are present while you conduct yourself or manage your life. Ideas, goals, behaviors, or situations that are on hold or waiting to be utilized. Feelings about something you don't have to do if you don't want to while managing a situation.

To dream of walking along a floor represents feelings about managing or conducting yourself in a situation where you are experiencing progress or a transition in your life. Consider any colors or designs on the floor to reflect how you may feel as this is happening.

To dream of a floor (level) represents feelings about the current state or phase of a situation while you conduct yourself or manage yourself. Each floor can reflect a different level of consciousness, maturity, status, or the complexity of the situation you are dealing with. The levels of the floors of the building may use dream numerology to reflect your mental state or intentions. For example, a 5th floor may reflect change and the 9th floor may reflect an ending of some kind. Higher floors may represent higher levels of understanding and lower floors may reflect lower levels of understanding, stress, or fear.

To dream of going to the wrong floor in a building represents feelings about being "stuck" at a certain stage of a situation or feeling limited in your progress. Feelings about not doing enough or doing too much while conducting yourself or managing yourself in a situation. Feelings of inadequacy or frustration with not reaching a desired level of success or understanding.

Example: A young woman dreamed of feeling that she would be safer if she kept her feet off the floor. In waking life, she was having concerns about a heavy flow menstrual period causing her major embarrassment if she didn't take as much time off from social gatherings as possible. In this case, keeping her feet off the floor may have reflected her feelings about avoiding conducting or managing herself socially to avoid any risk or embarrassment.

*Please See Checkered Floors.
*Please See Parquet Flooring.

Front Yard

To dream of a front yard represents issues or situations that you like noticing about yourself. Things you want to think about or have others notice you for. Situations you approve of. Enjoying being acknowledged in a positive way. Pleasant feeling attention. Feeling good about accomplishments or hard work on display. Awareness of yourself winning or being more incredible than other people.

Negatively, a front yard may reflect your enjoyment of experiencing other people jealous of you. It may also reflect approval of a negative situation that is less dangerous than you were expecting. Problems you feel good knowing you can use to your advantage.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a person from high school that he didn't like in the front yard to a home. In waking life he inherited a family property with full control and his Uncle was jealous and making powerless legal threats. The front yard symbolism may have reflected the dreamers pleasant feelings of being too powerful for his jealous Uncle to stop him while he enjoyed his new wealth. He was also enjoying being viewed by others as richer and more powerful than they were.

Example 2: A man dreamed of standing in his own front yard. In waking life he was witnessing a corrupt dishonest business partner becoming jealous of his renewed financial power after a very long time of experiencing this corrupt business partner ignore him to avoid paying money. He felt good having renewed leverage he could use to manipulate and control his corrupt dishonest business partner.


To dream of furniture represents thoughts about how you identify and think about yourself as a person while having a sense of structure, stability, and comfort. Feelings about being comfortable with the way your life is working. It may also reflect how comfortably you perceive yourself as a person in a particular situation. Your thoughts about the qualities, behaviors, or habits that define who you are.

To dream of broken furniture may represent feelings of discomfort, disruption, or a sense of instability in your life that prevent you from feeling comfortable as a normal person. Feeling that your ability to have a normal life is "broken." Feeling that you can't relax or take a break from something like you normally can. Broken furniture is a common dream symbol for people recovering from injuries.

Negatively, dreaming about broken furniture may be a sign that you feel uncomfortable being unable to identify yourself in a certain way that allows you to feel normal. Losing a sense of structure, stability, and comfort with an area of your life that felt normal. Being uncomfortable identifying yourself as being friends with someone ever again.

Consider the style of furniture for additional meaning. Antique furniture may reflect old-fashioned values or "old school" ideas.

Example: A man dreamed of an old-fashioned wooden washing machine being used as furniture. In waking life, he was unusually persistent in completely paying off his mortgage because he wanted to feel secure owning his home as quickly as possible. Other people thought it was stupid because it ignored the ability to use his money to enjoy himself in the present moment. In this case, the old washing machine being used as furniture may have reflected his feelings about liking himself as having structure, stability, and comfort with an old-fashioned belief system of being a person who lives without debt.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being in a furniture store with her grandmother where she punched her father when he tried to grab her. She ran out of the store. In waking life, she was trying to find out what religion she really believed in. In this case, shopping for furniture may have reflected her attempt to "shop options" for a new style of religion that would provide her with a sense of stability, identity, and comfort, similar to how furniture does in a home.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of standing on furniture to avoid drowning in water. In waking life, she was experiencing frustration with her marriage due to psychological abuse. In this case, the furniture she stands on in order to avoid drowning may have reflected her feelings about liking herself with an identity of being comfortable in a stable marriage while trying to avoid the growing uncertainty of potentially being pushed into a divorce by her husband's psychological abuse.

*Please See Couch.


To dream of a garage represents mental and emotional idleness and inactivity.  Things you think that you don't want to change or have no motivation to do anything about.  Something you've put off or haven't bothered to deal with in a very long time.

To dream of looking at a garage or thinking of putting something in the garage may reflect your consideration of putting some area of your life off until a later time. Choosing to be idle or discontinue being active. Alternatively, it may reflect your preparation to stop being idle in some way.

People, animals, or objects in a garage are symbols for what it is you have been idle and inactive about.

Example: A man dreamed of walking with his father into a garage filled with deformed cats. In waking life he had made the decision to undergo therapy to discuss longstanding problems and he began to realize that many of the problems were delusions and self-deceptions he held about himself.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of experiencing a dangerous bear inside her garage. In waking life her son had some serious emotional problems that she felt were good idea to simply ignore for the time being hoping they would go away on their own.

Grocery Store

To dream of a grocery store represents decisions being made that help to sustain you for the short term. Keeping a good situation going by addressing your short-term needs. Confidence about knowing what you can delay confronting a problem or delay an unpleasant situation from occurring. Feeling that it's easy to deal with your problems "just for now."

Negatively, a grocery store may be a sign that you are considering dishonest behavior as a method to temporarily keep a problem under control. Lies or deception in order to delay being honest. Feeling good not having to face your problems for a short while longer. A sign that long-term solutions to problems are not being considered or that you continually keep putting your problems off for later. Short-term solutions that cost you long-term happiness.

Alternatively, dreaming of a grocery store may reflect anxiety issues related to health issues with food sensitivities. Anxiety about not being able to buy the special food or health products you need.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a grocery store parking lot. In waking life, she was delaying family gatherings to reunite with her step-sister because she felt her step-sister was dangerous due to her marijuana use. The grocery store in this case may have reflected her feelings about the potential to regularly have family gatherings to temporarily help prolong healthy family relationships.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a grocery store closing. In waking life, she was having anxiety that she wouldn't be able to buy certain food products during a family visit out of state because she was on a very special diet.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of being in a grocery store with her parents. In waking life, she was impatiently trying to pass a training program at work to help her get a better job at her company. She was doing everything she could to persevere hoping to be told she finally passed. The grocery store in this case may have reflected her choice to keep enduring the difficult training by whatever means possible for the short term hoping she would pass the training test. The grocery store symbolism may have been a sign that she was more focused on passing the training than on being good at her job while believing that short-term perseverance was her only problem when the job might not have been good for her at all.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a grocery store with her husband whom she was separated from. In waking life, she was regularly trying to do whatever she could to keep hope alive for a reconciliation with her husband. The supermarket in this case may be a reflection of her feelings about herself regularly trying to temporarily emotionally "hold herself over" from believing the relationship was over with whatever actions she believed might help.

*Please See Groceries.

Haunted House

To dream of a haunted house represents a perspective on life that is stuck with unresolved issues. There are bad memories or negative aspects of your life that are still effecting you to this day based past events. You may feel overwhelmed by feelings about your past. Feeling that you can never get over guilt or bad memories. Feeling that you are being constantly reminded of bad things that happened in your past. Living in a situation where you constantly fear your past coming back to "haunt you" or embarrass you.

Eerie feeling life, lingering feelings of being ineffective or ignored. Feelings about your life being completely negative while you put up with it.

Negatively, a haunted house may reflect your awareness of yourself living with trauma that you aren't dealing with.

A haunted house is a sign that you need to begin process negativity from your past. You may need to confront fears, learn to forgive, or try to develop confidence so that you can let go of the past. It may also be a sign that you need to try new things, move away, or try to start a new life to get your mind focused on the future. Change may be something you need to work very hard on to help yourself move in life.

Example: A woman dreamed of living in a haunted house. In waking life she regularly felt lingering fear that her choice to have a family when she was younger was going to rob her of having a more successful future.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of living in a haunted house. In waking life she felt fear that her choice to move away from her old home was mistake. The haunted house may have reflected her persistent uncertainties about living with an unresolved mistake.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of living in a haunted apartment. In waking life he felt she couldn't stop herself from neglecting her school studies to party with friends. She felt she could never return to her old studying habits anymore and felt a lingering anxiety about becoming a loser for the rest of her life because of poor academic performance from not studying hard enough. The haunted house may have reflected her willingness to put up with her feelings of lingering failure to return to her old studying habits. She was metaphorically "living with her dead former student self."


To dream of a hallway represents a transition, change in the way you think, or change in the circumstances of your life as you progress to the next stage. Waiting for something else to happen after having completed a phase. Experience a process of change or improvement.

Negatively, dreaming of being in a hallway may reflect transitions in waking life that are uncertain, difficult, scary, or dangerous. Feeling uncomfortable waiting for something else to happen. Trying to move on with your life after experiencing a failed relationship or job.

Alternatively, a hallway may also reflect feelings of having re-transition back to an old way of living after having made significant efforts to transition to a new way of living.

Example: A woman dreamed of having to walk down a hallway to her office, when in real life her office was at the beginning of the hallway. In waking life this woman had transitioned to a new career, but felt she had to keep changing back to her old career lifestyle to please old clients that she didn't want to upset.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking down checkered floor hallway. In waking life he was experiencing a high degree of uncertainty in his life as he slowly changed careers.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a hallway. In waking life he was in the middle of a major clean up at his workplace.


To dream of a hospital represents a mindset that is serious about fixing problems or confronting emotional ills. It reflects attempts to do all you can to confront or improve a problem. A crisis point. A situation that forces needed change. Feeling a strong need to fix a bad relationship after fight. Urgently sorting out problems.

Choosing to go to a hospital a dream is a sign that you are making changes that promote psychological, emotional, or physical well-being and a more balanced lifestyle.

Failed medical procedures or operations symbolize mistakes or failures at properly addressing issues. You may be trying to find a quick fixes that doesn't address the real problem. Bad advice or impatient careless attempts to solve problems on your own.

To dream of getting refused entry to a hospital may reflect feelings about being unable to fix urgent problems. Feeling stuck with a problem. Feeling stranded in a crisis.

To dream of an abandoned hospital represents feelings about a lost sense of urgency to deal with problems anymore. Feeling desensitized to problems.

Example: A man dreamed of going to the hospital. In real life he was trying his hardest to quick smoking marijuana.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being refused entry into a hospital because she had bad credit. In waking life she was having anxiety about being able to financially support her coming baby.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in an abandoned hospital. In waking life she was feeling herself getting annoyed at having to care for her son every single time he cried for her. The abandoned hospital represented the woman's lost sense of urgency to deal with her child's problems.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being in a hospital. In waking life he had just had a bug fight with a friend and was eager to repair the friendship.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a hospital dressed in a hospital gown. In waking life he was getting ready for an important interview and felt that his interview skills and case needed urgent last minute fixing.

Example 6: A man dreamed of being in a hospital and seeing the mother and father of his ex-girlfriend. In waking life he was trying very hard to get over his ex, but it was too difficult as he loved her too much.


To dream of a houseboat represents a normal perspective on a situation that is never jealous of permanently living with uncertainty. A perspective on a situation that is not bound by conventional constraints and finds it completely normal. Navigating through the challenges and uncertainties of life with a sense of adaptability and acceptance unique to your circumstances. Feelings about yourself having learned to create stability, understanding, and a sense of normal in what others may see as an unstable or unconventional situation. Adaptability, flexibility, and making constant adjustments based on the situations and environments you find yourself in. Independence, a sense of freedom, and the ability to navigate your own course through life's complexities.

Negatively, a houseboat in a dream may represent feelings of instability or insecurity in your waking life and accepting it as completely normal. Instability, uncertainty, or lack of permanence in your normal life. Fear of settling down, commitment issues, or feeling unanchored and adrift in life, not quite fitting in the conventional frameworks of society. Living a life with a disability as though nothing is wrong with you when other people see it as unusual or unconventional.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being alone on a boat that reminded her of a houseboat. In waking life, she was blind and married to someone with a disability. The two of them mostly spend their lives alone living together as they felt people didn't understand their disabilities. In this case, the houseboat may have reflected her feelings about her perspective on life believing that living with her disability was normal while other people never do.


To see a hotel in your dream represents your mindset being focused on having things done for you. It may also reflect your wish to always have something easy. Positively, a hotel points to automation or "smooth sailing." Feeling helped, supported, or encouraged. Supporting others through difficulties or helping someone by doing everything for them. Not minding being in a new or different situation that you are in because you aren't responsible for it. Affording to have other people look after you in a situation that is different than normal. Enjoying yourself the way you are without a problem. Having someone else deal with your problems because you said so.

Negatively, a hotel reflects using people or laziness. A sign that hard work, discipline, respect for others or adherence to principles are not a priority. Slacking off or letting other people do all your work for you. Alternatively, it may reflect your tendency to support others too much. Catering to someone else's every need in a manner that is excessive or doesn't allow them to learn to deal with their own problems. Feeling that someone is asking too much of you. Being used sexually and then discarded. Not liking catering to others needs.

To dream of a hotel on the beach may reflect your feelings about being financially broke or experiencing a difficult problem that requires you to allow friends or family to take care of you. Students or people with financial problems that require them to return home may dream of hotels on the beach.

Example: A man dreamed of being in the basement of a hotel. In waking life he was having second thoughts about tricking the government into give him a bigger refund after they scared him by questioning his tax return. The hotel basement represented the problems he was experiencing while talking to the government trying to get easy money through a refund falsely believing that the government catering to him would be easy.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a hotel. In waking life he was being shown how to use a complicated computer system by a friend so that he would understand every single thing required to run the computer perfectly. The hotel may have reflected his feelings about his need to learn about the computer being perfectly catered to.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in a luxurious hotel. In waking life she was getting an unusually high amount of love and support from her friends. She may have felt that it was very easy to have her friends cater to her needs.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a hotel. In waking life she was becoming irritated by her son and husband using her to take care of them nonstop. In this case the hotel may have reflected her annoyance with herself being used to cater to others needs.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a hotel where people were rude to him. In waking life he was a regular user of a very helpful internet message forum and felt that some others users were being very rude to him. The hotel symbolism in this case may have reflected his feelings about expecting the message board he visited to cater to his needs by banning the users who were rude to him.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of being unable to lock a hotel door. In waking life she had been spending a lot of time with relatives in their homes and felt they were very disrespectful to her while she stayed with them. She felt she wasn't given any privacy or family support while staying in their home. She was having issues demanding respect or standing up for herself because she felt lucky to be staying in someone else's home. In this case the hotel may have reflected her aware of overstaying in a relative's home while expecting them to be good hosts.

Example 7: A man dreamed of being in a hotel room sitting on a bed with a man he needed to get off the bed. In waking life was having difficulty selling a family home due to an annoying family member refusing to leave it but didn't worry about the problems arising from it because he could else someone else in the family to deal with it. The hotel in this case may have reflected the man's feelings about needing to stay comfortable while dealing with a difficult family member that required asking someone else in the family to handle it.


To dream of a house represents your mindset or perspective about a situation that is "lived in as normal". Your take on the experience of current conditions. Beliefs or feelings that you are comfortable with. Your view of an experience that is familiar to you. Your opinion or beliefs about a situation that has become normal to you. Your feelings about someone else's perspective on a situation being permanent or believed in as normal.

Negatively, a house may reflect a perspective on a situation being stuck the way it is or that it isn't changing when you want it to. A belief system or habit that you take for granted. A perspective on a situation that you or other people believe is negative, dangerous, or outdated that feels permanent or a "new normal."

The type or style of the house is symbolic of how you are thinking about a particular issue. The condition of the house reflects your mental state as you experience something. Rich houses symbolize your perspective on issues where you are powerful and resourceful. Poor houses represent your perspective on issues where you are powerless, resourceless, or emotionally weakened.

The rooms of the house are indicative of how an issue is being approached or dealt with under the theme of a certain mindset or perspective.

For more on houses see the themes section..

To dream of a house being on fire represents feelings of powerlessness to stop some area of your life from being lost for god. A permanent perspective or sense of normal about a situation being lost to a bad situation that got dangerously out of control. It may also reflect angry destructive intentions or intentional harm that can't be stopped. Feeling stupid that you can't do anything about stopping damage to some area of your life. A situation may feel permanently out of your control in a negative way. Feelings of losing everything that allowed you to feel normal. Loss of a viewpoint. Feelings about the loss of a nice life.

To dream of buying a house represents feelings about committing to a particular mindset or new way of living as though it's normal. Choosing to live your life different with a sense of it being normal. A new beginning, a permanent decision, or establishing a stable foundation in your life. You may feel that you are settling into a new role, responsibility, or significant change that you believe will be long-lasting. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you've made a mistake that you're stuck with. Feeling sold on something long-term that never delivers on its promises.

To dream of going home represents a return to familiarity, comfort, or normalcy. You may have been experiencing difficulties or doing something new and now your life situation is becoming normal again.

To dream of cleaning your house represents self-improvement or addressing unresolved issues. You may be fine-tuning an idea you have or are trying to perfect something. Unnecessary beliefs or habits are being removed or changed. Your efforts to organize and make sense of things. A fresh start in some area of your life where clarity and order are needed.

To dream of a new house represents a new perspective or mindset on a situation. A new perspective, mindset, or belief system that you're adopting or considering. A new way of thinking about something. A new situation may have become normal for you. A better way of living or seeing life. News ideas or lifestyle choices. A fresh start in life. Feelings about your life doing new things. A change in your life circumstances

To dream of an old house represents feelings about old perspectives, mindsets, or belief systems. A perspective or mindset that is experienced, tried, and trusted. An old way of thinking or living that you have outgrown, moved beyond, or that's not important anymore. A return to your old ways, familiar problems, or old belief systems. An aspect of your life that feels worn out, outdated, or neglected. A perspective on life that doesn't matter anymore. Feelings of stagnation, being stuck in the past, or resisting change in your life. A perspective that is established or firmly rooted in tradition. Feelings of old ways of living that are not important anymore. An old house that is still nice looking may reflect old-fashioned values or old-fashioned ways of living. A "classic" or timeless perspective on a situation.

To dream of being locked out of your house represents feelings of a mindset or perspective that you can no longer access or identify with. A situation that has changed and no longer feels familiar or welcoming. A loss of control or power in a familiar setting. Feelings of being unable to return to a familiar or comfortable situation. Feeling cut off from doing something you are supposed to do normally with confidence. You may feel excluded, rejected, or unable to access something that used to be normal for you. Feelings of rejection and insecurity. You may feel unable to feel as secure or confident as you wish. Feeling displaced beyond your control. Feeling alienated or disconnected from your usual way of thinking or feeling.

To dream of people moving into your home and claiming that it belongs to them represents feelings of your sense of normalcy being taken over by people or an unwanted situation that respects itself without thinking you will do anything to stop it. Feeling that you are not the owner of your own life or normal state of thinking. The feeling of being overwhelmed or invaded in your personal space or life. Feelings about a situation where you are experiencing other people asserting themselves in a way that feels too invasive or aggressive. Possibly a sign that you need to assert your boundaries more strongly or communicate your needs and rights more clearly to others. Anxieties about boundaries being crossed, a lack of privacy, or feeling dominated by someone else's influence or decisions. Feeling about someone imposing their beliefs, habits, or lifestyle on you. Feelings about problems taking over your life and being unable to do anything about it. Feelings of being usurped.

To dream of returning to a former home represents a return to an old or familiar way of thinking. A return to an old mindset or perspective on a situation. A perspective on life you've had before such as returning to old habits, jobs, relationships, or even going back to school. Alternatively, consider how the old home used to feel and how it may symbolize your current mindset.

To dream of someone else's house represents your mindset through the perspective of whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. Alternatively, other people's houses can also be a symbol for issues you have with those people.

To dream of colored houses represents your mind through the perspective of whatever the color represents. For example, a blue house symbolizes a positive mindset, and a red house symbolizes a passionate or dangerous mindset. See the themes section for more on colors.

To have your house broken into or robbed represents a problem, negative mindset, or bad habit that is robbing you of happiness, confidence, or integrity.

To dream of an abandoned house represents a mindset or perspective on life that has been neglected or left behind. A way of thinking about a situation that you or other people never believed was important ever again. You may feel that an aspect of your life or way of living that was once important is no longer being cared for or maintained. It can also reflect feelings about old ideas or ways of living that you no longer use. Feelings relationships, career ambitions, or lifestyle choices being neglected, forgotten, or unimportant.

Mansions or homes of wealthy people symbolize your state of mind when feeling powerful, in control, or achieving goals.

House numbers, and locations often add to the symbolism that describes how you are thinking, or feeling.

To dream of a former residence represents your state of mind based on your memories of that house. Consider the number of the house as well using dream numerology.

To dream of your parent's house represents your state of mind being one that is dealing with your conscience (father) about about right and wrong, and using your intuition (mother) to safely figure out how to solve a problem before it begins.

To dream of seeing a house being destroyed represents feelings of losing stability, security, or a sense of normalcy in your life. Feelings about an area of your life that you have become accustomed to coming to an end. Feelings about the ruination of a normal or stable perspective on a situation. Examples of life situations that may cause this kind of dream may be the loss of a job, loss of health, permanent injuries in an accident, or major changes in family life. Significant changes or the end of something that was once familiar and secure. Feelings of chaos, upheaval, or unexpected events that disrupt your usual way of thinking or living. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation that has been integral to your sense of identity or comfort. Significant changes or loss. The need to rebuild or adapt to new circumstances.

To dream of a broken or damaged house may represent feelings about instability, vulnerability, or issues that are negatively affecting your life. Having problems believing in being safe the way you are. Feelings about your life deteriorating or your identity threatened. You may feel that an important relationship, job, or situation is falling apart or in danger. Feelings about yourself experiencing a significant personal setback. A sense that a situation is becoming troubling. It may also reflect feelings about your body being injured. Something valuable in your life feels crushed or lost.

To dream of a part of your house being missing or removed represents feelings about having reduced function in some area of your life. Feeling that being normal isn't possible or that a part of your identity is missing. Feelings that the functioning of your life is not working as it should.

To dream of the front of a house with very long steps going up towards the front door represents feelings about a situation requiring a lot of effort to begin to feel normal or permanent. The necessary efforts or stages you must undertake to reach a state of normalcy. A lot of effort to stages required to begin to talk to someone. A lot of effort to begin something that isn't popular. The gradual progress you are making towards your goals. Each step may represent small achievements or necessary stages of growth that are leading you towards a more secure or satisfying position in life.

To dream of building a new house represents your efforts to create or establish a new sense of normal with your mindset, perspective, or way of living. Putting effort into creating a new way of being or improving yourself. Your desire to lay a solid foundation for your future, focusing on personal growth and development. Setting up for a more stable or positive future.

To dream of a messy house represents feelings of disorder, confusion, chaos, or neglect in your life with the normal state of affairs. Feelings of being overwhelmed, disorganized, or out of control. Unresolved issues, cluttered thoughts, or emotional baggage that you need to address in order to restore your normal perspective of a situation. Your personal life or mental state feeling chaotic. Unresolved emotional issues or the cluttering of your mind with too many thoughts or problems. A lack of focus in your waking life. Dealing with too many problems at once.

Example: A wealthy woman regularly dreamed of being in the old impoverished home of her youth. Whenever this dream occurred she was experiencing intense frustration in waking life. In this case, the poor home may have reflected her perspective on the frustrating situations where she felt powerless and lacking resources to fix problems as being a "new normal" with no chance of changing.

Example 2: An older woman dreamed of being locked out of a house. In waking life, she desired to be young again and felt that youth was gone forever. In this case, being locked out of the house may have reflected her feelings about being permanently excluded or left out from the perspective or experience of being young.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her house being badly burned and then slowly being restored. In waking life, she had sustained a serious injury to her arm and was awaiting surgery in the hospital. In this case, the house being burned and then slowly restored may have reflected her feelings about her normal perspective on life being about living with an injury, and experiencing this perspective slowly transform into a normal perspective of healing.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a house that was too small. In waking life, she felt that a relationship with a married man was too difficult to achieve because she was too young and not rich enough to be with him. In this case, the small house may have reflected her perspective on her situation having a normal state of being a lot more restricted and difficult than she wanted it to be due to her young age.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in an old house of her deceased grandparents. In waking life, she was newly single after a relationship. In this case, the old house of her grandparents may have reflected her perspective about returning to a perspective on being single as a "new normal" after breaking up.

*Please See Mansion.

*Please See Moving.

*Please See Address.

*Please See Glass House.

*Please See Home Improvements.

*Please See Property.

*Please See Abandoned House.

Housing Projects

To dream of housing projects represents a mindset or perspective on a situation where feeling that sharing is dangerous or detrimental to your wellbeing. Desperation or caution to not lose anything else you have.

Alternatively, a housing project may reflect how negative it feels to think that other people don't like you or want to share with you.

Example: A woman dreamed of moving into the projects with her ex-husband. In waking life she was finalizing her divorce from him and experiencing bickering over property.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in the housing projects. In waking life he finding that a friend wasn't as nice to him after he started to withhold business opportunities from this friend because he felt it was costing his own business too much money.


To dream of an igloo represents a perspective on a situation that is adapting to a terrible situation. You putting up with a big problem or terrible conditions and finding ways to deal with it. It may also reflect survival under the worst situation.


To dream of a kitchen represents preparations for an upcoming experience or event. It may also reflect plans you are making for later. A kitchen could signify a change or life experience that is about to occur. Kitchens in dreams often have intuitive or psychic elements, with anyone or anything you see in the kitchen symbolizing something that is about to happen.

Negatively, dreaming about a kitchen may represent your fears or concerns about the future. It could serve as a warning sign that the worst thing you can imagine is about to happen or that you may be facing consequences for your actions. The dream may also indicate that a crisis or challenging situation is about to occur.

To dream of your mother in a kitchen is one of the most potent intuitive or psychic symbols you can encounter. The combination of your mother and a kitchen represents your intuitive sense preparing you for a situation that is about to happen. Pay close attention to what your mother says or does in the kitchen, as it could serve as a warning, reflect your perception of safety regarding long-term decisions, or provide insight into what may soon transpire in your life.

To dream of cleaning the kitchen represents feelings of needing to be sure everything is problemless for whatever is happening next.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his Grandmother in a kitchen handing him cooked eggs. A few days later this man experienced his grandmother visiting him to force him to begin cleaning his yard.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his father in a kitchen and then falling down some stairs. A few days after the dream his father's health condition got worse.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing everything in his kitchen being smashed. In waking life he got very sick and lost hope for the future.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of having German stormtroopers come into her kitchen and open her oven making the oven repeat every word she ever said about the government. In waking life, she was living in Nazi Germany and feared that her plans for the future would look suspicious to the government and get her in trouble since so many rights had been taken away from German citizens.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in a kitchen while looking at a pamphlet about dance class lessons. In waking life, she was considering returning to dance lessons after a long break from it.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of being in his kitchen and being high on LSD talking about his hallucinations. In waking life, he had learned about LSD at school. In this case, the kitchen may be an intuitive or psychic warning that reflects the dreamer preparing to take LSD after learning about hallucinogenic drugs at school.

*Please See Cooking.

Living Room

To dream of a living room represents emotional comfort with accepting life or a situation the way it is. Usually a symbol for being very relaxed or unconcerned about an issue or situation. Thinking that nothing is wrong the current state of a situation. It may also reflect personal time. Feeling that you are done with the hard work of a situation and can comfortably accept it the way it is

Negatively, a living room may represent laziness or being too comfortable with a situation. Jealousy of losing an opportunity due to laziness or comfortably accepting a situation for too long.

Example: A woman dreamed of people walking into her living room and dumping piles of poop. In waking life she ran a counseling practice and was starting to feel that she was taking too much work home with her. The living room scenario reflected how she was too comfortable taking care of everyone else's problems during her personal time.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his brother sleeping in the living room. In waking life he in in between jobs and felt that being too comfortable with accepted his life the way it is may have cost him an opportunity.

*Please See Couch.


To dream of a loft storage space represents feelings about not having to care about something for the current moment. Thoughts or feelings about waiting for a reason for something to be important without feeling it is right now. A lack of structure and focus that doesn't think it's important for the current moment. "Lofty" ideas. A lot of ideas or plans not being used. Big ideas that don't matter.

To dream of a loft apartment represents a perspective on a situation that doesn't fear doing whatever it wants all the time. Lots of free time, few boundaries, and nobody telling you what to do. Feeling that nothing tells you what to do for the rest of your life. An attitude that responsibly notices it doesn't need structure or boundaries. A perspective on a situation that is more original than everyone else and doesn't need to listen. A perspective where "everything is all the time." Negatively, dreaming about a loft apartment may reflect a perspective where there is too much going on at once because of a lack of focus.

*Please See Attic.


To dream of a mansion represents your perspective on a situation where you are all-powerful, more resourceful than others, or experiencing better success than others. You may feel better, luckier, or more capable than other people in some way. You may have a sense of something wonderful or special happening in your life. A perspective on a situation where you feel it's impossible to be perceived by others as losing.

A mansion may also reflect feelings about how exceptionally resourceful, creative, or powerful you are. Feeling that big achievements or adept skills are always easy for you. Feelings about being a leader, boss, or head of the family.

Mansions in dreams may also reflect your feelings about people in your life that you feel are too powerful, too important, or resourceful to ever be forced to listen to you. Someone in your life that enjoys more power than you of which you can never stop. Possibly a reflection of your feelings about your boss. Feelings about someone in your life that never loses.

Relationship wise, a mansion in a dream may reflect feelings about being noticed by others as having a perfectly happy relationship that is impossible to breakup. Feeling that you are perceived by others as having a lucky perfect relationship with a "soul mate." Relationships where you feel you are a "show couple" or "power couple."

Example: A young man dreamed of being inside a beautiful mansion and being surprised to find out that he owned it. In waking life he had discovered that he had natural talent for art that was better than average people. He was shocked by how exceptionally talented he was. He couldn't stop drawing pictures that impressed people.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a mansion that was run down on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. In waking life she had told her boyfriend very painful truths that caused damage to their relationship and feared a breakup. The mansion with the exterior damage and beautiful interior may have reflected her feelings about herself being perceived by others as having to accept flaws to her reputation for having a perfect relationship that was originally perceived to be too good to ever break up. She would have to accept being viewed by others as having a strong relationship without an appearance of perfect happiness.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of walking into a mansion. In waking life she tried to talk to her boss on a personal level, but her boss had no interest in talking to her at all.

*Please See Houses.


To dream of a mantle represents feelings of respecting yourself completely for who you are. It may also symbolize your feelings about reputation, image, status or prestige. Feeling that nothing is wrong with your life and everyone thinks that as well. Not allow the negativity of others to undermine your confidence in pursuing your goals. The mantle can represent the role you play in your family or community, and the burden of responsibility that comes with it. Not wanting to look stupid for the rest of your life because you deserve it. Pride that everything you ever did in your life is important to you now.

Negatively, dreaming about a mantle may represent overdoing respecting your reputation, image, status, or prestige.

To dream of writing a letter on a mantle may represent a desire to communicate this message in a more formal, permanent way, further amplifying the sense of threat and intimidation. Legal threats.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a big picture of herself in a wedding gown on her mantle place. In waking life whenever she started to date someone new, her old friend would show up to tell her why it was doomed to failure without giving a reason. He has done this twice in a year already. The dreamer has met someone new and really believes she has a strong chance with her new boyfriend for marriage and children. In this case the mantle may have reflected her sense of pride and achievement in her desire to settle down and get married. The big picture of herself in a wedding gown represents her ideal image of herself as a bride.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone from his past standing near a mantle, writing a letter on top of it while making threatening remarks to the dreamer about potential consequences for exposing embarrassing information about them related to current events. In waking life, the dreamer was considering whether to confront this person from his past despite the risks of retaliation. The mantle in the dream may represent the dreamers feelings about the person from his past respecting themselves completely for who they were regarding reputation and image. Writing the letter may have reflected legal threats the dreamer felt from the person from his past.


To dream of a mall represents your search for acceptable roles, choices, beliefs, and ideas. A time in which you are establishing your identity and making choices that will effect your sense of self. Being in mall symbolizes decisions, or preferences that make you who you are. A mall represents social settings, or social development where you are exploring options, or decisions about what you want or who you will become. It reflects the manner in which you go about getting what you want in life or choices that define who you are.

A dream of a mall can show up when you are deciding who you want to date, making changes to your lifestyle, or experiencing changes in your personality.

The stores in a mall symbolize states of mind with themes that are symbolic based on your feelings or perceptions of those stores. For example a store such as the GAP could symbolize a more proper or conservative lifestyle choice, where as a more urban clothing store may symbolize a more desirous personality choice.

Sales people in a mall represents aspects of your personality that are attempting to convince you of a choice, belief, or idea that you are considering.

*Please See Salesperson.

*Please See Shopping.

*Please See Store.

Master Bedrooms

To dream of a master bedroom represents feelings about private thoughts with a sense of holding authority, control, or mattering first. A sense of leadership, superiority, or importance with private issues, where you feel that your issues or concerns take precedence over those of others. Feelings about being the boss or leader of a situation while keeping an issue private. Privacy or secrets that where you feel a sense of being in charge. Keeping your thoughts or plans to yourself without feeling guilty or obligated to explain yourself to others. Privately prioritize your own needs. Experiencing yourself having private thoughts on issues where you feel that you are more important than other people or that your issues are more important than other issues. Controlling yourself by not talking about your private thoughts about important issues because it might embarrass or scare people that they don't have as much importance or authority as you. A sense of being richer than other people that doesn't have to talk about your problems or goals with people you have authority over.

Positively, dreaming of a master bedroom may represent feelings of being secure, in control, and confident in managing your personal affairs. Feeling safe to do whatever you want without revealing personal thoughts. You might feel empowered to deal with personal issues on your own terms, without worrying about judgment or needing approval from others. Feeling that you are in a position of emotional maturity and leadership with your personal affairs.

Negatively, dreaming of a master bedroom may represent feelings of selfishness, arrogance, or detachment, where you may be overly focused on your own needs or desires at the expense of others. Feelings of superiority where you believe that your personal issues are more important than those of others.

Example: A man dreamed of a man urinating in his master bedroom bathroom. He was sure a man was using the toilet. He got up to investigate but never found a man. In waking life, he was suspicious of his housewife cheating on him because she was home all day while he was at work. He wanted to cheat on her due to his wife being unable to get pregnant. In this case, the master bedroom bathroom may have reflected his private thoughts about wanting to cheat on his wife in order to get pregnant with someone else while not thinking of her as important for the rest of his life while suspecting that she was covering up her own cheating and not respecting him as more important either.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in her master bedroom rubbing her sister's head. Her sister was a child when in real life her sister was an adult. She thinks about her dead mother and begins to cry. Her sister cries with her. In waking life, she was about to undergo surgery for a hysterectomy and her mother recently died. In this case, the master bedroom may have reflected her private thoughts about herself fearing death and her emotional vulnerability, while being an older sister who didn't want to scare her younger sister after their mother’s death.

Mental Hospital

To dream of being in a mental hospital represents difficulty adjusting your core beliefs or values. You may feel that change is being forced on you. You may be experiencing unpleasant reperscussions or consequences for your beliefs or actions. A situation in your life that limits your freedom and demands proof that you've changed. A situation that may require more discipline or moral strenghth than you are used to.

A mental hospital may be a sign that there is a need for adjustment to your core beliefs or values. A symbol that may appear if you were caught cheating on a partner, committed a crime, were suspended, or grounded by your parents. A situation that is forcing you to correct yourself and may feel like it's punishing you until you do.

To dream of checking yourself into a mental hospital represents your acknowledgement of a problem. Self-discipline or proactive measures to adjust your habits.  You may be admitting that you have a problem or are reaching out for help.

To dream of escaping a mental hospital represents resistance to change or disciplinary actions. You have no interest in adjusting core values or beliefs. You may be avoiding the consequences of your actions. It may also be a sign that you are mentally or emotionally ill-equipped to confront your problems. Having to change may be a low priority for you.

To dream of being caught escaping a mental hospital represents consequences or reprecssions that you can't avoid. You are being forced to change core beliefs or values. You may feel that change in unavoidable and limiting you.

To dream of an abandoned mental hospital is sign that you given up trying to change yourself. It may also reflect a disciplinary action that no longer imposes itself on you.

*Please See Asylum.

Mobile Home

To dream of a mobile trailer home represents a perspective on a situation being temporary all the time. No concern for appearances while you endure a temporary situation.

Negatively, a mobile home may reflect embarrassment that problems that should be temporary are dragging out. Feeling that you are a loser permanently stuck in a situation that should be temporary. Feeling that a temporary problem is becoming an obvious permanent problem. Feeling like a loser that talks about their problems being temporary when the problems never go away. Feeling like a loser that has to keep making excuses for why temporary problems don't go away.

To dream of a trailer park filled with mobile homes represents a group mindset of people who are living under temporary conditions. Negatively, dreaming about a mobile homer trailer park may reflect feelings about being surrounded by losers who refuse to admit that they are losers. Pathetic excuses to why success never happens. Feelings about yourself or someone else having low standards for success. Low standards for friends. Feeling surrounded by pathetic failures or overconfident idiots. Feeling surrounded by unsuccessful people.

Example: A woman dreamed of living in a mobile home. In waking life she was temporarily unemployed with no idea when she would get a new job. She felt like a loser in this temporary state of unemployment.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing people walking into a mobile trailer home. In waking life he was hiding a serious health problem that was causing hair loss from his friends and family. He wore a hat while convincing himself that the problem was temporary and he could fix it on his own. He kept living in this state for 10 years.


To dream of a motel represents a perspective on a situation where you feel the need to use someone temporarily. Feeling that can do whatever you want as long as someone else isn't bothered by it. Freedom to do things by yourself as long as certain conditions are met.

Negatively, a motel may be a sign that you feelings of embarrassment that you need to use a resource or person. Humiliation or annoyance for having to temporarily move back into with your parents.

Example: A young man dreamed of being in a motel and being scared. In waking life due to financial problems he was temporarily living at home with his mother and was scared he would become a loser who would never move out.


To see an office in your dream represents seriousness about something you are thinking. You may be spending a lot of time studying something or improving yourself in some way. Being very focused on figuring out problems, and working towards a future goal. A time of self-improvement, or personal growth.

To dream of your father in an office may reflect your serious decisions you are considering. A serious focus on studying what is right or wrong. Your conscience is "at work." Focusing on a problem or finding things about yourself that you can improve. It may also reflect conflict with serious decisions you are making. Feeling that a previous choices are overshadowing your current focus.

Example: A woman dreamed of her office being closed. In waking life she was in the process of changing careers, but felt she had to come to her job to please her clients.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in his home office with his father. In waking life he was studying hard in religious school about what is considered oral and what isn't.


To dream of a pantry represents feelings about your reserves, resources, or readiness to deal with life's demands with a sense of never being embarrassed running out of whatever you need. Feelings about being resourceful or prepared enough to not have to ask for help or deal with anyone else's problems in order to do things yourself or deal with problems on your own. Your ability to safely prolong avoiding being jealous of "running out" ideas, options, or excuses that sustain a current situation. Resourcefulness that temporarily allows you to avoid jealousy or being desperate of being unable to keep a situation comfortably sustained.

Negatively, dreaming about a pantry may represent relying on lies to comfortably sustain a facade or lie without anyone being aware of it for a little bit longer while being aware that you can't continue forever. Awareness of nobody else being aware of you comfortably sustaining a lie or running out of excuses yet.

To dream of hiding in the pantry may represent thoughts about hiding or avoiding a problem using your resources or solutions you've stored up. Prolonging avoiding the jealousy of telling the truth with every lie or excuse available because it's easier.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a little boy who had a boyfriend talking and eating with each other inside a pantry. In waking life, she was keeping a very negative part of her life hidden from her boyfriend and it was just getting worse and worse. In this case, the pantry may have reflected her feelings about temporarily avoiding jealousy of needing to tell the truth by using every available lie or resource for as long as she could comfortably sustain keeping the lie hidden.

Parking Lot

To dream of a parking lot represents an issue or situation in your life that you are stuck in. It reflects an inability or unwillingness to move on or overcome a problem.

To dream that you are walking through an empty parking lot represents problematic area of your life that you are slowly getting through.

Example: A woman dreamed of fearing being attacked while she stood in a parking lot. In waking life she was considering leaving her husband because of physical abuse. The parking lot reflected her inability to make a final decision on the issue of leaving her husband.

Parquet Flooring

To dream of parquet flooring represents feeling about how you comfortably conduct yourself or manage yourself in a situation with a pattern happening all the time with a distinct or personal approach that's different than other people. Feelings of "doing whatever you have to do" in order to make your life work without a problem while appreciating a unique or stylish sense of order, consistency, or personal approach. The patterned nature of the parquet floor may reflect your appreciation for structure, design, or a routine that feels distinctive in your life.

Negatively, parquet flooring in a dream may represent a tendency to be overly concerned with appearances and comfortably maintaining a sense of control in a way that distances you from others. A preoccupation with doing things "your way" and ignoring the perspectives or needs of others, creating disconnection.

Example: A woman dreamed of parquet flooring being wet. In waking life, she was experiencing problems with her business. In this case, the parquet flooring may have reflected her feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about her ability to comfortably maintain her unique way of managing her business in a way that was different than other people. The wet floor symbolizes uncertainty or challenges threatening her well-established routines or sense of control.

*Please See Floor.


To dream of a patio represents your openness about yourself. An attitude of not thinking that anything really matters. Feeling you can freely say whatever you want.

Negatively, a patio may be a sign that you are too comfortable or interested in talking about yourself.

To dream of patio doors being open represents a willingness to be open about yourself. Closed doors may be a sign that you or someone else is not quite ready to be open about themselves.

*Please See Backyard.

*Please See Deck.


To dream of a penthouse unit in a apartment building or condo represents a perspective on a situation being the highest status, most successful, or as advanced as possible while sharing concerns. A perspective on situation that is comfortable to the highest degree possible while sharing problems. Feeling perfectly successful, but not perfectly independent. Feeling that you are at the pinnacle of some area of your life with responsibilities or problems left to deal with. A perspective on a situation that is as high or advanced as you are going to get while still having to deal with other people's problems or lingering responsibilities. Enjoying feeling that nothing can stop you, while still caring about lingering issues.

Negatively, dreaming about a penthouse unit in an apartment building or condo represents feelings of being annoyed that you'd have to think of someone else's problems ever again while being unable to perfectly avoid it. Annoying yourself that you'd have to stop enjoying yourself being the most successful or independent you'd ever been to notice someone else's problems. A situation that should feel perfect, but isn't.

Example: A young girl dreamed of killing the CEO of a company and then being in a penthouse apartment. In waking life she had just broken up with an abusive narcissistic boyfriend and was trying to move on. The penthouse symbolism in this case may have have reflected her mindset being comfortably over her ex-boyfriend to the highest degree while still feeling forced to think of him or deal with issues related him. She felt perfectly happy to be independent and was annoyed to have to think of her ex-boyfriend at all.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her mother in a beautiful New York penthouse apartment. In waking life she was considering taking a Ph.D program in another country while currently taking care of her mother. In this case the penthouse apartment may have reflected her feelings about being as successful as she ever could be in her current life while being ready to move on with her education and simultaneously having to feel the need to take care of her mother.


To dream of house porch represents situations, behavior, or issues that you are intentional about. Caring about knowing you're doing something. It may also reflect an area of your life where you are purposely trying to be noticed for something.

Negatively, a porch may reflect bad intentions you care about being noticed by others or problems you care about never having to do anything about.

Example: A man had a recurring theme in his dreams about being on his front porch. In waking life he was a television host. The front porch in his dreams reflects his mindset about being famous and on display. Issues he had to concern himself with because of being famous.

Public Bathroom

To dream of a public bathroom represents feelings about limited privacy or discretion while getting rid of or moving on from problems in a social or public setting. Not wanting to discuss what you are doing to get rid of your problems while other people may be aware of it. Feelings of exposure or vulnerability in a social or public setting while trying to move on from problems. Not wanting other people thinking about your handling of problems more than they need to. Feelings of discomfort or awkwardness in social situations where personal matters or struggles are exposed or discussed. Feelings of pressure to conform to social expectations or norms when dealing with personal problems or challenges. Concerns about how much of your personal life you are forced to share in public or professional contexts.

Positively, dreaming about a public bathroom may represent a willingness to confront and address personal issues or emotions openly and honestly, even in the presence of others.

Negatively, dreaming about a public bathroom may represent feelings of shame, embarrassment, or discomfort about revealing intimate details or personal struggles to others. A fear of being judged or criticized for your vulnerabilities or shortcomings, leading to a desire to keep them hidden or private. Fears of exposure, embarrassment, or lack of privacy. Feeling that your personal boundaries are being invaded or that you are forced to deal with private issues in ways that make you uncomfortable. Struggling with the lack of privacy or control over personal matters.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being inside a stall in a public bathroom. In waking life, she had recently broken up with her boyfriend. In this case, being in the public bathroom stall may have reflected her feelings about wanting discretion while getting over her breakup with all her friends at school aware of it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a public bathroom. In waking life, she was having marital issues. In this case, the public bathroom may have reflected her feelings about wanting to avoid discussing her marital problems while she handled them without discussing the situation with friends or family.


To dream of a pyramid shape represents ascension of consciousness, elevation, progression, or working your way to the top. You are aware of your own progress, or a situation is allowing you to rise to a higher level. Personal growth, learning, ascent, or a system of hierarchy. Consciousness reaching toward spiritual illumination. A strong foundation while yearning for growth and self-actualization. Foundational values and the pinnacle of their ambitions.

Negatively, dreaming about a pyramid shape may represent feelings about an excessive focus on hierarchy, power, or control. Feeling that it's difficult to establish yourself at first. Feelings of being overshadowed by a legacy or an insurmountable history. Feelings about something that is so established that challenging it is impossible. An oppressive hierarchy or power structure in which you feel trapped. A rigid or authoritarian mindset that lacks flexibility or adaptability. Foundational issues that don't let you have opportunities. Confinement, oppression, and overwhelming challenges.

To dream of a pyramid with the top part or capstone missing may represent feelings of incompleteness, a lack of achievement, or a perceived inability to reach your full potential. It could symbolize unfulfilled goals, missed opportunities, or a journey that has been interrupted before reaching its climax. There may be an aspect of your life where you feel you've built a strong foundation but are still missing the final piece that represents the culmination of your efforts or beliefs. This might also reflect a leadership void, where there is no guiding force or principle driving your ambitions or unity within a group.

To dream of climbing a pyramid represents progress or the achievement of a goal through perseverance. Your effort, struggle, or journey toward self-improvement, enlightenment, or mastery. You may be undergoing a transformative experience, striving to overcome obstacles, and reaching for your highest goals or aspirations. Your ambition to advance in status, power, or recognition within a social or professional hierarchy. The pursuit of higher knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, or significant accomplishments.

Negatively, dreaming of climbing a pyramid represents a fear of failure, over-ambition, or becoming so consumed with your goals that you neglect other aspects of your life. The climb could feel endless or perhaps you are pursuing goals for the wrong reasons, such as desiring status or power for its own sake rather than personal fulfillment. Overcoming a rigid hierarchy. You may feel that your efforts are not being adequately rewarded or that you are constantly striving to reach an unattainable goal.

To dream of a red capstone on a pyramid represents intense energy, passion, or focus at the highest level of personal achievement or hierarchy. Red is often associated with passion, urgency, or significant action, suggesting that this aspect of your goals or experiences is marked by a profound sense of importance or culmination. Negatively, it may represent a higher level of achievement or knowledge that is becoming dangerous or corrupted.

To dream of Egyptian pyramids may represent an authoritative perspective of higher consciousness that wastes its time seeing itself as mattering anymore. Feelings about someone with authority at one time led you or gave you advice, but you waste your time talking to them anymore because you've learned to move on. A belief system, legacy, or knowledge that, despite its historical significance and grandeur, feels increasingly obsolete or disconnected from relevance in the present moment. Perhaps these are old successes, past ideologies, or even 'peak experiences' you've had, which now seem like distant, dusty memories rather than active, living parts of your present life. Such dreams might be inviting reflection on how you value your past, your achievements, and whether you consider them 'expired' or still capable of contributing to your present and future life. You may feel that certain authoritative or 'elevated' aspects of your life, such as career achievements, social status, or even spiritual accomplishments, no longer carry the weight or importance they once did. Acknowledging that some aspects of your past no longer serve you and it's time to build new edifices of meaning and purpose in your life.

To dream of a Mayan pyramid represents advancement or progression where nothing is fake about needing to take your time with effort or earning. A journey of growth that is both authentic and hard work. The monumental task of achieving real, authentic understanding and mastery in earned stages. The layers of learning and stages of progress needed to undergo. Feelings about the journey to knowledge and self-improvement is not a hasty one, but a gradual process requiring genuine commitment, step-by-step learning, and a solid foundation built on sincere effort and integrity.

To dream of standing on top of a Mayan pyramid represents achievement, fulfillment, and the wisdom gained through experience. You may be experiencing a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you've attained a new level of understanding, mastery, or awareness that was only possible through authentic and consistent effort. A new level of personal insight, spiritual enlightenment, or self-actualization. Realizations or achievements that were hard-earned and built upon a multitude of previous efforts or learnings. A culmination of your journey, experiences, and the wisdom you've gathered along the way.

To dream of climbing a Mayan pyramid represents working towards goals or achievements that require your unwavering authenticity, effort, and step-by-step progression.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the all-seeing eye above the Pyramids of Egypt shining a light down on top of them. In waking life, he had experienced an ayahuasca retreat for the first time, met God, asked him to talk to him permanently, and then traveled back home. He went home, missed the ayahuasca experience, but began to experience permanent hypnagogia. In this case, the Pyramids of Egypt may have reflected his feelings about meeting God though the hallucinogenic retreat experience not being as important anymore because he could hypo.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a 4-sides pyramid that was missing the top part. In waking life, he was a former US Marine who took measures to stop himself from dreaming. He only recently began to consider figuring out his dreams again. In this case, the pyramid that was missing the top part may have reflected his sense of incompleteness about ever having psychologically figured himself out completely.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a Mayan pyramid with a beautiful woman holding hands with a man standing at the top. In waking life, he had to spend a lot of time learning what dream symbolism meant with the highest standards of honesty possible before deserving to begin writing his own dream dictionary website. In this case, the Mayan pyramid may have reflected his feelings about the monumental task of achieving real, authentic understanding and mastery of dream interpretation. The pyramid's structural ascent might symbolize the layers of learning and stages of progress he needed to undergo.


To dream of a roof represents feelings of protection, security, and boundaries that keep you safe from experiencing problems, uncertainty, or disappointment from external influences in your life going overboard. Feelings about how well you are shielding yourself from life's hardships or the stressors that you face in waking life. The upper limits of what you believe is possible or allowable. Boundaries or limitations that you have set for yourself or that others have imposed upon you. A general sense of feeling adequately protected from harm or danger and that problems are never on top of you in your life. A sense of coverage or refuge from inadequacy from problems developing at all.

Positively, dreaming about a roof may represent a general sense of safety and security from problems, disappointments, or being ruined. A protective barrier against external problems.

Negatively, dreaming about a roof may represent limitations, restrictions, or ceilings on your aspirations and potential. Feeling that you have to behave or respect boundaries when you don't want to.

To dream of standing on the roof represents feelings about a lack of barriers to achieving goals with a sense of it being unusual that you would have to think about nothing stopping you without limits. You are noticing that things you want are happening without a limit while you control yourself. Nothing gets in the way of having what you want with a sense that it might be dangerous or get you in trouble if you aren't careful. Believing in yourself completely if you have to because you feel you deserve nothing to stop you.

To dream of a leaking roof represents problems with personal security, vulnerabilities in your life's structure, or emotional disturbances that are developing in your life. Feelings of uncertainty about long-term security that's starting to present itself when that's unusual in your life. Insecurity or vulnerability, as if you are not adequately protected from harm or danger when you usually feel that you are.

To dream of a hole in your roof represents feelings of vulnerability that is noticeable or causing you to worry. Disruptions in your sense of security, an exposure to negative influences, or a risk that has come into your life unexpectedly. Awareness of serious vulnerabilities or gaps in your security or life structure. Feelings that something critical is missing in your protection or safety. An indication that certain areas of your life need attention and repair to restore a sense of completeness and security. A crisis, a significant loss, or a profound change that threatens your sense of stability and security. Overwhelming stress, pressure, or challenges or that a situation is becoming too much to handle.

To dream of a collapsing roof represents feelings of a loss of protection or security. Feeling that the protective barriers in your life are failing or have failed, leading to a sense of imminent danger or chaos.

Example: A man dreamed of standing on his garage roof and watching fireworks go off. He then suddenly found himself inside his house covered in ashes with a hole in his ceiling. In waking life, he had just ended an extramarital affair with a woman he felt was fake. In this case, standing on the roof may have reflected his feelings of experiencing complete freedom in his extramarital activities as long as he was careful. He felt a temporary or exciting moment of having no boundaries in his marriage.


To dream of a room represents the personal space and boundaries you feel in a situation. What you feel you can or can't do in life. Close walls may reflect a lack of choice or ability to act. Distant walls may reflect lots of free time and options.

To dream of being inside a room you've never been in before represents the personal space and the boundaries you feel in a situation you've never experienced before.

Consider the type of room for additional meaning. Bedrooms are private thoughts, kitchens are preparation, bathrooms are issues with cleansing, and living rooms are issues you feel satisfied with.

To dream of an empty room represents an area of your life where nothing is happening. It may also it reflect feelings about starting over, previous conditions no longer feeling important, life situations or relationships ending. If the room was previously filled with furniture or objects but isn't anymore it may reflect feelings of emptiness or having no purpose. Feeling less comfortable within the boundaries of a situation.

To dream of a white room represents feelings about personal space or boundaries of a situation requiring you to be perfectly honest in your life. A room with white walls may also reflect life situations where you are confronting a lot of negativity or making a lot of personal change. A theme to your life that revolves around fixing problems you never got to fix before. Feeling that your entire life revolves around witnessing other people revealing their dishonest intentions to you over and over. A fear of not being perfectly honest at all times.

To dream of a white-walled bedroom may reflect a need to be perfectly honest in private. You may be privately concerned with trying to avoid embarrassing yourself or incriminating yourself. It may also reflect a lot of self-reflection, therapy, or personal changes you don't want others to know about. Secretly not liking how honest a situation is.

To dream of a messy bedroom represents feelings about a private area of your life being disorganized, out of control, or more irresponsible than what you project in public.

To dream of a room that you are familiar with completely changing represents feelings about what you can or can't do in a specific type of situation changing. The personal boundaries of an area of your life like work, home life, confidence in your abilities, privacy, and relationships may have changed.

Example: A man dreamed of being stuck in a room that was too small. In waking life, he felt trapped in debt. In this case, the room that was too small may have reflected his feelings of being financially constrained and limited in his ability to act freely or make choices due to his debt situation. The small room also symbolized the tight and uncomfortable personal space or boundaries he experienced because of his financial obligations.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a room with tall distant walls. In waking life, she was trying to get a divorce and her difficult husband was causing delays and making her do all the work. In this case, the tall distant walls reflected her feelings of the long and difficult process ahead of her to regain her personal freedom and space from her marriage. She may have felt that completing the divorce was an enormous challenge of getting anything done, as though she could never get close to her goal due to the time, cost, and professional requirements.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of an empty room. In waking life, her daughter had moved out on her own leaving her to live by herself. She felt like her life had no meaning anymore. In this case, the empty room may have reflected her feelings of emptiness and lack of purpose now that her daughter was no longer living with her. It may also reflect her feelings about her daughter moving beyond the boundaries of parental control and the personal space of home life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of all the rooms in her house getting larger. In waking life, she was in a late-term pregnancy and getting close to giving birth. In this case, the expanding room sizes may have reflected her feelings about numerous areas of her life becoming more important and complicated as the baby was close to being born.

Example 5: G. Gorden Liddy, the former chief of security for the President of the United States dreamed of being under siege while protecting a woman who lived in a house with 50 rooms. The 50 rooms inside the house in the dream may have reflected his feelings about the 50 US States. The entire dream was a reflection of his anxiety about protecting the President while he was responsible for managing the country.

Example 6: A man dreamed of walking into a room he was familiar with where suddenly everything had changed in the room. In waking life, he had been working on a difficult problem at work and experienced a big breakthrough that changed how his career and work atmosphere felt. In this case, the changed room may have reflected his feelings about his work environment and career path feeling completely different after solving a major problem. The transformation of the room symbolized the shift in his professional life, where he went from struggling with a difficult issue to experiencing a newfound sense of control, success, and possibilities.

*Please See Secret Rooms.

Rooming House

To dream of a rooming house represents a perspective on a situation that requires you to put up with other people's ideas or needs all the time. You may feel like can't ever let go or enjoy yourself.

Alternatively, a rooming house may reflect a current living situation with people you don't really like.

Example: A woman dreamed of leaving a rooming house. In waking life family members that she didn't like finally moved out.


To dream of a shack represents feelings about an area of your life that feels neglected, low-quality, or lacking in resources. A situation where you feel that you are getting by with the bare minimum to sustain yourself or cope with a problem. A situation where things feel unstable, temporary, or improvised. Thoughts about something in your life that isn't being given enough attention, effort, or support. Feelings you or someone else who is experiencing financial issues. A desire to move out of a dysfunctional or worsening home life.

Positively, dreaming about a shack may represent humility, resourcefulness, or making the best of limited means. Your ability to endure or succeed despite difficult circumstances or a lack of comfort. You may feel content or proud of your ability to make things work without needing luxuries or external validation.

Negatively, dreaming about a shack could represent feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or embarrassment about your current life situation. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, or feeling ashamed of your accomplishments or living conditions. Struggling with a sense of being "less than" others or living below your potential. Experiencing lots of issues with being unable to afford to maintain a stable home life due to financial issues. Dealing with unemployment. Poverty, low self-esteem, or fear of not meeting societal expectations for success and comfort.

Example: An older man dreamed of living in a shanty town with shacks that were crudely built. In waking life, he had been unemployed for over a year while trying to find work. In this case, the shacks may have reflected his feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment with his life where he felt that he was getting by with the bare minimum and struggling to improve his circumstances.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of living in a shack with her parents and sisters while her father was possessed by an evil spirit. In waking life, her father had to move to a rehab facility for alcoholism due to a DUI arrest. Her mother was a housewife who was forced to take care of the family home expenses while dealing with her own health problems. Her parents were in their 60's. In this case, the shack may have reflected her feelings of insecurity and instability due to the family's financial struggles and the emotional burden of her father's addiction. She may have also felt neglect of their home life and the difficulty in maintaining a sense of normalcy while dealing with multiple family problems.


To dream of a shower represents a renewal, or a fresh start. A shower symbolizes something you are thinking, or something that is happening in your waking life that is allowing you to relieve a burden or stress of some kind. Something may have happened that allows you to stop worrying.

If you can't find a shower, or have difficulty using one it symbolizes a burden or emotional difficulties that are holding you back.

Negatively, a shower may reflect negative or dishonest actions that improve your life in some way. Feeling that your social standing changes from a loser to a winner because you did something illegal or took drugs around people who pressured you. Awareness of yourself becoming a winner because you are choosing to change your life with an illegal decision.

Example: A young girl dreamed of being in a shower and pulling out her teeth. In waking life she felt that she was getting more respect from her friends after taking drugs for the very first time.

Example 2: A man had recurring dreams of being in his shower. In waking he was experiencing recurring bouts of anxiety that would fade away after a period of time leaving him feeling better about himself.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a shower. In waking life was experiencing a serious complication with his health slowly going away.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of crying in the shower. In waking life she felt that she was emotionally stable moving on from her mother's death and then suddenly found it difficult to get over her mother's death after thinking about her for too long.

Example 5: A man dreamed of walking towards a shower and then being told that he didn't need to so he turned around. In waking life, the man thought he was going to have to go to the hospital for a serious health condition, but his health stabilized at the last minute. In this case, the shower may have reflected his feelings about thinking he needed to go to the hospital to get medical assistance to restore his body to normal function.

*Please See Soap.

*Please See Bathtubs.

*Please See Bubble Bath.


To dream of a skyscraper represents accomplishments, high ideals, or power. Being recognized for your superior achievements, resources, or talents. You view of yourself or others as superior. An area of your life where you feel you have risen above others. Elevated social or professional status.

Negatively, a skyscraper may reflect your sense of total power superiority over others or a feeling that someone else's power towers over yours.

To dream of building a skyscraper represents you view of yourself or someone else that is working towards a high level of recognized achievement, status, or power. Working hard to be noticed as the powerfullest, most skilled, or best in your field. Trying hard to elevate your status above others.

Women commonly dream of skyscrapers at the end of the pregnancies. This may reflect their heightened sense of accomplishment at being a mother. Woman also commonly dream of standing on skyscrapers when they get pregnant and have to consider taking maternity leave. They may reflect anxiety about hurting their careers while taking time off.

Example: A woman dreamed of her comfortable country home being surrounded by skyscrapers in the middle of the city. In waking life she was a lawyer who felt that all the men in her firm were getting better treatment because they were all partners in the firm and paid better.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of standing on a very narrow skyscraper. In waking life she was very happy with her career achievements, but also pregnant and knew she would have to stop working soon.

Example 3: A man dreamed of sitting on top of a skyscraper. In waking life he was finished a book waiting for public attention.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a man walking on the top of skyscraper. In waking life the man was experiencing an enormous amount of success running a company. In this case the skyscraper may have reflected his feelings of superior achievement.


To dream of stairs represents slow or incremental progress in a situation. It may also reflect an increase or decrease in your confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way.

Negatively, stairs in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about the need for responsible growth or having to wait to grow up before you can do something more serious or adult, or a slow hard learning process.

Going upstairs often represents improvement, achievement, or reaching higher levels of awareness and understanding. You are making progress emotionally, spiritually, or materially. If you have problems going up stairs it may symbolize trouble being unable to make progress in your life. Going upstairs may also symbolize a struggle or challenge you must endure to reach a higher level of understanding, success, or power. Improving "one step at a time. Slow learning process.

Going downstairs often represents emotional regression or a situation that is getting worse. For example, walking into your basement may symbolize regressing into darker aspects of your unconscious thoughts. Possibly a waking life situation is becoming more stressful or unpleasant to deal with. Walking down stairs may also symbolize the easing of conditions as a challenge or struggle ends. You may be slowly dealing with challenges to reach a bigger problem.

To dream that you walk up or down the stairs of your home towards another floor symbolizes a new mindset or emotional state. Deciding to do something different. The stairs themselves in this case may not be as relevant as where it is you are going. For example, moving from your bedroom down the stairs to the kitchen may reflect your readiness to do something different about a very private issue you have been keeping to yourself.

To dream of very long stairs in the front of a house may reflect feelings about a lot of effort required to experience something. A lot of work, effort, or improvements are required in order to achieve stability with a goal.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing children going up and down stairs. In waking life, he was blind and experiencing recurring cycles of her eyesight getting better and then worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of moving from his bedroom, downstairs, and then going into the kitchen. In waking life, he was preparing to face his biggest fear which was revealing a very dark personal secret.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of her mother turning into an angry octopus while standing on stairs that were behind her. In waking life, he felt that her mother was aggressively trying to stop her from dating boys. The stairs behind her in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her mother's view of her not being grown up enough and having to return to a slower process of growing up before she should date boys while she felt she was "past that growing up phase."

Example 4: A woman dreamed of beautiful oak stairs. In waking life, she was pregnant and aware of herself being very close to giving birth.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being led upstairs by a girl with a perfect body. In waking life, he was slowly improving a situation.

Example 6: A man dreamed of walking downstairs and at the end the stairs have water on them and begin to crumble. In waking life, he had a 22-year-old daughter whom he felt needed a lot of growing up to do. Walking down the stairs with water and crumbling at the end may have reflected his feelings about his parental role slowly becoming easier with age and then suddenly feeling like he's accomplished nothing when he discovered how childish his 22-year-old daughter still is.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of trying to walk up a new never before used staircase and was having trouble doing so. In waking life, she was diagnosed with diabetes and was having trouble improving her health by maintaining an exercise regime.

*Please See Spiral Staircase.


To dream of stucco represents you or someone else that wants to be noticed and admired. There may be something you'd like recognition for or something positive you want people to associate with you.


To dream of the suburbs represents a mindset that is comfortable, safe, or predictable. Certain areas of your life are problem free. A mindset that is sheltered from serious activity or danger. Situations where you feel loved all the time.

Negatively, suburbs in a dream may reflect sensitivity about noticing anything wrong in your life at all.

To dream of leaving the suburbs represent being out of your comfort zone, or the beginning of an unpleasant or stressful situation. Feelings of being sheltered and then having to leave those feelings.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a Japanese suburb. In waking life her pregnancy started to get risky so her doctor ordered her to rest at home for 2 weeks to avoid a miscarriage.

The White House

To dream of The White House represents a perspective on a situation that has total authority, power, and control over decision-making of a free state of mind. A state of mind that feels free from constraints and able to lead, dictate terms, and think freely with free will. A desire for personal freedom, autonomy, or the pursuit of your own goals without limitations. The freedom to implement ideas and the authority to influence broader strategies. The ability to exercise control over your life or make decisions with clarity and confidence. Confidence in not having to think about a single thing that you don't want to. Feelings about being in control of yourself while being in control of what you think as well.

Negatively, dreaming about The White House may represent feelings of not being a total authority over your own thoughts or decisions. Scenarios where you doubt your free will over personal, professional, or social circumstances, reflecting an internalized struggle with self-esteem or assertiveness. Frustration or insecurity stemming from the realization that you are not the ultimate authority on your mental narrative or that external factors, doubts, or other influences are imposing upon your decision-making power. Anxiety about losing the 'commanding lead' over your own life direction or principles.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing The White House off in the distance. In waking life, he was close to getting a big promotion at work. In this case, The White House may have reflected the man's anticipation of the increased authority, autonomy, and decision-making power he would obtain in his job.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing the front of The White House blocked off by a big black iron fence with a red stripe across it. In waking life, he was experiencing the most powerful hallucinations of his life which prevented him from leaving the house or living his life normally in any way at all. In this case, The White House may have reflected the man's recognition of a significant barrier to his personal freedom, control, and autonomy due to his debilitating hallucinations. The White House, a symbol of control and authority, being blocked off by a big black iron fence with a red stripe, might represent the perceived insurmountable obstacles in his mental state, hindering his ability to exercise control over his life or make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Example 3: A man dreamed of standing outside The White House and then experiencing UFO spaceships landing to pick up all his family, except his father. In waking life, he was experiencing strange visions along with witnessing repeating number patterns everywhere he went. In this case, The White House may have reflected his feelings about himself initially having total control over his mind as a rational free thinker, while the UFOs symbolize a challenge to this perspective due to all his strange visions.

Thrift Store

To dream of a thrift store represents feelings about decision-making or options that consider the value of being frugal, resourceful, or appreciating what others may discard. Thoughts about the importance of conservation, frugality, or making the most of what you have. Your ability to find value in the old or overlooked, and your creativity in reusing or repurposing what is available to you. Taking advantage of people or options that are unwanted by other people. Using a discarded or unloved area of your life to benefit yourself. Exploiting something that nobody else wants to help yourself. Needing or wanting to make do with what's available. Recognizing the value in something that others may overlook or discard.

Negatively, dreaming about a thrift store represents feelings of being limited by your current resources or circumstances. Perhaps you feel constrained by your financial situation. Resourcefulness or frugality that uses people who are unimportant or overlooked by society (e.g. elderly).

Example: A man dreamed of stealing from a thrift store. In waking life, he asked his very elderly and lonely grandfather for money when his family told him not to. In this case, stealing from the thrift store may have reflected feelings about exploiting" his grandfather's loneliness and vulnerability for his own financial gain, akin to taking advantage of something unwanted or discarded by others.


To dream of a toilet represents feelings about the ability or opportunity to safely not have to embarrass yourself moving on from problems without having to think of them again. A wish to properly eliminate troubles, concerns, or negative situations while safely not causing further problems. Trying to get rid of psychological waste from your past or move on from a problem without it coming back to you. Negative beliefs or experiences that you wish to let go of. You may have personal issues, bad habits, or life situations that are ready to be given up. Relieving yourself of something in your life that you feel you don't need anymore. Telling the truth after having told a lie. Properly dealing with problems in a relationship and moving on from it.

To dream of being unable to find a toilet or that they are all used up represents frustrations that inhibit your ability to safely not have to embarrass yourself moving on from problems without having to think of them again. Too many distractions or obstacles getting in the way to eliminate a problem you have.

To dream of the only toilet available being out in the open view of others represents a lack of privacy or personal time while trying to safely avoid embarrassing yourself moving on from problems. People in living situations with diminished privacy commonly have this dream. Feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or embarrassment about people witnessing you moving on from personal issues in a public or social setting.

To dream of cleaning a toilet represents feelings about ensuring that nothing is unsafe or embarrassing about old problems preventing you from safely moving on from current problems without having to think about them again. Preparing yourself for a clean break with something negative or undesirable. Feelings about deserving to respect yourself not having old problems prevent you from moving on from current problems.

To dream of flushing a toilet represents feelings about the final act of safely moving on from problems without having to think about them again. Undesirable situations or problems that you are letting go of. Getting rid of something that you don't like or value anymore. "Flushing" bitterness away. Moving on. Growing up.

To dream of a clogged or backed-up toilet represents problems or setbacks that are holding back progress. You can't move on from a problem. Emotional entanglements.

To dream of fixing a clogged or backed-up toilet represents efforts to clear out lingering issues and move forward from past conflicts in a healthy manner. Fixing relationship problems with a long overdue talk allowing you to interact without old resentments spilling over into current interactions.

To dream of an overflowing toilet represents being overwhelmed by the accumulation of unresolved problems and the inability to manage or contain these problems, leading to a sense of being inundated or unable to cope.

To dream of being unable to find a toilet available may represent feelings of personal needs of having to move on from problems being unable to be met due to other people's needs always coming first. Feeling short-changed or lacking the equal time for moving on from personal issues that others have. You may need more privacy, self-care, or self-expression. Feelings of frustration, urgency, or desperation in moving on from a problem or relieving yourself. Feeling unable to address a pressing issue, leaving you feeling stuck or anxious. A lack of resources, support, or opportunities to deal with something that is troubling you.

To dream of a toilet seat cover (padding or plastic wrap on the seat) represents feelings about the need for additional protection or comfort when moving on from problems without having to think of them again.

To dream of a toilet seat being up represents feelings about relieving yourself of a problem as fast as you can without having to relax or think about it.

To dream of a toilet seat down represents feelings about relieving yourself of a problem while taking your time relaxing or thinking about it.

To dream of dirtying a toilet seat may reflect sloppiness when moving on or relieving yourself of problems.

Example: A woman dreamed of fixing a backed-up toilet. In waking life, she had finally restored civility and friendship with her ex-husband after years of bitterness. In this case, fixing the backed-up toilet may have reflected her efforts to clear out lingering issues and move forward from past conflicts in a healthy manner, allowing both of them to interact without old resentments spilling over into their current interactions.

Example 2: A man dreamed of wanting a toilet but realized it was upstairs so he didn't bother with it. In waking life, he was meeting up with an old friend from college and was nervous about lying about his achievements after college. He was considering telling the truth, but decided it was too embarrassing to do so. In this case, the toilets may have reflected his desire to relieve himself of the burden of lying about his achievements.

Example 3: A man dreamed of an overflowing toilet. In waking life, he felt overwhelmed by problems as he had to fix other people's problems as well as his own. In this case, the overflowing toilet may have reflected the man's feelings of being overwhelmed by the accumulation of unresolved problems, both his own and those of others. He may have also felt the inability to manage or contain these problems, leading to a sense of being inundated or unable to cope.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her friend having problems using the toilet and needing to be checked in on. In waking life, this person was experiencing her friend being very insecure about needing to lose weight. In this case, her friend having problems using the toilet may have reflected her friend’s difficulties with letting go of personal insecurities related to her body image.

Example 5: A man dreamed of having to use a toilet that had windows all around it with people looking in. In waking life, he was experiencing a very awkward and embarrassing personal problem being exposed to people he knew.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of clothing being placed in a toilet and needing to get it out. In waking life, she felt that people were not respecting her after giving her the impression that they were. She felt used and embarrassed. In this case, the clothes being placed in the toilet and needing to get them out may have reflected the woman's feelings about her role or personality being disrespected and demeaned as though she should choose to never speak of herself as important ever again.

*Please See Bathrooms.

*Please See Public Bathroom.


To dream of a treehouse represents feelings about a waking life situation or relationship that safely allows you to have feelings of nostalgia, freedom, escape, or independence that ignores your normal life perspective. Playing with an idea or perspective in life that will never be adult or realistic.

Positively, dreaming about a treehouse may represent a refuge from the complexities of daily life, providing comfort, solace, or a special place for personal thoughts, creativity, or memories. A period of self-discovery, learning, personal development, or a conscious choice to isolate one's thoughts or emotions from outside influences. Cherished childhood memories or aspirations, an inventive spirit, or a unique perspective on life.

Negatively, dreaming of a treehouse may represent avoidance or escapism, where you're avoiding reality, responsibilities, problems, or conflicts in your waking life. A reluctance to face reality or a tendency to isolate yourself from others when you should be addressing important issues. Consider whether you are using the treehouse as a means to avoid necessary confrontations or responsibilities. Never being allowed to think of a situation or relationship in a realistic way while enjoying a moment of playing with it in your mind. Enjoying a moment of unrealistic emotional respite while thinking of a secure relationship with an ex-partner during a moment of trouble in a new relationship.

Dreams of treehouses are common to people thinking or communicating with former love interests. This may reveal feelings of playing with forbidden emotions in a "safe" space, separate from your real-life obligations.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of sitting on the front porch of her ex-boyfriend's treehouse while they sat together in silence enjoying each other's company. In waking life, she missed her ex, but was currently experiencing frustrations while being involved in a current relationship. In this case, the ex-boyfriend's treehouse may have reflected her state of mind allowing her to feel comforted by her past relationship while ignoring the complexities or frustrations of her current one. Thinking about her ex-boyfriend became a mental and emotional retreat where she could reconnect with the positive feelings she used to have, providing a temporary escape from her present relationship challenges. The treehouse symbolized a nostalgic space where the past relationship was idealized, offering emotional solace and a sense of freedom from her current dissatisfaction.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of looking out a window across a lake to see a tree with a big treehouse on it. In waking life, she was thinking about summertime life at the lake being left behind as school started. The lake was a place where she and her friends hung out every summer. In this case, the treehouse may have reflected her desire to escape from the responsibilities of school and her day-to-day life, longing for the carefree and fun-filled days she enjoyed at the lake with her friends. It represented a form of escapism and nostalgia for a simpler and more enjoyable time in her life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a treehouse and seeing a former love interest in a black bikini. She chased her. In waking life, the former love interest had sent him a text on his cellphone. They were both now happily married to other people. In this case, the treehouse may have reflected his subconscious desire to escape from the realities of his current life and indulge in romantic fantasies about his former love interest. It symbolized a mental and emotional retreat into the past, away from the commitments and responsibilities of his current relationships.


To dream of a urinal represents a disorderly attempt to relieve yourself of problem or situation. You may have found a way to solve a problem, but it's sloppy or unpleasant. Not caring about anything except dealing with your problem. A urinal may reflect desperation or low standards in resolving conflict.

To dream of pooping in a urinal represents a attempt to relieve yourself of a problem that places the burden on someone else.


To dream of wallpaper represents feelings about the unique boundaries or underlying aspects of a situation that set a specific mood or tone that's more original than typical situations. A particularity of feelings of a situation or set of boundaries that's unique. A situation has been intentionally designed to feel original or unique all the time. Unique underlying attitudes, beliefs, or situations that subtly influence your decisions and the way you perceive the world around you. Your thoughts about a unique atmosphere or setting in which you find yourself, or how uniquely chosen background influences can shape your experiences and behavior. Choosing a situation or area of your life to feel very specific about boundaries or limits. A distinctive situation that aligns with personal preferences, values, or beliefs.

Positively, dreaming about wallpaper may represent comfort, stability, and a unique sense of identity provided by boundaries that are different than normal situations. Underlying boundaries and rules that set a specific mood or tone that's more original than normal situations. A personal choice to create a situation that reflects your tastes, beliefs, or values, giving you a sense of belonging or individuality. Comfort with being different. Being original about how you protect yourself from people.

Negatively, dreaming about wallpaper may represent feelings of being trapped or limited by a unique set of boundaries or underlying attitudes and beliefs that shape a situation. A desire for change or a feeling of being stuck in a unique situation due to the prevailing mood or atmosphere. Perhaps you feel constrained by a unique or original set of boundaries in your life or you might be struggling with the need to change or refresh a situation to better align with your personal values or goals.

To dream of old wallpaper peeling off the wall may represent feelings about unique boundaries or a unique sense of identity becoming outdated or worn out. Feelings about the process of shedding old identities, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve your current life circumstances. Feeling that being original about being the way you are has to change. Aspects of your life or personality that you once found comforting or defining are now feeling obsolete or irrelevant, prompting a need for renewal or revitalization.

Consider the image of the wallpaper for additional insight into what kind of unique boundaries you or someone else is experiencing.

To dream of a computer screen background wallpaper may represent feelings about your unique attitude or mood while thinking about a specific task or project. How you perceive or approach your work or responsibilities based on the 'background' thoughts, feelings, or conditions that influence your mindset. The personalization of your mental space, indicating how your personal preferences or states of mind affect your decision-making or perspective on a certain issue. It might be pointing to your desire to customize or tailor your approach to fit your unique way of thinking or feeling.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a wall in his father's house with forest wallpaper on it. In waking life, this man's father was someone who was dead set on keeping him in the dark about any important issues. He preferred to never give his son a straight answer leaving him confused a lot of the time. In this case, the forest wallpaper may have reflected his feelings about the unique and confusing atmosphere his father created in his life. The forest wallpaper symbolizes a sense of being lost or unable to see things clearly due to the intentional vagueness or lack of direct communication from his father.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend with her best friend kissing and having fun while they decided on whether the new wallpaper should be blue or green. He told her how much he loved her. The dreamer became jealous. In waking life, she was having arguments about her boyfriend always being late while having less time to spend with her boyfriend due to attending university. In this case, the wallpaper may have reflected her feelings about the boyfriend seeing the unique boundaries of their relationship with her university enrollment schedule and his personal schedule as a reason to make him cheat on her.


To dream of a wall represents a mental or emotional barrier, limitation, or obstacle to progress. Obstacles or barriers in one's life that are difficult to overcome or resolve. The challenge you face in achieving your goals or overcoming personal issues. If you are trying to climb or break through a wall in your dream, it may suggest that you are actively working to overcome obstacles and find solutions to your limitations. Emotional boundaries you have set up to protect yourself from being hurt or to maintain a certain level of personal space.

To dream of a wall in your house represents your codes of behavior, your belief systems, and attitudes. Things you think and feel that keep you the way you are, or that you're afraid to go outside of. What makes you individual or makes you unique from others. Personal or emotional boundaries as an individual.

Bedroom walls may reflect your private or personal thoughts about your own personality. Often a reflection of a person's secret dislike of themselves in some way or what they are hiding about themselves from other people.

Colors or designs on the wall will help to point out the theme of the obstacle.

To dream of an orange wall represents an obstacle or boundary that feels very powerful, strong, effective, or too important to ignore. The orange color could represent the energy and intensity of the obstacle you are facing.

To dream of a red wall represents a very negative or dangerous obstruction that must be processed. The red wall may also indicate that you need to confront or address certain issues with determination and courage. The red color could represent the urgency of the obstacle you are facing.

To dream of a white wall represents a barrier or obstacle that is perfect about certain behavior not being allowed beyond a current situation. A barrier or obstacle that is mean about requiring perfect purification instead of the progress you expected. The need for a clear and honest approach when dealing with the obstacles you face. Progress is not allowed unless your perfect. Alternatively, a white wall may indicate that you are facing barriers that seem insurmountable with being perfect, but may not be as difficult as they initially appear. Facing a white wall in your dream could encourage you to address an issue with a sense of optimism and perseverance, as well as a focus on maintaining your integrity and values while overcoming the obstacles.

To dream of a glass wall represents a emotional barrier, limitation, or obstacle to progress that is transparent, fragile, or easily shattered. You are aware of the obstacles in your life, yet you might feel unable to break through or overcome them. Feelings of being held back and forced to observe.

To dream of reaching through a wall represents thinking that boundaries or limitations aren't important, don't need to be respected, or pushing passed obstacles. Pushing past obstacles in order to achieve personal growth, establish deeper connections, or reach your goals. Your attempt to try to new ideas or look at problems from different angles. Not letting current views hold you back. A willingness to have a new attitude or belief about a problem that doesn't fear boundaries, rules, or authority.

To dream of driving into a wall represents feelings of hitting a barrier, obstacle, or limitation to progress in your life with your current decision-making style. Progress has come to a sudden stop. Feelings of self-destructiveness or making poor decisions that lead to negative outcomes. Driving into a wall may reflect feelings of impulsive behavior, recklessness, or acting without considering the consequences. A sense of frustration, disappointment, or a need to change course or find a different approach to overcome the challenges in your life.

To dream of a broken wall represents feelings about emotional barriers coming down or obstacles not blocking you anymore. Confronting a problem or feelings about a problem reversing on it's own. Pushing past obstacles. Feeling that nothing can stop you anymore.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing that no apartments in their building had walls. In waking life, they were living in Nazi Germany while the government was slowly eroding privacy rights. In this case, the lack of walls may have reflected their perception of the government's invasive actions that were eroding personal boundaries and leaving people exposed to scrutiny and control.

Example 2: A man had annual recurring waking visions of seeing Hebrew letters on his walls. In waking life, these visions would occur for 6 weeks every year following Yom Kippor. The visions may have reflected his private feelings of disliking his personality being obligated to "think religious" for extended periods of time following the holiday.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of the walls in his home collapsing and falling apart. In waking life, his parents were getting a divorce and his family life was in ruins. In this case, the walls collapsing and falling apart may have reflected his feelings of instability and the breakdown of the emotional structure in his family, as well as his perception of the once-solid foundations of his home life crumbling before him.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a red walls fall down. In waking life, she was hoping that a work visa and transfer license applications that had been frustrating her would finally end up being processed allowing her work again. In this case, the red walls falling down may have reflected her desire for the removal of the negative or urgent obstacles related to her work visa and transfer license applications, allowing her to regain control over her career and move forward with her professional life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a wall breaking down. In waking life, she was contemplating a divorce. In this case, the wall breaking down may have reflected acceptance that the barriers and obstacles within her marriage were crumbling, symbolizing the impending end of her relationship and the opportunity for new beginnings and personal growth.


*Please See Bathrooms.

*Please See Public Bathroom.


To dream of windows represents feelings about your perspective or outlook on a situation, relationship, or an aspect of your life with a sense of being safely insulated from what is happening. A safe and detached perspective of a situation. The ability to understand what is happening inside or outside a situation with a sense of being safely insulated. Your level of understanding or insight into a situation, and how you are processing your current life experiences. Your perception of reality, your awareness, and your viewpoint with a sense of being safe the way you are. Feelings about yourself or someone else safely understanding what is happening in a situation without having to be involved yourself. A perspective or insight on current events that safely thinks about what happening without having to be involved.

To dream of looking out a window represents insight into what's happening outside your situation while your life stays safe, insulated, or protected the way it is. A wish to observe or understand something without directly getting involved. Staying safely insulated while understanding or thinking about what is happening in a situation. Your curiosity about what is happening outside of your immediate experience or awareness. Your capacity to assess a situation from a safe and detached standpoint, allowing you to make informed decisions or gain insights without exposing yourself to potential risks or emotional involvement. Feeling that you are better at understanding a situation than you were before. Safely noticing something new happening now while having time to think about it.

Negatively, dreaming about looking out a window may represent a perspective or outlook on a situation, relationship, or an aspect of your life with a sense of being unable to engage with it fully. Feelings of isolation, a fear of missing out, or a reluctance to engage with life fully. Expectations about the future that are based on fear, anxiety, or non-objective perspective.

To dream of someone else looking out a window at you may reflect a sense that others are assessing or observing your actions, behaviors, or choices from a safe and detached standpoint. Feeling that someone is listening to what you are doing without talking to you about their personal thoughts.

To dream of looking inside a window represents a glimpse of insight, a point of view, or a perspective on a situation or relationship that allows you to see or understand something that was previously hidden or unclear. The act of gaining access to information or awareness about a matter that was once concealed or secretive. Your curiosity or desire to uncover the truth or gain a deeper understanding in a particular area of your life. Gaining insight or a new perspective on a situation or relationship from a safe distance. A desire to understand more about what is happening without directly involving oneself. A period of observation, contemplation, or gaining awareness about something that was previously hidden or not fully understood. Snooping or over-listening about someone else who is not aware of you paying attention to them.

To dream of someone looking in your window may represent situations that uncomfortably allow other people to understand you from a detached viewpoint. Others gaining insight into you. Feelings of being scrutinized, judged, or closely observed by others who are detached or uninvolved directly in your life. You may feel vulnerable, exposed, or concerned about how others perceive you. Privacy invasion or anxiety about others discovering your personal life or secrets. Feelings about people learning things from you who don't say anything about it. Feeling that someone is curious about you but may not be making direct contact or engagement. Feel uncomfortable or exposed to someone else's curiosity or scrutiny.

To dream of a broken window represents feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or a sense of insecurity regarding your perspective or outlook on a situation. Your ability to maintain a safe and detached perspective may be compromised. A disruption in your level of understanding or insight into a situation, relationship, or aspect of your life, leaving you feeling exposed to potential risks, emotional involvement, or the intrusion of external influences. Concerns about a loss of privacy, boundaries, or a feeling that your viewpoint is no longer protected. The need to reassess your beliefs, opinions, or outlook on life due to new information or experiences that have disrupted your usual way of thinking.

To dream of washing a window represents an effort to gain a clearer perspective, outlook, or understanding of a situation, relationship, or aspect of your life. The process of cleaning up your thoughts, clearing away misunderstandings, or removing biases to see things more objectively. Clarifying a distorted issue. You may be taking steps to remove emotional or mental barriers that were clouding your viewpoint. A sign that you are working to improve your understanding or awareness of a certain matter, striving for mental clarity, and trying to look at things from a fresh, unobstructed viewpoint. A willingness to address and resolve any issues that have been blocking your insight or understanding.

To dream of a foggy window represents confusion or uncertain behavior that is making it hard for you to safely understand what else is happening in a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful view outside a window. In waking life, he was beginning to have a more positive view about healing from a serious injury after hearing good medical advice. In this case, the window may have reflected his newly optimistic outlook on his recovery process with a sense of being safely isolated with this new outlook. This dream highlighted his changing perspective from one of uncertainty and concern to one of hope and positive anticipation for his healing journey.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a large penis object while peering inside her sister's bedroom window. In waking life, she had gained an understanding of why her sister's boyfriend was such a jerk. In this case, looking inside a window may have reflected gaining a new perspective on her sister's relationship while still remaining safely isolated socially from it.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing 3 rows of 3 triangles floating in front of an open window. In waking life, he was privately having a large amount of very strange visions which he drew while planning to share them with people a few months to try to figure them out. In this case, the open window may have reflected his feelings of openness with his visions after first feeling safely isolated while drawing them.

Example 4: A man dreamed of an inside view of a window across a room that had morning light outside and he was wondering what was outside. In waking life, a dangerous criminal situation began to reduce and he was wondering what was going to happen next. In this case, the window may have reflected his feelings of observing the changes in his circumstances from a safe isolated perspective, contemplating the potential outcomes and possibilities that lay ahead.

*Please See Shutters.

*Please See Blinds.

*Please See Store Windows.

*Please See Tinted Windows.

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