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To dream of a steak represents situations that allow you to have total control, to make the important decisions, have authority, or feel all powerful. Having things your way. It usually symbolizes decision making that is in your best interest or situations that allow you to dictate terms. The steak is symbolic for whatever is happening in your life that is feeding you this sense of power. Feeling good about making big decisions that turn out to be very beneficial.

Negatively, steak in a dream may reflect a wish to brag about powerful decisions you made. Addiction to power. Enjoying powerful decisions that hurt others.

Example: A man dreamed of eating steak and enjoying it. In waking life he made the decision to quit his job for a much higher paying job and was quite please with his decision.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating steak at a restaurant. In waking life he was lost in the wilderness with a broken ankle and was thinking a lot about how he would have tell all his friends the story about all the powerful life saving decisions he had to make while he was lost if he ever got to safety. Possibly a sign that he was too focused on telling his story and not enough of just surviving.



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