

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
 O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    #

L - L2 - L3 - L4


The letter L in a dream represents confrontation with balance. It means that you now have to face the finality of a situation that's over or a problem that has been corrected. Positively, it may reflect a no longer having to worry about something.

The symbolism is based on the design of the letter. The vertical line represents confrontation and the horizontal line represents total balance.

L is the 12th letter of the alphabet and in numerology 12 represents the end of a cycle.


To dream of a label represents a desire for clarity or understanding about the situation. Behavior that defines how or what other people think about it. Defining how others see you in role.

To dream of having problems reading a label may reflect feelings of having difficulty getting clarity or understanding about a situation.

To dream of removing a label may represents intentionally making clarity or understanding impossible in a situation. Covering up a particular aspect of your identity or situation.

To dream of changing a label may represent redefining clarity or understanding in a situation. Repositioning yourself in a particular situation or relationship.

To dream of someone else reading a label may reflect a reliance on others to provide clarity or understanding about a situation. An aspect of yourself that is trying to gain clarity or understanding.

To dream of a label with incorrect information may reflect concerns for being misunderstood or misinterpreted in a particular situation.

To dream of a blank label may reflect a feeling of uncertainty or confusion about understanding a situation or aspect of your identity.

Example: A woman that she couldn't read the label on her husband's medication. In waking life she felt her husband was growing apart from her as they were in the process of marriage separation. In this case, the label on the husband medication may have reflected her feeling that she couldn't understand or make sense of the changes in her husband's behavior, emotions, or intentions that led to the separation. The label may represent her desire for clarity or understanding about the situation and her inability to gain it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of wanting to upload pictures to MySpace and label them as "My Godson." In waking life she was asked by a friend to be the Godmother of her child. In this case the labelling may have reflected her willingness to take ownership of this new role and to publicly display her connection and commitment to the child. She was defining how she thinks about her Godson in public or how other people think about her in that role for the first time.


To dream of birthing labor represents feelings about a new situation or new problem being difficult to integrate into your life. The arrival of a new situation or difficult problem you have been expecting. Feelings of preparing or embracing for big changes. Fearing that something wrong will happen at the last moment as you embrace change.

Alternatively, if you are actually pregnant than dreams about birthing labor may reflect your anxieties or insecurities about giving birth. Anxieties about not being prepared enough to
safely give birth.

To dream of manual work labor represents feelings about an area of your life being exhausting or requiring a lot of effort. A heightened feeling of requiring a lot of hard work to accomplish something.

Negatively, dreaming about manual work labor represents feelings about yourself being a loser who has to do something serious or boring all the time. Insecurities about yourself being stupider or less sophisticated than other people. Feelings about yourself being a loser than doesn't deserve anything easy. Feelings about not being in control of your a life or a specific situation you are involved in. An unwillingness to reverse a bad decision to save yourself time. Stubbornly refusing to ask for help or listen to advice which is causing stress.

*Please See Birth

*Please See Employment


To dream of a laboratory represents a mindset focused on experimenting with new ideas, beliefs or ways of living. A focus on trying new things. You may be testing yourself or a relationship. A laboratory may be a sign that you are experiencing some sort of personal transformation. A laboratory may also suggest curiosity or adventurousness. This symbol may also suggest that you are searching for answers to a problem or are eager to uncover the truth about a situation.

Negatively, dreaming about a laboratory may represent experimentation and risk-taking that have gone too far, leading to a situation that is out of control. Trying dangerous new ideas.

Example: A man dreamed leaving a group of people upstairs to go downstairs to a big room that had a laboratory attached to it. Inside the laboratory were all kinds of beakers with light blue liquid inside them while he could only hear an impatient angry monster walking around the laboratory bumping into the beakers. In waking life, he had abandoned his failing business and became suicidal while believing that experimenting with ayahuasca would let him talk to God and save his life. In this case, the laboratory may have reflected his desperate mindset of trying an experimental and potentially dangerous method of hallucinogenic substance to cope with his severe personal issues.

Labrador Retriever

To dream of a Labrador Retriever dog represents emotional protection that feels good listening to every single thing that's needed for you without having to speak about it.

A Labrador Retriever dog may be common for people with issues with needing to find work for money.

Example: A man dreamed of 3 Labrador dogs. 1 black, 1 brown, and 1 yellow dog. In waking life, he was trying to make a difficult choice about where to live in order to get a job. In this case, the 3 Labrador Retriever dogs in the dream may have reflected the man's feelings about investigating all the details of the 3 possible new home locations first to determine which was best for his family without needing to discuss it with his family in order to protect them from being frustrated or worried about moving.


To dream of a labyrinth represents your feelings about a situation that never ends or a problem never has a solution. Frustration that a problem keeps repeating or giving you new problems to slow you down. Unending stress or complications. Feeling that nobody will send you in the right direction.

Alternatively, a labyrinth may be a sign that you are noticing a person or situation intentionally making it impossible to get what you want.

*Please See Maze


To dream of lace represents feelings about behavior that's special about deserving to feel good paying attention to every last detail and doesn't get back at you as long as you are protective of it. Feelings about a sex life deserving to be respected as special that might get angry or abruptly cut it off if you don't appreciate it. Delicacy of intimacy. Sensitivity about not embarrassing something special.

Example: A woman dreamed of wearing a black and cream-colored lace dress. In waking life, she was moving in with her boyfriend and planning a pregnancy. In this case, the black and cream colored lace dress may have reflected her feelings about her personality being accommodating towards her boyfriend about deserving to like being interested in sex all the time with the intention of being pregnant and not arguing with him as long as he agrees that pregnancy was as important as she thought it was.


*Please See Shoelaces


To dream of a ladder represents a higher degree of responsibility or "positive behavior" than is normal for you. Going out of you way to be smarter, cleaner, nicer, or proper than you usually do. A situation that makes you have to think more maturely or on a higher level. A ladder may be a sign that you can't go about a problem with your same old ways or with same low standards you usually do.

Negatively, a ladder may reflect arrogant attempts to bypass someones else's wishes by doing something too big or too different for them to stop. Only accepting newer responsible or professional ideas once you are embarrassed or unable to control someone. Looking around for a more sophisticated dishonest idea when you current dishonest plans aren't working.

Example: A man dreamed of walking up a ladder. In waking life he finally decided to get a tax problem fixed that he was too lazy to deal with.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of struggling to balance herself while standing on a ladder holding her baby. In waking life she wanted to return to work after having given birth, but didn't know if she could balance her life with both work and a child.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her co-worker falling off a ladder. In waking life she secretly hoped her co-worker would fail at a new work responsibility that might end up in a promotion.


To dream of you or someone else being a "lady" represents behavior that maintains as demeanor of respectability with passivity or sensitivity towards others. The personality behaving passive combined with maturity, elegance, grace, respectability, gentleness, or a powerful need for balance and harmony. Sensitivity about other people never noticing or experiencing you immoral, obscene, or not conducting yourself respectable. An aspect of the dreamer's personality that is passive, sympathetic, receptive, nurturing, intuitive, creative, or giving. It could reflect feelings of love, romance, admiration, or respect.

Alternatively, ladylike behavior may reflect concern about your reputation or a desire for something that has to be handled perfectly.

Negatively, dreaming about a lady may represent aspects of your passive personality that are too concerned with appearances, overly formal, or too consumed with attracting or maintaining the approval of others. A need to protect someone who is passive and sensitive, which has become burdensome or problematic. A passive person in your life that thinks they are better than someone else or annoys you with entitlement while you strive to not embarrass them out of respect.

*Please See Woman


*Please See Ladybugs


To dream of a ladybug represents annoying thoughts or feelings you have about being responsible, careful, or doing the right thing. It suggests maturity that bothers you. Something that annoys you that you have to respect someone or something wonderful. Annoyance at having to protect something special. Annoyed feelings about caring about a child or something innocent. Annoying little girls.

If you see a lot of ladybugs in a dream it may be suggesting that something in your life is making you feel like you are being overwhelmed with responsibility and can't be as carefree as you once were. A dislike for having to care about someone else's feelings. A dislike for babysitting children. A dislike for protecting friends who are not respecting you because the long-term friendship is more important.

If you are attacked by ladybugs it may suggest that unpleasant thoughts and feelings about having to be responsible or careful. Maturity in some form is being forced upon you.

The symbolism is based on ladybugs having am adorable harmless appearance that makes you feel bad killing it. A similar feeling to disliking hitting or getting angry at a little girl because they are misbehaving.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a ladybug. In waking life she was experiencing a friend talking behind her back and she felt that the friendship was important to keep so she didn't want to anger the friend by bringing up the betrayal. She was annoyed by the friend's betrayal, but felt the need to protect the long-term friendship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing ladybugs in her home. In waking life she didn't like having to babysit her children. She felt annoyed having to stay home to watch over and protect them.


To dream of a lagoon represents feelings about a safer more personal level of contained uncertainty than you are used to. Enjoying an isolated uncertain situation. Feeling that you are never being embarrassed with too much uncertainty to manage. Enjoying the uncertainty of romantic possibility without challengers to interfere. Feeling good that nothing embarrasses you while you take your time or try to do something new. Uncertainty of not obtaining what you want yet while feeling that you can always keep trying. Feeling that it's more attractive to try to confront a problem in private. Feeling good about an advantage that feels good confronting uncertainty all on your own. Enjoying an uncertain situation privately with no challengers.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a blue lagoon with a 2 carp fish swimming in it. In waking life she was single and interested in the possibility of dating a 2 men of whom she had no idea about whether or not they would be interested in dating her. The lagoon in this case may have reflected her feelings of enjoying the uncertainty of potentially dating 2 men in isolated situations instead of feeling the uncertainty of having to find a new man.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of driving in a bus over a bridge that crossed a lagoon. In waking life she felt uncertain about whether or not to date her close male friend. In this case the lagoon may have reflected her feelings about the uncertainty of an isolated situation that allowed her to date a guy that she already knew well without competition.

Example 3: An woman dreamed of trying to swim in a lagoon with branches that bothered her. In waking life she was trying to enjoy herself alone with her boyfriend who was having arguments with her daughter.


To dream of a lake represents negative situations or uncertainty in your life that's not impossible to get around as long as you focus on why it's a problem. Uncertain situations that will probably be resolved with work or effort. Uncertain situations with confident solutions you are aware of, but not currently choosing. The land surrounding the lake being visible to you reflects solutions or safe harbor that you are aware of. Handling emotional challenges or uncertainties that are present but not overwhelming, suggesting that with effort, the situation can be navigated or resolved. Uncertainty that you don't have to worry about because it will probably clear up or present solutions on its own.

Negatively, dreaming about a lake could represent feelings of being stuck in an uncertain situation that, while not dire, still requires attention and effort to overcome. Stagnation in an uncertain situation, where you are aware of the need to make changes or address certain issues, but you are hesitant or unsure of how to proceed. Feeling like a loser having to do something you don't want to do in order to resolve a problem. The feeling of impatience with answers to problems you know are true. Unpleasant obvious answers that you don't like accepting as the solution to current problems. Not needing to take action yet, because a situation is not that serious.

To dream of a lake with trees around it may represent feelings about established knowledge or relationships that can help you get around a negative situation or uncertainty in your life. A sense that's not impossible to get around a problem as long as you use existing knowledge or relationships and focus on the problem.

Negatively, dreaming about a lake with trees around it may represent feelings about entrenched people or problems that must be dealt with before dealing with existing uncertainty or difficulties. A sense that it's not impossible to get around a problem as long as you deal with the existing problems while focusing on your main problem.

To dream of a frozen lake represents a negative situation or uncertainty in your life that's currently stuck the way it is while not being impossible to get around as long as you focus on why it's a problem.

Like any body of water in a dream, the size and condition of the water reflect your emotional state.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in front of a lake. In waking life, he was told by a woman he was desperately in love with to back off, stop contacting her, and wait until her divorce was over to contact her again (she was in a very devout Muslim community). He had problems respecting this because he loved her too much. In this case, the lake may have reflected his awareness of the solution to his relationship problem not being impossible by temporarily staying away from the woman he loved for a short while and waiting for the divorce to clear.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking on a lake with colorful fish in it. In waking life, she was very happy and confident that a fertility treatment would help her to get pregnant, but she wasn't bothering to book an appointment to secure the pregnancy. In this case, the lake may have reflected her uncertain feelings about getting pregnant while knowing that the fertility treatment was a possible solution to her problem that she was ignoring. She was aware that regular efforts to go to the fertility treatment clinic would be required to get around the problem of infertility.

*Please See Water

*Please See Ocean

*Please See River


To dream of a lamb (baby sheep) represents an aspect of your personality that is vulnerable, impressionable, or easily controlled. A lamb may also reflect your view of another person that you think is easy to lead or control.

Alternatively, a lamb may be a sign that you are too concerned with conforming to others rules. You are going out of your way to make sure you are conforming.

To dream of eating lamb may reflect experiences in waking life that allow you to enjoy being independent and live as an individual. Not having to conform to others wishes at all.

Example: A woman dreamed of eating lamb. In waking life her husband was leaving the country for a few weeks and it was the first time in years that she would have to live completely on her own without her husband around at all. The experience allowed her to enjoy life as an independent woman.

*Please See Sheep


To dream of a Lamborghini represents decision-making where you or someone else is enjoying being noticed by others as having too much power to stop. Attention being drawn to having unstoppable superior power. A decision-making style that enjoys being too original for other people to compete with. Feeling excited about a new exceptional original way of dealing with a problem with ease. Feeling excited humiliating enemies with exceptionally original cleverness that can't be outsmarted.

Negatively, dreaming about a Lamborghini may reflect decision-making styles that are focused on getting away with dishonest behavior is original ways that are impossible to compete with. Flaunting perfect winning to others that is impossible to outsmart. Pretending you are a professional and enjoying getting away with it. Dangerous behavior that nobody can do anything about. Jealousy of your enemies getting away with everything they do. Jealousy of your enemies being too original to stop.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Lamborghini. In waking life he was pretending to be a lawyer filing legal complaints against other people who were stealing his copyrighted work and enjoying seeing himself being perfectly respected and complied with. Everyone he pretended to be a layer with feared him and complied. He knew he was risking getting caught breaking the law, but he didn't care and was excited to experience himself getting away with it with ease.


To dream of lambskin represents an area of your life where you are sensitive about knowing that you're not doing anything wrong.

Example: A man dreamed of putting a baby wrapped in lambskin onto a shelf. In waking life he had received contracts in the mail for a new book he was planning. The lambskin reflected how careful he had to be with his publisher about what he put in his book.


To dream of a Lamia represents feelings about yourself or someone else that was completely aware of how dishonest they were being and then faces consequences or punishment that prevents them from ever being allowed to stop being dishonest. Life situations where someone honest was angered enough to banish to you into living with no integrity.

A corrupt attitude that is dependent on destroying others hopes or potential. A totally corrupt jerk that feeds off destroying other people's ability to believe in themselves. Feelings about yourself or someone else being so completely embarrassed by jealousy that they intentionally find ways to destroy the hopes or prospects of others just to survive further embarrassment.

Negatively, a lamia may reflect never caring about other people ever again because of failure you can't learn to accept. Feelings about other people's insidious corruption or selfishness. Awareness of yourself or others choosing to permanently abandon all sense of decency or conscience after jealously losing status. A total loser in your life that feels good destroying others hopes and potential for their own benefit. A dishonest person that arrogantly thought they were perfect being dishonest and then loses all power and refuses to grow up. Jealous vanity that never allows
another person to succeed because it's driven to avoid further permanent humiliation.

Example: A woman dreamed of a lamia. In waking life she was having an argument with her husband and was fearing the terrible consequences of a possible divorce. The lamia may have also symbolized her desperation to ruin her husband for the rest of his life if her life was embarrassed by the divorce.


To dream of a lamp represents someone or something that allows you to easily understand a situation or feel reassured. Guidance, insight, inside information, reassurance, or a helpful resource. Something that allows you to "cast light on a matter" or "regain your bearings" when needed. Something you may feel is important or indispensable to function at full capacity. Feeling comfortable knowing what's going on.

To dream of a lamp being turned on may reflect a renewed sense of hope, inspiration, insight, or new ideas. Reassurance.

To dream that a lamp is unlit or broken represents your difficulty to understand things clearly or regaining your bearings. Feeling unable to "cast light on a matter." You may have lost access to a tool to help you function or a social contact that was providing you information. Someone or something that you feel is indispensable to stay current may not be available. You may be feeling confusion, unable to function at full capacity, or "out of the loop." You may feel misfortune, disappointments, or bad luck.

*Please See Light Bulb


To dream of a lampshade represents the manner in which you are being kept informed, reassured, or provided a clear understanding. How your source of insight, inspiration, or reassurance feels.

To dream of a broken lampshade represents feelings that your sources of information, understanding, or reassurance are somehow compromised. No longer being able to feel comfortable that nothing matters.

Ugly lampshades may represent unpleasant or unattractive sources of information or assistance. Getting help from people you don't like or feeling that you have an inferior resource. An uncomfortable setting to function in.

Beautiful or attractive lampshades may represent pleasant feelings about your sources of information or assistance. Feeling comfortable thinking that nothing matters. Family, friends, or situations that feel good getting help from. Having a superior resource or comfortable setting to function in.

*Please See Lamp


To dream of land while in water represents safe harbor, certainty, or stability. It may also reflect safety from emotional turmoil or a desire to feel grounded.

*Please See Beach

Land Rover

To dream of Land Rover brand vehicles represents a style of decision-making or control over a situation that is professionally never afraid of anything stopping it. Professionally in control. Professionally noticing you are better than other people without ever having to say you are. Never wasting time with anything incompetent, jealous, or unprofessional because you can always do something about it. Decision-making or control over a situation that is never lazy or jealous. Feeling that nothing can stop you in a situation because you have too much money. Having the skills, resources, and connections to easily manage a difficult situation that might arise. Executive leadership that calmly never needs permission or to be asked twice. Never being laughed at because your resources or skills make sure you can never be stopped. Never being jealous because you can always tell someone else to take care of a problem for you.

Negatively, dreaming about a Land Rover brand vehicle may represent a style of decision-making or control over a situation that is noticing other people afraid of its professionalism being impossible to stop. An attitude that professionally doesn't need to think someone else matters again if they don't do the one specific thing asked for. Using other people for power or success whenever you want to.

To dream of being chased by a Land Rover may reflect feelings about avoiding a person who is so much more professional or powerful than you are that you can't do anything except hope you don't get spotted as dishonest. Difficulty avoiding someone with too much money or power.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing himself and friend driving Range Rover Sport vehicles, getting out to stand on the sidewalk, and then seeing his friend zapped with lighting sitting on the ground shocked. In waking life the man was enjoying running a successful company with his friend when controversy hit his company causing customer demand to rise to impossible levels. The Range Rover's in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about being unquestionably successful without anyone to stop him at all.


To dream of an aircraft landing represents to ending of a project or plan. Something in your life that has "taken off" or started has now finished up. The completion of a journey or task. Alternatively, a landing may reflect stability that has been restored to a situation that got out of control.

*Please See Airplanes

*Please See Plane Hanger


To dream of a landlord represents feelings of control or stability that come at a price. Positively, a landlord may reflect feelings that someone is obligated to you because you've kept your part of an agreement.

Negatively, a landlord may reflect feelings of restriction, neglect, or control by someone that has leverage over you. Feeling demands from someone who doesn't have to respect you if they don't want to. Feeling that some area of your life is controlled or owned by someone else. Having to do what you are told if you want maintain stability in your life.

*Please See Rent


To dream of landmines represents a fear of making mistakes, stepping out of line, or touching on sensitive issues. Landmines may reflect people or situations that have to be carefully addressed or avoided.


*Please See Surroundings


To dream of a landslide represents unexpected problems in your life that feel overwhelming to clean up. Big oversights that need to be addressed. It may also reflect emotional buildup or conflict that is finally coming to the surface after being overlooked. Having to deal with a problem that you've never thought of as being important because now it's become stifling. Feeling that progress or your sense of normalcy is effected due to big unforeseen problems. Overpowering or unstoppable changes. Total failure that takes you by surprise. Feeling overwhelmed my a problem or multiple problems that "hit you all at once."

Alternatively, a landslide may reflect an overwhelming or unexpected change of events.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her timeshare pushed off the side of a mountain by a big landslide. In waking life she felt that numerous problems in her family completely overwhelmed her ability to enjoy her life at all. She felt that her need to financially support her daughter and parents made it impossible for her to ever take time off for herself.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of experiencing a giant landslide. In waking life she felt totally overwhelmed by unexpected financial problems that seemed to completely wipe out all her money that she had saved up.


To dream of a lane of a road represents your direction in life while dealing with other issues or other people doing the same thing as you.

Changing lanes may reflect a change of attitude or thinking style. It may also reflect your wish to copy or follow someone else's methods of doing something. Doing something differently while hoping for the same outcome.

*Please See Back Lane


*Please See Foreign Language


To dream of a lantern represents a comfortable or confident attitude as you get through a difficult moment. Knowing exactly what needs to be done to safely get through a bad time. Feeling good knowing everything is going to be okay. A troubling moment that isn't a problem. Knowledge or experience that makes you confident that nothing can get any worse.

Lap Dance

To dream of a lap dance represents teasing or tantalizing yourself with desire for your goals. You may be doing something to get close to a goal that you know you can't ever achieve. It may also reflect sexual attraction for someone that you are spending time with while knowing it can't ever happen. A lap dance may be a sign that you need to be more open about your true intentions or that you need to be more objective about what you can honestly achieve in life.

To dream of giving a lap dance may reflect your wish to tease someone with achievement or goals you know they can't really have. It may also reflect your use of sexual attraction to control someone.

*Please See Strippers


To dream of a laptop computer represents awareness of a thinking style that looks better or is more sophisticated than average. A higher level of interest in how you are thinking. You may be more motivated or excited to explore yourself or improve yourself. Whereas a regular computer reflects a general awareness of what you are thinking, a laptop reflects more enthusiasm in yourself (professional, rich, good job, good at something). Awareness of yourself thinking in ways that are modern, making progress, or savvy. Liking organization, making serious plans, or thinking of issues related to success. Thinking related to enjoying living a professional life. What you do or see on a laptop computer symbolizes areas of your life that are the most interesting or motivating for you to think about. You may want to improve yourself, change beliefs, or cut out bad habits. Making plans on how to get ahead in life.

Problems with your laptop computer reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.

To dream of losing your laptop or having your laptop stolen may reflect fears of having to start over from scratch when you believed you were getting ahead in life. Losing power, employment, or resources that allow you think about the more interesting areas of your life. Feeling that you've lost your ability to get ahead in life or plan interesting things. Feelings about losing the ability to enjoy success or a professional job.

If a laptop computer is your sole computing device then also consider looking up the definition for "computers" for a more general explanation.

Example: A young woman dreamed of having her laptop stolen. In waking life she feared losing her an extension on her employment. The loss of the laptop in this case may have reflected her fears of losing the ability to think of herself as a successful sophisticated business professional in life if she lost her employment extension and her income.

*Please See Computers


*Please See Sizes


To dream of insect larva represents feelings about the beginning stages of development, growth, or transformation of something with the potential to become very annoying or frustrating. The potential or the early phases of a new idea, project, or phase of life of something annoying that could be prevented. Larvae in dreams could reflect your thoughts about something annoying or bothersome in your life that is in the process of maturing or evolving. Anticipation and vulnerability regarding developing annoying problems in your professional or business life.

Positively, dreaming about larvae may represent feelings about annoyances or frustrating problems being so immature that you can easily be proactive about managing them before they become troubling. The potential for growth and development of annoying problems or strategies for your enemies or competition that benefits you.

Negatively, dreaming about larva may represent a sense of dread or impending annoyance as something that bothers you begins to grow or take shape. It could indicate concerns about the potential for irritating issues to develop further and become harder to manage. You may be worried about the emergence of bothersome problems or obstacles that could disrupt your plans or daily life. This dream may also reflect a need to address annoying issues in their early stages before they become more problematic. New beginnings or changes occurring in your life that you find challenging, uncomfortable, difficult to process or accept. The dream may be highlighting feelings of discomfort or anxiety associated with these changes, along with a desire for support or guidance as you navigate through them.

To dream of vomiting up larva represents feelings of disgust or rejection about having to confront or deal with the early stages of a problem that has the potential to become more annoying or troublesome. A sense of urgency in removing or addressing this annoyance before it grows into a more significant problem. Discomfort or disgust with certain aspects of your life or self that you wish to purge or cleanse. A need to address and resolve certain uncomfortable or irritating matters that you can no longer ignore or suppress.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing holes on the bottom of her feet and when she squeezed them fly larva came out. In waking life, she was trying to detox in order to prepare to pass a drug test for a job she applied for. She smoked marijuana, but was getting off it in order to get a job. In this case, the fly larva that comes out of her feet may have reflected her initial frustrations about a growing time constraint about needing to get all traces of marijuana out of her system on time for the test so she could pass. She may have felt the desperate need to be proactive about solving the frustration of having traces of drugs in her system before it made getting a job a much more frustrating problem.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of having problems vacuuming up larvae under his bed. One larva had already turned into a bug. In waking life, he had experienced a lot of stress and fighting in his family. In this case, the larva may have reflected his initial discomfort and frustration about the family issues and conflicts that were beginning to grow and escalate into bigger annoyances and frustrations.

Las Vegas

To dream of Las Vegas represents social interaction with others that is focused on risk taking or "gambling" with life situations. A constant sense of "Risking it all" or taking a big chance with friends, family, or people you interact with regularly.

Negatively, Las Vegas may be a sign that you are no longer concerned with consequences to your actions.

*Please See Casino


To dream of lasagna represents feelings about an experience of loving yourself the way you are while being unconditionally accepted by other people. Social warmth, comfort, and unconditional acceptance with people who want it with you. Enjoying social situations with friends or family with a long history. Enjoying the warmth of the many "layers" of an old relationship. Feeling people who have a long history and care about each other. Feelings of deserving to lovingly belong to someone.

Negatively, lasagna may reflect feelings about unwanted social warmth and unconditional social acceptance from people who want it with you. Social warmth that annoys you or bothers you. Expecting too much from people because you've known them for a long time.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-lover ask him if he had any lasagna and then staring at her. In waking life, his ex-lover was stalking him on Facebook and he felt that she wanted to reconnect with him on a friendly level after hurting him a lot. In this case, the lasagna may have reflected his uncomfortable feelings about his ex-lover wanting to restore a friendly warm relationship with unconditional acceptance while being unaware that the dreamer didn't like it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of going to a hospital cafeteria to get some lasagna. In waking life, she was 9 months pregnant and about to give birth. In this case, the lasagna may have reflected her feelings about the unconditional love and warmth she expected to receive from her family and friends as she prepared to give birth while liking herself being a mother.

Laser Printer

To dream of a laser printer represents communicating or expressing what you are thinking with absolute clarity. Perfect articulation.

Alternatively, a laser printer may symbolize the realization of plans in a careful or meticulous manner.


To dream of lasers represents a high degree of focus and concentration on some issue in your waking life.

To be attacked by lasers represents annoyance or anxiety that something has to be perfect.

Blue lasers indicate a positive outlook or good intentions. Red lasers indicates a negative outlook or bad intentions.


To dream of swinging a lasso represents an attempt to try your hardest to get a hold on a situation, object, or relationship. Consider the symbolism of what you are trying to lasso.

*Please See Cowboy

Last Supper

To dream of the masterpiece painting "The Last Supper" represents feelings about a significant or pivotal last moment in your life that precedes a major change or ending. A last moment of a major achievement that precedes betrayal and feeling "crucified" with public embarrassment where nobody does anything except talk or gossip about it without doing anything to stop it. The culmination of an important phase or journey with tragedy and betrayal that ruins all of it because someone thinks they are better than you. A sense of foreboding or anticipation about a tragic end of a phase, relationship, or a significant life chapter due to jealousy or someone arrogantly thinking that they are better than you in every single way.

Negatively, dreaming of "The Last Supper" may represent feelings of apprehension, fear, or uncertainty about the future, especially if you are facing the end of a familiar or comfortable situation. Feelings of betrayal, disappointment, or conflict within a group or community who see you as being too dangerous to the existing status quo, the pecking order of believing in yourself the most as a good person, or about believing in morality in a different way. Dread, betrayal, or loss associated with an impending change or ending.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting at a "Last Supper" type table with a new female other than his current girlfriend. Her whole family was also at the table. He got up to walk down a path that formed. In waking life, he was preparing to leave a relationship that he felt was like a prison that restrained him and prevented him from doing so. In this case, "The Last Supper" type table setting may have reflected the sense of finality and impending change in a final pivotal moment in the dreamer's relationship that might get back at him with his current girlfriend's jealousy after he tells her he's leaving her to move on to better things.


To dream of being late for something represents your feelings about having missed an important opportunity. You may be experiencing anger, frustration, or disappointment that you've lost out on something. Possibly a sign that you lack discipline or were irresponsible in some way.

Alternatively, being late may reflect feelings of being behind or losing ground. You may feel others have gotten an advantage over you. It may also reflect feelings of having spoiled an opportunity. Feeling you can't be as powerful or successful as someone else.

To dream of being late for a bus represents a missed opportunity to do something difficult or unpleasant. A tough or boring experience you wanted to get over with has been lost.

To dream of being late for a boat represents a missed opportunity to confront a negative situation. Wanting to get through an uncertain situation and losing your opportunity to begin to. A self-improvement opportunity may have been lost.

To dream of being late for a train represents a lost opportunity to get started on a long-term goal, plan, or project.

To dream of being late for school represents a lack of preparedness to begin concerning yourself with an important or serious issue. Being unprepared or too distracted to deal with a challenge you want to confront. It may be a sign that priorities are not straight or that there has been a lack of responsibility. Feeling behind, disorganized, or that you've been procrastinating about something important.

To dream of being late for work represents a lack of preparedness or organization needed in order to begin focusing on your goals. Procrastination or distractions from your responsibilities or obligations.

To dream of running late represents feelings of urgency, anxiety, or stress about not being able to meet deadlines or fulfill obligations on time. Pressure to keep up with demands or expectations in your waking life. A sense of being unprepared or disorganized in managing your responsibilities, leading to a frantic rush to catch up. A need for better time management, prioritization, or addressing underlying issues causing the delay. A lack of commitment or seriousness towards your responsibilities. Feelings about yourself or others being unreliable or not trustworthy. An ongoing issue where you or someone else consistently fails to meet commitments or expectations, causing stress and tension in relationships or professional situations. The inability to effectively manage your time or priorities.

Example: A woman dreamed of being late. In waking life, she felt overwhelmed by the amount of things she needed to do around the house or for paperwork. She also had no vehicle to help her. In this case, being late may have reflected feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to keep up with responsibilities or obligations to the point that nothing was working in her waking life according to her plans.


*Please See Mexican People

*Please See Spanish Person


To dream of a lattice represents feelings about noticing or being aware of something without getting to experience it in full. Feeling that the truth is being revealed without being able to do anything about it. Experiencing the truth only subtly or hinted at.

Negatively, a lattice may reflect feelings about experiencing the people revealing the truth in some manner that you don't like and not being able to do anything about it. Dishonesty that you can't confront. Fake or bad people that you are slowly beginning to catch on to. Knowing you are right about someone negative, but not being able to prove it.

Alternatively, to dream about a lattice pattern represents feelings about inter-connectivity. A common image for users of hallucinogenic substances to reflect the spiritual euphoria of all life being connected or all life being connected to God. Consider the saying "We are all one."


To dream that you are laughing represents ideas or situations that you feel are ridiculous or unrealistic. You feel you can't take a situation or another person seriously anymore. Total confidence something something is stupid or pathetic. Confidence after facing a fear. Feeling that something is too easy. Feeling good that there is nothing to worry about.

Negatively, dreaming of hearing laughing represents situations where you are embarrassed that certain ideas you have a ridiculous or unrealistic. It may also reflect your feeling that others are not taking you seriously or embarrass you for your ideas. Feeling that someone is ridiculing you or making you feel stupid. Feeling mocked or that people are secretly laughing at you. Being made a fool of. A fear of being humiliated. Insensitively enjoying feeling that you are better than other people. Enjoying others misery.

Alternatively, laughing may negatively reflect feelings that someone is arrogantly crossing a line with your tolerance. Someone in your life that you feel is purposely not listening to you or embarrassing you behind your back.

To dream of yourself laughing at something may be a sign that you are not taking a problem as seriously as you should. Thinking something is too easy when it might not be if you were forced to confront it for real.

Example: A man dreamed of hearing people laugh when he asked them if it was ever possible to be with a girl he liked. In waking life he soon realized that being with the girl he liked was impossible and even ridiculous because she was too old.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a shark laughing at her. In waking life she felt that co-workers weren't taking her difficulties seriously.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being half eaten by a shark and then laughing about it. In waking life he was humiliated at a party, but then recovered and felt better about it later on.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of all his clothes, except his underwear, falling off in front of his mother who laughed at him. In waking life he felt that he needed to lighten up and be less serious about himself.

Example 5: A young women dreamed of her ex-boyfriends' father laughing at her. In waking life she felt that people were enjoying her misfortunes.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing her sister laugh at her with an evil laugh. In waking life she felt her sister was mocking her religious views and her church when she tried to speak to her about attending church.

Example 7: A girl dreamed of running away from her boyfriend and then giving up and starting to laugh with him. In waking life she had a big fight with her boyfriend which caused them to end the relationship and then later got made up and resumed dating.


To dream of a laundromat represents personal change or transformation that other people can notice in you. You are trying to improve yourself while friends, family, or colleagues are aware of it.

Example: A young man dreamed of being in a laundromat with bullies picking on him. In waking life he was trying his hardest to be an actor while his family always put him down for it.

*Please See Laundry

*Please See Washing Machine


To dream of laundry or doing laundry represents the intentional cleansing of negative habits or negative personality traits. Purposely wanting to change yourself or think differently. You are finished with certain beliefs, habits, or situations and want to try something else. Changes in the way you think, or in your lifestyle that are contributing to self-improvement or more happiness.

Clothes in a dream reflect our personality. The styles and colors symbolize manner in which we think, feel, or act. Cleaning your clothes then symbolizes the removal or cleansing of negative aspects of your personality.

Example: A woman dreamed of doing her ex-boyfriend's laundry. In waking life she was trying to fix her friendship with her ex-boyfriend as he was on his death bed.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing laundry being done. In waking life he was trying very hard to change things about himself and his personality that he didn't like.

*Please See Washing Machine


To dream of lava represents perceived danger or issues best avoided at all costs. A situation may make you feel as though you could harm yourself or lose everything you have if you get to close to it.

Lava Lamp

To dream of a lava lamp represents feeling good enjoying how weird a situation is. Noticing how wonderful it feels to play with strange or foreign new rules. Enjoying something new that is completely out of your concept of normal. Playing with the novelty of a situation.


To dream of lavender flowers represents appreciation for honesty that allows you to feel completely carefree or neutral. Feelings about family life or safety that allows you to accept yourself the way you are. Appreciation of being completely insulted from danger or worries. Enjoying or appreciating a neutral situation.

To dream of lavender essential oil represents feelings about perfectly isolating yourself from worries or stress by being perfectly unconcerned with obligation. Protecting yourself emotionally by perfectly accepting the reality that there is absolutely nothing you can do about a problem by focusing on it anymore. Isolating yourself emotionally from stress by being confident in 100% honesty in situations you can't control. Rubbing lavender oil on someone else may reflect a wish to bring relief or ease to someone else by isolating them from jealous rumors or nagging problems. A powerful concentrated method of protecting or isolating yourself from stress, worries, or frustrations about dishonesty.

Example: A woman dreamed of rubbing lavender oil on her bosses feet. In waking life she was trying to protect herself from the stress of protecting her boss from office rumors. Eventually, she felt the only protection against the non-stop rumors was to stop fighting them and to be confident that the need for verification of the accusations against her would prove she and her boss were perfectly honest. This attitude about her moral integrity finally allowed her to feel 100% carefree.

*Please See Purple

*Please See Flowers


To dream about a law represents your perception or conflict with what you believe is right or wrong.

To dream of referring to the law represents your knowledge or concern about what you feel is fair or unfair. A reflection of you or someone else discussing what they feel is right or deserved. Alternatively, dreaming about the law may reflect rules, regulations, or promises that you and someone else have agreed to. Feeling about rules needing to be followed fairly.

To dream of breaking the law represents broken promises or breaking away from discipline. Not doing what you know you were supposed to do. Cheating, lying, or avoiding your fair share. A dislike of favoritism. Arrogantly believing you can get away with something bad.

To dream of enforcing the law represents waking life situations where you are making others do what's right. Making some else tell the truth, face their problems, or do their fair share. Stepping in when you believe someone has gone to far. Telling someone what to do or getting angry at someone who is not behaving.

*Please See Lawyer

Law (Studying)

To dream of studying law at school represents your concern or anxiety about how unfair a life situation is. You may be thinking about how to get back at someone or force justice into a situation.

*Please See Lawyer

*Please See Law School

Law School

To dream of law school represents a high degree of focus on training yourself to be better at getting restitution, justice, or "getting someone back."

Positively, law school may reflect a responsible attitude towards learning about every single possible thing you can do to get back at someone arrogant.

Negatively, law school may reflect obsession with learning how to screw people over or control people who don't behave the way you want.

*Please See Law (Studying).


To dream of a lawn represents your feelings about how good or bad something is. You are noticing or aware of how positive or negative some area of your life is. Short or trimmed grass reflects positive feelings about how good something you are noticing is. Long or neglected grass reflects negative feelings about how bad something you are noticing is.

To dream of watering a lawn may reflect your concerns about maintaining good appearances in some area of your life.

Lawn mower

To dream of a lawn mower represents feelings about needing to maintain appearances being important. A high level of motivation to make changes to appearances. Making sure area of your life is noticed in an attractive or responsible manner. A serious action taken in your life to reverse the appearance of neglect or laziness. Feelings about finishing a job being important. You or someone else that wants to force positive change. Wanting to make sure that a positive change is noticed by others. Knowing you want something different for a relationship or your life. It may also reflect certainty about channeling your negative thinking into positive thinking. A lawn mower may be a sign that you wanting others to notice your attitude changing. Alternatively, you may feel that some aspect of your life has been neglected and is in need of attention.

Negatively, a lawn mower may reflect a lack of honesty or respect for others in order to help yourself maintain a good appearance. A bossy attitude or aggressive attitude about making positive changes to appearances. A willingness to behave dangerously if it means you will look good. The potential to be too serious or aggressive about improving appearances. A serious action taken to improve your life that is dangerous to interrupt. Feeling that you might anger someone that you've asked to help you make improvements if you ask them to stop. A lawn mower points to your need to keep up appearances.

A push mower may reflect awareness of extra effort required to make a change and a riding mower may reflect a more effortless method of change.

Example: A woman dreamed of mowing her lawn with a lawn mower. In waking life she had decided to make an attitude adjustment about an issue to help her relationship with her boyfriend.


To dream of a lawsuit represents you or someone else that is taking action to restore fairness. Getting revenge, embarrassing someone, or using your leverage to force someone to change. Your attempt to right an imbalance or unfair situation. Not wanting someone else getting away with something.

To dream of having a lawsuit filed against you may be a sign that someone in your life doesn't feel that your status or level of achievement is fair. Something may not like seeing you get away with something.


To dream of a lawyer represents an aspect of yourself that ensures compliance. Feelings about the need for an intervention into a problematic situation, business situation, or personal conflict. You or someone else that is making sure a situation is fair, following the rules, or someone is doing what they are supposed to do. Making sure everything is in order or appropriate. Setting things right. It may also reflect intervention of some kind. Resolution of conflict. Feeling that someone else is dealing with your problems for you.

Negatively, a lawyer may reflect anxiety about confronting compliance with people or situations that require order. A dislike of having to conflict a challenge to your goals. A dislike of having someone else deal with your problems for you.

*Please See Prosecution


To dream of laying down represents feelings about choosing to maintain a choice. Not wanting to take action with a problem in the current moment. Feeling that you need a temporary break from a frustrating or overwhelming situation. Feeling that it's better to do nothing than to take action.

Negatively, laying down in a dream may reflect an attitude that is too passive about a problem. A lack of motivation. Feeling that solving a problem is a waste of time if there are no immediate benefits. Awareness of yourself being lazy in some manner. Prolonged breaks from serious situations.

*Please See Beds

*Please See Sleeping


To dream of a leader represents an aspect of yourself that is noticeably assertive. A quality in yourself or others that takes charge. An aspect of your personality that feels responsible for others. It may also reflect a sense of duty to put others first at all costs. An area of your life where others are more important than you.

Negatively, a leader in a dream may be a sign that you are not caring enough about people with less power than you. Abusing power or authority. It may also be a sign that you are too passive or not being assertive enough. A sign that you need to stand up for yourself with more effort. A dislike of disciplining others.

Alternatively, from a negative perspective leaders in dream may reflect refusing to take responsibility for your actions or set a good example. Compulsive controlling behavior. An awful bossy person in your life. Scaring people with less power than you. Reckless decisions based on entitlement. Arrogance that is out of control. A tendency to excessively believe in one's self.

*Please See President

*Please See Politician


To dream of a leaflet represents feeling about a person or situation in your life that wants you to try to open-minded. Being open to other opinions or viewpoints.

Negatively, leaflets in a dream may reflect charm, charisma, rhetoric that is starting to negatively influence your ability to think critically. A bad influence in your life that wants you to be open-minded to something you know is wrong. Allowing the allure of feeling better than others to begin to influence you. An arrogant person in your life that is trying to influence you by making you feel good being a snob.

Example: A woman dreamed of Hitler handing her a leaflet and caressing her hair. In waking life she lived in Nazi Germany and was beginning to feel the power of Hitler's charisma in his propaganda speeches.


To dream of a something springing a leak, or taking on water represents loss, disappointments, or frustrations that may be distracting you. Issues that were repressed or kept at bay may coming to the forefront. You may also feel that you are wasting your time or energy. It may also reflect an uncertain situation that is getting out of control.

Small problems that may have the potential to get out of control if you don't deal with them immediately. The potential for a problem to spiral out of control or become destructive if left unattended. Possibly a warning dream about procrastinating or ignoring problems.

A leaky hose faucet represents issues that weaken your ability to control yourself. Loss, disappointments, or frustrations may be distracting you.

Metaphorically, a leak may point to secrets being revealed.

*Please See Faucet


To dream of something leaning may represent feelings about something that is unable to support itself. Feelings about something not being stable on it's own. Something is wrong or weak with why it's not supporting itself. Feeling that something requires support to matter at all.

To dream of leaning on something on purpose represents feelings about supportiveness that isn't normal, but you don't think it's a problem. Negatively, dreaming about leaning may represent feelings about not deserving to be supported. Using something to be supported or feeling that someone is using you to support themselves.

To dream of leaning against a wall may represent supporting yourself by not doing anything else. Waiting for something else to happen because it's all you can do.

To dream of a building that is leaning to the side represents feelings about a perspective or outlook that is unstable or close to embarrassing itself. Fundamental support is not working in a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone leaning on a desk in front of him. In waking life his perception of the person he dreamed of was that he was dishonestly supporting himself in a criminal situation by stalling it with offering to work for the dreamer to avoid legal problems.


To dream of having to make a giant leap represents a big change or risk you are making. Making a "big move" forward in some area of your life. A leap in a dream may be a sign that you are feeling insecure about a transition. or don't know what to expect next. It may also be a sign that you need to believe in yourself more.

Example: A woman dreamed of having to leap from one mountain top to another. In waking life she was undergoing a job interview that was eliminating people in rounds. She passed the first round and was now ready to endure the last round.


To dream of learning can represent the need to acquire new skills or develop existing ones, or a willingness to learn from mistakes and experiences. Feelings about mastering a new skill or acquiring new knowledge. Eagerness to learn new things and adapt. It can also symbolize personal growth and development, along with the hope to improve oneself. Moreover, this dream may signify the process of gaining deeper insights into a particular situation or challenge, which may potentially lead to success. A need to understand a particular situation or experience in waking life. Overcome fears and learn how to navigate new situations.

Negatively, dreaming of learning can represent feelings of frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt around the learning process. A fear of inadequacy or not being able to keep up with the demands of a particular situation or task. It may indicate a fear of failure or a lack of confidence in one's ability to learn or grow. Feeling overwhelmed or stressed about the amount of information or knowledge that needs to be acquired. A sense of feeling stuck or stagnant in life, with a desire to move forward but not knowing how to do so. Learning in dreams could also symbolize a fear of change or discomfort with stepping outside of one's comfort zone, leading to resistance or avoidance of new experiences or challenges.

Example: A woman dreamed of learning from a witch. In waking life she reading information off the internet about Wicca, but wasn't practicing it yet. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was getting mean messages from is daughter on social media. In this case the learning may have reflected her desire to gain knowledge and understanding about Wicca and witchcraft in order to get back at her ex-boyfriend and his daughter. It is possible that the dream represents her subconscious exploration of spirituality and a potential interest in practicing Wicca.


To dream of a leash represents control and restraint. Needing to feel yourself keeping control over a person or situation. Taking the lead. Not wanting someone to get out of control or go overboard. Keeping your influence over someone.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a bulldog on a leash. In waking life she was intentionally ignoring someone who gave her advice with a problem because following the advice would have required her to moderate her behavior when she didn't like that. She feared listening to the advice and instead choose to show off to the person giving her advice by intentionally increasing the behavior she was advised to moderate.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a lion on a leash. In waking life she was trying very hard to control her alcoholic boyfriend because he had a very bad temper.

*Please See Dogs


To dream of leather represents you or someone else that is totally insensitive. A tough or uncaring nature. Alternatively, you may be a experiencing a situation that feels like it's purposely ignoring your feelings.

To dream of leather pants represents preoccupation with staying tough or insensitive. A discipline attitude focused on staying immune to feelings or never showing sympathy.

To dream of beige leather may represent a strong insensitive attitude about everything in your life working.

To dream of brown leather may represent an insensitive attitude about getting rid of problems or unwanted things in your life. Negatively, brown leather may reflect feeling terrified that you might not survive something.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing beige leather. In waking life she was in a new relationship with few problems in her life and wanted her life to remain working.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful woman wearing a brown leather bikini. In waking life a old business venture he was using to pay his bills died forcing him to do whatever he could to improve a new business venture to survive serious financial difficulties. The brown leather bikini in this case may have reflected his attempt to become completely immersed in building up his new business to allow him to confront the enormous difficulty of doing whatever it takes to pay off bills.

Leather Jacket

To dream of a leather jacket represents an assertive indifference or insensitive persona. Protectiveness or defensiveness that is insensitive. A part of you that puts up a fight, or cares little about others feelings. Doing what has to be done no matter what.

Negatively, a leather jacket may reflect an insensitive, rude, or dangerous attitude.. Areas of your life that you will cause you to insult or harm others if threatened. A leather jacket may also reflect cold or unpopular decisions you've made that require you to ignore complaints or others feelings.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a strange man in a brown leather coat. In waking life he was quite old and insensitively speaking about dying to friends and family more often than usual.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-girlfriend wearing a light brown leather jacket and then take the jacket off making another person in the room angry. In waking life he was jealous of his ex-girlfriend beginning to talk badly about him after a long moment of time respecting him. The light brown leather jacket in this case may his original feelings about his ex-girlfriend being insensitive about mentioning his breakup to other people without being mean with personal attacks.


To dream of a leaves on the ground represents the results or consequences of a big change. Positively, you are dealing the results of a very positive change. Negatively, you may feel you have to deal with consequences of a loss.

To dream of leaves on a tree represents confidence that something is never going to change. Positively, you feel you can't lose. Negatively, you fear something can't fail ever again.

To dream of seeing a leaf represents your awareness of something in your life not doing what it used to be doing. A change has occurred.


To dream of yourself leaving a place represents feelings about choosing to do something different or feeling that it's time to "move on" in a situation. It may reflect feelings about being finished with a current objective or idea.

To dream of seeing people leaving a place represents feelings about something different happening in your life. Changes or new things are happening. Negatively, seeing people leaving in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about a situation you like changing into one that you don't like. Losing support or feeling embarrassed by a loss. Feelings about people losing interest in you or feeling that someone else is more interesting than you are. Jealousy that people don't like you anymore.

Alternatively, dreams with people leaving in them may be mirroring your feelings about people close to you moving on in life. Feeling that a friendship or relationship has reached the end of an era. Feelings about people moving away.

To dream of someone in a relationship leaving you may reflect feelings about losing confidence in yourself or a lifestyle you have become accustomed to. Feeling that certain habits, skills, or unusual good luck are not working well for you anymore.

Feelings about people in your life choosing to spend less time with you. Anxiety about partners becoming more interested in other people. Feeling that people don't like you anymore.

To dream that you are leaving someone else in a relationship may reflect feelings about needing to move on from bad habits. Feelings about needing to "grow up" from habits, friends, or lifestyle choices that aren't beneficial to you anymore. Feelings about yourself being unable to be involved with people that don't share your views or understand you anymore. It could also reflect feelings about not being happy with your relationship anymore and avoiding confronting those feelings.

To dream of leaving a place to go back home represents feelings about wanting return your life to normal in some way. A wish to go back to the old way of doing things.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing people leaving him and walking away. In waking life he felt overwhelmed with embarrassment when people began to abandon support for him financially in his new business venture when it wasn't working fast enough.

LeBron James

To dream of LeBron James represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for competitiveness to prove you matter more than someone else while people have to like what you are doing to "bring it all back" while everything is on the line and not minding why mistakes matter. Your ability to rise to the occasion.

Example: A man dreamed of walking towards a white building while being concerned that a problem might not go away when LeBron James suddenly appeared walking beside him. LeBron James picked him up at the last second, walked into the white building, placed him safely on a bed, and walked away. In waking life, he was concerned with needing to prove he mattered more than someone else with people watching for why a problem needed to go away when suddenly new ideas he tried all suddenly seemed to work faster than ever that "brought it all back" while being comfortable with small mistakes not mattering.


To dream of being lectured by another person for being wrong represents feelings about being pressured to improve, change, or acknowledge mistakes. Unpleasant feelings about being being unprofessional or dishonest. Feeling embarrassed or stupid for oversights. Not feeling as intelligent as you'd like to. Feeling talked down to. Feeling less intelligent than someone else. Annoyance with feeling that you aren't good enough. Awareness of yourself having done something wrong and not liking it. Feeling chastised. Feeling that you got a "talking to" or how to improve. A situation that got boring. Feeling impressed with someone else's knowledge. Annoyance with someone who thinks they are clever. Feelings of the importance of paying attention or learning something in order to further yourself in life.

Lecturing in a dream may reflect waking life situations involving parents, teachers, or people you feel are experts.

To dream of lecturing another person for being wrong represents feelings about applying pressure to improve, change, or acknowledge mistakes. Chastising yourself or others. Frustration or anger that other people aren't listening to you. Talking down to someone. Feeling more intelligent than someone. Annoyance that something or someone is not good enough. Feeling about needing to embarrass someone or point out stupid oversights.

To dream of being given a school lecture by a teacher or professor represents feelings of needing to improve or interest that makes you care more than usual about learning about an issue. New higher interest in knowledge. Fascinating talk with someone that motivates you to learning.

Negatively, dreaming of a school lecture from a teacher or professor may reflect fear or arrogance that drives you to learn something you normally ignore. Boredom that notices an issue is important to learn, but ignores it anyway. Arrogantly overlooking people and then being very serious about learning from them once you see a selfish advantage. Boredom.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a professor lecturing him while drawing things on a chalkboard. In waking life he had a very interesting discussion with someone whom he usually overlooked. The professor lecturing him in this case may have reflected the dreamer's higher motivation to listen or learn than usual due to new advantages understand that were previously arrogantly overlooked.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing old college lecturers. In waking life he was involved in a new art group and enjoying learning as much as he could from people much more experienced than he was.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being lectured on a work related issue. In waking life he was in the process of starting a new business. The lecturing in this case may have reflected his feelings about the importance of paying attention to issues related to starting a business he felt he might have been less knowledgeable than he liked.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of lecturing a little girl running on polished floor. In waking she was reviewing her budget and future. The lecturing in this case may have reflected her feelings about chastising herself or others about the need to remain responsible about keeping the budget perfect.

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