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To dream of walnuts represents a goal or small problem that makes you believe it's terrible to "crack" when it isn't. Goals that is easily yours if you put enough energy into it. Feeling that a situation will be easy once you overcome a small unpleasant difficulty. Rationality that you've earned after some effort doing something you don't like.

Negatively, walnuts may be a sign that you are too concerned with believing that one focused action or difficult sacrifice will easily solve your problems for good. Exhausting yourself with never-ending work or chores to keep something else feeling easy. You may have a false idea about believing how easy something should be. Feeling that you haven't "cracked" a problem that you think should be easy.

To dream of a cracked walnut represents feelings about experiencing something easily that isn't terrible anymore.

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating walnuts. In waking life she was having difficulty getting a job and discovered that passing a challenging test would give her instant access to a secure job.



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