To dream of pancakes represents situations in waking life where you or someone else is trying to enjoy feeling safe. Enjoying family safety. Nostalgic experiences. Cheerfulness. Optimism. Enjoying life with no anger, risk, or danger. Making an effort to see only the good in something or keep your mind off situations that are unsafe. Something that encourages you to ignore any negative influences. Intentionally trying to avoid noticing anything dangerous or unpleasant. Advice from other people to focus more on safety, optimism, and family life. Attempting to enjoy life more.
Negatively, pancakes may reflect too much enjoyment of safety to the detriment of your social standing or success. Preferring to enjoy staying at home with family because you don't believe you can compete in the world. Safety of family.
Examples: A man dreamed of being told he needed to have more pancakes. In waking life he was recovering from an abusive upbringing which made him suicidal and a therapist was trying to encourage him focus only on the safe positive things in his life and keep his mind off suicidal thoughts.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being unable to eat pancakes. In waking life she felt it was difficult to spend time with her father helping him fix up his home after it had sustained damage. The pancakes in this case may have reflected her feelings about being unable to enjoy a nostalgic enjoyable experience spending time with her father improving his home.
*Please See Syrup
*Please See Waffles