Hot Chocolate
To dream of hot chocolate represents feelings of treating yourself to comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal. Homeliness or coziness that feels "safe as can be" that doesn't speak about anything being a problem. Feeling that nothing is tragic because everything will work out. Being the boss or being angry isn't important because you can be comfortable the way you are. Comfort that nothing in your life has a problem. A comforting presence or someone offering reassurance and emotional warmth amidst your anxieties. It may also reflect encouragement or sympathy during a tough time. Reassurance no matter what happens. Thinking about an alternative option to a problem that feels more comfortable, emotionally warmer, or reassuring than the problem.
Negatively, dreaming about hot chocolate may represent feelings of excess or lack of discipline associated with comfort-seeking behaviors. Overdoing feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal to the point of being lazy. Expectations that "everything will work out" without taking proactive measures to ensure stability. Using the idea of comfort and reassurance as a way to avoid confronting a very real fear you have.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of her gym teacher sitting with a blanket and hot chocolate. The teacher said she was going to help. The dreamer felt relieved because she was still alive and wouldn't be losing any friends. In waking life, the dreamer was scared of losing her best friend and that she'd do something to make her best friend not like her anymore. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that her friendship wasn't over because she had a plan she thought would work.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing forests destroyed and then speaking to her grandmother, who gave her a cup of hot chocolate. In waking life, she was frustrated by the government approving cutting down forests in order to allow the construction of buildings for the city. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance she felt about her own life being normal when considering that there was nothing she could do about her frustrations and concerns about the environmental issues except think of eventually moving.