Apartment Building
To dream of an entire apartment building represents a perspective on a situation where you are experiencing a lack of free will or independence. There are obligations, responsibilities, or commitments that you are forced to be mindful of. Other people or other issues must be considered simultaneously with your own concerns. Consideration for others wishes may be a priority. You are not free to do as you please. Forced to live with problems or issues that you have no control over. Thinking of other people's problems while also dealing with your own.
Positively, an entire apartment building may reflect a perspective on a situation where you feel lucky or grateful to have a less than perfect experience. A willingness to put up with problems or share with other people if it means you get to experience winning. Not thinking of yourself having total independence or free will because obligations, problems, or other people require you to be mindful of them.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a strange apartment building. In real life he had a business plan he wanted to release, but couldn't because it required a lot of preparations. The apartment building reflected his perspective on the situation being obligated or tied down to the preparations. He had to be mindful of his problems or obligations while pursuing his goals.
*Please See Apartment