To dream of a house represents your mindset or perspective about a situation that is "lived in as normal". Your take on the experience of current conditions. Beliefs or feelings that you are comfortable with. Your view of an experience that is familiar to you. Your opinion or beliefs about a situation that has become normal to you. Your feelings about someone else's perspective on a situation being permanent or believed in as normal.
Negatively, a house may reflect a perspective on a situation being stuck the way it is or that it isn't changing when you want it to. A belief system or habit that you take for granted. A perspective on a situation that you or other people believe is negative, dangerous, or outdated that feels permanent or a "new normal."
The type or style of the house is symbolic of how you are thinking about a particular issue. The condition of the house reflects your mental state as you experience something. Rich houses symbolize your perspective on issues where you are powerful and resourceful. Poor houses represent your perspective on issues where you are powerless, resourceless, or emotionally weakened.
The rooms of the house are indicative of how an issue is being approached or dealt with under the theme of a certain mindset or perspective.
For more on houses see the themes section.
To dream of a house being on fire represents feelings of powerlessness to stop some area of your life from being lost for god. A permanent perspective or sense of normal about a situation being lost to a bad situation that got dangerously out of control. It may also reflect angry destructive intentions or intentional harm that can't be stopped. Feeling stupid that you can't do anything about stopping damage to some area of your life. A situation may feel permanently out of your control in a negative way. Feelings of losing everything that allowed you to feel normal. Loss of a viewpoint. Feelings about the loss of a nice life.
To dream of buying a house represents feelings about committing to a particular mindset or new way of living as though it's normal. Choosing to live your life different with a sense of it being normal. A new beginning, a permanent decision, or establishing a stable foundation in your life. You may feel that you are settling into a new role, responsibility, or significant change that you believe will be long-lasting. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you've made a mistake that you're stuck with. Feeling sold on something long-term that never delivers on its promises.
To dream of going home represents a return to familiarity, comfort, or normalcy. You may have been experiencing difficulties or doing something new and now your life situation is becoming normal again.
To dream of cleaning your house represents self-improvement or addressing unresolved issues. You may be fine-tuning an idea you have or are trying to perfect something. Unnecessary beliefs or habits are being removed or changed. Your efforts to organize and make sense of things. A fresh start in some area of your life where clarity and order are needed.
To dream of a new house represents a new perspective or mindset on a situation. A new perspective, mindset, or belief system that you're adopting or considering. A new way of thinking about something. A new situation may have become normal for you. A better way of living or seeing life. News ideas or lifestyle choices. A fresh start in life. Feelings about your life doing new things. A change in your life circumstances
To dream of an old house represents feelings about old perspectives, mindsets, or belief systems. A perspective or mindset that is experienced, tried, and trusted. An old way of thinking or living that you have outgrown, moved beyond, or that's not important anymore. A return to your old ways, familiar problems, or old belief systems. An aspect of your life that feels worn out, outdated, or neglected. A perspective on life that doesn't matter anymore. Feelings of stagnation, being stuck in the past, or resisting change in your life. A perspective that is established or firmly rooted in tradition. Feelings of old ways of living that are not important anymore. An old house that is still nice looking may reflect old-fashioned values or old-fashioned ways of living. A "classic" or timeless perspective on a situation.
To dream of being locked out of your house represents feelings of a mindset or perspective that you can no longer access or identify with. A situation that has changed and no longer feels familiar or welcoming. A loss of control or power in a familiar setting. Feelings of being unable to return to a familiar or comfortable situation. Feeling cut off from doing something you are supposed to do normally with confidence. You may feel excluded, rejected, or unable to access something that used to be normal for you. Feelings of rejection and insecurity. You may feel unable to feel as secure or confident as you wish. Feeling displaced beyond your control. Feeling alienated or disconnected from your usual way of thinking or feeling.
To dream of people moving into your home and claiming that it belongs to them represents feelings of your sense of normalcy being taken over by people or an unwanted situation that respects itself without thinking you will do anything to stop it. Feeling that you are not the owner of your own life or normal state of thinking. The feeling of being overwhelmed or invaded in your personal space or life. Feelings about a situation where you are experiencing other people asserting themselves in a way that feels too invasive or aggressive. Possibly a sign that you need to assert your boundaries more strongly or communicate your needs and rights more clearly to others. Anxieties about boundaries being crossed, a lack of privacy, or feeling dominated by someone else's influence or decisions. Feeling about someone imposing their beliefs, habits, or lifestyle on you. Feelings about problems taking over your life and being unable to do anything about it. Feelings of being usurped.
To dream of returning to a former home represents a return to an old or familiar way of thinking. A return to an old mindset or perspective on a situation. A perspective on life you've had before such as returning to old habits, jobs, relationships, or even going back to school. Alternatively, consider how the old home used to feel and how it may symbolize your current mindset.
To dream of someone else's house represents your mindset through the perspective of whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. Alternatively, other people's houses can also be a symbol for issues you have with those people.
To dream of colored houses represents your mind through the perspective of whatever the color represents. For example, a blue house symbolizes a positive mindset, and a red house symbolizes a passionate or dangerous mindset. See the themes section for more on colors.
To have your house broken into or robbed represents a problem, negative mindset, or bad habit that is robbing you of happiness, confidence, or integrity.
To dream of an abandoned house represents a mindset or perspective on life that has been neglected or left behind. A way of thinking about a situation that you or other people never believed was important ever again. You may feel that an aspect of your life or way of living that was once important is no longer being cared for or maintained. It can also reflect feelings about old ideas or ways of living that you no longer use. Feelings relationships, career ambitions, or lifestyle choices being neglected, forgotten, or unimportant.
Mansions or homes of wealthy people symbolize your state of mind when feeling powerful, in control, or achieving goals.
House numbers, and locations often add to the symbolism that describes how you are thinking, or feeling.
To dream of a former residence represents your state of mind based on your memories of that house. Consider the number of the house as well using dream numerology.
To dream of your parent's house represents your state of mind being one that is dealing with your conscience (father) about about right and wrong, and using your intuition (mother) to safely figure out how to solve a problem before it begins.
To dream of seeing a house being destroyed represents feelings of losing stability, security, or a sense of normalcy in your life. Feelings about an area of your life that you have become accustomed to coming to an end. Feelings about the ruination of a normal or stable perspective on a situation. Examples of life situations that may cause this kind of dream may be the loss of a job, loss of health, permanent injuries in an accident, or major changes in family life. Significant changes or the end of something that was once familiar and secure. Feelings of chaos, upheaval, or unexpected events that disrupt your usual way of thinking or living. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation that has been integral to your sense of identity or comfort. Significant changes or loss. The need to rebuild or adapt to new circumstances.
To dream of a broken or damaged house may represent feelings about instability, vulnerability, or issues that are negatively affecting your life. Having problems believing in being safe the way you are. Feelings about your life deteriorating or your identity threatened. You may feel that an important relationship, job, or situation is falling apart or in danger. Feelings about yourself experiencing a significant personal setback. A sense that a situation is becoming troubling. It may also reflect feelings about your body being injured. Something valuable in your life feels crushed or lost.
To dream of a part of your house being missing or removed represents feelings about having reduced function in some area of your life. Feeling that being normal isn't possible or that a part of your identity is missing. Feelings that the functioning of your life is not working as it should.
To dream of the front of a house with very long steps going up towards the front door represents feelings about a situation requiring a lot of effort to begin to feel normal or permanent. The necessary efforts or stages you must undertake to reach a state of normalcy. A lot of effort to stages required to begin to talk to someone. A lot of effort to begin something that isn't popular. The gradual progress you are making towards your goals. Each step may represent small achievements or necessary stages of growth that are leading you towards a more secure or satisfying position in life.
To dream of building a new house represents your efforts to create or establish a new sense of normal with your mindset, perspective, or way of living. Putting effort into creating a new way of being or improving yourself. Your desire to lay a solid foundation for your future, focusing on personal growth and development. Setting up for a more stable or positive future.
To dream of a messy house represents feelings of disorder, confusion, chaos, or neglect in your life with the normal state of affairs. Feelings of being overwhelmed, disorganized, or out of control. Unresolved issues, cluttered thoughts, or emotional baggage that you need to address in order to restore your normal perspective of a situation. Your personal life or mental state feeling chaotic. Unresolved emotional issues or the cluttering of your mind with too many thoughts or problems. A lack of focus in your waking life. Dealing with too many problems at once.
Example: A wealthy woman regularly dreamed of being in the old impoverished home of her youth. Whenever this dream occurred she was experiencing intense frustration in waking life. In this case, the poor home may have reflected her perspective on the frustrating situations where she felt powerless and lacking resources to fix problems as being a "new normal" with no chance of changing.
Example 2: An older woman dreamed of being locked out of a house. In waking life, she desired to be young again and felt that youth was gone forever. In this case, being locked out of the house may have reflected her feelings about being permanently excluded or left out from the perspective or experience of being young.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of her house being badly burned and then slowly being restored. In waking life, she had sustained a serious injury to her arm and was awaiting surgery in the hospital. In this case, the house being burned and then slowly restored may have reflected her feelings about her normal perspective on life being about living with an injury, and experiencing this perspective slowly transform into a normal perspective of healing.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a house that was too small. In waking life, she felt that a relationship with a married man was too difficult to achieve because she was too young and not rich enough to be with him. In this case, the small house may have reflected her perspective on her situation having a normal state of being a lot more restricted and difficult than she wanted it to be due to her young age.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in an old house of her deceased grandparents. In waking life, she was newly single after a relationship. In this case, the old house of her grandparents may have reflected her perspective about returning to a perspective on being single as a "new normal" after breaking up.
*Please See Mansion
*Please See Moving
*Please See Address
*Please See Glass House
*Please See Home Improvements
*Please See Property
*Please See Abandoned House