To dream of shopping represents your consideration of ideas, choices, roles, or acceptable ways of thinking. Surveying your options. Exploring all possibilities before integrating ideas, attitudes, or roles into your way of living. Trying to discover what beliefs, choices, or habits suit you best. Consider choices for the next phase of your life.
Alternatively, shopping may reflect your attempt to convince yourself about what the best methods or options are to fulfill a need or solve a problem. You may be asking yourself what's best for you right now?
Negatively, shopping may reflect frustration with too many choices or feeling overwhelmed with a myriad of choices. Anxiety about making the right choice.
Shopping at discount stores may reflect options with less personal cost or that feel easier than other choices.
Shopping at expensive stores may reflect more "expensive", difficult, or riskier choices you are considering. Feeling that a choice may cost you too much for the rest of your life.
Example: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy some clothing. In waking life he was considering whether or not marry someone was good idea.
*Please See Mall
*Please See Shopping Cart