To dream of a shield represents mental, or emotional protection. It symbolizes thoughts or habits that protect you, keep you away from trouble, or provide self-defense. You may be vulnerable, trying to preserve yourself or resisting negativity in some manner. Deflecting arguments or withstanding an attack. Fending something off. Defending yourself from criticism. Feeling that someone is attacking you personally.
If you see an evil or bad person with a shield this symbolizes negative thinking patterns or situations that are difficult to overcome. You may have bad habits, or personality flaws that are difficult to give up. You might also be dealing with a difficult person or situation that is resisting you. Alternatively, it may reflect defense of your own bad habits or bad intentions.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a shield being placed over his wife's belly. In waking life his wife had just given birth and he was very protective of her by keeping people away from her while he recovered.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of needing to shield herself from being splashed with blood from a girl who had committed suicide in real life. In waking life she was trying to emotionally shield herself from depression and thinking of suicide.
To dream of something being shiny represents feelings about some area of your life having nothing wrong with it. Impressiveness that has nothing wrong with it. Impressive newness. Perfect vitality. Perfect success.
Negatively, dreaming about something shiny may reflect awareness of dishonest behavior that never stops talking about itself as being impressive with nothing wrong with it.
To dream of giving something a shine may reflect feelings of needing to make some area of your life more impressive. Needing to talk about yourself in more impressive ways for the sake of appearances because it's more professional.
Example: A man dreamed of his father putting a thick layer of shoe polish on his shoes to clean them giving them a shine. In waking life he was unemployed and having trouble getting a job. The polish used to clean and shine his shoes may have reflected his awareness of needing to start talking about himself in a more impressive way in order to get a job.
*Please See Daylight
To dream of a large ship represents navigation or exploration of negative situations without risk. Uncertainty in your life that you are dealing with without feeling pressure, intimidation, or embarrassment. Experiencing uncertain or challenging circumstances, while maintaining a sense of security, control, or unassailability. Ships in dreams may reflect your ability or resources to 'sail' through difficult times, face adversity, or deal with emotional turmoil. You may be confronting issues or navigating through life's ups and downs without feeling pressured, intimidated, or embarrassed.
Positively, dreaming about a large ship might indicate that you have the necessary resources, support, or strength to handle problems or challenges that come your way. It could suggest resilience, perseverance, or the ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity.
To dream of a sinking ship may represent feelings about being overwhelmeed by uncertainty, a fear of failure, or a worry about not being able to handle the challenges or problems you're facing. It could symbolize a situation in your life that's falling apart, or a feeling of impending disaster.
*Please See Boat
*Please See Battleship
*Please See Aircraft Carrier
To dream of a shipwreck represents being or feeling curtailed. Problems arising or unforeseen distractions that take you off course while trying to confront a problem. Feeling stuck in a situation you don't want to be in. Feeling like a failure that can't do anything about it. Feeling stranded in life with no hope to begin confronting problems.
Alternatively, being shipwrecked in a dream may reflect feelings of having lost a sense of power or importance you felt with a serious problem you liked confronting. People with serious jobs they like who suddenly get taken off those jobs may experience a dream of being shipwrecked.
*Please See Topless
To dream of a shirt in a dream represents your personality style. The style and color of the shirt represent the way you are choosing to think or behave.
To dream of being shirtless or losing your shirt represents embarrassment or feeling forced to be honest.
To dream of a white shirt represents the personality being genuine, honest, or proper. Alternatively, a white shirt may reflect personality changes. A negative thinking pattern is being corrected or life is forcing you to change yourself.
*Please See T-Shirt
*Please See Sweatshirt
Shish Kabob
To dream of a shish kabob represents feelings about experiencing a situation that's easily under control no matter what happens while mixing a situation up with different elements. Experiencing yourself having a situation easily under control while doing something "mixed up" that you don't usually do.
*Please See Feces
*Please See Defecation
To dream of shivering represents your preoccupation with how terrible or uncaring a situation is. Feeling abandoned, left out, or unloved. Facing the harsh consequences of someone else's jealous actions towards you. Feeling alone. Enduring a life situation the long hard way with no help. Enduring a difficult unexpected reality you would have never expected. Feeling that a situation is terrible and unfair. Feeling that you may have the rest of your life by yourself.
To dream of quivering from the cold represents feelings about a situation being insensitive, brutal, or extremely difficult to get through. You may feel that a situation is not fair. A "cold shoulder" from someone. Quivering may reflect your persistence through adversity.
Negatively, quivering may be a sign that you are allowing your fear or ego to prevent you from reaching out to others. Putting up with a lot more difficulty than you should have to.
Example: A man dreamed of experiencing himself shivering. In waking life a business partner has decided to rip him off and this forced him to face the difficult reality of having to start over on his own.
Example 2: A man dreamed of himself shivering. In waking life a friend has died leaving him feeling abandoned, alone, and facing the rest of his life by himself.
To dream of receiving an electrical shock represents an unpleasant surprise or shock to the ego. Disbelief at how wrong you were or how much you have underestimated someone. A sudden realization that someone has more power than you thought they did.
To dream of feeling shocked by something you see or hear represents a sudden awakening or new awareness. You or someone else may have issues with adjustment. Total surprise by unexpected events in waking life. You may have underestimated a person or situation. Something in your life doesn't make sense. You may feel appalled by a person's words or actions.
Example: A woman dreamed of being shocked to find out she was robbed while she took a shower. In waking life she just broke up with her boyfriend and was having trouble adjusting to a life she wasn't used to.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being shocked to learn that he was about to die. In waking life he was surprised to realize how badly he had been isolating himself from his friends. He felt the was on the verge of ending these friendships if he didn't take immediate action to get in touch.
Example 3: A woman dream that she was shocked to find herself in her bra and panties. In waking life a very uncomfortable argument popped up at work out of the blue and forced her to take sides. She never expected something this uncomfortable to happen.
Shoe Polish
To dream about shoe polish represents a concern about your methods or the way you do things to look impressive or beyond reproach. A wish to look perfectly competent, intelligent, or respectable with your style of operating. Maintaining a quality reputation or strong appearance of winning.
To dream of shoelaces represents being set in your ways, commitment to principles, ideology, or how adamant or confident you are in your beliefs.
To have shoelaces coming undone represents weakening principles, straying from goals you have set out for yourself, a lack of preparation, or being unable to complete a task as expected.
To dream that your shoelaces are already untied represents a lack of preparation for a task at hand. Perhaps you are not ready to move forward in a relationship or endeavor.
To dream of tying your shoelaces represents preparation for a challenge. You may be ready to move forward with goals or carry out a decision.
To be attacked by someone with shoelaces represents you or someone else that may feel there is a lack of commitment in some area. You may be blaming yourself or feel that someone is blaming you for not trying hard enough.
To dream of shoes lacking shoelaces represents feelings about an approach to life that you have no serious commitment to. Feelings about a way of doing thing or making changes to behavior that you have no serious willpower for.
Example: A man dreamed of being handed shoes with no shoelaces in them. In waking life he felt that it was his responsibility to change his life to help his family in another state with their health and finances, but he has no motivation to get serious about it.
To dream of shoes represents your approach to life or a situation. How you choose to deal with situations. Your style or methodology for confronting problems. Our principles, morals, objectives, or motivations. Look to the color and style of shoe for additional symbolism.
To dream of getting a new pair of shoes represents new methods of approaching situations or going about life. New ideas, new insights, or new skills that are transforming your outlook. Confronting problems differently or changing how you interact with people.
To dream of shoes that are too cramped represents an approach to a situation that is too limiting and ineffective.
To dream of changing your shoes represents changing your approach to a situation. Different methods or ideas are being used.
To dream of taking your shoes off represents giving up your approach to a situation. You may have found that certain ideas or methods are not useful to you. Retiring from a situation or challenge. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are giving up or giving in too easily.
To dream of white shoes represents an approach to a situation that is based on good intentions or wanting to do nothing wrong. Alternatively, a white shoes may reflect an approach to a situation or life that is focused on fixing problems or dealing with negativity for good.
To dream of red shoes represents a dangerous approach to a situation. Dealing with problems in a criminal, risky, dangerous, intentionally dishonest, or reckless manner. Dealing with situations with no regard for other people's feelings. A method of problem solving that is excessively dishonest. Dealing with problems by being very angry at people or scaring people with change they can't refuse. Using sex in a dishonest manner to get what you want from people.
To dream of being unable to find your shoes represents feelings of being unable to approach a situation with confidence or in a way you are used to doing. Feeling that your methods to solving a problem will not work the way you thought they would.
To dream of polishing shoes represents an attempt to look perfect or "polished" with your methods of dealing with a situation. Not wanting to look nervous, inexperienced, or immoral in any way at all. Wanting to look good knowing what you are talking about to others or like you can be trusted. You may be concerned about making a good first impression or that you are beyond criticism.
To dream of a pair of sneakers (running shoes) represents an approach to a situation that is casual or worry free. Playing it cool. Not taking life too seriously. Comfort and satisfaction with yourself and who you are.
Negatively, a sneakers may be a sign that you are not being serious enough about how you go about doing something. Irresponsibility or ignoring danger. Always taking the easy options. Playing it too cool.
To dream of wet shoes may reflect feelings of embarrassment that your approach to a situation didn't work out as planned. Methods or problem solving have caused more problems. Your manner of approaching a situation is causing problems or making your life more difficult. Embarrassment that you aren't as effective as you want to be.
To dream of wearing two different shoes represents feelings about conflicting approaches to a situation. Two different simultaneous methods of living, doing your job, or living in a relationship. Awareness of yourself not being 100% loyal. Awareness of yourself not being 100% decided or focused. Awareness of yourself not being 100% team player.
Negatively, wearing two different shoes may reflect problems with living honestly or difficulty adjusting to new conditions in your life. Awkwardly living a double life or pretending you like something only because someone else likes it. Awareness of yourself living a lie or having to be a different person to different people. Fearing looking like a fake to two different people. Excessive people pleasing or difficulty being comfortable being yourself.
To dream of shoes breaking represents feelings about an approach to a situation not working anymore or not being good enough. Feeling forced to change your approach to a situation. Feelings that there is something wrong with your approach to a situation that can't be fixed. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are either overdoing something, not experienced enough, or even possibly not being persistent enough in your ways. Embarrassment that your methods are not as good as someone else's.
Example: A psychiatrist dreamed of wearing shoes that were too cramped. In real life she was beginning to feel that Freud's methods were too limiting to her work in understand people's minds. The cramped shoes reflected her feelings that using a Freudian approach to therapy was too limiting to be effective for all her clients.
Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to decide between two pairs of shoes. In waking life was writing a book and trying to decide whether to be totally honest about some stupid things he had done or to avoid writing about them completely.
Example 3: A man dreamed that the soles of his shoes were worn out and that new soles were only allowed for Nazi Storm Troopers. In waking life he was living in Nazi Germany and once he had exhausted his ability to secretly avoid Nazi restrictions he felt forced to accept them to continue his life normally.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being unable to find a certain pair of shoes. In waking life she was unable to find a way to deal with a problem she had.
To dream of an angry, evil, or deranged shooter represents feelings about the possibility for dangerous choices to be made that get back at you. Fear of some kind of uncontrolled choice causing serious damage or failure in your life. Feelings about lies you have told having consequences with someone else's frustrated anger. Feeling that someone is going to get you back in way that you feel is emotionally dangerous. Feeling that someone is insistent and determined to get you back that scares you. Feeling that an unpredictable person or situation might "snap" at any time. Feelings about possible random or unpredictable acts of vengeance on innocence. Concerns about dealing with someone else's heated frustrations.
To dream of a professional shooter represents feelings about calculated decisions to "take out" a problem. Calculated payback. Your own arrogance that is attempting to "take out" a problem. Feelings that someone is trying "take you out" with calculated decisions. Dangerous powerful decisions that can be called up on demand. Feelings about calculated payback that can't be predicted.
To dream of a criminal shooter represents represents feeling about significant dishonest choices that may be dangerous or cause harm. Powerful dishonest choices that may cause significant loss to you or others. Dishonest choices that make you feel that you or someone else is immoral.
*Please See School Shooter
To dream of seeing a shooting represents witnessing yourself or someone else making a final decision. A change has been decided on. Aiming for a goal. Choosing to "terminate" your competition or people who you think are working against your best interests.
Alternatively, seeing a shooting in a dream may reflect awareness of something in your life being cancelled, stopped, or purposely failed. A fight or conflict of interests in waking life. Feeling that people or life are working against you in some way. Feeling intentionally antagonized, attacked, or embarrassed. Feeling shocked by a sudden loss or setback.
Negatively, dreaming of a shooting may reflect witnessing a shocking choice being made or dangerous change of events.
To dream that you are shooting someone else may reflect a big decision you've made. Getting rid of a partner or problem for good. Making an emotionally dangerous or dramatic decision. Choosing to "terminate" some area of your life. Negatively, it may reflect choosing to turn your back on something good in you life.
To be shot with bullets symbolizes people or situations with the power to control your decisions and feelings. Decisions other people have made that embarrassed you.
To see another person shoot someone represents one aspect of your personality having the power to control another. Feelings about losing an argument or fight.
To dream of being shot at, but missed symbolizes people or situations that are attempting to control your decisions. If you shoot and miss someone in a dream it represents your failed attempt to reach a goal or change something. Failure to "terminate" a person or problem.
To die from a gunshot wound represents failure due to a situation or person that overpowered you or took you by surprise. A person or situation was too powerful, resourceful or intimidating. Often a dream symbol that appears when someone is fired from a job or a partner breaks up with them. Feeling purposely excluded, "kicked out" or "fired."
Example: A man dreamed of being shot in his chest. In waking life he went to the doctor to examine some pain and discomfort he was having and found out that he had a serious heart problem. The shooting may have reflected his feelings about life shocking him with sudden health problem.
Example 2: A young girl dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she woke up with a severe migraine.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing other people being shot. In waking life he experienced co-workers getting fire by his boss.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of shooting people in all directions. In waking life she was suffering from a paranoid mental illness that made her turn on everyone around her.
Example 5: A man dreamed of shooting a lion. In waking life he felt forced to defend himself against a woman whose behavior was becoming too controlling.
Example 6: A man dreamed of fighting and losing a violent shoot-out with guns. In waking life she was trying very hard to give up his marijuana habit and eventually gave in to his cravings.
Example 7: A young man dreamed of being shot with a single bullet in his cheek. In waking life he got a pimple on his cheek the next day. The bullet may have reflected his feelings about the zit attacking his ability to stay competitively attractive with other boys at school.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of seeing her stepfather with bullets shots in his body. In waking life she had lost an argument with a sister of whom she hated.
Example 9: A woman dreamed of being shot. In waking life she got rejected for a promotion. In this case the gun shot may have reflected her feelings about the powerful emotional impact of the choice by others to reject her promotion request and diminish her confidence about being a professional.
Example 10: A woman dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she felt sad after being dumped by a guy.
*Please See Bullets
*Please See Guns
Shooting Stars
To dream of a shooting star represents rare situations that surprise you. It may also reflect something wonderful that you never thought you'd ever get to experience. Unexpected fulfillment, advancement, or big changes.
Negatively, a shooting star dream may be a sign that you don't trust something that rarely happens or that conflict has arisen from it.
To dream of a shootout represents feelings of intense conflict, danger, or confrontation in your waking life. A high-stakes situation where you or others are engaged in a fierce battle, either verbally, emotionally, or physically. A reflection of your fears, anxieties, or concerns about a real-life conflict or power struggle. A fast-moving confrontational situation with a clear sense of opposition or rivalry, and a significant urgency about the outcome. Deep-rooted internal conflicts.
Positively, dreaming of a shootout may indicate that you have the courage, determination, and readiness to confront issues, challenges, or individuals head-on. A willingness to stand up for your beliefs and protect what is important to you, even in the face of adversity. A strong defensive stance, assertiveness, or the courage to stand your ground. A desire for justice or a resolution to a long-standing issue. A release of pent-up stress or aggression, signifying an active engagement in resolving matters that have been causing tension or conflict.
Negatively, a shootout in a dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed by a conflict situation in your waking life. Repressed anger or aggression that needs to be addressed. Uncontrolled anger, danger, or chaotic situations. Feeling caught in the middle of a hostile situation where you feel unsafe or threatened. Making impulsive decisions under pressure, or engaging in harmful or risky conflicts that could have serious consequences. A chaotic emotional atmosphere with outbursts or "firing off" of angry emotions or harsh words, akin to bullets in a shootout. An internal state of stress and alertness, constantly feeling like there is a need to be on the defensive due to the unpredictable but always tense environment you are living in. A fear of confrontation or an inability to control a rapidly escalating situation in your waking life.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing all the people he lives with as he walked down his old street. Suddenly, a shootout broke out. In waking life, he felt that sometimes he couldn't stand the people he lived with because there was too much hate, anger, and fakeness. In this case, the shootout may have reflected his perception of the intense conflict, "explosive" confrontations", and hostility he felt within his living situation. The dream served as a metaphor for the emotional battleground he experienced daily, where people around him were engaged in conflict, making him uncomfortable and anxious.
*Please See Guns
*Please See Shopping
*Please See Store
*Please See Mall
To dream of shopping represents your consideration of ideas, choices, roles, or acceptable ways of thinking. Surveying your options. Exploring all possibilities before integrating ideas, attitudes, or roles into your way of living. Trying to discover what beliefs, choices, or habits suit you best. Consider choices for the next phase of your life.
Alternatively, shopping may reflect your attempt to convince yourself about what the best methods or options are to fulfill a need or solve a problem. You may be asking yourself what's best for you right now?
Negatively, shopping may reflect frustration with too many choices or feeling overwhelmed with a myriad of choices. Anxiety about making the right choice.
Shopping at discount stores may reflect options with less personal cost or that feel easier than other choices.
Shopping at expensive stores may reflect more "expensive", difficult, or riskier choices you are considering. Feeling that a choice may cost you too much for the rest of your life.
Example: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy some clothing. In waking life he was considering whether or not marry someone was good idea.
*Please See Mall
*Please See Shopping Cart
Shopping Bags
To dream of a shopping bags upscale stores represents your feelings about having made an important choice or decision. Feeling like a winner knowing you have acquired what you want in life.
Negatively, shopping bags from an upscale store may reflect irresponsible use of power or resources to achieve a goal that is unsustainable. Wasting your power or resources for short term enjoyment. Too much of a concern with having what you want all the time.
Too much talking about important goals and not enough action being taken.
*Please See Plastic Bags
Shopping Cart
To dream of a shopping cart represents feeling empowered and in control of your life by having the ability to make decisions or "shop around" while you take action towards achieving your goals. Actively thinking about and exploring options. The intention to "shop around" for options towards a new experience. Gathering and considering different ideas. Focused or serious attitude towards goals.
Negatively, dreaming about a shopping cart may reflect wasting time considering options. Feeling burdened by too many choices. Difficulty making decisions. Feeling overwhelmed or bogged down by too many options. The fear of someone else having options that lets them move on quickly and easily without you.
To dream of an empty shopping cart may reflect goals you are serious about achieving, but haven't completely decided on. You're seriously looking, but unable to find exactly what you want. A lack of direction or purpose, or a sense of disappointment or unfulfillment.
To dream of a shopping cart that is left behind or abandoned represents giving up on a goal or not following through with plans. Giving up on "shopping around" for options.
To dream of a shopping cart overloaded represents feeling overwhelmed or bogged down by too many options or responsibilities. Overdoing considering options. Embarrassing yourself seeing too many options. Feelings about accepting too many options just make your life work at all.
To dream of a shopping cart that is unstable or unbalanced represents a sense of insecurity or instability in your life in relation to your choices and decisions. Feeling uncertain or having difficulty making decisions.
To dream of a shopping cart with obstacles in the way, being stuck, or running into other objects represents feeling blocked or hindered in your ability to make choices or move forward in a certain area of your life.
Example: A girl dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend pushing a shopping cart. In waking life, she had just broken up with him and knew that he was serious about looking for someone else. In this case, the shopping cart may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about her ex-boyfriend "shopping around" for a new relationship. The shopping cart may also reflect the dreamer's fear that the ex-boyfriend will move on quickly without her.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in a store with a shopping cart. In waking life, he was considering ideas for a second business to run from home. In this case, the shopping cart could symbolize the man's decision-making process for his second business venture. The shopping cart represents the idea that he is collecting and considering different options for his new business, just as he would collect and consider different items to purchase in a store. The fact that he is pushing the shopping cart around the store could indicate that he is actively thinking about and exploring his options.
*Please See Beach
Short Hair
To dream of short hair on someone whom it is unusual, or to see long hair cut short represents a sacrifice of power, or the freedom to think freely. Some aspect of yourself is conforming or less powerful than before.
Shortbread Cookies
To dream of shortbread cookies represents feelings about treating yourself to getting away with something that's believably innocent by not thinking about anything too impressive about yourself so other people feel safe that they counted as well. Not fearing being nicer than someone else.
To dream of shorts in a dream represents a relaxed, worry free, laid back, or carefree attitude during a negative situation. Showing yourself or other people that you aren't letting problems get you down.
Black or red shorts represents a laid back or care free attitude that is negative or excessive. You are too comfortable or relaxed about a situation that you should be more conservative about. It may also reflect showing off, bragging, or a neglectful attitude when a problem arises.
*Please See Bullets
*Please See Guns
*Please See Shooting
*Please See Syringes
To dream of a shotgun represents the power to make a decision that is significant, powerful, or has lasting consequences. A shotgun symbolizes choices that are dramatic. Dealing with a problem with one final shot.
If bad people in a dream hold a shotgun it represents negative personality traits with the power to make dramatic choices that could sabotage you, or "burn bridges." It may also reflect your own wish to get back at someone powerfully.
To dream of a sawed-off shotgun symbolizes you or some aspect of your personality that can make very powerful quick decisions. Big choices made on the spot. If a bad or evil person in a dream has a sawed-off shot gun this can symbolize very powerful short term rash decisions.
Example: A very young girl dreamed of seeing her father shooting her with a shotgun. In waking life her parents were getting divorced and she feared deciding which parents to live with because she felt that one of them would stop loving her. The shotgun in this case may have reflected how powerful and dangerous she felt deciding which parent to live with was.
Example 2: A man dreamed picking up a double barrel shotgun. In waking life he was threatening to sue someone for injuries while demanding a settlement as a faster option to resolve the legal conflict.
*Please See Guns
To dream of a shoulder bag represents feelings of practicality, responsibility, and preparedness in your waking life with a sense of identity about being comfortable that it's not important. Being prepared or ready to handle life's challenges while also maintaining a sense of personal style or identity. Your ability to carry your essentials or burdens with ease, grace, and confidence. A sense of identity and utility about not embarrassing yourself for not having what you need with you to deal with problem situations. Capability and confidence in managing responsibilities.
Positively, dreaming about a shoulder bag may represent practicality combined with a sense of fashion or personal expression. You feel well-prepared and organized in your waking life, capable of handling various situations without compromising your sense of self. A harmonious blend of necessity and personal.
Negatively, dreaming about a shoulder bag could represent feelings of being weighed down by responsibilities or challenges that you are trying to carry with style but are finding burdensome. It might suggest that you are concerned with appearances and how you are perceived by others, possibly at the expense of addressing deeper issues. Alternatively, it could indicate a reliance on appearances related to liking yourself as a person in order to define your identity or sense of worth while dealing with life challenges. Issues with being vain while dealing with life problems.
Example: A non-binary teenager dreamed of going being in a store in the purse section and picking up an over-the-shoulder bag instead of a purse. In waking life, they were preparing to host a prom. In this case, the shoulderbag being chosen instead of a purse may have reflected their feelings about their gender being an issue with not wanting to embarrass themselves by appearing too traditionally feminine or masculine while dealing with the social challenge of preparing to attend prom. The shoulder bag symbolized a more neutral or versatile choice that aligned with their sense of non-binary identity, indicating readiness and preparation for the event while maintaining comfort in their gender expression.
*Please See Utility Bag
*Please See Purse
To dream of shoulders represents feelings about the ability to handle responsibility, burdens, or the ability to carry the weight of a problem if you need to. The capacity to carry the weight of obligations and challenges in life. Your perception of your own strength, both physical and emotional, and how you cope with the demands or pressures of your waking life
Positively, dreaming about shoulders represents strength, reliability, and the ability to bear burdens if you have to. It may reflect a conscious recognition of your own capacity to handle stress, take on responsibilities, or support others. Your ability to uphold commitments, show determination, and demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. Your ability to take on tasks and responsibilities with confidence, providing support to those around you.
Negatively, dreaming about shoulders could represent feelings of being overwhelmed or burdened by the weight of too many responsibilities or stresses. A sense of carrying the weight of others' problems or bearing excessive pressure in your life. A need to alleviate stress and find ways to share the load with others. Feelings of being overworked. Perhaps you feel like you're carrying too much on your own, without any assistance from others, or you're struggling under the weight of expectations that you find too demanding or unreasonable.
To dream of wide shoulders represents feelings of increased capacity, capability, or confidence to take on responsibilities or burdens. It could symbolize your perception of yourself as being capable of handling more than usual, or it might reflect your view of someone else as being particularly strong, reliable, or equipped to bear heavy burdens or responsibilities. This could also pertain to feelings of readiness to take on bigger challenges, increased resilience, or enhanced strength in the face of adversity. It suggests a conscious or subconscious recognition of one's ability to handle larger amounts of stress, responsibilities, or demands in life.
To dream of someone forcefully grabbing you by the shoulder may reflect situations where you feel singled out, confronted, or forced to deal with a problem or responsibility. Feelings about a situation that is pressuring you, demanding your attention, or making you feel obligated or responsible for something.
To dream of a hand being gently placed on your shoulder may reflect feelings of support and reassurance. It could symbolize a comforting presence or the act of someone else acknowledging your burdens and offering help. It might also represent guidance, compassion, or a gentle reminder that you're not alone in your struggles.
To dream of a dislocated shoulder may reflect problems with feeling incapable or unprepared to handle the responsibilities or challenges in your life. Feelings about an unexpected setback or failure that has made it difficult to carry out your duties and obligations as expected. A perceived loss of strength, resilience, or ability to bear burdens. This could reflect real-life experiences where you feel overwhelmed, unsupported, or unable to cope with the stresses or responsibilities you are facing.
To dream of a bird on your shoulder may reflect feelings about it being your job to carry a burden of a job responsibility before moving on. Consider alternative meanings if the bird species is specific.
To dream of looking over your shoulder may represent paranoia, distrust, or fear about problems catching up to you. You may be feeling anxious or worried about unresolved issues or past mistakes that you fear might have negative consequences. It could also reflect feelings of guilt, regret, or a fear of judgment or retaliation. Difficulty being 100% confident or secure in yourself about a situation. Concerns that someone or something that you overlooked may embarrass you.
Example: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a cloaked man with a crow on his shoulder. The cloaked man placed his hand on the dreamer's shoulder. In waking life, the dreamer was seriously considering enlisting in the Marine Corps. In this case, the crow sitting on the cloaked man's shoulder man have reflected his feelings about the military recruiter having to carry the annoying responsibility of his job by trying to enroll people in the military. The cloaked man touching the shoulder of the dreamer may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about being asked to take on the burden of serving his country by enrolling in the military.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her son with a dislocated shoulder. In waking life, she was very uncertain about her family life because her children had been taken away from her. She felt she needed government financial assistance to try to get her children returned to her and restore her family life. In this case, her son having a dislocated shoulder may have reflected her feelings about herself losing confidence in herself as a competent mother to carry the financial burden of a stable family home life.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a naked woman with wide masculine shoulders who was ready to have sex with him to get pregnant for an arranged marriage. In waking life, he was considering having a child with a woman for an arranged marriage, and he felt the woman was overconfident about being involved in his business activities once the marriage was consummated. In this case, the wide shoulders may have reflected the man's feelings about the woman being too confident, assertive or dominant about her ability to handle the responsibilities involved in their future marriage and business affairs.
*Please See Yelling
To dream of a shovel represents waking life situations where your focus is on doing something different. Struggling with all you have to make a change. A quest for a new understanding
To dream of digging a hole with a shovel represents your attempt to do all you can to get answers. A quest for new understanding or to get to the bottom of a problem. Negatively, it may reflect a problem you are making worse for yourself. Trying too hard to find the truth to a problem.
*Please See Grave
To dream of a shower represents a renewal, or a fresh start. A shower symbolizes something you are thinking, or something that is happening in your waking life that is allowing you to relieve a burden or stress of some kind. Something may have happened that allows you to stop worrying.
If you can't find a shower, or have difficulty using one it symbolizes a burden or emotional difficulties that are holding you back.
Negatively, a shower may reflect negative or dishonest actions that improve your life in some way. Feeling that your social standing changes from a loser to a winner because you did something illegal or took drugs around people who pressured you. Awareness of yourself becoming a winner because you are choosing to change your life with an illegal decision.
Example: A young girl dreamed of being in a shower and pulling out her teeth. In waking life she felt that she was getting more respect from her friends after taking drugs for the very first time.
Example 2: A man had recurring dreams of being in his shower. In waking he was experiencing recurring bouts of anxiety that would fade away after a period of time leaving him feeling better about himself.
Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a shower. In waking life was experiencing a serious complication with his health slowly going away.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of crying in the shower. In waking life she felt that she was emotionally stable moving on from her mother's death and then suddenly found it difficult to get over her mother's death after thinking about her for too long.
Example 5: A man dreamed of walking towards a shower and then being told that he didn't need to so he turned around. In waking life, the man thought he was going to have to go to the hospital for a serious health condition, but his health stabilized at the last minute. In this case, the shower may have reflected his feelings about thinking he needed to go to the hospital to get medical assistance to restore his body to normal function.
*Please See Soap
*Please See Bathtubs
*Please See Bubble Bath
Shower Cap
To dream of a shower cap represents a wish to avoid changing your mindset or thinking style as you undergo some kind of renewal. Wanting to feel better about yourself or look better to others without having to change you attitude, mood, or intentions. Shielding yourself from some emotional situation.
Negatively, a shower cap may reflect a stubborn attitude while you undergo a change or renewal. A bad relationship or situation may have improved, but you don't want to change how you think about it.
Shower Curtain
To dream of a shower curtain represents feelings about some kind of situational barrier you are using to not embarrass yourself while improving or "refreshing" your life. Using to a situation or factor in your life to maintain privacy or avoid unpleasant revelations about yourself as you try to fix your life up. Hiding embarrassing things about yourself that you are trying to remove from your life. Feelings of personal discretion or having no intrusions into your private dealing while restoring some area of your life.
Example: A young man dreamed of holding a shower curtain in front on him while naked and blocking a girl from having sex with him. In waking life he was using the prolonged legal situation of the death of his father to avoid beginning dating a girl because his life wasn't perfectly financially secure until all the legal work was over. He didn't feel confident about himself dating the girl until he had full control of all the money from the sale of the property and his was completely financially secure.
To dream of shrapnel represents feelings about dangerous unexpected consequences or side effects. An explosive situation or temper causing problems in a number of other areas. Insensitive anger that doesn't care about anyone else's feelings if it doesn't get what it wants first. Feeling lucky to escape someone's anger with minimal lasting consequences. Collateral damage. Feeling that someone's anger is dangerously petty.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone getting hit by shrapnel. In waking life he has experiencing his mother getting very angry due to her illness after leaving the hospital. At the last minute she decided to cancel an family gathering due to her illness because her temper was really bad. The shrapnel in this case may have reflect feelings about his mother's temper have emotionally dangerous side-effects on the entire family's happiness.
To dream of a paper shredder represents the elimination of plans or ideas. You may be choosing to rid yourself of certain goals or plans as you decide to move in alternative directions. A shredder may also represent people or situations may be noticeably antagonistic towards your goals or wishes. Plans or goals seem to come undone before your eyes.
To dream of a paper shredder working in reverse may represents plans or ideas that are being revitalized after being abandoned or compromised.
To dream of eating shrimp represent positive feelings that something is too easy. Feeling good noticing how easy something is experience or achieve. Confidence that you can never fail or be contended with. Feeling that you are so powerful or superior that it's ridiculous to even question it. Feeling totally bigger than someone else. Feelings about your problems or enemies self-defeating in you presence or under your power.
Negatively, eating shrimp may reflect arrogance that is going too far or your feeling that you will never be taken seriously. Feeling that something is pathetically easy to experience or achieve. Over-confidence that something is too easy to the point of risking embarrassing yourself.
To dream of a shrine represents feelings of respecting something for being a "shining example" that has ever been. Regarding someone or something with great respect completely. Respecting someone or something as though they were the best that ever was. Not having anything else to do except say why something is respected completely as perfect example. Respecting something for being excellentest. Feeling so concerned with something being respected completely you don't want to be caught noticing that you're not. So concerned with something never being little it has to always be respected that way. Strong respect for the past. Feeling that someone never insults you or hurts you as long as you show respect to something a lot. Honoring the dead.
Negatively, dreaming of a shrine may represent overdoing respecting something. Not liking having to respect someone or something for being excellentest. Absolute respect for something that you don't want to show because you don't think it's that important. Obsession with someone or something being too important to ever forget. Feeling good never respecting something as more special or excellent than anything else for the rest of your life. Feeling annoyed having to enjoy respecting something or someone too much. Feeling that it's creepy to respect someone too much. Not liking respecting the past too much. Feeling that you're "over it" when other people aren't. Feelings about someone else making you think something is important when you don't think it matters. Respecting something completely as a shining example because you'll get in trouble if you don't. Feeling that someone died and not wanting to respect them all time or think they were excellent like other people think. Not thinking something is the best you've ever seen and not liking it is. Feeling that something is so overdone that you are annoyed it wants you to respect it that much. Feeling made to respect someone something too much.
To dream of shrinking represents feelings about yourself or someone else becoming less significant, less powerful, or less confident. A reduction in importance, influence, or capability. Feeling reduced in power in yourself or others. Your thoughts about losing status, strength, or standing in a particular area of your life. Reduced self-worth. A reduction in the ability to impress others.
Positively, dreaming about shrinking may represent letting go of ego, becoming more humble, or reducing a sense of over-importance. A conscious choice to minimize your presence or impact in a situation to avoid conflict or to allow others to shine. A desire for humility, simplicity, or a more modest approach to life. A need to let go of ego-driven attitudes or behaviors and embrace a more down-to-earth perspective. A willingness to adapt to changing circumstances or relinquish control in certain situations. A reduction of ego, acknowledging one's limitations, or a healthy downsizing of aspirations to more manageable levels. A desire to become less dominant in a situation or relationship to allow for growth, learning, or equality. Feelings about enemies or problems reducing in importance.
Negatively, dreaming about shrinking may represent feelings of powerlessness, insecurity, or inadequacy in a situation that overpowers you. Fears of not being good enough, losing control, or being overshadowed by others. Concerns about diminishing influence, respect, or authority. Feeling overlooked, undervalued, or disregarded. Feeling slighted or neglected. Inhibition or restraint in expressing your true self or pursuing your interests. Feeling that a situation is too large to deal with or that enemies are too powerful. A loss of stature in the face of challenges or adversities. Anxiety about failing to meet expectations. Feelings of being overlooked or feeling insignificant in social situations or group settings.
To dream of a room shrinking represents feelings about reduced personal space, boundaries, or autonomy. Feelings about increasingly limited time and options. Situations or relationships are becoming more constrictive, leaving you feeling cramped.
To dream of something growing and then shrinking may represent fluctuations in your confidence, influence, or power. Fluctuations in progress or success, where initial growth or expansion is followed by setbacks or reductions. You may be experiencing a situation where you feel your abilities or control are being tested and then diminished. The need to adapt and compromise in certain situations, recognizing that sometimes less is more. Moments of optimism and expansion followed by retreats into self-doubt
To dream of a weapon shrinking may represent feelings of diminishing power to defend yourself or to assert your will. A loss of power in a confrontational situation. A loss of confidence in your ability to confront problems or challenges. Feelings of weakness or insecurity when facing opposition or conflict.
To dream of solid circles shrinking may represent feelings of reduced significance or importance for an aspect of your life that seems safe no matter what it does.
To dream of hollow circles shrinking may represent feelings of reduced significance or importance for an aspect of your life that repeats itself over and over.
To dream of a baby shrinking may represent feelings about a new development in your life that requires care and protection that is losing importance or significance.
Example: A man dreamed of having sex with an attractive woman and halfway through the sex the woman began to shrink until she was so small he felt like he was having sex with a Barbie doll. In waking life, his wife had gained weight over the past year and her weight required him to be more physical than usual. In this case, the shrinking woman may have reflected feelings about his wife's increasing weight making their sexual relationship feel less significant or less satisfying as he struggled with his physical and emotional response to the changes.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of going to a paranormal fair and seeing a tree with branches that grew and shrank. In waking life, they were curious about checking out a psychic while having doubts. In this case, the growing and shrinking tree branches may have reflected her fluctuating or reduced belief in the supernatural capabilities of a psychic while talking to one. She may have experienced confidence in some things the psychic said while returning to cynicism for things that were less believable.
*Please See Psilocybin
To dream of real functioning window shutters represents signals about what you or someone else really feels about a situation. An indicator of mood or openness. Positively, shutters may reflect an unwillingness to be be noticed by others in a degrading, risky, or embarrassing manner.
To dream of closed window shutters represents an unwillingness to be noticed liking something. It may also reflect closing others off or not wanting to be involved with a situation. It may also point to sensitivity about situations having to feel good all the time.
Negatively, closed shutters may represent a childish attempt to avoid noticing something happening that can't be stopped. Closed window shutters may also reflect you or someone else that is being a prude or snob. Wanting to be noticed by others as being better than them.
To dream of decorative window shutters represents a preference to be noticed by others as having a lovely life. Feeling good noticing everything happening in your life is always perfect.
Negatively, decorative window shutters may reflect appearances without substance. Trying too hard to appear like everything in your life is perfect.
*Please See Blinds
*Please See Curtains
*Please See Windows
To dream of being shy represents feelings of being timid, too reserved, showing a small amount of anxiety about confronting something. Nervousness. Difficulty approaching a situation assertively. Situations where you are inhibited or insecure. Feeling that something inside holds you back when dealing with people or problems. Awareness of yourself disliking yourself being quiet. Anxiety about trying something or opening up to others. A sign that you need to be more assertive or aggressive. Lacking confidence in a situation. Not feeling comfortable wanting to do something yet.
Siamese Twins
*Please See Conjoined Twins
To dream of siblings represents an alternative or competing perspective.
Negatively, dreaming of a sibling may reflect unpleasant feelings about yourself losing. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings or beliefs that are counterproductive to your well-being such as insecurity, second guessing yourself, or self-defeating habits. Intentionally being depressed or choosing to lose.
Positively, a sibling may reflect confidence, hope, or someone with more experience than you. A better idea than yours.
If you have more than one sibling than each sibling will represent a competing or alternative aspect of your personality based on the one thing about them that stands out the most.
Your brother or sister may also symbolize your projection of him or her at the current moment.
To dream of a brother or sister that you don't actually have may represent new ideas or new perspectives that compete with your own. They may reflect new feelings of insecurity or self-doubt. Positively, they could reflect a new sense of hope or confidence. A little kid sister may symbolize feelings of responsibility or annoyance.
To dream of a sibling rivalry represents your attempt to overcome your own insecurities or flaws. It may also reflect your struggle to come to terms with alternative opinions or feelings. Alternatively, a sibling rivalry may represent your view of other people competing over different opinions or goals.
Example: A woman kept having dreams of her sister. Her most honest feelings about her sister was the she was always better looking or more popular. In waking she kept having disappointments with dating men who she felt she wasn't good looking enough for. In her dreams her sister reflected situations or comments made by others that made her feel that she wasn't good enough for the men she wanted.
Example 2: A young woman kept having dreams of her brother. Her most honest feeling about her brother was that he was a failure. In waking life she kept having bad luck dating. Her brother in the dreams reflected her own feeling of herself being a failure in relationships.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her brother. In waking life she was having an argument with her boyfriend and didn't like feeling like she lost the argument.
*Please See Sister-In-Law
To dream of being sick represents problems, disappointments, or setbacks that you must wait to pass before getting to do what you really want. Feeling held back by something you can't control.
A constant state of unhappiness in your life due to an issue that you feel is impossible to address.
Negatively, being sick in a dream may reflect a sense of hopelessness or impossibility about being able to to fix a problem
you feel you need to constantly put up with. Accepting problems or unhappiness without taking action. Whining about lingering problems or making excuses for problems you continue to live with.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her friend at work very sick and vomiting. In waking life she this friend was obese and spoke about how desperate she was to lose weight every time they spoke. The sick symbolism may have reflected the dreamers feelings about her friend being in a constant state of unhappiness about her life due to her weight problems.
*Please See Illness
To dream of a sickle represents conflict in your life that revolves around scaring other people into having to be perfectly honest. Scaring other people that they have to earn everything the hard way. Instilling fear in others that family has to come first. A fear of not working hard enough or being lazy. Fear that other people aren't impressed with your behavior.
Negatively, a sickle may reflect fear and intimidation used to manipulate people into regulating themselves into perfect honesty. Fear of no second chances or mistakes. A fear of being singled out for dishonesty. Alternatively, it may reflect a fear of having to be perfectly honest or do hard work.
To dream that you are holding a sickle may reflect your conflicting feelings about enforcing hard work or honesty on difficult people who you feel will not like it at all.
To dream of a rusty sickle may reflect conflicting feelings about enforcing hard work or honesty that has been neglected for a while. Difficulty making people change their lazy or dishonest ways after a long period of no discipline whatsoever. A very "ugly" confrontation about hard work or the need for renewed honesty.
*Please See Illness
To dream of the side of a house represents an alternative or hidden perspective on the self or a situation. Understanding a situation from a perspective you don't usually see. A desire to explore new aspects of oneself or to uncover hidden emotions or motivations. Additionally, the dream may reflect a feeling of being on the outer limits or outside of a situation. The side of a house in a dream may also suggest a need to pay attention to neglected or overlooked areas of one's life.
To dream of the side of a table where being at the head of the table isn't important represents acceptance of being involved in a situation for the first time. Feelings of not being scared that you are getting involved in a situation for the first time where other people able to see it or talk about it. Consider left or right side of table along with what direction you are facing for additional symbolism.
To dream of the side of a table and not sitting at the head of the table represents a feeling of being excluded or overlooked in a social situation. Accepting yourself involved in a situation for the first time where you are not most important or are silent about what is happening. Feelings of not being scared that you are getting involved in a situation for the first time with other people or other controlling factors. It may also indicate a supportive or passive role rather than being in the center of attention. Additionally, the side of a table in a dream may symbolize a sense of being on the fringe or periphery of an important matter or decision.
To dream of the side of a face represents aspects of yourself or someone else that are not fully revealed or understood. It may indicate hidden emotions or intentions, or a need to look beyond the surface level and gain a deeper understanding of a person or situation. Alternatively, the dream may reflect a feeling of being excluded or ignored in a social setting, or a desire to be seen and recognized for who you truly are.
To dream of the side of a road represents may suggest a need for direction or guidance in life. Feelings about not having made significant progress or being lost in one's path. It can also symbolize feeling sidelined or ignored in a situation and unsure what direction to take. A sense of being on the periphery of something important. Additionally, the dream may indicate a need to take a break or pause from the journey to reassess one's goals or direction in life.
To dream of standing off to the side represents a sense of detachment or disconnection from a situation or group. It may also indicate a desire to observe or analyze before taking action, or a feeling of being excluded or overlooked. Additionally, standing off to the side in a dream may symbolize a need to step back and assess a situation before fully engaging with it.
To dream of food on the side of your plate represents feelings about opportunity or potential that you have yet to fully embrace or explore. Feelings about not getting around to doing something yet where whether you think something is good or bad based on left or right side placement of the food. Left is more logical and right is more emotional. Alternatively, dreaming of food on the side of a plate may represent a feeling of neglect or disregard in some aspect of your life, or a sense of being unsatisfied or unfulfilled. It may also indicate a need for balance or variety in your life, or a desire to focus on something that you feel is being overlooked or neglected.
To dream of taking someone's side represents feelings about loyalty and support in a personal relationship or conflict.
Overall, the meaning of "side" in a dream can vary greatly depending on the specific details and emotions involved in the dream.
*Please See Left
*Please See Right
To dream that you are walking on a sidewalk represents steady progress towards goals. Outcomes that you feel are absolutely certain. Slow progress in some area of your life that you are confident about. A direction in life where you are perfectly confident about your self-worth, strengths, or success. A path in life that is confident. Feeling certain that failure or embarrassment is impossible because your status is guaranteed.
Negatively, a sidewalk may reflect arrogance or hubris. Feeling confident while never listening to anyone else's advice, objections, or feelings. Being so certain of yourself that you ignore potential problems.
A cracked sidewalk may reflect minor problems or temporary setbacks that are keeping you from fully achieving a goal or being totally confident.
Example: A man dreamed of walking down a sidewalk. In waking life he was experiencing a big increase in sales with his business. He felt very confident and certain about himself.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing houses on a street in a very rich neighborhood where there were no sidewalks. In waking life he was having concerns about his business becoming too successful and having to hide his money so that he didn't draw attention to himself.
Example 3: A man dreamed of walking down a sidewalk. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of renewed confidence with his business as it began to make a lot more money that ever before.
Sifting Screen
To dream of a sifting screen represents careful scrutiny of an area of your life that's being cleansed. Keeping what's important in your life and removing what isn't.
Example: A person once dreamed of a sifting screen while they were in the process of giving their home a spring cleaning.
*Please See Tourist
*Please See Tourist Destination
To dream of a sign represents help, direction, or guidance. A sign may also reflect your intuition about what a situation is signaling to you. A "sign of the times."
Consider what the sign says for additional symbolic meaning. For example, a stop sign may reflect a situation or person that is signaling you to discontinue certain behavior or try another method.
To dream of a sign in Hebrew language may reflect feelings about "ominous signs" or signals that being more honest than other people might be required to proceed with a situation. Feeling that mistakes, cheating, not following rules perfectly, or holding back your true feelings will be detrimental to you in some way. Signs that the future in your life will require perfect honesty or adhering to policies that you might not like.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing signs in Hebrew as he walked in his homeland Estonia. In waking life he was unhappy with his current school program and felt that being perfectly honest about this so that he could change to another school course to his parents would be difficult.
*Please See Road Signs
Sign Language
To dream of sign language represents feelings about expressing yourself through signaling of capability because nobody cares about listening to or understanding anything you talk about unless they see what's happening through actions. Situations where you do not like why people are not understanding or listening to anything you are doing without seeing you make something happen. The significance of non-verbal communication and the importance of actions over words. Feelings about communicating with people not being possible unless there is communication with actions that prove things are possible. Situations where nobody is listening to anything you are doing unless you make actions or gestures to convey meaning or intent. A scenario in your waking life where verbal communication feels ineffective or ignored, and where actions are the primary means of expressing sincerity, ability, or intentions. A situation where you feel that you must 'show rather than tell' to make your point understood.
Example: A young woman dreamed of using sign language to communicate with an elderly woman about having seen a lot of movies, but not wanting the woman to reveal any details of a new movie because she hadn't seen it yet. In waking life, she was a freshman in college and trying to make a decision about pursuing a major in film. She feared that she wouldn't succeed in this major and that it would be a big mistake and a waste of time. In this case, the sign language may have reflected her feelings about her doing things related to enrollment in the film major in order to look serious about it while nobody she talked to seemed to understand her film class interest unless she was talking about taking action to enroll.
To see your signature in your dream represents your agreement and acceptance for a certain condition or situation. Your seal of approval.
To dream of silence suggests an awareness of stillness or a lack of activity in a situation. Feeling that nothing is happening in a situation yet. Awareness of what is happening in a situation when nobody ever says anything about it. Dreams of silence may also point towards scenarios where individuals are not communicating with each other or where fears or anxieties are unspoken.
Negatively, silence may represent feelings about accepting a problem or crisis situation as it is while feeling it will go unnoticed. Feeling alone, abandoned, or stranded in a situation. Feelings about yourself being unheard of, overlooked, or ignored for the rest of your life. A fear of asking for help or taking action. Feeling that nobody likes you or that people have stopped communicating with you. Silent tension, emptiness or evasion of a situation. You or others that are not communicating what they really feel. Apathy. Feelings you have about a secret you know about. Feeling that nothing is happening in a situation with a sense of awkwardness or discomfort that it never matters again when you hope it would matter. Unspoken anger. A sense that "eventually" is never going to happen. Feelings about being treated as though you are unimportant to say anything to.
To dream of silence occurring suddenly while first experiencing sound may reflect feelings about a sudden shift in your situation, abrupt end of communication, or a sudden halt in activity that was previously ongoing. The emptiness of relationships or enjoyable situations ending abruptly. You or someone else is experiencing a dramatic reversal of behaviour without resistance. Unexpected failure or loss. An unexpected calm or stillness after a period of chaos, conflict, or busyness.
To dream of being silent represents your feelings of withholding your thoughts or emotions. Staying silent on a subject. It may reflect your decision to keep your ideas or feelings to yourself, perhaps due to fear, anxiety, or a desire to avoid conflict. This could signify holding back criticism, withholding important information, or maintaining a peaceful or passive stance in the face of confrontation. Feelings about unrevealed secrets.
Negatively, being silent in a dream may represent feelings of being ignored, overlooked, or unable to express yourself effectively. Unpleasant feelings about yourself not speaking up, not asserting yourself, or having anxiety about waiting. Experiencing problems or bad situations happening without objection. It could also symbolize feelings of helplessness, or a lack of control over your circumstances. It might point to feelings of frustration or resentment for not being able to voice your opinions or concerns openly.
Positively, being silent may reflect a state of introspection, self-reflection, or deep thought. It may also indicate that you are practicing restraint, wisdom, or discernment by choosing your words carefully or not speaking out of turn.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man silently injected a syringe which killed the man. In waking life, he was having difficult emotions about the slow destruction of the poor in society. He felt the poor were being harmed and that it was going unnoticed. In this case, the silent injection of the syringe may have reflected his feelings about the silent, unnoticed harm being done to the less fortunate in society. It may also reflect his perception of systemic issues or policies that are slowly but surely causing damage to vulnerable populations, yet without a clear outcry or public discussion.
Example 2: A girl dreamed of experiencing herself remaining silent. In waking life, she got into a big argument with her mother and was too uncomfortable to ask for her mother for help with homework. In this case, the girl dreaming of being silent may have reflected her feelings about choosing to remain silent and not express her need for help to her mother due to the discomfort from their argument.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing silent horses. In waking life,she has a number of sexual fantasies she wanted to experience with her boyfriend, but was afraid to speak to him about them. In this case, the silent horses may have reflected her feelings about her unexpressed sexual drives and urges.
Example 4: A person dreamed staying silent. In waking life, they were choosing to not get involved in a debate at work to avoid office politics. In this case, staying silent may have reflected their conscious choice to avoid participating in potentially harmful or divisive conversations.
Example 5: A young man dreamed of being silent. In waking life, he had experienced himself being yelled at by his mother and he choose to not respond or argue back. In this case, being silent may have reflected his decision to maintain composure and avoid escalating the conflict further. He was aware of himself doing nothing to make the situation worse.
Example 6: A man dreamed of experiencing eerie silence. In waking life he was experiencing the end of a relationship and felt uncomfortable about it. In this case, the eerie silence may have reflected his feelings of emptiness, loneliness, or uncertainty due to nothing happening with his ex ever again.
Example 7: A young man dreamed of sitting in silence. In waking life, he wanted his mother's support on an issue, but she wouldn't give it to him while he "silently" accepted it without bringing it up to her in private. In this case, the sitting in silence may have reflected choosing to withhold his feelings or concerns to maintain peace or avoid confrontation. The act of sitting in silence in the dream might symbolize his passive acceptance and internalization of his feelings without expressing them outwardly.
*Please See No Sound
*Please See Quiet
To dream of silk represents feelings about a situation being comfortably smooth or easy that sensitive about not being embarrassed once. Enjoying how easy something is by not embarrassing it at all. Never being uncomfortable with what you are doing. Enjoying smooth progress or never having to experience a single problem at all. Enjoying a easygoing social atmosphere because one person is making a careful effort to not embarrass the other person once. Feeling that nothing is insane about how easy something is, but never wanting to ruin it or have anything attack it. Feeling that something is so good with being easy or smooth that you don't want one thing dangerous to happen. Never wanting anything teaching you a lesson because that will ruin everything. Easiness that loves you, but should never be embarrassed at all. Feeling a out a more attractive option that notices it's the easiest there is. Liking having to think easy or smooth behavior has to stay that way no matter what.
Negatively, dreaming about silk may represent not liking thinking of a single thing wrong or uncomfortable because there shouldn't be once.
To dream of black silk may reflect feelings of being professionally comfortable no matter what you are doing. Enjoying being comfortable no matter what. Negatively, it may reflect feeling of being comfortable no matter what you are doing that is excessive to other people. Feelings about people that are more negative or evil than you that never stop being comfortable once.
To dream of white silk represents feelings about being comfortable no mater what you are doing that is perfectly honest or cares about someone else's problems never mattering. Trying your hardest to make a situation as comfortably easy as possible for others. Never asking for anything in return while being totally comfortable for someone else. Making it feel good being perfectly easy to get along with. Feeling good noticing how perfectly easy and smooth a situation is going for you. Someone in your life that is being perfectly nice to you. Negatively, white silk may be a sign that you are trying too hard to please someone else by being too nice or too compliant to please them. Trying hard to be nicer than anyone else.
To dream of wearing silk represents feelings about your personality being smooth or laidback. Liking yourself being comfortable no matter what you are doing.
Example: A woman dreamed of wearing a white silk dress while standing next to a dangerous man with a gun who didn't want anyone else to get near her. In waking life she trying to be very nice and sweet to a man she was dating. The man was very mean and controlling towards her. The white silk dress may have reflected her attempts to be submissive to the man by trying to listen to everything he's saying like she was always comfortable to talk to being nicer to the man then he was to her with concern of not angering him once.
Example 2: A young woman in high-school dreamed of seeing stars in the sky with a woman beside the stars with a silk covering over the face so only the eyes showed in the sky at night. In waking life she recently broke up with her boyfriend and noticed the breakup made her and her ex a popular discussion at school. The silk covering on the face of the Indian woman in the sky with stars may have reflected her feelings about how easy it was to be popular at school by caring about never having a single bad thing to say about her ex when it happened.
To dream of the color silver represents feelings about intuition, luck, or coincidences with everything working out with nothing strange happening. Your intuition or internal guidance helping you to make choices to lead you to what you need in life. New insight, power, or freedom gained by chance.
Positively, dreaming about silver may represent a strong sense of trust in your instincts, good fortune, or the feeling that everything is aligning perfectly in your life. A natural sense of guidance that leads you to beneficial outcomes.
Negatively, silver may be a sign that you have bad luck or feel that nothing seems to work out for you. Overreliance on luck or intuition to solve problems.
To dream of silver objects represents your sense of intuition or luck that is associated with whatever the objects symbolize.
To dream of silver-colored clothes represents the personality being lucky or intuitive. Negative colors with silver like red, black, or dark purple may reflect bad luck that you can't escape.
To dream of the color silver with the color yellow may represent feelings of intuition, luck, or coincidences that are highly noticeable.
To dream of the color silver with the color orange may represent feelings of intuition, luck, or coincidences that are very strong, powerful, or effective.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful woman in a silver dress. In waking life, he was having unusual luck encountering girls he wanted to date as he walked around.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a man she was dating put a silver necklace on her. In waking life, she was having a romantic relationship with an older man. In this case, the silver necklace may have reflected her feelings about being dedicated to a man who made her feel lucky about the relationship working out.
*Please See Coins
Silver Coins
*Please See Coins
Silver Dollars
*Please See Coins
To dream of a silverware set represents a sophisticated, intelligent, or mature approach to an experience you are having. Having an adult conversation with someone. A special or rare occasion in a relationship.
Alternatively, silverware may reflect experiences which require a higher than normal show of integrity or respect. Difficult or serious conversations about topics that are rarely discussed.
Positively, silverware may reflect an attempt to instill respect, integrity, or harmony in relationships or family life.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing silverware. In waking life she was trying to have a serious adult conversation with her husband about her suspicions that he was cheating on her.
*Please See Knife
*Please See Forks
*Please See Spoons
SIM Cards
To dream of a SIM card represents feelings of unspoken loyalty to a carrier (people, friends, family, job) that allows emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have or are always possible to access. Feeling that someone important has to be your friend all the time or that nobody will talk to you. Essential people or mechanisms you rely on to maintain relationships, manage your identity, or navigate social settings. Flexibility and adaptability in how you connect with resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have. Your ability to easily switch roles or adjust your approach depending on the social context. Starting a new job and being eager to connect with colleagues. Connections, dependencies, and adaptability in relationships and social settings. Finding ways to stay connected or relevant in various social situations or under changing circumstances.
Negatively, dreaming about a SIM card may represent feelings of unspoken dependency on people or a job in order to maintain an emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have or are always possible to access. Feeling that if you quit your job or stop being loyal to someone that all your emotional or psychological connection will be cut off. Concerns about losing access to the social connections and resources that were vital to your sense of stability and belonging. Feelings about losing touch with the important contacts after moving. Feeling cut off from important support networks. Feelings about needing a job or that nobody who matters will talk to you.
To dream of switching SIM Cards may represent feelings that people aren't special or important in order to maintain an emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have or are always possible to access. Changing jobs, moving to a new city, or entering new relationships. Feelings that switching employers is easy, but that professional contacts won't respect you unless you maintain your job title. Feelings about using a different friend to do things that are important to you if a current friend doesn't support you.
Example: A man dreamed of the validity of his SIM card expiring and made efforts to renew it. In waking life, he was suicidal and made attempts to enroll in therapy. In this case, the expiring SIM card may have reflected his feelings of disconnection from life and that his support systems didn't matter.
To dream of something or someone being similar represents feelings of recognition, familiarity, or commonality in your waking life. Feelings about subtle differences of situations you are experiencing. A sense of connection or shared characteristics between different elements or individuals. Thoughts about the importance of finding similarities, parallels, or common ground with others. An inclination to compare, relate, or draw parallels between various aspects of your life or the people around you.
Positively, dreaming of something or someone being similar may represent your ability to identify patterns, draw upon past experiences, or make associations that help you navigate situations more effectively. A sense of unity, mutual understanding, or empathy with others. Your capacity to find commonalities and build bridges of connection. Recognizing shared values, interests, or qualities that bring people together. A sense of togetherness, belonging, or realization that you are not alone in your experiences. Thoughts about learning from others, feeling validated in your emotions or thoughts, or forming bonds based on shared principles or struggles.
Negatively, dreaming of something or someone being similar may represent an excessive focus on comparisons or sameness to the point of overlooking individual uniqueness. Feelings of monotony or boredom in a situation where everything seems too similar or predictable. A reluctance to embrace diversity or celebrate differences, leading to missed opportunities for personal growth or meaningful relationships. Feelings of redundancy, lack of individuality, or fear of losing your sense of self. Discomfort with too much commonality, leading to predictability or a lack of excitement. Feeling that your unique traits are being overshadowed or that you are involuntarily blending in with others. A fear of confrontation, where agreeing or focusing on similarities might be a way to avoid addressing deeper issues or differences.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in a house that was similar to her house with her mom worrying. In waking life, she recently found out that a man she's dated for the last 2 years lied about his age, hurt her relationship with her parents, and was now trying to restore her relationship with her family after cutting off contact with the lying ex-boyfriend. In this case, being inside a house that is similar to her house may have reflected her feelings of familiarity and connection to her family and home environment, yet with subtle differences brought about by recent events.
Simpsons Cartoon
To dream of The Simpsons cartoon family represents feelings about experiencing a situation that is ridiculous about seeing itself as family life that's absurd about believing nothing it does is deserving to be told it's a problem until it goes overboard with everyone else seeing it is. A sense of dysfunction or chaos within your own family dynamics or social circle, where humorous or absurd situations are the norm. Alternatively, it could reflect a perception of your own life as being filled with comedic or exaggerated elements, where serious issues are often trivialized or ignored until they escalate into significant problems. Dysfunctional family life humor that's trivializing serious issues.
Example: A young woman dreamed of the beginning of the end of the world and heard The Simpson's theme song playing all around the earth. In waking life, she was experiencing a major cellphone outage and lots of messages on her social media account were talking about it as the start of the end times. In this case, The Simpson's theme song may have reflected her perception of the absurdity and over-the-top reactions of people beginning to overreact to the cellphone outage as though it were the end of the world because of people's dependency on cellphones was revealing itself as too serious for the first time.
To dream of committing a sin represents awareness of breaking rules or guidelines that you know must never be broken. You or someone else has done something they aren't proud of. Breaking an unspoken rule or violating your own principles. Breaking organizational conduct or moral codes.
Negatively, sinning in a dream may reflect guilt you are harboring or sign that you are too concerned with being perfect. It may also reflect guilt or shame for embarrassing yourself with people who expected your co-operation.
Alternatively, sinning in a dream may reflect your guilt for not being perfect with god. Feeling spiritually unforgivable. A sign that you need to stop taking yourself so seriously or tell yourself that everyone makes mistakes. It may also mean you are trying too hard to be perfect spirituality.
To dream of someone else sinning may reflect your feeling that certain people or actions are unforgivable.
Example: A young girl dreamed of having sinned and needing to burn herself in a box to cleanse her sins. In waking life she had gotten poorer grades than was unusual for her and her parents warned her that to fix her grades she had to stop focusing on finishing first and spend more time studying. The sin in the dream may have reflected the young girl's view of getting bad grades being something that is unforgivable by her parents, teachers, and her fellow students.
To dream of singing happily represents joy, happiness, or harmony. A positive, uplifting or cheerful mood. You may have been in the mood to celebrate. Your outlook in life is looking up. Alternatively singing may reflect how you communicate, embrace, or express your feelings.
To dream of singing sadly may represent how you are communicating, embracing, or expressing your pain.
To dream of singing to someone else may reflect a need to project certain feelings to others or to make others feel a certain way. You may be very concerned about making someone feel good about what you are saying to them.
Example: A man dreamed of singing a song to his parents. In real life he was preparing to lie to them and believed that his story had to feel perfect to them. His story and rhetoric had to be totally on key. The singing reflected his need to make his parents feel good about his lie.
*Please See Music
To dream of being single may represent your feeling of being open to change a new opportunity. Feeling that you can do whatever you want. Not feeling tied down to a situation. Wanting to try something new.
Negatively, being single may reflect feelings of being unlucky or that you are not cared about. Feelings of loss or disappointment. You may also feel that certain habits or situations are not as helpful as they used to be. Alternatively, dreaming of being single reflect fears of losing your partner.
*Please See Unmarried
To dream of a sink represents preoccupation with finishing some aspect of your life. Noticing yourself getting rid of ideas, feelings, plans, or situations. Wanting or choosing to end a way of thinking or living.
To dream of a kitchen sink is often symbolizes preparation to finish or get rid of some area of your life. Often an intuitive symbol for a change of thinking that is almost upon you. You are planning or about to feel that it's a good idea to change.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing dishes being washed in a sink. In waking life he was realizing that it may be a good idea to stop desiring a girl he liked.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a sink overflowing. In waking life she was experiencing an unusually heavy menstrual cycle. The dream most likely reflected her frustrations with being unable to control or end her period.
*Please See Sinking
To dream of a sinkhole represents feelings of shock that an unexpected problem is surfacing or must be confronted. Surprise exacerbation of problem or problems that seemingly arise with no warning. Feelings of anxiety about problems will arise with no warning. Feelings of unexpected failure or embarrassment. Fear about potential failure that could occur even if you don't make any mistakes. Fears about relationships succumbing to failure from unexpected problems.
To dream of sinking represents feelings of slow loss, despair, or losing ground. You are feeling overwhelmed or unable to stop a negative situation from getting worse. A fear of unstoppable failure. Someone or something is dragging you down. You may be experiencing low self-esteem and confidence. Needing help that is either not available or that you are not being assertive enough about asking for. Feeling pressure to make a decision or change before total embarrassment occurs. A situation that is deteriorating. Feelings about your worst fears becoming a reality. Feelings about being unable to help others. Feeling that you can't stop your life from getting worse.
Positively, a dream about sinking may reflect an unpleasant stage of your life that is coming to an end. Problems or bad people that seem to be slowly going away on their own. Experiencing your enemies succumbing to humiliation.
Example: A young girl had a nightmare about seeing a woman sinking into the ground. In waking life she was experiencing her mother's health deteriorating.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a car sinking. In waking life he was fearing that his marriage was deteriorating because he couldn't get a job fast enough to please his wife.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having a "sinking feeling." In waking life she felt that her entire life was slowly deteriorating with no way to stop it as family relationships kept getting worse.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a sinking ship. In waking life his health problems were slowly getting worse.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing apartment buildings sinking. In waking life she started a new job helping terminally ill people. In this case the apartment buildings sinking may have represented her feelings about the sick people and their families having lives revolving around an illness that nobody can control with a slow inevitable death.
To dream of sirens represents a sense of urgency to deal with a problem at hand. You or someone else that feels attention must be drawn to an issue. A situation that you feel is an immediate priority. Being alerted to a problem.
Negatively, a siren may reflect feelings of stress, frustration, or too preoccupied with planning for an emergency.
Example: A woman dreamed of hearing sirens. In waking life she was pregnant and having anxiety about the day she would go into labor.