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S - S2 - S3 - S4 - S5 - S6 - S7 - S8 - S9 - S10 - S11


To dream of a swamp represents issues or situations that feel stagnated, or impossible to escape. There may be something in your life that makes you feel trapped or in over your head. Unbearable feelings of never getting to make progress that you are permanently stuck. Feeling stuck in situation you don't like. Feeling stuck in a job you don't like. Difficulty with getting through a problem that feels like it won't ever let go. The unbearableness of wondering if you are ever going to get through a problem while you keep trying your best anyway.

Alternatively, a swamp may reflect a risky problem that feels like you will never get away from it if you get too involved with it. Feeling stupid for having gotten involved with a problem that is hopeless.

Example: A young man dreamed of being stuck in a swamp. In waking life he was "bogged down" and unable to make progress.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking through a swampy river with her husband. In waking life she was experiencing some tension within her marriage as she and her husband dealt with a problem. The swampy feeling of the river may have reflected her feelings about the unbearable stagnation she felt her marriage was being tested with during the problem.

*Please See Bog


To dream of a swan represents idealism, perfection, or that which is the most desirable. Ideal situations, ideal choices, or ideal outcomes. Everything working out for the best, happy endings, or a perfect relationship.

Example: A teenager dreamed of being attacked by swans. In real life they were very worried about poor performance at school. The attacking swans reflected their ideal view of themselves having perfect grades being threatened by the possibility of getting poor grades.


To dream of a swarm represents feelings of of being overwhelmed, surrounded, and consumed by something. Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, ideas, responsibilities, people, or problems. A feeling of being inundated by demands, expectations, or obligations. Feeling that a situation is getting out of control or becoming too much to handle. A multitude of thoughts, feelings, people, or circumstances that may be difficult to manage or control. A fear of losing individuality or being consumed by the crowd. The need for caution and attentiveness in dealing with an overwhelming or uncontrollable situation. Collective energy or a force of people or events that have the potential to influence or impact your life significantly.

Positively, dreaming about a swarm represents community, cooperation, teamwork, or collection action. Feelings about being part of a collective where everyone is working towards a common goal, indicating the power of unity and shared effort. Feelings about a situation with high productivity or creativity. The power of collective action, teamwork, or the combined efforts of multiple individuals. Feeling energized, invigorated, or motivated by the activity around you.

Negatively, dreaming about a swarm may represent feeling outnumbered, outmatched, and overpowered. It could represent a fear of losing control, being overrun, or being unable to cope with the demands or pressures of a situation. It can also represent feelings of anxiety, fear, or discomfort related to social situations, groups of people, or public speaking.

To dream of a swarm of insects, like bees or locusts, typically represents feelings of being overwhelmed or overpowered by small, irritating problems or annoyances. It can also symbolize feelings of unease, irritation, or frustration with a group of people or a social situation.

Example: A person dreamed of a swarm of bees. In waking life, they were experiencing a lot of long-term stress, tiredness, and now a significant change at their workplace. In this case, the swarm of bees may have reflected their feelings about the multitude of overwhelming small problems or changes at work, making them feel like they are being 'stung' or overwhelmed by numerous minor, but persisting, issues.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of a swarm of purple hamsters running towards him. In waking life, he was worried about depleting his bank savings while he couldn't pay rent or his bills. In this case, the swarm of hamsters running towards him may have reflected his overwhelming feelings of numerous small financial responsibilities rapidly consuming his savings.


To dream of the nazi swastika often represents feelings about dangerous levels of aggression. A need to perfectly control others thinking, boss people around, or require absolute conformity. Scaring other people with your obsession or intolerance to differing views. Scaring other people that something they respect should never being respected again. Gross intolerance to other ways of thinking. Aggressive jealousy of not getting perfect compliance or conformity. Feelings about others enjoying insensitivity. Feeling that someone in your life that must be stopped at all costs.

Alternatively, a swastika may reflect fear or threats from people who are insensitive or intolerant to views or interests differing from their own. Fearing aggressive people who want to "stomp out" anything passive or sensitive in your life. Feelings about arrogant people who will never respect you ever again if given the chance.

Positively, a swastika (reversed non-nazi) may reflect perfect happiness. Feeling that it's impossible to be jealous at all.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a little girl with swastika eyes. In waking life they were afraid of a business owner coming after them legally because their brother had gotten into a huge fight with them over a debt that wasn't paid. The swastika eyes may have reflected their fearful perception of the business owner being obsessed with getting the unpaid debt paid and coming after the dreamer because they were associated with the brother at all.

*Please See Hitler

*Please See Nazis

Swat Team

To dream of a swat team represents powerful positive change or disciplinary action that is totally unreserved. An urgent or immediate correction that is uncompromising. Caring about nothing except forcing something negative to change.


To dream of swearing at someone represents your dislike of being told what to you or forced into something.

To dream of being sworn at represents a person or situation that doesn't like your ideas or method of control. Someone may not like you telling them what to do.

To dream of swearing to express regret represents feelings of not liking knowing you've made a mistake. You may believe that a mistake you've made is the dumbest thing you've ever done. Disbelief or anger at yourself.

*Please See Middle Finger

Sweat Pants

To dream of sweat pants represents a wish to be comfortable all the time. Doing whatever you can to always feel good about a person or situation. A laid back or leisurely attitude toward something in your life. Noticing yourself not doing anything you don't like.

An example situation that could encourage a dream with sweat pants may be when someone is totally in love with another person and wants to do everything they can to feel good and spend time with that person.


To dream of a sweater represents the personality feeling safe and secure during terrible situations. Not allowing a bad situation to sour your mood. Not embarrassing yourself during tough times. Feeling confident that nothing can get you down.


To dream of sweating represents behavior that is enduring stress, fear, or anxiety. You or someone else that is caring about a problem or can't do things the easy way. You may be trying to achieve a goal that requires a struggle or that you endure hardship. Feeling nervous or very uncomfortable. Difficulty coping with a very strenuous physical situation you are experiencing. Feeling nervous about something that is happening to you.

Negatively, sweating in a dream may reflect your heightened concerns about appearing nervous in front of others. Worrying that people will see you weak, stressed, or with anxiety because you are used to appearing strong. Feeling embarrassed that you have cared too much about a problem.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing a sweating horse pulling a wagon up a hill. In waking life they had recently had an asthma attack which required their full attention to recover from.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing herself sweating. In waking life she was nervous about a school dance.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of experiencing herself sweating heavily. In waking life she was nervous that her mother may choose to permanently move out of the country instead of just going on vacation temporarily as she had originally stated.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of driving sweating horses up a steep hill attempting to escape a dangerous one way train that was catching up to her. In waking life she was experiencing a dramatic worsening of an existing heart problem that required all her attention to recover from.


To dream of a sweatshirt represents a laid back attitude. It may also reflect a calm or collected mindset during a difficult time.

Negatively, a sweatshirt may be a sign that you too relaxed during a stressful moment or crisis.


To dream of a sweatshop represents feelings of being overworked or used. You may be feeling underappreciated or unhappy at work. You may also unfairly compensated for your efforts.

Alternatively, a sweatshop may reflect how exploited you feel someone else's abilities are.


To dream of Sweden represents feelings about being immersed in a mindset that is safe and secure about having to understand everything that's happening so a mistake isn't possible. Encountering multiple people or situations where it's important to be safer than other people about understanding everything that's happening so a mistake isn't possible. Believing that you have to make extra efforts to make everyone in a situation feel safe and secure with understanding or full disclosure. Not seeing anyone embarrassing you for why you are safe and secure in your understanding of what is happening. Social harmony and stability. Feeling good not being childish for safely understanding everything that is happening in a situation. Confidence about never having to worry about safety and security because you have talked to too many people.

Negatively, dreaming about Sweden may represent feelings of being surrounded by people who are overdoing a need to be safe and secure about having to understand everything that's happening so a mistake isn't possible. Feelings of interacting with people who are overly idealistic about social harmony. Feelings about needing certainty about noticing safety and security with people who don't like you.

Example: A woman dreamed of herself thinking "This is Sweden, not Hawaii." In waking life, she gave her newborn daughter up for adoption and sent letters to help others understand the situation, including the father of the child who met with her months later. In this case, the mention of Sweden in her dream may have reflected her shared mindset with the father, emphasizing the importance of being fully informed and secure in understanding all aspects of the adoption process being safe.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing exotic flowers in the water and wondering how they could survive the effects of global warming in Sweden. In waking life, the woman had engaged in discussions about climate change with others the previous day. In this case, Sweden may have reflected a mindset that felt safe and secure about having to understand everything happening about global warming.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of discussing Sweden with someone and feeling a strong desire to take them there. In her waking life, she was struggling with relationship issues with her husband and wished she could make him understand her perspective to improve their relationship. In this case, Sweden may have reflected a mindset of safety, security, and understanding of everything happening that the woman wished to bring into her relationship with her husband.


To dream of sweeping with a broom represents the clearing of problems or emotional and mental clutter. You may be getting something out of the way or putting the finishing touches on something. An area of your life that you don't want to deal with at all in the current moment. Wanting something in your life cleanly out of the way.

Negatively, sweeping may reflect a hasty attempt to temporarily clear up or hide a problem. Wasting your time try to clear a serious problem with a temporary solution.

To dream of sweeping something out of the way with your hands may represent a problem in your life that needs to be cleared up manually or the hard way.

Alternatively, sweeping may reflect a new stance or fresh attitude toward a situation. Old ways don't matter anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a rich woman helping him to sweep up leaves. In waking life he had decided to deal with 2 bad habits so that he could begin to start a new business. The sweeping in this case may have reflected his feelings about clearing or getting his bad habits out of the way.


To dream of tasting something sweet represents situations that happy, pleasurable, or very agreeable to you. Something is going well for you. Feeling very satisfied with how something has turned out. Liking a situation or experience.

Alternatively, tasting something sweet may reflect approval to move forward with a decision or action.

To dream of something being too sweet represents feeling that a situation is good to be true or too concerned with you liking it. It may also reflect a higher degree of pleasure or social activity then you are accustomed too. Feeling uncomfortable relaxing or enjoying yourself.

*Please See Candy

Sweet Potatoes

*Please See Potatoes


*Please See Candy


To dream of a part of your body swelling up represents problems in your life that are too big to actively address at current moment. A requirement for a timeout before continuing. A issue that only patience, rest, or passivity can fix.

Consider the part of the body for additional meaning.

To dream of hands being swollen may be a sign that you or someone else has taken their liberties too far and has to take a break. Feeling that your skills or abilities have been used to the point of going overboard. Exhausting one's self having done what you love. Negatively, swollen hands may reflect harsh punishment that is forcing you to take time off.

To dream of swollen feet may reflect an exhausting adherence to morals or fundamental principals.

To dream of a swollen face may reflect feelings about having arrogantly enjoyed noticing your own personality too much. Feeling screwed over or embarrassed for having noticed yourself behaving in a certain way too much that other people didn't like. Exhausting yourself having acted in a certain way. Positively, a swollen face may reflect professionalism or dedication to good appearances that is exhausting you. Having to be nice or polite to the point where it's breaking you.

To dream of someone's head swelling in a non-injurious manner may reflect your feelings about someone else's ego increasing.


To dream of swimming represents your ability to navigate or manage uncertainty. Your ability to handle yourself during a difficult situation or feeling emotionally overwhelmed. How adept you are at getting through an uncertain or negative situation on your own. Struggling to keep up when you don't know what will happen next. Dreams of swimming may also reflect a wish to challenge yourself or explore possibilities you have never explored before. Trying new things for yourself. The dreamer may feel confident and capable, able to handle any obstacles that come their way.

Alternatively, swimming may also reflect exploration of difficult emotions. You are trying to figure out what your problems are with a relative level of comfort and objectivity. Swimming may reflect your wish to change or a big effort you are making to do something by yourself.

Negatively, swimming may represents feeling emotionally overwhelmed or out of control. The dreamer may be struggling with a difficult situation or experiencing intense emotions. This may indicate a need for the dreamer to take a step back and assess their emotions, or seek support from others.

Swimming in dreams is common for people going through therapy or who are soul searching for help or insights into their problems.

To dream of being a good swimmer or enjoying swimming represents your skill and confidence in dealing with difficult, uncertain, or very emotional moments. Negatively, enjoying swimming may be a sign that you are enjoying negative or dangerous behavior. Carefully or responsibly "playing with fire." Being adept at navigating or avoiding your emotions, rather than confronting them directly.

To dream of swimming lessons represents waking life situations where you are learning to deal with difficult situations all on your own. It may also reflect learning to handle or manage your problems on your own. Embrace new experiences and challenges, and to have the courage to take risks and try new things. Developing the skills and confidence needed to navigate challenges on their own, the dreamer can achieve greater independence, self-reliance, and personal growth. Preparing for the worst, learning to cope, or learning to fight. It may also symbolize your attempts to learn to accept yourself for who you really are. A common dream symbol to people recovering or coping with injuries.

Example: A woman dreamed of swimming. In waking life she had decided to temporarily cutout her boyfriend from her life to punish him for lying to her. The swimming in this case may have reflected the her feelings about handling herself living life all on her own while feeling the uncertainty about being while independence and self-reliant.

Example 2: A man dreamed of swimming in a pool with a shark. In waking life he was controlling a difficult illness that doctors had dismissed that he felt could overtake him at anytime. In this case the swimming may have reflected the man's need to handle or manage himself with his uncertainty of his illness no matter how difficult or dangerous it felt.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of swimming in a pool. In waking life she was uncertain and insecure about whether a guy she liked would ever want to date her. The swimming in this case may have reflected her determination and unwillingness to give up trying to get closer to the guy she liked while having no idea what her future prospects were. The swimming also reveals her wish to "stay in the relationship game" while feeling unsure about what her future prospects with the guy really were. She was handling herself as a single person in an uncertain dating situation.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of having swimming lessons. In her waking life, she was recovering from a serious hand injury and was working on regaining the use of her hand. In this case the swimming lessons may have reflected her willingness to take proactive steps toward recovery while also learning to manage herself with an injury until she is recovered.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing her father trying to swim in freezing cold water. In waking life she had recently moved and was experiencing herself trying to survive financial uncertainty on her own. Tn this case the swimming may have reflected her attempts to navigate and survive uncertain conditions without help.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of trying to struggling to swim to keep her above water. In waking life she was undergoing a divorce and custody battle while having very little money to afford it. In this case, struggling to swim may have reflected her anxieties about her ability to cope with the situation.

*Please See Swimming Pool

*Please See Lifeguards

*Please See Backstroke

Swimming Cap

To dream of a swimming cap represents a wish to maintain composure or objectivity while facing a negative situation. Not allowing uncertainty to influence your mindset. Keeping unemotional or focused. Not letting problems you are facing to get to you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing people with swimming caps on. In waking life he was preparing to make a lot of money that he knew he had to hide from a greedy family member. The swimming cap represented his wish to never allow his success to influence him at all so that he could keep the secret away from his greedy family member by pretending nothing had happened.

Swimming Pool

To dream of a swimming pool represents feelings of believing that controlled temporary uncertainty isn't a problem in a waking life situation. Not minding, being comfortable, or having acceptance of uncertainty with other people in a waking life situation. Liking talking to someone while controlling yourself when there is something uncertain between you in your relationship. Enjoying yourself in a situation where you never believe that anything wrong can happen because everything uncertain is under control. Feeling that you can never be in trouble because the uncertainty of a situation never has to stop being under control. Enjoying a respite from your troubles. Enjoying a moment of uncertainty with someone with the confidence that you can walk away from it whenever you want. Having fun with someone temporarily while you never know what is going to happen.

Negatively, dreaming about a swimming pool may represent awareness of yourself thinking about temporary uncertainty like it's not a problem when it is a problem. Having a good time never saying a problem is a problem. Confidently putting up with someone who might cause a problem or make you nervous for a short period of time because it's only temporary. Relaxation and diversion from stressful or troubling situations.

To dream of owning a brand new swimming pool may represent a new sense of control over some temporary uncertain area of your life because you can always walk away from it whenever you want. Confidence in managing a new situation with temporary uncertainty despite the unknowns.

To dream of a swimming pool full of feces represents feelings about a controlled moment of temporarily putting up with other people's problems with the confidence that it won't last long. Feelings of disgust or frustration about having to temporarily deal with messy, unpleasant situations that you feel shouldn't be your responsibility. Wasting your time putting up with people who do nothing you want.

Example: A man dreamed of standing beside a swimming pool. In waking life, he was considering meeting up with an old friend while there was still minor uncertainty from their past. In this case, the swimming pool may have reflected

Example 2: A woman dreamed about being at a swimming pool party with her husband and friends. She was invited into a newly built house by a friend. As she walked towards the house she noticed her husband was gone. In waking life, she was legally separated from her husband for 4 months after being physically abused. In this case, the swimming pool party may have reflected her feelings about herself socializing with her husband and friends while ignoring the physical abuse where considering leaving him was only a passing thought.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of standing in a swimming pool filled with feces. In waking life, she was temporarily involved in a group therapy session with other people who weren't interesting to her. In this case, the swimming pool filled with feces may have reflected her feelings about putting up with the group's problems and uninteresting discussions while feeling confident that it was only a temporary situation that she didn't have to put up with for long.

*Please See Swimming


To dream of a swimsuit represents an aspect of your personality that is totally focused on confronting uncertainty or a negative situation.

The symbolism is based on water reflecting uncertainty or negative situations. The swimsuit then reflects your personality as it deals with this.

The color of the bathing suit is very important. Blue represents a positive outlook, red is negative, and white symbolizes purification or genuine intentions. If you see polka dots on a swimming suit it reflects awareness of yourself dealing with a problem all the time.

Example: A man saw a woman in a blue polka dot swimming suit by the beach. In real life he was confronting a life threatening health condition. The polka dot swim suit reflected his personality constantly struggling to confront his problem. Something he had to do all the time to improve his health.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of trying on bathing suits she was considering buying. In waking life she had gotten pregnant and was considering the best way to tell everyone.

*Please See Bikini


To dream of swinging represents a back and forth attitude. A back and forth decision. Negatively, it may reflect problems making a final decision.

Positively, a swinging may reflect happiness or satisfaction with your ability to quickly change decisions. Feeling that you have nothing to be desperate about.

*Please See Swingset

Swing Sets

To dream of a swing set represents feeling good not having to make a final decision. Enjoying playing with a possibility or big decision. Liking talking about how you might do something without ever having to. Enjoying not having to care about something other people do. Feeling satisfaction with your freedom of choice. Liking not having to be desperate or jealous at all.

Negatively, a swing set may reflect arrogance that is using the possibility of something happening to play with someone else's feelings.

Alternatively, dreaming of seeing others on a swings-set may reflect your jealousy of someone "back and forth" attitude about a subject that makes you jealous. Experiencing someone play with your feelings about something that you don't like. An area of your life that switches from total confidence to total jealousy.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend and a girl from a class at his school on a swing set in the distance. In waking life she was jealous of this girl and the stories she heard from her boyfriend about the friendship he had with the girl. The swing set may have symbolized her jealous feelings reverting back and forth when hearing stories about the female friend having a good time with her boyfriend while believing it could lead to a romance that could end her relationship.


To dream of a switchblade represents conflict with an issue in your life that wants to be noticed for how dangerous it is. A problematic person or situation that demands attention to it's seriousness.

Example: A girl dreamed of men with switchblades wanting to kill her. In real life she was experiencing enormous pressure from school. The switchblades reflecting her teachers and deadlines that were always reminding her about the possibility of failure.


To dream of Switzerland represents feelings about being immersed in a challenging or surprising situation with a mindset that believes in itself being intelligent about listening all the time to safely maintaining neutrality, balance, or staying out of conflict. Surrounded by people with behavior that likes a situation staying the way it is while not wanting to get involved with something unsafe, imbalanced, or with unnecessary conflict. Safely never getting involved in anything that is too serious because you may end up believing it's a mistake. Social situation where you are safely listening to why you don't need to say or do anything more than you need to. Preparation to do only what you need to without embarrassing other people and nothing more. Effectively managing to stay clear of conflicts.

Negatively, Switzerland may reflect a mindset that annoys you with maintaining neutrality, balance, or staying out of conflict because you think it should be more personally involved. Avoidance of necessary conflicts or decisions. An unwillingness to commit to a stance or a fear of being pulled into conflicts that require emotional investment. Feelings of isolation or emotional distance due to your efforts to remain neutral or uncontroversial. Resistance to change due to a preference for comfort or fear of choosing sides.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in Switzerland with her dead cousin when her cousin was from another country. In waking life, her cousin who lived in another country had died and she wanted to help his 2 kids who were left without a father. In this case, Switzerland may have reflected her feelings about being immersed in a mindset that surprised or challenged her with wanting to get involved with helping the children while thinking why it might be inappropriate because staying neutral, safe, and away from other family members problems after the death felt more intelligent.


To dream of a sword represents strength, empowerment, willpower, and protection. Aggression, power, courage, and struggle. A sense of valor. The ability to persevere in the face of opposition, or to stay competitive. The strength of your integrity. The ability to defend oneself or others, assert boundaries, or confront challenges with courage and determination. Your readiness to face challenges, defend your beliefs, or cut through obstacles and problems in your life. Swords often appear in dreams when you are fighting for something important, standing up for your values, or needing to assert yourself in a situation. A sword in a dream may also represent a righteous cause or the pursuit of justice, suggesting you are fighting for what you believe in with honor and integrity. A struggle with internal conflicts or moral dilemmas.

To dream of a sword fight may represent a conflict of integrity, willpower, or moral strength.

To dream of a broken sword symbolizes losing strength, empowerment, or willpower.

To dream of an evil or bad person with a sword may represent the strength and protectiveness of a negative aspect of your personality, an enemy, or a bad situation. Confrontation with a bad habit that you feel may be stronger than your willpower.

To dream of an evil or bad person with a broken sword symbolizes triumph over negative thinking patterns or a negative situation. Integrity and willpower have overpowered a negative aspect of your life.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a sword fight, enjoying it, and telling herself that she should have more sword fights more often. In waking life, she was practicing arguing her points with someone and was considering whether to go to law school. In this case, the sword fight may have reflected her readiness to engage in verbal battles or debates about upholding the law.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing someone holding a sword. In waking life, she was having an extra-marital affair and strongly considered ending the relationship even though her enjoyment of the sex made it incredibly difficult to do so. In this case, the sword may have been a sign that she knew that respecting her marriage and ending the relationship was important to consider.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing himself preparing to stab an intruder in the stomach with a sword, but felt it may be too difficult to have the willpower to carry the stabbing out. In waking life, he inherited a lot of money and noticed that a beautiful girl from his past was trying to seduce him for the purpose of stealing his money. He felt that the girl may be too beautiful to rudely reject. In this case, the sword may have reflected his desire to maintain his integrity and boundaries while resisting manipulation.

Sylvestor Stallone

To dream of Sylvester Stallone represents an aspect of the personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that believes in itself handling itself doing whatever it takes to be as tough as it needs to be. Feelings about resilience, strength, overcoming challenges, or being an underdog who rises against adversity through sheer determination and willpower. Feelings about not liking anyone saying you didn't try your best to be as tough as you need to be. A situation in your life that's highlighting the theme of courage, perseverance, and the will to succeed against all odds. An aspect of your personality with qualities like Rocky and Rambo.

Negatively, dreaming about Sylvester Stallone may represent feelings of aggression, competitiveness, or the need to constantly prove oneself in order to gain recognition or respect. Overdoing needing attention or showing off for being embattled, constantly fighting, or struggling to keep up with the challenges life throws at you.

Example: A man dreamed of Sylvester Stallone giving him advice about dealing with successful people who cared about absolutely nothing in his best interests by saying he had to be tough about believing in himself deserving to put himself first no matter what. In waking life, he received advice about surviving a financial and legal disaster during a very public situation by never putting up with anyone successful who didn't believe it was important to respect him putting himself first. In this case, Sylvester Stallone may have reflected his feelings about having received advice that encouraged him to believe in himself handling himself needing to be as tough as he needed to be during a very public situation.


To dream of symbols represents feelings about the perception of meaning that doesn't have to say what it is. Meaning that doesn't need to be talked about. Feelings about needing to figure out the meaning of something on your own. Meaning about something when you don't know exactly what that meaning is. Feeling that something is telling you something without wanting to. A sense of purpose that must be figured out on your own. Hints that don't want to tell you directly. Feeling that something doesn't have to tell you what it means.

Negatively, symbols may reflect feelings about the perception of meaning from something that scares you, is dangerous, harms you, or doesn't like you. Perception of negative meaning that doesn't need to be talked about. Feeling that someone or something doesn't like you while needing to figure it out on your own. Something is dangerous, but you can't figure out exactly what it is. Feeling that someone or something doesn't want you to figure out something important or serious means. Feelings of someone thinking they are better than you without having to say they are.

To dream of strange symbols on a door may reflect feeling that something might be warning you about what to do with a choice. Feelings about not being sure if you should try something or not. Figuring out whether or not it's a good idea to try something.

Weird, alien, or unusual symbolism that you have never seen before may best to feel out and try to match your feelings about the symbol's design with waking life situation. Consider how the direction or shape of the symbol.

For dreams of symbols such as shapes (triangles, rectangle, etc) please see the themes section for shapes.


To dream of a symphony represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship. A special moment where everything is coming together or working in tandem. People you know are all doing their part to make something special happen.

A symphony may also reflect your sensitivity that a number of people or situations are working together perfectly.


To dream of a synagogue represents an area of your life where you need to feel like everything you are doing is perfectly positive. A situation may motivate you to make a good impression, or follow rules exactly.

*Please See Church

*Please See Mosque


*Please See Keyboard Synthesizer

Syrian People

To dream of Syrian people represents aspects of the personality that are passionate about being safe respecting itself without a problem. Passionate about respecting yourself safe with finality. The importance of safety and self-respect, and it is often associated with a strong sense of personal integrity and pride. Passionate about being perfectly safe about never embarrassing itself around other people. Never believing you should say something about yourself that isn't safe about respecting yourself around other people. Choosing to be safe while respecting yourself around other people no matter what happens. A mindset that is mindful about being as safe as can be with keeping their self-respect. Safely respecting yourself while other people are with you. Passionate about being safe about respecting yourself with other people as well. Believing in yourself as being first safely with someone. Respecting yourself with everyone listening while mattering together. A strong awareness of personal integrity. Pride in that everything you do isn't talked about stupid. A strong desire for safety and self-respect that values maintaining a positive image and a strong sense of personal integrity. A sense of pride about being successful that can't be spoken about as not being safe.

Syrian people may represent aspects of the personality that value safety and self-respect above all else. It symbolizes a strong sense of pride and a desire to maintain a positive image in front of others.

Negatively, dreaming about a Syrian may represent a mindset that is overdoing being passionate about being safe respecting yourself. Behavior that is too serious about never giving back anything ever again because respecting oneself safe is required first. Not minding what happens to other people if it means you are not safely respecting yourself without any problems first. Behavior that respects itself safer than someone else and you are in total disbelief that it would choose that. Being passed someone who helped you and safely never bringing it up when it's important because you won't respect yourself again if you did. A refusal to lose dignity or lower yourself if it means you aren't safely respecting yourself without a problem. A Syrian person may be a sign that you are very concerned about all your actions being viewed as respectable to other people. Very concerned with never being viewed as weak, stupid, or irresponsible because other people are watching. Going to enormous lengths to hide your faults to maintain a respectable image. Underhanded or selfish behavior to avoid looking bad. Too concerned with your pride and how people view you. Feeling that being respected safe without a problem is more important than caring about reversing yourself. Concealing your personal life and struggles in public despite feeling sad, weak or vulnerable. Safely talking to someone who is owed a debt like they are not a fake, but never repaying the debt yet. An excessive concern with maintaining the pride or personal integrity of a respectable image while concealing one's weaknesses or faults, often at the expense of others.

Example: A man dreamed of an evil Syrian man, which may reflect his frustration and resentment towards a friend who owed him money. In waking life, the dreamer had risked everything to lend money to this friend, who was defaulting on his mortgage. However, the friend, who had now achieved success and financial stability, avoided repaying the debt. The dreamer felt that the friend was deliberately refusing to pay him back because he didn't want to lose his successful and accomplished image. Repaying the debt would mean admitting to financial instability and reducing self-respect. In this case the evil Syrian man may have reflected the dreamer's feeling about friend always respecting himself as safe, successful, and accomplished prioritized his own self-respect and image, refusing to acknowledge the debt repayment and passing on the responsibility.


To dream of a syringe represents feelings of being influenced by something or emotional immunization against weakness or dependency. A person or situation has the power to influence your choices, beliefs, or feelings. Positive or responsible changes that bring out positive change. Changes made that "immunize" you from problems, blame, or anxiety. A desire to heal, improve, or transform oneself.

Negatively, a syringe may reflect feelings of unwanted influences. Feelings of being forced to do something you don't want to do, or being subjected to a situation that feels unpleasant or invasive. Responsible or positive changes that scare you. Feelings about parents or authority figures forcing change on you. Alternatively, a syringe may negatively reflect bad influences or exploiting people's weaknesses to change their minds. Actions taken to "immunize" yourself from blame or responsibility.

To dream of syringe injections that don't work may reflect ineffective attempts to change your life or influence people. Feeling that nothing you do works as you attempts to fix a problem you have.

To be injected with a syringe represents a person or situation that is influencing your choices, beliefs, or feelings. Feeling that a change being made reverses or alters your thinking style. Feeling spared from difficulties or that your life has been made easier in some way. Feeling "immunized" from your troubles.

To dream of being injected with a clear fluid represents habit or situation that influences a more transparent outlook. Something or someone is making you see a situation clearer. Feeling "immunized" from troubles due to a better understanding of a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of his ex-girlfriend injecting him with a syringe. In waking life, he was struggling to move on from his current relationship and found himself frequently thinking about his ex-girlfriend. In this case, the syringe may represent his attempt to numb or escape from the emotional pain of the breakup by indulging in memories of his past relationship. In this case the syringe reflected the emotional influence that thinking of his ex had over him as he tried to get over his romantic feelings for his current girlfriend.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her dog needing a shot from a syringe. In waking life, she was feeling frustrated with her parents' constant interference in her hobby and their insistence that she always behave perfectly responsibly. In this case, the syringe shot may have reflected her need for a responsible influence from her parents' to help her keep up with their expectations.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing someone sitting around with a pile of syringes that didn't work. In waking life he felt that he had exhausted himself trying to fix an embarrassing health problem and restore his life to normal. He felt that nothing did worked. In this case the pile of syringes that didn't work may have reflected his frustration and disappointment with various attempts and methods that did not seem to bring any positive influence on his health issue.


To dream of syrup represents a wish to make everything feel good. Wanting the entirety of a situation to be pleasurable or light-hearted. Wanting every single thing you are doing to be enjoyable or fun. No compromises when it comes to feeling good.

*Please See Pancakes

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