Plastic Bags
To dream of a plastic bag represents casual feelings about choices or problems being easy to "carry around" with you for the interim. Casual feelings about having made a choice or decision that you haven't implemented yet. A casual attitude about never believing changing your mind matters with a choice you've made. Choices you've made that are easy to wait for. Feeling that it's easy to wait until you are finished doing something before implementing a choice.
Negatively, a plastic bag may reflect feelings about decisions or problems being easy to "carry around" with you. A casual attitude about serious choices you haven't implemented yet. Expecting nothing bad, dangerous, or conflicting to happen with a casual choice you've made. A casual attitude about "carrying around" choices or problems that bother other people. A dangerously casual attitude about choices you are expecting to implement not having consequences.
Plastic bag dreams with the color pink may reflect a casual decisions about waiting to have sex with someone.
To dream of a discarded plastic bag represents feelings that acquiring or working towards implementing goals no longer matters. Feeling that you can't casually believe in waiting for choices you've made. Feeling stupid that you believing waiting for something was going to be easy.
Example: A young man dreamed of having feces kept in plastic bags and then trying to get rid of them slowly. In waking life he was casually "carrying around" problems that he had decided to not deal with previously until it more convenient.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a plastic bag with pink running shoes in it. In waking life he began to realize that the separation from his wife was real and that she was very likely having sex with someone else. The plastic bag in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his wife casually having decided to have sex with another man, effectively ending the dreamer's relationship, instead of waiting to reconcile.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a pink plastic bag. In waking life she felt that people in her church had made very immoral casual decisions about her needing to have a martial affair with someone in order to ruin another person's marriage.
*Please See Shopping Bags