To dream of a stereo represents feelings about control over when and how you experience enjoyment or feel good in life. Your ability to emotionally balance yourself with your choices. Your feelings about managing your life feeling good like it isn't a problem. Your perception of being able to manage positive emotions, harmonious experiences, or pleasurable activities, like it's something you can always engage in if you want to. Thoughts about the importance of balance, rhythm, and personal freedom in managing your life's soundtrack.
Positively, dreaming about a stereo might symbolize empowerment, personal agency, or a sense of control over your emotional landscape. A conscious choice to cultivate joy, relaxation, or harmony in your life when you need it. Your ability to tap into positive emotions or experiences, even when life gets challenging, mirroring an attitude that is comfortable taking a chance on happiness, like a risk-taking hero. Your power to create a positive and uplifting environment for yourself.
Negatively, dreaming about a stereo could represent feelings of dependency on external sources for happiness or being overly controlled by the desire to feel good. An inability to find inner joy or balance without the aid of specific activities, objects, or relationships. Perhaps you feel too reliant on certain pleasures or distractions to create a sense of well-being, or you might be struggling with addiction, compulsion, or an unhealthy attachment to something that you use to control your emotions.
To dream of having your stereo stolen represents a feeling of loss, insecurity, or vulnerability in your ability to control your happiness and enjoyment in life. You might be experiencing a situation where the things that once made you feel good or in control have been taken away from you, leaving you feeling powerless to create joy or pleasure on your own terms. The theft of the stereo could symbolize a betrayal, unexpected loss, or a sudden change that has disrupted your ability to maintain emotional balance. This dream might reflect your fear of losing your personal autonomy, your connection to what makes life enjoyable, or your ability to choose your path toward happiness and fulfillment.
Alternatively, dreaming of a stereo being stolen suggests that there are external factors or circumstances that are constantly interfering with your ability to feel good and find peace of mind. It implies that there may be distractions or challenges in your life that hinder your control over your emotions.
Example: A woman dreamed of driving her car with her car stereo not connected with loose wiring showing. In waking life, she was experiencing a divorce, financial frustrations, and feeling that people didn't respect her wishes for raising her children. In this case, the car stereo may have reflected her feelings about losing control over the aspects of her life that used to bring her joy and harmony due to her divorce and her husband not helping with bills. She may have lost the ability to take the day off or relax about a stable home life because she had to focus on her future without her husband.
Example: A woman dreamed of driving her car with her car stereo not connected with loose wiring showing. In waking life, she was experiencing a divorce, financial frustrations, and feeling that people didn't respect her wishes for raising her children. In this case, the car stereo may have reflected her feelings about losing control over the aspects of her life that used to bring her joy and harmony due to her divorce and her husband not helping with bills. She may have lost the ability to take the day off or relax about a stable home life because she had to focus on her future without her husband.
Stereo Bass
To dream of stereo bass represents feelings about controlling and expecting to feel a certain amount of emotional resonance, support, depth, and consistency in a situation without caring about it embarrassing you. Confidence in the emotional foundation of a relationship.
Example: A young woman dreamed of hearing music at a party with good bass while smoking marijuana, and then going downstairs to the basement to find her boyfriend cheating on her. In waking life, she was pregnant and was dealing with her boyfriend's sex text messaging and chatline problem when she wasn't around. In this case, the music with the good bass may have reflected her expectations for deep, underlying harmony, support, and consistency in the relationship, even when she wasn't around because she has discussed the sex chatting issue and had the expectation that her boyfriend would control himself.
*Please See Silver
*Please See Money
To dream of a stethoscope represents your perception of how confident or afraid you are. You are noticing how calm or fearful a situation makes you. You might also be paying too much attention to your heart rate.
Alternatively, a stethoscope may represent being aware of how passionate your feelings are for someone you like.
To dream of stew represents feelings about an experience that was carefully prepared over time in order to enjoy. An experience that requires patience, nurturance, and the gradual development of something meaningful in your life. Patiently preparing something in order to make people like you.
Negatively, dreaming about stew could represent feelings of stagnation, waiting too long for something to happen, or being stuck in a situation that is slow to develop.
*Please See Flight Attendant
Stick Figures
To dream of stick figures may represents waking life situations where you feel that something isn't a big deal at all. Feelings about some area of your life being so stupid that it doesn't really matter at all.
Positively, stick people may reflect times when you are laughing at yourself or not taking yourself seriously. A humorous view of a situation or person that you don't take seriously. Confidence that a situation or problem is pathetically easy to size up.
Negatively, stick figures in a dream may reflect an overly simplistic view of a situation that isn't that simple. Reducing a situation or social interaction to an almost pathetic caricature. Reducing others importance with humor. Naively or arrogantly dismissing someone else's power or sophistication. Overconfidence.
Alternatively, dreaming of stick figures may reflect waking life situations where you are hearing yourself being talked about like you don't matter. Feeling reduced or made fun of as though you were a caricature.
To dream of a sticker represents noticing a situation in a different way that suites you or feels better. A take on a situation that is tailored to your likes or wishes. Enjoying a personal touch or customization. Alternatively, a sticker may represent a warning or clear message.
Consider what appears on the sticker for additional meaning.
Dreaming of a sticker that you didn't pick may reflect a person or situation that is trying to make a situation more appealing to your likes or lift your spirits with an alternative choice.
Negatively, a sticker may reflect difficulty wanting to face reality or face something unpleasant. Evil or negative images on stickers may reflect a preference to view the negativity of a situation as a good thing.
*Please See Decals
To dream of something being sticky represents a situation that is difficult to get out of or being trapped or caught in a difficult situation. Could be a metaphor for someone who clingy or is difficult to shake off or get away from. A difficult, uncomfortable, or unpleasant circumstance that is not easily resolved or escaped from. Feeling you can't control someone or something from not wanting to let go of you. It could also represent a feeling of being unable to escape a situation or relationship, or a sense of being caught up in something beyond one's control. A situation hard to remove or get away from. The person may feel trapped or burdened by the situation and may need to carefully navigate their way out of it to avoid getting stuck or making things worse.
To dream of a sticky substance that no one can figure out how to unstick represents persistent problem or issue that defies solution or resolution despite efforts to address it." This could refer to anything from a complex interpersonal conflict or systemic societal issue to a technical or scientific problem that has yet to be solved. The idea of something being "sticky" suggests that it is tenacious and difficult to remove or overcome, which can be frustrating and challenging for those trying to deal with it.
To dream of a sticky bed represents feelings about the difficulty of getting away from a situation you want to move on from. You may have accepted a situation as it is, but now have problems changing your beliefs. A possible symbol for a "a trap," suggesting that it is difficult to escape from or move on from a situation you choose the accept the way it was. You may feel that the situation drains your energy and makes you unhappy, yet you can't seem to find a way out. Feeling hesitant or anxious about making a big decision or taking a major step in your life. Alternatively, dreaming about a sticky bed represents feeling physically or emotionally exhausted, as if you have been carrying a heavy burden for a long time. You may need to take a break, seek support from others, or change your habits and routines to avoid burnout.
To dream of sticky hands represents feelings about your capability that is difficult to stop. Feeling trapped by your capability. A strong desire to hold on to something or someone. Feeling unable to stop having sex once you discover you are capable of it.
To dream of sticky feet represents feelings the difficulty of getting away from moral principles or fundamental beliefs. Being stuck in a situation based that goes against one's personal values or ethics, making it difficult to find a way out. Feeling weighed down by guilt or shame and finding it hard to shake those emotions off. Being stuck in a job or career that goes against one's personal values or ethics. Being trapped in a particular mindset or way of thinking, making it hard to consider alternative viewpoints or perspectives.
Example: A young woman dreamed of her hands being sticky. In waking life she was having sex issues and was frustrated by it. In this case the sticky hands may have reflected her feelings about sex being difficult to stop. She may have felt trapped or caught in a passionate sexual relationship because romantic feelings or sexual urges were difficult to let go of. She felt she can't let go of sex because the man doesn't let go of his sexual urges.
Example 2: A man dreamed of his laptop having a blue sticky liquid all over it. In waking life he fell asleep at his computer. In this case the sticky liquid all over his computer may have reflected his feelings of how difficult it was to get away from his computer usage. A possible indication of internet addiction or similar issue related to using computers or the Internet.
*Please See High Heels
To dream of a baby being stillborn represents last minute disruptions or failures. Feeling close to achieving something and losing it at the very end. Experiencing a loss at a final pivotal moment. A sudden or unexpected end to something.
Alternatively, a stillborn baby may reflect a sudden or last minute loss of trust in someone.
*Please See Abortion
*Please See Miscarriage
To dream of walking stilts represents feelings about wanting to avoid uncertainty with an attitude of being better than the problem that might not look completely natural. An attempt to try to avoid getting involved with an uncertain or negative emotional situation by using a sense of elevation or superiority in a particular area of life while hoping nobody will think you're a fake.
Negatively, dreaming about stilts represents insecurity or a feeling of being on shaky ground due to people potentially seeing you as a fake that is trying overstep an uncertain situation. Trying to rise above challenges or obstacles or to stand out to overstep uncomfortable situations because you think you can get away with it quickly that might look more obvious to other people than you like. Confidently saying you are bigger person than you actually are that looks stupid to other people. Dreaming of stilts may suggest that the dreamer is putting on a false front or pretending to be someone they're not.
To dream of house stilts represents a sense of elevation or being above the average in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the uncertainties or negative emotions of other people turning on you. Avoiding overwhelmed being seen by others as a negative person. Feelings of being spiritually elevated or elevated in your beliefs compared to those around you. Preparation to avoid embarrassment or ever needing to explain yourself in case the potential for embarrassment happens. A indication of your fragility of your position that could easily collapse or be taken away Jealousy that you are not having the same elevated experience as other people. Feeling inadequate in your religious community.
Example: A woman dreamed of living in 1 of a group of homes that were all on stilts. In waking life she was very religious and was jealous that she couldn't speak in tongues when her son and other people could. She also felt that her husband wasn't spiritually progressing. In this case the house stilts may have reflected her feelings about saying things about herself and her family that looked good spiritually so that she could avoid feeling left out or inadequate in her religious community. She was avoiding overwhelmed being seen by others as a negative person and all the negative emotions that come with that.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of looking in the mirror to see her dead husband, herself, and a clown in the background on stilts. In waking life her husband had committed suicide years ago outside her home and she had recently remarried. In this case the clown on stilts in the mirror may have reflected her feelings about using the topic of her dead suicidal husband to make people listen to her or give her sympathy to quickly skip a problem or uncomfortable social encounter.
To dream of being stung represents your feelings about a hurtful action or remark. Feeling hurt by a disappointment. Feeling stupid for having gotten too close to someone rude or insensitive.
To dream of being stung by a bee represents feelings of being stuck with hard work or obligations that you feel are unbearable. Feeling stupid for having gotten involved in something.
Alternatively, being stung could reflect feelings about having to endure something unpleasant. Respecting the seriousness of a matter. Something very annoying in your life. Brutal honesty.
Example: A woman dreamed of being stung by a fish on her foot. In waking life she was avoiding a pregnancy treatment by a specialist as she couldn't get pregnant by natural means. The sting on the foot in the dream may have reflected her feelings about how unpleasant it felt to think about getting pregnant by unnatural means. It may have also reflected her unpleasant feelings about having a person who wasn't her husband help her to get pregnant and see her genitals in order to get the pregnancy treatment. She may have felt that people would laugh at her or think of her being immoral if she didn't get pregnant through natural means.
To dream of a stingray represents an aspect of yourself that passively accepts itself as dangerous. Feeling that something could be dangerous at any time, but isn't right now. Feeling that a passive situation or person has the potential to be lethal.
Alternatively, a stingray could reflect feeling about "sting" operation. Passivity that could strike at any time.
Example: A young woman once dreamed about a stingray. In real life she felt intense regret for having cheated on her ex-boyfriend that she believed hated her. The stingray in this case may have reflected her feelings about talking to her ex being an emotionally dangerous because he might remind her of her cheating at any time.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a stingray. In waking life she was concerned that her boyfriend writing letters to his ex-girlfriend over a child could potentially lead to cheating possibly ending her relationship. The stingray in this case may have reflected her feelings about the potential cheating being passively dangerous to her relationship.
To dream that something stinks represents your feeling that a situation doesn't feel right. Distaste or bad feelings.
To dream of other people noticing something stinking that you can't represents indifference to others perception of right and wrong. You don't think anything is wrong when others do.
*Please See Smell
To dream of stirring something represents feelings about keeping an issue interesting or preventing stagnation.
Negatively, stirring in a dream may reflect your desperation to keep talking about something that nobody else wants to talk about. Issues with letting a subject go dormant.
Example: A man dreamed of stirring a very dark purple pulp. In waking life he suspected that his wife was cheating on him and after investigating the issue he couldn't allow himself to let go of the issue. He couldn't allow the prospect of discovering that his wife was actually cheating to stagnate. He felt he had to keep "stirring the issue" to keep his wife on her toes.
To dream of medical stitches represents an area of your life that is responsible for keeping a situation or relationship intact. Habits or factors that maintain balance or civility.
To dream of medical stitches that come loose represents a reconciliation that has failed. Old habits and conflict are returning. Progress has been lost.
Consider where on the body that the stitches are for additional significance.
To dream of stitches on clothing represents choices, beliefs, or moods that are being keep intact by some other factor.
Stock Market
To dream of the stock market represents an interest in making personal investments in new ideas, relationships, or possibilities. Feeling that you or others want to take a chance on something better for the future.
To dream that the stock market crashed represents a blow to your hopes, dreams, or confidence in the future. Feeling sidetracked. Your personal investment in a situation or relationship may feel wasted. It may also reflect your fear of losing everything you worked for in some area of your life.
Alternatively, dreaming of the stock market crashing may reflect your feelings that nobody wants to take any chances on anything new. A fear of others losing confidence in you and being unwilling to risk anything for you.
To dream of regular women's dress stockings represents feelings about not wanting to feel that you think you are better than other people or dishonest while being independent. Feelings about yourself or other being a wonderful person who doesn't have to be told what to do. Feelings about about being a wonderful passive person with everyone liking you. Projecting an image to others that you are an honest person that never does anything wrong. Feelings about being a perfect passive person who doesn't deserve to have anyone get angry at them.
Negatively, dreaming about regular women's dress stockings may reflect behavior that is arrogantly acting like a wonderfully honest lady in appearance only. Acting like an honest little girl to get away with dishonesty. Dishonestly acting like a wonderful person that doesn't do anything wrong. Acting like a wonderful little girl so nobody will want to believe you are dishonestly deserving to be stopped. Arrogantly using
To dream of seeing a woman wearing lingerie stockings represents about being enticed with something enjoyably easy. Feeling seduced with something easy. Feeling that it's obvious that something pleasurable could happen. Feeling taunted with seduction or enjoyable possibilities.
Negatively, dreaming about a woman lingerie wearing stockings could reflect feelings about seduction that is too powerful or dangerous. Dangerous enjoyable offers. Arrogant seductive attitude that thinks you can't say no to it. An arrogant female attitude that believes seducing others is an inevitability.
To dream of fishnet stockings represents feelings about enticement that feels good being dangerous. Projecting an image to others that nothing can be done to stop you. Feeling good knowing you don't have to listen to anyone tell you that you can't make them do what you want. Desire or seduction that you can't say no to.
Example: A woman dreamed of wearing a pair of stockings with a trench coat. In waking life she was unemployed while trying to get a new job. The stockings in this case may have reflected her feelings about trying to project an honest appearance to potential employers about the reasons for her prolonged unemployment.
*Please See Lingerie
*Please See Christmas Stockings
To dream of buying stocks in a company represents your personal investment in other people or an outcome. Believing that if you care about or help someone now it will produce benefits later on. Hope for the future or taking risks for the future. Seeing a long term benefit in helping someone or doing something.
Negatively, buying stocks may reflect your fear of having believed in someone or something too much. Fearing having your hopes dashed. Risking too much.
To dream of selling stocks at a profit represents benefits or windfalls for having having believed in people, ideas, or in a possibility. Reaping the rewards for being faithful, loyal, or having taken advantage of an opportunity when it was presented to you.
To dream of selling stocks and losing money represents misplaced priorities, bad foresight, or bad luck. Believing hype. Poor long-term judgement. Alternatively, losing money on stocks may reflect feelings of having been lied to or disappointment in people who had potential.
To dream of stock/share buybacks may reflect feeling that you or someone else is now strong enough to stand on their own. Feeling that you or others don't need anyones help or support anymore. Repaying debts or favors to reclaim or increase independence. Not wanting to feel like you owe anyone anything. Not wanting to feel like someone can "have a piece of you" or a "piece of your action."
*Please See Stealing
To dream of a stomach or abdomen represents your ability to process and digest the experiences or situations in your waking life without anything bothering you. A reflection of how well you can accept and deal with emotions, situations, or information that you are confronted with. Your level of sensitivity or insensitivity about accepting criticism or difficult situations. How vulnerable you are to having your feelings hurt or allowing something to upset you. The state of the stomach in your dream can reflect your level of comfort or discomfort with the way life is taking you.
Positively, dreaming about a stomach may represent a good ability to cope with or accept new situations. Confidence with your ability to accept criticism or what life throws at you in a healthy manner. Resilience and the strength to face challenges without being overwhelmed. Confidence about your abilities or appearances that isn't afraid to talk back to other people about having less confidence than you do. Confidence about yourself not being a lazy undeserving person.
Negatively, dreaming about a stomach problem may represent difficulties in dealing with life's challenges. Emotional issues that are hard to digest or accept, feelings of unease or unrest with a particular situation, or the inability to process and move past negative emotions. This dream could also highlight fears, insecurities, or a sense of vulnerability in facing what life throws at you.
To dream of a perfect stomach or perfect abs represents a confident carefree attitude about accepting and dealing with various situations in life without anything bothering you. Perfect confidence about never being a loser no matter what anyone said about you. Imperviousness to criticism or insensitive comments you receive.
To dream of a potbelly represents feelings about excess, overindulgence, a lack of self-discipline, laziness, or unhealthy habits while not minding what it looks like. Problems with believing in yourself being perfectly confident. Sensitivity about criticism or insensitive comments you receive.
To dream of your stomach or abdomen being attacked, injured, or sick may represent feelings about experiencing difficulties in processing and dealing with certain situations, leading to feelings of discomfort or unease. Vulnerability, insecurity, or distress related to your currently accepted choices and beliefs.
To dream of having a dog attack your stomach may reflect your heightened sensitivity about issues you feel other people are criticizing you about. Feelings of insecurity or vulnerability regarding your beliefs or choices, especially if they are being challenged or criticized by others. Feelings about someone protective attacking you for your comfortably accepted beliefs or choices because they don't believe that you are safe. Vicious personal attacks on issues that make you very sensitive. Fear that something is wrong with you.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an enemy with a disgustingly obese potbelly. In waking life, he experienced his enemy being caught committing a crime and telling disgustingly obscene lies to explain the situation as though nothing was wrong with it that looked stupid being confident. In this case, the potbelly may have reflected the dreamer's perception of his enemy as morally corrupt who was grotesque with excess and dishonesty.
Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of a vicious dog attacking her stomach (belly, not organ). In waking life, she felt her family and work life were more important than a medical check-up which she suspected she needed. When she finally did get a checkup she was diagnosed with stomach cancer (organ, not belly) and died three months later. In this case, the dog attacking her stomach may have reflected her feelings about someone protective (family, medical reminders) emotionally attacking her decision to comfortably accept her job and family as more important than her health.
Example 3: A teenager dreamed of seeing himself and his friend with their shirts off revealing their perfect abs. In waking life, he was having issues comparing himself to his friend about who was better looking and didn't mind insensitive comments about comparisons. In this case, the perfect abs may have reflected his feelings about the confidence and carefree attitude about his and his friend's physical appearance despite the comparisons.
Stomach Acid
To dream of stomach acid represents feelings about how smoothly choices or experiences finish up. How quickly or slowly a situation you are involved with completes. Feelings about expecting an effortless finishing on a situation. Feelings about your ability to "digest" or complete an experience or dangerous situation. Assumptions about situations or problems being easy.
Negatively, stomach acid may reflect feelings about wanting a dangerous situation you choose to be involved with to finish up quickly. Anxieties or frustrations that negative situation is not going away on it's own. Fears of being easily or effortlessly "consumed" by competition. A wish for dishonest actions you are trying to hide to finish up easily so you can put the dishonesty behind you or stop lying to cover it up.
Problems with stomach acid in a dream may reflect issues that are preventing problems or plans from completing. Anxiety about getting something over with.
Example: A woman saw ketchup packets in her stomach sitting in stomach acid. In waking life she didn't feel good having to keep lying about an innocent lie about a situation that wasn't fully over with yet.
Stone Tablets
*Please See Tablets
To dream of Stonehenge represents disbelief or awe at how powerful an achievement was in your past. Wondering "How the heck did I do that?" or "How did someone else achieve that?"
Stonehenge may also reflect the perception that you or someone else did something amazing in the past that they are impotent to repeat.
Example: A man dreamed of visiting Stonehenge. In waking life he visited a gorgeous girlfriend from his past and wondered how the heck it was even possible to have had her liking him at all back then since she showed no interest in him at all anymore.
To dream of stones represents a situation or aspect of yourself that is unyielding. You or someone else that compromises nothing at all. Strength, permanence, or an unchanging attitude. Unyielding beliefs. Confidence or actions that will stand the test of time.
Negatively, a stone may reflect painful memories, hate, guilt, or jealousy that can't be overcome. Bitterness or revenge that is powerful and calculated in it's ability to cause harm. Certainty that you are going to permanently hurt someone.
Positively, a stone may reflect love or trust that can't be broken. Alternatively, stones may reflect your sense of permanence regarding issues of moral judgment or guilt.
Consider the shape, texture and color of the stone for additional meaning.
To dream of a stone wall represents feelings about being totally secure in your position in some area of your life. Feeling that is extremely difficult for enemies or problems to embarrass you again. A strong barrier to loss. Feeling comfortable knowing that you are too strong to easily override. Negatively, a stone wall may represent situations or behavior that's unyielding in it's attempt to stop you. A distraction that can't be avoided that isn't easy to override.
To dream of your legs or arms turning to stone may represent feelings about life situations that feel permanently stuck or on hold. Abilities that are usually easy for you may suddenly feel impossible. Feeling paralyzed in your abilities by others actions. Problematic stagnated situations that are so awful that you can't do anything at all to change them.
Dreams about limbs turning to stone are common to people experiencing actual physical paralysis in their limbs.
To dream of throwing stones represents feelings intentionally terrible actions taken against another person. Intentionally trying to make someone feel stupid. You or someone else that intentionally wants to make someone else feel bad as hard as you can. Powerful jealousy, anger, or bitterness directed towards someone else. Intentionally emotionally dangerous actions. Hurtfulness. Hoping to cause others permanent damage. Disrespecting others with damaging actions or creating bad memories. Negatively throwing a stone may reflect a selfish or arrogant attempt to hurt someone. Ignorantly causing others pain or embarrassment.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing small beautiful stone walls in the front of a mansion. In waking life his rich controlling father had died and he finally felt like a grown man who could never be humiliated again by being talked to like a loser.
Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of seeing members of her family turn into stone statues. In waking life, she soon developed catatonic schizophrenia and her whole body became frozen with rigidity.
Example 3: A person dreamed of turning into a stone statue stuck in world of stillness. In waking life shortly after this dream the person became ill with sleeping sickness.
Example 4: A man dreamed of being turned into a pillar stone, watching the world get old, an then experiencing himself withering away. In waking life the man was quite old and died shortly after having this dream. The pillar of stone in the dream may have reflected his feelings about himself growing into a strong adult.
*Please See Boulder
To dream of a being stoned to death represents feelings about intentional total humiliation with non-stop attacks of the most insensitive manner possible. Feeling that you or someone else is at the complete mercy of a situation that is both totally unforgiving and mean to the highest degree. Feelings about being humiliated by everyone you know hating you as hard as they can. Feelings about being ruined as a person with bitter anger for every single thing wrong you've ever done in your life.
Feeling forced to endure a a large group of people getting revenge in a slow painful manner where people enjoy never thinking of your feelings at all. Ignorant unforgiving retribution. Feeling stupid for making a mistake you didn't think would anger so many people at once. Feeling totally embarrassed by how jealous or vengeful people are towards you.
To dream of yourself stoning someone else to death represents feelings getting revenge on someone you don't like in a very mean insensitive manner. Enjoying total humiliation for someone while they are forced to accept it. Feeling good showing off humiliating someone else with the worst painful experience you can think of. Ignorant jealous retribution that you are fully aware may ruin someone. Obsession with causing someone else the most pain and embarrassment possible as means to punish them.
To dream of a stool represents feelings about comfort with interim decisions. "Staying put" with choices that you don't believe will last forever. Choosing to temporarily use a person or situation because you know something better is coming in your life. Temporary decisions that are useful for other things in your life.
Negatively, a stool in a dream may reflect wasting time with a short-term mentality that will never change. Feeling empty about relationships or situations that you are temporarily using. Putting up with a person or situation you don't like at all because you feel it will only be temporary. Short-term risks you are comfortable taking.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a child standing on a stool to reach for sunglasses. In waking life she was trying her hardest to put up with her husband's passive aggressive behavior for the interim time because she was planning on leaving her husband. The stool may have reflected her feelings about temporarily staying in her relationship while using to try to get he resources needed to enjoy her life somewhere else.
Stop Sign
To dream of a stop sign represents a situation that is making feel that you that you should stop doing what you are doing. A situation that may make you feel that your beliefs, intentions, or direction in life should be discontinued. You may need to rethink what you are doing or proceed with caution.
Alternatively, a stop sign reflects obstacles or difficulties as you work towards your goals.
*Please See Traffic Lights
To dream of putting something in storage represents an aspect of your life that you don't need at current moment. Resources, ideas, or goals that are on hold. Temporarily putting an issue aside. Information or insights you feel are important for later use.
Negatively, putting something in storage may reflect a voluntary reduction in power that doesn't allow you to be as strong you deserve to. Putting your anger or need for revenge on hold for a later time. Feeling that you are wasting time putting off ideas or possibilities for the future that you could be doing now.
To dream of a storage building may represent feelings about an excessive amount of self-imposed delaying. Too much in your life being put on hold for later. Feeling unhappy that something in your life has to be put on hold in the interim.
*Please See Warehouse
To dream of a store represents ideas or choices we are considering. The choice or opportunity to think differently. Considering making a lifestyle choice. Some area of your life where you serious about doing something different. "Talking to yourself" about a potential change or new idea. You may be "shopping" for various choices before making a final decision. Recognizing that a change may be needed in your life and making an effort to pursue that change.
Negatively, dreaming about being in a store may reflect feelings about making a change in your life being mandatory. Believing a change is needed when it really isn't. Not liking yourself enough they way you are. Allowing yourself to be influenced in ways that may not being helpful or good for you.
To dream of a salesperson trying to convince you to make a purchase in a store may reflect your own attempts to weigh the benefits of a choice. Your attempt to convince yourself or "sell" yourself on a choice or belief. It may also reflect someone in your life trying to influence you to change.
Example: A man dreamed of walking into a clothing store. In waking life he was considering making big changes to his personality believing it would improve his life if he tried it.
Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy a book from an expert and discovered that they first book he picked up was red and unsuitable. In waking life he was considering getting very serious about his studies of a personal hobby and realized that the first few books he looked at for the topic were written by incompetent people.
Example 3: A woman dreamed about her mother taking her to a store. In waking life he brother had moved out of her home and she was considering ideas on how to change the relationship to strengthen it.
*Please See Department Store
*Please See Convenience Store
*Please See Book Store
*Please See Grocery Store
Store Windows
To dream of a store window represents feelings about possible goals or desires being within reach. Seeing what you want in life , but feeling held back by some minor obstacle. Awareness of yourself being able to achieve something if certain action was taken or certain opportunities presented themselves.
Negatively, a store window may reflect feelings about being purposely kept away from a goal or desire. Feeling forced to "taste" your goals without ever getting to realize them. It may also represent a fear of taking action to achieve your goals and choosing to live with jealous desire. Alternatively, it may reflect excessive "window shopping" with life goals and not enough action. Too much talking about doing something without being serious about it. Not choosing to do something because you keep hoping for something to happen in the future.
To dream of breaking a store window may reflect life situations where you are choosing to take what you want by unconventional means. Frustration with having to be patient or achieve a goal the honest way. Alternatively, breaking a store window may reflect embarrassing people who flaunt your weakness to your face by stealing their power away (beating them up, cheating behind their backs, or humiliating them by just pushing them aside).
Example: A man dreamed of robbing a store by breaking the windows and taking what he wanted. In waking life he secretly worked behind the scenes to rip off an arrogant business partner who ignorantly took his money and bragged to his face about having to wait years to get it back. Breaking the store window represented the dreamer "shattering" his feelings of jealous desire once and for all by unexpectedly humiliating his business partner with legal problems and taking all his money back.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking past a number of store window displays that she felt each represented one of her clients. In the dream she told herself that each display should have different colors and lighting to reflect the personality of the client. In waking life she was an interior designer focused on making designs for her clients that were original and tailored to the clients tastes.
To dream of a stork represents an aspect of yourself that is aware of itself not listening to others. Feelings about yourself or others intentionally thinking other people don't matter first.
Negatively, a stork may reflect you or someone else that is acting like a snob. It may also reflect complete awareness of yourself intentionally not listening to anyone else's advice. Jealousy of someone who never needs to listen to you ever again.
Example: A young woman dreamed of a black baby stork. In real life she had gotten pregnant and didn't want to tell her parents because they had warned her about the dangers of unprotected sex. The black stork may have reflected her fear of confronted her parents with the reality that she didn't listen to them and had sex anyway.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing wedding bells ringing with a giant stork standing on top of the building. In waking life her brother notified her that he was getting married and she was hoping she could avoid the wedding because she didn't like her brother or the bride to be. The stork may have reflected her feelings about herself thinking the relationship is a huge mistake that and that nobody listened that her brother isn't interested in listening to her advice about what a good partner is.
To dream of a storm represents a situation that is noticeably turbulent. You are noticing yourself experiencing turmoil, rage, or anger. You or someone else may be very upset about something. It may also reflect a chaotic situation. The current state of a situation or relationship feels like it's "up in the air" or that anything could happen. Feeling the potential for everything in your life to get terrible.
To dream of expecting a storm represents feelings about potential conflict or arguments. You may feel that telling someone something unpleasant is going to cause a fight or cause serious problems. Anticipating trouble.
Positively, a storm may reflect rapid change or progress. Caring about nothing or no one else as you move forward in a situation.
To dream that you take cover in a storm represents patience or solitude during an a noticeably unpleasant or chaotic situation. Waiting for someone else's anger to settle.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in the middle of a violent storm. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and had a huge fight with her husband. The storm may have reflected her feelings about the powerful emotions expressed during the fight.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a storm outside her house. In waking life her father had just died and she was worried about her financial future and potential legal problems she was about to endure.
Example 3: A man dreamed of sunny day that suddenly turned into violent storm. In waking life he was happily retired and suddenly became very ill and believed it may cost him severely with his finances.
Example 4: A man dreamed of s storm developing. In waking life he was fearing the day that his pregnant wife would go into labor.
Example 5: A young boy had recurring dreams of a storm that he felt was coming. In waking life he father had left the family and family life started to become very "turbulent." He kept believing that his life was going to become very dangerous and difficult.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of expecting a storm that never came. In waking life she was in a constant state of concern about losing her job and confronting financial challenges.
Example 7: A woman dreamed of needing to survive a storm with her new boyfriend. In waking life she felt it was important for her and her boyfriend to be committed to stay together no matter what problems came up in their relationship.
*Please See Tornado
*Please See Hurricane
*Please See Rain
To dream of a story represents thoughts about making others believe that something happened. Remembering something that happened. Recollection of events. Being careful with what you tell someone or "getting your story right." Thoughts about being believed or not believed. Remembering. Hearing something about someone else. Thoughts about people hearing something about you. Believing everything you are hearing.
Negatively, dreaming about a story may reflect issues with believability, telling believable lies, or caring too much about being believed. Wanting to show off more believably impressive than you actually are. Rumors. Believable excuses. Fabrication. Not liking hearing what people say about you behind your back. Concerns with keep your reputation or being believable enough to stay out of trouble. Not believing everything you are hearing.
Example: A man dreamed of a newspaper story about him being in the newspaper. In waking life he was concerned with his ex-girlfriend hearing things about him based self-importance and how he imagined himself being look at by her. In this case the story in the dream may have represented his feelings about rumors or made up lies being believable to his ex-girlfriend.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of trying to figure out what story to tell police. In waking life was being careful about what the best way to say something to someone was. In this case the story symbolism may have reflected her feelings about being careful being believable to avoid trouble.
Example 3: A man dreamed of writing a story about this inner feelings. In waking life he was openly talking about the story of his life with health problems to others.
Example 4: A man dreamed of being confronted by someone who didn't already know his story. In waking life he was making excuses to his girlfriend about his drinking problem because he didn't think it a was a problem at the time.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of a lady giving her story to someone else. In waking life she was very concerned about thee believability of her recollection of events with a previous employer who forced her to resign while trying to get a new job.
To dream of a stove represents your thoughtful focus on progress, momentum, or getting something done. Slow, careful, or long term preparations. Preparing something important or special in your life. Confidence that you can prepare to do something if you want to. Carefully putting your plans together to make something happen.
Cooking on a stove represents projects, plans, or ideas that are underway. Getting ready for a certain type of experience. Something you are expecting something to happen soon.
Example: A woman had recurring dreams of putting something on a stove and moving it around from the front to back burner. In waking life she was constantly delaying making a career for herself. He kept putting ambitions "off on the back burner."
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being jealous over her stove not being fixed. In waking life she was having a jealous argument over her home renovations.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing Greg from Greg and Dharma the TV show standing beside a stove leaning to the side to tell someone acting deranged he had no interest in any dealing with him at all wanted to move on to other things. "Too personal" he says. In waking life he was preparing to tell someone he thought was criminally irresponsible that he had no interest in any business dealings with him whatsoever. He was much more interested in thoughtfully preparing his own business plans.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her stove with another smaller stove inside the oven and got her husband to check out the smaller stove which he said worked fine. This caused the woman to cry. In waking life the woman was capable of preparing to leave her husband to start a new life and didn't like that the relationship couldn't be fixed. In this case the stove inside the stove represented her capability to thoughtfully prepare to move away and leave her husband which would allow her to plan a new life once she did. This scared her.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of a bird that was loose in her home burning his feet on her stove. In waking life was experiencing some relationship frustrations with the man she was dating. In this case the stove that bird burns it's feet on may have reflected her feelings about herself thoughtfully making plans in her life unrelated to her relationship that caused jealousy with the man she was dating with moving in together.
*Please See Oven
*Please See Kitchen
To dream of something being physically straight represents feelings about situation or behavior that functions properly. No deviation or unusualness. The alignment of something in your life, perhaps in your beliefs, actions, or decisions.
To dream of a straight line represents feelings about a path or process that is unobstructed and clear, reflecting a clear goal or direction. A straightforward approach towards a particular situation or problem. Feelings about a situation having nothing corrupted it. Directness and straightforwardness in your waking life with a clear goal or direction. Feeling that you are on the right track. Feelings about no obstacles, complications, or diversions in your way towards a goal.
Negatively, a straight line might represent inflexibility or lack of creativity. It could suggest that you're sticking too rigidly to a particular path or plan, without considering other possibilities or approaches. A lack of variety, challenge, or excitement.
To dream of a straight road often represents a path in life that is straightforward and predictable. It could symbolize a situation or life phase where you are experiencing clarity, directness, or a lack of obstacles. Predictability, routine, and a sense of stability in one's life. You may know exactly where you're headed, with clear goals, and an understanding of what you need to do to achieve them.
Negatively, a straight road might also represent monotony or predictability to a point of boredom. It may indicate a lack of challenges, excitement, or variation in your life. Feeling that life is easier for someone else. If the straight road appears endless, it could suggest monotony or feeling stuck in a rut.
To dream of being heterosexual, or 'straight,' signifies behavior or the perception of behavior that aligns with norms and acceptability. It suggests feelings of normalcy, fitting in comfortably with others, and not being subjected to any form of snobbery or discrimination. It represents behavior perceived as conventional, without any sense of eccentricity or deviation from what is commonly accepted.
To dream that someone looks you "straight in the eyes" may represent a sense of seriousness about understanding a situation. Awakening to the gravity of the situation. Feelings about not wasting time or have a clear understanding is important. Someone or something is "talking to you" like it matters. An indication of needing to get straight to the point like it's important.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a straight piece of wood, similar to a bamboo stick. Suddenly, the scene transitioned to a view of a beautiful woman's back and waist, bending back and forth as if on a door hinge. In his waking life, the man had visited a chiropractor who had corrected his back problem with a swift procedure that initially frightened him due to perceived danger. In this case, the straight piece of wood might have symbolized the man's desire to have his back or spine straightened, preceding the actual procedure.
Example 2: A man dreamed of a woman looking him straight in the eyes like it was serious. In waking life, he awoke to the seriousness or gravity of a situation with new facts after not first not realizing the severity of the situation.
*Please See Straight Hair
Straight Hair
To dream of straight hair represents a thinking style that that tends to stick to the conventional, normal, or straightforward. A thinking style that doesn't think of anything unusual, weird, eccentric, or dishonest. Never thinking wacky or weirder than someone else. Thinking that is straightforward and predictable. A thinking style that is more direct, less complicated, and lacking in any unusual or out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes. A preference for clear, direct, and uncomplicated thought processes, devoid of any peculiar, out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes. Feeling about yourself or other people having a quietness about them that notices nothing strange about themself. Seeing yourself as a grownup about doing nothing strange.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a woman with straight hair. In waking, life he recently got engaged and noticed that his fiancee's personality started to become more straightforward, predictable, and settled as they approached marriage. In this case, the straight hair may have reflected his perception of his fiancee's thinking style, which was becoming more direct, less complicated, and lacking in any unusual or out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes.
Example 2: A man dreamed of sitting in a room with a group of women where most of them had straight hair. In waking life, the man was looking for a job. In this case, the straight hair may have reflected his feelings seeking a conventional straightforward job that required a thinking style that noticed nothing strange about itself so that he would align himself with an employers wishes.
Straight Jacket
To dream of a straight jacket represents feelings about not being able to be dangerous to yourself or anyone else on purpose. Impotence to do anything accept say you aren't crazy. Feelings that nobody thinks your safe enough to do anything else in a situation. Reach and capability are being intelligently limited by someone who thinks you or someone else is not behaving safe. Not believing you are crazy and in disbelief you need to put up with people treating you like you are. Feeling forced to be stuck the way you are feeling like it might be the rest of your life. Feelings of being treated like you are not sane by someone else that makes you do nothing else on purpose. Not being allowed to be dangerous to yourself or someone else. Nothing else being noticed as dangerous until you or someone else is proven safe.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone dangerous wearing a straight jacket that was tight, but slightly loose at the arms. In waking life he was experiencing someone he felt was dangerous being intelligently restrained from being dangerous anymore while still having to feel there might be an opportunity for the dangerous to cause him more problems.
*Please See Restrained
To dream of being stranded represents a sense of helplessness you feel. You may feel insecure or without resources to deal with a problem. Anxiety about being left to deal with problems on your own. You may be experiencing an unfamiliar situation. You may also feel neglected or a sense of abandonment. Perhaps, you can't find a friend to help you. Feeling stuck with a problem or feeling stuck with people that don't like you. Situations where you are "up shit's creek without a paddle."
Alternatively, being stranded may represent your feelings of isolation or loneliness. You may be hoping to be rescued from a problem or situation.
Dreams of being stranded may occur if supportive friends or family move away from you. Feelings of losing an important social safety net.
To dream of being stranded in a strange neighborhood may reflect situations that lack the clarity you have become accustomed to and leave you with no clear options to restore equilibrium to your life.
To dream of being stranded on a body of water represent negativity or uncertainty that you feel powerless to confront.
Example: A woman dreamed of feeling stranded with her car. In waking life she felt helpless to begin dating a guy because she had had a religious argument with him. She felt the argument "stranded her" socially in the middle of her attempt to get closer to the guy. She didn't know what else to say or do to fix the problem of having the man annoyed by her.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of being stranded. In waking life his mother had sold her home and moved away. His mother moving left him feeling like he had lost an important safety net in life. He felt that if he lost his job or something bad happened he would be on his own.
To dream of people that you never seen before represents thoughts, feelings, or situations that you've never experienced before. Strangers may also reflect inability to confidently trust a person or situation.
To dream of being chased by a stranger may reflect your attempt to avoid something you don't trust.
*Please See People
*Please See Choking
To dream of strawberries represents thoughts and emotions of sensual desires, pleasure, and temptation. They are often associated with sexual thoughts about someone you are interested in.
To see a rotting strawberry represents losing interest in someone or something that brings you a lot of pleasure to think about.
Example: A man dreamed of rotting strawberries. In waking life he was beginning to lose interest in a woman he was deeply sexually attracted to.
To dream of drinking straws represents a means to an end that makes something easier or more accessible. It could indicate a desire for simplicity or a desire to avoid a messy or complicated situation. Alternatively, it could symbolize feeling the need to "suck up" to someone or something, or a desire to extract information or resources from a situation or person. A desire to simplify and make a transition easier. Learning as fast as you can so you don't look like a bad listener.
Negatively, dreaming about straws could represent a reliance on artificial or unsustainable solutions, or a tendency to take shortcuts rather than facing challenges head-on. A willingness to take in new knowledge or ideas as a means to an end, without necessarily fully understanding or embracing them.
Example: A woman dreamed of feeding 2 lambs with white straws after jumping out of a car. In waking life, she had recently undergone a major life change by converting from Orthodox Christian to Protestant and finding a new job. In this case the white straws may have reflected her attempt to "suck up" learning about her new religion and job position as fast as possible without looking stupid to other people.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of drinking from a straw and wrapping it up afterwards. In waking life she does tv and movie extra work for additional money. In this case the straw being used may have reflected her feelings about quickly learning whatever was required to do her extra roles as fast trying to avoid looking like a bad listener. Wrapping up the straw may have reflected her feelings about the extra work coming to an end or a metaphor for "that's a wrap" being called on the set after the filming stopped.
To dream of something being stray represents feelings of being lost, misplaced, or disconnected from the familiar. A part of you that feels neglected, unwanted, or not fitting in. Feelings about something not being in the right place, separated from group. You may be yearning to find your place or purpose. Feelings about a lack of direction, focus, or purpose. It can also symbolize an aspect of your life or a part of yourself that has veered off the usual path, possibly due to neglect or lack of guidance. Straying might be a reflection of feelings of loneliness, isolation, or being lost. It may also reflect your concern about deviating from a set path, standard, or belief.
Positively, dreaming about straying can symbolize exploration, independence, or the need for personal space. It might also indicate the desire for a change, a new direction, or the need to challenge societal norms or conventional wisdom. Self-sufficiency.
Negatively, it could reflect feelings of neglect, abandonment, or being overlooked. It might also represent fears of getting lost, making a mistake, or the potential dangers and unknowns of stepping off the beaten path. Exploration that is lost or aimless.
To dream of a stray dog represents feelings about loyalty, trust, or companionship that has been misplaced or rejected. An aspect of yourself that is emotionally protective that is adrift, unguided, considered unimportant, or lacking direction in your waking life. It may represent a feeling of abandonment, loneliness, or a sense of being unwanted. This could reflect a situation where you may have felt betrayed or neglected by a friend or loved one.
To dream of a stray cat represents your feelings about behavior that sees itself as important when other people don't that feels lost, misunderstood, rejected, or neglected. A part of you that puts up a front of seriousness or importance that has been socially rejected. A part of you that is "hard to tame" or doesn't listen to anything deeming it unimportant that feels disconnected.
To dream of a stray bullet represents unanticipated consequences, dangers, or risks that have gone off course from their original intent. A sense of danger from unexpected or random decision-making with powerful consequences. It can symbolize feelings of random, unpredictable harm, or a fear that a situation in your waking life has the potential to escalate and cause unintentional damage. This might pertain to emotional outbursts, words spoken in anger, or actions taken without full consideration of their impact. Feelings about a sudden and unanticipated loss that wasn't a direct result of your performance or behavior.
To dream of straying away from other people represents feelings of choosing isolation or needing personal space. It may symbolize a need for introspection, or a desire to remove yourself from a group, social situation, or commonly held beliefs. You might be craving independence, autonomy, or a break from societal norms and expectations. This type of dream can be a call to honor your unique path and to explore the depths of your own identity, away from the influence or judgment of others. You might be struggling with feelings of not fitting in, feeling misunderstood, or unaccepted in your social environment. It can also reflect feelings of being left out, or a fear of abandonment or rejection.
Example: A young woman dreamed of someone placing a a stray coyote outside her door. In waking life, she was experiencing problems at work with her boss due to a customer complaint. In this case, the stray coyote may have reflected her feelings about the rare isolated instance of customer dissatisfaction causing her to worry about being fired at work.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a stray white kitten that she didn't want near her. In waking life, she was experiencing a close friend behaving very deceptive, malicious, and selfish. In this case, the stray kitten may have reflected the dreamers feelings about their close friend's dishonest behavior being unacceptable and out of character, making the dreamer feel uncomfortable and wanting to distance herself from this friend. The friend's actions might have made her feel betrayed, and the whiteness of the kitten could have symbolized the purity or innocence that she originally associated with her friend, now seeming lost or stray due to their recent actions.
To dream of seeing someone streaking represents embarrassment of others by not caring about anything their thinking at all. Total embarrassment of others with honesty that will not be tolerated for long. It may also reflect a sense of risk that you are taking by speaking out or expressing your true feelings in their entirety. Protesting with beliefs that are uncomfortable to others. "Naked" defiance.
Alternatively, streaking may reflect how you are making a spectacle with your true feelings in a situation that is conservative, serious, or otherwise inappropriate to do so. Shocking others with your true beliefs.
To dream of a stream represents the need to "go with the flow" of life to reach your goals as you deal with minor uncertainties, challenges, frustrations, or responsibilities that you are encountering. Possibly associated with work, school, projects, or teaching others. You are moving through a phase of life that requires you to navigate small obstacles or hurdles.
Sitting by a stream may symbolize your acceptance and growing comfort with a temporary difficulty.
To dream of a stream turning into a larger body of water represents feelings about an uncertain situation that is evolving into something much bigger and more challenging than initially expected. The dream may indicate that the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed and unprepared for what is coming next. This type of dream imagery may also suggest that the dreamer feels they are losing control of a situation, and that events are taking a direction that they cannot predict or manage easily.
To dream of a frozen stream represents feelings of being stuck in a minor and stagnant situation you feel that you could manage, but with little hope of change or progress. A minor uncertain situation that doesn't scare you, but doesn't change. Feeling that a minor uncertainty that is stagnant will "thaw out" eventually.
To dream of jumping over a stream represents overcoming obstacles or challenges in your life with ease and confidence. A sense of freedom and liberation from constraints or limitations that have been holding you back.
People recovering from the loss of a loved one may experience a stream in a dream as they begin to accept the loss and let go.
Example: A woman dreamed of being near a frozen stream with her son and then experiencing the stream turn into a lake that left her and her son struggling to keep their heads above water. In waking life she was experiencing a divorce from a husband that she couldn't afford. In this case the frozen stream may have reflected her feelings of being stuck in a difficult and stagnant situation she felt she could manage, but with little hope of change or progress.
Example 2: A man dreamed of standing near a stream. In waking life his Dad had died. In this case the stream may have reflected need to go with the flow of life, accepting the inevitability of change and letting go of attachment.
To dream of a street represents feelings about the direction and theme your life is taking while experiencing interactions with other people whose perspectives don't have to think anything different than they currently are. Feelings about experiencing people watching you while they don't have to change their beliefs or opinions unless you or "life" changes it for them. The overall theme or atmosphere of a situation you are experiencing with other people as you work towards goals. Awareness of a very specific mindset amongst a small group of people you are interacting with while focusing on a goal.
Negatively, a street may represent feelings of fear or dislike about the direction and theme your life is taking while experiencing negative interactions with other people whose perspectives don't have to think anything honest, supportive, or respectful. Feeling that people don't need to help you or change their views as you work towards goals. Feeling exposed, vulnerable, or judged by others while trying to work through challenges. Social pressure, criticism, or feeling monitored by others who are unsupportive or indifferent to your goals. Caring too much about what other people think about the direction in life you are taking.
Dangerous streets may reflect feelings of fear, insecurity, or unsupportiveness from other people as you work towards goals. Feeling that other people are difficult or not on your side as you work towards a specific outcome.
To dream of walking down a familiar street represents feelings about a familiar direction your life is taking or memories as you work towards certain goals or outcomes. Feelings of trying to progress passed people with known or predictable perspectives in life different than yours. Experiencing a direction in life that has the familiarity of people who you don't like from previous experiences. Ask yourself how the specific street feels when you walk down it for real and how that may mirror a waking life situation you are currently experiencing.
To dream of crossing to the other side of a street represents feelings about a decision or action that leads to the transitioning of an opposite perspective about a situation or goal you are currently experiencing.
Consider how the street looks and feels for additional meaning.
Example: A young girl had nightmares of being naked while walking down a street. In waking life, she was embarrassed for not being a perfect student at a very strict catholic school. In this case, the street may have reflected her feelings about the direction and theme of her life revolving around getting a strong religious education while her peers, teachers, and family perceived her shortcomings.
Example 2: A man dreamed of walking down a street that felt familiar. In waking life, he was experiencing enemies from his past acting criminal towards him and found all their behavior predictable due to his memories of them. In this case, the familiar street may have reflected his feelings about the direction and theme of his life situation being one focused on not being robbed while interacting with criminal people from his past who were predictable.
Example 3: A man dreamed of standing on one side of a street and seeing an enemy being picked up and tossed into a house across the street with the number 9. In waking life, his father died which ended a bitter power struggle between family members. In this case, standing on the street may have reflected his feelings about the direction of his life being focused on a legal standstill with a family conflict with family members who didn't feel they needed to change their beliefs or accept his goals until his father died.
*Please See Roads (Paved).
*Please See Roads (Dirt).
Street Lights
To dream of a street light represents feeling that that is always hope during a dark, difficult, or scary situation. Feeling good that a situation is not hopeless. Confidence that you don't need to worry because you can never be hopeless during difficulties or scary moments. Sanity or a voice of reason during a difficult time. Stable safety during a dangerous time. Feeling protected with answers during dangerous time. Feelings about strangers giving your help or advice to get through a difficult time. Unquestionable honesty during a very dangerous or scary time.
Negatively, dreaming about street lights may reflect feelings about hope for your problems that is a compromise.
To dream that there are no street lights available when you want them represents feeling that you are all on your own.
To dream of street lights coming from a source you can't see may reflect hope during difficult situations that you can't see. Feelings of hope coming from an unknown source.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a street light with a married couple and children underneath it which he met and walked passed. In waking life she was recently rejected by a new man she darted and was doubting if she would ever meet a man. Suddenly her ex-boyfriend called wanting to date her. She didn't want to date her ex-boyfriend. The street light in this case may have reflected the ex-boyfriend calling her while she felt desperate to date and the phone call gave her hope that she didn't have to be alone forever if she chose to settle for him. Although the ex-boyfriend's calls were unwanted they made her feel that her chances of meeting a man weren't hopeless. The conversation with the ex-boyfriend gave her hope for the future.
Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of street lights turning on in the darkness before moving on to another street. In waking life he was nervous about losing his virginity and did whatever he could to protect himself with safe sex.
To dream of a streetcar represents a direction in life that is certain and irreversible. A situation where there is no turning around or an an experience that happens whether you like it or not. An unstoppable recurring experience that you can confidently rely on.
Positively, a streetcar may reflect confidence in business or employment with regular paychecks. Negatively, a streetcar may reflect feelings about aging and birthdays leading to death.
To dream of a streetcar on fire may reflect feelings about fearing losing something that you have always confidently relied on. Fearing losing your regular paycheck or income source.
Example: A old man had a recurring dream of a streetcar that would open it's doors and have the driver tell him it wasn't his train yet. In real life he was an elderly man that spent a lot of time thinking about when he was going to die. The streetcar may have reflected his feelings about doctor's visits always having the potential to reveal to him that his old age had finally caught up with him and that he should prepare to accept his aging becoming an unstoppable journey towards death. He was always surprises that the doctor would tell him that we has perfectly healthy and wasn't dying yet.
*Please See San Francisco Streetcar
Streetcar Driver
To dream of a streetcar driver represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding you on a journey in life where there is no turning around. A possibility or choice that is irreversible.
For elderly people or people thinking about their death, a streetcar driver may reflect your feelings about God directing your life year and year towards death.
To dream of having strength represents feelings about believing in yourself being powerful. Feelings about being able to easily deal with challenges.
To dream of losing strength represents feelings about becoming less powerful or less able to deal with problems. Feeling limited. Feelings about losing status or virility. Feelings about getting older.
To dream of an enemy or evil person having strength represents feelings about problems in your life getting stronger. Feeling that problems may be come too big to handle. Problem situations getting out of control. Feeling that you have the potential to lose in some area of your life.
Example: A man dreamed of a powerful snake attacking him. In waking life life he was being picked on by a neighbor that was causing him significant problems.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone he felt was too strong for him to handle. In waking life he was concerned about a co-worker getting revenge on him that might cause serious problems.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a person that was younger and stronger then he was. In waking life he was getting older and felt that his age was beginning to limit him.
*Please See Muscles
To dream of stress represents feelings about a situation being a little too much to handle on your own. Frustration. A reflection of actual stress you are having in waking life. Feelings about worries, risks, workloads, being overworked, annoyances, or issues with coping with problems. Reacting badly to problems. Too much concern for trying to be perfect. Issues managing or reducing a workload. Health problems. Sexual frustration.
Example: An older woman dreamed of being stressed out by ants. In waking life she was dealing with a lot of home organization, looking for future affordable housing, and finding a doctor for her health problems.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being stressed. In waking life he was stressed at work because of his sexual attraction to a woman.
Stretch Marks
To dream of stretch marks represents feelings of disappointment that some aspect of your life will never be perfect again. Feeling that you can't feel good about yourself like you used to. Feeling a sense of failure or that you can never measure up to others expectations. Feelings about yourself or someone else being permanently flawed.
Unpleasant feelings about dramatic or unusually quick changes in your life causing lasting damage. Feeling that you can never feel good about yourself in a way you used to before a conflict change occurred. A lingering reminder of a dramatic or usually fast change you had to adjust to. Jealousy of something never being as good as it used to be. Feeling that people don't like you as much as they used because you have embarrassed yourself in some manner that makes them not think about you as good as they used to.
Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend with stretch marks on his body that she felt were not as bad as they used to be. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend and now both of them were starting to reconsider getting back together. The stretch marks that weren't as bad as they used to be may have reflected her feelings about her ex-boyfriend's flaws not feeling as bad as they used to feel.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of hearing someone talk about stretch marks. In waking life she felt that she had embarrassed herself destroying the rapport or first good impression she had made with a person. She felt she couldn't get the rapport back to the way it felt originally.
To dream of a stretcher represents a need support or help for an overwhelming problem.
To dream of being on a stretcher represents an ability to deal with a problem on your own.
To dream of someone else on a stretcher represents an aspect of yourself or your projection of someone else that requires support to get through difficulties.
To dream of stretching your body represents feelings about preparing yourself to be more flexible or prepared in some area of your life. Preparation and readiness. A need for flexibility in your approach to challenges, readiness to adapt to new circumstances, or warming up to new ideas and situations. Your thoughts about the importance of being prepared, adaptable, and open-minded in facing life's challenges. A desire or need to extend beyond your current limitations, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. A readiness to push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Positively, dreaming about stretching may represent a proactive approach to life's challenges, a healthy attitude towards personal growth, and the pursuit of balance and well-being. A recognition of the need for preparation and readiness to face whatever problems come your way. A conscious choice to enhance your flexibility, both physically and mentally, in order to better navigate through life's ups and downs. Stretching in a dream could also indicate a period of preparation and anticipation for something important that is about to happen, suggesting that you are getting ready to face it with confidence and resilience. Your willingness to embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and seize opportunities for self-improvement.
Negatively, dreaming about stretching may represent feelings of overdoing flexibility and adapting to new situations. Feelings of being pushed beyond your comfort zone or fears of not being able to meet expectations or demands. Anxiety about changes or new challenges, feeling unprepared, or concerns about your ability to adapt to new situations. Feelings of restlessness, dissatisfaction, or a desire for change. A fear of complacency or mediocrity, prompting you to push yourself beyond your limits in order to fulfill your potential.
To dream of your body stretching out as far as it can may represent feelings of pushing yourself to your limits or reaching your maximum potential. A situation where you feel you're doing everything possible to adapt, accommodate, or achieve a goal. A desire for greater flexibility in your approach to problems or challenges. Thoughts about extending beyond your usual boundaries and comfort zone. Situations where you feel stretched thin or are striving to meet high standards or expectations. Experiencing stress related to stretching yourself too thin in your waking life, taking on more responsibilities than you can handle, or feeling the strain of trying to maintain balance amidst competing demands. A test of your endurance or resilience, suggesting that you're exploring the boundaries of your capabilities.
To dream of something being stretched to the limit represents a situation or aspect of your life that is being pushed to its maximum capacity or endurance. It may indicate that you or someone else is exerting immense effort or pressure in order to achieve a goal or fulfill a requirement. This dream suggests that you are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, but there may be a risk of exceeding the limits and causing strain or damage. It could also signify that you are reaching the breaking point or facing a critical moment where a decision or action must be taken to prevent a collapse or failure. Alternatively, dreaming of something being stretched to the limit may symbolize the need to recognize when it is time to release tension or pressure and allow for relaxation or recovery.
To dream of your shirt being stretched represents feelings about someone having ruined your ability to take on a role or be yourself because they have taken a situation too far. Feelings about someone else taking a situation too far that ruins your ability to do your job or like who you are. Feelings changes or stress impacting your ability to be liked or respected for your personal identity, image, or how others perceive you. A sense of discomfort or dissatisfaction with the demands being placed upon you. An awareness of yourself being stretched or challenged in ways that go too far and make you feel different than your normal self. Concerns about maintaining your integrity or personal standards while adapting to new roles, responsibilities, or expectations. You have need to reassess your commitments and boundaries to avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain a sense of balance and well-being.
To dream of something being stretchy represents a situation or aspect of your life that is characterized by flexibility, adaptability, or resilience. A situation or relationship that allows for a lot of give-and-take. It may suggest that you have the ability to adjust, cope with stress, or accommodate changes or challenges with ease. Alternatively, this dream could indicate a need for greater flexibility in your approach to a particular issue or circumstance. It may also symbolize your capacity to bounce back from setbacks or difficulties. Stretchiness in a dream could reflect your ability to stretch your resources, time, or energy to meet the demands of a situation. Overall, this dream suggests a sense of elasticity and versatility in handling various aspects of your life.
To dream of a bird with wings stretched out represents a sense of freedom, liberation, or expansiveness in your life. A sense of empowerment, confidence, and the ability to rise above obstacles or challenges.
Example: A young man dreamed of stretching his body to the limit in order to pass through a gate without needing to open it. In waking life, he was dealing with schoolwork at University. In this case, stretching his body to the limit may have reflected his feelings about needing to push himself to his limits in terms of effort and adaptability to successfully meet the academic challenges and requirements without taking the more traditional or expected path, such as asking for extensions or help.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a female coworker on the floor stretching on the floor before a man begins to wrestle with her before she fades away. The man refuses to admit that he hurt her. In waking life, she recently split from her boyfriend due to pictures he took of himself with another woman who is close to him due to family connections. In this case, the stretching on the floor may have reflected her feelings about herself attempting to be flexible or needing to adapt to the situation with her boyfriend before further arguing made it impossible.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of reaching the top of a mountain and then seeing an eagle speedily flying down the mountain without it being stretched out. In waking life, her husband had died and she had to move on with her life. In this case, the eagle that speedily flies down the mountain without its wings stretched out may have reflected her need for a swift and effortless transition through the grieving process and into the next phase of her life instead of living the same life while talking to anyone about what she was going to do for the rest of her life.
To dream of stretching your body (exercise) represents feelings about preparing yourself to be flexible, adaptable, or ready for a challenge. A need for mental, emotional, or physical readiness. Preparing yourself for new experiences, tasks, or challenges. Pushing your boundaries.
Negatively, dreaming about stretching your body may represent feelings of pressure to stretch your limits beyond what is comfortable or sustainable, leading to feelings of strain, exhaustion, or vulnerability. Perhaps you feel pressured to meet expectations that require you to change or adapt in ways that don't feel natural to you.
To dream of body parts being stretched out represents feelings about being forced to adapt or expand beyond your normal capabilities. Feelings about trying to meet the high expectations set for you. A situation where you feel stretched thin or overburdened by responsibilities. You may feel as though you are being asked to do more than is realistic or comfortable. Emotional or mental strain, where you are being pressured to accommodate demands that exceed your limits. Consider the body part for additional meaning.
To dream of an object stretching represents feelings about the limits of a situation being pushed beyond its usual capacity. Feelings about overextending yourself or others. Experiencing how far a situation can go before reaching a breaking point. Testing boundaries or exploring flexibility. Feelings about a situation being pushed more than you are comfortable with. Feelings about extending limits to avoid giving up.
To dream of something stretching and breaking represents feelings about pushing a situation, relationship, or personal limits too far. Reaching a point where you or others cannot handle any more pressure, leading to a breakdown, failure, or loss. Anxiety about taking on too much or concern that something in your life is becoming unsustainable. Feelings of regret or frustration from having gone too far, or the realization that you've exceeded the limits of what is possible.
To dream of stretching your clothes represents feelings about your identity or appearance being forced to change or adapt to new circumstances. Feelings of being uncomfortable with your personality after believing in yourself too much. Feeling that someone else has irreversibly ruined your ability to be comfortable with your personality or appearances after believing in themselves too much with your role.
Example: A woman dreamed of chewing gum that gets stuck in her throat and trying to pull it out. The gum keeps stretching and is difficult to remove. In waking life, she was wearing a mouthguard while sleeping to prevent grinding her teeth and after a year it started to crack. In this case, the stretching chewing gum may have reflected her initial thoughts about how non-serious using the mouthguard felt with regular use before reaching its limits and "stretched" beyond its capacity requiring replacement.
To dream of being on strike represents feelings of being under-appreciated or a lack of respect. You or someone else that is being stubborn or not co-operating until a condition changes. Feeling forced to do something you don't want to do.
Strip Club
To dream of being at a strip club represents a constant sense goals being out of reach. Always feeling disappointment that what you want isn't happening. You may feel taunted or teased by desire for someone or something.
To dream of stripes represents notice-ability of yourself or something else with a specific behavior at all times. Feelings about something in your life having consistent behavior. Negatively, stripes may reflect concerns that a problem or someone else's negative behavior will not stop. Feeling that someone or something is always doing something. A person or situation that is easy to define by it's behavior.
To dream of vertical stripes represents behavior that is being noticed all the time in a manner that is not optional and demands your involvement. A mindset that is jealous or angry if you aren't trying your hardest to be involved or integrated with it. A more exclusive type of mindset that may require training or learning to live with.
To dream of horizontal stripes represents behavior that is being noticed all the time in manner that is optional or dependent on your effort. A more open less jealous mindset. A more inclusive mindset that may be more liberal or accepting of others with less experience.
To dream of stripes on the back of a person or animal represents feelings about consistent behavior being a burden or intentional choice. Feelings about opposition or enemies carrying the burden of always working against you.
To dream of a red stripe represents feelings about how negative or dangerous behavior is always being noticed occurring. Unavoidable negative intentions or dangerous behavior. Negatively, a red stripe may reflect feelings about yourself being designated as a bad person and having to stay that way.
To dream of a red and white striped pattern may reflect feelings about a situation always being dangerous to ignore honesty. Consistent honest behavior that is angry, mean, or dangerous to neglect acknowledging.
Example: A man dreamed of being followed by an evil creature with a red stripe on it's back. In waking life he felt that an unseen evil presence was following him in life intentionally trying to harm him.
To dream of a stripper represents an aspect of your personality that shows off being too awesome to do anything about. Feeling teased or tantalized by other people that can do something amazing that you can't do. Feelings that you are realistically not going to do anything with something except think about it being too awesome or amazing to have yourself. To see someone stripping may reflect a goal that you feel is taunting you with always being out of reach. Feeling teased with desire.
To dream that you are a stripper may reflect waking life situations where you are showing off with something incredible. Feelings about yourself being so attractive or unique that you can rub it in other people's faces. Teasing or tantalizing other people that they can't be as amazing as you are. To dream that you are stripping may represent your attempt to tease or taunt others with desire. Making others feel close to their impossible goals.
Negatively, dreaming of being a stripper may reflect your awareness of yourself teasing or tantalizing with people with desire or impossible experiences. Showing off being "too hot to have."
Dreams of stripping are common to people who are strippers to reflect their feelings about showing off their superior good looks and abilities to people who less deserving in life.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a room filled with strippers. In waking life he was being promised a lot of money from someone who ended up being a big liar. He felt silly and teased with desire for believing in all the enjoyable possibilities of the money.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being a stripper in a club that got shut down. In waking life she was considering returning to a job as a stripper, but couldn't because her boyfriend wouldn't let her.
*Please See Lap Dance
*Please See Strippers
*Please See Baby Carriage
*Please See Strength
*Please See Body Builder
To dream of struggling represents feelings about conflict, hardship, or challenges in your life. Anxiety about losing an opportunity or failing. Confronting adversity in your life. Tensions, arguments, or feeling desperation. Adversity of some kind. Difficulty overcoming a problem or obstacle.
Negatively, struggling in a dream may reflect problems accepting a difficult reality. Chronic illness. Financial problems. Difficulty accepting inevitable defeat. Difficulty managing two different aspects of your life. A possible sign that you need to slow down, ask for help, or learn to prioritize.
Example: A man dreamed of struggling hard in a fight with another man. In waking life he had been a very big argument with someone.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing people struggling to steer a vehicle. In waking life she was trying very hard to stop her relationship with her boyfriend from ending.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of struggling hard to go up a hill. In waking life she was having a very difficult time in her life getting a job allow her to keep paying her bills.
Example 4: A man dreamed of struggling in a battle. In waking life he was having a very hard time completing two different projects at his school.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of struggling with a witch. In waking life she felt she was cursed with bad luck because of health problems she couldn't overcome.
Example 6: A man dreamed fo struggling with an octopus. In waking life she felt that an illness was causing conflict in every aspect of his life.
To dream of stucco represents you or someone else that wants to be noticed and admired. There may be something you'd like recognition for or something positive you want people to associate with you.
To dream of being stuck represents feelings of being helpless or not being able to escape from life's problems. Stress or fear is overwhelming you. A loss of confidence in yourself or your ability to make progress.
Alternatively, being stuck may represent your lack of clear goals or low self-esteem. Not believing in yourself enough to move forward or speak up.
Student Loans
To dream of a student loan represent feelings about a need to responsibly take action with your problems and not just worry about them. Feeling the need to address be problems responsibly on your own time. Awareness of yourself needing to deal with your own problems and not expect others to fix them for you.
Negatively, it may reflect too much time spent being concerned about a problem without taking serious steps to address the problem. Worrying about a problem without taking any action.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in court over a student loan. In waking life she felt that she was being judged after getting advice about needing to get a pregnancy test done after spending too much time worrying about being pregnant and not taking any serious action to verify it with a test.