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To dream of bread represents feelings of deserving to get through a situation while thinking about yourself being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met. The fulfillment of basic needs, sustenance, and the essentials of life. Feelings about the fundamental aspects of your existence such as health, shelter, emotional well-being, or a simple income that's enough to pay bills. A sense of security in knowing that your needs are being taken care of. Bread may be a sign that you are trying to "survive" a situation with basic necessities. Basic provisions. The dreamer's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and make the most of available resources.

Negatively, dreaming about bread could represent feelings of scarcity, lack, deprivation, or unmet needs. It may also point to your emotions during a financial difficulty. Experiencing hardship, feeling that your basic necessities are not being provided for, or that you are struggling to provide for yourself or others. Learning about or addressing the root of a problem. A fear of poverty or destitution, or concerns about your ability to sustain yourself and your loved ones. Feelings of anxiety or insecurity regarding financial matters. A need to pay attention to your basic needs and take steps to ensure they are adequately met.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a loaf of bread. In waking life, she sought the help of a psychiatrist about problems with her love life. In this case, the loaf of bread may have reflected her feelings about the psychiatrist's advice allowing her to feel she deserved to get through her relationship problems by understanding her relationship in a more simple, basic, or fundamental way.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his mother giving him a loaf of bread. In waking life, he was having serious financial difficulties and had to do whatever he could to save money. In this case, the bread may have reflected his feelings about deserving to get through his financial problems by focusing on fundamental financial needs as he tried to save money with a more simple and basic lifestyle.

Example 3: A man dreamed of trying to sell bread to a shop, but he kept forgetting the prices. In waking life, he was trying to sell his art and art skills on the internet but kept forgetting to put up his prices or take his website seriously. In this case, the bread that he was trying to sell may have reflected his feelings about himself being a simple "starving artist" who made little money with his art in order to survive his life with basics or pay his bills.

*Please See Toast

*Please See Brioche Bread

Brioche Bread

To dream of brioche bread represents feelings of deserving to be comfortable liking not having to be an expert while getting through a situation being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met without any difficult questions. Comfort, security, and basic needs. A sense of ease and simplicity in meeting your basic needs without facing difficult questions or complications. Feeling comfortable that it's easy to be better than someone else without being an expert while getting through a difficult situation with only basic needs. Believing it's easy to respect yourself never being uncomfortable while getting through a difficult situation with only basic, simple, or fundamental needs. Feeling confident in your ability to navigate difficulties with simplicity while maintaining a sense of self-worth and dignity.

Positively, dreaming about brioche bread may represent a belief in your own worthiness and the ease with which you handle adversity. Feelings about a situation being comfortable and simple about not minding waiting for a difficulty to end. Liking not being as desperate as other people about getting through a situation without any difficult questions. Comfort and simplicity about deserving to not have to experience a situation as difficult as other people do.

Negatively, dreaming of brioche bread may represent overdoing feelings of deserving to be comfortable liking being ahead of other people like it's simple. Being too concerned with believing it's easy to comfortably get through a difficult situation without being an expert. A situation where you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because you are too comfortable believing that it's easy or simple to achieve a goal without having to be an expert or face difficult questions.

*Please See Bread


To dream of broccoli represents feelings about something that is unpleasantly in your best interest. Benefiting from choices or behavior that don't feel good at all. Choosing safety or honesty as a last option because it spares you trouble. Disliking having to be honest.

Positively, broccoli may reflect unpleasant choices to improve yourself. Difficult honesty. Telling on people that are misbehaving or risking telling on a dangerous person who is misbehaving.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a bowl of yellow soup that was solidified with chunks of broccoli. In waking life she had rented a room at a doctor's office for an extended period of time due to her ongoing need for medical care. The chunks of broccoli may have reflected her unpleasant feelings about having to stay at the doctor's office because it was in her best interest for her health.


To dream of brownies represents pleasant feelings of deserving something nice. Feeling that you or someone else deserves to enjoy something nice. Negatively, brownies may reflect excessive indulgence in luxury or spending money shopping.

Example: A young woman dreamed of brownies she tried to hide. In waking life he was caught talking to another guy when she had a boyfriend. The brownies reflected how pleasant it felt to sneak talking to a good-looking guy behind her boyfriend's back.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating brownies out of the refrigerator and feeling that it would make his fungal infection worse if he ate them because the sugar in brownies would worsen his fungal infection. In waking life he was considering enjoying buying surprise gifts for his mother knowing that it may make his financial struggles worse. He felt his mother deserved something nice so he didn't care.

Brussel Sprouts

To dream of brussel sprouts represents feelings about needing to act mature or responsible on your own. Choosing to do the right thing all on your own without being told to. Self-directed grownup behavior. Accepting a mature or adult situation.

Positively, brussel sprouts may reflect a positive attitude about choosing to not be a "big suck" about having to be responsible on your own or accept a mature situation. Not running from your problems.

Negatively, brussel sprouts may reflect dangerous risks doing responsible things you are not experienced enough to do on your own yet. Being more concerned with looking grown up then you are experienced.


To dream of bubblegum represents feelings of amusement about being carefree and problemless while not caring about what other people think while enjoying repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until it the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest.

Negatively, bubblegum may represent feelings about overdoing expressing your amusement with being carefree and problemless while not caring about what other people think. Gloating, conceit, or enjoying feeling more carefree than other people. Jealousy of someone else enjoying having a carefree and problemless attitude. Feeling forced to go along with other people's carefree and problemless attitude to maintain appearances or avoid confrontation. A superficial attitude that doesn't think other people matter.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-husband's new girlfriend turning into a piece of bubblegum which she tried to mix dirt into. In waking life, she viewed herself as a perfect Christian and was very jealous that her ex-husband could cheat on her and be happy with a new girlfriend while enjoying an easier life. She felt stuck having to start her life over from nothing on her own. She was jealous that God was not punishing her ex-husband for his wickedness while he enjoyed a much easier life. In this case, the ex-husband's new girlfriend turning into a piece of bubble gum may have reflected her feelings about not liking her ex-husband repeatedly enjoying talking about his new life without her being effortless and carefree with a new relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mouth being filled with bubblegum and being unable to spit it out because there was too much bubblegum. In waking life, she had problems admitting that her boyfriend had upset her because it was scary to say something. In this case, the bubble gum may have reflected her discomfort with having to maintain appearances of being amused, carefree, or problemless while not caring about what other people think while being able to tell her boyfriend he was actually scaring her.

*Please See Chewing Gum


To dream of Budweiser beer represents feelings about the qualities of an experience that doesn't have to talk about itself being accomplished or best when while never having to stop relaxing until it's absolutely finished relaxing. A sense of satisfaction and ease with an experience that doesn't need validation or approval from others. It embodies the feeling of being the best without having to brag or prove oneself. An experience that doesn't have to prove itself as the best because it already is while staying relaxed. Feeling comfortable being a winner that doesn't have to talk about it while you relax. Being comfortable relaxing better than someone without ever needing to talk it. Deserving to be a jerk if someone doesn't let you relax because you already took care of the problem they are complaining about. Absolutely on top of your own life while you quietly don't think other people are.

Negatively, dreaming about Budweiser may represent relaxing that feels it's better than someone because you already did more than them while not talking about it. A jerk attitude that doesn't speak about why your time off is better than someone else's. Feeling relaxed being the best that doesn't need to explain it while feeling that other people are a loser if they don't accomplish something themself.

Example: A woman dreamed of finding an Budweiser beer can in her fiance's hand and being upset because he wasn't a drinker in real life. In waking life she was having a fight with her fiance about the finances when she was unemployed and he was employed. In this case the Budweiser beer in her fiance's hand may have reflected her perception of her fiance's attitude of being comfortable and relaxed in his position of financial stability, without having to prove himself or worry about financial difficulties. Overall, the dream may reflect the dreamer's frustration with her fiance's perceived lack of empathy or understanding towards her financial struggles due him having a job when she didn't. She may have felt the snobbery from him about deserving to relax because he's accomplished paying bills because he has a job while she hadn't paid any bills because she didn't have a job.

*Please See Beer


To dream of a burrito represents feelings about an experience or option where you feel good believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you are without thinking other people matter. Believing in yourself accepting yourself as being right and not feeling the need to change it for anyone else. Not thinking that you are better than anyone else while being tough staying the way you are without other people changing you. Self-acceptance, authenticity, and the potential for conflict or stubbornness in the face of external pressures. Feelings about social belonging. Quickness and convenience about needing to accept yourself exactly the way you are with other people in situations where you feel the need to matter or be included as well.

Negatively, dreaming about a burrito may represent feelings of overdoing believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you are without thinking other people matter that doesn't mind being a jerk about it. Believing in yourself accepting yourself exactly the way you without thinking other people matter when you don't want to because it might cause a fight. Believing in yourself accepting yourself as not being a fake that might irritate someone else.

Example: A man dreamed of Taco Bell offering a new Presidential Burrito that had a red and blue dyed tortilla. Donald Trump and Joe Biden were advertising the new food product. He thought the presidential candidates were Artificially Intelligent (AI) fakes. In waking life, the dream occurred towards of the end of 2023 as the candidates got closer to a serious election. In this case, the Presidential Buritto may have reflected his feelings about being encouraged to believe in himself accepting himself picking a political side in a conversation about the election when he thought it was pointless because both sides were perfectly fake.


To dream of butter represents a factor or situation that makes things better than without it. Something is not as good if you don't have it. An improvement, enhancement, or easement. It may also represent something make a situation run smoother.

Negatively, butter may reflect a bribe.

Butter Chicken

To dream of butter chicken represents an experience of confidence that something easier than every other option that doesn't have to stop keeping you interested.

Butter Tarts

To dream of butter tarts represents feelings about indulging in an experience or choice of liking something all to yourself because you don't like thinking of someone taking it from you. Indulging in enjoying something all to yourself because other people aren't supportive of you. Liking something all to yourself because time's running out and other people will embarrass you with nothing left if you don't. Enjoying something at the "last second" to get away with it. Enjoying deserving to not think about what someone else thinks because you might not enjoy yourself.

Butterfinger Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Butterfinger Chocolate Bar represents feelings about treating yourself to being in love with never having to stop getting what you want easily without thinking about it being a risk.


To dream of butterscotch represents your enjoyment of noticing people liking you. It may also reflect feelings that everyone likes you. Enjoying always being the most attractive or popular person in a situation.

Negatively, butterscotch may reflect feeling that other people have to like you no matter what.


To dream of cabbage represents feelings that it's beneficial to be more honest than you usually are. Success that requires higher standards of honesty.

Negatively, cabbage may reflect feelings about honesty that is too honest for your comfort level. Feeling that telling the truth may make you look stupid or cost you in manner that is too much to lose. Anxiety about not trying your hardest to look perfectly honest. Honesty that is risky or dangerous. Fear of not being perfectly honest when you are successful. Taking time off immoral or criminal activity. Honesty that embarrasses you. Situations with low trust and a high demand for responsibility.

To dream of driving through a field of cabbage may reflect reckless or selfish decision-making that is intentionally disregarding the need to have higher than normal standards of honesty because it's not normal for you to be that honest. Selfishly believing you don't need to respect others wishes for you to have higher than normal standards of honesty.

Example: A woman dreamed of cabbage in a salad. In waking life she felt it was good idea to take some time off from her boyfriend so he could spend time with his wife. In this case the cabbage may have reflected her feelings about taking time off her extra-marital affair making her feel more honest than she usually is.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing cabbage on a table. In waking life she felt her job was too demanding with proving she was honest at all times. Low trust with high responsibility required to keep her job and it didn't feel good anymore.

Cadbury Chocolate Bars

To dream of a Cadbury Milk Chocolate bar represents treating yourself to liking something as much as possible being allowed without anyone else deserving to have it.

To dream of a Cadbury Caramel Chocolate bar represents treating yourself to liking planning something nice (or wonderful) for yourself as much as possible without deserving to talk to anyone about it.



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