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To dream of porridge represents feelings about situations where you benefit from deserving to be simple about not showing off thinking about yourself being better than other people while doing only what's needed in order to get through a situation. Not showing off talking about yourself too much or overdoing anything in order to get through a situation. Feelings of ease with humbleness where talking about yourself isn't important. Enduring whatever you need to do by not believing in yourself too much.

Example: A young woman dreamed of eating porridge that she threw away because it had worms in it. In waking life, she had PTSD and was finding her methods of managing it weren't working anymore. In this case, the porridge may have reflected her feelings about the simple and basic methods she was using to cope with her PTSD on her own without discussing it with other people too much, which she initially thought was sufficient. The presence of worms in the porridge could symbolize her realization that these methods were no longer effective and perhaps undermined by other people in her life ruining her ability to take personal time off to do what she needed to treat her PTSD.

*Please See Oatmeal

Potato Chips

To dream of potato chips represents feelings about an experience or choice that indulges in liking what's currently happening being easily gratifying without thinking stopping is ever going to be a problem.

Negatively, potato chips may represent a lack of self-control or willpower to stop a repeating or recurring indulgence. An overindulgent behavior or a lack of willpower for something currently happening being easily gratifying that doesn't have to stop. You may be having a problem stopping yourself once you've started indulging in something. Issues with doing something once not being enough to satisfy yourself that may come with a cost that isn't good for you. Cravings, temptations, or unhealthy habits that are difficult to manage. You may need to exercise more self-control over cravings. Telling yourself that you can control your cravings or "easily have one more" when you can't. Maintaining self-control when faced with something that feels irresistible. You may need to exercise more self-control.

Example: A man dreamed of eating potato chips. In waking life, he was trying to overcome sex addiction. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected his inability to stop craving sex once he's had it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing herself eating potato chips. In waking life, she couldn't stop speaking to a professional for advice because the advice was better than anything she had gotten before. She had to keep going back for advice over and over. In this case, the potato chips may have reflected her feelings of easy gratification that came with repeatedly indulging in professional advice that was both difficult to stop enjoying and expensive.

Potato Salad

To dream of potato salad represents feelings about an experience that's comfortable about deserving to easily do something as much as you want without anything getting back at you.

Example: A woman dreamed of someone feeding her potato salad. In waking life, she was a business owner who was very focused on work, growing her business, and making more money. In this case, being fed potato salad may have reflected her feelings about being offered easy-to-access business or loan advice for her business with no risk attached.

Potatoe Wedges

To dream of potato wedge french fries represents feelings about enjoying being straightforward about deserving to believe in yourself safely mattering without a question, not being mean about not minding wasting time, while experiencing something happening being frivolous, unimportant, fun, or not serious about needing to be intelligent. Being unafraid to believe you matter while something fun, frivolous, or unimportant is happening. Feeling good speaking up for yourself and not being shy while something frivolous or unimportant is happening.

Potato wedges are not a common dream symbol.

*Please See French Fries


To dream of raw potatoes represents feelings about not yet deserving to be comfortable from complications or hurdles with a sense that it would be beneficial for you to learn from the experience. Feeling that a complication or hurdle that you'll learn from does nothing unless you get involved with it. A problem situation in your life that requires work or brings difficulties, but encourages personal growth because you'll learn to overcome minor complications or hurdles with ease. Your perception of complications being manageable and ultimately leading to a satisfying resolution as you work through them. A learning experience that will make your life easier after having to confront it once.

To dream of cooked potatoes represents feelings of satisfaction, ease, and comfort with the resolution of a complicated situation that you didn't feel you deserved to put up with to begin with. A situation that may have started out complicated or challenging, has now been resolved or made simpler. The appreciation for the work done to make things smoother or more manageable. The rewards of patience and effort.

To dream of raw sweet potatoes represents feelings of not yet feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.

To dream of cooked sweet potatoes represents feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.

To dream of a baked potato represents feelings about special attention given to prepare to be comfortable from a complicated situation that you feel you didn't deserve to begin with while not wanting to say anything to anyone else about it because you want it all to yourself. Feeling that someone specially prepared a complicated situation and made it easy for you and not wanting to complain about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a lot of large potatoes. In waking life, she had a lot of work to do to prepare to organize and prepare to move with her boyfriend to another country on the opposite side of the world. In this case, the potatoes may have reflected her feelings about the numerous tasks and complexities she faced as beneficial for her personal growth, relationship, and future while living in another country comfortably without problems.

Example 2: An older woman dreamed of finding a sweet potato plant in a ditch. In waking life, she was upset with her church and wanted to leave for a new church. In this case, the sweet potato plants may have reflected her feeling of personal growth from overcoming the hurdles associated with leaving her current church with a sense of feeling good not deserving to have ever dealt with the church's problems to begin with as she anticipated embracing a new spiritual community that felt more comfortably aligned with her needs and desires.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having lunch with her boss and being given a plate of peeled baked potatoes. She felt that the location must have been filthy before it was recently cleaned. She asked for an appetizer, but her boss said they were passed that time. In waking life, she didn't like her boss and felt that her ethics and integrity had slipped over the years. She was looking for a new job. In this case, being offered baked potatoes while being denied an appetizer may have reflected her feelings about her boss being specially prepared to resolve certain problems with comfortable executive privileges while wanting workers to be quiet about it, but not being willing to teach the workers valuable skills to prevent problems from happening to begin with because it might begin to train them to take her job.

*Please See Mashed Potatoes

*Please See Potatoe Wedges


To dream of poutine represents feelings about an experience or choice where you deserve to speak about yourself not a loser without it being important enough for anyone to disagree with you.


To dream of a pretzel represents feelings about an experience or choice of not having to care about anything important happening like it's your job. Relaxing or "taking it easy" doing nothing important while you wait for something more important to happen. Thinking of nothing important happening like it's fun. Being in control of yourself not having to care about anything important happening. Enjoying relaxing while other people don't feel anything happening is important either. Not feeling dumb about not needing to do anything else important about an issue.

Negatively, a pretzel may represent feelings about overdoing not having to care about anything important happening like it's your job.

Example: A young man dreamed of eating pretzels. In waking life, he was waiting for an important change to occur before getting serious about his business. He felt that it was better to relax and allow the change to occur before he bothered getting stressed out with hard work that may end up being unnecessary. In this case, the pretzels may have reflected his professional mindset of casually taking time off like it was a part of his job and treating the lack of immediate responsibility as an opportunity to take it easy and avoid unnecessary stress.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of an army officer handing her a bag of pretzels. In waking life, the father of her son had lost all custody and visitation rights due to abuse. In this case, the army officer handing her a bag of pretzels may have reflected her feelings about enjoying not having to care about anything else important happening legally in regards to taking the father of her son to court.


To dream of pudding represents situations where you are noticing how good something is. You may be noticing how good something feels.

Pumpkin Pie

*Please See Pies


To dream of a pumpkin represents feelings about a strong sense of closure or needing to move on that benefits you. The realization that a good time is over and that it's good for you to choose to move on. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation where you feel it is healthy or appropriate to let go and embrace new beginnings. The recognition that it's time to move forward. A pumpkin may show up in a dream when you know a relationship may be nearing its end or you feel that a loved one is close to dying. "Time is up" or feeling it's running out in a waking life situation.

Positively, dreaming about a pumpkin may represent feelings of acceptance, readiness, and optimism about letting go of the past and embracing new opportunities. The relief and clarity that comes with acknowledging that it's time to move forward. An emotional readiness to release old bonds or conditions in favor of new opportunities.

Negatively, dreaming about a pumpkin could represent feelings of sadness, loss, or reluctance over the inevitable endings or transitions in life. Grief associated with saying goodbye or the fear of the unknown as one phase ends and another begins. Perhaps you are struggling with letting go, or you feel rushed into a new phase without proper closure from the past.

To dream of a carved jack-o-lantern pumpkin with a scary face may represent feelings of being confronted with one�s fears or anxieties about it not being safe to experience closure or moving on.

Example: A girl dreamed of pumpkins falling from a tree. In waking life, she was having an affair with a man who told her he didn't think their relationship was going to work. In this case, the pumpkins may have reflected her feelings about both the men she was having romantic relationships with signaling a strong sense of closure about her relationship with them being over.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being given a pumpkin by a friend. In waking life, she started a relationship that she felt could hurt someone else. In this case, the pumpkin may have reflected her recognition of the need to move on from past relationships before fully committing to a new one as being beneficial.

*Please See Pies


To dream of quinoa represents feelings about an experience that gives you confidence about never needing to explain your decisions to anyone. Confidence that with making decisions for yourself that doesn't need anyone else's help.


To dream of raisins represents feelings about an experience or choice that feels good safely doing something that isn't boring while not thinking about it being too impressive either.

To dream of a bowl of oatmeal and raisins may represent feelings about an experience or choice that's improving a humble or down-to-earth situation by liking safely doing something that isn't boring while not thinking about it being too impressive either.


To dream of raspberries represents thoughts about enjoying that it's good for you to never fear never asking permission about what you're allowed to do about small or sensitive issues. Giving yourself permission to enjoy yourself in small ways that doesn't explicit approval or permission from others. Feelings of small but meaningful pleasures or indulgences, often related to issues you consider sensitive or precarious.

Positively, dreaming about raspberries may reflect a sense of autonomy in handling delicate or sensitive situations. It could indicate that you're capable of making good judgments about what's best for you, especially in areas where you don't feel the need to consult experts or ask for permission. The dream may signify self-trust, balanced living, and the enjoyment of life's smaller but valuable pleasures.

Negatively, dreaming of raspberries might indicate that you're treading on delicate ground, especially if you're dealing with sensitive or precarious situations in waking life. It could signify that while you're allowing yourself some small freedoms, there's an underlying fear or concern that you might be pushing the boundaries too far, risking stability or well-being. This dream could be a signal that you need to be cautious, especially in situations where the stakes are high or when dealing with delicate issues.

Example: A woman dreamed of a pile of raspberries on her bed. In waking life, she was pregnant and had a history of miscarriages. In this case, the raspberries may have reflected her cautious optimism and the delicate balance she felt she had to maintain between allowing herself small joys and being mindful of her pregnancy.


To dream of ravioli represents feelings about an experience of being comfortable believing in yourself about not having to be jealous of keeping what you like a secret while other people don't deserve to get back at you for it.

Raw Meat

*Please See Meat



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