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Parmesan Cheese

To dream of parmesan cheese represents feelings about an experience that carefully took the time to make a situation work out "just right" or more beautifully interesting than before while making you feel like you matter with nothing embarrassing you. Nothing is a disaster for why a situation worked out beautifully better than you thought without overdoing it. Extra layer of enjoyment or refinement to a situation, or experiencing a higher level of gratification.

Negatively, Parmesan cheese may represent an overemphasis on appearances or a fixation on making situations seem more perfect or refined than they really are about how they worked out. A fear of imperfection, a desire for approval, or the use of embellishments to mask insecurities or shortcomings. A situation where you or someone else is being insincere or not authentic in portraying how well things are going.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a big cut on her leg with butterflies landing on the bone. She was told by someone to put parmesan cheese on the cut to make the butterflies go away. In waking life, she was disappointed that her sister canceled a weekend dinner. In this case, the parmesan cheese may have reflected her feelings attempting to mask her disappointment or try to see the brighter side of the situation about needing to mask or pretend that the weekend dinner cancellation didn't bother her by saying that whatever small plans she had without her sister had worked out "just right" beautifully without anything being disaster.


To dream of parsley represents feelings of no guilt about enhancing or "freshening up" a situation with little details, subtlety, or added nuances that are good for you. A small but meaningful enhancement that improves a situation, relationship, or project. Smaller aspects of situations that might often be overlooked, yet add significant flavor or meaning to the overall context. Thoughts about the importance of minor details, the elegance of simplicity, or the potency of understated elements in your life. An addition or embellishment that, while not essential, contributes to a better overall outcome or experience. This dream could reflect your thoughts about the importance of details, finishing touches, or minor but meaningful improvements. Giving someone compliments, flattery, or saying something nice to improve a relationship or situation while being careful not to overdo it.

Positively, dreaming about parsley might symbolize an appreciation for details, subtleties, or the small things in life that enhance overall experiences. A conscious choice to pay attention to detail, implying that you are meticulous or deliberate in your actions. Understanding the role of minor elements shaping your overall perspective. Your attempt to Subtly enhance or 'freshen up' an uncomfortable situation.

Negatively, dreaming about parsley could represent feelings of being overwhelmed or frustrated by small details. Minor issues are becoming major obstacles, or that you are getting lost in details and losing sight of the bigger picture. You might be struggling with an inability to distinguish between what's crucial and what's trivial, leading to confusion or misjudgment. An overemphasis on embellishment, refinement, or perfectionism that distracts from the more important aspects of a situation. You might be overly focused on insignificant details or extras that don't contribute significantly to the overall matter. Overdoing saying nice things to people to enhance a situation that might cause others to feel uncomfortable.

Example: A woman dreamed of "accidentally-on-purpose" dropping parsley and a bird poop into a man's soup. In waking life, she was annoyed with a superior at work and didn't bring up why she was mad in a discussion with him, but brought it up at a later time. In this case, the parsley may have reflected her feelings about trying to subtly enhance or 'freshen up' the uncomfortable situation with her superior by expressing her frustration at a later time.


To dream of parsnip represents situations in your life that don't feel good, but are in your best interest to pay attention to. Listening to advice or ideas that don't feel good, but are beneficial to heed to. Showing respect only because it's in your best interest. Putting up with a problem because it's better for you in the long term.

Example: A woman dreamed of a giant parsnip with a blue toenail coming out of it. In waking life she paid off a very large amount of debt, but still have a smaller amount of debt left to pay. She knew she had to pay off the debt, but didn't like feeling she had to since it would screw up her credit if she didn't. The parsnip in this case may have reflected her awareness of the paying off the remaining debt being important to respect because it was good for her credit, while also hating having to endure waiting to pay it the debt off.


To dream of having a business partner represents a sense of working together. A person or situation that you are experiencing inter-dependency with as you try to achieve something. Affiliation or mutual goals.

To dream of seeing your romantic partner leave you reflects feelings of inadequacy or insecurity about the strength of your relationship. Alternatively, you may be feeling that certain habits or situations are no longer supportive of your well-being.

To dream of having a gay partner may reflect a non-serious sense of purpose. Wanting to only feel good about doing something you like without being too concerned about achievement, money, or winning.

*Please See Boyfriend

*Please See Girlfriend

*Please See Marriage

Passion Flakie

To dream of a Passion Flakie represents feelings about an experience or choice that is sensitive about not getting caught enjoying yourself while never caring about other people's feelings as quickly you need to.


To dream of pasta represents feelings about the qualities of an experience having comfort, familiarity, and flexibility about making it interesting. Making an effort to nurture a familiar comfortable relationship with a flexible attitude to make it work. Making an effort to find comfort and contentment in the familiar aspects of your life. Taking the time to talk about something interesting. You may feel that it's your responsibility to keep a situation interesting, engaging, or enjoyable.

Positively, dreaming about pasta could indicate that you are finding ways to make routine experiences more interesting or exciting. A balance between maintaining a sense of familiarity and pursuing novelty or interest. This could imply a successful effort in keeping relationships or normal circumstances lively, preventing them from becoming monotonous. Conversations with friends or family that are comfortable with the flexibility of not having too many rules.

Negatively, dreaming about pasta may represent a struggle to make repetitive or overly familiar aspects of your life more interesting. Striving to inject some excitement into your daily routines or relationships, and finding it challenging.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of eating pasta. In waking life, she introduced her friend to her Dad and they were talking about how her Dad seemed like her friend's Dad. In this case, the pasta may have reflected her feelings about talking to her friend about family and other areas of their life that felt comfortable, familiar, and flexible about having an interesting conversation.

*Please See Spaghetti


To dream of a pastry represents enjoying indulging in deserving to feel old enough or accomplished enough that's supposed to feel comfortable with self-control. Experiencing a moment when you enjoy feeling a sense of accomplishment, maturity, and self-control. Feeling professional with self-control about enjoying yourself as an adult indulging that's comfortable never embarrassing yourself. Feeling that it's beautiful to deserve to never say anything little about yourself. Feelings of deserving to control yourself while you like what you are doing.

Negatively, a pastry may represent overdoing thoughts of enjoying feeling more accomplished or adult than you actually are.

To dream of a stolen pastry may reflect cheating or going behind someone's back in order to enjoy indulging in feelings of accomplishment, maturity, and self-control.

Example: A woman dreamed of the Philidelphia Flyers winning a championship game with 1 game left in the series. She then found herself inside an Italian bakery with other people who were stealing pastries out of the pastry case, but she didn't steal any. In waking life, the Philidelphia Flyers did have 1 game left in the series to win and she was excitedly anticipating the next game. In this case, the stolen pastries may have reflected her feelings about other people she knew watching the championship that was overdoing getting ahead of themselves enjoying celebrating and talking about themselves as accomplished home team champions when there was still 1 game left.


To dream of a common pawpaw represents feelings about nothing looking like it's feeling good at all when you actually are. Feels good being completely safe that doesn't care about appearances at all. Feeling noticing you don't need to listen to anyone telling you that your problems matter. Feeling good with nothing except family. Feeling good that nobody needs to notice you. Noticing that you never need to care about something feeling good when you are actually are. Noticing that a situation is good for you is terrible, but it feels good noticing it anyway. Feelings about the simplest choice or situation in the world that nobody else will understand.

Feeling good that something is good for you doesn't have to look good. Feeling good that something is good for you being limited to just not being jealous. Happiness that doesn't need to think of anyone else's feelings either while they aren't thinking of yours. Feeling good that it's good for you to enjoy money on the inside without letting on to it on the outside. Feeling good that nobody needs to help you with a problem while you enjoy a situation the way it is. Feeling good that not noticing appearances will notice you never get caught. Covertly feeling good that it looks stupid to overtly never care about anyone else's feelings everyday.

To dream of a mountain pawpaw represents feeling good that it isn't impossible to deal with a problem. Feeling good that appearances aren't the biggest problem you have. Feeling good that a problem only looks like a big problem when it really isn't.

*Please See Papaya


To dream of a peach represents feelings about experiencing situations that are exceptionally favorable, simple, delightful, and perfectly aligned to your tastes that benefits you by not fighting it staying the way it is. An experience that feels good for you to think about liking a situation the way it is without once instance of a problem. Sensitivity, respectfulness, and objectivity about liking a situation the way it is with simplicity and ease. Feeling good deserving to accept a favorable situation the way it is without one instance of a problem. Feeling that there are benefits to objectively liking a situation the way it is without a single problem. Situations make you feel blissful, satisfied, or that everything is just "right." This dream could hint at your thoughts about special moments where things feel easier or more in tune with your desires if left exactly the way they are. Feelings of contentment, harmony, simplicity, and benefits with accepting a situation the way it is without noticing other people's problems. It could also hint at moments of appreciation, where you feel things are going particularly well for you. Life or a situation feels "peachy" to you. A situation works out simple the way you like it because someone listened to you.

Negatively, dreaming about peaches could represent feelings about overdoing enjoying a situation that feels exceptionally favorable, delightful, and perfectly aligned to your tastes. Temptations, or a fear of overindulgence. Taking something good for granted or the fear of a perfect situation turning sour.

To dream of peach juice represents feelings of effortless essence that gives you vitality, nourishment, or rejuvenation in a situation that feels favorable, simple, and perfectly aligned with your tastes. Life feels 'peachy' without any hindrance.

Example: A woman dreamed of being offered the choice of 2 drinks. One was pink lemonade and the other was pink lemonade mixed with peach. She chose the pink lemonade without peach. In waking life, she had to stay home from work with the flu. In this case, the pink lemonade may have reflected her feelings about making the best of a bad situation while sensitive about other people at work thinking of her feelings while working from home sick taking the day off. The pink lemonade mixed with peach may have reflected her feelings about making the best of a bad situation that's sensitive about her people at work thinking of her feelings while believing it was lucky and easy to enjoy taking the whole day off without a problem.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of picking up a bowl of peach juice off a table and pretending to pour it over his brother's head, but never did. People then got angry at him. In waking life, his brother had a history of disrespecting his possessions while the dreamer has learned to control his temper. In this case, the peach juice may have reflected the ease with which mutual respect and good feelings could be maintained without a single problem, even in the face of old issues, thereby allowing the two brothers to find it simple and beneficial to 'like the situation the way it is' without succumbing to anger or irritation. Pretending to spill the peach juice over his brother's head may have reflected a momentary temptation to disturb the peace, testing the waters of the newfound mutual respect.

*Please See Peach Color

Peanut Butter

To dream of peanut butter represents feelings about how quick and easy something is to get away with something believable that's unimportant to talk about. Smooth cooperation. Smooth easy experiences.

Negatively, peanut butter may represent feelings about overdoing trying to quickly and easily get away with something that's unimportant to talk about. Feelings about how easy or smooth something dishonest is to do without being afraid. A smooth easy experience that doesn't scare you with being looked at as unwise.

To dream of a peanut butter sandwich represents feelings about getting through a stressful or difficult situation with an option that is quick, easy, and unimportant to talk about.

To dream of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich represents feelings about getting through a stressful or difficult situation with an option that is quick, easy, and unimportant to talk about while enjoying not complaining about anything being a problem.

To dream of chocolate and peanut butter together would represent treating yourself to enjoying getting away with something quick and easy that's unimportant to talk about.

Example: A man dreamed of a chocolate peanut butter. In waking life, he was trying to have sex with a girl he didn't really care about at all. In this case, the chocolate peanut butter reflected his thoughts about treating himself to easily getting away with having sex with the girl while thinking about it as unimportant to tell anyone what he was doing.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In waking life, she was coping with the trauma of being sexually abused by her ex-boyfriend and being unable to afford therapy. In this case, the peanut butter on the sandwich may have reflected her feelings about finding it easier (or smoother) to get through the stress of her sexual abuse trauma by accepting it believable that it happened while not talking about it as important to report to the police to anyone.

*Please See Jelly


To dream of a peanuts represents feelings about an experience being believable without a problem, but isn't important.

Negatively, dreaming about peanuts represents thoughts about something being meager or not worth your time or money. Too much extra effort with something that isn't going to help you long-term or in any significant way. Lots of extra work that isn't going to pay your bills. A peanut may be a sign that you need to try new things, explore new ideas, or find a more effective method to deal with a problem. Feeling that it isn't intelligent to need to repeatedly fix something. Feeling no value in working for someone else. Easiness that doesn't pay well. Feeling that you are wasting your time being unimportant.

Peanut dreams are common to people who feel that they aren't being paid enough or can't see any benefit in doing something little that will never stop.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman putting green peanuts in bowls which annoyed her. In waking life, she was getting annoyed with needing to fend off the sexual advances of a man she depended on to live with while waiting for her own boyfriend to be able to afford an apartment to let her move out. In this case, the green peanuts may have reflected her feelings of jealousy of having to temporarily allow the homeowner's unwanted sexual advances to feel believable about being possible in order to keep living in the home while she was confident it was unimportant to ever need to sleep with him.


To dream of a pear represents feeling good being responsible or making responsible choices. Responsibility or responsible ideas that feel good being good for you. Feeling good being a good person or a responsible person. Feeling good that nothing happening is a disaster. Feeling good responsibly giving someone something. Feeling good having to accept responsibility taking care of someone. Choices that aren't sexy, but are good for you.

Example: A man dreamed of a woman he liked handing him a basket of pears. In waking life the man was spending a lot of time thinking about helping this woman with her struggling business.

Example 2: A very child dream of getting a ladder to climb a pear tree and then the ladder fell down. In this the pear symbolism may have reflected the child's wish to try something more mature or responsible then their age could handle.


To dream of peas represents feelings about situations or advice that are good for you, but that you weren't asking for. Parental criticism. Judgement on the quality of something in your life. Expert advice that you didn't ask for. Feelings about getting more than you ask for.

Example: A woman dreamed of swimming in pea soup. In waking life she felt that her mother was very judgmental about her life whenever she would visit her. The pea soup may have reflected her feelings about her mother always being ready to criticism or judge her or continue criticizing her where they last left off from their last conversation.


To dream of pecans represents feelings about an experience that's deserving to think about something interesting happening by deserving to be thoughtful about other people's feelings first in order to care about your own. Caring about yourself by putting other people's feelings first.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a barren pecan tree in the autumn. In waking life, he was leaving a manager job at a restaurant for a corporate job. In this case, the barren pecan tree may have reflected his feelings about losing his old established manager job at the restaurant that required being thoughtful about employees feelings doing their job and customers enjoying their food in order to get feedback to keep his job or get bonuses.


To dream of peppermint flavor represents feelings about an experience or choice that helps you to feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" than you were. It may reflect an awareness that something has improved. Situations that allow to feel that something is better than it used to be. A refreshing change in attitude. Embracing positivity. Gentle encouragement to move forward.

Negatively, dreaming about peppermint could represent feelings about efforts to feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" in a situation being overly simplistic or superficial. Frustration over not addressing problems fundamentally.

To dream of peppermint candy represents feelings about enjoying yourself talking about yourself being "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" than you were. Enjoying a refreshing change in attitude. Pleasant feelings about oneself being "positiver" or that you've improved yourself in some way. Enjoying never talking about anything that's boring, old, not working, or stagnant. Pleasure in talking about progress or appreciation for small victories. Enjoying that you are not scaring other people with what you are saying.

Negatively, dreaming of peppermint candy may represent feelings about temporary efforts to enjoy feel "fresher", renewed, or "positiver" in a situation being overly simplistic or superficial that won't last. Frustration over not addressing problems fundamentally.

Example: A person dreamed of light green mint candy. In waking life, they discovered a cure for a long-standing health problem. In this case, the mint candy may have reflected his feelings about enjoying talking about his health to other people in a "fresher" more positive outlook.



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