To dream of darkness represents situations where you feel there is nothing positive happening. Fear, ignorance, injustice, anger, evil, death, or powerful uncertainty. It may also reflect a positive situation that has taken a turn for the worst. Expecting the worst. Worrying. Emotional crisis. An unwelcoming or unpleasant situation. Feeling that a situation is dangerous. Unhappiness. Feeling mystified that you always make choices that sabotage you. Feelings about having nobody to help you with a problem and that you are all on your own.
Situations where there is a complete lack of any sense of humor. Situations that are inconsiderate of your feelings. A pessimistic attitude (especially dark blue or dark grey).
People who fear losing their eyesight often dream of darkness.
Alternatively, darkness may symbolize your inability to see the truth or find the answers you want. Feeling cut off or without the ability to know what is happening in a situation. Feeling unable to know what is happening with other people. Ignorance of the truth. Feeling out of place.
To dream of the sun or light taking away the darkness represents answers, overcoming problems, or fear that is vanishing.
To dream of feeling safe in the dark it may reflect insecurity or self-defeat. Preferring to stay afraid or to avoid a challenge. It may also mean you are preferring to live with fear or negativity. A sign that negative influences or negative thinking patterns may be more interesting to you than real power. Alternatively, choosing the dark may represent the choice to stay ignorant.
To dream of pitch black darkness represents feelings of danger and uncertainty. You may be experiencing a serious problem without any idea about how to solve it. Not wanting to risk anything at all when something bad or negative is happening. Feeling that there is no help in range.
To dream of darkness overtaking the world represents feelings about your entire life revolving around a significant turn for the worst. Feeling that your entire life is being overtaken by fear, uncertainty, or negative energy. A dramatic loss of hope, trust, or justice. Feeling terrified that nothing matters ever again.
Example: A man dreamed of experiencing night time as he walked down a street. In waking life he had developed a rare illness and felt that his life was going to be destroyed.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a dark grey building. In waking life she was entering university and felt that nobody at the school was tolerant of her religious views.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being a very dark room. In waking life she was experiencing negative comments being made by someone where their was no sense of humor at all.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing dark clouds. In waking life she was worried about her family.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of standing in a very dark cemetery. In waking life she was very uncomfortable having to discuss very old painful memories with someone.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a very dark building. In waking life she felt she that a group of people she had to speak to were going to be very unwelcoming to her because they didn't agree with her belief system.
Example 7: A man dreamed of standing in the jungle in darkness to see a very big black snake killing a hippo. In waking life he was experiencing his father dying. He didn't like his father and had to watch a very unpleasant death occur in the hospital.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of being in darkness. In waking life she felt that she had nobody to support her with a problem.