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Black People

To dream of a Black person represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that respects itself surviving without a problem. It may also reflect thinking that respects itself proving itself never being little. Surviving whatever happens while not believing that losing should happen again. Surviving nothing else losing. Powerful strength to hang on. Feelings about needing to not make a mistake for the rest of your life so you can stay the same. Powerful motivation to remain as you are or stand your ground. A powerful need to remain hopeful. A militant attitude about surviving disaster. Feeling good believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes to stay that way. Placing a priority on keeping happiness or avoiding jealousy before all else. Surviving liking your life the way it is. Fighting to keep safe liking your life. Preferring to feel good surviving emptiness because there is a purpose to it.

Positively, Black people represent keeping hope alive in dangerous or terrible situations. Surviving a bad situation by "keeping on keeping on." Surviving or calm thinking being under high pressure. Risking everything to stay safe as though nothing else mattered. Rising above when everything is on the line. Keeping something wonderful away from an "asshole" at all costs. Laughing at a bad situation because you have nothing left to lose. Feeling good already being passed someone that doesn't deserve to compare to you. Having a sense of humor when nobody else does. Dangerously staying feeling good because it's all you have left to believe in yourself. Believing that you should feel good about something at all when nobody wants to. Believing that fearlessness isn't a mistake. Feeling that it's smarter to lie to avoid wasting time getting in trouble with uptight or overly conservative people. Intelligence about shortcuts or conveniences. Not liking deserving to be uptight. Doing every last thing to be competitive. An intelligent or sane attitude about "telling it like it is" that doesn't mind that it's difficult.

Negatively, Black people may represent overdoing respecting yourself surviving without a problem. An excessive need to prove yourself never being little. Mean, ignorant, or excessive about the winning parts only. Dishonestly proving yourself. Dishonest shortcuts about achieving a goal. Dishonestly or ignorantly refusing to give up in an argument when you know you are wrong because you just don't want to look stupid. Feeling that being ahead of other people is all that matters. Excessive need to be seen by others achieving, being successful, or living with excellency. Noticing the noticing of who is best without saying it out loud. Laughter that is ignorant or mean. A mean attitude about "telling it like it is." Overconfidence that looks at itself too much or hurts other people's feelings. Respecting oneself believing in oneself without a valid reason. Jealous spitefulness or getting back at people to prove yourself.

Additionally, from a negative perspective, black people may represent preferring to survive a problem while enjoying yourself as a priority before having to take a serious situation perfectly serious. Proving yourself that makes other people jealous. Hasty or dangerous choices because you are too concerned with getting ahead or liking something. Pleasure-seeking that is dangerous or risky. You or someone else that is taking a big risk to escape a problem. Desperation to avoid being laughed at. Feeling the cost of never giving up once. Never thinking of the proper way to achieve a goal except to focus on the winning part. Not being a grown-up about feeling good all the time that's a problem. Ignoring long-term goals or planning to enjoy short-term living. Too much concern for not being a loser or needing to show off to a lot of people that you aren't. Feeling that you need to be excellent or nobody will like you. Ignorant assertive emotionality. Desperation you or someone else has to avoid jealousy. Selfishness that does all it can to avoid losing the #1 spot.

Black people can also represent aspects of the personality if they are personal friends or celebrities that you associate qualities with.

Black people may also on rare occasions reflect the cultural pride that a black person feels about themselves if race is a serious issue to them.

To dream of a bald black person may reflect feeling good surviving at all costs with no concern for others feelings mattering or how you look to others. Proving oneself that has no concern for others feelings or appearances. Feeling that nothing matters ever again just to survive. A serious conservative attitude about not caring about anyone else's feelings with decisions. Negatively, dreaming of a bald black person may reflect powerful insecurities about losing while you do everything you can to hold on. Feeling that nothing in life cares about you at all and that hope is all you have left.

To dream of a black woman represents passively surviving without a problem. Passively proving yourself. Passively never giving up. Passively feeling someone should have to do something for you because you talked about it and agreed on it already. Feeling that it's interesting to talk about every last option to address a problem. Taking care of other people is the reason you never lose. Doing every single thing yourself the hard way is why you'll do better than other people. Patience is the reason you never worry about anything.

Negatively, dreaming of a black woman may reflect having to hang on passively when nobody helps you out. Surviving a problem situation while being overlooked. Feeling that you must endure problems with nobody listening to you. Wasting your time feeling good for a desired outcome when nobody needs to give it to you. Not liking seeing a problem all the time and having to put up with it. Feeling that you have to spend all your time earning all you have the right way because nobody will make it easy for you. Not getting to prove yourself the strong way because someone won't help you or do what they said. Not feeling successful if you didn't do every single thing yourself the hard way. Ignorantly being passively difficult towards someone else. Ignorantly never stopping "telling it like it is" to demean someone when you don't have to do anything yourself.

To dream of having sex with a black person may represent a waking life experience where you are enjoying proving yourself that feels easy. Enjoying never having to care about other people's problems. Enjoying like yourself feeling easy being laid back. You may be enjoying a moment of exceptional confidence where you feel proven and unbeatable, and have no fear of embarrassment. Enjoying respecting yourself mattering without a reason. Enjoying being seen by other people as better at something. Enjoying respecting yourself being good at something. Enjoying not having to think about what your problems are. Enjoying seeing that you are enjoying yourself. Having the best time feeling proven already so nobody ever embarrasses you. Exceptional moment of enjoying yourself never having to lose by staying the way you are. Enjoying never caring what other people think about you because you don't lose on your own.

If you dream of sexually attractive black people this can symbolize your strong preference to look good surviving a problem or feel good proving yourself without jealousy. Enjoying proving yourself or observing someone else prove themselves in an interesting way. Feeling good about not being a wimp that will survive a problem no matter what happens. An area of your life that is exceptionally desirable to you for its ability to keep you comfortable when comfort is difficult. Feeling that not thinking of other people's problems for the rest of your life is an option.

To dream of being robbed by a black person may represent feelings about how proving yourself or choosing to feel good staying the way you are in a difficult situation may have negative consequences that "cost you." Losses experienced because of someone else's need to prove themselves. It may also reflect feelings of loss due to someone else trying something first, taking bigger risks than you, being more assertive, being more competitive than you, or who are better at feeling good than you. A sense of regret or frustration about missed opportunities or convenient options that you didn't take. Feeling that someone else has proved themself better than you did. Overall, the dream suggests a situation where staying the same or feeling good has serious consequences.

To see a very muscular black person may represent an aspect of your personality that is strong about proving itself or surviving anything being taken away. A strong ability to prove oneself or show off to someone's face. A powerful wish to feel good remaining as you are. A strong ability to feel good despite challenges. Difficulty overcoming someone else's strong jealousy of you. Might is right that proves it over and over. An ability to stand your ground even in difficult situations. Fear of someone who proves themself better than you do.

For a black person to dream of a black person it may simply reflect an aspect of their personality where appearance and clothing are more important symbols. Dreaming of people of your own race is not always significant unless other races are present or the dream speaks about it being important. Facial features, clothing, or the feelings you get from the dream people are more important.

Historically, black people in dreams have been bad omens and often appeared before bad luck or tragedy would strike a leader of a country facing war. This is because Black people represent the country's leader being careless about feeling good about who they are surviving staying in power at all costs and overdoing needing to prove themselves as a strong war hero without having a plan or resources to back it up. The Black people in these cases may also reflect the leader's tendency to never stop speaking about winning a war with a "winning part only" mentality that's more hopeful and confident about "being seen" than it is effective.

Example: A woman dreamed that a black man shot her in the chest. In waking life, the woman's daughter died in a car accident and she was grieving over her death when the funeral bill came. The black man who shot her may have reflected her wish to socially survive and prove herself to all her friends and family as a very loving respectful mother at all costs by paying for the funeral on credit when she couldn't afford it. Being shot reflected the shock she felt with finally getting the bill for the funeral.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing black men that she was very attracted to. In waking life, she was having difficulty getting the dream job and boyfriend that she wanted. In this case, the black men may have represented her desire to prove herself powerfully to friends and family with a successful life and boyfriend that everyone sees.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing an insecure-looking black man leaning against a wall. In waking life, he was financially broke while doing everything he could to keep financially stable without wanting to embarrass himself asking for help. In this case, the black man may have reflected the man socially surviving feeling good maintaining respect by avoiding telling anyone he was broke to avoid being seen as a loser.

Example 4: A young girl dreamed of a black girl signaling her to not tell an elderly man about how she drank tequila. In waking life, the young girl had told her mother about smoking marijuana. In this case, the black girl may have reflected the dreamer's conscience originally choosing to attempt to passively respect herself surviving never being in trouble by withholding the truth, before telling the truth anyway.

Example 5: A man dreamed of an ugly black woman sitting close to him that wanted to have sex with him. In waking life he was experiencing a woman (not black) he wasn't interested in being assertive and persistent about trying to date him. He felt that the woman was exhausting all her time hoping to date him and was not giving up on it easily while he preferred to be kind about ignoring her. In this case, the ugly black woman may have reflected the man's feelings about the woman aggressively never giving up proving herself or surviving rejection.

*Please See Africa



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