To dream of standing at the edge of a cliff represents a life-altering decision you are considering or feelings of being on the brink of dangerous situation. Considering a life-altering decision. You've reached your limit or can no longer continue with the same beliefs, habits, or situations. The potential for something new to happen. You may have found yourself in a precarious position in waking life. Difficulties considering leaving a relationship. A lack of confidence making a big change. Avoiding losing total control or preparing to embrace it.
To dream of jumping off a cliff represents your decision to make a big change or take a chance. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you are tired of waiting or worrying about the future anymore. Moving ahead or leaving the past behind no matter what happens.
To dream of falling off a cliff represents forced change or your inability to keep doing things the same way. Fearing losing control at a critical point in your life. It may also reflect feelings about having gone too far in a situation to the point where it feels dangerous. Change that makes you feel that you may lose control.
Example: A woman dreamed of standing on a cliff. In waking life she was considering leaving her abusive boyfriend.
Example 2: A man dreamed of driving his car over a cliff and drove himself to a safe landing. In waking life he was cheating on his wife and decided to carefully get a divorce and marry the second woman.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being dangerously high on a cliff. In waking life he was 9 months pregnant and very close to her due date.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of standing on the edge of a cliff after being pushed off by a friend, returning to push off her friend, and then accepting herself standing on the cliff alone. In waking life she was trying to find a reason to end a friendship, but never could. She wanted her friend to end it so she didn't have to.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of her car going over a cliff and landing in a ditch. In waking life she felt the her marriage was pushed to the edge and close to ending.