To dream of rain represents sadness, disappointment, difficulties, or depression. It may also reflect despair. Feelings about some area of your life being ruined or your happiness "rained on." Experiencing an unwanted change or that you are being swept along with by a problem. Grieving. A bad mood or feeling that something is going wrong. Feeling that bad times are ahead or that the future will not be very bright. Feeling that you are going miss someone or something in your life.
Rainwater that builds up, or begins to rise reflects your emotional burdens or stress that are becoming too much to handle. Experiencing situations that seem to be getting worse before they get better. Feeling swamped by your emotions or circumstances. Problems becoming too much for you.
To dream of heavy rain may represent feeling overwhelmed by emotions or life's challenges. A period of intense difficulty, turmoil, or emotional release. It may also signify a powerful wave of emotion, such as sorrow or heartbreak, that you feel is beyond your control. Dreaming of heavy rain may suggest that you are experiencing a deluge of problems or negative emotions that are difficult to manage. A need for emotional catharsis or a cleansing of pent-up feelings. A powerful emotional release, cleansing, or transformation. Alternatively, heavy rain in a dream may symbolize a sense of purification or renewal, as the water washes away the old to make way for the new.
To dream of experiencing heavy rainfall without being able to find shelter might symbolize a feeling of vulnerability or helplessness in the face of adversity. You may feel exposed to harsh circumstances or emotional storms without any means of protection or relief.
Example: A woman dreamed that it was raining so hard that the water began to leak into her home through the ceiling. In waking life, her husband began to slowly lose his mind to a psychological condition. She felt hopeless about her husband's irreversible condition.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of walking down a street during the day and then turned a corner to find it began to rain. In waking life, he was in the prime of his life and then suddenly fell ill with a disease that slowly destroyed his life.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of experiencing heavy rainfall. In waking life, she was going through a divorce.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing rain. In waking life, he had gotten turned down for a job and started to have a bad outlook on his future.
Example 5: A man dreamed of hard rain pouring down. In waking life, he got a job in another city and was sad that he was going to miss all his friends once he moved away.
*Please See Hail