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B - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6 - B7 - B8


To dream of seeing a bow represents feeling good noticing something being all yours. Enjoyment giving or being given something.

Bow And Arrow

To dream of a bow and arrow represents goals, plans, and preparations you are making or setting for yourself. Aiming for perfection or exactly what it is that you want.

If a bad or evil person uses a bow and arrow in a dream it symbolizes an aspect of your personality with goals, or plans that aren't in your best interest, or are counterproductive. It could also reflect someone you think is aiming to get you.

If a bow and arrow is used to brake a window it symbolizes your goals and plans that are making it difficult for you to understand your current situation or make intelligent decisions about the future.

Bowel Movement

*Please See Feces

*Please See Defecation


To dream of bowing represents acknowledgment of something greater or showing respect. It may also reflect humility, honor, and reverence.

Negatively, it may reflect being too submissive to other's wishes. Concerns that you will spend the rest of your life subordinate. Showing too much respect to people you fear. Fearing consequences for respecting yourself or being independent.

Example: A man dreamed of a man bowing to him. In waking life he had aggressively confronted his wife and a man he believed his wife may have cheated on him with. In the end both suspected people were afraid to not acknowledge his feelings as he refused to let the issue go.


To dream of a bowl filled with something represents preoccupation with an experience, feelings, or ideas that you want to have a lot of. Noticeably not feeling jealous at all because you have a lot of something. Not being able to think of anything except what is you are doing or dealing with. Indulging in one thing only or not wanting to do anything except "what's on your plate." Enjoying a lot of something or feeling that experiencing a lot of something is easy.

Negatively, a bowl may represent a tendency to think about doing something too much.

To dream of an empty bowl represent feelings about the potential to experience a lot of something easily.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing herself inside a giant bowl that she was happy about being inside of. In waking life she was lonely and felt that going to a spiritual retreat 4 or 5 times a year that most people only attend once in their life was a good idea. Dreaming about being inside the bowl may have reflected her feelings about herself needing to experience the spiritual retreat all the time to feel that she mattered.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having a giant bowl of soup that got spilled out on the floor leaving it empty. In waking life he was involved with a lot of money and financial decisions and was trying to use it to control his son's life and his son ended up embarrassing him by in front of the family to escape it.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his wife's belly with a bowl in it. In waking life he wife was pregnant and he was very sensitive about protecting her. The bowl in this case may have reflected his feelings about watching his wife slowly grow more pregnant in a passive role.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a green bowl with apples in it. In waking life she had an conversation the day before about why she was a better parent than someone else because she had more children they they did. The green bowl in this case may have reflected her jealous need to draw attention to the fact that she currently has more children than someone else.

Bowl Cut

To dream of a bowl style haircut represents your thoughts about an issue or situation that ignores quality, beauty, or feelings for function. An aspect of your personality that is systematic or has a one size fits all approach. Looking stupid for not being more concerned about appearances in some area of your life. Undesirable conformity. Feeling stupid about a situation where every single thing you don't want is happening all the time. Feeling stupid for not being original or not being treated special.

A bowl style haircut may appear in a dream when feelings or style is not considered as part of a choice or offer.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a kid with a bowl style haircut. In waking life she felt uncomfortable having to be supportive of her boyfriend when his ex-girlfriend died. The bowl cut may have reflected how stupid she felt she looked to other people having her life centered around a dead ex-girlfriend when she didn't know awhile also feeling that she ever got as much attention from her boyfriend. She felt stupid not being treated special or that she was "just another girlfriend."


To dream of bowling represents an experience in life where you are trying to remove a multi-faceted problem, or a number of problems at the same time.

Strikes indicate success, and misses indicate failures to reach goals or actualize desires.

To bowl and have a few pins remaining symbolizes success at dealing with certain issues, but failure to solve others.

Box Cutters

To dream of a box cutter represents feelings about not having a problem dealing with separating yourself from obstacles or interruptions that get in the way of regular routines that are supposed to happen all the time. Not liking having to stop something you expect to happen regularly. Unwillingness to stop something because you feel it's important to have to do it all the time. Feelings about the ability or necessity to quickly and efficiently remove obstacles or sever ties that impede your usual routines or expectations. Decisive action in the face of challenges that disrupt what you believe should occur naturally or routinely.

Negatively, a box cutter in a dream may represent an aggressive or drastic approach to problem-solving, where the emphasis is on cutting out problems or obstacles without much consideration for the repercussions. It may also suggest feelings of frustration or anger associated with the need to continually address barriers that prevent smooth operations or processes in your life.

Box cutter dreams commonly have violence appearing in them which may reflect issues with challenges or conflict. This may point to internal conflicts or external pressures that feel particularly invasive or difficult to handle gracefully.

Example: A young woman dreamed of her grandmother being a psychiatrist who was sliced in the mouth by her brother. In waking life, they were dealing with depression while struggling with money. In this case, the box cutter may have reflected her feelings of not wanting to discontinue any regular habits that feel good while listening to psychological advice to deal with her depression.

Boxer Shorts Underwear

To dream of boxer shorts underwear represents feelings about your private thoughts, wishes, or aspects of your identity that involve a comfortable sense of personal boundaries that doesn't have to talk about it. A casual attitude towards intimacy, personal freedom, and the expression of your innermost desires or aspects of your personality that you do not wish to openly discuss or reveal to others. Feelings about "letting loose" about private thoughts without concern for appearances or formalities.

Positively, dreaming about boxer shorts underwear represents feeling free to express yourself in more personal or intimate settings while being perfectly comfortable. Feeling perfectly at ease with your own private identity, preferences, and desires.

Negatively, dreaming about boxer shorts may represent feelings of exposure, vulnerability, or a casual attitude towards privacy that may not be appropriate in certain situations. Feelings of insecurity, discomfort, or struggling with being embarrassed by your private thoughts, wishes, or sexual interests to others when you should be perfectly comfortable. Feeling too laid back or unconcerned about personal boundaries, or perhaps you are experiencing issues with revealing too much about yourself in situations that call for more discretion or formality.

Consider the color and design of the boxer short underwear for additional meaning.

Example: A man dreamed of being a bit surprised to find himself wearing only black boxer shorts underwear. In waking life, he was in his 60's trying to date online. In this case, the black boxer shorts may have reflected his feelings about the comfortable personal boundaries he felt about being isolated by an online profile that discussed his private life or dating preferences. He may have surprised himself that his age wasn't a problem when it came to the possibility of finding someone to date online without being laughed at.

*Please See Underwear


To dream of boxes with things in them represents the entirety of a subject or your feelings about the entirety of some area of your life. Everything to do with some part of your life. Perfect organization of some area of your life.

Positively, dreaming of boxes with things in them may reflect a sense of closure you have about an issue. Feeling that you are completely finished with an area of your life. Having something all figured out, fully processed issues, or areas of your life that are totally unimportant to think about anymore.

Negatively, boxes may reflect emotional baggage you are not letting go of. A lot of bitterness, regret, or guilt that you are giving too much importance to. Feelings about yourself being totally right while other people were totally wrong. Alternatively, from a negative perspective dreaming of a box may reflect feelings about an entire area of your life or your whole life being useless.

To dream of a lot of boxes may represent information overload or too much to think about. Too many subjects all at once.

To dream of an empty box represents a wish to organize your thoughts or your life. You may be in the process of creating closure for yourself in some area of your life. Getting some area of your life in order. Putting away the past or some area of your life.

To dream of putting boxes of clothing away may reflect feelings about not having to behave in a certain way ever again. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about not having to be as honest as you previously were anymore now that a situation has changed.

Example: A woman dreamed of picking up boxes at her old home to take back to her new home. In waking life she had spent a lot of time figuring out why she didn't want her ex-boyfriend back. The boxes she was taking home represented the closure over the whole issue of her ex that she had thought about in full and was now choosing to go back to her new life with.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing women with boxes on their heads. In waking life he was aware of himself losing his mind and had no idea what the purpose of his entire life was because as his condition worsened be began to feel that his entire life was meaningless. The boxes in this case may have reflected his feelings about the entirety of his life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of pouring water into a empty box with a hose. In waking life she was considering leaving her cheating husband. The box in this case may have reflected her feelings about the entirety of her marriage as she considered ending it.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing himself box up red and white clothing. In waking life he had finished a business deal and felt that he didn't have to be perfectly honest about problems with the customer anymore now that a deal had been finalized. The box in this case may have reflected his feelings about the entirety of the business transaction being over with.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being inside a box. In waking life she had a disease for which her entire life revolved around.

Example 6: A young girl dreamed of an empty box that she had to get inside and burn herself in so that she could cleanse her sins. In waking life she had gotten poor grades and he parents told her that she had to get more serious about her school work by focusing less on speed of completing work and more on better final results. The empty box she needed to get inside may have reflected her view about needing make herself a perfectly organized student.


To dream of boxing represents feelings about a situation with competitiveness with proving yourself over an unsettled issue once and for all. Direct confrontation over an unsettled issue in a professional manner you want to settle. A conflict or "fight" to prove yourself deserving to talk about yourself more confident than a person or problem once and for all. Conflict about deserving to say you can beat or "knock out" a person or problem by scheduling it and proving it. Wanting to professionally prove you are better than someone who thinks they are better than you. Waking life situations where you are feeling at odds with issues that you want to prove aren't as strong, scary, or professional as they claim to be. Being locked in a competitive or adversarial situation. Wanting to totally embarrass an enemy or competition with superior strength or skills. Wanting to face an unsettled problem that you feel lingers or embarrasses your reputation with remaining unsettled.

Positively, dreaming about boxing may represent a willingness to confront problems head-on, stand up for yourself, or engage in a battle of wills to overcome difficulties. You may feel empowered to tackle obstacles or conflicts in a strategic and focused way, taking the initiative to prove yourself or defend your position.

Negatively, dreaming about boxing may be a sign that you are too concerned with needing to competitively prove yourself over an unsettled issue once and for all. Being locked in a competitive or adversarial situation that is emotionally draining or confrontational. Feelings of being attacked, provoked, or pressured into a confrontation that you don't want to engage in. Fear of proving yourself once and for all over an unsettled matter.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a beautiful girl wearing boxing gloves. In waking life, he felt that he was losing out on a chance to prove himself with a girl he liked because he was moving out of state. He was having issues letting go of the last opportunity he had to make the girl his girlfriend. In this case, the boxing gloves may have reflected his feelings about needing to prove to himself that he had to courage to overcome his fears of asking the girl on a date once and for all.

Boxing Gloves

To dream of boxing gloves represents feelings of capability about preparing for or engaging in a competitive situation about needing to prove yourself over an unsettled issue once and for all. Being in the mood for direct confrontation over an unsettled issue in a professional manner you want to settle. Feeling tough enough to take your time standing up to a challenge or opposition once and for all. Professional preparing for a conflict or "fight" to prove yourself deserving to talk about yourself more confident than a person or problem once and for all.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone wearing boxing gloves. In waking life, he was spending a lot of time fantasizing about finally beating up an old enemy. In this case, seeing someone wearing boxing gloves may have reflected his feelings about mentally preparing for a confrontation with his enemy and imagining the satisfaction of settling the score.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a beautiful girl wearing boxing gloves. In waking life, he felt that he was losing out on a chance to prove himself with a girl he liked because he was moving out of state. He was having issues letting go of the last opportunity he had to make the girl his girlfriend. In this case, the boxing gloves may have reflected his feelings about needing to prove to himself that he had to courage and capability to overcome his fears of asking the girl on a date once and for all.

Boxing Ring

To dream of a boxing ring represents feelings about being in a competitive or adversarial situation over an unsettled issue where you need to prove yourself once and for all in a fair or professional manner. A final confrontation or conflict that you feel is unavoidable and must be settled once and for all. A formal or structured setting for resolving conflicts. You may feel as though you are in a situation where you are expected to "fight" for your beliefs, your reputation, or your goals in a fair competitive setting. Feelings of being pitted against someone or something in a fair, but competitive, environment. Feelings about spectators or people watching you confront a person or issue once and for all with the pressure of performance or success. Feelings about a showdown, where your skills, perseverance, or resilience will be tested. Your determination to stand up for yourself, prove your capabilities, and resolve conflicts in a structured and decisive manner. Feeling capable of handling a "fair fight."

Negatively, a boxing ring in a dream could reflect feelings of being trapped or pressured into a confrontational or competitive situation over an unsettled issue that is emotionally draining or unwanted. You may feel pressured to prove yourself once and for all, defend your position, or engage in a "fair fight" that you wish to avoid. Anxiety about being forced into a conflict where your abilities or reputation are being tested.


To dream of a boy represents a masculine aspect of yourself that is developing or inexperienced. Assertiveness, anger, dominance, or insensitivity. A part of your personality or a situation that hasn't reached its full potential yet.

For a young girl to dream of a boy that she's attracted to may represent a desire for something to happen in your life. A goal or experience you want to happen.

*Please See Men

Boy Scouts

To dream of a boy scout represents a constant sense of responsibility. Insensitivity, assertiveness, dangerous intentions, or domination while being concerned about a need for responsible conduct.


To dream of a boyfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, boyfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals.

To dream of a boyfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a boyfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a boyfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your boyfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a boyfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of a boyfriend that you recognize, but aren't actually involved with represents an aspect of your personality that you find emotionally supportive that is based on your feelings or memories of that person. This applies to celebrities, friends, or anyone appearing as a boyfriend that isn't a real partner.

To dream of having sex with your boyfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your boyfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.


To dream of a bra represents protection or security of power. Safekeeping of possibilities or abilities. It may also reflect preserving dignity or self-respect. Making an effort to look respectable. Not wanting to look easy or like you are willingly giving away your power.

Example: A girl dreamed of a guy she liked seeing her in her bra. In waking life this guy was fully aware that she liked him, but she was playing it smart with him. The guy seeing her in her bra reflected her awareness of the guy knowing she liked him while she held back her eagerness to date or be intimate. Showing interest while acting ladylike. Noticing her true feelings on display without wanting to look like a slut.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her deceased sister wearing a bra that was wet. In waking life she was trying to mitigate the embarrassment of her fiancee cancelling the wedding at the last minute to save respect for herself, but couldn't because everyone started to take the ex-fiancee's side and hate her. The wet bra may have reflected her attempts to tell her side of the embarrassing story of the relationships s failure to save dignity and not look like a loser.


To dream of a bracelet represents a commitment to do something. Hands in dreams reflect our sense of capability and so a bracelet symbolizes a bond, promise, or obligation to do something. You or someone else may have promised or implied that something will happen or be made possible.

Example: A young boy dreamed of giving a bracelet to a girl he knew. In real life he had promised this girl he would date her once school was finished. The bracelet reflected the commitment he made to being available or "possible" to her.


To dream of a having braces on your teeth represents a situation that forces perfection on you that is unpleasant to adjust to. It may point to perfect behavior demanded of you or preparation for something important that demands total compliance to guarantee good results. You may feel that something in your best interest is unfair, terrible, or embarrassing.

*Please See Teeth

*Please See Dentist

*Please See Orthodontist


To dream of a brachiosaurus represents a fear that a person or situation is making you insignificant. Fearing yourself being too unimportant. Feeling stupid that someone doesn't need you at all. Feeling impotent to make yourself relevant. Unbearable feelings of a positive situation that you don't like witnessing.

Negatively, a brachiosaurus may reflect your jealousy of not having to be needed by someone or not being unable to control someone who doesn't need to be controlled anymore. A sign that you are having control issues, issues with letting go, or in adjusting to role changes. It may also reflect a fear that someone will get ahead of you or have more power than you and become impossible to stop.

*Please See Dinosaur

Brad Pitt

To dream of Brad Pitt represents an aspect of yourself that is more incredible than someone else about being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it.

Positively, dreaming about Brad Pitt may reflect your awareness of yourself being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it to be respectful or not embarrass anyone. Exuding confidence about better appearances than someone else without appearing arrogant. Behavior that is a perfect example of staying the way he is if it helps to not hurt someone or someone wanted it that way.

Negatively, dreaming of Brad Pitt may represent feelings of being annoyed that you or someone is more attractive than you are comfortable with. Feeling uncomfortable experiencing someone being attracted to you physically without having to speak about it. Confidence about being more attractive that doesn't say anything about it so that nobody will attack you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Brad Pitt sitting on a black leather couch inside a red dome made of triangles. In waking life, he was inside the hospital recovering from appendicitis and was uncomfortable with how much a student nurse liked seeing his penis while inserting the catheter. In this case, Brad Pitt may have reflected his feelings about himself being uncomfortably attractive to someone without any verbal acknowledgment or interaction about it.

Bradley Cooper

To dream of Bradley Cooper represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about confidence about getting ahead or moving on that never has to say it. Confidently never thinking it matters to be a jerk saying something to someone else in order to get ahead that never embarrasses itself being disrespectful yet. Behavior that makes you think it will say something mean about noticing someone else's problem needing to move on, but never does. Behavior that seems to be a "fantastic jerk" about seeing itself as having to get ahead by saying something insensitive about other people not mattering, but never has yet. Feelings about someone in your life who appears to not mind being a jerk, but never does without a good reason. Behavior where nothing scares it about being mean about moving on, but never talks about it. A part of you might seem like it's ready to say something harsh about needing to move on, but often refrains from actually doing so.

Negatively, dreaming about Bradley Cooper may represent a sense of inadequacy or a fear that you cannot live up to the expectations you or others have set due to anxieties that someone might say something mean to you about needing to move on. A fear that someone could call you out, criticize you, or ask you to 'move on,' questioning your methods or intentions.


To dream of braided hair represents thoughts or emotional patterns that are repetitive or difficult to stop.

Negatively, you may have a problem getting something off your mind. Positively, you may be very excited about something that you can't stop thinking about.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a girl with braided hair. In waking life he was having difficulty getting over his romantic feelings for a woman. Each time he would think about her he couldn't stop thinking about her. He became annoyed with his inability to stop being attracted to the woman.


To dream of a braille represents an attempt to feel what the answers are. You may lack the knowledge you want and progressing based on situational conditions or what other people are doing. You or someone else that is adept enough to sense what is right or what action is needed next without needing to be told. Braille may also reflect non-verbal communication.

Negatively, braille may reflect a need to better express your thought or feelings.


To dream of a brain represents intellectual capability or the ability to think. It reflects problem solving, brainstorming, creativity, and insight.

To dream of the brain being eaten, attacked, or taken over represents factors in your life that have a powerful effect on your thinking.

To dream of brain surgery represents a significant change to the way you think. A person or situation that's motivating you to eliminate a longstanding block to your creativity, communication, or success.

The brain differs from the whole head as a symbol in that the head is more about personality, attitude, and perspective. The brain is more about processing and figuring things out.

Example: A woman dreamed of her brain being used by other people to do drugs and never being able to get it back. In waking life she was recovering from meth addiction while her boyfriend was still an addict.


To dream of brainwashing represents people or situations in your life that are trying to impose new beliefs systems on you. A noticeable attempt to influence others or change how you think.

Positively, it may reflect a powerful or overbearing influence in your life that is attempting to move you away from negative thinking patterns.

Negatively, it may reflect people or situations that don't want you to think for yourself.


To dream of using brakes represents your wish to slow down in a situation or relationship. You may not like how quickly a situation is progressing. A decision you've made may be having unforeseen consequences. It may also reflect a wish to take it easy or try something new.

To dream of your brakes not working may represent feelings about being unable to control or stop the direction a situation is going in your life. Feeling that life or certain decisions you've made are moving too quickly for your comfort level. Reduced control in waking life. A fear of getting into serious trouble if you don't stop a situation immediately.

Example: A man dreamed that his brakes weren't working. In waking life he was the CEO of a company and he began to feel that he was losing control of his company due to economic forces that pushed him to making decisions he didn't want to make and couldn't stop. He felt out of control of his company.


To dream of branches represents minor aspects of a larger situation. Negatively, branches reflect the annoyance of dealing with every single little detail of a problem. Positively, branches reflect growth, new life, extension, progress, or the intricacy of a good thing.

Example: A man dreamed of having to cutting down a tree and having to manually break up every single branch on the tree for removal. In waking life he was preparing to move and had to do a lot of cleaning before he could.

*Please See Trees


To dream of branding a person or animal may reflect feelings about a very serious method to ensure that ownership is noticed. A permanent mark on your reputation. A permanent gesture to make ownership obvious in some area of your life. Making identifying leaders or owners easy. A serious or aggressive gesture made on someone you are in are relationship with to ensure that other people know they are "your property." Feelings about wanting ownership made public. Feelings of ownership mixed with originality.

Negatively, branding in a dream may reflect a rude or insensitive action to assert ownership that is completely ignoring someone else's feelings. Making someone else feel that they are permanently owned against their will. Making someone look obligated to you through serious gestures or actions. Forcing the appearance of ownership or control onto someone else. Negatively labeling others or ruining reputations. Overbearing methods to prevent jealousy in a relationship with public gestures to assert yourself over the other person by making it look impossible that they could be with anyone else.

To dream of being branded and not liking it may reflect your feelings about your reputation being negatively effected. Unwanted association with someone else. Feeling that someone didn't respect you while talking about you being associated with them.

To dream branding a door represents a strong sense of originality or ownership with a specific opportunity or option in your waking life. Possibilities that are clearly and obviously someone else's idea. Feeling that it's serious to need to remember or acknowledge that an opportunity is someone else's idea. Feeling that there is a need to respect an original idea for a new option or opportunity.


To dream of brass represents a false perception of genuine power. Putting up a convincing front or pretending you're perfect. Audacity or bluffing. Negatively, brass may reflect deceit or a clever ruse.


*Please See Courage


To dream of Brazil represents a state of mind that values humility, family life, and a balanced perspective, where arrogance is discouraged. Feeling that no matter what you do it's not a good idea to show off or think you are better than other people. Listening to what other people say once is always a good idea. Repeat experiences of feeling that nothing ever wants you to show off. The importance of socializing authentically as real people together. Feeling that you have to think of family while never getting to think of being better than other people.

Negatively, dreaming about Brazil may represent feelings of regret for trying to show off, realizing that boasting doesn't work, or feeling that life pushes back when you think you're better than someone else. Situations that are humbling and remind you that others matter too. Feeling that being bigger or better than others doesn't work, and finding it difficult to be arrogant or think highly of yourself because you are surrounded by people who readily diminish your ego or refuse to engage with you again. A reminder to let go of any arrogance or self-centeredness. Feeling that life never lets you do anything except take care of other people while you never get to think you are better than someone else.

To dream of an attractive person from Brazil may reflect feelings about a person that is better than other people, but humbled by life for some reason. Feelings about an attractive single parent.

Example: A man dreamed of his son moving to Brazil. In waking life, a real estate deal that he thought was guaranteed suddenly failed. In this case, the son moving to Brazil represented the real estate deal going sour and embarrassing him a more humble attitude in front of people with whom he talked about all the money the easy sale was going to make him.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in Brazil. In waking life, he had high expectations for his career, but discovered that too many people were jealous of him to ever help him get ahead. He felt that he had to adopt a more humble attitude and earn his future career through alternative longer-term means. He felt that other people's jealousy impaired his ability to make progress. In this case, Brazil may have reflected his feelings of being forced into a more humble mindset and prioritizing genuine connections with others instead of focusing solely on his own career ambitions.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of being in a Brazilian forest. In waking life, she was worried about being left out in the cold with her relatinships. In this case, the Brazilian forest may have reflected her feelings about being lost in a state of mind that required humility, balance, and the importance of nurturing relationships without trying to be the center of attention. She may have felt the need to let go of any arrogance or self-centeredness and instead focus on building genuine connections with others while navigating her relationship concerns.

*Please See Brazilian People

Brazilian People

To dream of a Brazilian person represents aspect of your personality with a mindset that's not embarrassing anyone else while perfectly noticing that family life is what you have to see about yourself all the time. Not being snobby about thinking you're the best. Behavior that doesn't like showing off being arrogant. Behavior that's intelligent about thinking everything has to work out for family life. Behavior that isn't stupid about being careful about noticing it isn't better than someone else. Behavior that has to stay on top of life having to work with nobody else embarrassed by it. Behavior that doesn't want to show off better than someone else. Successful that believes it's stronger about family life having to matter. Behavior that isn't a wimp about being safer than most people about why nothing is too serious.

Negatively, dreaming of a Brazilian person may reflect feelings of being humbled with nothing arrogant being allowed. Feeling limited because you can't be better than anyone else. Learning a lesson about why you went too far being arrogant or not being nicer than you are. Fear of showing off or feeling that it's too dangerous to show off. Feeling little because life, family life safety, or someone bigger than you humbles you beyond your control. Being talked back to by people who hard all the time because you didn't consider that. Feeling that it's dangerous to ever be the best at something or show off that you are. Feeling that success is something everyone you know has to see carrying them as well to the point it limits you.

Brazilian dreams are common for socializing issues. Protectiveness of socializing needing to work out nicely.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a very beautiful Brazilian girl. In waking life he had just met a beautiful girl who was interested in knowing him, but soon realized she had a child and was a single mother. The beautiful Brazilian girl reflected his feelings how effected and humbled this beautiful girl's love life was because of her child.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a Brazilian man shooting a giant snake. In waking life, the woman caught her husband stealing from her and being very dishonest. In this case, the Brazilian man may have reflected her mindset of being intelligent and careful about protecting her family and possessions from harm or danger. The act of shooting the giant snake may symbolize her determination to confront and overcome the deceitful behavior of her husband in order to protect herself and her family from further harm. She may have felt that she intelligent and never arrogant to stand up for her family life by confronting her husband.

*Please See Brazil


To dream of bread represents feelings of deserving to get through a situation while thinking about yourself being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met. The fulfillment of basic needs, sustenance, and the essentials of life. Feelings about the fundamental aspects of your existence such as health, shelter, emotional well-being, or a simple income that's enough to pay bills. A sense of security in knowing that your needs are being taken care of. Bread may be a sign that you are trying to "survive" a situation with basic necessities. Basic provisions. The dreamer's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and make the most of available resources.

Negatively, dreaming about bread could represent feelings of scarcity, lack, deprivation, or unmet needs. It may also point to your emotions during a financial difficulty. Experiencing hardship, feeling that your basic necessities are not being provided for, or that you are struggling to provide for yourself or others. Learning about or addressing the root of a problem. A fear of poverty or destitution, or concerns about your ability to sustain yourself and your loved ones. Feelings of anxiety or insecurity regarding financial matters. A need to pay attention to your basic needs and take steps to ensure they are adequately met.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a loaf of bread. In waking life, she sought the help of a psychiatrist about problems with her love life. In this case, the loaf of bread may have reflected her feelings about the psychiatrist's advice allowing her to feel she deserved to get through her relationship problems by understanding her relationship in a more simple, basic, or fundamental way.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his mother giving him a loaf of bread. In waking life, he was having serious financial difficulties and had to do whatever he could to save money. In this case, the bread may have reflected his feelings about deserving to get through his financial problems by focusing on fundamental financial needs as he tried to save money with a more simple and basic lifestyle.

Example 3: A man dreamed of trying to sell bread to a shop, but he kept forgetting the prices. In waking life, he was trying to sell his art and art skills on the internet but kept forgetting to put up his prices or take his website seriously. In this case, the bread that he was trying to sell may have reflected his feelings about himself being a simple "starving artist" who made little money with his art in order to survive his life with basics or pay his bills.

*Please See Toast

*Please See Brioche Bread


To dream of an object breaking represents feelings about a breakdown or failure of something in your waking life. A sense of loss, disappointment, or frustration in some area of your life. You may be experiencing unwanted change. A situation or relationship has proven itself to not be as good as you thought it was. Unexpected loss. Not feeling as lucky as you once did.

Breaking an object in a dream could also represent repressed anger, a desire for change, or the need to let go of something or someone that is no longer serving you.

Alternatively, dreaming of a broken object may reflect outdated habits or be a sign that you need to try something new in your life. Dreaming of a broken object may also represent feelings of carelessness or disappointment.

Consider the object breaking for additional meaning. For example, a mirror breaking could represent a fear of bad luck or a belief in superstitions, while a vase breaking could represent a shattered sense of beauty or perfection.

To dream of taking a break from work may represent situations in your life that you are growing bored or emotionally exhausted from. A need to take a step back from a situation to gain perspective or recharge your energy. Alternatively, it may reflect a desire to avoid work or responsibilities, or a lack of motivation or discipline.

Negatively, a work break may represent distractions or a sign that your priorities are not straight, leading to potential consequences such as missed deadlines or lost opportunities.

To dream of not taking a break may be an indication that you are overexerting yourself. It may also suggest that you are neglecting your emotional or physical needs and risking burnout or exhaustion.

To dream of trying to break into something represents a desire for access or control over something that is currently inaccessible or restricted. It may reflect a need to overcome barriers, obstacles, or limitations to achieve a goal or gain entry into a certain situation. Alternatively, it may also represent feelings of violation or invasion, such as when someone is trying to break into your personal space or privacy without your consent. Intrusion into your thoughts.

To dream of something being breakable, but hasn't broken yet represents a warning or a sign of fragility in a situation. It could indicate that you need to handle a situation with care, or that you are aware that something is at risk of breaking or falling apart. Alternatively, it may symbolize a sense of tension or anxiety about a situation, as you fear that something might break or go wrong.

Example: A woman dreamed of a piece of her tooth breaking off. In waking life, she was experiencing stress at work and considering whether or not to quit her job. In this case, the piece of her tooth breaking off may reflect her feeling that she's losing part of her self-confidence or self-assuredness, which could be related to her job situation or other aspects of her life. The dream may also suggest a fear of losing something valuable or essential to her identity.

*Please See Breakup

*Please See Break Pedal

*Please See Windows

Break Pedal

To dream of stepping on the break in your car represents a need to slow down or stop the progress of something in your waking life. You may need to pause and take a break to evaluate the situation, reassess your goals, or address any obstacles that are hindering your progress. It can also signify the need to exercise caution, restraint, or control over a situation or relationship. Alternatively, stepping on the brake can represent your fear of losing control, being too cautious, or missing out on opportunities.

Negatively, dreaming of stepping on the brake pedal may represents also symbolize a fear of moving forward or taking action in a situation.

Example: A woman dreamed of stepping on the break pedal just before she hit water and then suddenly felt severe panic. In waking life she wanted to quit her job, but was too scared. In this case stepping on the break pedal may reflect the woman's feelings about stepping back from something in her waking life that she perceives as potentially dangerous or risky. The dream may be encouraging her to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation before making a hasty decision. It may also reflect her fear of the unknown consequences of quitting her job and the panic she feels at the thought of taking such a big step.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having her foot on the break pedal of a light blue pickup truck while stopped at stop sign. In waking life she was experiencing harassment from her boss at work while trying to get a new job. Her old boss was calling the new boss to tell her negative things about her. In this case the break pedal on the pickup truck may have reflected her desire to pause and take a moment to assess the situation with her old and new jobs, as well as her sense of caution about potentially making a mistake in her career choices or actions.


To dream of a break-in (break and entering) represents feelings of vulnerability, invasion, or personal boundaries being crossed. Behavior that is aware of itself violating a sense of morality or boundaries and chooses to do it anyway. Feelings about someone or something disrupting your sense of security, stability, or control in your waking life. Inappropriate behavior that makes you feel that being normal or safe the way you are isn't possible. Struggling with intrusive thoughts that are disrupting your peace of mind.

Negatively, a break-in may represent a fear of losing what is familiar or secure. Your own bad habits that make you feel that you weren't thinking of yourself being normal or safe the way you are. Feeling that you rob yourself if you don't stay the way you are. Anxieties about losing control, experiencing betrayal, or having your trust violated. Feelings of helplessness or a lack of support in dealing with difficulties.

Example: A man dreamed of a man breaking into his house. In waking life, he was practicing abstinence for his religious studies and couldn't resist it anymore. In this case, the intruder reflected his awareness of himself not being as sexually abstinent as he was supposed to be while feeling that he was robbing himself of feeling as spiritually strong as possible by violating his own rules. He may have felt that his sexual desire was inappropriately violating or "breaking in" to his sense of normal safety regarding controlling himself when it wasn't supposed to.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone breaking into her apartment. In waking life, she was worried that she might have breast cancer without knowing for sure. In this case, the person breaking into her apartment may have reflected the intrusion of worry and fear into her sense of security and normal well-being, causing her to feel vulnerable and unsettled about her physical health.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of an old maintenance man trying to break into her home. He chased her around bragging that he was going to get her. In waking life, she had recently broken up with her boyfriend. In this case, the break-in may have reflected her feelings of vulnerability and the invasion of her personal space by her ex-boyfriend's attempts to reenter the home or get back at her by taking things away that they shared while living together.

*Please See Robbery

*Please See Intruder


To dream that your vehicle breaks down represents overexerting yourself, pushing yourself too hard, or going beyond your limits. You may be driving yourself toward physical difficulties, hardships, and even illness. You need to take better care of yourself or reevaluate your choices and alternatives.

Alternatively, a vehicle breakdown may represent resources, confidence, or relationships that are being stretched too thin.


To dream of eating breakfast symbolizes what you are thinking or feeling as you enter the beginning stage of a new project or situation. Beginning to take action or start something important in your life.

Negatively, eating breakfast in a dream may be a sign that you are taking too long beginning something or are behind other people who have started something before you. An unenthusiastic mood about beginning or initiating something in your life.

Consider the food being eaten or who you may be eating with for additional meaning.

*Please See Cereal

Breakfast Tray

*Please See Tray


To dream of a breakup can represent various forms of loss, separation, or discontinuation of feelings from something that felt supportive. It may symbolize the end of a relationship, the termination of a job, or the cessation of a habit or behavior that was once beneficial or enjoyable. A situation that felt good being supportive or helpful to you is suddenly cut off or stopped. The dream could also indicate a permanent change or shift in your life, making it difficult to continue with your current path or goals. A sense of disappointment or disillusionment with a person, situation, or opportunity may be prevalent. An undesirable change may have stopped your confidence. A thinking pattern, habit, or type of experience is no longer beneficial to you. Feeling that a loophole or easy way to cheat that you grew dependent on doesn't work anymore to support your life. Feeling alone as a cheater.

Alternatively, a breakup may reflect your fear of losing your partner. A breakup in a dream could reveal your fear of abandonment, rejection, or being alone. It may reflect feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or emotional instability. In this case, the dream might be urging you to confront your fears and work on developing greater self-confidence and independence. Anxiety that your partner will breakup with you because you had a fight or are experiencing difficulties.

Example: A young man dreamed of breaking up with a girlfriend when in waking life he didn't have a girlfriend. In waking life he was experiencing his business with a new found feeling of success that felt supportive, but was short-lived. In this case the breakup may have reflected his feelings of a sudden loss or disappointment related to his recent success. The dream breakup symbolizes the end of a positive experience, as if something he had been investing his time and energy into suddenly came to a halt. It may also represent his fear of losing his current success or having it taken away from him.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her boyfriend breaking up with her. In waking life she was still dating her boyfriend, however she felt that he was not present due to him cancelling lots of plans and disappointing holidays. In this case the breakup with her boyfriend may have reflected her feelings her feelings of being emotionally disconnected from her boyfriend and feeling that the relationship was not going well, even though they were still together.

Breast Cancer

To dream of breast cancer represents feelings about the slow deterioration of your ability to respect yourself with passive authority or assumed power to control people without asserting yourself. The slow deterioration of passive assumed power to make people care about you or listen to you. The gradual decay of passive assumed power that feels it can only get worse or threaten to ruin your ability to matter or be important without asserting yourself. The ability to respect yourself with passive power or assumed authority being eroded by negative influences. Feeling that caring about people doesn't make people respect you with assumed authority anymore because people are ruining your life by never listening to you ever again.

Positively, dreaming about breast cancer may represent your awareness and proactive attitude towards identifying and addressing issues that are slowly affecting your passive assumed power or influence.

Negatively, dreaming about breast cancer could represent feelings of hopelessness, fear, or anxiety about the gradual loss of something essential to your sense of assumed power to make people listen to you without asking. A pervasive sense of decay or deterioration of passive authority in your life that feels unstoppable. An insidious depletion of passive assumed power and capability in your life. Situational decay that is affecting aspects of your life that once felt secure or unquestionable. Deep-seated fears or anxieties about losing your passive power, influence, and identity. Feeling that people don't have to respect your sense of assumed power and that it will only get worse. The gradual erosion of your confidence, happiness, and assumed authority to make people listen to you about unresolved issues or ongoing struggles. A perceived attack on your passive identity or ability to simply speak to make things happen. Feeling that nobody talks to you about doing anything for you ever again. Feeling that if people stop respecting your passive authority that it will begin to influence other people to do the same until it ruins you.

Alternatively, dreams of breast cancer may reflect your anxiety about breast cancer.

Example: A woman dreamed of a nurse telling her that she might have breast cancer. In waking life, she was experiencing migraines and nausea that would not go away after months. Prescription medicine didn't work and she didn't think there was any point in returning to the doctor. In this case, the breast cancer may have reflected hopelessness about the persistent health issues eroding her confidence that any medical professionals would ever listen to her health complaints ever again by simply asking for additional testing and that going back to the doctor would only make doctors lose more respect for her.

*Please See Cancer

Breast Milk

To dream of breast milk represents feelings about nurturing and improving. Negatively, breast milk may reflect feelings of frustration with having to look after someone childish or do everything for someone to help them grow up.

Example: A woman dreamed of being squirted with breast milk. In waking life she was beginning to feel embarrassed by having to train her boyfriend to grow up into a man. She was considering breaking up because she felt embarrassed by her boyfriend being impossible to teach to mature.

*Please See Breastfeeding

Breast Pump

To dream of a breast pump represents nurturance or dependency that's being ensured at all times. Wanting to guarantee consistent support. A backup plan or contingency plan for special support. Making sure someone or something is cared about even when you aren't in the mood to.


To dream of breastfeeding represents dependence. Either emotional neediness or a sensitive situation that requires a lot of care and nurturing. You or someone else that feels totally dependent on others. Negatively breastfeeding may reflect neediness.

Alternatively, it may mean you or someone else is being very careful about how an area of your life is being developed. Carefully giving something all it needs to succeed.


To dream of female breasts symbolizes passive or assumed power. You or some aspect of your personality that's powerful without effort. Power of something in your life that is unquestionable. The size of the breasts is indicative of how powerful you or some aspect of your personality is.

Large sexually desirable female breasts represents how powerful or influential something you wish to have or experience is over you. It may also reflect difficulty resisting something you really like or powerful sexual desire.

To dream of being intimidated by or shy in the presence of large female breasts represents self-doubt. A positive or desirable outcome may make you question yourself or leave you feeling insecure. You may also feel ill-prepared or lacking a needed resource.

Ugly or misshapen breasts reflects the power of something you are experiencing that may not feel good. How strong an unpleasant aspect of your life is.

A flat chest symbolizes powerlessness. An area of your life that is ineffective or impotent.

To have scars or tattoos on a chest represents difficult events or life lessons that are hard to forget. Something unpleasant you had to endure to gain power.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing flowers growing out of her breasts and everyone commenting on how nice they were. In waking life she just became pregnant and was feeling the power of her pregnancy on others who were respecting her for it. The flowers coming out of her breasts reflected the praise she felt from others for having gotten pregnant. Her breasts in this case reflect her sense of power that she got from motherhood.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having sore pus-filled breasts. In waking life she didn't like her level of physical attractiveness and was planning to have plastic surgery on her buttocks. The negative breast symbolism is this case may have reflected her feelings about her female physical attractiveness not being as strong as she would have liked it to be.

*Please See Chest

Breathalyzer Test

To dream of having a breathalyzer test represents your concern that you may have gone overboard with something. It may also reflect your anxiety about being discovered having gone overboard. Misdeeds or bad behavior may be catching up with you. The dream may be a sign that you need to slow down.


To dream of having difficulty breathing represents feeling uncomfortable, feeling too many restrictions being placed on you, being under pressure, or having difficulty coping with a problem. You may also be trying to do too much at once or having difficulty getting a hold of a situation.

Negatively, difficulty breathing may reflect anxiety or fear about your ability to perform in a situation. Feeling that you can't relax or be yourself at all. It may also reflect feelings of being emotionally or creatively suffocated.

To dream of trying to catch your breath represents a need to recuperate or slow down. Feeling anxiety, tension, or fear in a situation being experienced. Needing to "recatch your bearings." You have have been using all your energy or resources up to get ahead or compete with someone. You may be running the risk of exhausting yourself. It may also reflect haste or a fear of losing that is pushing you too hard.

To dream of calm or relaxed breathing represents a high degree of comfort with a situation or your performance. Feeling no pressure or difficulty. Feeling balanced and in control. Being happy or relaxed. Zen.

To dream of holding your breath represents a temporary need to forgo your comfort to get through a problem or difficult situation. Feeling emotionally guarded as you take a risk or hope to avoid something dangerous. Cutting yourself off a necessity.

To dream of breathing underwater represents a higher degree of comfort while overwhelmed by negative emotions or uncertain situations. Handling yourself well.

To dream of being unable to breath represents emotional suffocation.

People with asthma often have dreams of being unable to breathe.

Example: A young boy dreamed that he couldn't breathe. In waking life his father was being extremely violent towards his mother on a regular basis and he felt unable to speak up or do anything about it while the situation got worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having difficulty breathing. In waking life he was becoming very uncomfortable with the scrutiny he was getting from potential job employers during interviews as he was unemployed and becoming nervous about not getting a job.

*Please See CPR

*Please See Suffocating

*Please See Bad Breath


*Please See Wind


To dream of bribery represents feelings about rules or integrity not mattering in a waking life situation. You or others that are easily influenced to ignore rules. Feelings of having to make something "worth someone's while" in order to get co-operation. Awareness of yourself or others abusing their roles to get more for themselves. Unwillingness to listen unless you get something for it.

Negatively, having to pay a bride may reflect feelings about people in your life abusing their status or roles. A corrupted mindset regarding responsibilities or sharing. A need to make other people feel that they are more important then they really are to get what you want. Feelings of being ripped off or extorted. Feeling that you have to give someone special treatment in order to get regular treatment.

Positively, a bribe may reflect the ability to do someone a favor to work around difficult or unfair conditions.


To dream of bricks represents solidarity or endurance with the basic building blocks or fundamental components of a situation, relationship, or project. The core elements of a problem or solution, and the sense of stability, strength, resilience, and permanence that these components offer. Feelings about something being meant to last. The groundwork or foundational aspects of a permanent outlook on life.

Negatively, dreaming about bricks could represent feelings of burden, pressure, or the weight of responsibilities. Feeling stuck, hindered, or limited by foundational issues or structural problems. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task at hand or the painstaking effort required to build or break down something substantial.

To dream of a brick house represents a perspective on a situation that is secure, unwavering, or confident. A perspective about a situation being solid, dependable, and resistant to change. A state of mind or a situation in your waking life that is established and unlikely to change, which can be either comforting or stifling depending on the context. An outlook on life that is secure in why it can't be canceled easily. A sense of security, protection, and resilience. A state of affairs that you perceive to be firmly established, reliable, and difficult to tear down. Family life security that is unwavering. Negatively, a brick house may represent a mindset that is too fixed or stubborn, resisting necessary change or adaptation.

To dream of a brick wall represents feelings about encountering a seemingly insurmountable obstacle or barrier. Your perception of a challenge or difficulty that seems hard to overcome or resistant to change. Barriers or restrictions in your path that prevent you from moving forward or achieving your goals. Feeling that there is nothing else left to do except stop. A secure, unwavering, or confident obstacle that isn't allowing you to continue. People, a force, or rules that solidly stand against you. A warning symbol for a major change is coming up in your life and you don't see it.

Negatively, dreaming about a brick wall could represent feelings of frustration, impasse, or limitation. It might symbolize a sense of helplessness or defeat in the face of an immovable obstacle. Perhaps you feel stuck, blocked, or thwarted in your efforts to progress in some aspect of your waking life. It might also signify rigid or unyielding boundaries, possibly indicating a relationship or situation that feels confining or restrictive. Feelings about some part of your life that absolutely must stop or you will experience "pain" or serious consequences. Feelings about not doing anything else for the rest of your life with the way you are because you have no choice other than to change.

Example: A woman dreamed of a truck carrying a load of bricks that was beginning to spill the bricks. In waking life, she was having trouble paying her mortgage. In this case, the bricks falling off the truck may have reflected her feelings about the foundational stability and security of her home life starting to crumble or become unstable due to her financial difficulties. She may have felt that every last dollar counts in order to pay her mortgage where each brick lost represents money lost that could have been used towards the security of her mortgage being completely paid off.

Example 2: A man dreamed of standing in front of a white brick wall. In waking life, he confronted the first day of the most powerful spiritual challenge of his life. In this case, the white brick wall may have reflected his feelings about the magnitude of the challenge that wouldn't let him progress without it. It was a call to absolute honesty and integrity because he had to change all his bad habits for the rest of his life without exception.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a teenage girl outside a brick home before being hit by a truck. In waking life, the woman was frustrated with her teenage daughter choosing to move out. In this case, the daughter being outside a brick home may have reflected her feelings about her daughter's decision to leave home unintelligently giving up unwavering family security.


To dream of a bride represents feelings about passively experiencing some area of life becoming permanent. Positively, a bride may reflect enjoyment of how easy it is to watch permanent changes occurring on their own. Feelings about new permanent changes that can't be undone being wonderful. Receptive attitude for security or closure. Readiness for a new beginning.

Alternatively, a bride may reflect behavior that is passively preparing for a permanent change. Feeling good getting ready for something permanent that other people are about to do for you.

For men to dream of a bride, it may reflect feelings about how big decisions are being respected or easily realized. Feeling that it's easy to make a big change in your life. Experiencing no jealousy or obstacles with big decisions or changes.

Negatively, a bride may reflect feelings of having no choice about permanent change or decision. Sensitivity or fear about having to accept a permanent change. Heightened sensitivity or anxiety about a big decision or permanent choice. Not wanting anything to go wrong at all before an important moment. Alternatively, being a bride may reflect your anxiety about real life wedding plans you are making.

To dream of a bride being shot at a wedding represents total failure or embarrassment while you waited passively or hoped something was going to be permanent. Unexpected interruptions or obstacles towards goals that you believed would be easy to achieve. Jealousy of enemies or competitors being experienced at the last moment before you realize your goals.

Bride dreams may also reflect your anxiety if your wedding date is getting closer.

*Please See Wedding

*Please See Groom


To dream of a bridesmaid represents awareness of yourself or others passively or sensitively giving others full support for their choices. You or someone else that is supporting others with all they need to "have it all." Caring, sympathy, or close attention to details to support someone else because it's all about them. Sensitivity about others feelings for a special moment. A wonderful or incredible gesture of selflessness to support someone else. Doing whatever it is your are asked to make someone else's success feel good being easy.

Negatively, a bridesmaid may reflect feelings of being asked to do too much to support someone else's achievement. Feelings of jealousy that someone is asking too much of you or being given too much attention. It may also reflect feelings of not being appreciated enough for making someone else's goals or achievements easy. Alternatively, a bridesmaid may negatively reflect your feelings that someone is too concerned with supporting you with an important choice.


To dream of a bridge represents a transitional stage, a critical junction in your life, or a connection between two different phases of your life. Bridges can represent personal growth, emotional or psychological changes, or overcoming challenges and obstacles. The bridge serves as a metaphor for moving from one stage or situation to another, often indicating personal development and progress. Feeling that change on the horizon.

Negatively, dreaming about a bridge may reflect feelings of anxiety, hesitation, or uncertainty about making a significant change or transition in your life. It could also symbolize a fear of commitment, a lack of confidence in your ability to successfully navigate through a new phase, or concerns about the potential consequences of moving forward. Additionally, it may represent a reluctance to let go of old habits or patterns of behavior, even if they are no longer serving you well. A need to examine your fears and insecurities about what lies ahead for you in life, and to embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation that lies ahead. Dependence on using something to change your life. Naively accepting a choice as the perfect solution to move on from problems. Believing that excessive or perfect behavior will help you transition away from issues. Insecurity that leads you to obsess over religion as a means to create a "bridge to heaven."

To dream of a bridge that is over water represents suggests that your transition will confront uncertainty that is difficult, but not impossible. A life situation that challenges you with uncertainty, but you have skills, friends, family, or information, or the ability to endure it to allow you enter a new phase of your life.

To dream of falling off the bridge and into the water represents feeling overwhelmed by the obstacles or uncertainties you are facing during this transitional period. This could represent a fear of failure, a lack of confidence in your ability to navigate the changes, or concerns about losing control over the situation. Falling into the water may also symbolize a need for self-reflection, reassessment of your approach, or seeking support from others to help you overcome these challenges and continue your journey towards personal growth.

To dream of fearing crossing a bridge may reflect your apprehension about embracing change or taking a significant step forward in your life. A lack of confidence in your abilities, uncertainty about the future, or concerns about leaving the familiar behind. You need to confront your fears, build your self-confidence, and trust in your ability to adapt and grow as you navigate new experiences and challenges. A fear of change, moving, or failing during a critical moment. A reflection of your lack of confidence is making an important change.

To dream of jumping off a bridge represents feelings about abandoning a transition or moment of change. Feelings of willingly taking a risk, letting go of the familiar, or making a drastic change in your life during a transitional period. It could symbolize a courageous decision to face the unknown, embrace new opportunities, or overcome personal limitations. Alternatively, it may indicate a desire to break free from the constraints of the past and embrace a new path, even if it means facing potential challenges or uncertainty along the way. Possibly a sign that you are choosing to give up on reconciling a troubled relationship.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to cross a bridge in his car and then the bridge became flooded with water. In waking life, the man was trying to sell his home to save his business and couldn't find a buyer while pressure was building to find a buyer fast. In this case, the bridge may have reflected his attempts to safely transition from a failing business to a successful one with a real estate deal.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of bridge that she didn't want to cross. In waking life, her husband wanted her to move to another country and she didn't want to change her life this way at all. In this case, the bridge she didn't want to cross may have reflected the transitional phase of moving to another country that she was hesitant to embrace.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of giving up trying to cross a bridge. In waking life, he had given up trying to fix a bad relationship with a group of friends. In this case, the bridge may have reflected his useless plan to transition the relationship with the friends from a bad one to a good one.

Example 4: A man dreamed of fearing crossing a bridge. In waking life, he feared making the transition from his working life into retirement as he got older.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of jumping off a bridge. In waking life, she had given up on reconciling her troubled marriage and filed for divorce. In this case, jumping off the bridge may have reflected her decision to abandon the difficult process of trying to save her marriage and instead choose to move forward with her life independently, facing the challenges and uncertainties that may come with that decision.

Example 6: A man dreamed of following a man in front of him across a bridge over water to land. In waking life, he was considering suicide and was doing everything he could to remain rational. In this case, the bridge may have reflected the difficult but not impossible transition away from his suicidal thoughts to mental and emotional stability.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of standing on a bridge with her mother. In waking life, she was new to Christianity and trying to get her mother to join the faith as well. In this case, the bridge may have reflected about the transitional stage she was experiencing in her spiritual journey, as well as her desire to help her mother transition into the same faith. The bridge in this dream could represent the connection between their old beliefs and the new shared faith they could embrace together.


To dream of a briefcase represents experienced preparedness. You or someone else that has a lot of experience in some area. An informed or organized readiness. You have the skills, knowledge, or resources on hand to do something whenever you want.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a briefcase opened in front of her. In real life she was considering starting a business that was easy for her to do and required no capital to start. The briefcase reflected her readiness to invest in the business since she already had the necessary skills and resources to do so.


To dream of something being bright represents situations, people, or problems that you can't avoid noticing. Something is drawing attention to itself dramatically. It may also reflect someone or something that is felt to be more important or special.

Dreaming of something being too bright represents total preoccupation with having to notice something. You may be in disbelief with how dramatic, important, or powerful something is. Unexpected changes may be occurring.

Brightness in dreams is common to people having powerful spiritual experiences or life changes.

Brimmed Hat

To dream of a wide brimmed hat may reflect a mood or attitude that is focused on looking discrete or uninvolved. A attitude that is unconcerned with being caught up in ana "unfolding drama." A mood that is noticeably not desperate or needing attention.

Example: A woman dreamed of buying a wide brimmed hat. In waking life she had recently experienced an abrupt ending to a relationship without any argument. The wide brimmed hat she bought may have reflected her feelings about choosing to appear just as unconcerned with the broken relationship being important as the other person.

*Please See Fedora

*Please See Cowboy Hat

Brioche Bread

To dream of brioche bread represents feelings of deserving to be comfortable liking not having to be an expert while getting through a situation being simple, basic, or fundamental about needs being met without any difficult questions. Comfort, security, and basic needs. A sense of ease and simplicity in meeting your basic needs without facing difficult questions or complications. Feeling comfortable that it's easy to be better than someone else without being an expert while getting through a difficult situation with only basic needs. Believing it's easy to respect yourself never being uncomfortable while getting through a difficult situation with only basic, simple, or fundamental needs. Feeling confident in your ability to navigate difficulties with simplicity while maintaining a sense of self-worth and dignity.

Positively, dreaming about brioche bread may represent a belief in your own worthiness and the ease with which you handle adversity. Feelings about a situation being comfortable and simple about not minding waiting for a difficulty to end. Liking not being as desperate as other people about getting through a situation without any difficult questions. Comfort and simplicity about deserving to not have to experience a situation as difficult as other people do.

Negatively, dreaming of brioche bread may represent overdoing feelings of deserving to be comfortable liking being ahead of other people like it's simple. Being too concerned with believing it's easy to comfortably get through a difficult situation without being an expert. A situation where you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because you are too comfortable believing that it's easy or simple to achieve a goal without having to be an expert or face difficult questions.

*Please See Bread


*Please See England (UK).

British People

To dream of British or English people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that believes in itself being certain about whatever it's doing. Respecting oneself with certainty or standards. Certainty about power or confidence that is rooted in a sense of accomplishment that makes you feel that you can't lose. Having standards that guarantee being successful. Feeling that you are already confidently "knowing it" with a feeling of being secure. Feelings of confidence about accomplishment, wealth, power, or intelligence that give you a sense of security. Not thinking of anything that isn't certain. Feelings about the importance of standards.

Negatively, British people may reflect a mindset that is overdoing believing in itself certain about whatever it's doing. Certainty that is evil or immoral. Overregulating confident control or requiring certainty that looks stupid or ruins enjoying life. Behavior that is so proper with standards it will be ignored, laughed at, or dominated. Feelings of jealousy that other people are much more accomplished, resourced, wealthy, or intelligently more experienced than you are. Snobbery. Competition or a problem you can't even begin to compete with because it's passed you with higher standards. Feelings about a competition being too rich to compete with. A person or situation that feels more educated or better bred than you. Standards that feel too high.

Example: A man once dreamed of talking to a British person. In waking life, he was debating whether to risk starting a new business or purchase an already successful established one. The British person reflected his feelings of confidence that buying an established business would give him a sense of certainty about having no risk.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of a British Soldier cornering him and when he recognized the solider as his friend the friend didn't recognize him. In waking life, the man felt that a female coworker was way out of his league. In this case, the British Soldier may have reflected the man's feelings of inferiority and insecurity about his own abilities and status compared to the coworker. The British Soldier may symbolize his feelings about how certain the coworker or her boyfriend was about being being rich, attractive, or higher status that he feels he lacks.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her boyfriend selling his British manor in the countryside. In waking life, she was considering removing herself from old friends and family members whom she had recently been hurt by. In this case, the British manor may have reflected her feelings of stability, certainty, and attachment to her past social relationships, which she was now contemplating leaving behind in order to pursue her own path and find emotional well-being. It may also reveal her feelings about letting go of socializing with people she felt were so certain or "knowing it" that they were snobby to her.

Example 4: A man dreamed of signing a Declaration of Independence for a former British colony. In waking life, he had been rejected for the job he had been waiting for and considered traveling elsewhere to pursue a Ph.D. and search for a job with better prospects. In this case, the British colony the dreamer declares independence from may reflect his feelings of breaking free from a career that offered nothing but job security, and instead embracing a more independent mindset that prioritizes pursuing a better education to increase his chances of finding a better job. The contrast between British and American perspectives in the dream highlights the difference between maintaining a sense of certainty in one's life and adopting an independent mindset that values taking risks in order to achieve greater success.

Broadway Show

To dream of getting tickets to a broadway show represents a situation in your life where people are all trying their hardest to be noticed the most by each other. A competition of dramatic sayings or actions.

Example: A man dreamed of getting tickets to a broadway show. In waking life a number of his very arrogant Uncles were all bragging to each other about who was going to buy his dead grandmothers house.

*Please See Musical


To dream of broccoli represents feelings about something that is unpleasantly in your best interest. Benefiting from choices or behavior that don't feel good at all. Choosing safety or honesty as a last option because it spares you trouble. Disliking having to be honest.

Positively, broccoli may reflect unpleasant choices to improve yourself. Difficult honesty. Telling on people that are misbehaving or risking telling on a dangerous person who is misbehaving.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a bowl of yellow soup that was solidified with chunks of broccoli. In waking life she had rented a room at a doctor's office for an extended period of time due to her ongoing need for medical care. The chunks of broccoli may have reflected her unpleasant feelings about having to stay at the doctor's office because it was in her best interest for her health.

Broken Glass

To dream of broken glass window represents broken promises or shattered expectations. Your feelings may be hurt or a situation may be turning into a crisis.

To dream of shards of broken glass represents issues that can only bring you more pain or difficulties if you confront them. Disappointments that are difficult to respond to effectively. Shards of broken glass can often reflect an abusive situation.

To dream of having shards of broken glass in your throat represents a sensitive issue that creates more conflict if you express your true feelings about it. You may feel paralyzed to express yourself and are suffering for it.


To dream of bronze represents as aspect of yourself or your life that you want preserved indefinitely. You want to care about and protect an area of your life. Something about yourself that you always want noticed. Bronze may reflect beliefs or principles that you would protect at all costs.

Example: A Christian once dreamed of a bronze ladder while they were being persecuted for their religious beliefs. The bronze ladder symbolizes the importance of preserving their beliefs as the answer to ascension or going to heaven.


*Please See Stream


To dream of a broom represents an ability to push away, push aside, or "sweep away" your problems, fears, insecurities. Discarding or clearing what is no longer useful to you. Feeling able to clean up your act when needed. Presentability or making a good impression when it's finally important. Responsibly fixing or perfecting something with "final touches."

Negatively, a broom may be a sign that you are intentionally ignoring good advice because it doesn't feel good. Intentionally ignoring facts you don't like. An arrogant or stubborn attitude that simply doesn't want to deal with issues. Pushing problems away because they are not convenient. Pushing people away because they tell you the truth when you don't want to hear it. Hiding the truth because it's not convenient. A willingness to "sweep away" your own feelings to adjust to someone else's.

Example: A young man dreamed of using a broom to kill spiders. In waking life he had just returned from a party with a lot of girls whom he was constantly insecure about speaking to. The broom killing the spiders may reflected his attempt to change things about himself at the party that he felt the girls at the party didn't like by "brushing away" anything that wsn't cool or attractive to the girls. A reflection of his wish to avoid looking like a loser by "brushing away"or hiding anything about himself that wasn't perceived as cool.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mother poking her in the stomach with a broom handle. In waking life she was pregnant and heard comments from someone who told her that her mother had wished that she would lose the baby. She had a very bad relationship with her mother. The broom handle being poked in the pregnant belly may have reflected her feelings about the insensitive "jabbing" she was feeling from her mother's comments about the baby being "cleared away" by a miscarriage.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a broom being used to lift up a skirt. In waking life she was intentionally choosing to "push aside" advice that was given to her and instead choose to discuss something embarrassing to the person giving her advice.

*Please See Sweeping


To dream of a brothel represents a perspective on a situation where you feel you can use or exploit something whenever you want. It may also reflect feelings of being able to use other people's skills or gifts for yourself at anytime.

It may also be a sign that you feel that you are surrounded by people that are sellouts or have no morals. You can do what you want despite the rules or without remorse.

Alternatively, a brothel may reflect feelings that other people are taking advantage of you whenever they want. Negatively, it may reflect your awareness of yourself ignoring principles or high standards for personal benefit. Allowing others with low morals to benefit from your skills anytime they wish.


*Please See Siblings


Dark brown in a dream represents purging of negative thoughts, emotions, habits, and life situations. Some area of your life where you are getting rid of a problem. Unpleasant or undesirable situations are being fixed or improved. Cleansing of negativity. Observing improvements or progress. Something you don't need or want to get rid of. Feeling better off without something in your life.

Negatively, light brown may indicate that you are really sensitive about not being able to get rid of something when you are really motivated to. A strong dislike for needing to stop something, discontinue a bad habit, or fear of big change. Unpleasant, embarrassing, or dangerous losses.

The color light brown is symbolic of a genuine desire to get rid of something negative. Good intentions to want to fix a problem or be rid of a problem. Feeling optimistic or enthusiastic about getting rid of a problem. Problems that feel good getting rid of. Feeling good being faster in your life without something.

Example: An older man dreamed of seeing a woman sitting on a dark brown couch and then going and sitting on the couch beside her. In waking life a girl he knew from his past wanted to get married to him and then he decided to do it. The brown couch may have reflected his feelings about being comfortable getting rid of his single life. "Purging" his life of bachelor style behavior.

Example 2: A police man dreamed of seeing 3 cigarette lighters turn into a black and brown snake. The black and brown snake may have reflected his feelings about needing to professionally get rid of a corrupt criminal. The brown color represented the need to get rid of or arrest the criminal problem.

*Please See Copper


To dream of brownies represents pleasant feelings of deserving something nice. Feeling that you or someone else deserves to enjoy something nice. Negatively, brownies may reflect excessive indulgence in luxury or spending money shopping.

Example: A young woman dreamed of brownies she tried to hide. In waking life he was caught talking to another guy when she had a boyfriend. The brownies reflected how pleasant it felt to sneak talking to a good-looking guy behind her boyfriend's back.

Example 2: A man dreamed of eating brownies out of the refrigerator and feeling that it would make his fungal infection worse if he ate them because the sugar in brownies would worsen his fungal infection. In waking life he was considering enjoying buying surprise gifts for his mother knowing that it may make his financial struggles worse. He felt his mother deserved something nice so he didn't care.

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