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To dream of a male chest represents assertive or dominant power. You or someone else that's proving their powerful or showing power off. The size of the chest is indicative of how powerful you or some area of your life is.

A large sexually desirable male chest may represents how powerful or influential you feel. It may also reflect your difficulty resisting something powerful.

An Ugly or misshapen chest reflects the power of something you are experiencing that may not feel good. How strong an unpleasant aspect of your life is. Feeling yourself being powerful in a way that you don't like.

A flat chest symbolizes powerlessness. An area of your life that is ineffective or impotent. Feeling small in some way.

To have scars on a chest represents difficult events or life lessons that are hard to forget. Attaining power through great difficulties. Something unpleasant you had to endure to get where you are today. Difficult events or sacrifices made to gain power that are hard to forget.

To dream of a tattoo on a chest represents feelings about yourself or others being dangerous while showing off with power. It may also reflect your feelings about someone yo think is stupid to control their power or abuses power too much.

To dream of having a wound on your chest represents feelings about your ability to prove your powerful to others being negatively effected.

Dreams about your chest may also reflect medical problems with your breathing or lung disorders such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, or severe colds.

Example: A young man dreamed of being shot in the chest by a gun he did not see. In waking life while asleep a friend's laptop was stolen and the friend attacked him for being be a terrible irresponsible person. He felt he couldn't prove his worthiness as a friend anymore.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his chest with scars on it. In waking life he had just endured a traumatizing initiation experience into a secret club that he would never forget. He felt more powerful as a man for having gone through the ordeal, but he was bit bitter about it.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of a man standing on his chest holding the whole world in his hands. In waking life the young boy was suffering from pneumonia and while sick felt that he had the "weight of the world" on his chest.

*Please See Breasts



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