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To dream of a butler represents an aspect of yourself that is subservient. You or someone else that is completely supportive of other people's needs or goals. Assisting others without question. A butler may be a sign that you are too demanding or dependent on others. You need to be more independent and tend to your own needs.

Alternatively, a butler may reflect feelings that you are under-appreciated, being used, or too submissive.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a butler trapped in a room. In real life the man felt his boss was too demanding and didn't believe he could do anything about it.


To dream of butter represents a factor or situation that makes things better than without it. Something is not as good if you don't have it. An improvement, enhancement, or easement. It may also represent something make a situation run smoother.

Negatively, butter may reflect a bribe.

Butter Knife

To dream of a butter knife represents conflict without pressure. Smoothly or easily putting yourself first. Smoothly thinking of something your way that doesn't need to think of someone else. Easily overlooking another person who made feel stupid. Smoothly or easily erasing a problem.

Negatively, dreaming of a butter knife represents conflict with an issue that embarrasses you, or makes you look like you aren't powerful. It reflects impotence to compete, put up a serious fight, or intimidate. Passive gentle conflict. Conflict that isn't serious because pleasure overrides it. Problems breaking up a relationship because too much sex is involved. Difficulty saying mean things to people while attacking them. Feeling that someone else easily overlooks you or smoothly avoids you. Not liking getting back at people who easily get back at you because you care about them or have romantic feelings.

To dream of being attacked by a butter knife may represent feelings about being attacked, cut off, or emotional pain from something that feels too easy. Smooth separation that puts someone else first.

Example: A young woman dreamed of holding a butter knife. In waking life she was having fights with her boyfriend and found it difficult to say mean things to him while trying to break up with him because the sexual relationship was too good.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being attacked in her chest by a butter knife by a guy she had a crush on. In waking life she felt that this guy was going to easily overlook her for another girl hurting her feelings.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of being attacked by her boyfriend with a butter knife. In waking life her boyfriend cheated on her. She felt that the cheating as a mistake, but didn't trust her boyfriend questioning whether to give him another chance. In this case the butter knife stabbing may have reflected her feelings about how easy it was for her boyfriend to cheat on her without any concern at all for her feelings.


To dream of a butterfly represents issues that are special or important to you that you are sensitive about losing. It may also reflect a fear of loss. You might be sensitive about having to change something you like. Butterflies generally represent personal interests or relationships that we don't want to give up or change. Alternatively, a butterfly may represent something you feel you need to be perfectly careful about or that you don't want to scare away.

To dream of a butterfly flying away from you represents having to let go of something special or important to you. It may also reflect a change you feel forced to make.

Butterflies commonly appear in the dreams of people who have experienced a death of a friend or family member. The butterfly reflects their sensitive feelings about having to let go of the loved one.

Butterflies tend to show up in dreams when something you are emotionally invested in is threatened or criticized. You don't want to give something up or be embarrassed away from something you love. You may have a passion, interest, or person that you feel is important to keep. A butterfly can also point to criticism of things you enjoy, or caring about what other people think.

Example: A man once dreamed of seeing a yellow butterfly. In waking life, he was taking vitamin supplements that he didn't want his doctors to find out about because he feared they'd make him stop taking them. The butterfly reflected the importance he gave to these supplements for improving his health and the fear of losing these benefits if the doctors found out about them.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her house being filled with butterflies. In waking life, she had a hobby that she loved that was being criticized. The butterflies represented her sensitive feelings about her hobby being criticized. She didn't want to change anything she was doing.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. In waking life, she had been released on medical probation after being declared legally insane. She was required to take medication as part of her probation release and was sensitive about having her medical probation revoked.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a butterfly. In waking life, her Dad had died. In this case, the butterfly may have reflected her sensitivity about keeping her Dad alive while experiencing hospital health complications.


To dream of butterscotch represents your enjoyment of noticing people liking you. It may also reflect feelings that everyone likes you. Enjoying always being the most attractive or popular person in a situation.

Negatively, butterscotch may reflect feeling that other people have to like you no matter what.


To dream of a buttock or bum represents how interesting something is to you.

To dream of a beautiful and sexually attractive butt represents something you desire to have or wish to experience that's presenting itself to you in your life. A nice butt may also reflect how sexually attractive someone is to you.

Negatively, dreaming a beautiful or sexually attractive butt may be a warning against desiring something that may embarrass you. Allowing yourself to be tempted into something dangerous.

To dream of someone having an ugly butt represents a lack of interest. An undesirable situation or person.

To have an ugly or misshapen butt reflects your insecurity or belief that you are not interesting to someone else.

To see a butt fall off represents a loss of interest. You or someone else may have lost the ability to interest someone else in something you were thinking.

To dream of wiping your butt with toilet paper may reflect your attempt to respectfully rid yourself of a problem. A wish to clear yourself of responsibility to deal with a problem any further. Carefully making sure that a problem is not your problem anymore. Intelligently protecting yourself from being blamed for something.

To dream of wiping your butt with toilet paper in front of other people may reflect an embarrassment you have experienced with having to clear yourself of responsibility for a problem in front in others. Ridding yourself of unwanted relationships or problems in public view. Yelling at incompetent people in public. Feeling embarrassed at having to look unprofessional about dealing with your problems.


To dream of a push button represents feelings about how easy something in your life is to access or initiate.

Negatively, dreaming about a push button may reflect feelings about how easy it is to harm others when you choose to. The ability to abuse someone or something on command. Anxiety about something you can easily access being dangerous.

To dream of buttons for clothing may represent feelings about carefully or intentionally keeping something responsibly under control. Intentionally refraining from certain behaviors.

Negatively, a dreaming about buttons on clothing may reflect a need to "let loose" because you are too uptight.

To dream of unbuttoning clothing in a dream may represent feelings about opening yourself up to others mentally, emotionally, or sexually. An intentional release of self-control.

Example: A woman dreamed of a poisonous push button that was installed on the side of her car. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and feared using drugs to make the delivery easier. The poisonous push button may have reflected her feelings about how easy drugs would be to get continuously during labor while also having anxiety about how dangerous the drugs could be for the baby.


To dream buying something represents acceptance of an idea, condition, or situation. Choosing to initiate something. Choosing to integrate something in your personality or lifestyle. Choosing to be serious or committed to something in your life. Consider what item you are buying for additional meaning.

Alternatively, a dream about buying may reflect your attempt to define yourself or find an acceptable role to portray to others.

To dream of buying a car represents your commitment to an important decision. Deciding on a direction in life to take. Deciding on a long-term role. Deciding on how best to take control of a situation. Deciding to how best to lead others. Negatively, buying a car in a dream may reflect the choice to take control of a situation in a dishonest manner.

To dream of buying a house represents your commitment to integrating something into your life. Choosing to make something be normal for you. Alternatively, it may mean that you have worked really hard to earn something. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you'd made a mistake that you're stuck with.

*Please See Store

*Please See Mall


*Please See Hawk

*Please See Vultures

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