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To dream of a bank represents your store of resources or power that can be tapped at anytime. Talents, capabilities, financial support, emotional support, or things that give you a sense of security. What you rely on to keep yourself secure or successful.

A bank can also be a reflection of how strong or moral your relationships and interactions with others are. Power, resources, or people you use to achieve your goals. Total control over others that is responsible or conservative.

Negatively, to dream of a bank may reflect feelings about being dependent on something or someone in order to do something. Feeling stupid that someone can control your entire life or put your whole life on hold due to one factor. Feelings about access to power being withheld from you. Feeling that stupid, arrogant, or controlling people can make decisions for you. Feelings about yourself or other people who need to have total control over others.

To dream of robbing a bank represents resources or power you are tapping by not earning it. It may reflect a negative, selfish, or dishonest approach to achieving goals.

To move money between banks represents a transfer of power or resources between certain core values. You may be becoming more positive in some ways or more negative in others. It may also reflect a change in attitude about how you achieve goals or maintain power. Ask yourself how each bank makes you feel and how that may symbolize a waking life situation. Sleazier banks may represent lower standards and poor values. Classier banks may symbolize higher standards and more conservative values.

Negatively, moving money between banks may reflect issues with allowing others to control your life. Going from one "controlling asshole" to another. Feeling that you need someone managing or controlling your life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a group of bankers from a French bank sitting in a cafeteria. In waking life he felt embarrassed that his father was totally controlling his life by not releasing a large sum of money to him that was promised after a home was sold. He felt that his whole life was on hold because he father was too arrogant and controlling to let him enjoy the money. The bank in the dream may have reflected his feelings about his father having an arrogant level of authority over how he decided to enjoy his life.



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