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To dream of a poisonous snake represents feelings about corruption or contamination. Snakes in dreams also tend to reflect a person's fear of total failure or serious losses. Feelings about a person or problem totally permanently ruining you. A dangerous or tricky problem you want to avoid.

Areas of your life that spoil everything associated with them. People that can't be trusted or that you feel are dangerous to not avoid. A snake could also reflect your own lack of integrity or deceptive behavior. Noticing yourself being an "evil asshole." A snake may also represent a bad influence or a person that you don't like. A person with no family values.

Often snakes point to situations that are difficult to resist, morally troublesome, or have traps that you wish to avoid. Snakes may also reflect bad habits, people, or situations that sour your mood, spirit, or good intentions. An addiction that is difficult to resist.

To dream of being bitten by a snake represents feelings about having succumb to negative influence or feelings of total failure. Feelings of corruption that have overwhelmed you. Giving in to addictions to bad influences. Suffering a loss of some kind.

To dream of fearing being bitten by a snake represents your fear of losing something important or a fear of total failure. You may fear losing power, control, safety, or your integrity.

To dream of a dead snake represents overcoming a corrupting or negative influence in your life. It may also reflect a threat of total loss that is dissipating.

Black snakes usually represent a fear of total failure. It may also reflect your feelings about the potential for corruption or excessive losses. A fear of enemies getting to control you or ruin you. Alternatively, a black snake may represent your full awareness of yourself being a liar or bad influence. Organized planning to steal or destroy other people's integrity.

A copper colored snake represents a fear of losing an opportunity to get something you are desperate to have. Fearing total loss of something you are hopelessly striving for. Allowing your desire to scare you. A fear based on a delusional belief that if you lose something special that you will lose everything you have. Alternatively, copper colored snake could represent your own hopeless or desperate attempts to scare others with total failure. Risking everything you have to corrupt others that only embarrasses you. It can also point to hurting people, lying, cheating, stealing, or disrespecting others because you can't have what you want. A light brown snake is often mistaken for a copper colored snake so consider both colors for your dream.

A light brown snake represents a fear of loss or total failure due to an improvement in your life. Fearing that fixing something will make your life worse. A positive opportunity to improve yourself that scares scares you. Powerful insecurity or a fear of embarrassment if you achieve your goals. (e.g A boy you like finding out you're a bad kisser or a virgin if you end up dating him, or fearing the government demanding more money from you if you are honest with your taxes). A copper snake is often mistaken for a light brown snake so consider both colors for your dream.

To dream of a dark brown snake may represent a fear of an improvement in your life spoiling other areas of your life. Fearing getting rid of a problem because it will make your life worse. Fearing getting rid of something important to you and becoming a failure because of it. Alternatively, a dark brown snake may reflect your own deceptive intentions to force someone else to get rid of something they don't want to get rid of.

A white snake represents a fear of total loss caused by a requirement to be perfect. Good intentions that cause others total failure. Something genuine or positive in your life that corrupts or contaminates everything else around it. Something with good intentions that has no tolerance for alternative choices. A white snake with blue venom may represent consequences that are in your best interest, but don't feel good. A fear of maturing or having to be honest. A "total evil asshole" in your life that demands perfection that you feel is excessive.

To dream of a light blue snake represents a positive person or situation that scares you with losing all you have if you don't behave positive. A fear of total failure if you are caught doing a single thing wrong. It may reflect something in your life that is being guarded or that demands total adherence to specific rules. Alternatively, a light blue snake may reflect a positive person or situation that is antagonistic to your goals. A good person that undermines you.

A dark green snake represents a corrupting influence that is selfish, arrogant, or greedy. Selfish thoughts or habits that undermine other more positive areas of your life. A strong need to put yourself first or powerful insecurities that derail a genuine endeavor. Selfishness that corrupts all else. A fear of total failure due to someone else's selfishness.

To dream of riding on the back of a snake represents feelings about something dangerous you are using to scare people away from you. Enjoying making people feel you are dangerous. Feeling that it's easy to scare people with severe losses if they get in your way. Alternatively, it may reflect a feeling of safety you get from being able to make other people feel you are too dangerous.

To dream of a being choked by a snake may represent feelings about a negative influence that is preventing you from expressing yourself.

Females often dream of snakes when they fear sex, getting pregnant, or losing their virginity.

Example: A girl once dreamed of a poisonous snake that seduced her and was impossible to resist. In real life she was dealing with an extremely attractive man that was pursuing her that she didn't trust. The snake reflected her view of this man being a "player" and just telling her whatever she wanted to hear in order to sleep with her.

Example 2: A woman dream of a white snake. In waking life she lived in a strict religious community. Due to the religious laws of this community she was unable to express herself or do anything that wasn't approved by the community. The white snake reflected her feelings about the strict morality laws of the religious community corrupting all her happiness.

Example 3: A man once dreamed of running through a forest trying to avoid snakes. In real life he was confronting a number of dangerous problems at once.

Example 4: A woman once dreamed of being choked by a snake. In real life she was resisting revealing her sexual desire for a co-worker out of fear that she'd be fired. The snake reflected her fear of being fired that was preventing her from expressing her feelings.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being threatened by a number of dark brown snakes. In waking life her husband threatened to leave her and not talk to her again. The dark brown snakes reflected her fear of losing her husband that could spoil her family life forever.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of a grey snake chasing her. In waking life she was having anxiety about the COVID-19 virus destroying her business and harming her daughter. The snake in this case may have reflected her anxieties about COVID-19 corrupting or ruining all her hopes for her business and family.

*Please See Boa Constrictor

*Please See Rattlesnake

*Please See Pythons

*Please See Cobras



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