To dream of a cooking pot represents goals or objectives you are working towards that take time. Time is the only obstacle to reaching your goals. Everything you need in in place for a special future moment.
*Please See Flower Pots
Potted Plants
*Please See Plants
To dream of pottery represents sensitive feelings about maintaining a pleasant situation. Not wanting to be careless with others feelings after making up. Not wanting to embarrass or anger someone because it makes life a lot easier for you. A careful attitude about relationships or social interaction with others.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing himself thinking of giving an old friend gift earrings made of pottery and then deciding to change his mind not to. In waking life the old friend had tried to make up with him after 10 years of rudely ignoring him. He was considering showing up at a family event the old friend was having to make amends, but decided he didn't feel comfortable doing so. The gift pottery in the dream may have reflected his feelings about giving his old friend a chance to make up and carefully never insult him again.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing pottery smashing. In waking life she was being really nice to a professional to get advice from him for free because she felt that she had previously angered him. When the advice wasn't pleasant to hear she believed the professional was starting to get angry again when he wasn't. The pottery in this case may have reflected her feelings about how sensitive it felt to maintain a pleasant friendship with the professional taking extra care not to be careless with her words.
*Please See Chickens
*Please See Chicken (Food).
*Please See Weight
*Please See Money
To dream of pouring a liquid substance represents controlled outing of something that requires attention. Controlling outing something to be seen like it isn't a mistake. Deciding to "out that" information or possibility. Feeling that carefulness is needed to make sure something is done perfect because it might be too easy.
To dream of pouring liquid out on the ground represents feelings about controlling yourself paying attention to how easy it is to release something. Not minding that other people see something you did or said is reckless. Feeling that you are "over that." Reckless release of something that usually requires carefulness. Controlling why there is nothing is left to experience.
To dream of pouring liquid to drink represents the carefully preparing for an experience that is going to be made very easy like it isn't a mistake. Controlled outing of something that's allowed to be easy. Something kept under control is being carefully released for easy experience. Feeling that someone in control made an experience easy for you. Preparing to experience something easy that is usually controlled. Feelings about caring that it's easy to do something. Feeling that it's easy to have to experience something.
To dream of something pouring out by accident or when nobody was looking represents feelings about a situation where something is usually controlled and was released due to a mishap, recklessness, or oversight.
Example: A woman dreamed of pouring lavender oil onto her bosses feet. In waking life wanted to protect her bosses job to protect her own. The action of pouring the lavender oil may have reflected her feelings about controlled careful attention to help her boss.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of hot water being poured on her legs while inside a church. In waking life she was questioning her faith and not attending church as much as she used to. The pouring of hot water on her legs in this case may have reflected her feelings about anyone at church making her feel immoral if they brought up her lack of church attendance while taking to her. The pouring may have specifically pointed to her feelings about a controlled outing of her lack of attendance. Talking to anyone in church casually made her feel like church was getting her back.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing blue and red paint up high on opposite sides pour downwards to make purple paint. In waking life he was experiencing a dangerous situation that he wasn't prepared for, but was given advice to deal with it completely. In this case the pouring of red and blue paint may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the controlled outing of danger and good advice that required his attention simultaneously (blue+red) to create a neutral situation (purple paint) because he effectively dealt with the crisis.
*Please See Spill
*Please See Rain
*Please See Poor
Power Drill
To dream of a power drill represents an ability or resource that allows you to achieve goals with little effort. Something that makes solving a problem easier or gives you a lot of control over a difficult situation.
To dream of power drill bits represents a variety options that you can use to easily solve a problem or comfortably keep something under control.
Example: A man once dreamed of being unable to find a power drill. In real life he felt unable to find an effective solution to a health problem. Nothing he did enabled to easily get control over his health.
Power Lines
To dream about power lines represents feelings of stable empowerment. How securely empowered you feel or how securely empowered you perceive someone else to be. A situation in your life that gives you access to a constant feeling of power. Feeling perfectly connected to a source of power at all times. Feeling that it's impossible or extremely difficult to lose your connection to power.
Negatively, power lines may reflect feelings jealousy of other people being more secure with their empowerment than you are. People that are jealous of you and intentionally keep other people more connected to power or winning than you are. Problems associated with interrupting a confident mindset of being powerful. Other people that are never jealous at all while you can only watch them with less power.
To dream of being entangled in power lines represents your conflict with getting power or staying powerful. It may also reflect feelings of being stuck or controlled by someone else's power.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing power lines. In waking life he had lost a lot of weight and became exceptionally more physically attractive. He felt a strong sense of power over women and felt he could never lose that power again.
Example 2: A man dreamed of fearing that power lines near him would cause cancer. In waking life he was experiencing a very difficult moment with his business that allowed all his competition to be more successful than him with little effort. He felt that other people's stable sense of power may cause to slowly lose everything he had worked for.
Power Nailer
*Please See Nail Gun
Power Plant
To dream of a power plant represents an area of your life that all else depends on. An enabler of status, leverage, or success that you embarrasses you if it's removed from your life. Good times or happiness that can't continue if something important is lost.
Example: A woman dreamed of a power plant being about to explode. In waking life she knew her engagement was about to end. The power plant being close to exploding reflected her feelings about the influence of her coming wedding on all her social interaction disappearing.
To dream of practice represents feelings and experiences related to the act of repetition, improvement, and refinement in some aspect of your life. Dedication to honing your skills, abilities, or knowledge in pursuit of mastery or competence. Your thoughts about the importance of discipline, dedication, and hard work in achieving your goals. Feelings about the importance of preparation, skill development, or refining abilities. Feeling that it's important to be better than you currently are. Feelings of maintaining consistency with principles or ethics. Feel pressure to be good at something or perform well.
Positively, dreaming about practice may represent a strong work ethic, perseverance, and commitment to self-improvement. A conscious effort to enhance your proficiency, confidence, and performance in a particular area. A sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as you witness the progress resulting from your diligent efforts. A proactive and diligent approach to life's challenges. A conscious choice to invest time and effort in personal growth or skill development. Feelings about your dedication and commitment to performing at your best.
Negatively, dreaming about practice may represent feelings of inadequacy, frustration, impatience, or self-doubt about your current level of skill or knowledge. A fear of not being good enough, feelings of being unprepared for upcoming challenges, or anxiety about the need for more practice. A fear of failure or the pressure to meet high expectations causing stress and anxiety about your performance. A tendency to over-focus on perfectionism, leading to unnecessary stress or burnout. Questioning whether your hard work will pay off in the end. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the amount of effort required to achieve your goals, or you might be experiencing self-doubt about your ability to succeed. Frustration with the slow progress.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a big white practice room. In waking life, he was frustrated with his band and having trouble finding auditions. In this case, the practice room may have reflected his feelings of needing to focus on improving the band's performance and cohesion, despite the challenges in finding opportunities to showcase their talent.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being told to "practice what you preach" by someone who didn't like her passing by in a car. In waking life, she recently got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend over money and took back a rosary gift she gave him. He fought to keep it. She apologized. In this case, being chastised to "practice what you preach" may have reflected her feelings of being confronted with her own inconsistency or hypocrisy.
To dream of a prairie represents feeling good thinking that there is "no end in sight" to good relationships or family life. Feeling that "family is forever." Enjoying feelings about situations never ever changing at all.
Negatively, prairies may reflect heightened sensitivity about death or losing a loved one.
Example: An elderly woman dreamed of putting making a golden dress while she laid down in a prairie. In waking life she was beginning to think of enjoying herself giving things away to her family so that they'd want to enjoy spending more time with her. The prairie may have reflected her wish to feel good with her family thinking about her never dying.
To dream of getting praise represents feelings of being the best, acknowledgement, being respected, or feeling good that you are doing something right.
To dream of giving praise represents your feelings of being happy with the way a situation is a lot. Liking something a lot. Feeling appreciate about why everything in a situation works. You feelings that something is the best. Acknowledgement. Respecting yourself thinking about how something has to be the best.
Negatively, giving praise may be a sign that you are too concerned with why something good or happy is ever going to stay that way when it might not.
Example: A man dream of praising God before experiencing trouble with a snake. In waking life he had gone 2 years without discussing his infidelity with his wife before re-discussing it again the night before having the dream. The man praising to God in this case may have reflected how positive and appreciative he felt about everything in his life working despite his infidelity where the snake reflected unnecessary problems with the relationship after bringing the infidelity up again in conversation.
*Please See Shrimp
To dream of praying represents hoping for the best or a desire to escape an unpleasant situation. Feeling that you need help in a situation that feels impossible or too difficult to fix yourself. You may be at a loss to know how to react to a problem, hoping that a situation will end positively, or letting fate decide an outcome.
Praying may be a sign that you feel powerless in a situation or don't know what to do to fix a problem yourself. An overwhelming feeling of hope to succeed in some area of your life that you are insecure about. A possible sign that you are not believing in yourself enough.
Negatively, praying in a dream may reflect too much reliance of God, faith, or hope. Possibly a sign that more physical action is required of you to help someone or something. Desperation that something you want or need badly will happen. Wasting time hoping for the best when talking to people or taking personal action might be better. Wasting having faith in people or life to carry you through difficulties when it may dangerous or unrealistic to do so. Wasting time hoping for a chance to avoid changing when change may be what is best for you.
Example: A young girl dreamed of praying that tornadoes weren't going to destroy her home and kill her. In waking life she was preparing to leave home and hoping that she wasn't going to embarrass herself failing in life and having to move back home after she did move out.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of praying. In waking life she and her husband were very concerned about about her husband's business going bankrupt.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of praying about her sister. In waking life she was jealous that her sister was beginning to distance herself from her socially. She hoped the problem would go away on it's own.
*Please See Church
*Please See Priest
Praying Mantis
To dream of a praying mantis represents your feelings about a person or situation that has a total disregard for your feelings. Feeling that someone is intentionally unsupportive. It may also reflect your feelings about a person scares you that they will never listen to you. Feeling forced to face your fear. An unbearable dilemma or inevitability.
A praying mantis may also reflect your own attempts to pressure people with fear or unbearableness to get them to go away. Insensitively subjecting others to their fear.
Positively, a praying mantis may reflect forcing others to face their fears when they don't want to. Not listening to the feelings of someone you are preparing to force into making a change they have absolutely no interest in making.
A praying mantis is a common symbol for people who take drugs and have bad trips because it reflects the person's feelings about how unbearable it feels that the negative experience will not stop.
Ayahuasca users commonly report seeing a praying mantis symbolism while intoxicated by the tea. The praying mantis in these cases most likely symbolizes unpleasant confrontation with fear or other negative psychological issues. It may also reflect the vomiting or diarrhea.
Example: A young man dream of getting into a fight with a praying mantis and getting stung by it. In waking life he felt he was risking breaking up with his girlfriend if he left on a trip and took the trip anyway. His girlfriend broke up with him shortly after. The praying mantis most likely reflected his feelings about his choice to leave on the trip being completely at odds for his feelings.
To dream of a preacher represents an aspect of your personality that is lecturing, advocating, or teaching others. You or someone else may be trying to convince or direct others to think or act in a certain way.
Negatively, a preacher may be a sign that you are forcing ideas and beliefs on others, or that someone is forcing them on you.
*Please See Cliff
Pregnancy Test
To dream of a pregnancy test represents your need for verification that a new situation is going to happen. You may be checking for signals or indicators about new developments. Saying things to people, trying to get feedback, or trying to get a reaction out of someone to understand what may be about to happen.
Negatively, a pregnancy test may reflect a concern about a possible problem developing or that you are not ready to confront a problem.To dream of a pregnancy test being positive may reflect a sense of confirmation that a new situation or problem is developing. Anxiety that you are pregnant. Anxiety that you weren't careful as you believed you should have been.
To dream of a pregnancy test being negative may reflect disappointment or anxiety about new developments not beginning. Feeling that you are wasting your time trying to get something in your life started. It may also reflected happiness or reassurance that you are not going to have to be responsible for a new problem. Feelings about not being pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Feelings about not wanting to get pregnant.
Alternatively, a pregnancy test may reflect your waking life concern about being pregnant and wanting reassurance. Ignoring your intuition that's telling to get a pregnancy test.
Example: A young girl dreamed of taking a pregnancy test. In waking life she was noticing her missed period. The pregnancy test reflected the missed period being a signal to get a pregnancy test of which she kept putting off.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of having a negative pregnancy test. In waking life she was constantly checking and trying to understand her menstrual cycles to determine when the best time to conceive would be when she didn't really want to get pregnant.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of reading a pregnancy test, having trouble reading it, and then seeing a relative fart. In waking life she wanted to get pregnant, but embarrassed herself believing she might be pregnant.
To dream that you or someone else is pregnant represents something new that is developing in your life. A new way of thinking, new ideas, new goals, projects, or a new life situation. Preparations, choices, or consequences are leading towards a new life situation. A period of gestation of ideas or plans. A development phase that is sensitive. Carrying within you new life that may be in the form of a book, project, or new lifestyle. A time of transition. Feelings about a "new self" that is about to emerge. Contemplating making a big change.
A pregnancy in a dream also reflect some area of your life where more of something is being increased or produced. Artists often dream of being pregnant when they are starting a new work of art.
Negatively, being pregnant may reflect a new problem that is developing or a problem that is creating more problems. Watching the gestation of an event in your life that makes you jealous or scared. Feeling that a change in your life was not by choice and can't be denied.
To dream about trying to get pregnant may represent your desire or wish for something in your life to develop. A wish to get something that's important to you started.
If you are actually pregnant in real life then dreams of being pregnant may reflect your heightened anxiety or concerns about issues related to the pregnancy.
To dream of being pregnant with twins may represent feelings about developments in your life that will bring conflict. Expectations of conflict or arguments. Expectations for opposite opinions once a development or plan is completed. Feeling that once something in your life completes that you and someone else will think they are better than the other.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a pregnant women. In waking life she was an author that had come up with a new idea for a book to write.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a pregnant woman that was stressed out. In waking life he was trying very hard to develop and grow a new business idea, but felt that his family was being unsupportive of his hard work during a key moment.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of his girlfriend being pregnant. In waking life he had his first argument with her which caused her to sleep in a different bedroom. The pregnancy in this case may have negatively symbolized his feelings about the potential for a developing problem with his girlfriend wanting to leave him.
*Please See Birth
To dream of preparing for something represents a need or desire to be ready for upcoming challenges or events in waking life. It may reflect feelings of anticipation or excitement about a future opportunity or the need to be prepared for unexpected circumstances. Feelings about needing practice to be safe. Alternatively, it may reflect anxieties or concerns about being unprepared or not having the necessary resources to handle a situation. The specific nature of what is being prepared for in the dream can provide further insight into its meaning.
Example: A young woman dreamed of preparing for war. In waking life her ex-husband and father of her son lost all rights to visit her son due to abusive behavior. Her father had died recently as well. She's had to move avoid her ex. In this case the preparation for war may have reflected her feelings of needing to be ready to protect herself and her son from any potential danger or harm from her ex-husband. The dream may also symbolize her emotional preparedness to face the challenges and difficulties of her current situation.
*Please See Kindergarten
To dream of a prescription represents feelings about a specific direction, advice, regimen, or plan provided to address a problem. A recommended solution or a course of action that is perceived as necessary or helpful for healing, improvement, or addressing a specific issue. Thoughts about the importance of guidance, expertise, and following professional or expert advice. An option or behavior that you believe will fix a problem if you do it all the time. A clear and structured plan to resolve a problem.
Positively, dreaming about a prescription may represent trust in professional guidance, acceptance of help, or a willingness to follow a structured plan for improvement or healing. A conscious choice to adhere to advice or instructions believed to be beneficial for your well-being or progress. A proactive approach to solving a problem, healing, or making positive changes in your life.
Negatively, dreaming about a prescription may represent feelings of desperation, helplessness, or a lack of self-belief in your ability to solve problems independently. Feelings of being dependent on others for solutions or guidance. Bad, dangerous, or costly advice to resolve a problem. Doubts about your ability to handle a situation independently or a fear of making decisions without external validation. Perhaps you feel constrained by the need to follow a specific course of action, or you might be experiencing hesitation or resistance to adhering to advice that doesn't align with your personal beliefs or preferences. Solutions to problems that may not be the best or most effective options.
Example: A woman dreamed of the world ending and being with a man who was looking for prescription drugs. In waking life, she had financial issues, wanted a new job, and to change her life. In this case, the end-of-the-world scenario combined with the search for prescription drugs may have reflected her desire for a clear and structured plan (prescription) to navigate her challenges and bring about positive life changes.
*Please See Medicine
To dream of a presentation represents feeling good not making mistakes proving something works. Needing to impress others in a business like manner. Feelings about needing ideas accepted. Talking in great detail or depth. Getting ideas across clearly or professionally. Taking your time to explain something.
Negatively, dreaming about a presentation represents a need to prove something works to others that is long or boring. Being too concerned with overdoing explaining something or others. Too concerned with impressing others that something works. Explaining something carefully to someone who might get angry.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing 3 people dressed on suits in a bank office preparing a presentation walking around hoping that nothing is wrong. In waking life he was witnessing 3 guilty people making a public presentation for a business idea as an alternative to criminal charges while the 3 people were obviously very concerned with looking like there idea would work and impressing the audience.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of talking to a doctor on the phone to get him to do a presentation. In waking she wanted to talk to her husband about her health problems and life changes to explain them when he didn't like it.
*Please See Gifts
To dream of a president represents an aspect of yourself that has authority, power, or total control over others. Power structure or management structure. Awareness of a hierarchy that must be respected before all else. The ability to make important or serious decisions. Authoritarian decision-making abilities. You or someone else that has to be taken seriously.
The ability to tell others what to do. You or someone else that is dictating the terms or outcome of a situation. The right to be in charge and give orders. A president may also reflect an important decision you are making.
To dream that you are President may reflect feelings about yourself having the power to delegate decisions or control people by simply asking for it. Feelings about your power, connections, or resources having to be respected before all else.
Your personal opinions, feelings, or memories about the president may add additional symbolism. (e.g. President Nixon may symbolize corrupt power and control, Kennedy may reflect naive tragic idealistic progress.)
To dream that you are running for president represents your quest for power or authority. A relationship or situation that you feel you deserve to lead or control.
To dream of the US President represents an aspect of your personality that has total authority over a mindset of thinking freely.
Negatively, the US President may reflect overdoing pushing away anything that doesn't let you think freely. Your view of another person having too much power of your ability to think freely. A man controlling a woman's ability to think freely because he has total authority over finances or total control over her life.
To dream of meeting the US President represents feelings about be exposed to power or management responsibilities that you don't normally get exposed to. Tasting power.
Example: A woman dreamed that she was President and feeling that people were scared of her. In waking life she felt powerful after filing a complaint against a noisy neighbor and scaring them with potential eviction. She felt that she had the power to make simple phone calls or letters to make other carry out her will.
Example 2: A person dreamed of a President dying. In waking life they were experiencing a big change in management at work.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of running away from the Donald Trump and the government. In waking life she was having marriage troubles. In this case Donald Trump may have reflected her feelings about his husband and his personality while arguing. At the time of the dream Donald Trump was US President. The dreamer may have felt that her husband was faster than her about power that controlled aspects of her life that allowed her to think freely.
To dream of pretending represents feelings about a situation or aspect of yourself that is not genuine or not being expressed authentically. The act of putting on a facade, disguising true feelings, or presenting a false image to others. Hiding your true intentions. Faking your actions to elicit a response. This dream might reflect your thoughts about the importance of honesty, authenticity, and being true to oneself.
Positively, dreaming about pretending may represent adaptability, creativity, and the ability to navigate different social situations effectively by adjusting your behavior or appearance. It may reflect a strategic choice to temporarily adopt a certain behavior or persona to achieve a specific goal or to protect oneself in challenging circumstances. Resourcefulness and the capacity to imagine or envision different outcomes or paths. Hiding their true emotions to avoid causing tension or conflict.
Negatively, dreaming about pretending could represent feelings of inauthenticity, deceit, or a lack of integrity. Feeling that you are being deceived or manipulated by someone in your waking life. Discomfort with your current situation or identity. Perhaps there's a fear of being exposed or judged for who you truly are, or you might be struggling with the pressure to conform to external expectations or norms that don't align with your inner truth. It could also point to a feeling of being trapped in a role or situation that doesn't reflect your true desires or capabilities. Inner conflicts or a fear of being exposed as a fraud.
To dream of others pretending and realizing it in the dream may reflect your awareness of insincerity or deceitfulness in people around you. It could symbolize your ability to see through others' facades or recognize when someone is not being genuine with you. This might be a call to trust your intuition and be more cautious about whom you trust.
To dream of pretending to be someone else represents feelings about exploring different aspects of your personality or experimenting with different roles in life. A desire to escape from your current identity or circumstances, suggesting a need for change or for a different perspective on life.
To dream of pretending to ignore something represents feelings about choosing to overlook issues or avoid acknowledging something important. A conscious decision to stay oblivious to a situation or to avoid confronting a problem. A reflection of denial, avoidance, or a coping mechanism to handle a situation that feels too overwhelming or unpleasant. You may be deliberately overlooking something in your waking life because you don't want to deal with the emotional or practical consequences. Your attempt to avoid confronting a situation or issue that you find difficult or uncomfortable. Avoiding the consequences of embarrassing someone. This dream could indicate a need to address the problem head-on rather than pretending it doesn't exist.
To dream of pretending that something is happening while you are by yourself represents your attempt to believe in feeling what something is like to understand it or prepare yourself. A sign that you are overwhelmed by a situation that feels impossible or impatient about something that hasn't happened yet. It may indicate that you are in denial or avoiding facing a difficult reality. This could be a way of coping with stress, fear, or uncertainty by pretending that everything is fine when it's not.
To dream of pretending to call the police represents your attempt to use authority or intimidation to maintain control or keep others in line. You may be facing a situation where you feel the need to assert yourself or take charge, but you may not actually have the power or support to do so.
Example: A young man dreamed of his stepmother talking mean behind his back and then pretending that she wasn't when she came to speak to him. In waking life, he was unemployed and in the process of job searching. In this case, the stepmother pretending that she never talked mean behind his back may have reflected his feelings about a potential employer who seemed friendly and encouraging during an interview but whom he suspected might not genuinely consider him as a serious candidate for the job.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a prophet giving her a prophetic warning about needing to be careful about people who pretend to congratulate her. In waking life, she was in the middle of a divorce and felt that her husband was dragging the case out indefinitely which kept her life on hold. In this case, the prophetic warning about people pretending to congratulate her may have reflected her cautious and discerning feelings when dealing with lawyers who gave her a false sense of confidence that a new legal strategy would end the legal battle.
Example 3: A man dreamed of pretending to call the police. In waking life, he was put in charge of cleaning a large room while people began to challenge his integrity and authority to get rid of the garbage. In this case, pretending to call the police may have reflected his feelings about using the threat of authority or consequences as a way to maintain control and respect in the situation. It could represent his desire to assert his authority without actually having to enforce it, hoping that the mere suggestion would be enough to keep others in line.
To dream of a pretzel represents feeling good being objective that something isn't a problem at all. Feeling good about not having to take action at the current moment. Feeling that it's an objective or intelligent choice to wait for something. Feeling that you to smart to have to do anything except wait. Relaxing or "taking it easy" while you wait for something to happen.
Negatively, a pretzel may reflect your preference to not notice someone else's problems. Feeling good knowing you don't need to help someone else. Being too casual about something serious. Not liking to feeling that you are required to accept something you don't like with a casual objective attitude.
Alternatively, a pretzel may reflect how you feel good keeping to yourself or minding your own business.
Example: A young man dreamed of eating pretzels. In waking life he was waiting for a important change to occur before getting serious about his business. He felt that it was better to relax and allow the change to occur before he bothered getting stressed out with hard work that may end up being unnecessary.
To dream of a price represents your personal or emotional cost. What you have to give up, change, or provide to someone else to get what you want in life. It may also reflect the value you place on yourself, your time, or your abilities.
Alternatively, a price may reflect your personal investment in a situation. What sacrifices or compromises may be requires of you to achieve a goal.
To dream of a priest (not a preacher) represents moral obligation, or ensuring that principles are adhered to. You or a situation in your life may require a stronger sense of discipline, fairness, or proper conduct.
A priest may be a sign that that something in your life is interesting you in conservative behavior or staying away from bad habits or situations.
*Please See Preacher
To dream of a prince represents an aspect of your personality that is entitled. Knowing that something is always yours, that you deserve the most, or that you are more important in some way.
Negatively, a prince can reflect self-importance, arrogance, or conceit.
To dream of a princess represents an aspect of your personality that is powerful because they are viewed as being too perfect, beautiful, or impressive. You or someone that feels that there is nothing wrong with them. Too good or too beautiful to be bothered with problems. Always getting your way because you are special.
Negatively, a princess may reflect selfishness, vanity, being spoiled, or being too demanding. You or someone else that thinks they are too perfect to "get their hands dirty" or do things for themselves.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being a princess. In waking life she wanted a boyfriend, but felt that she was too special to be an average boy. Being a princess in the dream may have reflected her feelings about herself being special and deserving to be picky.
*Please See Tiara
Princess Diana
To dream of Princess Diana may represent an aspect of yourself that has integrity and importance that never embarrasses itself with what it looks like believing in itself thinking everyone else's feelings matter, but with a sense of tragedy about having lost it. Feelings about yourself or someone else who is perceived as kind-hearted, compassionate, and caring, yet tragically flawed or lost. The pain of losing something precious or the struggle of dealing with a significant loss, while still maintaining dignity and grace.
Negatively, dreaming about Princess Diana may represent overdoing wanting people to feel bad for you regarding a tragic loss that makes look more important, kind-hearted, compassionate, and caring than other people.
Princess Diana dreams may occur to people who feel the loss of something or someone significant in their lives, symbolizing the grief, sorrow, and longing associated with that loss. Experiencing a sense of loss or grief, especially when they still feel the need to present a strong, composed exterior to the world. Feelings of sorrow mixed with the pressure to uphold a certain image or reputation, as well as the challenges of navigating personal struggles while being in the public eye or under scrutiny. A desire to handle grief with dignity.
Dreams of Princess Diana may commonly accompany other death-related symbolism.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in the bathroom and seeing her recently deceased dog walking around. The scene changes to standing beside Princess Diana who was wearing a gold bracelet while clasping her hand in front of her. In waking life, the dreamer missed their recently deceased dog who died of brain cancer. In this case, Princess Diana may have reflected feelings about people appreciating her because of her dog and the dog's popular family life personality, while also carrying the sense of tragedy associated with the dog's death due to brain cancer, making people miss the dog dearly. Princess Diana may also represent a desire to handle her grief with dignity.
*Please See Celebrities
*Please See People
To dream of a school principal represents social justice. A principal may be an ability to embarrass someone, make them insecure, or control what they think. He may also reflect an unpleasant issue in your life that you feel powerful enough to ignore, or manipulate in your favor.
A school principal may also represent your feelings about an issue that embarrasses you, or forces you to do something you didn't think you had to. You may have thought you could get away with something that proved wrong. You may feel guilt or regret.
To dream of an evil principal may reflect your own insensitive use of power to embarrass someone, or your projection of an insensitive situation that feels embarrassing or unfair.
To dream of fighting or attacking a principal may represent your defiance or resistance against an issue that you thought you could get away with or never need to confront.
Principal's Office
To dream of a principal's office represents an issue in your life that is encouraging social justice. Either your desire to get back at someone who making you care about a problem or an issue that is forcing you into having to deal with it.
*Please See Principal
*Please See Printers
*Please See Laser Printer
*Please See Printing Press
To dream of a printer represents an ability or wish to express thoughts or ideas so that others can understand. Communicating what you are thinking or making your plans known. Articulation.
Alternatively, a printer may symbolize the realization of plans.
Example: A woman dreamed of a printer being on a table and someone being rude to her when she wanted to use it. In waking life he was an older woman with a 17 year-old daughter. She went to college with her daughter so they could begin studying to complete high school equivalency test. The printer she was rudely kept away from may have reflected her feelings disliking not being able to ask someone to help her complete her high-school equivalency test quickly or have it given to her easily because of her age.
*Please See Laser Printer
Printing Press
To dream of a printing press represents a wish to articulate or communicate something important to other people. Getting the word out. Talking about something all the time.
To dream of a printing press for newspapers may reflect a wish to communicate a serious issue or problem to other people that you feel is a priority. Talking about something important all the time.
To dream of prison represents feelings of confinement or restriction. You can't do what you want or feel held back. You may feel forced to do something or to give up something. Feeling trapped in a situation you can't get out of. Feeling repressed.
Alternatively, dreaming about being in jail may reflect feelings about discipline or consequences. Feeling that you are being punished.
Dreaming of being in a prison may reflect feelings of being stuck in a relationship that isn't benefiting you anymore. Feeling that your life revolves around keeping someone else happy
Example: A woman dreamed of being locked in a prison by a man with a "rat hood." In waking life she felt trapped in an unhappy marriage that she couldn't leave because her husband had too much control over the family finances including the children's college education fund.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a prison cell. In waking life he was in a hospital and they wouldn't let him out.
Example 3: A man dreamed of being trapped in jail and wanting out. In waking life he was having serious doubts about going through with his wedding. He felt trapped in the relationship. He ended up cancelling the wedding and ending the relationship.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being inside a hospital jail. In waking life she felt stuck in a failing marriage that she was trying in vain to improve.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a man in a yellow jail cell. In waking she was having sensitivity issues with believing the impeachment process US President Donald Trump was going to limit his reelection prospects.
*Please See Penitentiary
Prison Camp
To dream of a prison camp represents feelings of confinement and restriction that feels purposely unbearable. Punishment that looks for new ways to make sure you don't enjoy yourself. Feeling that restrictions are being adjusted to keep you unhappy. Feeling that restrictions being placed on you are for someone else's benefit. Accommodating the expectations of others to the point of unhappiness. Feeling restricted to work only. Trapped in a work setting.
Example: A young girl dreamed of trying to tunnel out of a prison camp and escape. In waking life they were living in a very strict home and carefully trying to get around the rules in secret.
*Please See Prison
*Please See Boot Camp
*Please See Concentration Camp
Prison Guards
To dream of a prison guard represents you or someone else that is concerned that a restriction holds. Feeling that repaying debts or suffering punishment is mandatory. Feeling that nobody will help you escape the consequences of your actions. It may also reflect a person or situation that is making sure you face your karma whether you like it or not.
Alternatively, a prison guard may represent acceptance of your own guilt. A part of you that knows your guilty and must do something about it. Punishing yourself or feeling that the consequences must be repaid. Restricting your own growth or happiness.
To dream that you are a prison guard represents your wish to restrict someone else or make sure they face the consequences of their actions. It may also reflect your attempt to make sure that debts are repaid or the punishment is experienced in full. Not letting someone off easy.
Example: A man dreamed of being handed a white bible by a prison guard. In waking life he was actually in prison and felt that he had to change his ways because he knew he was guilty.
To dream of a prisoner represents you or someone else that is limited, restricted, or prevented from doing what they really want. Alternatively, you may feel you are being punished for something.
*Please See Convict
To dream of lacking privacy represents feelings of being unable to think freely or fears of your true intentions being discovered. Feeling that you can't be yourself. It may also reflect feelings of being intruded on or constantly criticized. You may not want other people to see the "real you."
*Please See Nakedness
Private School
To dream of a private school represents being self-conscious about responsibilities or obligations. You care or are concerned that your choices are mature, intelligent, or of a higher standard.
To dream of receiving a prize represents feelings about acknowledgment, achievement, rewards, or validation for something you have done better than someone else. Believing in yourself deserving to be the best at something. Rewards of hard work, talent, or perseverance. Feelings about a recent win. A sense of accomplishment. Notable progress with personal goals. Satisfaction, pride, or fulfillment in reaching goals or overcoming challenges. Thoughts about being rewarded for your hard work or being appreciated for your contributions. Feelings of respect or acknowledgment you receive from others for your achievements. Feelings about achieving victory of being better than someone else. Alternatively, a prize may reflect your feelings of being special or lucky.
Negatively, dreaming about prizes represents feelings of competition, envy, or not being acknowledged as much as you feel you deserve. A preoccupation with winning or being the best, possibly at the expense of other aspects of your life. Not liking anything except being better than other people. Feeling that being first is more important.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of dead octopuses. In waking life, she was dealing with her own jealous imagination of her boyfriend liking his ex-girlfriend or other girls. In this case, the dead octopuses being prizes may have reflected her feelings about the death of her jealous clinginess and possessiveness about the other girls as a victory with achieving her boyfriend's full affection and loyalty.
To dream of being on probation represents a situation in waking life that requires you to prove that your responsible. Feeling that you need to prove that you can be trusted again. Attempting to regain trust after having lost it.
To dream of a procession represents feelings about a collective or communal sense of significant transition, change, or milestone in your life. The collective acknowledgment of progress, the completion of a phase, or moving forward from one stage of life to another. The culmination of collective efforts. Feelings of being overwhelmed by collective expectations surrounding major life changes. Feeling pressured to conform to societal norms during significant life events.
To dream of a religious procession represents a collective or communal expression of faith, devotion, or a shared belief system that believes it's leading to something important or an inevitable outcome.
To dream of a military procession represents feelings about a collective sense of defensiveness about never backing down or changing a mindset while believing in an inevitable outcome. A sense of unity with others who share your beliefs. Collective feelings of pride, solidarity, and being entrenched while being a part of something larger than yourself. It could suggest a strong sense of purpose and commitment to a common goal. Feeling pressured to conform, or experiencing a situation where there is little room for individual expression because taking a side is important.
To dream of a funeral procession represents a sense of collectively acknowledging a loss or an ending. Feelings about the shared human experience of loss and transition. It can highlight the emotional journey of letting go, moving on, and the support you receive or wish you had during this time. Feelings of supportiveness or togetherness while believing in an eventual inevitable loss. Awareness about people's emotional supportiveness while experiencing a loss or letting go of some area of your life. Your own process of coming to terms with a loss, whether it's a job, a relationship, a belief, or even an aspect of your own identity in a community or collective of people aware of it. A collective feeling that "life goes on" despite an inevitable loss or transition.
Example: A man dreamed of being part of his own funeral procession where he expected to be buried alive while wondering what his death would feel like. In waking life, he was unemployed and eager to move up from his current life situation. In this case, the funeral procession may have reflected his feelings about his life leading to a personal downfall or failure while the supportiveness of his friends and family was unable to help him escape an inevitable ruination by debt due to his unemployment.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a military procession where he ex-boyfriend walked off to the left with is cadets down a dead-end street. The rest of the procession went on without him and nobody noticed. In waking life, she recently broke up with her abusive ex-boyfriend and was slowly beginning to adjust to her old self. In this case, the procession may have reflected her feelings about friends on both sides of the relationship forming a supportive collective during their last fight that ultimately led to her ex-boyfriend moving on with his life without more violence while her friends didn't think of anything he ever said being important while continuing to collectively support her.
*Please See Swearing
Professional Athlete
To dream of a professional athlete represents an aspect of yourself that is an expert at winning or being competitive. You or someone else in your life that is experienced at being the best or being the most attractive. Feeling no jealousy at all when it comes to winning.
Negatively, you may be feeling that you aren't "measuring up" enough or being as competitive as you think you should be. You may feel ugly, weak, or less of a winner than someone else. It may also reflect your obsessions with winning that are going too far.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a professional athlete opening a door for him. In waking life his nagging doubts about the name of the company he was building inspired him to come up with a brand new name that was much more attractive.
To dream of a professor represents feelings about yourself or someone else being exceptionally intelligent and helpful. Feelings about being stupid or that you are wasting your life if you don't listen to someone. Feelings about knowing more about a subject than anyone else.
Negatively, a professor in a dream may reflect an arrogant wish to avoid listening to someone in your life that is smarter than you at something. Avoiding letting someone with more experience than you teach you something because you don't want to fell stupid. Negative thoughts about someone who you believe thinks they know everything. Choosing to ignore boring responsible advice for something more fun. Being told you are stupid of yo don't listen to someone's advice.
Alternatively, a professor in a dream may reflect your own tendency to lecture other people too much with intelligent advice. Obsession with knowledge or expertise you can share. Sharing your advanced knowledge with others.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a professor call him stupid. In waking life the man's son was trying to teach him something about a subject for which he was an expert. This annoyed the man because he didn't like feeling stupid listening to anyone younger than him.
*Please See Teachers
To dream of profits represent benefiting or taking advantage of a situation.
Negatively, profits in a dream may reflect you or someone else that is taking advantage of others. Benefiting from others failures or misfortune. It may also reflect using people.
*Please See Movie Projector
To dream of a project represents a goal, purpose, or accomplishment that you are very focused on and want to see succeed. You may be working on something that takes a long time to finish and is important that it ends up perfect.
*Please See Housing Projects
To dream of a prom represents feeling good being finished developing yourself in some way. Showing off or celebrating your accomplishments. Enjoying something you've pushed yourself hard to earn. Feeling impressed with yourself. A beautiful ending to a challenging time.
Alternatively, a prom may reflect acknowledgment of a milestone that has been reached. High expectations or enthusiasm for the future.
To dream of not enjoying your prom may reflect a person or situation that is 'raining on your parade" or "stealing your thunder." Feeling unable to enjoy your accomplishments.
The dream of a "promise" represents a commitment, assurance, or guarantee made to oneself or to others. It can also represent hope, potential, or expectation for a positive outcome in the future. A promise in a dream may also indicate a need for trust, reliability, and responsibility in personal relationships or a situation. A sense of responsibility or duty, as well as the need to maintain trust and integrity in relationships. Faith in a certain outcome or a person's word. An inner promise or commitment that the dreamer has made to themselves.
Negatively, dreaming about a promise represents unfulfilled expectations, disappointment, betrayal, mistrust, and dishonesty. Dreaming of a broken promise may indicate a fear of being let down, while dreaming of an unfulfilled promise may suggest feelings of frustration or disappointment. Additionally, dreaming of a promise that is never fulfilled may signify a lack of trust in oneself or others. A dream of a promise that turns out to be a lie may indicate feelings of betrayal or deception.
Example: A young woman dreamed of asking her boyfriend to breath underwater with her and he doubted her and said "No you can't, you promise you can?" and she said "yes, I promise". In waking life her boyfriend was doubting himself deserving to be with her because they just moved into a new apartment together and had financial difficulties. In this case the promise may reflect the dreamer being aware of her insecure boyfriend needing assurances that she wasn't going to leave him despite the financial difficulties. The dream reveals her desire to reassure her boyfriend and reinforce their bond despite any external difficulties they may be facing.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of her ex-boyfriend, who broke up with her prior to her current breakup, putting a skull ring on her middle finger to seal the promise. In waking life she got sick with mono and then her boyfriend broke up with her. She then called her previous ex-boyfriend because to feel better because she was upset. In this case the ring on her middle finger used to seal the promise may reflect the dreamer's desire for a strong and permanent commitment in her relationships while wanting to get back at her current ex.
To dream of a getting a job promotion represents a heightened level of self-confidence. It may also reflect feeling more respectable than you previously were. Feeling good about yourself being important.
Alternatively, a promotion may reflect feelings of more responsibility being handed to you in your waking life.
To dream of propaganda may represent feelings about situations where there is a persistent or aggressive attempt to force enthusiasm for certain beliefs or agendas. Feeling annoyed that someone is too concerned with telling you what to do. A lack of critical thinking.
Negatively, propaganda may reflect the use of fear to drive people away from believing in themselves or pursuing their own ideas. Believing something is wrong, but agreeing to comply with it anyway. Relentless attempts to tell people what to do. Fear of speaking freely. Transparent or obvious lies being told repeatedly. Feeling that someone else's agenda is more important to them than respecting you. Feeling insulted that someone thinks you are so stupid that you will believe whatever you are told.
Propane Tank
To dream of a propane tank represents situations in your life that you are always concerned about being perfect. People or situations that you never want to risk neglecting, abusing, or being careless with. Something you feel has to always be completely looked after.
To dream of buying property represents a new perspective on a situation. Trying something new, changing yourself, or acquiring a new way to look at life.
To dream of owning property represents values, ideas, achievements, or things about yourself that you can be confident about or know will not change. How you see yourself or feel about yourself. Skills, talents, or abilities you can always rely on. Stability and status.
To dream of a prophecy represents feelings about powerful or ominous foresight. Feeling that a prediction is inevitable. A powerful sense of purpose. Feelings about destiny being predicted. Feeling about divine purpose. Powerful feelings about your life having an important meaning.
Negatively, a prophecy may reflect situations where you or others are embarrassing themselves believing that something is going to happen. Putting too much confidence in predictions. Putting too much confidence in expecting worst case scenarios to happen. Feeling that doom and gloom is inevitable. Expecting the worst. Feeling that you are destined to do something that is dangerous or immoral. Feeling that you are destined to do something important that has never been verified. Relying too much on expecting fate to help you in your life.
Alternatively, dreaming about prophecies may be a sign that you are over-confident about miracles, God intervening, or spiritual destiny. Fear of undesired outcomes being inevitable because of destiny.
Note: Prophetic dreams are very rare. It much more likely that you will experience dreams that predict the future in a metaphorical story form that describes the future based on your emotional state as opposed to a literal prediction. For example, one might dream of walking down a hallway towards a crossroads of different directions with events occurring if you walk down a left or right path. This may mirror waking life where you are experiencing a transition and then experience certain outcomes based on the choices available to you once you reach the end of the transition. A dream such as this may have predicted the final outcome of your life situation in metaphorical form.
Example: A man dreamed of being told a divine prophecy. In waking life he was very interested the purpose of his life with God.
To dream of a proposal represents a permanent decision or commitment that is being considered. The potential for a change. A person or situation may be asking for more commitment from you. A significant new opportunity or change is presenting itself. Doing everything you can to secure a situation or relationship for the future.
Alternatively, a proposal may reflect your feelings about marriage or a long-term relationship. If you are being proposed to, your reaction to the proposal may reflect your feelings about the relationship.
To dream of being prosecuted represents feelings of being singled out for retribution or payback. You may feel that someone is doing all they can to get back at you or make you face consequences. It may also suggest that you feel you have to work very hard to defend yourself or avoid responsibility for something.
To dream of prosecuting something else may reflect your attempt to make someone face responsibility. Trying to force someone else to take blame or repay what they did to you. Noticing every single thing someone you don't like did so that you can get them back or set a situation straight.
Negatively, the dream may be a sign that you need to try harder to be accepting of others or resist being judgmental. You might be too harsh on yourself or others.
*Please See Lawyer
*Please See Artificial Limbs
Prosthetic Limb
To dream of a prosthetic limb represents make-shift ideas or habits. Feeling that you can't do what you really want in your life, but can do other things to "get through" a situation. Settling on less powerful alternatives to support normal function in your life. Feeling that certain choices are only good enough and not what you really want.
Positively, a prosthetic limb may represent a willingness to do anything to achieve a goal. Putting up with embarrassment or unpleasant compromises to make sure you win.
Negatively, a prosthetic limb may represent desperation to continue bad habits.
To dream of a prostitute represents an aspect of your personality that sells itself out. It may reflect your self-interest before higher ideals or being more concerned with money than anything else.
Alternatively, dreaming of a prostitute may reflect you or someone else that provides a service whenever they are asked to. You or someone else that is easy to use.
Negatively, a prostitute may represent "caving in" or giving up higher ideals as soon as pressure is felt. Abusing talents, or lowering your standards, morals, or principles for personal benefit. Getting ahead or enjoying yourself without any regard for standards or quality.
Men with pregnant wives commonly dream of having sex with prostitutes. This may reflect their impersonal feelings about using their wife to have sex when she too pregnant to be in the mood.
Example: A man dreamed of a seeing a prostitute walking towards him. In waking life he spoke a second language fluently and someone who needed his help kept offering to pay him to do translations. The prostitute reflect his willingness to do whatever he was asked when paid.
To dream of being protected or needing protection represents feeling helplessness or vulnerability. It may also reflect a sense of relief that someone else is taking care of a problem for you. It may also represent filtering out of certain ideas and facts because you do not like someone or a certain way of thinking.
Negatively, you may be dependent on others or need to learn t stand up for yourself. It may also reflect an emotional barrier you have put up or that you're denying the truth to yourself.
To dream that you are protecting someone or something represents filtering out certain ideas, situations, or people because you don't like them. Purposely trying to avoid a problem. It may also reflect your attempt to preserve something in your life. Ideas, habits, or situations that you don't want to change. It may also mean that you are putting up an emotional barrier between you and others around you. Consider who or what you are protecting for additional meaning.
Alternatively, protecting someone or something may reflect your attempt to cover yourself.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in love with a very protective man. In waking life she believed that God was making it difficult for her ex to date someone else, protecting her ability to keep trying to get back together with him. The dream might have been a sign that she was having difficulty accepting her ex moving on to another relationship while enjoying her ex's bad luck as being a product of God's protection.
To dream of seeing a protest represents your feelings about a situation not functioning as it's supposed to be. It may also reflect you growing frustration with someone or feeling that you have been lied to. Alternatively, a protest in a dream may reflect you desire to take action or stand up for yourself. Feeling very upset about a need for serious change in some manner. Real life objections about something you or someone else doesn't like.
Negatively, dreaming about protesting may reflect awareness of people who are upset with your actions. Anxiety about angry people whom you owe money to.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing protesters outside of a government gate. In waking life he was getting tired of being lied to by his father who kept delaying a big payment owed to him. He felt that action needed to be taken, but didn't know how.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing protesters in the distance. In waking life he was in serious financial trouble and felt that soon his bill collectors were going to get very angry with him.
To dream of a pair of pruners or pruning shears represents wish to not notice something ever again. Cutting something out of you life for your own good. Not believing that someone or something is perfect enough. A wish to make something more perfect.
Negatively, pruners may reflect an impotent ability to change something you think is wrong.
To dream of pruning an attempt to rid yourself of flaws or imperfections as you develop some area of yourself. Controlling or adjusting progress. Getting rid of what you no longer need as you move forward in a situation. Getting rid of anything you don't need so that you can be the best.
Pruning may also reflect your attempt to improve a situation or groom someone to be more mature.