To dream of Pokemon symbolism represents feelings about expanding your social circle with specific types of friends. Feelings about expanding your social circle and doing something better than other people get to. Wanting specific friends that aren't losers or have traits valuable to you. Collecting friends that tell you that you're a winner no matter what. Feeling that it's awesome that you met someone and now get to be better than someone else. Feeling that everything isn't impossible if you get as many friends as possible to do something awesome. Showing off how awesome everyone in a social can be when they do it together. Having a good time getting back at someone with friends. Thoughts or having more fun with your circle of friends than someone else's is with their circle of friends.
Different Pokemon characters may reflect everyone in a social circle with different character traits.
Negatively, Pokemon may represent arrogantly collecting friends to tell yourself your a winner no matter what. Being too focused on collecting friends to feel like a perfect winner to get back at people. Gathering friends to teach people how to get back at other people. Feeling that a social circle might get back at you if you reject them. Feeling that your friends don't have anything to do except think they are awesomer or bigger winners than other people. Issues with better better than someone else feeling hooked up socially. Competing with an ex-partner to see who is more socially hooked up to get over the other person faster.
Alternatively, dreams about Pokemon may reflect issues with obsession or even losing interest in Pokemon.
Example: A young man dreamed of being attacked by people who threw Pokemon cards at him as he ran away before finally meeting up with the girl he wanted have a serious relationship with. In waking life the man was debating with himself if he was mature enough to be in a serious relationship. In this case the Pokemon cards may have reflected his feelings about friends who embarrassed him with the need to socialize with people he didn't trust in childish ways such as getting back at people and telling him he wouldn't be cool if he didn't. He may have felt these people held him back from a more serious relationship with a girl.
Example 2: A young girl dreamed of Pokemon characters during a Thanksgiving/Christmas theme event. In waking life she was losing interest in Pokemon. In this case the combination of Pokemon and Thanksgiving symbolism may have reflected her feelings about respecting herself believing that her current Pokemon collection was enough, possibly not wanting to talk about Pokemon to anyone.
Example 3: A young boy dreamed of playing the video game Pokemon before changing to the videogame Silent Hill which made him scared and required help from his older brother to pass the game. In this case the Pokemon videogame that he played confidently before being scared of playing Silent Hill may have reflected his feelings about his brother being part of his social circle to help him overcome the scary parts of videogames.
Example 4: A young woman dreamed of seeing painted Pokemon cartoons while walking around outside. In waking life she was longing to have a best friend that was female. In this case the Pokemon cartoons symbolism may have reflected her feelings of how easy it was for other people to expand their social circle by picking their friends when she specifically wanted a female best friend.
Example 5: A young man dreamed of playing Pokemon videogame before being taken to his first driver's license test by a friend. In waking life was trying to pass his driver's test and failed. In this case the Pokemon video game symbolism may have reflected his attempts to gather as many friends as possible before his drivers' license test to get practice to pass his test and feeling good being cooler or more hooked up as a young person who can drive.
Example 6: A young woman dreamed of playing Pokemon with a young man whom she had romantic interest in and then gave up playing it and walked away. In waking life woman having difficulty getting over the young man who lived in different country than her. In this case the Pokemon video game she played before giving up may have reflected her attempts to get over her romantic interest faster than he could get over her by trying to use her friends to meet another guy or look like she was having more fun than him so she could appear too busy for him. Like the videogame she walked away from, she may have gave up trying to look better than the guy talking to other people.
To dream of playing poker represents situations where you or other people are strategically lying or bluffing to each other to get ahead. Not knowing what power or advantages your opposition has while carefully keeping your power or advantages a secret as well until it's serves you. Feelings of not being afraid to make competing wagers while bluffing. Acting like you are not uncomfortable while everything is on the line. You have similar goals to someone else that you feel can't be trusted or that's betraying you.
Example: A man dreamed of walking past a table in his grandmother's home watching people playing poker. In waking life he was experiencing two groups of people competing over him while being forced to wait by himself for it to end.
*Please See Poker Chips
Poker Chips
To dream of poker chips represents leverage, clout, or resources you are risking while lying or trying outsmart someone. Something you are risking or taking a chance with.
To dream of Poland represents a mindset that is negative about noticing anything negative. Insensitivity about being told you are wrong or that anything is wrong with you. Rude attitude or meanness when being blamed or criticized. Anger about being attacked or yelled at. Confrontational attitude if someone doesn't like you or doesn't respect you.
Positively, being in Poland may reflect telling jerks or bullies to go "f*ck themselves."
Polar Bears
To dream of a polar bear represents an aspect of yourself that defies adversity. A polar bear may reflect fearlessness or never giving in to problems. It may also represent a person in your life that can always be depended on to do the right thing. A symbol for compromising nothing to negativity.
Positively, a polar bear may reflect feelings about loyalty or sexual attraction that defies all odds. Calm courage to stick to values or moral under duress. Powerful spiritual loyalty under severe temptation. Fearless courage to never change in dangerous situations or terrible conditions. Powerful integrity.
Negatively, a polar bear may reflect serious issues with proving yourself right at all costs no matter how unpleasant or dangerous it feels. Showing off doing something that others think is too difficult or impossible. Fears about someone who you think is consumed with fearless defiance that is dangerous. Fear of someone who refuses to change in dangerous or terrible conditions.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing people riding on polar bears. In waking life she had gone without food for 6 days to prove herself to God. The polar bears in this case may have reflected her willingness to risk personal danger by going without food for so long with calm in order to please God.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a polar bear that people were shooting guns at. In waking life he was undergoing a powerful spiritual test and felt that he is own urges were pressuring him to give up during his very difficult test.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a polar bear. In waking life he was shocked that a extremely beautiful girl liked him a lot when he had a disease. He felt that she defied all odds in life by being so determined to be with him.
To dream of a pole represents feelings about a situation being held in place by certain actions you are taking. Feelings about a situation being important to maintain or continue. What you are doing in waking life in order to maintain stable.
Example: A man dreamed of standing beside a pole and being shocked by scene he was seeing. In waking life he was experiencing surprise at the improved traffic results of his webpage after having removed an unimportant section he first believed was fundamental to the site's operation.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a pole being rammed into an empty bucket. In waking life she felt that her sexual relationship with her husband was important to keep her empty marriage going.
Pole Dancing
To dream of pole dancing represents you or someone else that is flaunting desirability or self-worth. Feeling good noticing ones own abilities or talents. Teasing or showing off to others how attractive, wanted, or important you are. It may also reflect bragging about abilities or self-worth. It may also be a sign that you or someone that is "rubbing it in" that they are better in some way.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing the woman her husband had in the past cheated on her with dancing on a stripper pole. In waking life she was having heated arguments with her husband. The stripper pole reflected her husband feeling good noticing himself not having to care about what she wanted.
Pole Vaulting
To dream of Pole Vaulting represents feelings about the challenge or importance of a hurdle by doing whatever it takes. Feelings about the challenge of a hurdle being so big you have to do whatever it takes to get over it. Large hurdles that need perfect timing and "giving it your all." Large hurdles that scare you that you have one chance to make it by being perfect. Feeling good that nothing scares you doing whatever it takes to overcome a hurdle. Skill so excellent you don't even believe in an enormous challenge mattering.
To dream of police officers represents discipline, intervention, and enforcement of behavior. Rules or structure. Feelings about changes being forced on you or others. A need to restore sanity, rationality, or justice to a situation. A need for fairness, order, or respect for adherence rules. Feelings of being in trouble for not behaving or staying disciplined. Maintaining order and safety in your life. The enforcement of boundaries, or the protection of your own values and principles.
Positively, police may reflect the use of power or authority to force changes on people who are misbehaving. Keeping "troublemakers" in line. Standing up to bullies or confronting people who are abusive to others. Choosing to make difficult changes that you know are in your best interest. Confronting liars, rule breakers, or dishonest people. Feelings of security. Calming a situation down or fixing one that is a total mess. Intervening in a wrongdoing. Choosing to confront addiction. Providing help in a crisis. Protecting something sensitive or beautiful from harmful individuals. Preventing recklessness. Restoring calm. Calming a situation down.
Negatively, dreaming of police may represent your fear of change, discipline, punishment, or correcting a bad habit. It may also reflect feelings about yourself or others being too authoritarian or controlling. Forcing change on people when they don't like it or don't want it. Abusing authority, power, or your ability to protect people. Feeling like you are facing bad karma. Feeling that you have no choice in a matter that requires change. Knowing you are misbehaving and not liking having to change. Problems with resisting change. Experiencing situations where there is a sense of "lawlessness" or arrogant abuse of power. Resisting confronting addictions. Avoiding punishment or facing consequences. Fearing someone else will get away with wronging you. Feeling that you were caught breaking rules. Overbearing authority figures, or feeling controlled and restricted by rules and regulations.
To dream of police corruption represents feelings of betrayal, loss of trust, or moral compromise in a situation where you expected protection, order, or fairness. It could also symbolize your own negative thoughts or actions that undermine your sense of integrity, or a situation where you are allowing dishonesty or injustice to occur without consequences. Feelings about people in your life that like dishonest control in order to cheat or think that they're the best. Not liking why someone else is getting away with something.
To dream of a female police officer represents a passive form of discipline, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Enforcement of rules or structure that doesn't have to be assertive. Negatively, a female police officer may reflect a scumbag in your life that stays quiet about secretive control over you.
Spiritually, police in a dream may reflect feelings about you life being controlled or guided by God. Feeling that God is forcing you to change or intervening to punish bad people with a life lesson.
To dream of running away from police represents your attempt to avoid discipline, consequences, or facing the reality of your actions. A fear of change or an unwillingness to confront personal issues, bad habits, or negative behavior patterns. You might be trying to evade responsibility, accountability, or the need to address problems in your life.
To dream of being arrested by police represents being held accountable for your actions or that discipline is being enforced upon you. It may also symbolize a situation in which you are forced to confront your issues or face the consequences of your decisions. This dream can signify an acknowledgment that you need to make changes or take responsibility for your behavior, habits, or life choices. Addicts may dream of being arrested when they have to get sober. Feeling that a change that is being forced upon you.
To dream of police cars represents control over decision-making regarding disciple, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Controlling correcting problems. This could also indicate your ability to confront issues, set limits, and uphold your values and principles in various situations.
Example: A woman dreamed of police officer raping her. In waking life, she felt scared being alone while separated from her abusive husband and kept sleeping with men that ended up using her. In this case, the police raping her may have reflected her feelings about being taken advantage of by people who were supposed to protect and support her.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of running away from the police. In waking life he was trying very hard to avoid having to give up drugs when people he knew were trying to intervene in his life. In this case, the the police may have reflected his feelings about people in his life who were trying to enforce discipline, intervention, and change in his behavior.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing police arresting people. In waking life, his boss at work as firing people for abusing privileges in the work place. In this case, the police arresting people may have reflected his feelings about the enforcement of rules and discipline at his workplace, as well as the consequences faced by his colleagues for abusing their privileges.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of screaming for the police to help her. In waking life, she was frustrated with being unable to stop another woman from talking about her negatively behind her back. In this case, screaming for the police may have reflected her desire for intervention, authority, or someone with power to step in and put an end to the negative gossip being spread about her.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of the police intruding into her home after accepting a gift from one of two men she was interested in seeing. In waking life, she was involved with two men and after one of the men proved himself to be immature she changed her mind about him and started respecting the second more mature man as a better partner. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline and enforcement of her own values and principles in her romantic life.
Example 6: A man dreamed of an arrogant female police officer. In waking life, he was experiencing police corruption that chose to waste years of his life waiting for police assistance. In this case, the female police officer may have reflected his feelings about how arrogant the police corruption was with it's passive tactics.
Example 7: A man dreamed of seeing a police officer being killed. In waking life he was having problems making a lifestyle change. In this case, the police officer being killed may have reflected his feelings of losing the sense of discipline, order, or self-control needed to successfully make the lifestyle change.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of police telling her that she can file charges against her husband. In waking life, her husband left her for another woman and she felt used. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings about wanting to get back at her husband with a divorce for using her so he'll feel punished for it.
Example 9: A woman dreamed of police discovering a man badly burned inside a vehicle while she tried to take this body to clean it. In waking life, the her boss had told her that she is her boss's biggest failure. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline in confronting the issue of being labeled as a failure by her boss.
Example 10: An older woman dreamed of her pastor at church being a police officer. In waking life, she was having a problem in her church with getting a white supremacist kicked out. In this case, the pastor being a police officer may have reflected the dreamer's desire for someone in a position of authority to enforce the rules and maintain order in the church community, particularly in dealing with divisive and harmful beliefs. The dream may be suggesting that the dreamer sees their pastor as someone who can act as a moral authority and ensure that everyone adheres to the principles and values of the church.
*Please See Arrested
Police Badge
*Please See Badge
Police Car
To dream of police cars represents disciplinary decision making. A path in life where you or someone else is forcing change.
Example: A young man dreamed of running away from a police car. In real life he had a drug problem that he was having a hard time giving up. The police car reflected the drug-free lifestyle changes he was avoiding.
Police Dogs
To dream of a police dog represents feelings about suspicion that wants to notice or feel out every single last thing about you to enforce behavior. Feelings that displinary action has methods to find something it thinks you are hiding. Enforcement or disciplinary action that isn't listening to why it should let you off easily. Disciplinary action that is intuitive about it suspicions. Behavior enforcement that protects itself by checking or feeling out every last thing you are doing. Annoyance that someone will not stop suspecting you of wrong doing.
Negatively, police dogs represents anxiety or fear about enforcement controls in your life looking into every last thing you do to feel out guilt, dishonesty, or laziness. Your own tendency to protect yourself with being oversuspicious of someone you are controlling or responsible for. Dishonestly never letting someone believe they are honest. Feeling that nobody is accepting you as honest or nobody is listening to your story in an unresolved dishonest situation.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing police dogs. In waking life she was experiencing an ongoing investigation where she was found innocent, but police still wouldn't stop suspecting her husband of wrong doing.
Police Report
To dream of filing a police report may represent feelings about wanting to take action with a problem. Feeling that something is dangerous and want to do something about it.
To dream of having problems properly filing a police report may be a sign that you feel unable to initiate positive change. You may also feel stupid for having originally thought something was dangerous when it isn't. Anxiety about what other people think that stops you from speaking up about a problem. Reluctance to speak out.
Example: A person dreamed of wanting to file a report with the police, but when they called they couldn't speak. In waking life they wanted to take action with a problem they were having, but when it came time to do it they felt unable to go through with it.
Police Uniform
To dream of a police uniform represents personality traits that are disciplinary, or enforcing changes to thoughts and behavior. Whoever wears the uniform in the dream represents the aspect of yourself that is forcing change or specific outcomes.
Negative people in a police uniform may symbolize a lack of self-control or bad intentions. You may know what you're doing is wrong and are making sure you keep doing it.
Police Van
To dream of a police van may represent a larger degree of discipline or control of a situation that is needed than is normal for you. Having to control or delay a large or intricate problem. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings about a large scale "round up" or controlling action by an authority figure.
Example: Jared Lee Loughner, currently serving a life sentence for attempting to murder a member of US Congress had a dream in his dream jounral that ended with a police van with a bed appearing and being driven away by him. The police van in this case may have reflected his need to temporarily stop all of his plans to kill Gabrielle Giffords months before he actually attempted to murder her.
To dreaming of something polished represents feelings about some area of your life that is perfectly respectably noticing nothing is wrong with it. Work, decisions or some area of your life that you feel is finished. Proud of something finished in your life. Concerns with being perfectly clean, orderly, or prepared. A finished prepared "shining" example.
Negatively, dreaming about something polished may reflect an excessive need for some area of your life to be noticed with nothing wrong with it. Excessive need for cleanliness, orderliness, or to be noticed prepared.
Example: A woman dreamed of polished floors. In waking life she was focused on financial stability and the orderliness of her budget.
To dream of a politician represents feelings about influence, power, decision-making, and diplomacy. It could symbolize the importance of tactfully managing one's image and appeal, as well as the need to navigate complex social interactions. This dream might reflect your views about the art of persuasion, negotiation skills, the exercise (or misuse) of authority, and the dynamics of social, professional, or political relationships. Situations where you have to balance image and substance. Awareness of a 'political game', where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications.
Positively, dreaming about a politician might symbolize your ability to effectively influence others or lead. It could suggest strategic thinking, persuasive communication skills, or the successful navigation of complex situations. It may reflect your ability to balance different interests and foster cooperation, indicative of a sense of ambition, advocacy, and diplomatic finesse.
Negatively, dreaming about a politician could symbolize feelings of manipulation, deceit, or corruption. It might symbolize anxieties or conflicts about ethical dilemmas, power struggles, or political unrest. The dream could reflect a lack of trust or cynicism towards political systems, institutions, or individuals in positions of authority. It might also suggest feelings of powerlessness, frustration, or cynicism about the current state of affairs. This dream could also represent a situation where the need to be likable or popular overrides logic and sincerity.
If you dreamed of a real-life politician then consider what qualities stand out the most about that person and how those qualities may apply to yourself or a current waking life situation.
A politician in a dream may also reflect a need to persuade others to accept you, agree with your views, you convince others to like you. Negatively, it may reflect unpopular or sensitive opinions about political issues.
Example: A woman dreamed of being a politician. In waking life, she felt that her good looks may be a problem when it came to being taken seriously enough to get a good job. She had to work hard to come up with a strategy to convince her potential employer to hire her. In this case, being a politician may have reflected her feelings about the need to tactfully manage her image and appeal to the employer's interests. The dream may suggest her awareness of the 'political game' in the job market, where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications.
*Please See Politics
*Please See President
*Please See Leader
To dream of politics represents feelings about power, influence, and decision-making in various aspects of life. Feelings about the need to tactfully manage her image and appeal. Awareness of a 'political game' in a situation you are involved with where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications. Power dynamics of social interactions, the pursuit of personal or group interests, and the complexities of navigating relationships and hierarchies. Negotiation, or manipulation within your personal or professional relationships. Your views about the social structure, authority, and rules that govern your waking life. Your thoughts about societal norms, leadership, diplomacy, or strategic decision-making. A power struggle between liberal or conservative values, beliefs, or agendas. Situations where you have to balance image and substance.
Positively, dreaming about politics might symbolize your ability to influence, persuade, or lead others. Your understanding of how to navigate complex situations, balance competing interests, or foster cooperation. The dream might also represent your ambition, strategic thinking, or ability to advocate for what you believe in. A wish to feel aligned with similar thinking with other people.
Negatively, dreaming about politics could represent feelings of manipulation, deceit, or corruption. Conflicts of interest, power struggles, or ethical dilemmas that you are facing. The dream could reflect your anxieties about societal issues, political unrest, or divisive rhetoric. A lack of trust or cynicism towards political systems, institutions, or individuals. It might also suggest that you feel powerless, cynical, or frustrated with the current state of affairs. Conflict between liberal or conservative values. Feeling that being likable or popular is more important than logic.
Alternatively, the dream may reflect your feelings about real-life politics, elections, or candidates.
Example: A woman dreamed of being a politician. In waking life, she felt that her good looks may be a problem when it came to being taken seriously enough to get a good job. She had to work hard to come up with a strategy to convince her potential employer to hire her. In this case, being a politician may have reflected her feelings about the need to tactfully manage her image and appeal to the employer's interests. The dream may suggest her awareness of the 'political game' in the job market, where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications.
Example 2: A man dreamed of political papers he had written. In waking life, he had joined 2 separate spiritual groups. In this case, the political papers may have reflected his feelings about needing to navigate the complexities and potential conflicts between the two groups so that he could be accepted or aligned with the belief systems of the people in the spiritual groups.
*Please See Election
*Please See Leader
*Please See Politician
*Please See President
Polka Dots
To dream of polka dots represents feelings about being aware of a repeating situation with a safe or playful nature about not getting yourself in trouble. A pattern of thoughts, behaviors, or situations that are repetitive and predictable.
Negatively, dreaming about polka dots could represent an awareness of a repetitive situation that remains safe or playful without evolving into anything more risky or challenging. Feeling annoyed by something that happens repeatedly, but doesn't get you in trouble. A negative thinking pattern or bad habit that you keep repeating, but don't get in trouble for. A repeat behavior pattern or feeling stuck in a safe but unchanging routine. A need to break away from trivial or repetitive behaviors that aren't leading to personal growth or improvement. Social norms or behaviors that one repeatedly feels pressured to adhere to. A need to seek new experiences, challenge themselves, or break away from repeating habits.
To dream of a polka dot dress may represent feelings about a personality that is submissive with behavior that is repetitive and safe about not getting into trouble.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a woman wearing a white dress with red polka dots. In waking life, he had repeat encounters with a woman he knew liked him but felt it was dangerous to discuss it. In this case, the polka dots may have reflected his perception of the woman's intentions as playful and non-threatening while also symbolizing the repetitive nature of their interactions where he felt she liked it too much.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his wife in a white dress with red dots. In waking life, he was constantly being asked by people if she was pregnant yet. In this case, the polka dot dress may have reflected his feelings about his wife choosing to belong to him while thinking about safe married sex to get pregnant all the time.
To dream of pollution represents feelings about contamination, corruption, degradation, or tarnishing of purity in some areas of your life. Feelings about the degradation of values, the compromise of integrity, or the negative impact of external influences on your personal or professional environment. Pollution in a dream could reflect your concerns about the health of your mental, emotional, or physical space. Awareness of the presence of negative influences, harmful behaviors, or toxic relationships impacting your current situation or mindset.
Positively, dreaming about pollution may represent awareness and acknowledgment of problems or negative influences that need to be addressed. A realization of the need to clean up or eliminate negative influences in your life to promote personal growth and positive change. A need for cleansing, healing, or purification in certain aspects of your life. Your motivation to initiate positive changes, remove harmful elements from your life, or restore a sense of purity and integrity to your personal or communal environment.
Negatively, dreaming about pollution could represent overwhelming feelings of helplessness, despair, or frustration regarding the state of your surroundings or personal affairs. Feelings of being suffocated by negativity, toxicity, or unhealthy relationships. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulty in finding clarity or purity amidst chaos or conflict. A loss of innocence, virtue, or a deviation from your ethical standards due to external pressures or internal conflicts.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being on a date with her crush that felt like being stuck inside a factory with dim air that felt like a "polluted sunset." In waking life, she was talking to her crush more than usual, but her friend also had a crush on him. In this case, the feeling about the dim air in the factory being like a "polluted sunset" may have reflected her feelings about her interactions with her crush being limited to school productivity while her joy of talking to him felt contaminated by other people at school talking to him as well.
Polo Shirt
To dream of a polo shirt represents the personality showing that it's ready to do a good job all the time. Not wasting time being an expert that helps someone. Making sure everything is done properly for other people. A serious attitude about nobody losing around you. Feeling good that people got exactly what they asked for because it's your responsibility. Thoughts about customer service. Feelings about being totally focused on getting the job done. Not minding answering lots of questions to make people satisfied. Not wasting someone else's time taking care of everything for them. Feeling successful because you take care of other people's needs. Knowing what you are talking about that helps others needs.
Negatively, dreaming about a poloshirt may represent the personality being annoying that it likes to work for someone else. Greed or dishonesty that serves itself trying to completely satisfy others needs.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing 2 people he didn't like wearing red polo shirts walking towards him. In waking life the 2 people from the dream had done something illegal to the dreamers company and were now trying to make him a business offer to run his company to avoid criminal charges. The dreamer felt that they had nerve to try to protect themselves as people who were ready to do a good job running his company furthering embarrassment and insult.
*Please See Shirts
To dream of a poltergeist represents issues from your past that scare you that you can't stop thinking of them affecting your present life. Issues from your past causing havoc on the present to the point of feeling that it will never let you feel good again.Feelings about unresolved issues from your past that you feel are too vindictive or vengeful. Unresolved issues from your past that you feel are too personal. Tormenting yourself with the past whenever you move on with your life or start a new relationship. Unidentifiable disturbances in your life. Unresolved issues that are so terrible you never believe that they will go away while they terrify you that they don't have to stop bothering you. Feelings about unresolved issues being insane about causing problems or ruining your life. The terror of nothing you do feeling special again which you can't do anything about. A lack of control in your life. Disruptions hindering goals.
Experiencing revenge from a source that is unidentifiable and cares about why it's tormenting you by causing trouble. Feelings about unidentified illegal behavior that wants to terrify you for the rest of your life. Feelings about unidentifiable mischievousness. The terror of not being believed about something bothering you that you can't identify. Feelings about some area of your life that feels good scaring you while never being found out like nothing else matters. Something in your life that is obscene with scaring you and never being found out.
To dream of moving into a new home and experiencing a poltergeist may reflect feelings about trying something new in your life and experiencing unresolved issues tormenting you. Moving on with your life that feels impossible.
Example: A woman had recurring poltergeist dreams. In waking life she had difficult feelings about herself having children in her past preventing her from enjoying her present. The poltergeist in this case may have reflected her feelings about the unseen surprise costs of parenting as though life is intentionally following her with problems, having to put up with terrifying problems from her children remembering her ex's personality traits in their behavior, or making it difficult to explain her children's behavior to new men she was dating.
*Please See Ghosts
To dream of polygamy may be a sign that you don't feel as important as someone else in relationship or commitment. Giving your all to someone who doesn't feel that giving their all to you is necessary. A sign that you need to demand more respect or start setting boundaries.
If you are the polygamist in the dream who is married to multiple partners it may be a sign that you feel more important than other people in a relationship or commitment. Positively, it may reflect your superiority or heightened sense of responsibility. Negatively, it may be a sign that are not returning the loyalty or respect that other people are giving you.
Alternatively, multiple marriage partners may simply reflect multiple areas of your life or habits that you are emotionally "married to" at the same time. Different behaviors or coping mechanisms that are very helpful to you. Negatively, it may be a sign that you feel stuck with a number of different problems.
Polygraph Testing
To dream of a polygraph test represents social verification of intentions. Having to show someone with your actions that you are being honest beyond any doubt. A reflection of a loss of confidence or faith.
Alternatively, it may reflect a need to prove that you or someone else doesn't really care about something. Honesty, fear, or, jealousy being put to the test.
Example: A man dreamed of having to take a polygraph test. In waking life his girlfriend forced him to embarrass another woman to prove to her that he didn't like the other woman.
To dream of pomegranate represents feeling good doing different things all the time. Enjoying trying or experiencing a lot of something you've never done before. Feeling good about enjoying something that is both perfect and different. Optimism to live a new life filled with enjoying new things. Enthusiasm for a lot of new change in life. Multiple enjoyable benefits perceived to be possible if a change is made.
Negatively, a pomegranate may represent your enthusiasm for new things that aren't shared by other people. Feeling ready and excited to do new things when others hold you back or are pessimistic. Wanting to start a new happier exciting life and feeling others aren't. Feeling that other people are too enthusiastic or optimistic about experiencing new things in life that you are not comfortable with.
Example: A woman dreamed of an old man handing her ripe pomegranate and then handing her husband an unripe pomegranate. In waking life she felt that her husband was holding both of their lives back by never wanting to embrace any new exciting ideas that could change both their lives in multiple ways.
To dream of pompoms represents enthusiasm or encouragement for someone else's success. Something you or someone else is doing to show their support or motivate others. A beautiful or wonderful gesture to show that you are supporting someone.
To dream of a poncho represents the personality that is always concerned other people feeling you don't have any real concerns or worries. Your personality acting above trivial or materialistic matters. Acting towards others as though your personality is always down to earth and carefree. Openly discussing your problems to feel better about them. Laughing at yourself or not taking anything too seriously. Playing down the seriousness of things.
Negatively, a poncho may be sign that you are concerned with showing people that you aren't sad or jealous by lying to yourself that something doesn't matter. Laughing about your problems so you only appear carefree. Regularly playing down the seriousness of something that actually hurts a lot.
Example: A woman dreamed of being given a white poncho. In waking life she was psychologically recovering from surgery where her breasts were removed. The poncho may have reflected her attempts to deal with her loss by actively playing down the seriousness of her operation. Projecting herself to her friends and family to be carefree and that her operation wasn't the worst thing that could happen to her.
To dream of a pond represents uncertainty in your life that you are comfortable with. Confidence in your ability to to try new things. Confidence in your ability to confront a new challenge without embarrassing yourself. Your ability to try something dangerous without angering someone. Alternatively, a pond may reflect how you are keeping a problem contained. Keeping emotions in check.
Negatively, dreaming about a pond reflects feeling about private exploration of dangerous or bad habits. Enjoying yourself doing something bad to someone else without them knowing it. Liking yourself as you are even if other people don't. Feeling that your life is easier to accept yourself as you are instead of making a big change to improve it. Feeling good enjoying something illegal whenever you want.
Example: A man dreamed of swimming the backstroke in a pond. In waking life he was heavily involved in a secretive criminal enterprise that was virtually impossible to get caught with. He felt exhilarated to make enormous amounts of money with great ease without even caring about the legal consequences. He enjoyed thinking he was better than other people because he made more money than everyone he knew in his life easier than they ever could. The pond in this case may have reflected his feelings about enjoying illegal behavior whenever he wanted and the uncertainty about being caught unimportant to him.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing waterslides being installed beside a pond. In waking life he was secretly becoming addicted to pornography. The pond in this case may have reflected his feelings about enjoying pornography in private whenever he wanted with no consequences knowing full well it was immoral.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of walking across a frozen pond. In waking life she decided to move homes comfortable with the uncertainty of not being able to financially afford it completely. The frozen pond in this case may have reflected her feelings about moving being more financially uncertain than it was physically or technically.
To dream of a pony represents feelings of enjoying interesting or unique experiences with family or special people. Enjoying time with people who doesn't embarrass you or laugh at you. Enjoying spending time with family. Feeling that you're special. Personal time with people you like.
Children may dream of ponies to reflect their enjoyment of spending time with family or being treated special by family. Having a good time with parents who teach you things or take you places.
To dream of someone hurting a pony or trying to hurt a pony may reflect feelings about personal time or special relationships being threatened by conflict.
To dream of losing a pony may reflect feelings about someone not liking spending quality time with you anymore. Feeling that family or friends don't like you anymore.
Negatively, dreaming about a pony may be a sign that you or someone else is expecting too much personal care or personal time with someone. Thinking popular people should do all the work while spending time with you.
Example: A young girl dreamed of a monster putting her pony in the trash and then trying to saw the pony in half. In waking life she was experiencing her parents getting a divorce and her father moving out. The pony in the dream may have reflected her feelings about being close to her father and being treated special by him.
Example 2: A man dreamed of helping with pony rides and feeling that he needed a rest. In waking life he was very concerned with having to spend quality time with his grandson.
To dream of hair in a ponytail represents thoughts being under control, acceptable, disciplined, or practicing self-restraint.
To dream of a poodle represents emotional protection that is always caring about being a wonderful professional that is always listening and never doing anything stupid. Emotional self-protection that requires high maintenance or special attention. Refining yourself responsibly or keeping up to date is something you feel is always important. Feeling that you will look ridiculous if you don't care about practicing or professional appearances.
Negatively, poodles in dreams may reflect feelings about worrying too much about appearances of being a wonderful intelligent good listener. Fearing being fired or broken up with if you don't appear to be perfectly professionally listening to someone. Anxiety that someone is constantly looking for a reason to embarrass you for not appearing as a good listener that never does anything stupid. Perfect upkeep that is excessive or annoys you.
Example: A girl dreamed of a black poodle. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend and was telling herself that she was too good for him anyway. She needed more attention then he was willing to give.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a poodle being rejected by its mother. In waking life she was a doctoral student in her last term of school. In this case the poodle may have reflected the dreamers wish to emotionally protect themselves with high maintenance study and special attention to school work to keep herself respected by teachers before graduating.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of poodles in a basement that didn't bite. In waking life she was concerned that her boss was constantly watching her to make a mistake as a reason to fire her.
*Please See Feces
*Please See Defecation
*Please See Swimming Pool
Pool Noodles
To dream of a pool noodle represents feelings about enjoying confronting problems on your own terms. An aspect of your life that feels good being adjustable while you problem solve. Enjoying feeling that problem solving is too easy.
Negatively, a pool noodle may reflect a lack of respect for someone helping you. Enjoying confronting problems as long as it feels good on your terms. Having difficulty confronting a problem and then deciding to completely focus on another problem because it feels better noticing that your not losing. Noticing God not fully helping you when you asked for his help and then asking for more of his help with something else.
Example: A woman dreamed of tripping on the side of a pool and then seeing blue pool noodles. In waking life she was trying to use dreams to confront her personal problems, but when confronting a personal problem didn't work out she began hoping her dreams would tell her about other problems she had instead of having to continue facing the first problem. The pool noodles in this case may have reflected her wish to enjoy dreams as a problem solving tool on her own terms.
Pool Party
To dream of a swimming pool party represents feelings about temporarily enjoying a situation while not caring what happens when socializing. Social connection and temporary enjoyment. Having a good time with other people believing that nothing matters or not caring what happens. A period of leisure and enjoyment with others while being aware that the situation is only temporary and can be managed effectively. A temporary escape from believing in anything serious, where one can enjoy leisure and social interactions.
Negatively, dreaming about a swimming pool party may represent your desire to relax and have fun with others despite underlying issues or uncertainties. Feelings about enjoyable social interactions where there is an underlying sense of controlled uncertainty or instability.
Example: A woman dreamed about being at a swimming pool party with her husband and friends. She was invited into a newly built house by a friend. As she walked towards the house she noticed her husband was gone. In waking life, she was legally separated from her husband for 4 months after being physically abused. In this case, the pool party may have reflected her feelings about herself socializing with her husband and friends while ignoring the physical abuse as though it didn't matter when considering leaving him was only a passing thought.
Pool Table
To dream of playing pool represents a struggle or competition you are experiencing where you want to do everything you can to cancel out the opposition first.
To dream of being poor represents your lingering feelings of powerlessness or inadequacy. It may also reflect your sense of limitation or restriction. You feel you don't have the resources, skills, or friendships required to achieve your goals.
Refer to the themes section for money for a more in depth look at money symbolism.
To dream of popcorn represents your enjoyment of noticing something happening. Watching things that you want to happen happening all by themselves. Enjoying being a spectator.
To dream of popcorn kernels represents feelings about the potential to enjoy experiencing something. Getting ready to enjoy yourself or feeling. Feelings about waiting to have to have good time.
Negatively, popcorn kernels may reflect feelings about living in a persistent state of expecting to enjoy yourself. Having no control over your life that allows you to enjoy yourself in a stable setting.
Example: A young boy dreamed of being bounced around like a popcorn kernel inside a popcorn popper. In waking life he was moving around a lot, changing schools, changing friends, and even had to change languages at times. The dream may have reflected his feelings about moving around too much making him feel like he was always getting ready to enjoy growing up, but never actually getting to.
To dream of the Pope represents all assuming unquestioned moral authority or the belief that all your choices must be the best ones. Believing that every single thing you say or want should be liked with open arms.
Negatively, the Pope may reflect self-righteousness, a narrow-minded view, or a holier-than-thou attitude.
Popeye The Sailor
To dream of Popeye The Sailor represents behavior that is ridiculous about believing in nothing snobby while being the most impressive example of never being a wimp as it's job once a situation is too serious. Behavior that is ridiculous about being the strongest example of standing up for itself once a situation is too serious. A ridiculous example of standing up for yourself tougher than you ever have. A battle of confidence and the need to "power up" self-belief to deal with the challenges.
Negatively, dreaming about Popeye The Sailor may represent behavior that is ridiculously overdoing being an example of standing up for itself tougher than it ever has when it might not be realistic. Embarrassing fake displays of strength once a situation gets too serious. Overdoing a strong need to believe in oneself not being a wimp that doesn't think of why it might hurt you. Looking silly showing off not being a wimp. Becoming a laughing stock to friends or family for an over-dramatic display of strength. Going overboard showing off strong even if it makes you look like an idiot. A lack of awareness of how silly you or someone else looks showing off strong. A "priceless" humorous moment of over-displaying strength. Feelings about not needing to take someone seriously when they stand up for themself tougher than they ever have.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing Popeye The Sailor. In waking life, his son had achieved financial goals as a requirement to be given money to leave the country when he never thought his son would achieve those goals. He secretly never wanted his son to leave the country, preferring to control him, and chose to not take his son seriously at the last minute. In this case, Popeye The Sailor may have reflected his feelings about seeing his son making a strong, unexpected effort to achieve his goals, and not wanting to take him seriously because his son was younger and not being controlled.
To dream of poppy flowers (red remembrance day) represents feelings about appreciating how positive, nice, or beautiful a situation is about respecting what someone sacrificed for you to make your life easier or safer. Appreciating deserving to not have to think anything dangerous ever again due to someone else's sacrifice. Feelings about remembrance, loss, and peace. Bittersweet nature of remembering past conflicts.
To dream of poppy seeds (food) represents feelings about it being easy to avoid risking starting anything that you will have to remember later. Not wanting to embarrass yourself doing anything that other people want to get back at you for. Feelings about liking not having to start problems that you will regret later. Feeling good that nobody is starting a conversation with you that you'll regret later. Feeling good not talking to anyone else about seeing a problem starting.
Example: A young woman and her friend both dreamed of poppy seeds. In waking life, they both spent time together at a sleepover. In this case, the poppy seeds appearing in both of the women's dreams may have reflected their mutual experience during the sleepover of not wanting to discuss personal problems or issues with the past because it might start a problem that they'd have to remember for the rest of their lives.
Popsicle Sticks
To dream of popsicle sticks represents feelings about something not costing a lot to reuse or repurpose. Low cost creative potential with reusing or repurposing.
Negatively, popsicle sticks may reflect feelings about reusing or repurposing that is dishonest, self-interested, or doesn't ask another person's permission. Feelings about something not being used for anything anymore that could be.
To dream of something made of popsicle sticks represents feelings about a cheaply repurposed experience, achievement, or creation. Easily reusing something to create a new experience. Amazement or enjoyment at witnessing something so cheapyly, easily, or cleverly, repurposed.
Example: A man dreamed of being chased by a monster that was riding a popsicle stick. In waking life he was a war vet who had PTSD. The monster riding a popsicle stick in this case may have reflected his concerns about being recommissioned by the army to fight because it was cheaper than recruiting new soldiers.
*Please See Popsicles
To dream of popsicles represents feeling good that everyone or everything in your life likes you the way you are. Temporarily feel good with no problems. Feelings about enjoying yourself living in the moment when it isn't expensive. Holding on to something temporary that you want to keep feeling good with for as long as you can. Feeling that it doesn't hurt you or anyone else to enjoy a moment savored as long as you can.
Negatively, dreaming about popsicle may represents feelings about being aware of yourself wasting time enjoying something that other people feel good overlooking or witnessing you think about. Enjoying thinking there is nothing wrong with your life. Enjoying yourself wasting time with something nobody else will ever get angry about.
Example: A woman dreamed of her baby eating a blue popsicle. In waking life she was living at home with parents, working two jobs, and enjoying herself shopping for a new car thinking of her future while searching for better paying full time job. The baby eating a popsicle may have reflected her daydreaming about a new full time job making her feel good without problems which gave her the confidence to buy a car.
*Please See Popsicle Sticks
To dream of being popular represents feelings of being easily liked or being in demand. Thoughts about people liking who for you are a lot more than usual. Surprise about how much attention you are getting. Feelings about yourself or someone else getting more attention than others. Feelings about something talked about all the time. Feelings about being very physically attractive.
Negatively, dreaming about popularity may reflect feelings about someone being liked more than you. Jealousy that someone doesn't have to think of you anymore. Jealousy that someone is cooler or more attractive than you. Someone or something is liked more than you'd like it to be. Awareness of yourself being intelligent about why people like you too much. Feeling that someone is too physically attractive for you because other people also want a relationship with them. Demand that is beyond your abilities to keep up with. Needing approval from others. Feelings that you are not exceptional enough for others. Feeling that you are not as important as other people.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a man she was attracted to being very popular with other woman while he swam inside a lake. In this case the feelings about popularity may have reflected her feelings about the man she was attracted to being liked by a lot of other women.
To dream of porcelain represents feelings about a situation being very nice as long as you carefully leave it the way it is. Enjoyment obtained by being careful not to ruin a sensitive situation. Sensitivity about leaving a fragile situation as it is for good appearances. Pleasant, yet fragile social situations. Former enemies with a strong appearance of friendship in public as long as one friend doesn't disrespect the other to reopen the conflict.
To dream of giving someone a gift made of porcelain may represent sensitive feelings about forgiveness or giving someone a second chance. Concerns about be embarrassed again when forgiving someone. Sensitive feelings about favors you are doing for someone being a mistake.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a white porcelain vase. In waking life she had gotten a restraining order against her boyfriend. The white porcelain vase in this case may have reflected her feelings about the restraining order being a sensitive issue requiring careful respect by her boyfriend. It may also have reflected her sensitive feelings about how easy it could be for her boyfriend to violate the restraining order.
Example 2: A man dreamed of considering giving an old friend he didn't really like a pair of porcelain cufflinks for a gift and changed his mind about doing so. In waking life he had become very successful and felt forced to publicly respect the old friend who had disrespected him earlier in life. He felt he could except the public acknowledgment as long as the friend didn't do anything else disrespectful, but at the last minute he decided to avoid respecting the friend in public.
To dream of house porch represents situations, behavior, or issues that you are intentional about. Caring about knowing you're doing something. It may also reflect an area of your life where you are purposely trying to be noticed for something.
Negatively, a porch may reflect bad intentions you care about being noticed by others or problems you care about never having to do anything about.
Example: A man had a recurring theme in his dreams about being on his front porch. In waking life he was a television host. The front porch in his dreams reflects his mindset about being famous and on display. Issues he had to concern himself with because of being famous.
To dream of a porcupine represents behavior that you says everything is great, but the second you have to notice yourself most it embarrasses you like it's the worst thing ever for not listening. Behavior that feels good not wasting it's time being a child and deserves to get back as you for embarrassing it. Behavior that isn't upset, but is if you think you're bigger than it. Behavior that never worries about anyone embarrassing it and will get back at you with everyone having to think you're a idiot if you choose to. Behavior that is innocently noticing nothing is dangerous when it is dangerous. Having a fantastic time thinking something isn't a problem and facing terrifying embarrassment for thinking you're boss. Behavior that's innocent no matter what it does and just gets back at for not listening and moves on. Behavior that likes getting along with everything it's doing and embarrasses you in front of everyone if you don't let it. Behavior that doesn't deserve to notice that people are embarrassing it when it isn't embarrassing other people with consequences if you do. Behavior that doesn't get at you, but does if you think it's easily cheated. Possible consequences for not caring about someone uncontrollable liking being left the way they are. Feeling it's smarter to leave someone alone when they aren't causing you any problems. A person that is "not a snob, but will probably embarrass you if you start a problem." Behavior so incredible it doesn't want to embarrass you once, but it will.
Negatively, dreaming about a porcupine may reflect frustration with putting up with someone you think is passive or weak with serious or embarrassing consequences. Frustrations with a person that seems harmless who will tell on you or embarrass you with wacky consequences for not respecting them. The potential for embarrassing consequences from someone who isn't looking for a fight. Feeling scared away by behavior that isn't strong, but is too much trouble to fight. Feeling scared that someone would never stop telling on you after threatening to. Avoiding being shocked into submission with consequences for not listening to someone.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a porcupine beating his right foot. In waking life he felt trapped by a woman into having an affair. The porcupine biting his right foot may have reflected his feelings about the woman threatening him with embarrassment if he talked to anyone else about their affair. The woman may have felt like she wouldn't get back at him, but would if the man thought she was easy to ignore listening to.
To dream of pork represents feelings about an option or experience that is confident and simple about being better off or stronger about nothing stopping you. Feelings about the qualities of a situation you are experiencing being straightforward and confident with a sense of being better off or stronger without anything hindering you. Feeling that you can't be stopped by arrogant, greedy, thoughtless, or selfish people deserving to again. No longer putting up with someone in your life selfishly and thoughtlessly holding you back while believing in themselves too much. A sense of empowerment and liberation from people or situations that are in your way. Enjoying something that feels unrestricted. Feeling unapologetically robust.
Negatively, pork may reflect an experience that overdoes being confident and straightforward about excess and indulgence. Taking things for granted. Overspending. Consider the phrase "Pork Barrel Projects" for government spending. Perceptions of wastefulness, corruption, or inefficiency in governmental or corporate structure.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in the kitchen preparing chicken and pork. She kissed her husband with the meat in between their lips. She felt surprised that she enjoyed kissing him. In waking life, she had just recovered from serious depression after being abused by her husband and was having difficulty trying to forgive him. In this case, the pork may have reflected her feelings about how confident, simple, and strong it felt to be better off without her husband abusing her if she left him.
Example 2: A man dreamed of eating at a restaurant called "Most Of Us Are Pork" where people were magically turned into pigs to be slaughtered to feed people. In waking life, he was enrolled in the military while stationed in Germany, but not deployed. In this case, the restaurant with the word "Pork" in the title may have reflected his feelings about the military environment he was in, where individuals may have felt like expendable dehumanized commodities or where there was a sense of being part of a thoughtless system that wasted people's lives.
Porn Star
To dream of a porn star that you know represents feeling good wanting something that never materializes. Ask yourself what feelings or memories stand out most about that porn star for further symbolism.
An ugly porn star would possibly represent your feelings of how unpleasant it feels to wait or doing nothing while being told to feel good about it.
To dream of being a porn star represents your interest in making others desire things that may never happen. You may be lying to someone or trying to make someone feel good being patient.
Example: A man dreamed of a porn star named Kira Kener. His most honest feeling about this porn star was that she was so beautiful he couldn't think of anything else. In waking life he had a long standing health condition that finally began to slowly improve. Kira Kener in his dream reflected how preoccupied he was with how wonderful it was to heal while never healing completely.
To dream of a pornography video represents a life experience where you are feeling good doing nothing. Desiring, fantasizing, or dreaming about having something you want. Goals, wishes, or aspirations that feel good, but may be out of reach. Pornography may also reflect delusions or unrealistic fantasies.
Pornography may appear in the dreams of a man who can't tell a woman he likes her, ex-partners who fantasize about former lovers, someone planning a vacation, or a business man working on a project he hopes will be successful.
Negatively, pornography may reflect problems with desiring things you don't believe you can realistically have. Trusting nice sounding promises too much. Embarrassing yourself liking something or someone that never proves itself. It may also reflect intense insecurity or jealousy of partners cheating on you sexually.
To dream of pornography photos represents memories you have that feel good to think about.
Pornography can also be a sign of excessive sexual fantasies and daydreaming. You may be thinking about someone you desire and don't believe you can ever have.
To dream of someone you know in pornography may represent you fantasies about them. Something that is common for ex-lovers.
Example: A man dreamed of watching pornography. In waking life he was passionately in love with his ex-girlfriend whom he fantasized about getting back together with when she showed no interest in him.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing pornography on her fiancee's cellphone. In waking life she had just had a baby and was becoming jealous and insecure about her fiancee losing interest in her and starting to cheat on her.
*Please See Porn Star
*Please See Erotica
To dream of porridge represents feelings about situations where you benefit from deserving to be simple about not showing off thinking about yourself being better than other people while doing only what's needed in order to get through a situation. Not showing off talking about yourself too much or overdoing anything in order to get through a situation. Feelings of ease with humbleness where talking about yourself isn't important. Enduring whatever you need to do by not believing in yourself too much.
Example: A young woman dreamed of eating porridge that she threw away because it had worms in it. In waking life, she had PTSD and was finding her methods of managing it weren't working anymore. In this case, the porridge may have reflected her feelings about the simple and basic methods she was using to cope with her PTSD on her own without discussing it with other people too much, which she initially thought was sufficient. The presence of worms in the porridge could symbolize her realization that these methods were no longer effective and perhaps undermined by other people in her life ruining her ability to take personal time off to do what she needed to treat her PTSD.
*Please See Oatmeal
To dream of a porsche sports car represents decision-making or control of a situation with an attitude that is adorable about why it gets away with doing whatever it wants despite other people. Noticing you are not guilty of a crime so you get away with doing whatever you want. Feeling faster than other people because you know people or can always have someone do something for you. Being faster than other people that is safely ot technically never jealous.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing the man she was interested in dating driving a white porsche. In waking life the man she wanted to date was having problems leaving another woman to be with her, and kept spending time with the other woman. In this case the white porsche sports car may have reflected her feelings about the man she wanted to date honestly getting away with keeping the other woman in his life while technically not doing anything immoral because he hadn't finalized breaking up with her yet.
*Please See Cars
*Please See Harbor
Porta Potty
*Please See Outhouse
To dream of a magic portal represents feelings about how quickly your life can become different. Decisions or opportunities that make dramatic change impossibly easy. Feelings about having the ability to power to completely change your life for short periods of time. A complete lack of jealousy about why you never have to waste any time changing between two completely different ways of living. Feelings about easily changing between cultures or different types of friends. Feelings about how it is to change you life if you wanted to.
Negatively, dreaming about a portal may reflect feelings about how dangerous short-lived opportunities are. Feelings that your life may be forever changed if don't reverse a reverse a risky choice quickly. Feeling that you've made the worst decision of your life and need to quickly reverse it. Dangerous or potentially careless feelings about never wasting time doing something you are not supposed to be doing.
To dream of a portrait of yourself represents feelings about a situation where you are intentionally caring or "framing" how you will be remembered. A portrait of yourself may also reflect positive feelings about being remembered the way you want to be. The way you or others view your character, appearance, or personality. Self-image, reputation, or public persona. A conscious choice to present yourself in a certain way, highlighting your strengths or accomplishments. Thoughts about your legacy, how you are viewed by others, or how you perceive yourself.
Positively, dreaming about a portrait may represent a sense of pride and self-confidence in how you are perceived by others. A favorable impression that you or someone else has about your qualities or achievements. A sense of accomplishment or recognition for your efforts. Being remembered in a way that is positive, successful, or not snobby.
Negatively, a portrait in a dream may represent concerns about how others see you or a fear of being judged by your appearance or character. Insecurities, self-doubt, or concerns about your public image. Alternatively, it could reflect feelings of being misrepresented or misunderstood by others. A fear of being remembered for your flaws or mistakes, or anxiety about how you are viewed by others. Perhaps you feel stuck in a certain image or role that no longer represents who you truly are, or you might be struggling with societal or familial pressure to maintain a certain facade. Feelings about having your image or reputation frozen in a particular way.
To dream of a blurry portrait represents feelings of uncertainty, ambiguity, or a lack of clarity about your self-image, public persona, or legacy. Difficulty in defining your identity or projecting a consistent image to others. Confusion about your identity, goals, or how you want to be perceived by others.
Consider how happy you look in the portrait or other details in the image for additional meaning.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of an artistic abstract portrait of a woman. In waking life, she was being asked what she wanted to do for employment when she grew up when she had no idea. Thinking about it stressed her out. In this case, the abstract portrait of the woman may have reflected her feelings of confusion and uncertainty about her future self-image or identity while feeling she couldn't portray herself in an intelligent manner that was thoughtful about her future plans while talking to people.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a portrait of a blurry person. In waking life, she was getting through the death of her mother. In this case, the portrait may have reflected her feelings about being unsure about how people remembered her handling her mother's death.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having to stop and look at her family portrait on the wall. In waking life, she was afraid of her husband's side of the family creating ways to ruin her marriage to her husband for choosing to leave the family church. In this case, the family portrait on the wall may have reflected her perception of the family's public image or reputation and her concerns about how her actions might affect this image. The portrait may symbolize the family's collective identity and the pressures she felt to conform to their expectations.
*Please See Picture Frames
To dream of Portugal represents a mindset that feels like life or relationships are centered around doing nothing unattractive or losing. Feeling good knowing everyone wants you to be a winner.
Negatively, Portugal may reflect feelings about yourself being unimportant if you aren't noticed as a perfect winner. It may also reflect feelings about social situations where other people make you feel that they are too good for you. Feeling that everyone in a situation arrogantly doesn't think you are as important or deserving as they are. Feeling used or totally cut off by people who won't return a favor if an unpleasant sacrifice has to be made. Feeling that nobody wants to help you because they would have to notice themselves losing anything. Feeling that being noticed losing anything at all is the worst thing that could happen to you.
Portuguese People
To dream of a Portuguese person represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is respectful of having to deserve to be seen believing in itself without a problem. Family life is important while believing in itself without a problem. Acting it's age while it believes in itself without a problem. Deserving to be confident that nobody said you didn't believe in yourself without a problem. Feeling that you should not deserve to be impotent to believe in yourself without a problem. Preferring to project yourself as problemless. Feeling good knowing you aren't desperate. Confidence that nobody can undermine your belief in yourself. Express emotions and opinions in a way that feels more comfortable and authentic.
Negatively, a Portuguese person in a dream represents overdoing overconfidence being seen believing in yourself without a problem. Feeling that you've earned with you have so you don't have to save anyone else. Overdoing deserving to not be impotent to believe in yourself without a problem. Overconfidence about noticing nothing is losing.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Portuguese man playing soccer like he was the best at it in a stadium. In waking life he was very respectful of being honest about deserving to be the best researcher in his field. In this case the Portuguese man may have reflected his own mindset of being confident and deserving to believe in himself without a problem because he was obsessed with his work.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of his mother turning into Kamala Harris in a cop uniform who argued that cops made society safe. The dreamer responded in Portuguese "safe?" In waking life the dreamer had experienced a trauma of his family nearly being killed by cops while being annoyed his cop uncle. In this case the dreamer speaking in Portuguese may have reflected the dreamer's desire to express his emotions and opinions about cops in a way that feels more comfortable and authentic to him, rather than conforming to societal or familial expectations about cops. He may have felt his cop Uncle family prevented him from believing in himself without a problem and didn't feel it was fair to accept it.
To dream that you are possessed represents powerful feelings of being unable to control your urges or emotions. Feeling overcome by emotion or out of control of your common sense. Feeling that you temporarily "lost it" to anger, jealousy, or other negative emotions. Feeling yourself experiencing "madness" or uncontrollable influences.
To dream of seeing someone else possessed may reflect a temporary lapse of self-control that overrides rational thinking. Negative emotions and urges overcoming you or someone. Feeling that someone you know was temporarily not being themselves. You or someone else that is experiencing anger, jealousy, or aggression taking control over common sense. Manipulative influences that have caused you or someone else to act terrible.
To dream of fighting being possessed may reflect issues with fearing closing yourself off to something you fear or that you think is dangerous. Possibly a sign that you are trying your hardest to resist an addiction or being overtaken with immorality. Resisting with all your strength to not feel like a loser or to allow someone else to control you.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of an possessed evil unicorn chasing her. In waking life she feared getting pregnant after having sex despite her parents warnings about the dangers of unprotected sex. The possessed unicorn may have reflected her shock about how out of control her life felt after ignoring her parents advice about how special and important it was to wait until marriage to have sex.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her ex-fiance being possessed by Satan. In waking life she was shocked by how evil and mean her ex-fiance's behavior became once he broke up with her.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being possessed by evil spirits. In waking life she felt emotionally overwhelmed by her memories of the past. She couldn't stop the bad memories from her childhood from making her upset. She was living in a childhood home in which she was abused and so the memories of her past couldn't be stopped.
*Please See Demons
*Please See Exorcism
To dream of a possum represents a person or situation in your life where someone is fully aware of what they are doing is wrong and not caring about it. Disgusting dishonesty or arrogance. Behavior that is terrible and comfortable with it. A possum may reflect people who are so terrible that know you need something and use it to get more from you. Awareness of how disgusting someone else's behavior is. Overt dislike for someone.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing possums in his backyard. In waking life his father had promised him $200,000 when a home was sold so he could start a new life with a new business that was taking off. The father promised this because the son paid off all the mortgages and property taxes for 10 years.
He noticed his father doing everything he could to avoid paying the money with delays and excuses because he never really wanted to pay his son at all. The man felt his father was jealous of his new business allowing him have a life that didn't require paying all his father's bills anymore. The father was planing on threatening to retire as soon as his new business took off so he could never stop using him.
Example: A woman dreamed of avoiding running over a possum with her car. In waking life she had decided to move on with her life from old friendships that had deteriorated and was having trouble telling the people to their face that she didn't like them anymore.
Post Malone
To dream of Post Malone represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else (or gets more attention) about feeling good honest about being mellow that's comfortable about never having to think about having the most awful dangerous appearances. Feeling good that you are an honest person when you might look like you are lethal. The dreamer's feelings about receiving attention or recognition, both positive and negative, from others. Individuality, authenticity, and the complexity of being judged based on appearances. Resilience and strength in maintaining feeling good about one's path despite external criticism or misunderstanding about appearances. Nontraditional success that pushes against societal expectations about appearances. Feeling good being comfortable and not having to mean to say when you look dangerous or crazy to other people.
Positively, dreaming about Post Malone may represent a phase of self-discovery, where you are exploring and embracing your individuality without fear of judgment. Comfort with being different and a recognition of the strength found in authenticity and honesty.
Negatively, this dream may represent concerns about being misunderstood or misjudged based on appearances or first impressions. Feelings of vulnerability or anxiety about how others perceive you, especially if you defy traditional norms or expectations. The dream may highlight a struggle between wanting to be accepted for who you are and facing societal pressures to conform.
Example: A man dreamed of Post Malone. In waking life, he had to use his power of attorney to order his father off of life support and claim his inheritance while his entire family witnessed him putting up with an illness that embarrassed him with needing to cover up his physical appearance with a hood that made him look like he was in the mob. In this case, Post Malone may have reflected his feelings about getting a lot of attention from family members about gaining an inheritance while his Dad was being taken off life support and how others perceived his physical appearance of looking like a dangerous member of organized crime.
Post Office
To dream of a post office represents a situation in your life where you are constantly trying to give people information you believe is important for them to have.
Postage Stamps
To dream of postage stamps represents feelings about approval, validation, or being official about deserving to talk to someone about something important. Feelings about deserving to tell someone something important whenever you want. Feelings about deserving to talk to someone through someone else about something important. Being serious about starting to communicate with someone. Being serious about communicating or "sending a message." Feelings about deserving to talk to someone else about something because you have a good reason that validates you. Expressing the desire to communicate with someone.
To dream of collecting stamps represents feelings about meeting people, visiting places, or gaining experience that allows you to deserve valid or official reasons to talk to people. Your ability to navigate different situations or interact with various people effectively. Feelings of pressure to prove your worth through diverse experiences or accomplishments.
Example: A person dreamed of licking a postage stamp and finding that it tasted really bad. In waking life, they had a really bad experience with a company that they did business with. They felt that the service was slow, unhelpful, and that they were ripped off. In this case, the postage stamp with the bad taste may have reflected feelings about not deserving to communicate in a serious manner with anyone else about the business's service because it was such poor service they didn't feel it merited a recommendation.
Example 2: A person dreamed of collecting postage stamps from all over the world. In waking life, they were planning a vacation that would visit a large number of countries. In this case, collecting the stamps may have reflected their feelings about deserving to talk about visiting each of the individual countries on the planned trip to people whenever they wanted.
Example 3: A person dreamed of trying to mail a letter and being unable to find the right stamp. They got frustrated and started to sweat. Eventually, they gave up and left the post office without mailing the letter. In waking life, they were overwhelmed with responsibilities at work and had a lot of deadlines that they were unsure could be met. In this case, being unable to find the right postage stamp may have reflected their feelings of being unable or unsure about how to deserve an official or valid reason to communicate with someone important about a business matter because they felt that their concerns didn't qualify to bother someone more professional than themself.
Example 4: A person dreamed of collecting postage stamps and was able to collect the whole set. In waking life, they completed a large project at work and were feeling proud of themself. In this case, collecting stamps may have reflected their feelings about their large work project allowing them to meet people and travel places in order to gain experience talking to a lot of different people or professionals whom they felt could be contacted at any time if the issue deserved to be important enough.
*Please See Stamped
To dream of a poster represents qualities about yourself that you want others to notice about you. You may want to share something about yourself or draw attention to something happening to you. A personality trait, belief, or experience you had that you like other people noticing about you.
Negatively, dreaming about a poster may reflect issues with vanity, arrogance, or needing attention. Enjoying showing off or talking about yourself too much to other people. Desperation to impose chosen opinions about yourself on others.
To dream of yourself having a poster on your bedroom wall may reflect your secret admiration. It may also reflect the qualities about yourself which you admire. Things about yourself that make you feel good knowing you aren't stupid.
To dream of a propaganda poster may reflect feelings of forced enthusiasm for beliefs or agenda's that aren't your own. Fearing not being viewed by others as conforming to something socially acceptable. Unpleasant feelings about others pressuring you into choosing to not be yourself or to ignore your conscience.
Consider the content of the poster for additional meaning.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a women whom in waking life he felt had crazy views about spiritually telling him that "once you become famous I will print your posters for you." In waking life he had taken hallucinogenic drugs, had a powerful spiritual experience, and when he began telling people about it they all became to disassociate themselves from him because they thought he was crazy.
Example 2: A person living in Nazi Germany dreamed that propaganda posters on the corner of a street listed the twenty words people were not allowed to say. The dream may have reflected the dreamer's growing unease with having to be enthusiastic about the Nazi's growing level of power over society.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of forcing her husband to look at a poster on a wall. In waking life she acting overbearing towards a doctor by forcing him to speak to her about her faith in God being strong.
*Please See Mailman
Pot Of Gold
To dream of a pot of gold represents feelings about something valuable that sits around doing nothing. A lot of opportunity, freedom, luck, and power that isn't be used at all.
Negatively, it may reflect your intentions to steal something valuable because someone else isn't doing anything with it. Feeling that valuable opportunities are being wasted.
To dream of a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow reward or freedom at the end of troubles, difficulties, or challenges. Negatively, it pay be a possible warning about misconceptions or delusions about how easily your life is about to get.
Potato Chips
To dream of potato chips represents a overindulgent behavior or a lack of willpower. You may be having a problem stopping something once you've started it. Doing something once isn't enough. You may need to exercise more self control.
Negatively, potato chips may reflect a lack of respect for a repeating or recurring indulgence.
Example: A man dreamed of eating potato chips. In waking life he was trying to overcome sex addiction. The potato chips reflected his inability to stop wanting sex once he's had it.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing herself eating potato chips. In waking life she couldn't stop speaking to a professional for advice because the advice better than anything she had gotten before. She had to keep going back for advice over and over.
Potatoe Wedges
To dream of potato wedge french fries represents feelings about enjoying being straightforward about deserving to believe in yourself safely mattering without a question, not being mean about not minding wasting time, while experiencing something happening being frivolous, unimportant, fun, or not serious about needing to be intelligent. Being unafraid to believe you matter while something fun, frivolous, or unimportant is happening. Feeling good speaking up for yourself and not being shy while something frivolous or unimportant is happening.
Potato wedges are not a common dream symbol.
*Please See French Fries
To dream of raw potatoes represents feelings about not yet deserving to be comfortable from complications or hurdles with a sense that it would be beneficial for you to learn from the experience. Feeling that a complication or hurdle that you'll learn from does nothing unless you get involved with it. A problem situation in your life that requires work or brings difficulties, but encourages personal growth because you'll learn to overcome minor complications or hurdles with ease. Your perception of complications being manageable and ultimately leading to a satisfying resolution as you work through them. A learning experience that will make your life easier after having to confront it once.
To dream of cooked potatoes represents feelings of satisfaction, ease, and comfort with the resolution of a complicated situation that you didn't feel you deserved to put up with to begin with. A situation that may have started out complicated or challenging, has now been resolved or made simpler. The appreciation for the work done to make things smoother or more manageable. The rewards of patience and effort.
To dream of raw sweet potatoes represents feelings of not yet feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.
To dream of cooked sweet potatoes represents feeling good deserving to not deal with other people's complications or hurdles to begin with while people aren't saying anything about it either with a sense that's beneficial for you to learn from.
To dream of a baked potato represents feelings about special attention given to prepare to be comfortable from a complicated situation that you feel you didn't deserve to begin with while not wanting to say anything to anyone else about it because you want it all to yourself. Feeling that someone specially prepared a complicated situation and made it easy for you and not wanting to complain about it.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a lot of large potatoes. In waking life, she had a lot of work to do to prepare to organize and prepare to move with her boyfriend to another country on the opposite side of the world. In this case, the potatoes may have reflected her feelings about the numerous tasks and complexities she faced as beneficial for her personal growth, relationship, and future while living in another country comfortably without problems.
Example 2: An older woman dreamed of finding a sweet potato plant in a ditch. In waking life, she was upset with her church and wanted to leave for a new church. In this case, the sweet potato plants may have reflected her feeling of personal growth from overcoming the hurdles associated with leaving her current church with a sense of feeling good not deserving to have ever dealt with the church's problems to begin with as she anticipated embracing a new spiritual community that felt more comfortably aligned with her needs and desires.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having lunch with her boss and being given a plate of peeled baked potatoes. She felt that the location must have been filthy before it was recently cleaned. She asked for an appetizer, but her boss said they were passed that time. In waking life, she didn't like her boss and felt that her ethics and integrity had slipped over the years. She was looking for a new job. In this case, being offered baked potatoes while being denied an appetizer may have reflected her feelings about her boss being specially prepared to resolve certain problems with comfortable executive privileges while wanting workers to be quiet about it, but not being willing to teach the workers valuable skills to prevent problems from happening to begin with because it might begin to train them to take her job.
*Please See Mashed Potatoes
*Please See Potatoe Wedges
To dream of a magic potion represents a desire for a quick fix or a "magical fix" to address issues, whether they are physical, emotional, or situational. A special way to alter or change a situation instantly. A method or "ingredients" to speed ahead. A specific remedy, influence, or catalyst for change. A search for healing, transformation, or a tool to manipulate situations to one's favor. The belief in a quick fix or a powerful solution that could dramatically alter your current circumstances or perceptions.
Positively, dreaming about a potion might symbolize hope, empowerment, and the potential for change. Your belief in your ability to quickly and easily affect your circumstances, relationships, or emotions. You might feel that you have found a quick answer or powerful strategy that will help you overcome challenges, heal, or bring about desired outcomes. The potion could represent a sudden realization, an epiphany, or access to information that dramatically shifts your understanding or approach to a problem or desire. A desire for a transformative experience or a shift in consciousness.
Negatively, dreaming about a potion may reflect reliance on risky shortcuts or dirty tricks to get desired results faster. Naively believing that you can fix a serious problem with a quick solution. Dishonest manipulation to cheat someone else. Instant gratification or the belief that there's a simple solution to complex problems. Arrogance or ignorance that believes in a selfish quick fix that overlooks respecting another person. Unrealistic expectations, the pursuit of shortcuts, or avoidance of facing the root causes of your issues. Shortcuts that are dangerous in the long term. A method of cheating to get what you want instantly. This dream may caution against relying too heavily on external remedies and encourage you to explore deeper, more meaningful solutions. A desire to control others, situations, or even aspects of yourself in ways that may be deceptive or harmful. Desperation. A risk of overlooking long-term consequences in favor of immediate solutions, leading to potential harm or imbalance. A lack of faith in organic processes, indicating impatience, temptation, or the desire for power.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being paid to make a love potion for someone else. In waking life, she was happily dating long-distance whom she felt wasn't as interested in the relationship as she was. She was also still communicating with an ex-boyfriend who was her first and only love. The new relationship was at risk because it was long-distance. The ex-boyfriend occasionally made her feel like he might be her soulmate, but felt it was inappropriate to pursue that because it might risk their friendship. In this case, a love potion for someone else may have reflected her feelings about dishonestly benefitting from manipulating her new boyfriend with jealousy of the ex-boyfriend to make him more serious about their long-distance relationship.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her husband coming out of water with a potion and telling her to drink it. She refused and threw it away. In waking life, her husband had recently been caught cheating on her. He promised that the affair was over and wouldn't happen again. The dreamer didn't trust him 100%. In this case, the potion may have reflected her feelings about her husband's promises or solutions to repair their relationship seeming too easy or not trustworthy.