To dream of being naked represents feelings of being vulnerable or exposed. An aspect your life is totally out in the open or revealed. An unexpected change may be making you feel like your private life is suddenly on display to others. Feeling put on the spot in a way you aren't used to. Feeling that you have no protection. Feeling awkward. A lack of privacy.
Negatively, dreaming of being naked may reflect your dishonesty that is impossible to hide anymore. Feeling embarrassed that you got caught lying. Personal information or private matters may be out in the open. Feeling vulnerable or susceptible to influence. Feeling exposed, humiliated, or powerless because a weakness has been revealed. Feeling shame, inept, or inadequate. Feeling vulnerable to others judgement.
Positively, being naked in a dream may represent feelings of being totally confident. Not caring what other people think about you at all. Enjoying having the truth exposed. Feeling that you have nothing to hide. If you enjoy being naked it may reflect a situation in which you feel free to all restraints. Nothing is holding you back. Feeling unencumbered. Openness and sincerity.
To dream of other people being naked may represent "seeing the naked truth of a situation." All weaknesses are out in the open.
To dream of being naked at school represents waking life situations where you may be experiencing anxiety about problems that you can't do anything to hide. Facing something serious that you can't keep private.
To dream of being naked at work represents feelings about having to be honest all the time. Being unable to disguise or cover up your mistakes. Situations where cheating is impossible or spotted immediately. It may also reflect feelings about honesty being important to prove all the time.
To dream of being naked at the beach may represent feelings about being unable to hide your true intentions or to act dishonest while confronting a negative situation. Facing uncertainty in your life while being unable to lie or hide anything. The beach reflects a confrontational moment in your life while the nakedness points to feelings about your true self being on display to others.
To dream of hiding your naked body represents a fear of having the truth revealed or exposed. Embarrassment of being caught lying. There is something about yourself that you don't want scrutinized. Wishing to conceal a weakness.
To see beautiful sexually attractive people naked may represent desirable experiences that you want to have. It may also reflect your sexual desires or fantasies. Experiencing situations that you really like.
Being naked and ready for sex represents your readiness to enjoy yourself doing something you like. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too eager or allowing the prospect of pleasure to cloud your judgement.
To dream of being naked while people laugh at you represents feelings of embarrassment about some area of your life that is out in the open. Humiliation due to lies or impotence being revealed. If you don't care about the laughter it reflects a high degree of comfort with yourself despite what other people think of you. Feeling no jealousy or not allowing revelations to bother you. Being uninhibited.
Example: A girl had recurring nightmares about walking around a street naked wearing only gloves. In waking life he was in a strict religious convent school requiring a uniform to be worn. She was always losing her gloves. The dream may have reflected her fears about being discovered having lost her gloves and being revealed as inadequate person in a place she found to be too strict.
Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of being naked. In waking life she was having problems getting pregnant and was concerned that other people were thinking about her as infertile loser.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing naked people. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he would have to move back to his home country due to economic reasons.
*Please See Flasher