To dream of an object having a heavy weight represents difficulty changing a situation. An obstacle in waking life that is very demanding of you or requires your full attention.
To dream of an object having a light weight represents the ease felt in changing a situation. Unusually light objects that should be heavy may reflect challenging situations that are unusually easy to confront. You or someone else that is may be "manhandling" a difficulty.
To dream of being overweight represents feelings about yourself or someone else being undeserving. Feeling that someone else is too lazy or has had too much of something. Excessive indulgence in a type of experience. It may also reflect your own feelings of low self-worth or lack of confidence. Difficulties with discipline or putting pleasure first.
To dream of losing weight represents self-improvement or increasing discipline. Increasing skill, power, or self-confidence. Negatively, excessive weight loss may reflect awareness of yourself losing power or becoming weaker.
To dream of being underweight represents feelings about yourself or others being too weak in some area. A lack of will power or effectiveness. You may feel out of your league or out-powered.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a very muscular built man lose weight to become a normal weight person. In waking life he had witnessed the same man lose a lot of power to become someone more regular.
*Please See Fat
*Please See Thin
*Please See Obese