To dream of a plants represents a slowly progressing development in your life. Ideas, plans, or hard work that will take time to realize the full potential of. Something you are patiently waiting for. Self-improvement or personal growth.
People who are experiencing slow or long term healing often dream of plants. Parents may dream of watering plants to reflect nurturing their growing children.
Women who are trying to conceive or have recently gotten pregnant may dream of a plant.
To dream of a plant drying up and dying may reflect your feelings about neglecting an aspect of your life that is slowly developing. Feelings about neglecting children. Water a plant may reflect some area of your life that you are nurturing or encouraging.
To dream of potted plants represents feelings about something pleasant or beneficial to your life that requires occasional attention. Maintenance that benefits you. Enjoying slow progress from regular.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing baby plants in the ground. In waking life he was beginning to write a book.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of over-watering her mother's houseplants. In waking life she was pregnant and having anxiety about being a terrible mother when the child was born.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of watering plants and then feeling that because she spent too much time on it that she allowed another plant to shrivel and die. In waking life she felt she was neglecting her youngest child because she was paying attention to her older children.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a plant in her home that had dried up in real life looking vibrant and perfectly taken care of. In waking life she was experiencing an improvement in her sex life with her husband.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing her potted plants go missing while trades men came into the home to fix her property up. In waking life she owned rental property that she was having difficulty renting. The stolen potted plants in this case may have reflected her sense of losing her ability to enjoy comfortably profiting from rental property which required occasional maintenance to keep tenants happily paying her. The combination of the stolen plants and trades men working on the home may have reflected her awareness of herself having problems renting the rental home whole procrastinating having the rental home fixed up for future renting knowing that it might require it to interest people in renting it.