*Please See Homeless Person
To dream of playing hockey represents a competitive situation over an intentionally or temporarily uncertain problem that is "frozen", on hold, or stuck the way it is. Conflict or competition that is trying to get an advantage or improved standing over someone else before a "frozen," unresolved, deadlocked situation releases or progresses. A struggle to offload responsibility, obligation, or blame during an uncertain standstill. Conflict with another person over an issue about improving your standing during a situation that's stuck the way it is. A hockey match is a sign that you are trying to tell someone else that "it's your problem, not mine" during an uncertain standstill issue that has yet to be completed.
Negatively, dreaming of hockey may represent feelings of frustration, impatience, or a desire to escape from a difficult temporary uncertain situation that is "frozen", on hold, or stuck the way it is. Dealing with unresolved issues by creating any advantage possible before progress resumes. Feeling embroiled in a situation where no one is willing to compromise, leading to a prolonged stalemate or deadlock for any advantage possible in smaller ways to help you increase your chances of winning with the bigger issue at hand.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a hockey player. In waking life, he was recovering from a long-term illness during ongoing legal entanglement. In this case, the hockey player may have reflected his feelings of exceptional recovery and unexpected success in his health before the legal entanglement became unfrozen or was released.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of hockey players. In waking life, she lived on a farm while trying to build up her self-esteem regarding her marketable skills by studying psychology through home-school correspondence so that she'd have more to offer an employer when she finished her schooling. In this case, the hockey players may have reflected her feelings about her worklife being "frozen" while living at home on a farm, and choosing to use the opportunity to be competitive about improving her skills so that she could leave her life on the farm for a better job.
Hockey Stick
To dream of a hockey stick represents an ability to deflect responsibility or a burden. You may be involved in a competitive situation where avoiding taking responsibility for a problem is an issue. You or someone else that is saying "No, you deal with it because it's not my problem."
Positively, a hockey stick may represent your decision to stick up for yourself or respect yourself more than someone else. An unwillingness to take responsibility for something that is wrongly being placed on you.
Negatively, a hockey stick represents an arrogant attitude towards taking responsibility. Bullying that enjoys playing without any work or difficulties. It may also reflect your fear of someone else having the leverage or power to brush you off like you don't matter when times get tough.
To dream of a garden hoe represents a wish to make a difficult situation less severe. Spreading a large responsibility or difficulty out. Dealing with larger problems piece of piece or trying make a difficult situation more manageable.
*Please See Pigs
*Please See Boars
To dream of holding represents feelings of capability about support, control, or maintaining a situation as it is. The need to keep things stable, to protect something valuable, or to nurture a relationship, idea, or project. Holding something or someone in a dream might reflect your desire for security, connection, and the fear of letting go. An idea you are acknowledging or studying.
Positively, dreaming about holding may represent a strong sense of empowerment and self-assurance in your capability to handle challenges and make decisions. Being capable of taking charge. A conscious choice to embrace, to protect, or to cherish relationships or situations that are important to you. Holding on to something tightly could also indicate a strong commitment or a deep sense of responsibility towards someone or a particular aspect of your life.
Negatively, dreaming about holding may represent feelings of clinginess, fear of change, or an inability to let go. Feelings of fear, possessiveness, or the struggle to maintain control. Holding on to past issues, relationships, or habits that no longer serve you. Blame or guilt you accept responsibility for. Dangerous choices you are considering. The challenges of holding onto something in your life that is changing or slipping away. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulty in releasing control or embracing new opportunities due to attachment to familiarity and security. Holding onto outdated beliefs, habits, or emotions that are hindering your growth and progress.
To dream of holding a weapon represents awareness of yourself having the capability to protect yourself. The ability to make a powerful choice that may create conflict or cause failure. The power to make a dramatic change. Feelings about defending yourself or attempting to maintain integrity against adversity. Negatively, holding a weapon may reflect the potential to make a dangerous choice, hurt someone, or dramatic change. Over-sensitivity about needing to defend yourself. The capability to attack a problem or get back at someone. Consider the meaning of the weapon you are holding for additional meaning.
To dream of holding a snake represents feeling about the capability to cause corruption or permanent failure to others. Feelings about the potential capability to get back at yourself with corruption or permanent failure if you are not careful. Feeling that a very dangerous choice that can cause corruption or total failure is within your capabilities.
To dream of coins represents feelings about the perception of value of resources, power, insights, or capabilities which can be utilized to help you to do other things. Valuable insight that you makes you keep thinking about what you can do with it. Awareness of the value that something you are capable of holds which you want to maintain.
Negatively, dreaming about coins may represent wasting time believing in the perception of the value and capability of resources, power, and insights that are unimportant. An insight into a problem that is ultimately smaller than you thought. A sense of value in what you are capable of that isn't as important as you first thought.
To dream of holding a coin represents feelings about your capability to utilize resources or opportunities that are available to you. A sense of power, value, or leverage that you feel you have in some area of your life. Holding a coin can symbolize the acknowledgment of skills, talents, or advantages that you possess and can use to your benefit. A recognition of your own worth and the potential to make use of what you have at your disposal to achieve your goals or improve your situation. Feelings about having an insight that you feel is capable of solving a problem. Feeling impressed with the capability of a new idea or new solution to a problem you've discovered. Wasting time with new ideas that won't solve your real problems.
*Please See Ledge
*Please See Hands
*Please See Hugging
*Please See Breath
To dream of holes represents feelings of emptiness, incompleteness, or emotional void in certain aspects of your life. Vulnerabilities, areas of neglect, or situations where something is missing. The hole might be an indicator of gaps in understanding, unfulfilled needs, or feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Emptiness that cares about why it's not addressed.
Positively, dreaming about holes may represent feelings about an opportunity or breakthrough that has been made. Feeling that you have a chance to solve a very difficult problem. Flaws in your enemy's defense or discovering your enemy's weakness. A sign that you are recognizing areas that need attention or improvement, prompting self-awareness and personal growth. The dream might also suggest that you are on the path to filling these voids or addressing these vulnerabilities.
Negatively, holes in a dream could represent fears, traumas, or unresolved issues. They may highlight feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction in certain areas of your life, such as relationships, career, or personal growth. It might also suggest that something is undermining your confidence or creating instability in your waking life. Feelings about yourself having created a big problem for yourself or your impatience with being stuck with a problem. Feelings about experiencing a slump or unexpected slowdown in your life.
To dream of falling in a hole represents feeling about succumbing to a problem you have difficulty getting yourself out of. Feelings of sudden instability, loss of control, or being overwhelmed by unexpected challenges. Fears of becoming entrapped in a situation from which you perceive no easy escape. The sensation of falling can be indicative of a perceived failure, setback, or a situation that has taken a turn for the worse unexpectedly. The potential to fall prey to a serious problem. A problem that you can't get out of easily. Feelings of having created a problem for yourself that is not easy to get yourself out of. The worsening of troubles. Feeling that a problem has been made worse than ever. "Pitfall." Feeling stuck. Mistakes or poor judgment. Falling prey to addiction.
To dream of a hole in your clothing represents feelings of vulnerability, inadequacy, or perceived flaws in your self-image or persona. Personality flaws. Concerns about your self-worth, fear of judgment, or the belief that others can see your imperfections or mistakes. This dream could also signify a sense of incompleteness about who you are as a person. Flaws with a role you are taking on.
To dream of seeing a hole in your skin represents feelings of vulnerability, perceived flaws, or a sense of insecurity regarding your emotional boundaries and self-image. Feelings of emptiness, incompleteness, or an emotional void about not being able to feel good liking yourself. Feelings of emptiness about yourself having a permanent flaw that can't be fixed. Fear others seeing or exploiting your vulnerabilities, or you might be grappling with self-acceptance issues. Feeling a complete lack of beauty or sympathy in a situation.
To dream of deep holes or pits could indicate feelings of despair, fear, or being trapped in an intractable situation. Fear of unknown consequences or a situation that feels out of your control. Hopelessness.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone drowning in a hole in the floor. In waking life, she was reexamining a past event in her life where a relative tragically died after betraying her. In this case, seeing someone drown in the hole in a floor may have reflected the deep emotional void and pain she felt due to the betrayal and subsequent loss.
Example 2: A young boy dreamed of falling into a hole and having to stay there. In waking life, he had injured his ankle while playing. In this case, falling into a hole may have reflected his feelings about being "stuck" in a situation where he was forced to take time off while feeling confined or limited due to his injury.
Example 3: A man dreamed of driving a car until it reached an enormous hole in the ground requiring him to stop the car and get out and wait. In waking life, the man had been trying to live his life on his own while ignoring criminals until he was finally confronted with the seriousness of the criminal matter which he had to take time off to deal with. In this case, the enormous hole in the ground may have reflected his feelings about the size and emptiness of the serious legal problem he had to confront, something he couldn't get away from easily and might ruin his life if he wasn't careful.
Example 4: A grandmother dreamed of seeing her daughter's finger with a hole in it. In waking life, she felt that her daughter was empty about not being aggressive enough about getting her child custody back from her ex-partner. She tried to point out how terrible it felt to her daughter. In this case, the hole in the daughter's finger may have reflected the emotional void and emptiness she felt about her daughter's perceived passivity or lack of assertiveness in regaining custody of her grandchild. The hole in the finger symbolizing a significant flaw or gap in her daughter's approach to the situation after informing her about it.
*Please See Digging
To dream of being on holiday represents feelings about having time off a problem or time away from a relationship. Feeling good getting a break from something. Time off work projects.
Negatively, dreaming about a holiday may reflect laziness or taking too much time off a serious problem. Issues with wanting to avoid troubles. Too much leisure. Excessive relaxation. Preferring to avoid a relationship problem instead of discussing it. Fear about getting fired at work for being lazy or avoiding work. Desire to take a break that you keep avoiding.
Example: A woman dreamed of being afraid while she was on vacation. In waking life she was afraid to be at home at night without her husband while he was at work. She enjoyed time away from her husband while also fearing being alone in her home with her young children.
Refer to the themes section for holidays for a more in depth look at holiday symbolism.
*Please See Netherlands
To dream of something being hollow represents situations or personality traits that lack substance. Something in your life that is empty, worthless, or insignificant.
Example: A man dreamed of standing on a hollow moon. In waking life he took a risk to face a fear and realized there was nothing to worry about. He fears were totally overblown.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a hollow tree. In waking life she was beginning to feel that her job was empty and meaningless.
To dream of Hollywood represents social interaction with others where being believable and interesting when talking about incredible experiences is important in order to be liked or get ahead. Talking to people about stories that have to be believable and interesting. Social implications of getting attention, perception, and the desire for validation while trying to be believable about retelling stories.
Negatively, Hollywood may represent your dislike or disappointment about other people who never believe an incredible story you told them. Feeling that other people think you are a liar or totally made up an outrageous story. Being so good at using your imagination that you annoy people that it's a lie that's trying to get attention. It may be a sign that you are lying too much or that people simply don't believe your story. Made-up or exaggerated stories being told to other people that appear to want recognition or attention. Difficulties with appearing authentic and being misunderstood with stories you tell people.
Example: A man dreamed of being in Hollywood. In waking life, he had experienced the most powerful hallucination of his entire life during a 4-day period with no food or water and nobody believed him at all. He felt people started to disassociate themselves from him after he told the story. In this case, Hollywood may have reflected his feelings about the people he spoke to never believing anything he said because his story about his experience sounded too outrageous while also feeling jealous that he couldn't convince them because being believable was important.
To dream of the WWII holocaust represents your feelings about a situation that you feel is totally insensitive to the total loss that you are experiencing. You may be experiencing a person or situation that has completely cut you off and is totally indifferent to your feelings. Feelings about ruthless evil. Extreme measures being taken to eradicate opposition.
To dream of a holocaust of dead bodies or massive amounts of death may reflect your feelings about all you have worked for being lost. Your success, achievements, or hard work have been totally wiped out. Total failure in a number of different areas of your life. Feeling that all hope is gone.
*Please See Hitler
*Please See Nazis
*Please See Concentrations Camps
*Please See Swastika
Holy Bible
*Please See Bible
Holy Grail
To dream of the Holy Grail represents wish fulfillment or a perfect solution. To search for the Holy Grail reflects your desire to find the perfect solution to something elusive.
Negatively, the holy grail in a dream may reflect dangerous behavior or risk taking to achieve an elusive goal. Obsession to the point of hurting yourself.
The Holy Grail in a dream is a sign that you want to find or discover something that has been lost or suppressed. Either a part of your personality or an answer that eludes you.
Holy Spirit
To dream of the Holy Spirit represents feelings about how incredible a situation feels when you are helped with exactly what you needed. Feeling that life gave you a miracle when it was needed most. Feeling blessed or lucky. Alternatively, dreaming of the Holy Spirit may reflect powerful feelings of confidence that you can never be wrong or can't lose. Feeling that God is on your side.
Negatively, the Holy Spirit may reflect your dependency on things outside of yourself. Not believing in yourself enough as the real conduit for positive change. Not seeing your own strength to fix your own problems.
Holy Water
To dream of holy water represents thoughts, habits, or life situations that are totally redeeming, perfectly positive, or completely rid you of problems and negative situations. A redeeming action or quality that is unquestionable.
Negatively, holy water may reflect too much faith that something will instantly fix your problems.
To dream of holy water you don't trust represents your suspicions about promises or claims about something being a perfect solution, or that is totally redeeming.
Example: A deeply religious woman dreamed that she wasn't allowed to use holy water to heal herself. In waking life she was dealing with serious family issues with the possibility of her children being taken away from her. She felt that God was ignoring her praying for her problems to go away.
To dream of being at home represents familiarity, security, or normalcy. Being comfortable with the way things are or being used to the way things are. A chaotic situation may have come to an end.
You may be feeling at "home" or settled at a new job or situation.
*Please See Houses
Home Depot
To dream of Home Depot represents improvement, personal development, or changes in your life situation with feelings of no limits, low pressure, and lots of support and encouragement to fix one's life situation. A stronger or more attractive option of low pressure encouragement to keep thinking about fixing your life or improving your outlook on life. Low-pressure, friendly encouragement to better oneself or to take care of a nagging problem. Feelings about the availability of resources or options that can help to achieve personal goals or maintain a your outlook on life. Your ability to adapt, innovate, or make changes in your life to keep your life feeling normal without pressure or feeling stupid. Feeling about nothing scaring you that you can fix your life up if you want to. Feelings about other people telling you that it's a good idea to fix a problem or ugly situation. Feelings of ease or that nothing sucks about choosing to fix a situation.
Home Depot could also indicate a phase in your life where you are learning new skills, preparing for changes, or working on personal development. The dream encourages the individual to be patient, resourceful, and proactive in dealing with the challenges that come with growth and transition."
Negatively, dreaming about Home Depot may reflect feelings of thinking you're better than someone else at fixing your life because you think it's easy. Overdoing expecting low pressure, no limits, with lots of support to improve your life that's unrealistic for your serious problem. Feeling overwhelmed by the many decisions or choices available for improving a situation in your life. It could also represent anxiety or fear that you can't meet the expectations of others who believe in your capacity to manage or improve your life.
Additionally, it may represent feelings of being stuck in a temporary situation that you initially perceived as easy with no pressure.
To dream of working in a Home Depot store in a dream may indicate supportive attitudes towards others who are seeking to improve their lives. Being supportive of others thinking it's more attractive to think of fixing their problem than not.
People who work at Home Depot may have dreams of Home Depot if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.
Example: A man dreamed of going to Home Depot with a friend. In waking life, he lost his job, but felt good that all his relationships were in tact. In this case, Home Depot may have reflected his feelings about all his remaining relationships still being intact making him feel easily supported fixing up his life with low pressure.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of attempting to secure a full-time job at Home Depot for a year, after which she planned to transition to a new career. In waking life, she was a homemaker dealing with her mother's impending death. In this case, seeking employment at Home Depot may have reflected her thoughts about assuming her mother's responsibilities for her family during this challenging period, symbolizing her transition to the role of primary caretaker. She may have perceived this role as a duty, where she could provide low-pressure, limitless support while preparing for her mother's passing and the ensuing changes to her family's future.
Home Improvements
To dream of home improvements or renovating a house represents changes to the way you normally think, or overhauling outdated ideas or behaviors. Self-improvement or improving the way you normally go about solving problems. Making changes to your usual methods of dealing with people. Making a big change so that you never concern yourself with a problem ever again. Expanding your way of thinking. It may also reflect your attempt to make big changes to yourself to feel better about yourself.
Consider the type of improvement or location of the room for additional meaning. Renovating a bathroom may represent new ways of fixing problems you are considering. Renovating a kitchen may represent new ways of preparing for future situations. Fixing up your living room may represent new or better ways of relaxing you are considering.
Home Invasion
*Please See Intruder
*Please See Burglary
Homeless Person
To dream of a homeless person represents an aspect of your personality that has experienced total failure. An area of your life that you have totally lost control of or that's completely powerless.
Alternatively, being homeless in a dream may reflect anxiety about financial hardship or low confidence in your future.
Example: A man dreamed of being surrounded by homeless people. In waking life he had just lost a competition at his work place and lost out on a opportunity to be promoted.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed seeing a homeless man with his hands out begging. In waking life she was dumped by her boyfriend and would have done anything to have him back.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being homeless. In waking life she was pregnant and having anxiety about going broke supporting the baby.
To dream of your hometown represents feelings of familiarity or returning to your beginnings. Enjoying experiencing yourself being remembered by someone from your past. Remembering what your life was like before you moved on to bigger things. Remembering or acknowledging your roots. Situations where you feel you are always welcomed or belonging.
Negatively, a hometown may reflect feelings about having to remember unpleasantness or bitter relationships you've moved on. Feelings of familiarity that you don't like. Having to be remembered by people you don't want to be remembered by. Feelings of fear or embarrassment that you proved yourself to be a failure to people that remember you.
Example: A elderly woman near death had recurring dreams of getting ready to visit her hometown. In waking life she died a few months after these dreams. The hometown scenery may have reflected her thoughts about returning to heaven where she felt she would meet all kinds of familiar people from her past that already died.
To dream of having homework represents feelings about having to responsible on your own. Having to care about problems all by yourself. Negatively, homework in a dream may be a sign that you are creating too much work for yourself. Pressuring yourself to be perfect and never letting anything go. Feeling guilty if you don't do every single thing yourself.
Alternatively, having homework in dreams may be a sign that you are allowing yourself to be subjected to too much pressure to perform well in school. A fear of making any mistakes academically. A sign that you need to relax a bit. A fear of being a loser if you aren't perfect in school.
Example: A young girl dreamed of having so much homework that it would take her years to finish it. In waking life she was a superior student experiencing a lot of pressure to study a lot and do well on her own. The dream of homework may have reflected her tendency to create work for herself with all the extra effort she felt she needed to show.
To dream of homicide may represent a big change that was intentional or premeditated. You or someone else that has purposely ruined something or gotten rid of a problem.
*Please See Murder
Homosexuality (Gay Sex)
To dream of gay sex represents enjoyment of a situation that is noticed by others as abnormal or unacceptable all the time. Enjoying that doing something that is always noticed as difficult to explain by others. Enjoyment of a situation that is difficult to make accepted by others. Enjoying yourself that makes other people feel something is permanently difficult to accept or explain with you. Enjoying something regularly that makes other people think is too odd to want to enjoy themselves. Enjoying your life the way it is without concern for appearances when other people might care about appearances.
Negatively, dreaming of gay sex may reflect feelings about enjoyment of a situation that is vain or vague about why it's noticed not behaving normal. Enjoyment of a situation that is difficult to have accepted by others. A lack of concern about enjoying something you know is wrong to do or makes others feel uncomfortable. Enjoying an abnormal situation that you know may bring backlash or have consequences. Feelings about appearances enjoying something other people may not approve of.
To have gay sex that you don't enjoy may reflect feelings of being involved in abnormal situations that others like, but you don't like. Feeling used for another person's enjoyment of something questionable. Unpleasant homosexual sex may reflect feelings of enduring a very unpleasant situation that is noticed by others as abnormal.
To dream of being raped by a member of the same sex may represent a sense of powerlessness to control a situation that is abnormal, questionable, or difficult to have accepted by others. Men raped by men may reflect powerlessness to control an insensitive situation that intentionally cares about nothing your feeling. Men dreaming of being raped may also reflect feelings about being ripped off during a questionable situation.
Alternatively, a homosexual can be symbolic of your sexual desires if you are gay, or have homosexual curiosity. Men with pregnant wives often dream of having homosexual sex. This may reflect their feelings about how immoral or wrong it feels to have sex while knowing that a child is alive inside their wives during sex.
Example: A woman dreamed of having gay sex. In waking life she felt forced to enjoy herself being single without her boyfriend while uncomfortable about appearances in public for doing so.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being raped by a demon. In waking life he was having concerns about being ripped off in a drug deal.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having homosexual sex when she thought homosexuality was immoral. In waking life she was a widow in a new relationship. The homosexual sex in the dream may have reflected her feelings about enjoying herself in an unacceptable or immoral fashion to others.
*Please See Sex
*Please See Gay People
To dream of the Honda brand of vehicles represents a style of decision-making or control over a situation that prioritizes safety, reliability, and practicality while handling itself doing whatever is needed. A mindset that values steady progress, consistency, and 'playing it safe' to ensure the best possible outcome. Feelings about other people needing to see you safely handling yourself on your own like it isn't difficult. Not being a wimp about doing whatever it takes to do whatever you need. Self-sufficiency and the capability to handle challenges independently. Safety about doing whatever you need to do.
Negatively, dreaming of a Honda vehicle may reflect a tendency to play it safe and stick to your familiar routine and environment. Not asking for anyone else for help while you safely handle yourself on your own.
Example: An older woman dreamed of driving a Honda CRV. In waking life, she was living alone, grieving her dog's death, and trying to cope without friends nearby. Her son wanted her to move to another state, likely to be closer to family and friends. In this case, the Honda vehicle may have reflected her decision-making style that prioritized her life with safety, reliability, and practicality while coping alone and handling herself alone away from family and friends. She was comfortable not asking family or friends for help or believing anything was wrong living far away from friends and family.
Example 2: A high-school girl dreamed of sleeping in her Honda Accord. In waking life, she was getting frustrated trying to date a new guy who wasn't opening up or going out places with her enough because he was timid. In this case, the Honda Accord vehicle may have reflected her feelings about dealing with the situation in a practical, reliable manner, attempting to nurture the relationship patiently instead of pushing for immediate change or opening up too fast. She did whatever it took to handle herself making the relationship work and it wasn't helping. She may have viewed herself as safely capable of handling herself in a teenage relationship and her intent to navigate the complexities of dating without realizing that the teenage boy was socially behind her or didn't like her the same way.
To dream of honesty represents feelings about open acknowledgment of truths, acceptance of the reality of situations, or adherence to truthful principles in your life. The value you place on being genuine, transparent, and straightforward in your interactions with others. Your thoughts about the importance of integrity, trustworthiness, and sincerity in your relationships and dealings. A commitment to truthfulness, authenticity, and moral uprightness in your actions, words, and relationships. Your desire for honesty and openness in your interactions with others, as well as your own ethical standards and values.
Positively, dreaming about honesty may represent a commitment to truth and authenticity. A sense of moral clarity, trustworthiness, and reliability. A conscious choice to uphold honest communication, even when it is difficult or challenging. Honesty in a dream could also indicate a period of self-reflection and personal growth, where you are coming to terms with your true feelings and desires. Relief and liberation that comes from expressing your genuine thoughts and emotions. Feelings about yourself or others admitting the truth.
Negatively, dreaming about honesty could represent feelings of vulnerability and exposure. It might symbolize the fear of being judged or rejected for your true thoughts and feelings. Perhaps you are struggling with guilt, remorse, shame, or the consequences of past dishonesty. This dream could also indicate a situation in your waking life where honesty is lacking, leading to mistrust, deception, or betrayal. A need to confront and address situations where you or others have been dishonest or manipulative, urging you to strive for greater authenticity and integrity in your actions and relationships. Feelings of jealousy or desire for someone else to be completely honest when that may be an unrealistic fantasy. Overdoing believing in needing perfect honesty that doesn't feel good for anyone.
Alternatively, from a negative perspective dreaming about honesty may reflect feelings about pain you feel from learning the truth of a matter. A sense of disillusionment or disappointment upon discovering the reality of a situation or the true intentions of others. This dream may also indicate a reluctance to confront uncomfortable truths or face the consequences of honesty, leading to feelings of vulnerability and discomfort. Additionally, it could symbolize inner conflicts or moral dilemmas arising from the clash between your desire for truth and the fear of potential repercussions or conflicts that may arise from speaking or hearing the truth.
Example: A woman dreamed of her husband being honest about shameful behavior about walking out on his family. He mentioned that he wanted their relationship to work out. In waking life, she was currently going through a divorce and he most recently seemed jealous of her getting her own place which was completely at odds with the dream. In this case, the husband being honest may have reflected her unrealistic desire for her husband to confront the truth about his actions and take responsibility for the consequences.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend finally being honest about how many women he cheated on her with, who he cheated the most with, and which women he had children with. He walked away with a feeling of not caring about her while smiling. In waking life, she broke up with her boyfriend and still had feelings for him while fearing permanently losing him. In this case, the ex-boyfriend being honest with her may have reflected her feelings of empty jealous paranoia about her ex-boyfriend moving on and being happier without her with a sense of cold brutal truth that never thinks of her again.
To dream of honey represents feelings of kindness that never wants you to feel stupid. Easiness that is nice to you all the time. Feelings about everything being wonderfully caring about your feelings with nothing wrong at all. Specialness where every single thing cares about your feelings. Behavior or an experience that feels good being generously nice about every single thing you are feeling. Feeling good that everything you are feeling counts and can't believe it doesn't have to stop. A situation that feels good all the time without thinking twice about stopping it. Situations where you or someone else is perfectly wonderful or giving. You or someone else that is trying their hardest to make someone else feel good or do everything for them. A general feeling of well-being or satisfaction. Feeling that people never stop being nice to you or your own attempt to be extra nice to other people all the time. Unquestioned loving support of a romantic partner. The "sweetness" of the personality. Feeling good that nothing is ever wrong.
Alternatively, dreaming about honey may reflect feelings about pleasure, sexual experiences, or luxury.
Negatively, dreaming about honey may reflect feelings about a selfish need for pleasure or generous non-stop support. Feeling that everyone is nice to you all the time on the condition that you do something or try something. Feeling good that nothing is ever wrong when it annoys someone else.
To dream of honey in a hive represents a risky reward. Taking a chance to feel good or gain something. An goal or objective that is dangerous to have.
Example: A girl dreamed of being offered free honey that disgusted her. In waking life she needed a job badly and was only offered an unpaid internship. The honey that disgusted her reflected her feelings a generous job experience opportunity that she felt was selfish about using her for free labor.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of putting honey on her air. In waking life she was trying extra hard to be nice to people.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of the moon beaming the taste of honey in her mouth and then losing it being left only remembering it. In waking life she was a reborn Christian. In this case the honey she tasted may have reflected her feelings about people in her church being extra nice to her after she became a reborn Christian after she was initiated and then not having to be extra nice to her afterwards because she wasn't a new church member anymore.
To dream of a honeycomb pattern represents feelings about a situation that feels dangerous with every possibility about not getting back at you yet as long as you aren't dishonest, snobby, or not listening. The danger of thinking of whatever you want that might get back at you in a situation that requires respect for someone else who is more important. Feeling the importance of honesty, humility, and attentiveness.
To dream of a honeycomb with honey and bees on it represents annoyance or fear that others might retaliate if you take or reward yourself with something they worked hard for. Alternatively, you may recognize that the benefits in your situation have been earned through collective efforts and that the rewards are shared.
To dream of a honeycomb with honey on it without bees represents feelings about rewarding yourself when you shouldn't because someone else worked hard to earn it and you didn't. Dishonesty to enjoy someone else's hard work as your reward.
Negatively, dreaming about a honeycomb with honey but no bees can represent feelings of guilt, exploitation, or dishonesty. It may reflect a situation where you're benefiting from the hard work of others without contributing or giving due credit. This dream might signify the realization of gaining rewards that you don't deserve, illustrating an abuse of trust or taking advantage of others' efforts.
Alternatively, it may be more accurate to see the honeycomb design more in terms of a 6 sided hexagon shape pattern. The number 6 represents danger, arrogance, or respecting yourself in ways that other people might want to get back at.
Interesting: People who trip out on hallucinogenic drugs often see a white mesh honeycomb design at the beginning of the trip. This may be a symbol from God to communicate that he won't get back at you while tripping out with a bad trip as long as you aren't dishonest, snobby, or not listening.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a large honeycomb-like mound outside on the street. It had a pair of Uggs shoes attached. In waking life, she was feel guilty for not going to work. In this case, the honeycomb-like mound may have reflected her belief that her coworkers wouldn't be angry at her for her absence, as long as she avoided discussing her enjoyment of her time off.
To dream of a honeymoon represents a positive experience you are having with something new. You may feel that something permanent is wonderful to have in your life. Enjoying yourself with something you've just discovered and really like. It may also reflect time off with a new hobby or relationship.
*Please See Marriage
To dream of a hoodie represents the personality being completely casual and hidden if you want to. The personality being perfectly comfortable with nobody needing to look at what you're doing if you don't want them to. The personality being perfectly comfortable being competitive. The personality being perfectly comfortable never having to do anything for anyone else if it doesn't want to. The personality that is very comfortable busy doing things on it's own and doesn't want to talk about it.
Negatively, dreaming about a hoodie represents an casual attitude about secretive, dangerous, or criminal behavior. Behavior that is comfortable with being private about dishonest activity if it wants to be. The personality being perfectly comfortable being dangerously secretive or hiding something dangerous. The personality having no concern for why it's scaring people that it might rob them. The personality being perfectly comfortable with how dangerously competitive it is. Awareness of yourself casually keeping secrets that others might find offensive. Casually aware of yourself or someone else planning violence. A personality that is casual about hiding important details. Casual faith that may secretly not being faithful.
Dreams of hoodies are common to students studying for exams, possibly to reflect to reflect their awareness of themselves comfortably isolating themselves while studying or secretly preparing to cheat.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a girl wearing a hoodie. In waking life she was trying to be perfectly casual about hiding her attempts to find a new job.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of trying to clean dirty hoodies. In waking life she was trying to convince a bitter friend that she didn't care about a problem and felt they should both just move on from it. The need to clean dirty hoodies in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about her friend's casual secretive behavior being revealed which caused issues in the friendship and was difficult to reconcile.
Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a murderer in a black hoodie coming after her. In waking life she was concerned about moving ruining her life. The black hoodie wearing murderer in this case may have reflected her feelings about how casual she felt her mother was about deciding where they were going to live next when they moved.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of wearing a purple hoodie. In waking life she was very busy and living at home taking care of her mother. The purple hoodie in this case may have reflected her feelings about being comfortable living at home taking care of her mother, but choosing to hide some of her money for herself.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a man in a hoodie repeatedly show up. In waking life she was concerned about her husband's casual faith in God that she felt may secretly not believe in God.
*Please See Prostitutes
To dream of playing hookie from school or work represents a wish to avoid a problem or obligation. It may also reflect your wish to distract yourself from anxiety, fear, or a serious issue. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are not paying enough attention to a problem or responsibility. You may not be owning up to your duties.
To dream of playing hopscotch represents a competitive attitude focused on making something look easy. Who can make a challenge look the least embarrassing? Trying to prove to that nobody else is as good or experienced as you at something.
Negatively, hopscotch may reflect showing off thinking something is too easy.
To dream of a horizon represents a new beginning or an unpleasant conclusion. Noticing something in your life that is just beginning or about to happen. A morning horizon may reflect new opportunities or new hope. An evening horizon may reflect a loss of power or an unwanted ending to a situation.
To dream of a car horn represents situations where you or someone else feels the need to draw attention to interference with a decision-making. Signalling to others that you don't like them being in your way as you try to navigate a situation. Signalling annoyance that someone is in your way of controlling a situation. Expressing anger or assertively signalling the need to be respected while being in control of a situation.
To dream of a bicycle horn represents situations where you or someone else feels to the need to draw attention to interference with independently balancing a situation. Attempting to fix a situation all on your own and signalling to others that you are feel annoyed that they are in your way. Expressing anger or assertively signalling the need to be respected while trying to establish balance in a situation. Annoyance that other people are in your way while trying to restore a situation.
To dream of a musical french horn represents drawing attention to the need to respect people's feelings at all times. It also reflect an expressing feelings about the need to respect chivalry or "ladies" present.
*Please See Trumpet
*Please See Horns
To dream of a hornet represents a person or situation that is a lingering threat, or problem that is lying beneath the surface. You may have a fear of reprisal from standing up for yourself, or concerns about a situation getting out of control.
To be stung by a hornet symbolizes anger, vengeance, and revenge.
A hornet's nest would symbolize a very sensitive issue you want to steer clear of. You may be concerned about a possible confrontation.
To dream of a person or creature with horns represents your awareness of others negative or evil intentions. It may also reflect some aspect of yourself that is behaving this way. Unwanted sexual aggression.
To dream of yourself having horns on your head represents your awareness of yourself being totally consumed by yourself. Doing whatever it takes to get what your way. It may also reflect awareness of your total absence of morals to achieve your goals. You are "pure evil" in winning. Preferring or enjoying total negativity. Awareness of your own negative intentions. Enjoying getting away with being arrogantly powerful over others. Evilly outsmarting others.
Alternatively, dreaming of yourself having horns may reflect awareness of your own sexual aggression.
*Please See Desire
To dream of experiencing horror represents feelings about fears in your waking life being realized. Fearing that your fears will become realized. Experiencing terrible failure or dramatic unwanted changes. Experiencing very big mistakes causing serious problems. Fearing enormous life changes. Shock or disbelief about how terrible something you heard about was. Overly sensitive feelings about something bad that happened to someone else. Fear of your worst fear coming true. Feelings about a problem getting out of control.
Positively, a horror scene in a dream may reflect powerful positive changes you have experienced due to overcoming a dangerous situation or powerful fear. Experiencing the powerful consequences of having stood up for yourself in a very big way.
Dreaming of horrific scenery without fear may reflect your numbness and indifference to a bad situation.
Example: A person dreamed of seeing a horrific scene with a cat being murdered. In waking life they had become very emotional and sensitive about a murder they read about in the newspaper.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of experiencing feelings of horror while seeing her fiance and her daughter bathing together. In waking life she was paranoid about her daughter being sexually abused by the fiance. The dreamer has been sexually abused when she was younger and although she didn't truly believe her fiance would sexually abuse the daughter she still felt paranoid about it due to her own sexual abuse trauma.
Horse Race
To dream of watching a horse race represents competition between different goals or ambitions. Noticing everything you want up against what other people want. You might be witnessing friends, family, or business partners competing for the same thing.
To dream of being in a horse race represent your ambition to succeed over others.
*Please See Horses
Horse Rider
*Please See Horseback Riding
Horse-Drawn Carriage
To dream of a horse-drawn carriage represents feelings of a situation being very lovely because someone is doing something for you. A strong drive or motivation to care about someone else by do all the work for them.
Alternatively, dreaming of a horse-drawn carriage may represent feelings of being in love so everyone has to help you and like what you're doing. Being a relationship that you feel is easily leading towards children.
Negatively, dreaming of a horse-drawn carriage may represent strong drive that makes you overdo caring about others like you're lovely doing all the work for them. Overdoing every single little thing there is to care about doing something for someone with strong motivation or ambition.
Example: A man dreamed of man whom he'd been praying for inside a horse drawn carriage. In waking life the dreamer was heavily involved in his church and wanted very much to influence others for God to save them. He had also been sending text messages to the man he dreamed of to welcome him to church. In this case the horse-drawn carriage may have reflected the dreamers feelings about himself trying to be perfectly lovely or caring about doing whatever he could to make the man he prayed for to go to church or believe in God stronger. The symbolism may have been in indicator of his desperation to influence another person to believe in God more believing that kind "full service motivation" would make the man he dreamed of want to go to church more.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a horse-drawn carriage. In waking life she was feeling a sense of emptiness that she wasn't having a child yet after becoming married. The horse-drawn carriage may have reflected her feelings that being married should make life feel amazing to get pregnant easily like it's special.
Horseback Riding
To dream of horseback riding represents your drive to achieve. Noticing yourself having a lot of stamina or staying power in waking life.
To dream of horseback riding with full protective gear may represent a sophisticated mindset about achieving goals quickly. A highly organized and ambitious plan.
To dream of bareback riding may reflect a higher than normal amount of risk-taking as you push hard to achieve your goals. Daring, rough, untamed, or very physical approach to goals you are driven to achieve. Doing things the hard way.
Negatively, riding bareback on a horse may reflect a dangerous, risky, or unsophisticated attitude about goals you are highly driven to achieve. No concern for the future as you ambitious try to achieve a goal. Desperation to get a job or date. Being in a mental loop with your search for success and not accepting opportunities that may get you out of the loop.
Alternatively, bareback riding may reflect dangerous sexual activity or unprotected sex.
Example: A woman dreamed of riding a horse bareback. In waking life she was very frustrated and eager to get a job as she tried applying for every job opening she could.
*Please See Horses
To dream of a horse represents ambition and strong drives. Stamina, endurance, or your capacity for hard work. Horses can also represent your sexual drive and libido. Horses often appear in dreams of people who work very hard, students that are very driven, people with very strong sexual interests, or anyone who is very motivated. Pushing ahead hard for your goals.
Negatively, a horse in a dream may be a sign that you are taking too many risks with your ambition to succeed. Hurting others in your drive to get ahead. Sexual interests that are excessive. A warning that you need to slow down.
A white horse symbolizes ambition or a drive to succeed based on good intentions. Self-control, and balanced views as you pursue a goal. A white horse can also reflect an ambitious drive to be perfect at something. Alternatively, a white horse may also reflect a healthy sex drive with your spouse.
A black horse is a sign that you may be too obsessed with achieving a goal. Feelings about being professionally driven to succeed. A black horse can also reflect a fear of your enemies ambitious drive to be more successful than you. Alternatively, a black horse may be a sign that you are too sexually driven or have an unhealthy sex life.
A brown horse (dark brown) symbolizes defiant ambition and driving forces. You are highly motivated and resistant to obstacles. You may be shedding problems or "dead weight" as you work towards a goal. Ambition to fix problems as quickly as you can.
To dream of a mustang or wild horse represents ambitions or strong drives that notices independence, the freedom of never needing to ask, working for yourself with your own hours, and noticing it's not its job to work for someone else. Confidence about never having to think of stopping to do what your told. A desire to break free from constraints and to live life on one's own terms. The dreamer may feel a powerful sense of independence and may be resistant to any form of control or authority. Behavior that sees the world having rules while it never does. Living a life that never accepts being a servant. Never respecting stopping for anything if it means you have to stop being free and independent. Independent behavior that excepts itself never being told it has a boss. Stubbornly noticing you like your life the way it is.
Negatively, dreaming about a mustang may represent an aspect of yourself that is reckless and uncooperative, refusing to work with others when it doesn't suit your desires. You may be stubbornly holding on to your freedom, even when it causes problems or prevents you from settling down. The dream may also suggest a lack of discipline or responsibility, and a tendency to act like a jerk or rebel without considering the consequences.
To dream of a herd of horses represents a group of like-minded individuals who share similar goals or aspirations. You feelings about other people who are more driven to succeed than you. Alternatively, a herd of horses may reflect a feeling of being overwhelmed or controlled by powerful desires or ambitions.
Example 1: A young student dreamed of crying while seeing her fellow students playing with horses. In waking life, she was struggling to keep up with her peers and was failing a class in school, while her friends were doing very well. The horses in the dream may have represented her desire to succeed academically and keep up with her peers who were much more driven to excel in school than her.
Example 2: A newly wed woman dreamed of her horse being mated with in the stable. In real life she had just consummated her marriage. The horses reflected the sex drive of her and her husband.
Example 3: A man dreamed of riding a horse. In waking life, he was suffering from severe heart problems and was determined to improve his health through natural means such as living a healthy lifestyle, as he wanted to avoid surgery. In this case, riding the horse may represent his determination, drive, and strong motivation to stay in control of his health and avoid the need for surgery.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a porn star sitting on top of a black horse. In waking life he was having a problem with watching too much pornography and feeling conflicted about the impact it was having on his relationships and well-being.
Example 5: A woman dreamed escaping people on a horse. In waking life she was very motivated to leave her job because of the difficult work environment and look for another one because she didn't like her boss. In this case, the horse may represent her drive and ambition to move forward and leave behind what she perceives as a negative situation. The act of escaping on the horse could symbolize her desire to break free from the constraints of her current job and move towards a better future.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of dead horses. In waking life she lost her job and felt that she had lost opportunities to get ahead in her career. The dead horses in the dream may have reflected her feelings of powerlessness and defeat, as if the loss of her job had killed her drive and ability to succeed.
Example 7: A woman dreamed of being in a truck with her husband transporting horses, but she couldn't see the horses. In waking life she was growing more frustrated with her husband's promises for the future, without seeing concrete evidence of financial success. The horses could symbolize the potential for success or ambition for the future, while their invisibility may represent her feelings of uncertainty or doubt about her husband achieving his goals.
Example 8: A man dreamed of seeing black horses in the sky moving towards clouds with lightning. In waking life he had recently handed in his notice to retire from work. In this case, the black horses may have reflected his strong work ethic and ambition, which had driven him to succeed in his career. The clouds with lightning may have symbolized the uncertainties and fears associated with retirement, which were casting a shadow over his sense of purpose and identity that he had developed through his work.
*Please See Horseback Riding
*Please See Colt
*Please See Pegasus
To dream of a horseshoe represents feelings of being luckier or having an advantage over someone else. Believing that if you have something that you can't lose or that you'll perform better than someone else.
Alternatively, a horseshoe may reflect feelings that something is necessary in order to pursue you goals. Feeling that is you don't have something you will be impotent to make real progress or unable to pursue goals.
To dream of a hose represents your ability to confidently direct situations so that nothing weird is happening with why your life is supposed to keep working properly. Confidently directing uncertain situations where maintaining common normal appearances is important. Directing situations so that being normal doesn't look stupid to anyone else.
To dream of a garden hose represents your ability to confidently nurture, maintain, or manage various aspects of your life. It symbolizes your control over situations where cultivating a positive environment or fostering growth is important. A garden hose in a dream may indicate your efforts to ensure that your personal, professional, or emotional life remains healthy and flourishing.
To dream of a fire hose represents your ability to confidently and effectively manage crises or emergencies in your life. It symbolizes your control over situations where swift action and decisive problem-solving are crucial. A fire hose in a dream may indicate your capacity to address urgent issues quickly and efficiently, preventing further damage or complications.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being in a backyard where there were children playing with a garden water hose and one of the children was her brother. In waking life, she was jealous of accepting that her brother was adopted away 2 years earlier to a family that didn't let her see him. In this case, seeing children and her brother playing with a water hose may have reflected her feelings about the adoptive family confidently managing the situation by maintaining the appearance of a normal, happy family, while she struggled to accept the new circumstances and felt excluded from her brother's life.
To see a hose hooked up to something negative or evil in a dream represents your awareness of a negative, evil, or criminal situation being directed as though nothing is weird about it. You may feel powerless in the face of negative circumstances, or that you are witnessing something harmful or unethical happening, but you are unable to intervene or change the course of events. Powerlessness in stopping or controlling negative activities happening around you, despite your desire for a safe and normal environment.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being in a backyard where there were children playing with a water hose and one of the children was her brother. In waking life, she was jealous of accepting that her brother was adopted away 2 years earlier to a family that didn't let her see him. In this case, seeing children and her brother playing with a water hose may have reflected her feelings about the adoptive family confidently managing the situation by maintaining the appearance of a normal, happy family, while she struggled to accept the new circumstances and felt excluded from her brother's life.
To dream of a hospital represents a mindset that is serious about fixing problems or confronting emotional ills. It reflects attempts to do all you can to confront or improve a problem. A crisis point. A situation that forces needed change. Feeling a strong need to fix a bad relationship after fight. Urgently sorting out problems.
Choosing to go to a hospital a dream is a sign that you are making changes that promote psychological, emotional, or physical well-being and a more balanced lifestyle.
Failed medical procedures or operations symbolize mistakes or failures at properly addressing issues. You may be trying to find a quick fixes that doesn't address the real problem. Bad advice or impatient careless attempts to solve problems on your own.
To dream of getting refused entry to a hospital may reflect feelings about being unable to fix urgent problems. Feeling stuck with a problem. Feeling stranded in a crisis.
To dream of an abandoned hospital represents feelings about a lost sense of urgency to deal with problems anymore. Feeling desensitized to problems.
Example: A man dreamed of going to the hospital. In real life he was trying his hardest to quick smoking marijuana.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being refused entry into a hospital because she had bad credit. In waking life she was having anxiety about being able to financially support her coming baby.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in an abandoned hospital. In waking life she was feeling herself getting annoyed at having to care for her son every single time he cried for her. The abandoned hospital represented the woman's lost sense of urgency to deal with her child's problems.
Example 4: A young man dreamed of being in a hospital. In waking life he had just had a bug fight with a friend and was eager to repair the friendship.
Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a hospital dressed in a hospital gown. In waking life he was getting ready for an important interview and felt that his interview skills and case needed urgent last minute fixing.
Example 6: A man dreamed of being in a hospital and seeing the mother and father of his ex-girlfriend. In waking life he was trying very hard to get over his ex, but it was too difficult as he loved her too much.
Hospital Bed
To dream of a hospital bed represents total dedication or focus on healing. You are experiencing emotional, psychological, or physical healing that requires your full attention. Powerful issues or situations that easily distract you or take up a lot of your time as they're being overcome.
To dream of being strapped to a hospital bed represents a sense of powerlessness to control or avoid fixing problems. Healing or balancing of some sort is unavoidable.
Hospital Parking Lot
To dream of a hospital parking lot represents issues with healing or progress that you are "stuck with" or struggling to move forward with. You may simply be thinking about changing something. Any cars in the hospital parking lot reflect areas of your life that are motivating you to change.
Example: A man dreamed of being walking through a hospital parking lot. In waking life he was struggling to quit smoking weed. The hospital parking lot reflected the smoker's constant struggle with giving up weed before making more serious changes.
To dream that you are a hostage represents feelings about being trapped, limited, or powerless. Feelings of being a hostage of circumstances. Feeling forced to go along with other people wishes. You might also feel trapped by your own beliefs. Feeling victimized, powerless, or limited in your choices. Physical immobilization. Aspects of your personality that feel powerless to escape. Feeling that you have to give in to the demands of others. You may feel that you have to give in to the demands of others or sacrifice your own needs for the sake of other people. A dream of hostages may suggest a need to assess power dynamics and to take control of one's own life.
Positively, dreaming about hostages may reflect your ability to endure or maintain control over a difficult situation.
Negatively, dreaming about hostages may reflect feelings of being held back or trapped in a situation such as relationship, job, or other aspect of your life. Feelings of being held captive by fear, guilt, or obligation.
To dream of other people as hostages may reflect a part of yourself that is unable to be fully expressed.
To dream of taking hostages may reflect your desperation to assert yourself or force compromise. Curtailing someone else's wishes or happiness until your own wants are addressed.
Example: A woman dreamed of being held hostage and raped. In waking life she was practicing Lent sacrificing things and working on her temper. In this case the hostage symbolism may have reflected her feelings about feeling forced to go along with Lent practices while other people didn't. She may have felt it was unbearable to have to give up anything she liked for Lent.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being held hostage by the police. In waking life he was experiences lifestyle changes. In this case the hostage symbolism may have reflected his feelings about disliking his lifestyle changes which began to make him feel trapped by his circumstances keeping them.
To dream of a hostel represents feelings of accepting respectable minimum conditions in order to move on with your life. Temporarily using a person or situation to move on. Reliance on a temporary situation with full focus on moving on with your life. No concern for being a snob or putting up with other people while you are planning to move on. Safe minimal conditions to help you move on. Difficulty escaping a situation or relationship.
Negatively dreaming about a hostel represents feelings of jealousy of difficulties detaching yourself from someone else. Not feeling truly safe where you are in life. Feeling stuck with someone you don't want to be stuck with. Jealousy or difficulty moving on with your life. Students commonly dream of hostels when they are having difficulty trying to escape distractions while studying for exams.
Example: A woman dreamed of looking for a back packer hostel. In waking life she was having relationship problems to the point of wanting to be with someone else while trying to find a way to detach herself from the current abusive boyfriend. In this case the hostel may have reflected her feelings about being willing to live with her abusive boyfriend while they argued as she hoped to move on with her life by moving away as soon as she could.
Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of being in a hostel with friends. In waking life he was very worried about getting good grades for his exams. The hostel in this case may have reflected his feelings about the difficulty escaping distracting social contact with friends while trying to study.
*Please See Heat
*Please See Hot Temperature
*Please See Hot Water
*Please See Hot Tub
Hot Air Balloon
To dream of a hot air balloon represents feelings of social elevation, popularity, or fame. Emotional elevation for a short period of time. Feeling good being a bigger, better, or more intelligent person than other people. The ease with which you "rise above" a situation or other people. Looking at life in a more positive or confident way than other people. Enjoying rising above your problems.
Negatively, dreaming of a hit air balloon may reflect feelings of enjoying social superiority or enjoying thinking you are better than other people. Enjoying thinking than other people are stupid or "below you." Dishonesty that allows to rise about others in power or social stance. Allowing popularity to corrupt you.
To see a hot air balloon crash symbolizes feelings of falling falling back into depression, pessimism, or negative thinking patterns. Social or emotional elevation that ends with embarrassment or failure. Short lived success or social elevation. Feeling embarrassed for having thought you were better than other people. Popularity that ends in disgrace or failure.
To dream of a red hot air balloon represents "rising above" others in a negative or excessive way. For example, one might reclaim lost power in a relationship over a bully, but then begin to become arrogant and cocky. Dishonest or dangerous methods used to elevate your status or emotional state. Popularity gained through dishonesty.
Example: Pop Star Nick Jonas dreamed of riding in a hot air balloon that keep going. He wasn't able to get off. The hit air balloon in the dream may have reflected his feelings about the ease of his fame beginning to annoy him. Feeling of enjoying the social elevation his fame brought him that was starting to get on his nerves.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a hot air balloon with his wife. In waking life he and his wife had conceived a child and were very happy about it. The hot air balloon may have reflected his feelings of being emotional or socially elevated because of the coming child.
Hot Chocolate
To dream of hot chocolate represents feelings of treating yourself to comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal. Homeliness or coziness that feels "safe as can be" that doesn't speak about anything being a problem. Feeling that nothing is tragic because everything will work out. Being the boss or being angry isn't important because you can be comfortable the way you are. Comfort that nothing in your life has a problem. A comforting presence or someone offering reassurance and emotional warmth amidst your anxieties. It may also reflect encouragement or sympathy during a tough time. Reassurance no matter what happens. Thinking about an alternative option to a problem that feels more comfortable, emotionally warmer, or reassuring than the problem.
Negatively, dreaming about hot chocolate may represent feelings of excess or lack of discipline associated with comfort-seeking behaviors. Overdoing feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that your life is normal to the point of being lazy. Expectations that "everything will work out" without taking proactive measures to ensure stability. Using the idea of comfort and reassurance as a way to avoid confronting a very real fear you have.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of her gym teacher sitting with a blanket and hot chocolate. The teacher said she was going to help. The dreamer felt relieved because she was still alive and wouldn't be losing any friends. In waking life, the dreamer was scared of losing her best friend and that she'd do something to make her best friend not like her anymore. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance that her friendship wasn't over because she had a plan she thought would work.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing forests destroyed and then speaking to her grandmother, who gave her a cup of hot chocolate. In waking life, she was frustrated by the government approving cutting down forests in order to allow the construction of buildings for the city. In this case, the hot chocolate may have reflected her feelings of comfort, emotional warmth, and reassurance she felt about her own life being normal when considering that there was nothing she could do about her frustrations and concerns about the environmental issues except think of eventually moving.
Hot Dog
To dream of a hot dog represents a temporary indulgence in power that isn't serious. Temporarily satisfying a need to prove yourself in an unimportant way. Temporarily relieving yourself of a craving or urge. A satisfying or comforting distraction.
Temporarily satisfying sexual urges. Something positive or enjoyable that can't be sustained forever.A hot dog in a dream may represent "fling" relationships or enjoying yourself while knowing a better option may available later on. Sometimes a hot dog in a dream can reflect temporary sexual indulgences with references to the male penis. Masturbation. A craving for sex when your partner doesn't share the same degree of craving.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone holding a hot dog. In waking this this man was practicing abstinence and having trouble avoiding masturbation. The hot dog being held reflected his view of masturbation being a temporary pleasure that wasn't good for his long term goals.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of throwing a hot dog at her boyfriend's head. In waking life she was was refusing to have sex with him to punish him during an argument.
*Please See Relish
Hot Pants
To dream of a hot pants represents noticing how more positive, wonderful, or desirable a situation is all the time. Always noticing something is better, more interesting, or funner. Non-stop luck, winning, success, or sexiness.
Wearing hot pants may reflect yourself being noticed by others for how good you are all the time. Situations where you are always feeling "positiver" than others. Feeling sexier, richer, stronger, or better all the time.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an attractive girl in hot pants. In waking life his slob rich father died leaving him a huge inheritance and the ability to finally clean up after him. The hot pants reflected his view of his life always being better and luckier all the time now that his slob father wasn't getting in the way anymore.
Hot Sauce
To dream of hot sauce represents risk that makes your life or a current situation more interesting. Feeling good being wise about making a situation more interesting or lethal than it already is. Feeling good getting away with making something more interesting, risky, or dangerous. Feeling good changing something that makes a situation more interesting, risky, or dangerous. Feeling good making a situation more interesting just to see what it might do. Feeling good being impressive with a change. Not liking putting up with boredom, stagnation, or impatience. Innovation that may feel a little bit risky. Enjoying creativity that is more interesting or risky than you usually do.
Negatively, dreaming of hot sauce may reflect a wish to be impressive with interesting changes that maybe too risky, dangerous, or potentially lethal for other people to be comfortable with. Interesting ideas or changes that other people are not as comfortable with as you are. Feeling good about innovation when it's not appropriate.
Hot Temperature
To dream of a hot temperature represents aggravation, frustration, negativity, or a situation becoming more dangerous. Feeling irritability all the time.
To dream of an object becoming hot represents some area of your life becoming more dangerous or irritable. Consider the symbolism of the object for further meaning.
*Please See Hot Water
Hot Tub
To dream of a hot tub represents comfortable feelings about enjoying uncertainty, danger, risk, or dishonesty as though nothing is wrong with it. Dishonest or risky thoughts, emotions, or habits that are comfortable, pleasurable, or leisurely. A common symbol for masturbation or viewing pornography. It may also reflect your relaxed enjoyment of situation that you know is wrong all the time.
To dream of seeing sexually attractive people in a hot tub can symbolize your need to feel good with sexual fantasies, comfort with masturbation that is felt to be immoral, or comfort with cheating on someone with a romantic relationship.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband vomit in a hot tub. In waking life she believed that her husband was cheating on her and was experiencing a lot of frustration in her relationship after confronting her husband about it. The hot tub in this case may have reflected her feelings about her husband's comfort level cheating on her.
*Please See Hot Water Tank
*Please See Jacuzzi
Hot Water
To dream of hot water represents the exacerbation or worsening of problems. Negative emotions that are being encouraged. It may also reflect a heightened sense of uncertainty or fear. A sign that a problem has been neglected or allowed to increase in severity. Relationships that feel tension or anger worsening.
To dream of hot water being spilled on you represents feelings about exacerbated problems or negative feelings from others effecting you. Feeling that something in your life has been made worse ad "dumped" on you. Being embarrassed by something that feels terrible or dangerous.
Example: A young girl dreamed of soaking her younger brother in hot water. In waking life she was very hostile towards her brother and had gotten him into trouble.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a fish struggling in a boiling pot of water that turned into a bird when she turned down the temperature and looked at it closely. In waking life she was getting subtle feelings that a fight was going to make her boyfriend stop talking to her so she stopped arguing with him to calm him down. The dream may have been a sign that she was more concerned with achieving her goals then she was with her boyfriend's feelings. Thew hot water in this case may have reflected her feelings about the increasing tension in the relationship.
Hot Water Tank
To dream of a hot water tank represents powerful negativity that is consistent in your life. Problems that don't go away or have a noticeable long-term negative influence over you. Negative beliefs or feelings that are supported by a real world problems that won't change. A well supported or well maintained problem.
A hot water tank could reflect powerful fears, trauma, or consequences that you feel you can't overcome. It may also represents a very resourceful enemy.
To dream of a hot water tank being removed from your house symbolizes a powerful fear or problem that has been dealt with.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a hot water tank removed from his basement. In real life he had faced a powerful fear related to his physical appearance. Due to an illness his hair was destroyed and after 10 years he finally took his hat off in public.
To see a hotel in your dream represents your mindset being focused on having things done for you. It may also reflect your wish to always have something easy. Positively, a hotel points to automation or "smooth sailing." Feeling helped, supported, or encouraged. Supporting others through difficulties or helping someone by doing everything for them. Not minding being in a new or different situation that you are in because you aren't responsible for it. Affording to have other people look after you in a situation that is different than normal. Enjoying yourself the way you are without a problem. Having someone else deal with your problems because you said so.
Negatively, a hotel reflects using people or laziness. A sign that hard work, discipline, respect for others or adherence to principles are not a priority. Slacking off or letting other people do all your work for you. Alternatively, it may reflect your tendency to support others too much. Catering to someone else's every need in a manner that is excessive or doesn't allow them to learn to deal with their own problems. Feeling that someone is asking too much of you. Being used sexually and then discarded. Not liking catering to others needs.
To dream of a hotel on the beach may reflect your feelings about being financially broke or experiencing a difficult problem that requires you to allow friends or family to take care of you. Students or people with financial problems that require them to return home may dream of hotels on the beach.
Example: A man dreamed of being in the basement of a hotel. In waking life he was having second thoughts about tricking the government into give him a bigger refund after they scared him by questioning his tax return. The hotel basement represented the problems he was experiencing while talking to the government trying to get easy money through a refund falsely believing that the government catering to him would be easy.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a hotel. In waking life he was being shown how to use a complicated computer system by a friend so that he would understand every single thing required to run the computer perfectly. The hotel may have reflected his feelings about his need to learn about the computer being perfectly catered to.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in a luxurious hotel. In waking life she was getting an unusually high amount of love and support from her friends. She may have felt that it was very easy to have her friends cater to her needs.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a hotel. In waking life she was becoming irritated by her son and husband using her to take care of them nonstop. In this case the hotel may have reflected her annoyance with herself being used to cater to others needs.
Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a hotel where people were rude to him. In waking life he was a regular user of a very helpful internet message forum and felt that some others users were being very rude to him. The hotel symbolism in this case may have reflected his feelings about expecting the message board he visited to cater to his needs by banning the users who were rude to him.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of being unable to lock a hotel door. In waking life she had been spending a lot of time with relatives in their homes and felt they were very disrespectful to her while she stayed with them. She felt she wasn't given any privacy or family support while staying in their home. She was having issues demanding respect or standing up for herself because she felt lucky to be staying in someone else's home. In this case the hotel may have reflected her aware of overstaying in a relative's home while expecting them to be good hosts.
Example 7: A man dreamed of being in a hotel room sitting on a bed with a man he needed to get off the bed. In waking life was having difficulty selling a family home due to an annoying family member refusing to leave it but didn't worry about the problems arising from it because he could else someone else in the family to deal with it. The hotel in this case may have reflected the man's feelings about needing to stay comfortable while dealing with a difficult family member that required asking someone else in the family to handle it.
To dream of a hound represents defensive or protective behavior that is being used or kept on call. The ability to respond with anger, danger, or viciousness on command. You or others that can "sick the dogs" on others at their leisure.
Negatively, hounds may reflect you or someone else that is manipulating others to use aggressive or assertive action for their own benefit. Having others ready to defend you or stick up for you whenever you want.
*Please See Dogs
To dream of an hourglass represents a situation that revolves around waiting. You or someone else that is waiting a long time for something to end. Waiting for every single little thing to finish.
Alternatively, an hourglass may represent your feeling that time is running out. A deadline you have to meet or a sense of urgency. You or someone that may not have enough time.
To dream of an hour represents your feelings about the length of time needed to wait for something that is longer than you want, but doesn't feel impossible. Feeling that you are reckless to not wait for something that isn't impossible to wait for.
Hours in dreams are sometimes symbols for months, or how many full moon cycles you need to wait for an event to occur. Each months full moon being defined as an hour on the zodiac clock discussed in the themes section for time. The 12 zodiac phases represent the hours with aries as 12 o'clock and libra as 6 o'clock.
The number of the hour in a dream can also be a symbol that uses numerology to describe what is happening in your life right now. If someone says to you it's 6pm it's a symbol negativity that you notice. Daylight time reflecting noticability and night time reflecting things you may not be noticing.
If someone in a dream mentions a given hour, for example 7 o'clock, then you simply refer to the zodiac clock to see that 7 o'clock is referring to a change you will experience in your life around the full moon in Scorpio.
Example: A man dreamed of a Native American man with orange eyes telling him that he is waiting for 5 o'clock. In waking life his boss had told him that all his hard work would finally pay off in May of the year he had the dream.
Example 2: A man dreamed of hearing the voice of his father tell him that "we're only staying for an hour." In waking life he felt he might only stay in his new apartment for a year, but never had any serious thoughts about ever needing to leave.
Example 3: A man dreamed of the time being 6pm. In waking life he was experiencing the beginning of a dangerous situation that needed to be endured. 6pm may have represents a dangerous situation he could easily see and understand as opposed to 6am which would represents a dangerous situation he couldn't see or understand.
To dream of a houseboat represents a normal perspective on a situation that is never jealous of permanently living with uncertainty. A perspective on a situation that is not bound by conventional constraints and finds it completely normal. Navigating through the challenges and uncertainties of life with a sense of adaptability and acceptance unique to your circumstances. Feelings about yourself having learned to create stability, understanding, and a sense of normal in what others may see as an unstable or unconventional situation. Adaptability, flexibility, and making constant adjustments based on the situations and environments you find yourself in. Independence, a sense of freedom, and the ability to navigate your own course through life's complexities.
Negatively, a houseboat in a dream may represent feelings of instability or insecurity in your waking life and accepting it as completely normal. Instability, uncertainty, or lack of permanence in your normal life. Fear of settling down, commitment issues, or feeling unanchored and adrift in life, not quite fitting in the conventional frameworks of society. Living a life with a disability as though nothing is wrong with you when other people see it as unusual or unconventional.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being alone on a boat that reminded her of a houseboat. In waking life, she was blind and married to someone with a disability. The two of them mostly spend their lives alone living together as they felt people didn't understand their disabilities. In this case, the houseboat may have reflected her feelings about her perspective on life believing that living with her disability was normal while other people never do.
To dream of a housekeeper may reflect a person or situation in your life that makes you are never noticing anything that you don't like. Alternatively, it may reflect how unpleasant it feels to look after a lazy or unappreciative person.
*Please See Maids
To dream of a house represents your mindset or perspective about a situation that is "lived in as normal". Your take on the experience of current conditions. Beliefs or feelings that you are comfortable with. Your view of an experience that is familiar to you. Your opinion or beliefs about a situation that has become normal to you. Your feelings about someone else's perspective on a situation being permanent or believed in as normal.
Negatively, a house may reflect a perspective on a situation being stuck the way it is or that it isn't changing when you want it to. A belief system or habit that you take for granted. A perspective on a situation that you or other people believe is negative, dangerous, or outdated that feels permanent or a "new normal."
The type or style of the house is symbolic of how you are thinking about a particular issue. The condition of the house reflects your mental state as you experience something. Rich houses symbolize your perspective on issues where you are powerful and resourceful. Poor houses represent your perspective on issues where you are powerless, resourceless, or emotionally weakened.
The rooms of the house are indicative of how an issue is being approached or dealt with under the theme of a certain mindset or perspective.
For more on houses see the themes section.
To dream of a house being on fire represents feelings of powerlessness to stop some area of your life from being lost for god. A permanent perspective or sense of normal about a situation being lost to a bad situation that got dangerously out of control. It may also reflect angry destructive intentions or intentional harm that can't be stopped. Feeling stupid that you can't do anything about stopping damage to some area of your life. A situation may feel permanently out of your control in a negative way. Feelings of losing everything that allowed you to feel normal. Loss of a viewpoint. Feelings about the loss of a nice life.
To dream of buying a house represents feelings about committing to a particular mindset or new way of living as though it's normal. Choosing to live your life different with a sense of it being normal. A new beginning, a permanent decision, or establishing a stable foundation in your life. You may feel that you are settling into a new role, responsibility, or significant change that you believe will be long-lasting. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you've made a mistake that you're stuck with. Feeling sold on something long-term that never delivers on its promises.
To dream of going home represents a return to familiarity, comfort, or normalcy. You may have been experiencing difficulties or doing something new and now your life situation is becoming normal again.
To dream of cleaning your house represents self-improvement or addressing unresolved issues. You may be fine-tuning an idea you have or are trying to perfect something. Unnecessary beliefs or habits are being removed or changed. Your efforts to organize and make sense of things. A fresh start in some area of your life where clarity and order are needed.
To dream of a new house represents a new perspective or mindset on a situation. A new perspective, mindset, or belief system that you're adopting or considering. A new way of thinking about something. A new situation may have become normal for you. A better way of living or seeing life. News ideas or lifestyle choices. A fresh start in life. Feelings about your life doing new things. A change in your life circumstances
To dream of an old house represents feelings about old perspectives, mindsets, or belief systems. A perspective or mindset that is experienced, tried, and trusted. An old way of thinking or living that you have outgrown, moved beyond, or that's not important anymore. A return to your old ways, familiar problems, or old belief systems. An aspect of your life that feels worn out, outdated, or neglected. A perspective on life that doesn't matter anymore. Feelings of stagnation, being stuck in the past, or resisting change in your life. A perspective that is established or firmly rooted in tradition. Feelings of old ways of living that are not important anymore. An old house that is still nice looking may reflect old-fashioned values or old-fashioned ways of living. A "classic" or timeless perspective on a situation.
To dream of being locked out of your house represents feelings of a mindset or perspective that you can no longer access or identify with. A situation that has changed and no longer feels familiar or welcoming. A loss of control or power in a familiar setting. Feelings of being unable to return to a familiar or comfortable situation. Feeling cut off from doing something you are supposed to do normally with confidence. You may feel excluded, rejected, or unable to access something that used to be normal for you. Feelings of rejection and insecurity. You may feel unable to feel as secure or confident as you wish. Feeling displaced beyond your control. Feeling alienated or disconnected from your usual way of thinking or feeling.
To dream of people moving into your home and claiming that it belongs to them represents feelings of your sense of normalcy being taken over by people or an unwanted situation that respects itself without thinking you will do anything to stop it. Feeling that you are not the owner of your own life or normal state of thinking. The feeling of being overwhelmed or invaded in your personal space or life. Feelings about a situation where you are experiencing other people asserting themselves in a way that feels too invasive or aggressive. Possibly a sign that you need to assert your boundaries more strongly or communicate your needs and rights more clearly to others. Anxieties about boundaries being crossed, a lack of privacy, or feeling dominated by someone else's influence or decisions. Feeling about someone imposing their beliefs, habits, or lifestyle on you. Feelings about problems taking over your life and being unable to do anything about it. Feelings of being usurped.
To dream of returning to a former home represents a return to an old or familiar way of thinking. A return to an old mindset or perspective on a situation. A perspective on life you've had before such as returning to old habits, jobs, relationships, or even going back to school. Alternatively, consider how the old home used to feel and how it may symbolize your current mindset.
To dream of someone else's house represents your mindset through the perspective of whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. Alternatively, other people's houses can also be a symbol for issues you have with those people.
To dream of colored houses represents your mind through the perspective of whatever the color represents. For example, a blue house symbolizes a positive mindset, and a red house symbolizes a passionate or dangerous mindset. See the themes section for more on colors.
To have your house broken into or robbed represents a problem, negative mindset, or bad habit that is robbing you of happiness, confidence, or integrity.
To dream of an abandoned house represents a mindset or perspective on life that has been neglected or left behind. A way of thinking about a situation that you or other people never believed was important ever again. You may feel that an aspect of your life or way of living that was once important is no longer being cared for or maintained. It can also reflect feelings about old ideas or ways of living that you no longer use. Feelings relationships, career ambitions, or lifestyle choices being neglected, forgotten, or unimportant.
Mansions or homes of wealthy people symbolize your state of mind when feeling powerful, in control, or achieving goals.
House numbers, and locations often add to the symbolism that describes how you are thinking, or feeling.
To dream of a former residence represents your state of mind based on your memories of that house. Consider the number of the house as well using dream numerology.
To dream of your parent's house represents your state of mind being one that is dealing with your conscience (father) about about right and wrong, and using your intuition (mother) to safely figure out how to solve a problem before it begins.
To dream of seeing a house being destroyed represents feelings of losing stability, security, or a sense of normalcy in your life. Feelings about an area of your life that you have become accustomed to coming to an end. Feelings about the ruination of a normal or stable perspective on a situation. Examples of life situations that may cause this kind of dream may be the loss of a job, loss of health, permanent injuries in an accident, or major changes in family life. Significant changes or the end of something that was once familiar and secure. Feelings of chaos, upheaval, or unexpected events that disrupt your usual way of thinking or living. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation that has been integral to your sense of identity or comfort. Significant changes or loss. The need to rebuild or adapt to new circumstances.
To dream of a broken or damaged house may represent feelings about instability, vulnerability, or issues that are negatively affecting your life. Having problems believing in being safe the way you are. Feelings about your life deteriorating or your identity threatened. You may feel that an important relationship, job, or situation is falling apart or in danger. Feelings about yourself experiencing a significant personal setback. A sense that a situation is becoming troubling. It may also reflect feelings about your body being injured. Something valuable in your life feels crushed or lost.
To dream of a part of your house being missing or removed represents feelings about having reduced function in some area of your life. Feeling that being normal isn't possible or that a part of your identity is missing. Feelings that the functioning of your life is not working as it should.
To dream of the front of a house with very long steps going up towards the front door represents feelings about a situation requiring a lot of effort to begin to feel normal or permanent. The necessary efforts or stages you must undertake to reach a state of normalcy. A lot of effort to stages required to begin to talk to someone. A lot of effort to begin something that isn't popular. The gradual progress you are making towards your goals. Each step may represent small achievements or necessary stages of growth that are leading you towards a more secure or satisfying position in life.
To dream of building a new house represents your efforts to create or establish a new sense of normal with your mindset, perspective, or way of living. Putting effort into creating a new way of being or improving yourself. Your desire to lay a solid foundation for your future, focusing on personal growth and development. Setting up for a more stable or positive future.
To dream of a messy house represents feelings of disorder, confusion, chaos, or neglect in your life with the normal state of affairs. Feelings of being overwhelmed, disorganized, or out of control. Unresolved issues, cluttered thoughts, or emotional baggage that you need to address in order to restore your normal perspective of a situation. Your personal life or mental state feeling chaotic. Unresolved emotional issues or the cluttering of your mind with too many thoughts or problems. A lack of focus in your waking life. Dealing with too many problems at once.
Example: A wealthy woman regularly dreamed of being in the old impoverished home of her youth. Whenever this dream occurred she was experiencing intense frustration in waking life. In this case, the poor home may have reflected her perspective on the frustrating situations where she felt powerless and lacking resources to fix problems as being a "new normal" with no chance of changing.
Example 2: An older woman dreamed of being locked out of a house. In waking life, she desired to be young again and felt that youth was gone forever. In this case, being locked out of the house may have reflected her feelings about being permanently excluded or left out from the perspective or experience of being young.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of her house being badly burned and then slowly being restored. In waking life, she had sustained a serious injury to her arm and was awaiting surgery in the hospital. In this case, the house being burned and then slowly restored may have reflected her feelings about her normal perspective on life being about living with an injury, and experiencing this perspective slowly transform into a normal perspective of healing.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a house that was too small. In waking life, she felt that a relationship with a married man was too difficult to achieve because she was too young and not rich enough to be with him. In this case, the small house may have reflected her perspective on her situation having a normal state of being a lot more restricted and difficult than she wanted it to be due to her young age.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in an old house of her deceased grandparents. In waking life, she was newly single after a relationship. In this case, the old house of her grandparents may have reflected her perspective about returning to a perspective on being single as a "new normal" after breaking up.
*Please See Mansion
*Please See Moving
*Please See Address
*Please See Glass House
*Please See Home Improvements
*Please See Property
*Please See Abandoned House