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H - H2 - H3 - H4


To dream of a Native American headdress represents an attitude or mood that is preoccupied with standing it's ground. Purposely, never changing your stance or making it obvious to others that you will never cave in. Preoccupation with attacking problems head on.

Negatively, a headdress may reflect showing off with stubborn beliefs. Wanting to embarrass others that you'll never change a bad habit no matter what happens. Making it obvious to others that you don't care about them or anything they want.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Native America wearing a headdress. In waking life he was being very stubborn about keeping in line with the lifestyle requirements of a spiritual retreat. Other people weren't as serious about it as he was and he refused to stray from the rules even though other people were. The headdress reflected his preoccupation with being spiritually perfect.


To dream of headlights represents your level of awareness or how well you are paying attention to the "road ahead" in life. Trouble with headlights suggests a lack of awareness.

If you are driving in the dark without headlights it represents a lack of mindfulness. You're unable to see potential obstacles or problems that may be coming up in the near future.

Example: A man dreamed that his father was driving in the dark without headlights. In real life he felt that his father was making hasty and irresponsible decisions with the family business.


To dream of a headline represents information or insight that takes priority. New facts that someone is informing you with take precedence in situation. A new development may have arisen that is making you feel that "dropping everything" for it might be a good idea. Feeling that nothing else matters as much. Feelings about your actions being discussed by a lot of people you know.

Negatively, headlines may reflect feelings about being embarrassed in a highly noticeable way. News, gossip, or misconceptions about you are being made public. Thinking too much about what other people will say about you if you commit suicide or do something dangerous. Feeling that you reputation is being ruined. Alternatively, headlines may reflect an arrogant or narcissistic attitude about your actions being the focus of other people's discussions. A sign that you are giving fears too much power or allowing the drama of a situation to obstruct your objectivity.

Example: A young man dreamed of being discussed in the newspaper headlines. In waking life he was suicidal and thinking about how everyone he knew was going to be talking about him if he did commit suicide.


To dream of headphones represents a sense of emotional or psychological isolation with whatever is happening in your own life that doesn't have to think other people are important. Emotional or psychological isolation from the external world, allowing you to focus on your own inner thoughts and emotions. Enjoying personal interests without outside interference. You may be seeking solitude or a break from external influences to focus on your own thoughts, emotions, or personal interests without distractions from others.

Positively, dreaming about headphones may represent your ability to tune out distractions and concentrate on what truly matters to you. Your capacity to find inner peace or clarity by disconnecting from the noise and demands of the world. Enjoying feeling good that doesn't have to think of other people.

Negatively, dreaming about headphones may represent thoughts about ignoring people because you are more focused on your own thoughts and feelings. Excessive isolation or detachment from others. A tendency to withdraw from social interactions or responsibilities, potentially leading to excessive isolation or detachment from others. A tendency to withdraw from difficult situations or ignore your problems. Blocking out distractions and focusing on the present moment. Feelings about other people who are emotionally isolated or detached from you.

To dream of being forced to wear headphones may represent feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to conform to expectations of emotional or psychological isolation with whatever is happening in a situation.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a guy wearing headphones. In waking life, her crush had left for a year to serve in a church mission while she was waiting for him to return. In this case, the headphones may have reflected her feelings about her crush being emotionally and psychologically detached and isolated from her due to his commitment to the church mission. The headphones symbolized her perception of him being absorbed in his own journey and responsibilities, disconnected from her and their potential relationship.


To dream of a headscarf represents a mood that is intentionally avoiding feelings of desire. You may be intentionally trying to show someone that you like that you don't desire them. Purposely hiding or holding yourself back from romantic feelings.

Example: A young girl dreamed of wearing a headscarf. In waking life she was spending time with her ex-boyfriend and didn't want to bring up any of their intimate past in the conversation.


To dream of a headstone represents a forgotten or buried aspect of yourself. Personality traits or life situations that aren't as relevant or powerful as they used to be. You are noticing that something is gone for good.

Any message you see on the headstone symbolizes how changes to your life or personality are currently effecting you.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in front of a headstone. In waking life he was spending a lot of time thinking about his adopted parents and how he could never see them again.


To dream of healing may represents some area of your life that is being restored. Feelings of renewal. A change for the better. Feeling hopeful or feeling better about something than you previous did. You may be recuperating from difficult situation. Putting something right. Making amends. Emotional repair or the restoration of abilities. Healing in a dream may also reflect progress or difficulties that you are moving on from.

Alternatively, a dream of healing may mirror actual emotional or physical healing you are experiencing in waking life.

Negatively, seeing healing in a dream may reflect problems are that being restored or enemies that are recuperating. It may also be a sign that you are having difficulties processing change or moving on. You may also be having difficulty finding the time or resources to rectify a situation. Progress in your life that may be causing growing pains.

Health Club

To dream of a health club represents your wish to be noticed doing everything better than you were before. Wanting recognition or acknowledgment that you have improved or changed for the better.


To dream of hearing represents the ability to comprehend, understand, acknowledge, or accept a message, advice, or situation. The ability to pay attention or stay informed. How alert or aware you are. Your ability or willingness to listen, to understand, or to be receptive to different ideas, perspectives, or feelings.

Negatively, dreaming about hearing could represent feelings of being overloaded or overwhelmed with information. It might symbolize confusion, misunderstanding, or miscommunication. Perhaps you're struggling to comprehend or deal with a complex situation, or you're experiencing a breakdown in communication in your waking life. It could also represent an unwillingness or inability to listen or be receptive to others, or the presence of destructive or misleading messages or advice.

To dream that no one hears you represents feelings of isolation, being ignored, or overlooked in waking life. It could reflect situations where your thoughts, ideas, or feelings are not being acknowledged or understood by others. It might signify that you feel unimportant, unheard, or insignificant in some aspect of your life. You may feel like your opinions or viewpoints are being dismissed, or that you're being denied the opportunity to express yourself. A waking situation where you feel that no one is listening to your ideas or opinions. Feeling that people are not paying attention to what you are saying.

To dream of losing your hearing may represent feelings of disconnection or misunderstanding. You might feel out of touch or uninformed about what is happening around you. It could also symbolize a lack of communication or a breakdown in a relationship or situation in your waking life. This might indicate feeling excluded or left out of important conversations or decisions.

To dream of having really good hearing may represent a higher level of awareness than other people. Heightened awareness of the reality of a situation. Being better informed about what is happening around you. Having an edge over others, inside information, or superior experience. Being very attuned to the subtle cues, signals, or messages in your environment or relationships. You might be more receptive or open to feedback, advice, or new ideas. This dream could reflect an advanced level of understanding, communication skills, or emotional intelligence.

To dream of hearing people say something that doesn't make sense or is unintelligent represents witnessing situations or conversations that you find absurd, irrational, or unhelpful. Scenarios where you feel others are not thinking clearly or making sense, or it may symbolize your own feelings of disbelief about what you're hearing or being told. Judgment about others' thinking or communication abilities. Your own skepticism or critical attitude towards certain opinions, ideas, or pieces of information you're being presented with. Feelings of confusion, misunderstanding, or miscommunication in your waking life.

Alternatively, dreams involving hearing may reflect intrigue with rumors.

Example: A man dreamed of hearing a warning about a rattlesnake before the snake bites him. In waking life, he felt ripped off over a $10,000 work job. In this case, hearing a rattlesnake before it bites him may have reflected his ability to comprehend the danger or potential risk of loss in relation to the work job.

Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of his ex-girlfriend trying to hug him, but went through him like he was a ghost. Then he fell to his knees and heard very scary music. In waking life, his ex-girlfriend had recently broken up with him after telling him that she didn't love him. In this case, hearing the scary music may have reflected heightened awareness of the painful reality of the breakup.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of hearing that her mother had died. In waking life, she was having financial problems. In this case, hearing that her mother had died may have reflected her perception of losing her financial security or her ability to plan for the future confidently.

*Please See Deaf

Hearing Aid

To dream of a hearing aid represents an inability to genuinely be listened to or understood. Difficulty getting ideas through. You or someone else that needs something done before they give their full attention. Alternatively, a hearing aid may represent a coping mechanism to help you stay informed or included as part of a group. A dependency you have that lets you keep informed.

Negatively, a hearing aid may represent a requirement or condition in order to listen to someone else. A bribe or condition that has to be met first. Something to make co-operation more palatable to you or someone else. A method of overriding stubbornness. It may also be a sign that people don't want to do anything with you unless they can use you. A hearing aid may also mean you are too dependent on someone else to get information.


To dream of a hearse funeral car represents feelings about decision-making or management of a situation that involves settling a failure. Settling a serious change. Respectfully managing someone else's failure. Involvement in a situation that requires helping someone move on from a failure or serious change. You are dealing with some kind of unfinished business.

Negatively, dreaming about a hearse may reflect feelings about delays you are experiencing while managing failure or unwanted changes. Feeling that your involvement in a situation revolves too much around dealing with failures and changes instead of on starting something new. Feeling unable to get a break from current responsibilities because you are heavily involved in a closure process.

Alternatively, dreaming about a hearse may reflect situations where you or someone else is making an obvious display to others about being heavily involved in a situation with pending closure.

A hearse car in a dream might in some cases reflect a person's frustration or unhappiness with dealing with a real life death.


To dream of a human heart represents your ability to care for or love other people. It may also reflect unconditional love or understanding.

To get heart surgery represents a big change in the way you feel or care. A situation in your life that is making you more sympathetic, caring, or open to being loved. It may also reflect a permanent change in how you love someone.

To dream of valentine heart symbolizes your romantic or sexual interest in another person. A red heart representing a negative or uncaring sexual perspective. A blue heart symbolizes a positive or caring perspective. A purple heart symbolizes powerlessness to love who you want, or your own uncaring feelings towards someone.

To dream of a valentine heart outline or hollow valentine heart may reflect empty feelings about people you are romantically considering.

To dream of a bleeding heart represents sadness, desperation, despair, or a lack of sympathy. Your feelings may have been hurt or you feel like someone doesn't care about you.

To dream of being stabbed in the heart represents relationship conflict or feeling that someone cares about hurting your feelings. Heartbreak, pain, or feeling cheated. Emotional hurt.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a valentine hearts that were hollow. In waking life he was thinking about more than one woman at the same time as possible wives with no real concern for being happy for himself.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of someone reaching into her body, ripping out her heart, and then holding it in front of her. She was jealous to get it back and felt she couldn't. In waking life she was of Christian faith and believed that she had sold her soul away to the Devil. The ripped out heart in this case may have reflected her feelings about how selling her soul away would make her required to be an evil person who couldn't care about others anymore.

*Please See Heart Medicine

*Please See Heart Attack

*Please See Heartbeat

Heart Attack

To dream that you are having a heart attack represents feelings of being overwhelmed by a sudden shock or drastic change in your emotional state due to a situation feeling like it's too much to handle. It could symbolize a situation or event that is causing you significant stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil. This might be due to overwhelming pressures, situations, or relationships that are causing you significant distress. Feeling overwhelmed by work-related pressures and deadlines.

Negatively, dreaming about a heart attack may indicate feelings of vulnerability or fear related to your ability to love, care for, or connect with others. t could also symbolize feeling unprepared for a drastic emotional upheaval or feeling powerless to manage overwhelming emotional stress. Feelings about other people being overwhelmed by emotional shock or change to the point that they can't never care about you or something happening ever again. A friendship dying because the other person can't handle the shock of a problem that came between you.

Alternatively, dreaming about a heart attack may mirror waking life fears of having a heart attack for those that have already had one.

In the context of relationships, a heart attack could symbolize a fear of rejection, abandonment, or feeling emotionally "attacked" by someone close to you. You may be struggling with feelings of emotional pain, heartbreak, or disappointment in a relationship. Intense emotional fallout and feelings of betrayal.

To dream of dying from a heart attack may reflect you or someone else that has succumbed to fear, stress, or pressure. "Caving" or giving up because a situation was too much to handle.

Example: A woman dreamed of her husband having a heart attack. In waking life, she was 5 months pregnant. In this case, the heart attack may have reflected fears or concerns about change and the future of her family life.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of assuming that someone had died of a heart attack. In waking life, she had lost a couple of friends and felt that she was becoming someone that she didn't want to be. In this case, the heart at she assumed someone else had may have reflected her feelings about her friends emotional state after their fallout.

Heart Medicine

To dream of heart medication may represent thoughts or habits that effect your ability to stay calm. To dream of having different options of heart medicine may reflect conflicting choices about how to approach a stressful situation, or respond to other people.

Alternatively, dreaming of heart medication may represent habits or situations that effect your ability to care for others. Something that helps to open up your heart, care more about a person, or be more sympathetic.


To dream of hearing a heartbeat may represent awareness of yourself being afraid or threatened. You may be avoiding confronting a problem head-on or are choosing to put up with fear.

Alternatively, hearing a heartbeat may reflect recognition of feelings. Acknowledgment of how much you care or love.

A heartbeat may also symbolize evidence of life or interest. The vitality of a relationship or situation. The essence of a matter.


To dream of heartbreak represents overwhelming feelings of disappointment, rejection, or loss. Abrupt changes or feeling surprised that you need to make an unpleasant transition on your own. Heartbreak may also reflect a lack of support or love. Embarrassment after becoming accustomed to a relationship or situation. Feeling that you are "a joke" to other people.

Alternatively, heartbreak in a dream may reflect emotional turmoil.

Negatively, heartbreak may be a sign that you are not valuing or believing in yourself enough. Being too concerned with dependency or thinking you need something to function. Believing that there will never be anything else for you.

Hearts (Playing Cards)

*Please See Playing Cards


To dream of heat represents intensity or passion. Some area of your life being pushed very hard. Alternatively, heat may reflect a negative situation or the worsening of problems. It may also represent pressure you or someone else is feeling.

Positively, heat in a dream may reflect something in waking life that spares you from terrible conditions. A sympathetic, comforting, or supportive situation during a difficult time.

Hot weather in a dream may reflect a lot of negativity or uncertainty in your relationships or work life. A constant state of stress or conflict.


To dream of a heat seeking device represents a mindset that is looking for negativity or problems.

To dream of a heat-seeking missile represents a mindset that is targeting someone else's negativity to harm them or embarrass them. Using someone else's problems or bad intentions to get back at them. Alternatively, it may reflect someone else that is using your flaws, weaknesses, or bad habits to get back at you.


To dream of a heater represents a wish to use something or someone to make your life feel less terrible. Habits you have to make yourself more comfortable during an insensitive or emotionally cold situation. Increasing the warmth, nurturance, or comfort of a situation.

Alternatively, a heater may reflect the sharing of love or being loving towards others. Helping to make a bad time more comfortable for someone else. Make a situation or relationship more hospitable.

*Please See Radiator


To dream of heaven represents perfect happiness, bliss, or transcendence. A state of mind or situation where everything is working out. Feeling that everything you want is happening. Feelings about life working perfectly or feeling very happy to experience a moment of extreme luck. Situations in your life where you feel an exceptional amount of support from other people that may be unusual for you. Feelings of paradise or that a situations "feels like heaven." Preoccupation with escaping a depressing or banal life. Preoccupation with restoring optimism and hope to your life.

Negatively, dreaming about heaven may reflect too much wishful thinking or desire for a perfect outcome that may be unrealistic. Expecting too much from people to make your life perfect. Expecting strangers you just met to perfectly fix your problems. Problems with accepting that the fact that you need to deal with your problems on your own. Difficulties accepting the hard reality of a situation. Too much confidence in strangers solving your problems. Naively believing that perfect happiness is possible.

To dream of not being allowed into heaven may represent a situation in waking life that prevents you from achieving total happiness. Feeling denied from happiness. Anxiety or jealousy that you weren't perfect enough in some way.

Dreams of heaven may occur for people who are very religious and experiencing anxiety about God thinking they are a good person when they die.

Dreams of heaven are also common to people who may have had a very hard life (disabilities, bad family, bad luck) and believe that supportive people they meet for the first time are going to solve their problems.

Additionally, dreams of heaven may manifest for individuals who are deeply religious and are feeling anxious about whether God will perceive them as a good person after their passing.

Example: A deaf woman with severe disabilities dreamed of being in heaven. In waking life she had met someone off the internet and then began to believe that they might help her to fix some of her problems when nobody else ever wanted to help her. The heaven symbolism may have reflected her naive belief that the new person she met off the internet would make her life perfect as deaf people tend to have issues with trusting people.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of running into a building that she felt was heaven. In waking life, she had been struggling to cope with the death of both her parents and personal problems until she found a job working for a man she was secretly falling in love with. In this case, the concept of heaven may reflect her feelings of finding solace and relief from her troubles in her new job and the possibility of a relationship with the man she was attracted to.

*Please See God


To dream of something being heavy represents your feelings about how serious or important a situation is. Feeling how difficult or challenging a situation or problem is. Having your work cut out for you. A burden.

Positively, a heavy object may reflect your sense of security. Knowing it will be difficult to challenge you or force unwanted changes on you.

To dream of something being too heavy to lift represents feelings of lacking power, resources, or support from others. Feeling that a problem or burden is too big. A sign that you may need help. Questioning whether or not you are strong enough to deal with an issue.

To dream of carrying something heavy represents your burdens, work load, or responsibilities. You may be carrying too much on your shoulders and need to prioritize. A sign that you need to take a break, lighten up, or learn to delegate.


To dream of a hedgehog represents feelings about honest intentions having been disrespected. Sensitivity about having been lied to first. Behavior that is both shy and defensive. Honest intentions about discussing how dangerous some area of your life is.

Negatively, hedgehogs may reflect a competitive attitude that is uncalled for or rude. Feelings about yourself being a wonderful person who someone else has rudely embarrassed. Feelings about someone else rudely making you feel like you don't matter first. Being honest about your problems and then feeling insulted that someone else is brags about themselves. Being talked to or treated like a "piece of garbage" when you are good person.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a hedgehog. In waking life he felt that a female friend was rather insensitive to him about bringing up her daughter's job promotion at work after casually mentioning to her that he was out of work. He felt that his friend was rudely making her daughter sound like she was better than he was when he was only trying have a friendly conversation.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a hedgehog walking around on spikes. In waking life she ran out of birth-control drugs and her boyfriend was blaming her for having to bother using condoms. The hedgehog may have reflected her feelings about being treated rudely for the lack of birth-control after being wonderful to her boyfriend by having sex with him.


To dream of a hedge represents behaviors or attitudes that is intentionally secretive or hiding something by design. An own attempt to conceal information or a problem you have. A distraction or barrier you use to prevent others from noticing things you prefer to keep hidden. The dreamer's own attempt to conceal or distract others from the information or problem they have. Behavior that makes sure people don't say or see something about you until it's the right time. Professionally withholding transparency in order to appear more attractive or likeable. Precautions you take to ensure people don't discover certain things about you until the timing feels right.

Negatively, dreaming of hedges may represent manipulative behavior, where there's an intention to exert control over others without making it apparent, all while maintaining a facade of innocence. A person or situation that is withholding information from you or preventing you from understanding something. A hedge may also reflect some sort of platform or "smoke screen" being used for deception. People who, while seemingly amenable to your ideas, secretly harbor contrary intentions. The dream may highlight your discontentment with situations where individuals are not forthright about their true thoughts or feelings. Your discontentment with situations where individuals are not forthright about their true thoughts or feelings.

To dream of very tall hedges represents the extent to which a person was going to maintain a deception or a significant barrier the dreamer has to face to uncover the truth.

To dream of hedges positioned to the side of a sidewalk represents hidden intentions are not directly obstructing the dreamer's path, but are nevertheless present and affecting their situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing very tall hedges far off to the right side of a sidewalk. In waking life, a family member was dishonestly agreeing with him about his future plans when it reality the family just wanted the dreamer to like him while wasting time. In this case, the tall hedges might have reflected the family member's behavior of intentionally concealing their true thoughts and intentions.

*Please See Bush


To dream of the heel on a foot represents feelings about your ability to stop yourself from doing something immoral or doing something that you know is wrong. Knowing when to draw the line in a questionable situation.

To dream of an injury to your heel may reflect problems with will-power or resisting something immoral. Having trouble stopping yourself from indulging in temptation, bad behavior, or inappropriate sexual behavior.

Example: A man dreamed of having a heel injury that required surgery. In waking life he was having an extra-marital affair that he knew was going to require a lot of effort and willpower to end. He felt that a direct hard-line approach to breaking up with the second woman was the only way to stop himself from continuing to cheat on his wife.


To dream of being at tall height represents a heightened sense of achievement. You may feel superior to others in some manner. You may also feel that you have overcome an enormous challenge or worked very hard to get where you are. Reaching the pinnacle of success or a challenge. Heights may also reflect insider knowledge or feeling smarter than others.

Negatively, heights may reflect feelings of danger or risk as you are working towards a goal or achievement. Fearing losing what you have achieved so far as you continue to make progress.

Dreaming of a fear of heights may reflect a fear of success or that you are not believing in yourself enough. Feeling that you are not as good as others think you are. Fearing that you are unable to maintain your success or that you are unqualified.

Heimlich Maneuver

To dream of the Heimlich maneuver represents reversing a bad or embarrassing choice. Helping yourself or someone else speak up for themselves or reverse a bad decision. Changing a choice that would have resulted in a unstoppable failure.


To dream of Heineken beer represents a relaxed attitude about an issue where the worst or hardest part of something difficult is over while you feel good taking some time off with mindfulness of not being lazy. Feeling that you don't have to relax for the rest of your life, but you do need to relax in the current moment. Feelings about being not being a lazy person, but don't need to work right now. Feeling good being professional at your job and deserving to take some time off to not worry about it in the current moment. Finding balance between work and relaxation. Taking time off while not being lazy about anticipating more work to come. Professionally deserving time off because work isn't pressing concern right now. Deserving to relax because you are not needed in the office or to work right now. Interim relaxing. A relaxed attitude that is confident about affording time off. Handling work, but not having to go back to it yet.

Negatively, dreaming about Heineken beer represents a tendency to procrastinate, become complacent or overindulge in relaxation at the expense of productivity. A lack of urgency or accountability when facing pending tasks or responsibilities. Overconfidence in one's ability to afford time off, or taking a break when it's not yet deserved or appropriate. It can also reflect an overemphasis on leisure and enjoyment, risking potential future work opportunities or neglecting present obligations.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Heineken t-shirt. In waking life, he was recently hired for a new job that he hadn't started yet. In this case, the Heineken beer t-shirt may have reflected his feelings of relief and relaxation after the stress of job hunting was over, coupled with his anticipation for starting his new job. He felt he deserved a period of relaxation and respite before the new professional challenges began.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a big Heineken bottle in the center. In waking life, he finished a small job he had to do and decided to take some time off while being aware that he had to go back to his regular work whenever he was ready. In this case, the Heineken may have reflected his choice to take a well-earned break after completing a demanding task. The large Heineken bottle in the center of his dream symbolized his conscious decision to prioritize relaxation and leisure for the time being, while still acknowledging his professional responsibilities awaiting in the near future. The dream indicated his understanding of the importance of balance between work and relaxation.

Held Down

To dream of being held down represents feelings about restrictions, limitations, or forces that keep you from achieving your goals or expressing yourself fully. Feelings of being constrained by a person, situation, or obligations that prevent you from moving forward or expressing yourself freely. Conflicts or unresolved emotions that are holding you back. External pressures that you feel are preventing you from moving forward or a situation in which you feel powerless and controlled.

Positively, dreaming about something being held down may represent a conscious choice to restrain yourself or maintain discipline in a certain area of your life. Your efforts to stay grounded or avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Negatively, dreaming about being held down may represent feelings of being trapped or oppressed by external circumstances or by your own fears and doubts. Feelings of helplessness, frustration, or being overwhelmed by life's challenges. You may feel that someone or something is deliberately holding you back from achieving your potential or that you are being unfairly treated or controlled. Being at the mercy of others' control or manipulation. Self-imposed limitations that prevent you from reaching your full potential or pursuing your dreams. A fear of failure, rejection, or criticism that holds you back from taking risks or asserting yourself assertively. Struggling with accepting or dealing with limitations imposed upon you by others or by your circumstances.

Example: A man dreamed of being held down by an invisible force. In waking life, he was experiencing anxiety about the future. In this case, being held down may have reflected his feelings of being paralyzed by his fears and uncertainties regarding the future.

Example: A person dreamed of being held down by black shadows. In waking life, they were disabled and could no longer walk. In this case, being held down by black shadows may have reflected their feelings of loss and immobility, feeling trapped by their physical limitations.


To dream of a helicopter represents plans or projects that are getting off the ground and allow you full discretion. Total freedom that allows you to adapt. Plans or projects that are "getting of the ground" and can adapt as needed. The ability to start, stop, or change as needed with full freedom. Living free at your own pace. No fear of adapting while undertaking new plans.

Negatively, a helicopter may reflect your fear of people that have the ability to adapt as needed to control you. Opposition that can start, stop, or change as needed with full freedom. Feelings about having the freedom to be a total jerk while dealing with an off-on problem.

To dream of a helicopter crashing represents feelings about failed plans or projects being carried out with full discretion. Versatile progressive situations that have failed. New experiences which you can start and stop at your leisure which have resulted in failure.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone in a helicopter shooting a machine gun. In waking life was experiencing stress relief and increased confidence after moving homes and was able to get off her medication. The helicopter reflected her moving homes and new found independence to live freer and at her own pace.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a helicopter coming towards him. In waking life he got a lot of time off work and was able to start a computer project with his free time. The helicopter reflected how he was able to stop and start his computer project at his leisure.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of black helicopters coming for her. In waking life she had been declared legally insane by her jealous husband while attempting to divorce him. She could't stop the police and doctors from coming after her and committing her to an institution.


*Please See DNA


To dream of being in Hell represents an unpleasant situation that feels like it never ends while nobody cares about anything you are feeling. Agony or suffering. You may feel tortured or frustrated by a problem. Feeling that it's impossible to believe in yourself the way you are supposed to. A situation that feels inescapable, that totally lacks respect, or feels like nobody cares about anyone else's feelings. An intensely uncomfortable, chaotic, or problematic situation. Feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Dreaming about Hell may reflect a job you hate, a serious illness, nightmare situation, unending punishment, or feeling that you are surrounded by terrible evil or mean people. An abusive situation or terrible hospital experience.

Negatively, hell in a dream could represent your own self-inflicted torment and feelings of despair. It may also suggest that you are trapped in negative patterns of thought or behavior, or feel trapped in a situation from which you see no way out.

Alternatively, it could symbolize your fears or anxieties about punishment for your actions.

Example: A man dreamed of going to Hell. In waking life, he endured a very unpleasant hospital experience. In this case, Hell may have reflected his feelings of suffering, fear, and lack of control during his hospital stay.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a bunch of people on a rollercoaster car drive passed him and move downward going towards Hell. In waking life, the man was aware of criminals that were caught enjoying a crime facing the rest of their lives in prison. In this case, Hell may have reflected his feelings about the criminal's irreversible fate of suffering severe punishment for their crimes. The rollercoaster could symbolize the thrilling yet risky path of crime they chose which eventually led to their downfall and "hellish" outcome of a life in prison.


To dream of someone saying hello or hi to you may represent feelings about something new about to happen. Beginning or adjusting to a new situation. Surprise that something new has to start or stop. A new situation that you feel is "introducing" itself. A new situation that makes you feel like your feelings are important. Liking something for the first time. Experiencing something deserving to be acknowledged. A mutual wish to adjust comfortably to a new situation. A reminder of some sort. Having to "greet" some kind of situation whether you want to or not.

Negatively, dreaming of someone saying hello may reflect new dangerous, unpleasant, or negative situations that presenting themselves. Surprise that a bad situation, argument, or problem is calmly presenting itself in your life. Something new starting to happen that you don't want to happen. Feeling greeted by a problem in your life. Alternatively, it may reflect unpleasant reminder.

To dream of yourself saying hello or saying hi to someone represents your willingness to give a situation a chance. Your willingness to respect someone else adjusting to you in a new way.

To dream of saying hello to someone and they don't say hello back to you may represent your feelings about yourself politely giving a situation a chance or respecting someone first when the politeness or respect is not felt in return. Feelings about being embarrassed being too nice or open to someone else. Feelings of willingness or openness not returned.

Dreams of saying hello to people you have romantic interest in who don't say hello back to you may reflect waking life situations where you feel embarrassed that feelings aren't shared or that you were too nice to someone you like. Jealousy that someone or something doesn't like you as much as you like them.

Example: A young woman dreamed of saying hello to her brother who said hi to her and then seeing her dog and being happy. In waking life her brother had moved out from the family home. In this case dreaming about saying hello to her brother who said hi to her may have reflected her feelings about the beginning of needing to adjust to her brother moving out. She was metaphorically "saying hello" to a new relationship with her brother and new living arrangements at home with less people.

Example 2: A young man had recurring dreams of his ex-girlfriend saying hello to him as he walked past her. In waking life he was having confused feelings about his breakup with her. In this case the saying of hello as he walks past her ex-girlfriend may reflect his feelings about the potential shared wish to initiate reconciliation that never actually realizes in waking life. Walking past his ex and saying hello may have also reflected a mutual feeling of discomfort adjusting to being broken up.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of his ex-girlfriend's mother saying hello to him. In waking life he was having difficulty getting over his ex-girlfriend. In this case the ex-girlfriend's mother saying hello may have reflected his feelings about having to "greet" his feelings for ex when he didn't want to.

*Please See Telephone


To dream of a helmet represents psychological protection. You or someone else may be resisting influence or changing beliefs. Protected opinions and attitudes.

Positively, it may reflect resisting negative influences, maintaining principles, or never giving in to problems. Negatively, it may reflect stubbornness, being overprotective, being over cautious, or an unwillingness to change.


To dream of giving someone help represents awareness of yourself encouraging or supporting a cause. It may also reflect a decision to respect yourself, take action, or believe in yourself. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are encouraging behavior or situations that may not be in your best interest. Encouraging something that you know is wrong.

To dream of helping an enemy or evil person may represent giving in to negative intentions or bad behavior. It may also reflect feelings about yourself succumbing to "evil." Alternatively, it may reflect problems you are giving up on. Throwing away power on purpose or choosing to be a loser. Helping enemies or evil people may also symbolize your wish for bad things to happen to yourself or others.

To dream of needing or asking for help represents feelings of being lost, overwhelmed, or inadequate in some way.

Negatively, needing help in a dream may be a sign that you are not being vocal enough or trying hard enough to get people's attention focused on your problems. Silently suffering with your problems. Being too introverted about your problems. Feelings about observing dishonesty that helps to avoid unpleasant consequences. Awareness of lies or cheating assisting you life. Excuses used for avoidance.

To dream of seeing someone asking for help may reflect an awareness of yourself not taking enough action on problems when you are lost, overwhelmed, or feelings inadequate. Negatively, it may reflect your willful blindness of other people's problems.

Example: A young boy dreamed of drowning and yelling for help. In waking life he was being sexually abused by his teenage brother and felt powerless to stop it. The dream may have reflected his introverted feelings about desperately wanting to stop the abuse.

*Please See Helpless


To dream of being helpless represents feelings about yourself or others having no chance to succeed on their own. Feelings about yourself being desperate. Not believing in yourself enough. Giving up too easily. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you are feeling sorry for yourself and giving up. Thinking of yourself as a victim.

Negatively, seeing helplessness in a dream may reflect people in your waking life that make you feel sorry for them. Feeling that you need to do things for people. A sign that you may benefit from letting others people figure out their problems on their own. Being too involved in other people's problems. A warning dream about bad judgement.


*Please See Bleeding


To dream of hemp represents a person, situation, or behavior that has to be recognized as respectable. Difficult honesty, moderation, or a compromise that nobody can question. A very brave moment of total honesty.

Negatively, hemp may reflect a dangerous moment of total honesty. Telling the truth or being responsible when it feels risky or may end up disastrous for you. Moderation or taking the middle ground when it's very uncomfortable. Feeling stupid for having told the truth.

*Please See Marijuana


*Please See Chickens


To dream of a herb represents making a situation more interesting, special, or with zest than normal. Looking at a situation from a different perspective. Your wish to make a situation different than usual. Doing something different to make a situation work. Changes that are both different and good for you. Trying something new to get an advantage.

Negatively, dreams of herbs may be reflect feeling that that you don't need to do anything
substance because you can simply do something different than other people do to trick people into making a situation work. Dishonest or evil intentions to do something different to make getting back at someone work when normal methods don't work. Terrible jealousy that care about special care about doing something different to get back at someone. Dishonest attempts to get an advantage.

Dreams of herbs commonly accompany symbolism of magic, black magic, or witches.

Consider the type of the herb for additional meaning.

Example: A woman dreamed of a lovely herb garden. In waking life she was a teacher unhappy with her income and poor treatment at the current school she was at. She was looking for a new job. In this case the herb garden may have reflected her growing thoughts about trying to get a different job or career to make her life more interesting.


To dream of Hercules represents a display of unlimited strength. You or someone else that's focused on proving they're stronger than anyone else. Embarrassing other people with superiority that can't be outdone. Showing off with superior strength.

Positively, Hercules may reflect displays of protectiveness or looking out of weaker people. Showing off being supportive and protective of smaller or weaker people.

Negatively, Hercules in a dream may be a sign that you are too concerned with proving your superiority or that you're stronger than other people. Arrogance or showing off may need to be toned down. Male bravado.


To dream of a hermaphrodite represents an aspect of yourself that combines both feminine and masculine traits.

Alternatively, a hermaphrodite may reflect unpleasant feelings about yourself never being accepted or able to fit in. Feeling that there is no normal place for you.

*Please See Androgynous


To dream of a hero represents recognition for an outstanding achievement or facing difficult obstacle. Feeling that you've "saved the day." Having done something that nobody was could have done or that nobody else was prepared for. Being a hero may also reflect feelings of bravery or courage. It may also mean you've done something really well.

Admiration for superior skills, abilities, or principles. Standing up to fear when nobody else will. Setting a good example.


To dream of the drug heroin represents obsession or euphoria with believing how wonderfully perfect something is. Believing that something perfect is so good it will never go away.

Negatively, heroin represents ignorance or stupidity about thinking that there can never be anything wrong or dangerous with something perfect you are interested in. An inability to be objective or critical about negative aspects of a perfect situation. Thinking "the bill" won't come or that there is no "fine print." Naively believing that good times are forever. Pleasure or optimism overrides your good judgement. Annoying people you know with your personal stories about how perfect your life is.

Emotional addiction to a perfect experience. Risking serious losses because you can't separate your need for experiencing perfection from objective reality. Obsessive or compulsive behavior with something you like a lot. Obsessive behavior that makes other people want to stop talking to you or know you anymore.

Heroin addiction in a dream may reflect how you are continually screwing yourself over being too optimistic or to obsessed with something you feel is perfect. It may also reflect hurting yourself desiring someone exceptionally beautiful who keeps embarrassing you. Perfection that you can't resist or once experienced is dangerously difficult to cut off.

Example: A woman dreamed of being a heroin addict. In waking life she was accused by her boyfriend of being obsessed with talking about her new job aboard.

*Please See Opium


To dream of a heron represents careful forethought. Herons may show up in dreams when you are carefully planning something. Thinking about everything you need before you do it.

Example: A woman once dreamed of seeing herons on her front lawn. In real life she was making New Year's resolutions to give up some of her bad habits.


To dream of herpes represents a pleasant situation that has turned bad and permanently requires constant care. Having to keep managing the consequences of a disappointment. Alternatively, herpes may reflect a tragedy that never goes away.

Herpes in a dream may be a sign that you need to let go of something or move in a new direction. You may be managing a failure because you can't except that it's over.

Example: A man dreamed that his best friend caught herpes. In waking life his attempt to improve his business with a new opportunity turned into a giant failure. He felt trapped into having to manage the increasing costs in order to stay in business.

*Please See Cold Sores


To dream of a hexagon represents your life being totally dedicated to confronting negativity. You might also be experiencing so much negativity that you don't know what to do about it.

To dream of a hexagon hallway represents a path in life or transitional period where you are confronting negativity or feel overwhelmed by negativity.


*Please See Star Of David


To dream of a hickey represents feelings of embarrassment that you or someone else is liking themselves too much. Frustration or annoyance at having too much attention drawn to your private life. Not liking to have to keep discussing something that you feel is "getting old."

A hickey may also reflect the embarrassment of having enjoyed revealing too much about yourself to others. A spur of the moment idea or instance of spontaneity that embarrasses you that you went too far with it.

Negatively, a hickey may reflect feelings of embarrassment about a misconception that others believe you enjoyed more than you honestly did. Not liking others thinking you had too much of a good time.

Positively, a hickey may reflect feelings of pride that you have proof that you are too important or too well liked.

To dream of giving someone else a hickey may represent feelings of embarrassment for having liked doing something too much. Obsession or going overboard enjoying yourself to point that it causes yourself or others embarrassment.

Hidden Cameras

To dream of discovering hidden cameras represents unpleasant feelings about others not trusting you. Feeling that you privacy or personal space has been violated. Feeling scrutinized or monitored with your knowledge. Embarrassment or surprise at how jealous of you someone else is. Feeling shocked at how nosy or controlling someone in your life is. Feeling that someone is too interested in your life for your comfort level.

To dream of setting up hidden cameras may represent your jealousy of someone else. Keep tabs on others without their knowledge. A lack of trust you have in someone.

*Please See Security Cameras

*Please See Video Camera


To dream of hiding represents your fear of confronting an issue, withholding the truth, or having anxiety about facing problems or revealing weakness. You may have a secret, guilt, or a fear of repercussions. A need for protection, secrecy, or a desire to avoid judgment or criticism from others. A desire to conceal one's true self or intentions from others. A wish to keep certain aspects of oneself or one's life private, allowing for a sense of safety and security. Attempts to evade dealing with uncomfortable situations, painful experiences, or difficult emotions. An indication of guilt or shame about something you've done or a situation you're involved in. Aware of someone or something attempting to keep information from them, or they may be using distraction or deception to conceal a problem.

Positively, dreaming of hiding may represent a desire for solitude, a need for personal space, or a period of introspection and self-discovery. The need for self-protection or self-preservation.

Negatively, dreaming of hiding may represent dishonesty or deceit. Keeping secrets, lying, or not being entirely truthful about something.

Example: A man dreamed of walking around trying to hide his black eye while search for his blazer. In waking life he was searching for a job. In this case, the attempt to hide the black eye while searching for a blazer may have reflected his fear or anxiety about showing his failure or weakness (represented by the black eye) during job interviews. He was perhaps seeking to present a professional image (signified by the blazer), while simultaneously feeling a need to conceal his previous setbacks or challenges. This dream might indicate his concern about judgment or criticism during his job hunt.


To dream of Egyptian hieroglyphics represents feelings about a situation being interesting, but foreign. Meaning or purpose that is beyond your grasp. Feelings about an interesting situation sending you signals that there is purpose or fate that you don't fully understand. An interest in finding meaning or purpose that never materializes in your life.

Negatively, Egyptian hieroglyphics may represent too much desire for someone that is impossible to have a real relationship with. An nonobjective wish to get to know someone foreign that may be unrealistic. Too much interest in something you can never do anything about. Too much interest in finding meaning or purpose that never materializes. Hopeless fascination. Reading in to the something that isn't happening.

Example: A young man dreamed of reading hieroglyphics. In waking life he had met a girl online living in another country. He really liked her and kept hoping their chance online meaning had purpose or fate. The hieroglyphics represented his hopeless fascination with believing that the relationship was going somewhere when it was impossible.


*Please See Drugs

*Please See Heights

High Heels

To dream of high heel shoes represents an approach to a situation that is focused on never being rejected or losing. Ambition or drive to guarantee winning. You feel confident and self-assured. A dominating attitude. Wanting to "seal the deal" or being a "closer."

Alternatively, high heel shoes may reflect someone or something that is difficult to say no to. Feminine dominance.

High School

To dream of being in high school represents anxiety or concerns you have in regards to gaining power, resources, or status. How well you are being perceived by others or how well you are performing in life. You want more responsibility, status, or to feel more capable. You are trying to improve yourself in some manner. Negatively, high school may reflect too much concern with developing power or status.

High school points to insecurities, or anxieties about how powerful or capable you feel as a person.

To dream of not completing or dropping out of high school may reflect feelings about not having done enough to achieve power or status. Feeling that you didn't try hard enough to achieve your goals. Feeling that you surrendered or gave on an accomplishment you cared a lot about. Feeling like a loser for not having tried hard enough at something important to you.

Attending specific classes in a school may represent the manner in which you are thinking. For example, history classes may reflect the reexamining of your past and math classes your attempts to solve a difficult problem.

If you attended a number of different high schools then each school may reflect a different level of difficulty or stress in your life.

Examples life situations that may encourage school dreams may be nervousness about dating someone, anxiety about work, or caring deeply about how others will react to a project you are working on or plans you have.

Dreaming of certain memorable locations at a school you attended may reflect current emotional states based on those memories. For example if someone hurt your feelings or made you concerned about what they thought in a certain location (hallway, doorway, or back of a room) in a dream it may reflect your concerns about what other people think.

*Please See Tests

*Please See Exams

High School Credits

*Please See School Credits

High School Reunion

To dream of a high school reunion represents remembering of old conflicts, challenges, or power struggles. Revisiting old issues or how things used to be in relationships. Open discussion about who is luckier.

Positively, a high school reunion may reflect feelings of being luckier than other people you know.

Negatively, a high school reunion represents feelings of rivalry, jealousy, or rubbing achievements in others faces. You or others that are openly discussing being better than other people. Difficulty letting go of the past. Resurfacing tensions. Bitterness. Open discussions you may be having with others about who is more deserving or respectable.

Alternatively, a high school union may reflect competitiveness or old quarrels between friends or family that are resurfacing. Noticing that others are petty or can't get over something that happened in the past. Comparisons of social status or achievements.

Example: A woman dreamed of being at a high school reunion. In waking life she was witnessing family members arguing about conflicts that started years earlier. The reunion reflected the experience of watching her family struggle to let go of old rivalries.


To dream of a highway represents situations in your life where you are experiencing momentum or progress. A situation is moving along quickly.

If you're pulled off to the side of the road, have an accident, or find yourself driving a vehicle in poor condition it may symbolize problems or emotional issues you are experiencing during fast paced situations. Difficulties or delays you are having while "moving ahead" with something.

To dream of getting into an accident with another car on the highway represents conflicting ideas or agendas during a fast paced or progressive situation. A fight with another person while experiencing a life situation that is moving quickly ahead.

To dream of getting lost on the highway represents feelings that a face paced situation has left you feeling way in over your head. Feeling that a life situation has moved much too quickly for you. A sign that you need to slow down or ask for help. Insecurity about losing your sense of direction or purpose during a high momentum situation. You may have "gotten ahead of yourself" by moving too quickly.

Example: A young man dreamed of having a head on collision while getting off the highway. In waking life his friend found out that he slept with his ex-girlfriend whom he had just broke up with. The highway reflected the fast pace of the adulterous relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of driving on the highway as fast as she could while having no idea where she was going. In waking life she was searching for the right university program to enter, but had no idea which school was best to attend.


To dream of something being hijacked represents beliefs, opinions, or situations that are taking over. Hijacking may also reflect panic that is taking over your better judgment.

Alternatively, hijacking may represent a loss of control. You may feel someone has taken over an area of your life or seized your moment.

To dream of an airplane being hijacked represents plans or projects that you feel are being taking over. An unwelcome person may be asserting themselves in your life. Fear, panic, or negative emotions may be overwhelming your decisions.


To dream of hiking represents slow tough progress and achievement. Perseverance and a strong will as you deal with a problem or uncertain conditions. A long project that will take time to finish. A 'long haul" situation. A difficult protracted situation. A long challenge that doesn't scare you. Negatively, hiking in a dream reflect feelings about choosing to endure a longer more difficult option than you need to.

Alternatively, hiking in a dream may reflect your enjoyment or preference for a situation to be longer more difficult situation. Feeling good that a situation is never challenging enough. Confidence that something difficult and time consuming doesn't matter.

People who are spending a lot of time looking for a new home often dream of hiking. This may reflect their confidence getting a new place to life after long time of enduring a painstaking process of visiting homes and filing rental applications.

Example: A woman dreamed of hiking up a mountain. In waking life he was was trying her hardest to endure a long protracted lawsuit.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of hiking under very difficult conditions. In waking life both his parents had committed suicide and he was trying his hardest to get through the funerals and move on with his life.


To dream of a hill represents an obstacle in your life. A struggle to achieve a goal. The steepness of hill reflects how big the challenge is that you're facing.

To dream of moving uphill represents your attempt to work against an obstacle. Feeling the difficulty of a situation or that something is getting harder. Feeling that a problem is too much for you. You may also be experiencing an enormous challenge or lots of pressure to meet a deadline. Fighting against the odds. A sign that you need to "tough it out." Patience and dedication will benefit you.

To dream of moving downhill represents a sense of ease with an obstacle or feeling that you are moving away from a problem. Life may feel like it's getting easier. Moving downhill too fast may reflect an improvement that is happening too quick to respond to. Something is good is happening too fast.

To dream of standing on top of a hill represents success or overcoming a challenge. You are noticing that you struggle is over with.

To dream of a steep hill represents feelings about an obstacle in your life being particularly difficult. A challenge which requires you to try your hardest or be stubborn to overcome it. Feelings about needing to push yourself hard to achieve your goals. Negatively, a steep hill may reflect feelings about how an obstacle is demanding too much from you. Feeling it's too much work to overcome a challenge that other people may not think is difficult.

Example: A woman dreamed of struggling to get to the top of a hill. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and felt that she was struggling to get to the end of her pregnancy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of racing down a hill and feeling totally out of control. In waking life she was pregnant and feared losing control while going into labor.

Example 3: A women dreamed of driving a car up a hill and fearing that she would never make it to the top. In waking life she was trying to complete an enormous amount of paper work to complete university and was having anxiety about being unable to complete the project.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of driving up a very steep hill in a car and almost flipping over when she got to the top. In waking life she was having a difficult time arranging leaving her husband with all the financial and legal obligation required to leave with her daughter.

*Please See Mountain


To dream of a hippopotamus represents feelings about behavior that's experienced as unfriendliness or being standoffishness. Feeling that someone doesn't like you. You may be experiencing people or situations that are cold, distant, temperamental, or difficult to approach. A hippo may also reflect trouble co-operating or an inability to get help. Crankiness. Feeling that people are being rude to you. A difficult person who doesn't like being close and personal with you.

A hippopotamus may also represent your own unfriendliness or disinterest in cooperating with others. A hippo could reflect behavior that is noticeably uninterested in the success or well-being of others.

Positively, a dream about a hippopotamus may represent feelings about believing that being protective, assertive, or uncooperative is in your best interest in a serious or dangerous situation.

Example: A young man dreamed of hippos in a river. In waking life, he was experiencing hostile people in the workplace and feared losing his job. In this case, the hippos may have reflected his feelings about his colleagues being unapproachable, standoffish, and potentially jeopardizing his job security. The river with the hippos might have symbolized the unpredictable work environment where he felt that any wrong move could provoke these unfriendly colleagues further, making his situation at work even more unstable.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a hippo being her friend. In waking life, she was being very standoffish with doctors as she tried to find a solution to her cancer. In this case, the friendly hippo reflected her own standoffish behavior towards the doctors, viewing it in a more positive or necessary light since she knew she was right and refused to take no for an answer. The hippo being friendly might symbolize her own understanding or justification of her behavior, believing that being protective, assertive, or uncooperative was in her best interest given the gravity of her health situation. She might have felt that such behavior was the only way she could ensure she was getting the best care and attention for her condition.

Example 3: A man dreamed of fearing a hippo coming out of the water to eat him. In waking life, he was a webmaster experiencing traffic losses from Google to his website and was afraid that if he made any changes to his website that google would penalize his site with even more traffic losses. In this case, the hippo may have reflected his feelings about Google being an overpowering, unapproachable entity that he couldn't easily communicate with or understand. The fear of the hippo coming out of the water to eat him might represent his fear of taking any action that might provoke an even worse reaction from Google, making his online business situation even more precarious.


To dream of hips represents potential or possibility. The size or desirability of the hips reflects how certain or ensured certain types of experiences are. How confident you are that you can do something if you want to.

To dream of a beautiful woman with big sexy hips may symbolize the potential to have a desirable experience or the possibility of achieving a desirable goal. Something pleasant or enjoyable that you know is possible.

To dream of having your hips rubbed or touched represents a person or situation that makes you feel confident that something is possible. Something in your life is giving you a signal that there is potential in a certain outcome.

Example: A man once dreamed of seeing a very beautiful woman with big hips walking towards him. In real life he had an opportunity to quit his job for something more comfortable if he chose to. The sexy woman with big hips represented how possible and desirable taking a break from his job was.


*Please See Mexican People

*Please See Spanish People

*Please See Brazilian People

*Please See Argentinian People


To dream of studying history represents reexamining your past. You may be trying to gain insight into past events. Spending time remembering your past. Processing negative events from the past to learn and grow. Thinking about how people will remember you for your past achievements.

Example: A young man dreamed of being in an ancient history class in high school. In waking life he was doing a lot of therapy to process negative events from his past.


To dream of hitchhiking represents using others to reach goals. There may be a person or situation that allows you to feel a certain way or to reach an objective without any serious commitment of your own.

Hitchhiking may be a sign that you may not want to focus all your energy or resources towards your goals. You may prefer to taste or sample something before committing yourself fully. You may wish to play with opportunities or use other people's resources before really jumping into something.

Example: A woman who was interested in public service dreamed of a hitchhiker at the same time that she got involved in volunteer work. The hitchhiker reflected her interest in using the community center to perform public service without having to make serious commitments to politics.


To dream of Adolf Hitler represents feelings about an aspect of yourself or someone else that is relentlessly obsessed with dictating power or control that doesn't believe it has to stop. Social interaction with someone you feel is "fascist" about control and blind assumptions about deserving to be better than other people that doesn't think other people's feelings matter. A real-life situation where you feel someone is exercising an excessive amount of power or control while never thinking about it stopping. Obsession with total power, oppression, manipulation, and absolute control that is already in a leadership position and thinks of nothing except getting its way. People in your life that you feel are arrogant about being perfect. Feeling trapped in a punitive or bureaucratic system that is systematically oppressive.

Positively, dreaming about Adolf Hitler could reflect your fears about a situation or individual who possesses dictatorial control, which could motivate you to assert your own rights, stand up against oppressions, or defend the rights of others.

Negatively, a dream about Adolf Hitler could signify a ruthless and manipulative attitude, possibly indicative of your own feelings of dominance and control over others. It could also point towards a fear of being overpowered or controlled in some way. Inner fears about being manipulated or controlled. Fear that someone will never stop.

Example: A woman had recurring dreams of Hitler. In waking life, these recurring dreams coincided with visits from her sister whom she felt was very critical, controlling, and self-centered.

*Please See Holocaust

*Please See Nazis

*Please See Concentrations Camps

*Please See Swastika


*Please See Punch

*Please See Punching Bag

*Please See Slap


To dream of a hive represents a person or situation that is dangerous to disturb. Alternatively, a hive may represent group isolation or brainstorming.

*Please see Beehive


To dream of hoarding represents feelings and behaviors related to the accumulation, retention, or attachment to material possessions, emotions, or experiences. Your thoughts and concerns about the importance of holding onto things, whether physical objects or emotional baggage, and the impact it has on your life.

Positively, dreaming about hoarding may represent a desire for abundance, security, and preparedness. The gathering of ideas, knowledge, or experiences as a form of self-preservation or preparation for future challenges.

Negatively, dreaming about hoarding may indicate feelings of being overwhelmed, burdened, or restricted by an excessive attachment to possessions, emotions, or memories. Resistance to letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose or have become obsolete. A fear of change, stagnation, or a refusal to part with items or emotions that are holding you back. A fear or insecurity about losing. Thoughts about attachment, control, and the difficulty in releasing or moving on from certain aspects of your life. Concerns about the negative consequences of accumulating too much or refusing to release what is no longer needed. Hoarding in a dream may also suggest an unhealthy attachment to the past, fear of scarcity, or a tendency to hold on to things, people, or situations that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a closet filled with junk, almost like it would look in a hoarder's house. In waking life, his adopted brother was having a problem in his life that he was trying to help with while simultaneously trying to renovate his own home for a coming child. In this case, the closet that felt like a hoarder's closet may have reflected his perception of his brother's life being overwhelmed and cluttered with various issues and problems. The dream may have symbolized his concerns about his brother's inability to let go of certain issues or emotions that were holding him back, making it difficult for him to move forward and create a better life.

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