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To dream of elk represents behavior that is strong enough to never need to do anything more interesting or risky than it currently is. Instincts to remain safe even if it dull. Grown up behavior that is protective and can fight back. Not being afraid of hard work because it works. Hard work that isn't whining about it. Responsible behavior that is strong enough to protect itself. Fearlessness about being a grownup. Grown up behavior that doesn't have to listen you if it doesn't want to. Maturity that isn't willing to sin ever. Grown up behavior that doesn't care about listening to other people's problems.

Negatively, dreaming about an elk represents instincts to accept a situation as dull to survive. Accepting one area of your life as important to survive that makes the rest of your life suck. Accepting adult responsible behavior that dulls the rest of your life. Feeling annoyed about need to listen to your parents. Fear of someone or something difficult that gets angry if you don't accept it. Accepting dullness that is aggressive about keeping you that way. Behavior that doesn't care about looking stupid never doing anything else for you.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing an elk. In waking life he felt that his both his work life and social life were dull.

*Please See Deer

*Please See Moose



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