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Mashed Potatoes

To dream of mashed potatoes represents feelings of comfort in familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with. Warmth, care, and the fulfillment of basic needs in an uncomplicated manner.

Negatively, dreaming about mashed potatoes could represent feelings of over-reliance on the comfort of familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with during a situation that is more serious than you thought.

To dream of mashed potatoes with gravy represents feelings of comfort in familiar settings, simplicity, and never deserving complications to begin with while experiencing a sense of extra due to minimal effort. Feelings about the ease and simplicity of high-stakes real estate sales during good markets.

Example: A woman dreamed of having trouble eating mashed potatoes with gravy. In waking life, she was a successful real estate agent who was starting to have serious problems selling a home during the US banking crisis and economic slowdown of 2008. In this case, the mashed potatoes with gravy may have reflected her feelings about the comfort, reliance on familiarity, and simplicity of her previously successful real estate transactions now being complicated by the economic downturn. She may have also begun to feel that the "gravy train" of easy sales and profit was over and was no longer able to easily sell homes for high profit with minimal effort.

*Please See Potatoes

*Please See Sweet Potatoes



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