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To dream of a laptop computer represents awareness of a thinking style that looks better or is more sophisticated than average. A higher level of interest in how you are thinking. You may be more motivated or excited to explore yourself or improve yourself. Whereas a regular computer reflects a general awareness of what you are thinking, a laptop reflects more enthusiasm in yourself (professional, rich, good job, good at something). Awareness of yourself thinking in ways that are modern, making progress, or savvy. Liking organization, making serious plans, or thinking of issues related to success. Thinking related to enjoying living a professional life. What you do or see on a laptop computer symbolizes areas of your life that are the most interesting or motivating for you to think about. You may want to improve yourself, change beliefs, or cut out bad habits. Making plans on how to get ahead in life.

Problems with your laptop computer reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.

To dream of losing your laptop or having your laptop stolen may reflect fears of having to start over from scratch when you believed you were getting ahead in life. Losing power, employment, or resources that allow you think about the more interesting areas of your life. Feeling that you've lost your ability to get ahead in life or plan interesting things. Feelings about losing the ability to enjoy success or a professional job.

If a laptop computer is your sole computing device then also consider looking up the definition for "computers" for a more general explanation.

Example: A young woman dreamed of having her laptop stolen. In waking life she feared losing her an extension on her employment. The loss of the laptop in this case may have reflected her fears of losing the ability to think of herself as a successful sophisticated business professional in life if she lost her employment extension and her income.

*Please See Computers



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