To dream that you or someone else is fat represents overindulgence, laziness, or a lack of discipline in some manner. You or some aspect of your personality is too focused on pleasure, taking it easy, or on unproductive thinking patterns.
Being fat in a dream may be a sign that you need to learn moderation in some area.
Alternatively, being fat in a dream may reflect feelings of being an undeserving loser. Feeling that you aren't enjoying your life as much as you want. Feeling that a problem that are holding you down and making you less fun to be around.
Example: A woman dreamed of an annoying fat woman that was near her and feeling pleased when the fat woman finally passed her by. In waking life she was experiencing menopause and was annoyed by having to be extra careful around the time of her expected period during Christmas time. The fat person in the dream may have reflected her feelings about not being able to enjoy herself during the holidays due the potential for a period to occur.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a fat woman. In waking life he didn't qualify for a promotion at work and felt like an undeserving loser who couldn't get ahead.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a disgusting fat person with a giant smile on his face. In waking life he felt powerless to stop someone who cheated him out of a lot of money and flaunted it to his face.
*Please See Obese