To see a vampire in your dream symbolizes an aspect of your personality that is parasitic or selfishly feeds off others. A person or situation that drains you of time, energy, or resources. Either your own selfish need to use others or your projection of other people that are feeding off of you. It could represent either material or emotional parasitism. Feeling drained emotionally by someone. A bad influence. Feeling that you can't completely trust someone. People that want to use you for sex.
Alternatively, a vampire may reflect feelings about people that you believe want to pull you down to their level or convert you to thinking negatively in way similar to them.
To dream of being a vampire represents a selfish need to use or feed off others. You may be dependent on someone else to achieve goals.
To dream of being bitten by a vampire represents feelings about other people using you or feeding off of you and being unable to stop it. If you dream of being bitten by a vampire and turning into a vampire yourself it may reflect feelings about yourself changing your honest mindset towards using other people because you were used. A bad experience with a jerk that has converted you into wanting to be a jerk.
Vampires in a dream may be a sign of dependence, problems with addiction, social pressure, or ambivalence. You or someone else may be feeding off someone emotionally. Vampires can also reflect an illness that is draining your time and energy.
A vampire in a dream might be telling you that you need to start being more independent, and relying less on others resources or accomplishments. You need to start caring about people, valuing them, or respecting them. Alternatively, a vampire may reflect a need to stand up to people who are using you. You may need to cut someone off.
To dream of killing vampires represents overcoming dependence on others. It may also mean that you are confronting people or situations that are feeding off you materially or emotionally.
Example: One person dreamed of being a vampire. In real life they were using a friend to get ahead in school.
Example 2: A few people have dreams of vampires biting them after they catch a cold.
Example 3: A woman once dreamed of a vampire following her around wherever she went. In real life she was becoming very bored with her husband and felt that he was draining her of any fun or excitement. The vampire reflected her inability to escape her husband's boring habits.
Example 4: A 7 year-old girl dreamed of seeing her mother turn into a vampire. In waking life she felt that her mother was inappropriately using her as a confidante to discuss her complaints about people she didn't like. She felt she was being pulled down by her mother's negative attitude.
Example 5: A woman dreamed seeing people turn into vampires. In waking life she accidentally met up with old friends that she didn't trust because she felt that they were responsible for bad things that were happening to her.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a vampire having sex with people. In waking life he really liked a guy that was ignoring her and she felt that the only way to interest him in talking to her was to offer him sex.
*Please See Blood