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To dream of an umbrella represents emotional protection from disappointments or uncertainty you are experiencing. Casual feelings about disappoints effects others having no impact on you. Preparedness for troubling or sad moments. The ability to shield yourself from depression, pessimism, or being inundated by a negative situation. A reflection of how optimistic or prepared you feel when problems or delays arise. An umbrella may be a sign that you are trying to keep a positive attitude during a unpleasant situation.

Negatively, an umbrella may reflect your tendency to endure an unpleasant or disappointing situation with a positive attitude. Enduring unpleasant situations when you are aware of other people being unhappy by your own actions. Readied excuses for unpleasant news you have to give others. Readiness to give someone bad news. Expecting bad news or disappointment.

To dream of an umbrella that won't open represents a lack of preparation for disappointment. Preparations not working as expected or not enough preparations. Having a hard time keeping optimistic or positive when problems arise.

To dream of an umbrella that leaks represents an optimistic or enthusiastic attitude despite a persistent problem. Feeling that you level of preparedness was barely enough.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone carrying an umbrella. In waking life he had been working very hard on his business to make it comply with potential future regulations when suddenly the regulations became mandatory. His felt that his responsible foresight made him very prepared for the difficulty of complying with the regulations while he watched his competition fail hard due to their lack of preparations.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of feeling fear while cautiously entering a room. In waking life she was having regular financial problems and feared that she could never pay off her debts.

*Please See Rain



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