To dream of a table that can be sat at represents a sense of openness and willingness to engage in a situation or experience. It may reflect your readiness to participate in an event or opportunity, and your acceptance of whatever may come from it. The dream may also symbolize a desire for connection and social interaction, or a need to establish a sense of community or belonging. Additionally, dreaming of a table that can be sat at may represent a willingness to listen to others and consider their perspectives, or a desire to have your own thoughts and ideas heard and valued. Getting true feelings out in the open or putting your feelings "on the table." A waking life situation where something significant has happened and you can't do anything except think or talk about what you're doing next. Hope for a resolution or closure.
Negatively, a table may reflect unpleasant feelings about openess or willingness to engage in a situation or experience. A sense of forced participation or social pressure to conform to a certain situation or group. Arguments. Feeling ignored by people who socially engage with each other while ignoring you. Unpleasant feelings about more than one person expressing their true thoughts or feelings out in the open. Not feeling good about socially engaging with people.
To dream of table filled with broken dishes and spilled food may represent a sense of openness or willingness to engage with others that is overshadowed by arguments and conflicts betweem family and friends. Chaos and disruption that was happening in his relationships. Feeling that too many people keep safely talking to you about not liking other people. Feelings of disappointment, failure, or chaos in a situation or relationship.
To dream of setting a table for a dinner party, but no one showed up represents feeling isolated and lonely, and struggling to make meaningful connections with others. Rejection and disappointment. A sense of openess and willingness to enagge in a situation or experience that embarrasses you with never happening.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing people sitting at a table. In waking life he was having anxiety about getting to know a girl he liked. The table may have reflected his sense of openness and willingness to engage with the girl he liked , despite his anxiety in an experience where him and girl got all their true feelings out in the open or putting their feelings "on the table."
Example 2: A man dreamed of laughing at a table. In waking life, his corrupt father, who had manipulated him out of all his life savings, had died, leaving him all the money in his will. In this case, the table may have reflected the man's sense of openness and willingness to engage with the situation brought by his father's death and the inheritance that followed. The laughing at the table may also represent his relief at the end of his father's manipulation and the start of a new chapter in his life.
Example 3: A man dreamed of sitting at a table with a woman he was in love with, who wanted to discuss a list with him. In waking life, the man began to realize that the woman he loved did not reciprocate his feelings as he noticed various clues that made it obvious. He was struggling to move on from her. In this case, the table may have reflected the man's desire for connection and social interaction with the woman, despite the unpleasantness of engaging with her about her true feelings towards him.
Example 4: A young man dreamed of sitting at a table with his fiance and his fiance's deceased father. In waking life he was having issues with wanting the approval of the fiance's dead father shortly before the wedding. In this case the table may have reflected the dreamer's openess or willingness to engage in conversation about his upcoming wedding plans while being distracted with oversensitivity about the dead father's approval.
*Please See Sides
*Please See Dining Table