To dream of pajamas represents a heightened comfort level accepting or ignoring issues in your life. Your personality being comfortable choosing to "sleep" on an issue. The personality focused on taking time off.
Negatively, dreaming about pajamas may reflect feelings about needing to professionally accept a very difficult situation as it is or take a professional "time out" when you don't want to. Laziness that choose not to work or confront a problem. Willful blindness because it feels better not needing to make an effort or stay on vacation. An issue where you are consistently and purposely ignoring making a needed change. Pajamas in the dream may be a sign that you don't want to deal with problems because it feels better not doing so. Feeling that it's easier to pretend you're stupid than to confront an issue. Accepting a bad relationship as it is because you are too attracted to the person. Accepting a bad friendship or business relationship because it's easier to deal with then ending it. Laziness about an issue that is bad for you.
To dream of changing into your pajamas represents an issue or situation in your life that encourages you to take time off or accept a situation as it is. Awareness of yourself making the choice to accept an issue as it is, professionally take time off, or prefer being lazier than you normally are.
To dream of black pajamas may reflect the personality being comfortable accepting a situation the way it is in a manner that is excessive, scary, or perfectly professional. It may also represent laziness that is excessive or scary.
Relationship-wise pajamas may reflect relationships where someone is preferring to accept a crush and never do anything to tell the person they like them.
Example: A girl dreamed of changing into her pajamas. In real life she was dealing with a sleazy seductive man who slowly began to break down her will to resist him. Putting on the pajamas reflected her personality changing to slowly enjoying being seduced. Over time she began to pretend she was stupid about the seduction and gave in to it.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of attending her former lovers wedding in her pajamas. In waking life she was actually invited her former lover's wedding and was very jealous of it. She had issues lying to herself that her old relationship would be easy to rekindle. The pajamas reflected her personality being comfortable professionally accepting the former lover's new relationship in the interim hoping it would end at a later time.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of wearing pajamas while jealousy watching a man she liked get married on her front lawn. In waking life she had been flirting with man for 17 years and then found out he was getting married. The pajamas in this case may have reflected her personality accepting itself as lazy about ever wanting to tell the man she had feelings for him.
*Please See Nightgown