To dream of a nightgown represents a wonderful or charming degree of acceptance. Doing whatever someone else wants or needs while consciously pretending to ignore their problems. Making someone else feel good no matter how their treat you. Intelligently being supportive of others even if their are troubled because you want to keep a relationship happy.
Alternatively, a nightgown may represent you or someone else that thinks it's wonderful to never believe that anything is wrong. It may also symbolize a wonderful or charming person that's supportive or accepting of you while pretending to ignore your problems. It may also reflect an attempt to make others feel good by choosing to ignore their problems.
Negatively, a nightgown may symbolize total compliance while pretending to be stupid. It may even symbolize a wonderful person that never questions or criticizes you no matter what you say or do to them. Subordinate willful blindness. Total supportive behavior that is pretending there isn't an ulterior motive. Being too giving. Liking someone too much to the point of letting them abuse your good nature.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a female friend in a night gown. In real life this female friend did whatever he told her while pretending she wasn't in love with him.
*Please See Pajamas