To dream of cooked meat represents situations or experiences that sustain you with a sense of strength, confidence or power. The strongest option to sustain or stabilize yourself with. Choices that let you feel strength with control, leadership, or having your way. A strong choice that sustains you or lets you feel bigger than others. Feelings about being able to be reckless if you want to.
To dream of raw meat represents a situation in waking life where you have the option to take or seize power. Having the option to prepare to be stronger or powerfully sustained.
To dream of eating raw meat may indicate your rush or haste to seize power. Negatively, it may reflect your wish to fail or embarrass people who want to take your power away by "getting the jump" on them. Not wasting any time preparing or waiting for a situation that gives you strength, control or confidence.
Consider the type of meat for additional meaning.
*Please See Steak
*Please See Chicken (Food)
*Please See Bologna